| --- |
| # This role contains patching logic for OOM charts |
| # and is valid until OOM-1610 is implemented |
| - name: Check presence of files for NPM patching |
| stat: |
| path: "{{ app_helm_charts_infra_directory }}/{{ item }}" |
| with_items: |
| - common/dgbuilder/templates/deployment.yaml |
| register: npm_files_check |
| |
| - name: Patch OOM - set npm registry |
| lineinfile: |
| path: "{{ item.stat.path }}" |
| regexp: '^(.*)NPM_REGISTRY_RECORD' |
| line: '\g<1>npm set registry "http://nexus.{{ ansible_nodename }}/repository/npm-private/";' |
| backrefs: yes |
| state: present |
| with_items: "{{ npm_files_check.results }}" |
| when: item.stat.exists |
| |