Add test for csar validation get result using execution id.

Signed-off-by: Bartosz Gardziejewski <>
Change-Id: Ie58b355f534d871b72f2b81efcf10d3a0e9cc662
Issue-ID: VNFSDK-659
diff --git a/tests/vnfsdk-refrepo/csar_validation_tests.robot b/tests/vnfsdk-refrepo/csar_validation_tests.robot
index afe4301..3ae5925 100644
--- a/tests/vnfsdk-refrepo/csar_validation_tests.robot
+++ b/tests/vnfsdk-refrepo/csar_validation_tests.robot
@@ -5,14 +5,15 @@
 Perform vnf refrepo healthcheck
     [Documentation]    Check if vnf refrepo is up and running
     Create Session   refrepo  ${base_url}
     ${response}=    Get Request    refrepo   /PackageResource/healthcheck
     Should Be Equal As Strings  ${response.status_code}     200
 Validate correct, no security CSAR
     [Documentation]    Valid CSAR with no security should PASS validation and should return no error
-    ${response}=   Run   curl -s --location --request POST '${base_url}/vtp/executions' --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --header 'Accept: application/json' --form 'file=@${csarpath}/${csar_valid_no_security}' --form 'executions=${execute_no_security_csar_validation}'
-    ${response}=    String.Replace String    ${response}    \\n   ${SPACE}
+    ${response}=   Validate CSAR usign Post request   ${csar_valid_no_security}   ${execute_no_security_csar_validation}
     # Removing strings that are causing errors during evaluation,
     # those strings are dependent on validation response and may need to be changed if vnf refrepo response changes
     ${response}=   Remove String    ${response}    \\\\    \\u003c    \\u003e   \\"
@@ -22,3 +23,25 @@
         Should Be Equal As Strings   ${resault["errors"]}   []
         Should Be Equal As Strings   ${resault["passed"]}   True
+Validate CSAR and use get method to receive outcome
+    [Documentation]    Validate CSAR with invalid PM_Dictionary (r130206), then use get method with validation id to receive valdiation outcome
+    ${response}=   Validate CSAR usign Post request   ${csar_invalid_pm_dictionary}   ${execute_invalid_pm_dictionary_validation}
+    # Removing strings that are causing errors during evaluation,
+    # those strings are dependent on validation response and may need to be changed if vnf refrepo response changes
+    ${response}=   Remove String    ${response}    \\\\    \\u003c    \\u003e   \\"
+    ${json_response}=    evaluate    json.loads('''${response}''')    json
+    ${get_response}=   Get validation result using GET request    ${json_response[0]["executionId"]}
+    # Removing strings that are causing errors during evaluation,
+    # those strings are dependent on validation response and may need to be changed if vnf refrepo response changes
+    ${get_response}=   Remove String    ${get_response}    \\\\    \\u0027
+    ${json_get_response}=    evaluate    json.loads('''${get_response}''')    json
+    Should Be Equal As Strings   ${json_get_response[0]["status"]}   failed
+    ${errors_number}=    Get Length    ${json_get_response[0]["results"]}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${errors_number}  4
+    FOR   ${error}  IN  @{json_get_response[0]["results"]}
+        Should Contain   ${error["code"]}  R130206
+    END