blob: 3abe1a3cb879a525629fbd83d41867ffd810000f [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Unique value
Scenario: List unique types
When I want to get path "/unique-types"
Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 2
And I want to check property "results[1]" for value "VspName"
And I want to check property "results[0]" for value "VlmName"
Scenario: Get unique value - non existing type (negative)
Given I want the following to fail with error code "UNIQUE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND"
When I want to get path "/unique-types/nonExistingType/values/someValue"
Scenario: Get unique value - non existing VLM name
When I want to get path "/unique-types/VlmName/values/nonExistingName"
Then I want to check property "occupied" to be false
Scenario: Get unique value - non existing VSP name
When I want to get path "/unique-types/VspName/values/nonExistingName"
Then I want to check property "occupied" to be false
Scenario: Get unique value - existing VLM name
Given I want to create a VLM
When I want to get path "/unique-types/VlmName/values/{}"
Then I want to check property "occupied" to be true
Scenario: Get unique value - existing VSP name
Given I want to create a VLM
And I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage"
And I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}"
When I want to get path "/unique-types/VspName/values/{}"
Then I want to check property "occupied" to be true