blob: 5308abf1340bd141cc3339d06195242148565df5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Master playbook to run offline installer.
# Run this playbook e.g. with command: ./ -e @application/application_configuration.yml site.yml
# the setup.yml playbook is excluded from this list for the following reasons:
# 1. setup.yml playbook requires either already deployed ssh key or
# --ask-pass argument to interactively distribute a new key, which may
# be a redundant effort if you already secured passwordless login
# 2. Also, the setup.yml playbook is not mandatory and can be replaced with
# manual or semi-manual steps with ssh-copy-id command or other
# 3. playbooks here are more or less batch jobs and the ssh authentication
# is a precondition, which should be done during configuration of the
# installer
- import_playbook: resources.yml
- import_playbook: infrastructure.yml
- import_playbook: rke.yml
- import_playbook: nfs.yml
- import_playbook: kube_prometheus.yml
when: kube_prometheus_stack_enabled
- import_playbook: cert_manager.yml
- import_playbook: application.yml