| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| # |
| # Constants: |
| # |
| |
| |
| CS_PASSWORD="onap123#@!" |
| SDC_USER="asdc_user" |
| SDC_PASSWORD="Aa1234%^!" |
| |
| JETTY_BASE="/var/lib/jetty" |
| SDC_CERT_DIR="onap/cert" |
| |
| RELEASE=latest |
| LOCAL=false |
| RUNTESTS=false |
| BE_DEBUG_PORT="--publish 4000:4000" |
| FE_DEBUG_PORT="--publish 6000:6000" |
| ONBOARD_DEBUG_PORT="--publish 4001:4001" |
| |
| |
| # Java Options: |
| BE_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xdebug -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=4000,server=y,suspend=n -Xmx1536m -Xms1536m" |
| FE_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xdebug -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=6000,server=y,suspend=n -Xmx256m -Xms256m" |
| ONBOARD_BE_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xdebug -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=4001,server=y,suspend=n -Xmx1g -Xms1g" |
| DCAE_BE_JAVA_OPTIONS="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx1024m -Dconfig.home=config -Dlog.home=/var/lib/jetty/logs/ -Dlogging.config=config/dcae-be/logback-spring.xml" |
| DCAE_FE_JAVA_OPTIONS="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx1024m -Dconfig.home=config -Dlog.home=/var/lib/jetty/logs/ -Dlogging.config=config/dcae-fe/logback-spring.xml" |
| SIM_JAVA_OPTIONS=" -Xmx128m -Xms128m -Xss1m -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///${JETTY_BASE}/config/sdc-simulator/log4j.properties" |
| API_TESTS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx512m -Xms512m" |
| UI_TESTS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1024m -Xms1024m" |
| #Define this as variable, so it can be excluded in run commands on Docker for OSX, as /etc/localtime cant be mounted there. |
| LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD="--volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" |
| # If os is OSX, unset this, so /etc/localtime is not mounted, otherwise leave it be |
| if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then |
| fi |
| |
| |
| # |
| # Functions: |
| # |
| |
| |
| function usage { |
| echo "usage: docker_run.sh [ -r|--release <RELEASE-NAME> ] [ -e|--environment <ENV-NAME> ] [ -p|--port <Docker-hub-port>] [ -l|--local <Run-without-pull>] [ -sim|--simulator <Run-with-simulator>] [ -ta <run api tests with the supplied test suit>] [ -tu <run ui tests with the supplied test suit>] [ -ta <run api tests with the supplied test suit>] [ -tu <run ui tests with the supplied test suit>] [ -tad <run api tests with the default test suit>] [ -tu <run ui tests with the default test suit>] [ -dcae|--dcae <Run-with-DCAE>][ -h|--help ]" |
| echo "start dockers built locally example: docker_run.sh -l" |
| echo "start dockers built locally and simulator example: docker_run.sh -l -sim" |
| echo "start dockers, pull from onap nexus according to release and simulator example: docker_run.sh -r 1.3-STAGING-latest -sim" |
| echo "start dockers built locally and run api tests docker example: docker_run.sh -l -tad" |
| echo "start dockers built locally and run only the catalog be example: docker_run.sh -l -d sdc-BE " |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| function cleanup { |
| echo "Performing old dockers cleanup" |
| |
| if [ "$1" == "all" ] ; then |
| docker_ids=`docker ps -a | egrep -v "onap/sdc-simulator" | egrep "ecomp-nexus:${PORT}/sdc|sdc|Exit}|dcae" | awk '{print $1}'` |
| for X in ${docker_ids} |
| do |
| docker rm -f ${X} |
| done |
| else |
| echo "performing $1 docker cleanup" |
| tmp=`docker ps -a -q --filter="name=$1"` |
| if [[ ! -z "$tmp" ]]; then |
| docker rm -f ${tmp} |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| function dir_perms { |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE |
| |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/DCAE-BE/DCAE |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/DCAE-FE/DCAE |
| |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/sdc-api-tests/ExtentReport |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/ONBOARD/SDC/ONBOARD-BE |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/sdc-api-tests/target |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/sdc-ui-tests/ExtentReport |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/sdc-ui-tests/target |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/docker_logs |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/WS |
| echo "create dir" |
| echo "${WORKSPACE}/data/${SDC_CERT_DIR}" |
| mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/data/${SDC_CERT_DIR} |
| chmod -R 777 ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| function docker_logs { |
| docker logs $1 > ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/docker_logs/$1_docker.log |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # |
| # Readiness Prob |
| # |
| |
| function ready_probe { |
| docker exec $1 /var/lib/ready-probe.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 |
| rc=$? |
| if [[ ${rc} == 0 ]]; then |
| echo DOCKER $1 start finished in $2 seconds |
| return ${SUCCESS} |
| fi |
| return ${FAILURE} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| function probe_docker { |
| MATCH=`docker logs --tail 30 $1 | grep "DOCKER STARTED"` |
| echo MATCH is -- ${MATCH} |
| |
| if [ -n "$MATCH" ] ; then |
| echo DOCKER start finished in $2 seconds |
| return ${SUCCESS} |
| fi |
| return ${FAILURE} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| function probe_es { |
| health_Check_http_code=$(curl --noproxy "*" -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' http://${IP}:9200/_cluster/health?wait_for_status=yellow&timeout=120s) |
| if [[ "$health_Check_http_code" -eq 200 ]] ; then |
| echo DOCKER start finished in $1 seconds |
| return ${SUCCESS} |
| fi |
| return ${FAILURE} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| function probe_sim { |
| if lsof -Pi :8285 -sTCP:LISTEN -t >/dev/null ; then |
| echo "Already running" |
| return ${SUCCESS} |
| else |
| echo "Not running" |
| return ${FAILURE} |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| function probe_dcae_be { |
| health_check_http_code=$(curl -i -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' http://${IP}:8082/dcae/conf/composition) |
| if [[ "${health_check_http_code}" -eq 200 ]] ; then |
| echo DOCKER start finished in $1 seconds |
| return ${SUCCESS} |
| fi |
| return ${FAILURE} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| function probe_dcae_fe { |
| health_check_http_code=$(curl -i -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' http://${IP}:8183/dcaed/healthCheck) |
| if [[ "${health_check_http_code}" -eq 200 ]] ; then |
| echo DOCKER start finished in $1 seconds |
| return ${SUCCESS} |
| fi |
| return ${FAILURE} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # Not applicable for current release. Return Success in any case |
| function probe_dcae_tools { |
| health_check_http_code=$(curl -i -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' http://${IP}:8082/dcae/getResourcesByMonitoringTemplateCategory) |
| if [[ "${health_check_http_code}" -eq 200 ]] ; then |
| echo DOCKER start finished in $1 seconds |
| return ${SUCCESS} |
| fi |
| return ${SUCCESS} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| function monitor_docker { |
| echo "Monitor ${DOCKER_NAME} Docker" |
| sleep 5 |
| TIME_OUT=900 |
| TIME=0 |
| |
| while [ "$TIME" -lt "$TIME_OUT" ]; do |
| |
| case ${DOCKER_NAME} in |
| |
| sdc-cs) |
| ready_probe ${DOCKER_NAME} ${TIME} ; |
| status=$? ; |
| ;; |
| sdc-es) |
| probe_es ${TIME} ; |
| status=$? ; |
| ;; |
| sdc-BE) |
| ready_probe ${DOCKER_NAME} ${TIME} ; |
| status=$? ; |
| ;; |
| sdc-FE) |
| ready_probe ${DOCKER_NAME} ${TIME} ; |
| status=$? ; |
| ;; |
| sdc-onboard-BE) |
| ready_probe ${DOCKER_NAME} ${TIME} ; |
| status=$? ; |
| ;; |
| dcae-be) |
| probe_dcae_be ${TIME} ; |
| status=$? ; |
| ;; |
| dcae-fe) |
| probe_dcae_fe ${TIME} ; |
| status=$? ; |
| ;; |
| dcae-tools) |
| probe_dcae_tools ; |
| status=$? ; |
| ;; |
| *) |
| probe_docker ${DOCKER_NAME} ${TIME}; |
| status=$? ; |
| ;; |
| |
| esac |
| |
| if [ ${status} == ${SUCCESS} ] ; then |
| break; |
| fi |
| |
| echo "Sleep: ${INTERVAL} seconds before testing if ${DOCKER_NAME} DOCKER is up. Total wait time up now is: ${TIME} seconds. Timeout is: ${TIME_OUT} seconds" |
| sleep ${INTERVAL} |
| done |
| |
| docker_logs ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| |
| if [ "$TIME" -ge "$TIME_OUT" ]; then |
| echo -e "\e[1;31mTIME OUT: DOCKER was NOT fully started in $TIME_OUT seconds... Could cause problems ...\e[0m" |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| function healthCheck { |
| curl --noproxy "*" ${IP}:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true |
| |
| echo "BE health-Check:" |
| curl --noproxy "*" http://${IP}:8080/sdc2/rest/healthCheck |
| |
| echo "" |
| echo "" |
| echo "FE health-Check:" |
| curl --noproxy "*" http://${IP}:8181/sdc1/rest/healthCheck |
| |
| |
| echo "" |
| echo "" |
| healthCheck_http_code=$(curl --noproxy "*" -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "USER_ID: jh0003" http://${IP}:8080/sdc2/rest/v1/user/demo;) |
| if [[ ${healthCheck_http_code} != 200 ]]; then |
| echo "Error [${healthCheck_http_code}] while user existance check" |
| return ${healthCheck_http_code} |
| fi |
| echo "check user existance: OK" |
| return ${healthCheck_http_code} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| function command_exit_status { |
| status=$1 |
| docker=$2 |
| if [ "${status}" != "0" ] ; then |
| echo "[ ERROR ] Docker ${docker} run command exit with status [${status}]" |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # |
| # Run Containers |
| # |
| |
| #Elastic-Search |
| function sdc-es { |
| DOCKER_NAME="sdc-es" |
| echo "docker run sdc-elasticsearch..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| echo "pulling code" |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-elasticsearch:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| docker run -dit --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --env ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m" --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --env ES_HEAP_SIZE=1024M --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/ES:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments --publish 9200:9200 --publish 9300:9300 ${PREFIX}/sdc-elasticsearch:${RELEASE} /bin/sh |
| command_exit_status $? ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| echo "please wait while ES is starting..." |
| monitor_docker ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| #Init-Elastic-Search |
| function sdc-init-es { |
| DOCKER_NAME="sdc-init-es" |
| echo "docker run sdc-init-elasticsearch..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| echo "pulling code" |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-init-elasticsearch:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| echo "Running sdc-init-es" |
| docker run --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments ${PREFIX}/sdc-init-elasticsearch:${RELEASE} > /dev/null 2>&1 |
| rc=$? |
| docker_logs ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| if [[ ${rc} != 0 ]]; then exit ${rc}; fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| #Cassandra |
| function sdc-cs { |
| DOCKER_NAME="sdc-cs" |
| echo "docker run sdc-cassandra..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-cassandra:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| docker run -dit --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env RELEASE="${RELEASE}" --env CS_PASSWORD="${CS_PASSWORD}" --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --env HOST_IP=${IP} --env MAX_HEAP_SIZE="1536M" --env HEAP_NEWSIZE="512M" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/CS:/var/lib/cassandra --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments --publish 9042:9042 --publish 9160:9160 ${PREFIX}/sdc-cassandra:${RELEASE} /bin/sh |
| command_exit_status $? ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| echo "please wait while CS is starting..." |
| monitor_docker ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| #Cassandra-init |
| function sdc-cs-init { |
| DOCKER_NAME="sdc-cs-init" |
| echo "docker run sdc-cassandra-init..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-cassandra-init:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| docker run --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env RELEASE="${RELEASE}" --env SDC_USER="${SDC_USER}" --env SDC_PASSWORD="${SDC_PASSWORD}" --env CS_PASSWORD="${CS_PASSWORD}" --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --env HOST_IP=${IP} --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/CS:/var/lib/cassandra --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/CS-Init:/root/chef-solo/cache ${PREFIX}/sdc-cassandra-init:${RELEASE} > /dev/null 2>&1 |
| rc=$? |
| docker_logs ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| if [[ ${rc} != 0 ]]; then exit ${rc}; fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| #Onboard Cassandra-init |
| function sdc-cs-onboard-init { |
| DOCKER_NAME="sdc-cs-onboard-init" |
| echo "docker run sdc-cs-onboard-init..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-onboard-cassandra-init:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| docker run --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env RELEASE="${RELEASE}" --env CS_HOST_IP=${IP} --env SDC_USER="${SDC_USER}" --env SDC_PASSWORD="${SDC_PASSWORD}" --env CS_PASSWORD="${CS_PASSWORD}" --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/CS:/var/lib/cassandra --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/CS-Init:/root/chef-solo/cache ${PREFIX}/sdc-onboard-cassandra-init:${RELEASE} |
| rc=$? |
| docker_logs ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| if [[ ${rc} != 0 ]]; then exit ${rc}; fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| #Kibana |
| function sdc-kbn { |
| DOCKER_NAME="sdc-kbn" |
| echo "docker run sdc-kibana..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-kibana:${RELEASE} |
| docker run --detach --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --env NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=200" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments --publish 5601:5601 ${PREFIX}/sdc-kibana:${RELEASE} |
| command_exit_status $? ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| #Back-End |
| function sdc-BE { |
| DOCKER_NAME="sdc-BE" |
| echo "docker run sdc-backend..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-backend:${RELEASE} |
| else |
| fi |
| docker run --detach --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env HOST_IP=${IP} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --env cassandra_ssl_enabled="false" --env JAVA_OPTIONS="${BE_JAVA_OPTIONS}" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/BE/:/var/lib/jetty/logs --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments --publish 8443:8443 --publish 8080:8080 ${ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENTS} ${PREFIX}/sdc-backend:${RELEASE} |
| command_exit_status $? ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| echo "please wait while BE is starting..." |
| monitor_docker ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # Back-End-Init |
| function sdc-BE-init { |
| DOCKER_NAME="sdc-BE-init" |
| echo "docker run sdc-backend-init..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-backend-init:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| docker run --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env HOST_IP=${IP} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/BE/:/var/lib/jetty/logs --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments ${PREFIX}/sdc-backend-init:${RELEASE} > /dev/null 2>&1 |
| rc=$? |
| docker_logs ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| if [[ ${rc} != 0 ]]; then exit ${rc}; fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # Onboard Back-End |
| function sdc-onboard-BE { |
| DOCKER_NAME="sdc-onboard-BE" |
| echo "docker run sdc-onboard-BE ..." |
| # TODO Check the dir_perms action . do we need it here ?? |
| # dir_perms |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-onboard-backend:${RELEASE} |
| else |
| fi |
| docker run --detach --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env HOST_IP=${IP} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --env cassandra_ssl_enabled="false" --env SDC_CLUSTER_NAME="SDC-CS-${DEP_ENV}" --env SDC_USER="${SDC_USER}" --env SDC_PASSWORD="${SDC_PASSWORD}" --env SDC_CERT_DIR="${SDC_CERT_DIR}" --env JAVA_OPTIONS="${ONBOARD_BE_JAVA_OPTIONS}" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/${SDC_CERT_DIR}:/var/lib/jetty/onap/cert --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/ONBOARD:/var/lib/jetty/logs --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments --publish 8445:8445 --publish 8081:8081 ${ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENTS} ${PREFIX}/sdc-onboard-backend:${RELEASE} |
| command_exit_status $? ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| echo "please wait while sdc-onboard-BE is starting..." |
| monitor_docker ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # Front-End |
| function sdc-FE { |
| DOCKER_NAME="sdc-FE" |
| echo "docker run sdc-frontend..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-frontend:${RELEASE} |
| else |
| fi |
| docker run --detach --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env HOST_IP=${IP} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --env JAVA_OPTIONS="${FE_JAVA_OPTIONS}" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/FE/:/var/lib/jetty/logs --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments/plugins-configuration.yaml:${JETTY_BASE}/config/catalog-fe/plugins-configuration.yaml --publish 9443:9443 --publish 8181:8181 ${ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENTS} ${PREFIX}/sdc-frontend:${RELEASE} |
| command_exit_status $? ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| echo "please wait while FE is starting....." |
| monitor_docker ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # DCAE BackEnd |
| function dcae-be { |
| if [ ! ${DCAE_ENABLE} ] ; then |
| return |
| fi |
| DOCKER_NAME="dcae-be" |
| echo "docker run ${DOCKER_NAME}..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/${DOCKER_NAME}:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| docker run --detach --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env HOST_IP=${IP} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --env JAVA_OPTIONS="${DCAE_BE_JAVA_OPTIONS}" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/DCAE-BE/:/var/lib/jetty/logs --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/var/opt/dcae-be/chef-solo/environments --publish 8444:8444 --publish 8082:8082 ${PREFIX}/${DOCKER_NAME}:${RELEASE} |
| command_exit_status $? ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| echo "please wait while ${DOCKER_NAME^^} is starting....." |
| monitor_docker ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # DCAE Configuration |
| function dcae-tools { |
| if [ ! ${DCAE_ENABLE} ] ; then |
| return |
| fi |
| DOCKER_NAME="dcae-tools" |
| echo "docker run ${DOCKER_NAME}..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/${DOCKER_NAME}:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| docker run --detach --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env HOST_IP=${IP} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/BE/:/var/lib/jetty/logs --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/var/opt/dcae-tools/chef-solo/environments ${PREFIX}/${DOCKER_NAME}:${RELEASE} |
| command_exit_status $? ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| echo "please wait while ${DOCKER_NAME^^} is starting....." |
| monitor_docker ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # DCAE FrontEnd |
| function dcae-fe { |
| if [ ! ${DCAE_ENABLE} ] ; then |
| return |
| fi |
| DOCKER_NAME="dcae-fe" |
| echo "docker run ${DOCKER_NAME}..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/${DOCKER_NAME}:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| docker run --detach --name ${DOCKER_NAME} --env HOST_IP=${IP} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --env JAVA_OPTIONS="${DCAE_FE_JAVA_OPTIONS}" --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/DCAE-FE/:/var/lib/jetty/logs --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/var/opt/dcae-fe/chef-solo/environments/ --publish 9444:9444 --publish 8183:8183 ${PREFIX}/${DOCKER_NAME}:${RELEASE} |
| command_exit_status $? ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| echo "please wait while ${DOCKER_NAME^^} is starting....." |
| monitor_docker ${DOCKER_NAME} |
| |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # apis-sanity |
| function sdc-api-tests { |
| if [[ ${RUN_API_TESTS} = true ]] ; then |
| healthCheck |
| healthCheck_http_code=$? |
| if [[ ${healthCheck_http_code} == 200 ]] ; then |
| echo "docker run sdc-api-tests..." |
| echo "Trigger sdc-api-tests docker, please wait..." |
| |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-api-tests:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| |
| docker run --detach --name sdc-api-tests --env HOST_IP=${IP} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --env JAVA_OPTIONS="${API_TESTS_JAVA_OPTIONS}" --env SUITE_NAME=${API_SUITE} --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/sdc-api-tests/target:/var/lib/tests/target --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/sdc-api-tests/ExtentReport:/var/lib/tests/ExtentReport --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/sdc-api-tests/outputCsar:/var/lib/tests/outputCsar --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/${SDC_CERT_DIR}:/var/lib/tests/cert --publish 9560:9560 ${PREFIX}/sdc-api-tests:${RELEASE} echo "please wait while SDC-API-TESTS is starting....." |
| monitor_docker sdc-api-tests |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # ui-sanity |
| function sdc-ui-tests { |
| |
| if [[ ${RUN_UI_TESTS} = true ]] ; then |
| healthCheck |
| healthCheck_http_code=$? |
| if [[ ${healthCheck_http_code} == 200 ]]; then |
| echo "docker run sdc-ui-tets..." |
| echo "Trigger sdc-ui-tests docker, please wait..." |
| |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-ui-tests:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| sdc-sim |
| docker run --detach --name sdc-ui-tests --env HOST_IP=${IP} --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" --env JAVA_OPTIONS="${UI_TESTS_JAVA_OPTIONS}" --env SUITE_NAME=${UI_SUITE} --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --ulimit nofile=4096:100000 ${LOCAL_TIME_MOUNT_CMD} --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/sdc-ui-tests/target:/var/lib/tests/target --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/sdc-ui-tests/ExtentReport:/var/lib/tests/ExtentReport --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments --publish 5901:5901 --publish 6901:6901 ${PREFIX}/sdc-ui-tests:${RELEASE} |
| echo "please wait while SDC-UI-TESTS is starting....." |
| monitor_docker sdc-ui-tests |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # SDC-Simulator |
| function sdc-sim { |
| if [ "${RUN_SIMULATOR}" == true ]; then |
| echo "docker run sdc-webSimulator..." |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = false ]; then |
| docker pull ${PREFIX}/sdc-simulator:${RELEASE} |
| fi |
| |
| probe_sim |
| sim_stat=$? |
| if [ ${sim_stat} == 1 ]; then |
| docker run \ |
| --detach \ |
| --name sdc-sim \ |
| --env FE_URL="${FE_URL}" \ |
| --env ENVNAME="${DEP_ENV}" \ |
| --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/logs/WS/:/var/lib/jetty/logs \ |
| --volume ${WORKSPACE}/data/environments:/root/chef-solo/environments \ |
| --publish 8285:8080 \ |
| --publish 8286:8443 ${PREFIX}/sdc-simulator:${RELEASE} |
| echo "please wait while SDC-WEB-SIMULATOR is starting....." |
| monitor_docker sdc-sim |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| |
| |
| # |
| # Main |
| # |
| |
| # Handle command line arguments |
| while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do |
| case $1 in |
| |
| # -r | --release - The specific docker version to pull and deploy |
| -r | --release ) |
| shift 1 ; |
| RELEASE=$1; |
| shift 1;; |
| |
| # -e | --environment - The environment name you want to deploy |
| -e | --environment ) |
| shift 1; |
| DEP_ENV=$1; |
| shift 1 ;; |
| |
| # -p | --port - The port from which to connect to the docker nexus |
| -p | --port ) |
| shift 1 ; |
| PORT=$1; |
| shift 1 ;; |
| |
| # -l | --local - Use this for deploying your local dockers without pulling them first |
| -l | --local ) |
| LOCAL=true; |
| shift 1;; |
| |
| # -ta - Use this for running the APIs sanity docker after all other dockers have been deployed |
| -ta ) |
| shift 1 ; |
| API_SUITE=$1; |
| RUN_API_TESTS=true; |
| shift 1 ;; |
| |
| # -tu - Use this for running the UI sanity docker after all other dockers have been deployed |
| -tu ) |
| shift 1 ; |
| UI_SUITE=$1; |
| RUN_UI_TESTS=true; |
| shift 1 ;; |
| |
| # -tad - Use this for running the DEFAULT suite of tests in APIs sanity docker after all other dockers have been deployed |
| -tad | -t ) |
| API_SUITE="onapApiSanity"; |
| RUN_API_TESTS=true; |
| shift 1 ;; |
| |
| # -tud - Use this for running the DEFAULT suite of tests in UI sanity docker after all other dockers have been deployed |
| -tud ) |
| UI_SUITE="onapUiSanity"; |
| RUN_UI_TESTS=true; |
| shift 1 ;; |
| |
| # -d | --docker - The init specified docker |
| -d | --docker ) |
| shift 1 ; |
| DOCKER=$1; |
| shift 1 ;; |
| # -sim | --simulator run the simulator |
| -sim | --simulator ) |
| shift 1 ;; |
| # -sim | --simulator run the simulator |
| -u | --fe_url ) |
| shift 1 ; |
| FE_URL=$1; |
| shift 1 ;; |
| # -dcae | --dcae - Use this to deploy DCAE upon SDC |
| -dcae | --dcae ) |
| shift 1 ; |
| DCAE_ENABLE='True';; |
| |
| # -h | --help - Display the help message with all the available run options |
| -h | --help ) |
| usage; |
| exit ${SUCCESS};; |
| |
| * ) |
| usage; |
| exit ${FAILURE};; |
| esac |
| done |
| |
| |
| #Prefix those with WORKSPACE so it can be set to something other than /opt |
| [ -f ${WORKSPACE}/opt/config/env_name.txt ] && DEP_ENV=$(cat ${WORKSPACE}/opt/config/env_name.txt) || echo ${DEP_ENV} |
| [ -f ${WORKSPACE}/opt/config/nexus_username.txt ] && NEXUS_USERNAME=$(cat ${WORKSPACE}/opt/config/nexus_username.txt) || NEXUS_USERNAME=release |
| [ -f ${WORKSPACE}/opt/config/nexus_password.txt ] && NEXUS_PASSWD=$(cat ${WORKSPACE}/opt/config/nexus_password.txt) || NEXUS_PASSWD=sfWU3DFVdBr7GVxB85mTYgAW |
| [ -f ${WORKSPACE}/opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt ] && NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO=$(cat ${WORKSPACE}/opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt) || NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO=nexus3.onap.org:${PORT} |
| [ -f ${WORKSPACE}/opt/config/nexus_username.txt ] && docker login -u $NEXUS_USERNAME -p $NEXUS_PASSWD $NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO |
| |
| |
| export IP=`ip route get | awk '/src/{ print $7 }'` |
| #If OSX, then use this to get IP |
| if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then |
| export IP=$(ipconfig getifaddr en0) |
| fi |
| export PREFIX=${NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO}'/onap' |
| |
| if [ ${LOCAL} = true ]; then |
| PREFIX='onap' |
| fi |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| if [ -z "${DOCKER}" ]; then |
| cleanup all |
| dir_perms |
| sdc-es |
| sdc-init-es |
| sdc-cs |
| sdc-cs-init |
| # sdc-kbn |
| sdc-cs-onboard-init |
| sdc-onboard-BE |
| sdc-BE |
| sdc-BE-init |
| sdc-FE |
| dcae-be |
| dcae-tools |
| dcae-fe |
| healthCheck |
| sdc-sim |
| sdc-api-tests |
| sdc-ui-tests |
| else |
| cleanup ${DOCKER} |
| dir_perms |
| ${DOCKER} |
| healthCheck |
| fi |