blob: 803e40873a7e264a177cf1bb049b24b91715fe44 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Tosca Validation Flow
Background: Init
Given I want to create a VLM
Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true"
Scenario:VirtualMachineInterface Validation Flow - Guideline Validation issues present
When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage"
Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/"
And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP
And I want to print the context data
Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][3].level" for value "WARNING"
Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][3].message" for value:
WARNING: [VlANG1]: VLAN Resource will not be translated as the VLAN Sub-interface [template_Vlan_2] is not modeled as resource group
Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][1].level" for value "ERROR"
Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][1].message" for value:
ERROR: [VlANG2]: There should not be any Compute Server Node, Port, Parent Port in nested file [nested.yml]
Then I want to check property "errors['main.yml'][6].level" for value "WARNING"
Then I want to check property "errors['main.yml'][6].message" for value:
WARNING: [VlANG3]: Network role associated with VLAN Sub-interface id[test_Vlan1] is not following the naming convention