blob: 6c0ece545fd5927694fabc9a74da9bafe06b973b [file] [log] [blame]
Setting up
In order to build Portal SDK applications on your machine, you'll need to install the following:
1. OpenJDK 8
2. Maven
3. MariaDB (v10.1)
4. Apache Tomcat (v8.5)
Cloning the Portal SDK repository
Clone the Portal SDK repository with git:
git clone
Building the base
Now, we'll build the base with maven:
cd sdk/ecomp-sdk
mvn install
Setting up the MariaDB database
Adding support for lowercase table names
To add support for lowercase table names, make sure the following line in your :code:`/etc/mysql/my.cnf` file is present under the :code:`[mysqld]` section:
lower_case_table_names = 1
If you made changes, you'll need to restart your MariaDB instance. Hint:
sudo systemctl restart mariadb.service
Database setup
Now, we set up the database and user privileges. Log into your MariaDB instance as the 'root' user and do the following:
drop database if exists ecomp_sdk;
drop user if exists 'ecomp_sdk_user'@'localhost';
create database ecomp_sdk;
create user 'ecomp_sdk_user'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
grant all privileges on ecomp_sdk.* to 'ecomp_sdk_user'@'localhost';
Adding tables
Next, we need to run several SQL statements in the repository:
mysql -proot -uroot < sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-common/db-scripts/EcompSdkDDLMySql_1707_Common.sql
mysql -proot -uroot < sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-common/db-scripts/EcompSdkDMLMySql_1707_Common.sql
mysql -proot -uroot < sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os/db-scripts/EcompSdkDDLMySql_1707_OS.sql
mysql -proot -uroot < sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os/db-scripts/EcompSdkDMLMySql_1707_OS.sql
Using 'root' for both your MySQL username and password is just about the worst security policy imaginable. For anything other than temporary setups (very temporary), please choose reasonable user names and hard-to-guess passwords.
Your project directory
Because you'll want your project to use the latest portal SDK code (retrieved via :code:`git pull`), you work directly in :code:`sdk/ecomp_sdk/epsdk-app-os`.
Connecting your app to the backend database
We need to tell our app how to access the database tables we created above. Open :code:`sdk/ecomp-sdk/epsdk-app-os/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/` and change the following two lines to reflect the database user you set up above as well as your particular installation of MariaDB:
db.connectionURL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ecomp_sdk
db.userName = ecomp_sdk_user
db.password = password
Building your app
When you want to build your app:
# First cd to the project directory
cd sdk/ecomp_sdk/epsdk-app-os
mvn clean package
.. note:: You don't always have to :code:`clean`. Only use it when you want to clear out intermediate objects and build your entire project from scratch.
.. _installingyourapp:
Installing your app
To install your app, run the following commands, or better, create a script:
# Shutdown tomcat
<tomcat install>/bin/
rm -rf <tomcat install>/webapps/epsdk-app-os*
cp target/epsdk-app-os.war <tomcat install>/webapps/.
# Start tomcat
<tomcat install>/bin/
Viewing your app
Assuming you have installed Tomcat locally, for example in a vagrant VM with port forwarding, you can `access the app`_ in your normal browser:
To log in, use user/password 'demo/demo'.
.. _access the app: http://localhost:8080/epsdk-app-os/login.htm