blob: 4aa41e46151bb2a036e492fc4c769bb2947be106 [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
.. 4.0 International License.
Policy DB Migrator Smoke Tests
Check number of files in each release
.. code::
ls 0800/upgrade/*.sql | wc -l = 96
ls 0900/upgrade/*.sql | wc -l = 13
ls 0800/downgrade/*.sql | wc -l = 96
ls 0900/downgrade/*.sql | wc -l = 13
Upgrade scripts
.. code::
/opt/app/policy/bin/ policyadmin
/opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o upgrade
.. note::
You can also run db-migrator upgrade with the -t and -f options
Downgrade scripts
.. code::
/opt/app/policy/bin/ policyadmin
/opt/app/policy/bin/db-migrator -s policyadmin -o downgrade -f 0900 -t 0800
Db migrator initialization script
Update /oom/kubernetes/policy/resources/config/ with the appropriate upgrade/downgrade calls.
The policy version you are deploying should either be an upgrade or downgrade from the current db migrator schema version.
Every time you modify you will have to undeploy, make and redeploy before updates are applied.
1. Fresh Install
.. list-table::
:widths: 60 20
:header-rows: 0
* - Number of files run
- 109
* - Tables in policyadmin
- 75
* - Records Added
- 109
* - schema_version
- 0900
2. Downgrade to Honolulu (0800)
Modify - remove any lines referencing upgrade and add the 2 lines under "Downgrade scripts"
Make/Redeploy to run downgrade.
.. list-table::
:widths: 60 20
:header-rows: 0
* - Number of files run
- 13
* - Tables in policyadmin
- 73
* - Records Added
- 13
* - schema_version
- 0800
3. Upgrade to Istanbul (0900)
Modify - remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts".
Make/Redeploy to run upgrade.
.. list-table::
:widths: 60 20
:header-rows: 0
* - Number of files run
- 13
* - Tables in policyadmin
- 75
* - Records Added
- 13
* - schema_version
- 0900
4. Upgrade to Istanbul (0900) without any information in the migration schema
Ensure you are on release 0800. (This may require running a downgrade before starting the test)
Drop db-migrator tables in migration schema:
.. code::
DROP TABLE schema_versions;
DROP TABLE policyadmin_schema_changelog;
Modify - remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts".
Make/Redeploy to run upgrade.
.. list-table::
:widths: 60 20
:header-rows: 0
* - Number of files run
- 13
* - Tables in policyadmin
- 75
* - Records Added
- 13
* - schema_version
- 0900
5. Upgrade to Istanbul (0900) after failed downgrade
Ensure you are on release 0900.
Rename pdpstatistics table in policyadmin schema:
.. code::
RENAME TABLE pdpstatistics TO backup_pdpstatistics;
Modify - remove any lines referencing upgrade and add the 2 lines under "Downgrade scripts"
Make/Redeploy to run downgrade
This should result in an error (last row in policyadmin_schema_changelog will have a success value of 0)
Rename backup_pdpstatistic table in policyadmin schema:
.. code::
RENAME TABLE backup_pdpstatistics TO pdpstatistics;
Modify - Remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts"
Make/Redeploy to run upgrade
.. list-table::
:widths: 60 20
:header-rows: 0
* - Number of files run
- 11
* - Tables in policyadmin
- 75
* - Records Added
- 11
* - schema_version
- 0900
6. Downgrade to Honolulu (0800) after failed downgrade
Ensure you are on release 0900.
Add timeStamp column to papdpstatistics_enginestats:
.. code::
ALTER TABLE jpapdpstatistics_enginestats ADD COLUMN timeStamp datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL AFTER UPTIME;
Modify - remove any lines referencing upgrade and add the 2 lines under "Downgrade scripts"
Make/Redeploy to run downgrade
This should result in an error (last row in policyadmin_schema_changelog will have a success value of 0)
Remove timeStamp column from jpapdpstatistics_enginestats:
.. code::
ALTER TABLE jpapdpstatistics_enginestats DROP COLUMN timeStamp;
The config job will retry 5 times. If you make your fix before this limit is reached you won't need to redeploy.
Redeploy to run downgrade
.. list-table::
:widths: 60 20
:header-rows: 0
* - Number of files run
- 14
* - Tables in policyadmin
- 73
* - Records Added
- 14
* - schema_version
- 0800
7. Downgrade to Honolulu (0800) after failed upgrade
Ensure you are on release 0800.
Modify - remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts"
Update pdpstatistics:
.. code::
Make/Redeploy to run upgrade
This should result in an error (last row in policyadmin_schema_changelog will have a success value of 0)
Once the retry count has been reached, update pdpstatistics:
.. code::
Modify - Remove any lines referencing upgrade and add the 2 lines under "Downgrade scripts"
Make/Redeploy to run downgrade
.. list-table::
:widths: 60 20
:header-rows: 0
* - Number of files run
- 7
* - Tables in policyadmin
- 73
* - Records Added
- 7
* - schema_version
- 0800
8. Upgrade to Istanbul (0900) after failed upgrade
Ensure you are on release 0800.
Modify - remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts"
Update PDP table:
.. code::
Make/Redeploy to run upgrade
This should result in an error (last row in policyadmin_schema_changelog will have a success value of 0)
Update PDP table:
.. code::
The config job will retry 5 times. If you make your fix before this limit is reached you won't need to redeploy.
Redeploy to run upgrade
.. list-table::
:widths: 60 20
:header-rows: 0
* - Number of files run
- 14
* - Tables in policyadmin
- 75
* - Records Added
- 14
* - schema_version
- 0900
9. Downgrade to Honolulu (0800) with data in pdpstatistics and jpapdpstatistics_enginestats
Ensure you are on release 0900.
Check pdpstatistics and jpapdpstatistics_enginestats are populated with data.
.. code::
SELECT count(*) FROM pdpstatistics;
SELECT count(*) FROM jpapdpstatistics_enginestats;
Modify - remove any lines referencing upgrade and add the 2 lines under "Downgrade scripts"
Make/Redeploy to run downgrade
Check the tables to ensure the number records is the same.
.. code::
SELECT count(*) FROM pdpstatistics;
SELECT count(*) FROM jpapdpstatistics_enginestats;
Check pdpstatistics to ensure the primary key has changed:
.. code::
SELECT column_name, constraint_name FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE table_name='pdpstatistics';
Check jpapdpstatistics_enginestats to ensure id column has been dropped and timestamp column added.
.. code::
SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'jpapdpstatistics_enginestats';
Check the pdp table to ensure the LASTUPDATE column has been dropped.
.. code::
SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'pdp';
.. list-table::
:widths: 60 20
:header-rows: 0
* - Number of files run
- 13
* - Tables in policyadmin
- 73
* - Records Added
- 13
* - schema_version
- 0800
10. Upgrade to Istanbul (0900) with data in pdpstatistics and jpapdpstatistics_enginestats
Ensure you are on release 0800.
Check pdpstatistics and jpapdpstatistics_enginestats are populated with data.
.. code::
SELECT count(*) FROM pdpstatistics;
SELECT count(*) FROM jpapdpstatistics_enginestats;
Modify - remove any lines referencing downgrade and add the 2 lines under "Upgrade scripts"
Make/Redeploy to run upgrade
Check the tables to ensure the number records is the same.
.. code::
SELECT count(*) FROM pdpstatistics;
SELECT count(*) FROM jpapdpstatistics_enginestats;
Check pdpstatistics to ensure the primary key has changed:
.. code::
SELECT column_name, constraint_name FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE table_name='pdpstatistics';
Check jpapdpstatistics_enginestats to ensure timestamp column has been dropped and id column added.
.. code::
SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'jpapdpstatistics_enginestats';
Check the pdp table to ensure the LASTUPDATE column has been added and the value has defaulted to the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
.. code::
SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type, column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'pdp';
.. list-table::
:widths: 60 20
:header-rows: 0
* - Number of files run
- 13
* - Tables in policyadmin
- 75
* - Records Added
- 13
* - schema_version
- 0900
.. note::
The number of records added may vary depnding on the number of retries.
End of Document