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Feature: Lifecycle
.. contents::
:depth: 3
The "lifecycle" feature enables a PDP-D to work with the Dublin Release Policy architectural framework.
The lifecycle feature maintains three states: TERMINATED, PASSIVE, and ACTIVE.
The PAP (Dublin style) interacts with the lifecycle feature to put a PDP-D in PASSIVE or ACTIVE states.
The PASSIVE state allows for Tosca Operational policies to be deployed.
Policy execution is enabled when the PDP-D transitions to the ACTIVE state.
This feature can coexist side by side with the legacy mode of operation that predates the Dublin release.
The feature is enabled by default.
The lifecycle "enabled" property can be toggled with the "features" command line tool available in PDP-D containers.
.. code-block:: bash
:caption: PDPD Features Command
policy stop
features disable lifecycle # enable/disable toggles the activation of the feature.
policy start
End of Document