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.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. Copyright 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
OOM ONAP Offline Installer Package Build Guide
This document is describing procedure for building offline installer packages. It is supposed to be triggered on server with internet connectivity and will download all artifacts required for ONAP deployment based on our static lists. The server used for the procedure in this guide is preferred to be separate build server.
Procedure was completely tested on RHEL 7.6 as it’s tested target platform, however with small adaptations it should be applicable also for other platforms.
Some discrepancies when Centos 7.6 is used are described below as well.
Part 1. Preparations
We assume that procedure is executed on RHEL 7.6 server with \~300G disc space, 16G+ RAM and internet connectivity
Some additional sw packages are required by ONAP Offline platform building tooling. in order to install them
following repos has to be configured for RHEL 7.6 platform.
# RHEL 7.6 #
# Register server
subscription-manager register --username <rhel licence name> --password <password> --auto-attach
# required by special centos docker recommended by ONAP
yum-config-manager --add-repo
# required by docker dependencies i.e. docker-selinux
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
# epel is required by npm within blob build
rpm -ivh
ToDo: newer download scripts needs to be verified on Centos with ONAP Dublin
# Centos 7.6 #
# required by special centos docker recommended by ONAP
yum-config-manager --add-repo
# enable epel repo for npm and jq
yum install -y epel-release
Subsequent steps are the same on both platforms:
# install following packages
yum install -y docker-ce-18.09.5 python-pip git createrepo expect nodejs npm jq
# twine package is needed by nexus blob build script
pip install twine
# docker daemon must be running on host
service docker start
Then it is necessary to clone all installer and build related repositories and prepare the directory structure.
# prepare the onap build directory structure
cd /tmp
git clone onap-offline
cd onap-offline
# install required pip packages for download scripts
pip install -r ./build/download/requirements.txt
Part 2. Download artifacts for offline installer
.. note:: Skip this step if you have already all necessary resources and continue with Part 3. Populate local nexus
It's possible to download all artifacts in single ./ execution. Recently we improved reliability of download scripts
so one might try following command to download most of the required artifacts in single shot.
**Step1 - download wrapper script execution**
# following arguments are provided
# all data lists are taken in ./build/data_lists/ folder
# all resources will be stored in expected folder structure within ../resources folder
# for more details refer to Appendix 1.
./build/download/ --docker ./build/data_lists/infra_docker_images.list ../resources/offline_data/docker_images_infra --docker ./build/data_lists/rke_docker_images.list ../resources/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus --docker ./build/data_lists/onap_docker_images.list ../resources/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus --git ./build/data_lists/onap_git_repos.list ../resources/git-repo --npm ./build/data_lists/onap_npm.list ../resources/offline_data/npm_tar --rpm ./build/data_lists/onap_rpm.list ../resources/pkg/rhel
Alternatively, step-by-step procedure is described in Appendix 1.
Following steps are still required and are not supported by current version of script.
**Step 2 - Building own dns image**
# We are building our own dns image within our offline infrastructure
./build/creating_data/create_nginx_image/ /tmp/resources/offline_data/docker_images_infra
**Step 3 - Http files**
ToDo: complete and verified list of http files will come just during/after vFWCL testcase
**Step 4 - Binaries**
# Following step will download and prepare rke, kubectl and helm binaries
# there is some post-processing needed therefore its not very convenient to add support for this step into main script
./build/download/ ../resources/downloads
**Step 5 - Create repo**
createrepo ../resources/pkg/rhel
**Step 6 - pip packages**
Todo: will be incorporated into in near future
# Following step will download all pip packages
./build/download/ ./build/data_lists/onap_pip_packages.list ../resources/offline_data/pypi
This concludes SW download part required for ONAP offline platform creating.
Part 3. Populate local nexus
- All data lists and resources which are pushed to local nexus repository are available
- Following ports are not occupied buy another service: 80, 8081, 8082, 10001
- There's no docker container called "nexus"
.. note:: In case you skipped the Part 2 for the artifacts download, please ensure that the copy of resources data are untarred in *./onap-offline/../resources/*
Whole nexus blob data will be created by running script
It will load the listed docker images, run the Nexus, configure it as npm, pypi
and docker repositories. Then it will push all listed npm and pypi packages and
docker images to the repositories. After all is done the repository container
is stopped.
.. note:: script is using docker, npm and pip data lists for building nexus blob. Unfortunatelly we now have 2 different docker data lists (RKE & ONAP). So we need to merge them as visible from following snippet. This problem will be fixed in OOM-1890
You can run the script as following example:
# merge RKE and ONAP app data lists
cat ./build/data_lists/rke_docker_images.list >> ./build/data_lists/onap_docker_images.list
.. note:: in current release scope we aim to maintain just single example data lists set, tags used in previous releases are not needed. Datalists are also covering latest versions verified by us despite user is allowed to build data lists on his own.
Once the Nexus data blob is created, the docker images and npm and pypi
packages can be deleted to reduce the package size as they won't be needed in
the installation time:
rm -f /tmp/resources/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus/*
rm -rf /tmp/resources/offline_data/npm_tar
rm -rf /tmp/resources/offline_data/pypi
Part 4. Application helm charts preparation and patching
This is about to clone oom repository and patch it to be able to use it
offline. Use the following command:
./build/ <helm charts repo> <commit/tag/branch> <patchfile> <target\_dir>
For example:
./build/ 0b904977dde761d189874d6dc6c527cd45928 /tmp/onap-offline/patches/onap.patch /tmp/oom-clone
Part 5. Creating offline installation package
For the packagin itself it's necessary to prepare configuration. You can
use ./build/package.conf as template or
directly modify it.
There are some parameters needs to be set in configuration file.
Example values below are setup according to steps done in this guide to package ONAP.
| Parameter | Description |
| HELM_CHARTS_DIR | directory with Helm charts for the application |
| | |
| | Example: /tmp/oom-clone/kubernetes |
| APP_CONFIGURATION | application install configuration (application_configuration.yml) for |
| | ansible installer and custom ansible role code directories if any. |
| | |
| | Example:: |
| | |
| | /tmp/onap-offline/config/application_configuration.yml |
| | /tmp/onap-offline/patches/onap-patch-role |
| | ) |
| | |
| APP_BINARY_RESOURCES_DIR | directory with all (binary) resources for offline infra and application |
| | |
| | Example: /tmp/resources |
| APP_AUX_BINARIES | additional binaries such as docker images loaded during runtime [optional] |
Offline installer packages are created with prepopulated data via
following command run from onap-offline directory
./build/ <project> <version> <packaging target directory>
./build/ onap 4.0.0 /tmp/package
So in the target directory you should find tar files with
Appendix 1. Step-by-step download procedure
**Step 1 - docker images**
# This step will parse all 3 docker datalists (offline infrastructure images, rke k8s images & onap images)
# and start building onap offline platform in /tmp/resources folder
./build/download/ --docker ./build/data_lists/infra_docker_images.list ../resources/offline_data/docker_images_infra --docker ./build/data_lists/rke_docker_images.list ../resources/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus --docker ./build/data_lists/onap_docker_images.list ../resources/offline_data/docker_images_for_nexus
**Step 2 - building own dns image**
# We are building our own dns image within our offline infrastructure
./build/creating_data/create_nginx_image/ /tmp/resources/offline_data/docker_images_infra
**Step 3 - git repos**
# Following step will download all git repos
./build/download/ --git ./build/data_lists/onap_git_repos.list ../resources/git-repo
**Step 4 - http files**
ToDo: complete and verified list of http files will come just during/after vFWCL testcase
**Step 5 - npm packages**
# Following step will download all npm packages
./build/download/ --npm ./build/data_lists/onap_npm.list ../resources/offline_data/npm_tar
**Step 6 - binaries**
# Following step will download and prepare rke, kubectl and helm binaries
./build/download/ ../resources/downloads
**Step 7 - rpms**
# Following step will download all rpms and create repo
./build/download/ --rpm ./build/data_lists/onap_rpm.list ../resources/pkg/rhel
createrepo ../resources/pkg/rhel
**Step 8 - pip packages**
Todo: new python script might be created for that part as well
# Following step will download all pip packages
./build/download/ ./build/data_lists/onap_pip_packages.list ../resources/offline_data/pypi