| driverClassName=com.github.adejanovski.cassandra.jdbc.CassandraDriver |
| jdbcURL=jdbc:${dbname}://${dbhost}:${dbport}/${configdb} |
| dbuser= |
| dbpassword= |
| config.Table=configuration |
| config.monitor.Table=configuration_change |
| configKey=key |
| configValue=value |
| configNameColumn=name |
| configdb=dox |
| dbhost= |
| dbport=9042 |
| dbname=cassandra |
| createtablecql=create table if not exists ${configdb}.${config.Table} (name text\, key text\, value text\, PRIMARY KEY (name\, key)) with clustering order by (key asc) |
| createmonitoringtablecql=create table if not exists ${configdb}.${config.monitor.Table} (name text\, changed_when bigint\, key text\, old_value text\, new_value text\, PRIMARY KEY (name\, changed_when)) with clustering order by (changed_when desc) |
| insertconfigurationchangecql=insert into ${configdb}.${config.monitor.Table} (name\, changed_when\, key\, old_value\, new_value) values(?\, ?\, ?\, ?\, ?) |
| fetchkeysql=select ${configKey} from ${config.Table} where ${configNameColumn}=? |
| fetchlastchangecql=select changed_when from ${configdb}.${config.monitor.Table} where name=? limit 1 |
| fetchnamescql=select distinct name from ${configdb}.${config.Table} |
| config.size.max=100 |
| config.refresh.interval=30000 |
| event.fetch.delay=5000 |