| ################################################################################################################ |
| ############################## ActiveInventoryDataCollector TLS/SSL configuration ############################## |
| ################################################################################################################ |
| |
| ############################## Networking ############################## |
| # |
| # The ip address/hostname and port to the desired AAI instance |
| # |
| aai.rest.host=aai.{{.Release.Namespace}} |
| aai.rest.port=8443 |
| |
| ############################## REST ############################## |
| # OXM version |
| aai.rest.resourceBasePath=/aai/v9 |
| aai.rest.connectTimeoutInMs=30000 |
| aai.rest.readTimeoutInMs=60000 |
| aai.rest.numRequestRetries=5 |
| # HTTP_NOAUTH - straight HTTP no user/pass |
| # SSL_BASIC - HTTP/S with user/pass |
| # SSL_CERT - HTTP/S with client cert |
| aai.rest.authenticationMode=SSL_BASIC |
| |
| ############################## Cache ############################## |
| # Experimental caching feature that is NOT production ready. |
| # Enable at your own risk... it might not work. |
| aai.rest.cache.enabled=false |
| aai.rest.cache.numWorkers=10 |
| aai.rest.cache.cacheFailures=false |
| aai.rest.cache.useCacheOnly=false |
| aai.rest.cache.storageFolderOverride= |
| aai.rest.cache.maxTimeToLiveInMs=-1 |
| |
| # The shallowEntity filter will display the entity in a visualization |
| # but will not collect it's relationships or complex attributes. |
| aai.rest.shallowEntities=cloud-region,complex,vnf-image,att-aic,image |
| |
| ############################## Certs, Auth, and SSL Settings ############################## |
| aai.ssl.keystore.filename=aai-os-cert.p12 |
| aai.ssl.keystore.pass=OBF:1i9a1u2a1unz1lr61wn51wn11lss1unz1u301i6o |
| aai.ssl.keystore.type=pkcs12 |
| # Enable debug on the SSL connections |
| aai.ssl.enableDebug=false |
| # Degree of strictness to SSL connection standards |
| aai.ssl.validateServerHostName=false; |
| aai.ssl.validateServerCertificateChain=false; |
| # If basic auth is implemented, username and password as required |
| aai.ssl.basicAuth.username=AaiUI |
| aai.ssl.basicAuth.password=OBF:1gfr1p571unz1p4j1gg7 |
| |
| ############################## Statistics Report Formatting ############################## |
| # |
| # During synchronization, a formatted statisitics log is generated |
| # |
| # Response size in bytes histogram |
| aai.taskProcessor.bytesHistogramLabel="[Response Size In Bytes]" |
| aai.taskProcessor.bytesHistogramMaxYAxis=1000000 |
| aai.taskProcessor.bytesHistogramNumBins=20 |
| aai.taskProcessor.bytesHistogramNumDecimalPoints=2 |
| # "Work on Hand" statisitcs for external resource requests |
| aai.taskProcessor.queueLengthHistogramLabel="[Queue Item Length]" |
| aai.taskProcessor.queueLengthHistogramMaxYAxis=20000 |
| aai.taskProcessor.queueLengthHistogramNumBins=20 |
| aai.taskProcessor.queueLengthHistogramNumDecimalPoints=2 |
| # Time on queue (how long does a task stay on the work queue) |
| aai.taskProcessor.taskAgeHistogramLabel="[Task Age In Ms]" |
| aai.taskProcessor.taskAgeHistogramMaxYAxis=600000 |
| aai.taskProcessor.taskAgeHistogramNumBins=20 |
| aai.taskProcessor.taskAgeHistogramNumDecimalPoints=2 |
| # Per transaction response time for external resource requests |
| aai.taskProcessor.responseTimeHistogramLabel="[Response Time In Ms]" |
| aai.taskProcessor.responseTimeHistogramMaxYAxis=10000 |
| aai.taskProcessor.responseTimeHistogramNumBins=20 |
| aai.taskProcessor.responseTimeHistogramNumDecimalPoints=2 |
| # Transaction throughput velocity |
| aai.taskProcessor.tpsHistogramLabel="[Transactions Per Second]" |
| aai.taskProcessor.tpsHistogramMaxYAxis=100 |
| aai.taskProcessor.tpsHistogramNumBins=20 |
| aai.taskProcessor.tpsHistogramNumDecimalPoints=2 |
| |
| ############################## Deprecated, to be removed or updated ############################## |
| aai.rest.numResolverWorkers=15 |
| aai.ssl.truststore.filename=asdc-client.jks |
| aai.ssl.truststore.type=jks |
| aai.taskProcessor.maxConcurrentWorkers=5 |
| aai.taskProcessor.transactionRateControllerEnabled=false |
| aai.taskProcessor.numSamplesPerThreadForRunningAverage=100 |
| aai.taskProcessor.targetTPS=100 |