blob: d3cdfc1d25c1a0ba4720e20b717a289ccfc9d46d [file] [log] [blame]
# Resources configuration entries #
# Resource host information
# Directory on resource host where tars with resources are present
# tarfile name within resources_dir directory with offline infrastructure binaries.
# tarfile name within resources_dir directory with auxiliary resources.
# the purpose of auxiliary resources is to provide user an interface
# to distribute to infra node tar file with application specific files.
# resources can be exported via nfs
# default is no - client will use ssh
# if set yes but nfs-utils is missing then fallback to ssh
resources_on_nfs: no
# Infra node specific information
# Offline solution source data binaries (resources_filename tar) will be
# decompressed in this directory on target infra server.
# e.g. app_data_path: /opt/onap
# Path for tarballs with images loaded on infrastructure server
infra_images_path: "{{ app_data_path }}/offline_data/docker_images_infra"
# Path for auxiliary data in target infra server.
# Data from resource host defined by aux_resources_filename variable is placed to this directory.
# Currently docker images in tar format are supported (see runtime_images parameter).
# Could be used for other kind of application specific data also.
# e.g. aux_data_path: /opt/onap/my_extra_pods_docker_images
aux_data_path: "{{ app_data_path }}/runtime_images_source_dir"
# Offline Infrastructure specific params #
# information from which rootCA is created
# e.g.
# organization_name: Samsung
# state_or_province_name: Poland
# country_name: PL
# locality_name: Krakow
# Force k8s cluster redeploy if it exists already
# Default value is to allow redeploy
redeploy_k8s_env: yes
# Offline solution is deploying app specific rpm repository and requires some name
# also for k8s cluster
# e.g. app_name: onap
# runtime_images provides an way to insert docker images
# into nexus during infrastructure playbook execution (populated to nexus at runtime).
# images specified must be available inside aux_resources_filename
# tar file that is extracted by installer into aux_data_path directory in infra server.
# Source format of an image is .tar file in aux_data_path directory and all .tar
# files in that dir are checked to match runtime_images definition.
# if runtime_images are not specified nothing is inserted on top of existing
# prebuilt nexus blob in installation time.
# Component name must match with tar filename!
# e.g.
# aaa/bbb-component-0.0.1.tar are expected in aux_data_path for component images.
# aaa-component-0.0.1:
# registry: ""
# path: "/onap/components/aaa-component"
# tag: "latest"
# bbb-component-0.0.1:
# registry: ""
# path: "/onap/components/bbb-component"
# tag: "latest"
runtime_images: {}
# Application specific params #
# App Helm charts directory location in installation package
# (local path for the ansible process).
# The path locates relative inside of this sw package
# installation folder and must be visible for ansible docker/chroot
# process to find directory and to transfer it into machine (infra node) running
# Helm repository.
# Content of the folder must be Helm chart directories of the app with Makefile.
# In case of ONAP OOM it would be <oom_repo>/kubernetes folder content.
app_helm_charts_install_directory: application/helm_charts
# Specify target dir where helm charts are copied into on infra node.
# (same as content of "app_helm_charts_install_directory" copied by installer to this dir.)
# This must be directory with all charts and Makefile.
# e.g. app_helm_charts_infra_directory: "{{ app_data_path }}/helm_charts"
app_helm_charts_infra_directory: "{{ app_data_path }}/helm_charts"
# Main Helm chart to install
# e.g. app_helm_chart_name: onap
# Targets for helm charts repository build
# e.g. for ONAP Casablanca
# app_helm_build_targets:
# - all
# - onap
# Directory with helm plugins
# It's an optional parameter used e.g. in OOM Casablanca
# app_helm_plugins_directory: "{{ app_helm_charts_install_directory}}/helm/plugins/"
app_helm_plugins_directory: "{{ app_helm_charts_install_directory}}/helm/plugins/"
# Helm release name (visible in POD names) used by Helm
# e.g. app_helm_release_name: onap
app_helm_release_name: "{{ app_name }}"
# Kubernetes namespace where application is installed
# e.g. app_kubernetes_namespace: onap
app_kubernetes_namespace: "{{ app_name }}"
# Optional application custom Ansible roles name for pre and post install logic.
# Location of additional custom roles is defined in ansible.cfg with roles_path.
# e.g. application_pre_install_role: "my-pre-install-role"
# any other application specific params can be specified in this file
# e.g.
# onap_values:
# openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
# openStackServiceTenantName: "services"
# openStackDomain: "Default"
# openStackUserName: "admin"
# openStackEncryptedPassword: "f7920677e15e2678b0f33736189e8965"
# Optional time synchronisation settings
# timesync:
# servers:
# - <ip address of NTP_1>
# - <...>
# - <ip address of NTP_N>
# slewclock: false
# timezone: <timezone name from tz database>