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// @author Sven van der Meer (
== Concept: State
The __State__ concept represents a phase or a stage in a policy, with a policy being composed of a series of states.
Each state has at least one but may have many tasks and, on each run of execution, a state executes one and only one of its tasks.
If a state has more than one task, then its task selection logic is used to select which task to execute.
Task selection logic is programmable logic provided by the state designer.
That logic can use incoming, policy, global, and external context to select which task best accomplishes the purpose of the state in a give situation if more than one task has been specified on a state.
A state calls one and only one task when it is executed.
Each state is triggered by an event, which means that all tasks of a state must also be triggered by that same event.
The set of output events for a state is the union of all output events from all tasks for that task.
In practice at the moment, because a state can only have a single input event, a state that is not the final state of a policy
may only output a single event and all tasks of that state may also only output that single event.
In future work, the concept of having a less restrictive trigger pattern will be examined.
A __State__ concept is keyed with a `ReferenceKey` key, which references the __Policy__ concept that owns the state.
The __LocalName__ field of the `ReferenceKey` holds the name of the state.
As a state is part of a chain of states, the __NextState__ field of a state holds the `ReferenceKey` key of the state in the policy to execute after this state.
The __Trigger__ field of a state holds the `ArtifactKey` of the event that triggers this state.
The __OutgoingEvents__ field holds the `ArtifactKey` references of all possible events that may be output from the state.
This is a set that is the union of all output events of all tasks of the state.
The __Task__ concepts that hold the definitions of the task for the state are held as a set of `ArtifactKey` references in the state.
The __DefaultTask__ field holds a reference to the default task for the state, a task that is executed if no task selection logic is
If the state has only one task, that task is the default task.
The __Logic__ concept referenced by a state holds the task selection logic for a state.
The task selection logic uses the incoming context (parameters of the incoming event) and other context to determine the best task to use to execute its goals.
The state holds a set of references to __ContextItem__ and __ContextItemTemplate__ definitions for the context used by its task selection logic.