blob: f886b628da982df89ea0050afbf5a5605e8ae8db [file] [log] [blame]
#General configuration, can be overridden in cmdline.
#Authentication/keystone url.
os_auth_url: ""
#Openstack username.
os_username: ""
os_password: ""
#Domain name.
os_domain_name: "default"
#Project name.
os_project_name: ""
#The name or id of public network used to communicate with instances.
public_network: ""
#Floating ip address for first node instance
first_node_ip: ""
#Floating ip of infra instance.
infra_ip: ""
#Floating ip of installer.
installer_ip: ""
#Openstack flavor name for nodes.
node_flavor_name: ""
#Flavor name for infra instance.
infra_flavor_name: ""
#Flavor name for installer instance.
installer_flavor_name: ""
#Name of the image for instances.
image_name: ""
#Whether to use a volume for /dockerdata-nfs or to use ephemeral disk.
#True by default, most openstack providers offer ssd volumes probably.
use_volume_for_nfs: true
#Cidr of private subnet where instances are connected.
subnet_cidr: ""
#Start of dhcp allocation range for subnet.
subnet_range_start: ""
#Subnet allocation range end.
subnet_range_end: ""
#Ip address of router used as a gateway to external network.
router_addr: ""
#Cidr of external subnet to allow access to, means allow internet access.
# For offline deployment it is recommended to set this to a cidr of intranet.
external_subnet_cidr: ""
#Address of cicd docker registry.
cicd_docker_registry: ""
#Number of nodes to deploy.
num_nodes: "3"
#Stack name to deploy on heat.
stack_name: "installer-test"
#Address of resource server with packages.
resource_host: ""
#Directory with all onap packages (on resource host).
resources_dir: ""
#Filename of software package.
resources_sw_filename: "sw_package.tar"
#Filename of binary resources.
resources_filename: "resources_package.tar"
#Filename of auxiliary resources.
aux_resources_filename: "aux_package.tar"
#Whether to deploy app.
#Setting it to false will skip deployment, but instance preconfiguration
#will still be done and sw resources uploaded to the installer host.
install_app: true
# This is a string containing base64-encoded yaml blob passed to offline installer via -e option.
# You can use it to override any variable in offline installer except those
# supported directly by cicdansible.
application_config: ''