| {{/* |
| # Copyright © 2021 Nokia |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| */}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| In order to use certServiceClient it is needed do define certificates array in target component values.yaml. Each |
| certificate will be requested from separate init container |
| |
| Minimum example of array in target component values.yaml: |
| certificates: |
| - mountPath: /var/custom-certs |
| commonName: common-name |
| |
| Full example (other fields are ignored): |
| certificates: |
| - mountPath: /var/custom-certs |
| caName: RA |
| keystore: |
| outputType: |
| - jks |
| commonName: common-name |
| dnsNames: |
| - dns-name-1 |
| - dns-name-2 |
| ipAddresses: |
| - |
| - |
| emailAddresses: |
| - email-1@onap.org |
| - email-2@onap.org |
| uris: |
| - http://uri-1.onap.org |
| - http://uri-2.onap.org |
| subject: |
| organization: Linux-Foundation |
| country: US |
| locality: San Francisco |
| province: California |
| organizationalUnit: ONAP |
| |
| There also need to be some includes used in a target component deployment (indent values may need to be adjusted): |
| 1. In initContainers section: |
| {{ include "common.certServiceClient.initContainer" . | indent 6 }} |
| 2. In volumeMounts section of container using certificates: |
| {{ include "common.certServiceClient.volumeMounts" . | indent 10 }} |
| 3. In volumes section: |
| {{ include "common.certServiceClient.volumes" . | indent 8 }} |
| |
| */}} |
| |
| {{- define "common.certServiceClient.initContainer" -}} |
| {{- $dot := default . .dot -}} |
| {{- $initRoot := default $dot.Values.cmpv2Certificate.cmpv2Config .initRoot -}} |
| {{- $subchartGlobal := mergeOverwrite (deepCopy $initRoot.global) $dot.Values.global -}} |
| {{- if and $subchartGlobal.cmpv2Enabled (not $subchartGlobal.CMPv2CertManagerIntegration) -}} |
| {{- range $index, $certificate := $dot.Values.certificates -}} |
| {{/*# General certifiacate attributes #*/}} |
| {{- $commonName := (required "'commonName' for Certificate is required." $certificate.commonName) -}} |
| {{/*# SAN's #*/}} |
| {{- $dnsNames := default (list) $certificate.dnsNames -}} |
| {{- $ipAddresses := default (list) $certificate.ipAddresses -}} |
| {{- $uris := default (list) $certificate.uris -}} |
| {{- $emailAddresses := default (list) $certificate.emailAddresses -}} |
| {{- $sansList := concat $dnsNames $ipAddresses $uris $emailAddresses -}} |
| {{- $sans := join "," $sansList }} |
| {{/*# Subject #*/}} |
| {{- $organization := $subchartGlobal.certificate.default.subject.organization -}} |
| {{- $country := $subchartGlobal.certificate.default.subject.country -}} |
| {{- $locality := $subchartGlobal.certificate.default.subject.locality -}} |
| {{- $province := $subchartGlobal.certificate.default.subject.province -}} |
| {{- $orgUnit := $subchartGlobal.certificate.default.subject.organizationalUnit -}} |
| {{- if $certificate.subject -}} |
| {{- $organization := $certificate.subject.organization -}} |
| {{- $country := $certificate.subject.country -}} |
| {{- $locality := $certificate.subject.locality -}} |
| {{- $province := $certificate.subject.province -}} |
| {{- $orgUnit := $certificate.subject.organizationalUnit -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- $caName := default $subchartGlobal.platform.certServiceClient.envVariables.caName $certificate.caName -}} |
| {{- $outputType := $subchartGlobal.platform.certServiceClient.envVariables.outputType -}} |
| {{- if $certificate.keystore -}} |
| {{- $outputTypeList := (required "'outputType' in 'keystore' section is required." $certificate.keystore.outputType) -}} |
| {{- $outputType = mustFirst ($outputTypeList) | upper -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- $requestUrl := $subchartGlobal.platform.certServiceClient.envVariables.requestURL -}} |
| {{- $certPath := $subchartGlobal.platform.certServiceClient.envVariables.certPath -}} |
| {{- $requestTimeout := $subchartGlobal.platform.certServiceClient.envVariables.requestTimeout -}} |
| {{- $certificatesSecret:= $subchartGlobal.platform.certServiceClient.clientSecretName -}} |
| {{- $certificatesSecretMountPath := $subchartGlobal.platform.certServiceClient.certificatesSecretMountPath -}} |
| {{- $keystorePath := (printf "%s%s" $subchartGlobal.platform.certServiceClient.certificatesSecretMountPath $subchartGlobal.platform.certificates.keystoreKeyRef ) -}} |
| {{- $keystorePasswordSecret := $subchartGlobal.platform.certificates.keystorePasswordSecretName -}} |
| {{- $keystorePasswordSecretKey := $subchartGlobal.platform.certificates.keystorePasswordSecretKey -}} |
| {{- $truststorePath := (printf "%s%s" $subchartGlobal.platform.certServiceClient.certificatesSecretMountPath $subchartGlobal.platform.certificates.truststoreKeyRef ) -}} |
| {{- $truststorePasswordSecret := $subchartGlobal.platform.certificates.truststorePasswordSecretName -}} |
| {{- $truststorePasswordSecretKey := $subchartGlobal.platform.certificates.truststorePasswordSecretKey -}} |
| - name: certs-init-{{ $index }} |
| image: {{ include "repositoryGenerator.image.certserviceclient" $dot }} |
| imagePullPolicy: {{ $dot.Values.global.pullPolicy | default $dot.Values.pullPolicy }} |
| env: |
| - name: REQUEST_URL |
| value: {{ $requestUrl | quote }} |
| value: {{ $requestTimeout | quote }} |
| - name: OUTPUT_PATH |
| value: {{ $certPath | quote }} |
| - name: OUTPUT_TYPE |
| value: {{ $outputType | quote }} |
| - name: CA_NAME |
| value: {{ $caName | quote }} |
| - name: COMMON_NAME |
| value: {{ $commonName | quote }} |
| - name: SANS |
| value: {{ $sans | quote }} |
| - name: ORGANIZATION |
| value: {{ $organization | quote }} |
| value: {{ $orgUnit | quote }} |
| - name: LOCATION |
| value: {{ $locality | quote }} |
| - name: STATE |
| value: {{ $province | quote }} |
| - name: COUNTRY |
| value: {{ $country | quote }} |
| - name: KEYSTORE_PATH |
| value: {{ $keystorePath | quote }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ $keystorePasswordSecret | quote}} |
| key: {{ $keystorePasswordSecretKey | quote}} |
| value: {{ $truststorePath | quote }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ $truststorePasswordSecret | quote}} |
| key: {{ $truststorePasswordSecretKey | quote}} |
| terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log |
| terminationMessagePolicy: File |
| volumeMounts: |
| - mountPath: {{ $certPath }} |
| name: cmpv2-certs-volume-{{ $index }} |
| - mountPath: {{ $certificatesSecretMountPath }} |
| name: certservice-tls-volume |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{- define "common.certServiceClient.volumes" -}} |
| {{- $dot := default . .dot -}} |
| {{- $initRoot := default $dot.Values.cmpv2Certificate.cmpv2Config .initRoot -}} |
| {{- $subchartGlobal := mergeOverwrite (deepCopy $initRoot.global) $dot.Values.global -}} |
| {{- if and $subchartGlobal.cmpv2Enabled (not $subchartGlobal.CMPv2CertManagerIntegration) -}} |
| {{- $certificatesSecretName := $subchartGlobal.platform.certificates.clientSecretName -}} |
| - name: certservice-tls-volume |
| secret: |
| secretName: {{ $certificatesSecretName }} |
| {{ range $index, $certificate := $dot.Values.certificates -}} |
| - name: cmpv2-certs-volume-{{ $index }} |
| emptyDir: |
| medium: Memory |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{- define "common.certServiceClient.volumeMounts" -}} |
| {{- $dot := default . .dot -}} |
| {{- $initRoot := default $dot.Values.cmpv2Certificate.cmpv2Config .initRoot -}} |
| {{- $subchartGlobal := mergeOverwrite (deepCopy $initRoot.global) $dot.Values.global -}} |
| {{- if and $subchartGlobal.cmpv2Enabled (not $subchartGlobal.CMPv2CertManagerIntegration) -}} |
| {{- range $index, $certificate := $dot.Values.certificates -}} |
| {{- $mountPath := $certificate.mountPath -}} |
| - mountPath: {{ $mountPath }} |
| name: cmpv2-certs-volume-{{ $index }} |
| {{ end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |