| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Testing E2E VES,Dmaap,DFC,DR with File Ready event feed from xNF |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library Collections |
| Library Process |
| Resource resources/bulkpm_keywords.robot |
| |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${VESC_URL} http://%{VESC_IP}:%{VESC_PORT} |
| ${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID} robot-ves |
| ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} /eventListener/v7 |
| ${HEADER_STRING} content-type=application/json |
| ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/usecases/5G-bulkpm/assets/json_events/FileExistNotificationUpdated.json |
| |
| ${TARGETURL_TOPICS} http://${DMAAP_MR_IP}:3904/topics |
| ${TARGETURL_SUBSCR} http://${DMAAP_MR_IP}:3904/events/unauthenticated.VES_NOTIFICATION_OUTPUT/OpenDcae-c12/C12?timeout=1000 |
| ${CLI_EXEC_CLI} curl -k https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8443/internal/prov |
| ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_FILECONSUMER} docker exec fileconsumer-node /bin/sh -c "ls /opt/app/subscriber/delivery | grep .xml" |
| ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_DFC_LOG} docker exec dfc /bin/sh -c "cat /var/log/ONAP/application.log" > /tmp/dfc_docker.log.robot |
| ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_DFC_LOG_GREP} grep "Publish to DR successful!" /tmp/dfc_docker.log.robot |
| |
| ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_FILECONSUMER_CP} docker cp fileconsumer-node:/opt/app/subscriber/delivery/oteNB5309_xNF.pm.xml.M %{WORKSPACE} |
| ${CLI_EXEC_RENAME_METADATA} mv %{WORKSPACE}/oteNB5309_xNF.pm.xml.M %{WORKSPACE}/metadata.json |
| ${metadataSchemaPath} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/usecases/5G-bulkpm/assets/metadata.schema.json |
| ${metadataJsonPath} %{WORKSPACE}/metadata.json |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| |
| Send VES File Ready Event to VES Collector |
| [Tags] Bulk_PM_E2E_01 |
| [Documentation] Send VES File Ready Event |
| ${evtdata}= Get Event Data From File ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} |
| ${headers}= Create Header From String ${HEADER_STRING} |
| ${resp}= Publish Event To VES Collector ${VESC_URL} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${headers} ${evtdata} |
| Sleep 15s |
| ${resp}= Publish Event To VES Collector ${VESC_URL} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${headers} ${evtdata} |
| Sleep 5s |
| ${resp}= Publish Event To VES Collector ${VESC_URL} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${headers} ${evtdata} |
| Sleep 5s |
| ${resp}= Publish Event To VES Collector ${VESC_URL} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${headers} ${evtdata} |
| Sleep 5s |
| Log Receive HTTP Status code ${resp.status_code} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 202 |
| |
| Check VES Notification Topic is existing in Message Router |
| [Tags] Bulk_PM_E2E_02 |
| [Documentation] Get the VES Notification topic on message router |
| [Timeout] 1 minute |
| Sleep 10s |
| ${resp}= GetCall ${TARGETURL_TOPICS} |
| log 'JSON Response Code :'${resp} |
| ${topics}= Evaluate $resp.json().get('topics') |
| log ${topics} |
| ${ListLength}= Get Length ${topics} |
| log ${ListLength} |
| List Should Contain Value ${topics} unauthenticated.VES_NOTIFICATION_OUTPUT |
| |
| Verify Data File Collector successfully publishes the PM XML file to the Data Router |
| [Tags] Bulk_PM_E2E_03 |
| [Documentation] Check that DFC publishes the PM XML to the Data Router |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_DFC_LOG} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_DFC_LOG_GREP} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} Publish to DR successful! |
| |
| |
| Verify Default Feed And File Consumer Subscription On Datarouter |
| [Tags] Bulk_PM_E2E_04 |
| [Documentation] Verify Default Feed And File Consumer Subscription On Datarouter |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_CLI} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} https://dmaap-dr-prov/publish/1 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} http://${DR_SUBSCIBER_IP}:7070 |
| |
| |
| Verify Fileconsumer Receive PM file from Data Router |
| [Tags] Bulk_PM_E2E_05 |
| [Documentation] Check PM XML file exists on the File Consumer Simulator |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_FILECONSUMER} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} oteNB5309_xNF.pm.xml |
| |
| Verify File Consumer Receive valid metadata from Data Router |
| [Tags] Bulk_PM_E2E_06 |
| [Documentation] Check PM XML file is delivered to the FileConsumer Simulator with valid metadata |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_FILECONSUMER} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} oteNB5309_xNF.pm.xml.M |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_FILECONSUMER_CP} shell=yes |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_RENAME_METADATA} shell=yes |
| ${validation_result}= Validate ${metadataSchemaPath} ${metadataJsonPath} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${validation_result} 0 |