blob: 1ff0ba3f1bb0644dfc5ed9a2c581cf590a933ab8 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Interface Operation Feature
Background: Init
Given I want to create a Service
Scenario: Test InterfaceOperation CRUD
#Create Operations
When I want to create an Operation
Then I want to check property "uniqueId" exists
And I want to create an Operation with workflow
Then I want to check property "uniqueId" exists
And I want to create an Operation
Then I want to check property "uniqueId" exists
When I want to create an Operation with input output
Then I want to check property "uniqueId" exists
#List All Operations
When I want to list Operations
#Get Operation By OperationId
When I want to get an Operation by Id
Then I want to check property "uniqueId" exists
#Update Operation
When I want to update an Operation
Then I want to check property "uniqueId" exists
#Delete Operation
When I want to delete an Operation
When I want to checkin this component
Then I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN"
Then I want to submit this component
And I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "READY_FOR_CERTIFICATION"