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.. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Policy OOM Installation
.. contents::
:depth: 2
Policy OOM Charts
The policy K8S charts are located in the `OOM repository <;a=tree;f=kubernetes/policy;h=78576c7a0d30cb87054e9776326cdde20986e6e3;hb=refs/heads/master>`_.
Please refer to the OOM documentation on how to install and deploy ONAP.
Policy Pods
To get a listing of the Policy Pods, run the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl get pods -n onap | grep dev-policy
dev-policy-59684c7b9c-5gd6r 2/2 Running 0 8m41s
dev-policy-apex-pdp-0 1/1 Running 0 8m41s
dev-policy-api-56f55f59c5-nl5cg 1/1 Running 0 8m41s
dev-policy-distribution-54cc59b8bd-jkg5d 1/1 Running 0 8m41s
dev-policy-mariadb-0 1/1 Running 0 8m41s
dev-policy-xacml-pdp-765c7d58b5-l6pr7 1/1 Running 0 8m41s
.. note::
To get a listing of the Policy services, run this command:
kubectl get svc -n onap | grep policy
Accessing Policy Containers
Accessing the policy docker containers is the same as for any kubernetes container. Here is an example:
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-policy-policy-xacml-pdp-584844b8cf-9zptx bash
.. _install-upgrade-policy-label:
Installing or Upgrading Policy
The assumption is you have cloned the charts from the OOM repository into a local directory.
**Step 1** Go into local copy of OOM charts
From your local copy, edit any of the values.yaml files in the policy tree to make desired changes.
The policy schema will be installed automatically as part of the database configuration using ``db-migrator``.
By default the policy schema is upgraded to the latest version.
For more information on how to change the ``db-migrator`` setup please see: `Using Policy DB Migrator`_.
.. _Using Policy DB Migrator: ../db-migrator/policy-db-migrator.html
**Step 2** Build the charts
.. code-block:: bash
make policy
make SKIP_LINT=TRUE onap
.. note::
SKIP_LINT is only to reduce the "make" time
**Step 3** Undeploy Policy
After undeploying policy, loop on monitoring the policy pods until they go away.
.. code-block:: bash
helm undeploy dev-policy
kubectl get pods -n onap | grep dev-policy
**Step 4** Re-Deploy Policy pods
After deploying policy, loop on monitoring the policy pods until they come up.
.. code-block:: bash
helm deploy dev-policy local/onap --namespace onap
kubectl get pods -n onap | grep dev-policy
.. note::
If you want to purge the existing data and start with a clean install,
please follow these steps after undeploying:
**Step 1** Delete NFS persisted data for Policy
.. code-block:: bash
rm -fr /dockerdata-nfs/dev/policy
**Step 2** Make sure there is no orphan policy database persistent volume or claim.
First, find if there is an orphan database PV or PVC with the following commands:
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl get pvc -n onap | grep policy
kubectl get pv -n onap | grep policy
If there are any orphan resources, delete them with
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl delete pvc <orphan-policy-mariadb-resource>
kubectl delete pv <orphan-policy-mariadb-resource>
Restarting a faulty component
Each policy component can be restarted independently by issuing the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl delete pod <policy-pod> -n onap
Exposing ports
For security reasons, the ports for the policy containers are configured as ClusterIP and thus not exposed. If you find you need those ports in a development environment, then the following will expose them.
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl -n onap expose service policy-api --port=7171 --target-port=6969 --name=api-public --type=NodePort
Overriding certificate stores
Policy components package default key and trust stores that support https based communication with other
AAF-enabled ONAP components. Each store can be overridden at installation.
To override a default keystore, the new certificate store (policy-keystore) file should be placed at the
appropriate helm chart locations below:
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/resources/secrets/policy-keystore drools pdp keystore override.
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-apex-pdp/resources/config/policy-keystore apex pdp keystore override.
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-api/resources/config/policy-keystore api keystore override.
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-distribution/resources/config/policy-keystore distribution keystore override.
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-pap/resources/config/policy-keystore pap keystore override.
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/resources/config/policy-keystore xacml pdp keystore override.
In the event that the truststore (policy-truststore) needs to be overriden as well, place it at the appropriate
location below:
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/resources/configmaps/policy-truststore drools pdp truststore override.
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-apex-pdp/resources/config/policy-truststore apex pdp truststore override.
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-api/resources/config/policy-truststore api truststore override.
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-distribution/resources/config/policy-truststore distribution truststore override.
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-pap/resources/config/policy-truststore pap truststore override.
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/resources/config/policy-truststore xacml pdp truststore override.
When the keystore passwords are changed, the corresponding component configuration ([1]_) should also change:
* oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/values.yaml
* oom/kubernetes/policy-apex-pdp/resources/config/config.json
* oom/kubernetes/policy-distribution/resources/config/config.json
This procedure is applicable to an installation that requires either AAF or non-AAF derived certificates.
The reader is refered to the AAF documentation when new AAF-compliant keystores are desired:
* `AAF automated configuration and Certificates <>`_.
* `AAF Certificate Management for Dummies <>`_.
* `Instructional Videos <>`_.
After these changes, follow the procedures in the :ref:`install-upgrade-policy-label` section to make usage of
the new stores effective.
Additional PDP-D Customizations
Credentials and other configuration parameters can be set as values
when deploying the policy (drools) subchart. Please refer to
`PDP-D Default Values <>`_
for the current default values. It is strongly recommended that sensitive
information is secured appropriately before using in production.
Additional customization can be applied to the PDP-D. Custom configuration goes under the
"resources" directory of the drools subchart (oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/resources).
This requires rebuilding the policy subchart
(see section :ref:`install-upgrade-policy-label`).
Configuration is done by adding or modifying configmaps and/or secrets.
Configmaps are placed under "drools/resources/configmaps", and
secrets under "drools/resources/secrets".
Custom configuration supportes these types of files:
* **\*.conf** files to support additional environment configuration.
* **features\*.zip** to add additional custom features.
* **\*** scripts to be executed before starting the PDP-D process.
* **\*** scripts to be executed after starting the PDP-D process.
* **policy-keystore** to override the PDP-D policy-keystore.
* **policy-truststore** to override the PDP-D policy-truststore.
* **aaf-cadi.keyfile** to override the PDP-D AAF key.
* **\*.properties** to override or add properties files.
* **\*.xml** to override or add xml configuration files.
* **\*.json** to override json configuration files.
* **\*settings.xml** to override maven repositories configuration .
To *disable AAF*, simply override the "aaf.enabled" value when deploying the helm chart
(see the OOM installation instructions mentioned above).
To *override the PDP-D keystore or trustore*, add a suitable replacement(s) under
"drools/resources/secrets". Modify the drools chart values.yaml with
new credentials, and follow the procedures described at
:ref:`install-upgrade-policy-label` to redeploy the chart.
To *disable https* for the DMaaP configuration topic, add a copy of
` <>`_
with "dmaap.source.topics.PDPD-CONFIGURATION.https" set to "false", or alternatively
create a "" script (see above) that edits this file before the PDP-D is
To use *noop topics* for standalone testing, add a "" script under
.. code-block:: bash
sed -i "s/^dmaap/noop/g" $POLICY_HOME/config/*.properties
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [1] There is a limitation that store passwords are not configurable for policy-api, policy-pap, and policy-xacml-pdp.