| // |
| // ============LICENSE_START======================================================= |
| // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved. |
| // ================================================================================ |
| // Full license text at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode |
| // |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 |
| // ============LICENSE_END========================================================= |
| // |
| // @author Sven van der Meer (sven.van.der.meer@ericsson.com) |
| // |
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| == System Configuration |
| Once APEX is installed, a few configurations need to be done: |
| |
| - Create an APEX user and an APEX group (optional, if not installed using RPM and DPKG) |
| - Create environment settings for `APEX_HOME` and `APEX_USER`, required by the start scripts |
| - Change settings of the logging framework (optional) |
| - Create directories for logging, required (execution might fail if directories do not exist or cannot be created) |
| |
| === APEX User and Group |
| On smaller installations and test systems, APEX can run as any user or group. |
| |
| However, if APEX is installed in production, we strongly recommend you set up a dedicated user for running APEX. |
| This will isolate the execution of APEX to that user. |
| We recommend you use the userid `apexuser` but you may use any user you choose. |
| |
| The following example, for UNIX, creates a group called `apexuser`, an APEX user called `apexuser`, adds the group to the user, and changes ownership of the APEX installation to the user. |
| Substitute `<apex-dir>` with the directory where APEX is installed. |
| |
| [source%nowrap,sh,numbered] |
| ---- |
| # sudo groupadd apexuser |
| # sudo useradd -g apexuser apexuser |
| # sudo chwon -R apexuser:apexuser <apex-dir> |
| ---- |
| |
| For other operating systems please consult your manual or system administrator. |
| |
| |
| === Environment Settings: APEX_HOME and APEX_USER |
| The provided start scripts for APEX require two environment variables being set: |
| |
| - `APEX_USER` with the user under whos name and permission APEX should be started (Unix only) |
| - `APEX_HOME` with the directory where APEX is installed (Unix, Windows, Cygwin) |
| |
| The first row in the following table shows how to set these environment variables temporary (assuming the user is `apexuser`). |
| The second row shows how to verify the settings. |
| The last row explains how to set those variables permanently. |
| |
| [width="100%",options="header",cols="5a,5a"] |
| |==================== |
| | Unix, Cygwin (bash/tcsh) | Windows |
| | |
| [source%nowrap,bash,numbered] |
| ---- |
| # export APEX_USER=apexuser |
| # cd /opt/ericsson/apex/apex |
| # export APEX_HOME=`pwd` |
| ---- |
| |
| [source%nowrap,tcsh,numbered] |
| ---- |
| # setenv APEX_USER apexuser |
| # cd /opt/ericsson/apex/apex |
| # setenv APEX_HOME `pwd` |
| ---- |
| | |
| [source%nowrap,bat,numbered,subs="attributes+"] |
| ---- |
| >set APEX_HOME=C:\apex\apex-full-{release-version} |
| ---- |
| |
| | |
| [source%nowrap,sh,numbered] |
| ---- |
| # env \| grep APEX |
| APEX_USER=apexuser |
| APEX_HOME=/opt/ericsson/apex/apex |
| ---- |
| | |
| [source%nowrap,bat,numbered,subs="attributes+"] |
| ---- |
| >set APEX_HOME |
| APEX_HOME=\apex\apex-full-{release-version} |
| ---- |
| |
| |==================== |
| |
| |
| ==== Making Environment Settings Permanent (Unix, Cygwin) |
| For a per-user setting, edit the a user's `bash` or `tcsh` settings in `~/.bashrc` or `~/.tcshrc`. |
| For system-wide settings, edit `/etc/profiles` (requires permissions). |
| |
| |
| ==== Making Environment Settings Permanent (Windows) |
| On Windows 7 do |
| |
| - Click on the *Start* Menu |
| - Right click on *Computer* |
| - Select *Properties* |
| |
| On Windows 8/10 do |
| |
| - Click on the *Start* Menu |
| - Select *System* |
| |
| Then do the following |
| |
| - Select *Advanced System Settings* |
| - On the *Advanced* tab, click the *Environment Variables* button |
| - Edit an existing variable, or create a new System variable: 'Variable name'="APEX_HOME", 'Variable value'="C:\apex\apex-full-{release-version}" |
| |
| For the settings to take effect, an application needs to be restarted (e.g. any open `cmd` window). |
| |
| |
| |
| === Edit the APEX Logging Settings |
| Configure the APEX logging settings to your requirements, for instance: |
| |
| - change the directory where logs are written to, or |
| - change the log levels |
| |
| Edit the file `$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml` for any required changes. |
| To change the log directory change the line |
| |
| `<property name="VAR_LOG" value="/var/log/ericsson/apex/" />` |
| |
| to |
| |
| `<property name="VAR_LOG" value="/PATH/TO/LOG/DIRECTORY/" />` |
| |
| On Windows, it is recommended to change the log directory to: |
| |
| `<property name="VAR_LOG" value="C:/apex/apex-full-{release-version}/logs" />` |
| |
| Note: Be careful about when to use `\` vs. `/` as the path separator! |
| |
| |
| === Create Directories for Logging |
| Make sure that the log directory exists. |
| This is important when APEX was installed manually or when the log directory was changed in the settings (see above). |
| |
| [width="100%",options="header",cols="5a,5a"] |
| |==================== |
| | Unix, Cygwin | Windows |
| | |
| [source%nowrap,sh,numbered] |
| ---- |
| mkdir -p /var/log/ericsson/apex |
| chown -R apexuser:apexuser /var/log/ericsson/apex |
| ---- |
| | |
| [source%nowrap,bat,numbered,subs="attributes+"] |
| ---- |
| >mkdir C:\apex\apex-full-{release-version}\logs |
| ---- |
| |==================== |
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