| #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= |
| # Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Ericsson. All rights reserved. |
| # ================================================================================ |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= |
| #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| font: |
| catalog: |
| # Noto Serif supports Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A, Greek, Cyrillic, Vietnamese & an assortment of symbols |
| Noto Serif: |
| normal: notoserif-regular-subset.ttf |
| bold: notoserif-bold-subset.ttf |
| italic: notoserif-italic-subset.ttf |
| bold_italic: notoserif-bold_italic-subset.ttf |
| # M+ 1mn supports ASCII and the circled numbers used for conums |
| M+ 1mn: |
| normal: mplus1mn-regular-ascii-conums.ttf |
| bold: mplus1mn-bold-ascii.ttf |
| italic: mplus1mn-italic-ascii.ttf |
| bold_italic: mplus1mn-bold_italic-ascii.ttf |
| # M+ 1p supports Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended, Greek, Cyrillic, Vietnamese, Japanese & an assortment of symbols |
| # It also provides arrows for ->, <-, => and <= replacements in case these glyphs are missing from font |
| M+ 1p Fallback: |
| normal: mplus1p-regular-fallback.ttf |
| bold: mplus1p-regular-fallback.ttf |
| italic: mplus1p-regular-fallback.ttf |
| bold_italic: mplus1p-regular-fallback.ttf |
| Iosevka SS03: |
| normal: iosevka-ss03-regular.ttf |
| bold: iosevka-ss03-bold.ttf |
| italic: iosevka-ss03-italic.ttf |
| bold_italic: iosevka-ss03-bolditalic.ttf |
| fallbacks: |
| - M+ 1p Fallback |
| page: |
| background_color: ffffff |
| layout: portrait |
| margin: [0.5in, 0.67in, 0.67in, 0.67in] |
| # margin_inner and margin_outer keys are used for recto/verso print margins when media=prepress |
| margin_inner: 0.75in |
| margin_outer: 0.59in |
| size: A4 |
| base: |
| align: justify |
| # color as hex string (leading # is optional) |
| font_color: 333333 |
| # color as RGB array |
| #font_color: [51, 51, 51] |
| # color as CMYK array (approximated) |
| #font_color: [0, 0, 0, 0.92] |
| #font_color: [0, 0, 0, 92%] |
| font_family: Noto Serif |
| font_size: 9 |
| line_height_length: 11 # correct line height for Noto Serif metrics |
| line_height: $base_line_height_length / $base_font_size |
| font_size_large: round($base_font_size * 1.25) |
| font_size_small: round($base_font_size * 0.85) |
| font_size_min: $base_font_size * 0.75 |
| font_style: normal |
| border_color: eeeeee |
| border_radius: 4 |
| border_width: 0.5 |
| # FIXME vertical_rhythm is weird; we should think in terms of ems |
| #vertical_rhythm: $base_line_height_length * 2 / 3 |
| # correct line height for Noto Serif metrics (comes with built-in line height) |
| vertical_rhythm: $base_line_height_length |
| horizontal_rhythm: $base_line_height_length |
| # QUESTION should vertical_spacing be block_spacing instead? |
| vertical_spacing: $vertical_rhythm |
| link: |
| font_color: 428bca |
| # literal is currently used for inline monospaced in prose and table cells |
| literal: |
| font_color: b12146 |
| font_family: Iosevka SS03 |
| menu_caret_content: " <font size=\"1.15em\"><color rgb=\"b12146\">\u203a</color></font> " |
| heading: |
| align: left |
| #font_color: 181818 |
| font_color: $base_font_color |
| font_family: $base_font_family |
| font_style: bold |
| # h1 is used for part titles (book doctype only) |
| h1_font_size: floor($base_font_size * 2.6) |
| # h2 is used for chapter titles (book doctype only) |
| h2_font_size: floor($base_font_size * 2.15) |
| h3_font_size: round($base_font_size * 1.7) |
| h4_font_size: $base_font_size_large |
| h5_font_size: $base_font_size |
| h6_font_size: $base_font_size_small |
| #line_height: 1.4 |
| # correct line height for Noto Serif metrics (comes with built-in line height) |
| line_height: 1 |
| margin_top: $vertical_rhythm * 0.4 |
| margin_bottom: $vertical_rhythm * 0.9 |
| title_page: |
| align: right |
| logo: |
| top: 10% |
| title: |
| top: 55% |
| font_size: $heading_h1_font_size |
| font_color: 999999 |
| line_height: 0.9 |
| subtitle: |
| font_size: $heading_h3_font_size |
| font_style: bold_italic |
| line_height: 1 |
| authors: |
| margin_top: $base_font_size * 1.25 |
| font_size: $base_font_size_large |
| font_color: 181818 |
| revision: |
| margin_top: $base_font_size * 1.25 |
| block: |
| margin_top: 0 |
| margin_bottom: $vertical_rhythm |
| caption: |
| align: left |
| font_size: $base_font_size * 0.95 |
| font_style: italic |
| # FIXME perhaps set line_height instead of / in addition to margins? |
| margin_inside: $vertical_rhythm / 3 |
| #margin_inside: $vertical_rhythm / 4 |
| margin_outside: 0 |
| lead: |
| font_size: $base_font_size_large |
| line_height: 1.4 |
| abstract: |
| font_color: 5c6266 |
| font_size: $lead_font_size |
| line_height: $lead_line_height |
| font_style: italic |
| first_line_font_style: bold |
| title: |
| align: center |
| font_color: $heading_font_color |
| font_family: $heading_font_family |
| font_size: $heading_h4_font_size |
| font_style: $heading_font_style |
| admonition: |
| column_rule_color: $base_border_color |
| column_rule_width: $base_border_width |
| padding: [0, $horizontal_rhythm, 0, $horizontal_rhythm] |
| #icon: |
| # tip: |
| # name: fa-lightbulb-o |
| # stroke_color: 111111 |
| # size: 24 |
| label: |
| text_transform: uppercase |
| font_style: bold |
| blockquote: |
| font_color: $base_font_color |
| font_size: $base_font_size_large |
| border_color: $base_border_color |
| border_width: 5 |
| # FIXME disable negative padding bottom once margin collapsing is implemented |
| padding: [0, $horizontal_rhythm, $block_margin_bottom * -0.75, $horizontal_rhythm + $blockquote_border_width / 2] |
| cite_font_size: $base_font_size_small |
| cite_font_color: 999999 |
| # code is used for source blocks (perhaps change to source or listing?) |
| code: |
| font_color: $base_font_color |
| font_family: Iosevka SS03 |
| font_size: ceil(9) |
| padding: $code_font_size |
| line_height: 1 |
| # line_gap is an experimental property to control how a background color is applied to an inline block element |
| line_gap: 3.8 |
| background_color: f5f5f5 |
| border_color: f5f5f5 |
| border_radius: 0 |
| border_width: 0.75 |
| conum: |
| font_family: Iosevka SS03 |
| font_color: $literal_font_color |
| font_size: 9 |
| line_height: 4 / 3 |
| example: |
| border_color: $base_border_color |
| border_radius: $base_border_radius |
| border_width: 0.75 |
| background_color: ffffff |
| # FIXME reenable padding bottom once margin collapsing is implemented |
| padding: [$vertical_rhythm, $horizontal_rhythm, 0, $horizontal_rhythm] |
| image: |
| align: center |
| prose: |
| margin_top: $block_margin_top |
| margin_bottom: $block_margin_bottom |
| sidebar: |
| background_color: eeeeee |
| border_color: e1e1e1 |
| border_radius: $base_border_radius |
| border_width: $base_border_width |
| # FIXME reenable padding bottom once margin collapsing is implemented |
| padding: [$vertical_rhythm, $vertical_rhythm * 1.25, 0, $vertical_rhythm * 1.25] |
| title: |
| align: center |
| font_color: $heading_font_color |
| font_family: $heading_font_family |
| font_size: $heading_h4_font_size |
| font_style: $heading_font_style |
| thematic_break: |
| border_color: $base_border_color |
| border_style: solid |
| border_width: $base_border_width |
| margin_top: $vertical_rhythm * 0.5 |
| margin_bottom: $vertical_rhythm * 1.5 |
| description_list: |
| term_font_style: bold |
| term_spacing: $vertical_rhythm / 4 |
| description_indent: $horizontal_rhythm #* 1.25 |
| outline_list: |
| indent: $horizontal_rhythm #* 1.5 |
| #marker_font_color: 404040 |
| # NOTE outline_list_item_spacing applies to list items that do not have complex content |
| item_spacing: $vertical_rhythm / 2 |
| table: |
| background_color: $page_background_color |
| #head_background_color: <hex value> |
| #head_font_color: $base_font_color |
| head_font_style: bold |
| #body_background_color: <hex value> |
| body_stripe_background_color: f5f5f5 |
| foot_background_color: f0f0f0 |
| border_color: dddddd |
| border_width: 0 |
| cell_padding: 3 |
| toc: |
| indent: $horizontal_rhythm |
| line_height: 1.4 |
| dot_leader: |
| #content: ". " |
| font_color: a9a9a9 |
| levels: 1 2 3 4 5 |
| # NOTE in addition to footer, header is also supported |
| footer: |
| font_size: $base_font_size_small |
| # NOTE if background_color is set, background and border will span width of page |
| border_color: dddddd |
| border_width: 0.25 |
| height: $base_line_height_length * 2.5 |
| line_height: 1 |
| padding: [$base_line_height_length / 2, 1, 0, 1] |
| vertical_align: top |
| #image_vertical_align: <alignment> or <number> |
| # additional attributes for content: |
| # * {page-count} |
| # * {page-number} |
| # * {document-title} |
| # * {document-subtitle} |
| # * {chapter-title} |
| # * {section-title} |
| # * {section-or-chapter-title} |
| recto: |
| #columns: "<50% =0% >50%" |
| right: |
| content: '{page-number}' |
| #content: '{section-or-chapter-title} | {page-number}' |
| #content: '{document-title} | {page-number}' |
| #center: |
| # content: '{page-number}' |
| verso: |
| #columns: $footer_recto_columns |
| left: |
| content: $footer_recto_right_content |
| #content: '{page-number} | {chapter-title}' |
| #center: |
| # content: '{page-number}' |