blob: 6bfd01d732920c8e920757f114e9a811a3166ca4 [file] [log] [blame]
FROM openecomp/policy/policy-os
# note that in following command sequence, wget exit status is 1 even on success,
# so can't use && for conditional execution of next command
cd /tmp && \
wget ; \
mkdir /opt/nexus && cd /opt/nexus && \
tar xfz /tmp/nexus-2.14.2-01-bundle.tar.gz && \
useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash nexus && \
chown -R nexus *
# make the sonatype-work directory persistent
VOLUME /opt/nexus/sonatype-work
USER nexus
CMD bash -c "/opt/nexus/nexus-2.14.2-01/bin/nexus start && sleep 1000d"