blob: da043b130d19b81a21477ca9967c70707886624a [file] [log] [blame]
# script name -
# run script - ./
# This script migrates ASDC 1st class citizen entities and their sub-entities from Cassandra to
# Zusammen.
# This script should be run when upgrading from 1702 to 1707
# change exist package and service templates in db
java -Dlog.home=/apps/jetty/base/be/logs -Dconfiguration.yaml=/apps/jetty/base/be/config/catalog-be/configuration.yaml -jar openecomp-zusammen-tools-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
STATUS="${?}" echo "${STATUS}" echo "All log messages for the zusammenMainTool migration process are in /apps/jetty/base/be/logs/ASDC/ASDC-BE/zusammen_tool_debug.log"