| ASDC elasticsearch tool |
| ======================== |
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| This tool purpose is to ease and allow updating elasticsearch indices. |
| |
| In order to use the scripts, you need to verify Python is installed and to install the elasticsearc-py library: |
| Verify pip is installed: $command -v pip |
| if not installed: |
| Download https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py |
| $python get-pip.py (see instruction: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installing/#installing-with-get-pip-py) |
| $pip install elasticsearch |
| |
| |
| Tool contains: |
| - index_ops.py |
| This script includes operations on elasticsearch index: |
| |
| create index: |
| $python index_ops.py -o create -a <elasticsearch hostname> -n <indexName> -f <index mapping file> |
| |
| delete index: |
| $python index_ops.py -o delete -a <elasticsearch hostname> -n <indexName> |
| |
| copy index (assumes destination index already exists): |
| $python index_ops.py -o move -a <elasticsearch hostname> -n <indexName> -t <toIndex> |
| |
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| - file_utils.py |
| This script includes operations on files |
| |
| - audit_migration_1602.py |
| This script run full flow to migrate audit information from previous versions to ASDC 1602 |
| It has 2 inputs: |
| 1. config_properties.py - this file holds configuration (hostname, index name, index mapping file etc.) |
| 2. folder of fields mapping per elasticsearch type (map old field to new field) |
| The flow of this script is as follow: |
| * create temp index with correct index mapping |
| * scan the audit index to get all records |
| * manipulate fields data and insert it to temp index |
| * delete audit index |
| * create audit index with correct mapping |
| * copy from temp index to newly created audit index |
| * delete temp index |