blob: 0dae6755ef63b26497ed5604f8afee83f4978a4b [file] [log] [blame]
"Online Users": "Online Users",
"design": "design",
"Applications": "Applications",
"Sort by": "Sort by",
"Widgets": "Widgets",
"Add Widget": "Add Widget",
"Reset Widget Layout": "Reset Widget Layout",
"What are you looking for": "What are you looking for",
"Email": "Email",
"User Id": "User ID",
"Last login": "Last login",
"Applications and Roles": "Applications and Roles",
"Log out": "Log out",
"View All Recent Notifications": "View All Recent Notifications",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"No New Notifications": "No New Notifications",
"Widget Catalog": "Widget Catalog",
"No Favorites": "No Favorites",
"Add your favorite items for quick access": "Add your favorite items for quick access",
"No account": "You don't have a user account in that application. Please ask the system administrator",
"Select applications": "Select applications",
"Click here to personalize": "Click here to personalize",
"this applications page": "this applications page",
"widget microservice failed": "Failed to communicate with the widget microservice",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Parameters": "Parameters",
"Online Users": "Online Users",
"Users": "Users",
"Application Catalog": "Application Catalog",
"Filter": "Filter",
"All": "All",
"Accessible": "Accessible",
"On Home Page": "On Home Page",
"Admins": "Admins",
"Add Admin": "Add Admin",
"First Name": "First Name",
"Last Name": "Last Name",
"Roles": "Roles",
"Create": "Create",
"Name": "Name",
"Priority": "Priority",
"Active": "Active",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Indicates Global Roles": "Indicates Global Roles",
"Add User": "Add User",
"Bulk Upload": "Bulk Upload",
"Use dropdown": "Use the 'Select application' dropdown to see users",
"Attention": "Attention"