blob: 46fd622bc8b9c018fa368d8af37bb4a676192192 [file] [log] [blame]
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| webseal simulator |
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Working with webseal simulator:
1. Build the project using: mvn clean install
2. Ftp war file: webseal-simulator\target\WSSimulator.war to your localhost vagrant machine: /home/vagrant/webseal-simulator/webapps folder
3. Ftp configuration file: webseal-simulator\src\main\resources\webseal.conf to your localhost vagrant machine: /home/vagrant/webseal-simulator/config
4. To run the simulator, enter to your local vagrant and run:
5. Open browser and navigate to: http://localhost:8285/sdc1.login
Note: the user in webseal configuration file will appear in the login screen. Pressing on user link will perform authentication and redirect to SDC.
The users should be predefined in SDC