blob: 1cbdaa51aa0c2072bc56e3cbe14b99075c5b67b3 [file] [log] [blame]
Rest -> "ACM Runtime": ACM operation triggered by the user
activate "ACM Runtime"
"ACM Runtime" -> "ACM Database": Read Automation Composition information
activate Participant
"ACM Runtime" -> Participant : [ASYNC] Send the state change event to the participant
"ACM Runtime" -> "ACM Database": Mark the AC element into transitioning state
deactivate "ACM Runtime"
Participant -> Participant: Goes OFF_LINE due to an unexpected error
deactivate Participant
activate "ACM Runtime"
"ACM Runtime" -> "ACM Database": Mark OFF_LINE reached for the participant status report
"ACM Runtime" -> "ACM Database": Mark TIMEOUT reached for the AC instance
deactivate "ACM Runtime"