| *** Settings *** |
| Library Collections |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library ONAPLibrary.Utilities |
| |
| Resource common.robot |
| |
| ***Variables *** |
| ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH} /sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services |
| ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH} /sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/resources |
| ${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH} /lifecycleState |
| |
| ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE} ${ASSETS_DIR}component_catalog_resource.template |
| ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_TEMPLATE} ${ASSETS_DIR}catalog_service.template |
| ${ASDC_ARTIFACT_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE} ${ASSETS_DIR}artifact_upload.template |
| ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${ASSETS_DIR}user_remarks.template |
| ${DCAE_VFCMT_TEMPLATE} ${ASSETS_DIR}create_vfcmt.template |
| ${DCAE_COMPOSITION_TEMPLATE} ${ASSETS_DIR}dcae_composition.template |
| ${DCAE_MONITORING_CONFIGURATION_TEMPLATE} ${ASSETS_DIR}dcae_monitoring_configuration.template |
| ${ASDC_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE} ${ASSETS_DIR}resource_instance.template |
| |
| ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} http://localhost:8080 |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| Create Catalog Resource Data |
| [Documentation] Creates and returns data for ASDC Catalog Resource |
| [Arguments] ${resource_name} ${vendor_name} |
| ${map}= Create Dictionary resource_name=${resource_name} vendor_name=${vendor_name} |
| ${data}= json_templater.Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE} ${map} |
| [Return] ${data} |
| |
| # Based on testsuite/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot's 'Post ASDC Resource Request' keyword |
| Post ASDC Resource Request Unauthenticated |
| [Documentation] Makes unauthenticated Post request for ASDC Catalog resource and returns its unique id |
| [Arguments] ${data} |
| ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request Unauthenticated ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH} ${data} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()['uniqueId']} |
| |
| # Based on testsuite/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot's 'Run ASDC Post Request' keyword |
| Run ASDC Post Request Unauthenticated |
| [Documentation] Runs an ASDC Post request without authentication and returns the HTTP response |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} ${data} ${user}=${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID} ${MY_ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}=${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} |
| Log Creating session ${MY_ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session asdc ${MY_ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} |
| ${uuid}= Generate UUID4 |
| ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json USER_ID=${user} X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID} |
| ${resp}= Post Request asdc ${data_path} data=${data} headers=${headers} |
| Log Received response from asdc ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| # Based on testsuite/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot's 'Run ASDC MD5 Post Request' keyword |
| Run ASDC MD5 Post Request Unauthenticated |
| [Documentation] Runs an ASDC post request with MD5 Checksum header without authentication and returns the HTTP response |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} ${data} ${user}=${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID} ${MY_ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}=${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} |
| Log Creating session ${MY_ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session asdc ${MY_ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} |
| ${uuid}= Generate UUID4 |
| ${data_string}= Evaluate json.dumps(${data}) json |
| ${md5checksum}= Evaluate md5.new('''${data_string}''').hexdigest() modules=md5 |
| ${base64md5checksum}= Evaluate base64.b64encode("${md5checksum}") modules=base64 |
| ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json USER_ID=${user} X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID} Content-MD5=${base64md5checksum} |
| ${resp}= Post Request asdc ${data_path} data=${data} headers=${headers} |
| Log Received response from asdc: ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| # Based on testsuite/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot's 'Setup SDC Catalog Resource Deployment Artifact Properties' keyword |
| Add Tosca Artifact To Resource |
| [Documentation] Add Tosca artifacts to given resource id |
| [Arguments] ${artifact} ${vf_id} |
| ${blueprint_data} OperatingSystem.Get File ${ASSETS_DIR}${artifact}.yaml |
| ${payloadData}= Evaluate base64.b64encode('''${blueprint_data}'''.encode('utf-8')) modules=base64 |
| ${dict}= Create Dictionary artifactLabel=${artifact} artifactName=${artifact}.yaml artifactType=DCAE_TOSCA artifactGroupType=DEPLOYMENT description=${artifact}.yaml payloadData=${payloadData} |
| ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_ARTIFACT_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE} ${dict} |
| # POST artifactUpload to resource |
| ${resp}= Run ASDC MD5 Post Request Unauthenticated ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${vf_id}/artifacts ${data} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| # Directly copied from testsuite/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot |
| Certify ASDC Catalog Resource |
| [Documentation] Certifies an ASDC Catalog Resource by its id and returns the new id |
| [Arguments] ${catalog_resource_id} ${user_id}=${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID} |
| ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks |
| ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map} |
| ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request Unauthenticated ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${catalog_resource_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certify ${data} ${user_id} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()['uniqueId']} ${resp.json()['uuid']} |
| |
| Add Catalog Service For Monitoring Template |
| [Documentation] Creates an ASDC Catalog Service for Monitoring Template with given name |
| [Arguments] ${service_name} |
| ${map}= Create Dictionary service_name=${service_name} |
| ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_TEMPLATE} ${map} |
| ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request Unauthenticated ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH} ${data} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()['uniqueId']} ${resp.json()['uuid']} |
| |
| # Based on testsuite/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot's 'Add ASDC Resource Instance' keyword |
| Add ASDC Resource Instance |
| [Documentation] Creates an ASDC Resource Instance and returns its id |
| [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id} ${catalog_resource_id} ${catalog_resource_name} ${xoffset}=${0} ${yoffset}=${0} ${resourceType}=VF |
| ${milli_timestamp}= Generate Timestamp |
| ${xoffset}= Set Variable ${xoffset+306} |
| ${yoffset}= Set Variable ${yoffset+248} |
| ${map}= Create Dictionary catalog_resource_id=${catalog_resource_id} catalog_resource_name=${catalog_resource_name} milli_timestamp=${milli_timestamp} posX=${xoffset} posY=${yoffset} originType=${resourceType} |
| ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE} ${map} |
| ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request Unauthenticated ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_PATH} ${data} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()['uniqueId']} ${resp.json()['name']} |
| |
| # Adjusted from asdc_interface.robot |
| |
| Checkin ASDC Catalog Service |
| [Documentation] Checks in an ASDC Catalog Service by its id |
| [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id} |
| ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks |
| ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map} |
| ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request Unauthenticated ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/checkin ${data} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()} |
| |
| Request Certify ASDC Catalog Service |
| [Documentation] Requests certification of an ASDC Catalog Service by its id |
| [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id} |
| ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks |
| ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map} |
| ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request Unauthenticated ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certificationRequest ${data} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()} |
| |
| Start Certify ASDC Catalog Service |
| [Documentation] Start certification of an ASDC Catalog Service by its id |
| [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id} |
| ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request Unauthenticated ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/startCertification ${None} ${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()} |
| |
| Certify ASDC Catalog Service |
| [Documentation] Certifies an ASDC Catalog Service by its id and returns the new id |
| [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id} |
| ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks |
| ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map} |
| ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request Unauthenticated ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certify ${data} ${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()['uniqueId']} |
| |
| Approve ASDC Catalog Service |
| [Documentation] Approves an ASDC Catalog Service by its id |
| [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id} |
| ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks |
| ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()} |
| |