blob: 36f798513ac9acb5834e88a1a14d331565cd4d98 [file] [log] [blame]
### Set the node environment.
### Set the NVM root dir
echo "Set the node environment."
. "${NVM_DIR}/"
echo "OK."
echo ""
### Add newer c++ compiler.
if [ -f /opt/rh/devtoolset-4/enable ]; then
. /opt/rh/devtoolset-4/enable
### Set the node version manager version.
echo "Set the node version manager version."
nvm use ${NODE_VERSION}
echo "OK."
echo ""
### Run the Node package manager (NPM).
echo "Run the Node package manager (NPM)."
npm install
echo "OK."
echo ""
### Build the application.
echo "Build the application."
npm run build:prod
echo "OK."
echo ""