Feature: Tenant Isolation Feature | |
#Get individual external AT&T Certificate API | |
Scenario Outline: Create operational Envrionment | |
Given AAI returns <retcode> and aai_body contains <tenant> and <workload> | |
When The Number Of Operational Envrinoments that created is <numberOfEnvs> and Records are added with data <recordData> | |
Then The Number Of Environment is <numberOfEnvs> with status <recordStatus> | |
#Verify Succesfull A&AI Call | |
And Operational Environment record contains tenant field <isTenantExist> | |
And Operational Environment record contains workload field <isWorkloadtExist> | |
#Verify Succesfull DME Call | |
And Operational Environment record contains UEB Address field <isUebAddressExist> | |
Examples: | |
| retcode | tenant | workload | recordData | numberOfEnvs | recordStatus | isTenantExist | isWorkloadtExist | isUebAddressExist | | |
| 200 | Test | VNF_Development | {"status": "failed", "last_modified_delta": 0} | 1 | completed | true | true | true | | |
Scenario Outline: Distribute To Operational Environment | |
Given ASDC Address is | |
And The number of complete environments is <numberOfEnvs> | |
#Start SImulator for each envrionment | |
And The number of artifacts each Simulator downloads from a service is <numberOfArtifactsDownloaded> | |
#5 (3 days) - run jar | |
And MSO-WD Simulators Started with topic name MSHITRIT-D2D | |
And ASDC Contains the following services <ListOfServicesUUID> | |
# (1.5 days) | |
And MSO Final Distribution Simulator is UP | |
#4 (Sends 75 request )(2 days) | |
When Distribution Requests are Sent By MSO | |
Then All MSO-WD Simulators Sent The Distribution Complete Notifications | |
And All Artifacts were downloaded by Simulators | |
#6 | |
And MSO Final Distribution Recieved Correct Number Of Request | |
Examples: | |
| numberOfEnvs | numberOfArtifactsDownloaded | ListOfServicesUUID | | |
#| 5 | 8 | 74e05aac-48d5-4642-8dc1-dc1ddeb5c0f5,fa86100a-409b-4310-835c-e401896181a5,8dbc41cc-2076-49c0-b95b-cb37b1539367,0c7eb2ac-06c0-41e1-b635-825037942e28,840123d1-b9d6-4036-8e94-471b268026bf,74331473-1eb0-4628-84b8-ab47948f7023, 3277af19-d152-4d94-a4d0-44ad6f226b52, e553c12b-b67b-4d66-a6a9-8676d5e0becf, f648052e-3207-4eb2-9336-29f2fe9df618, 535c6ad3-ad2b-429f-ab9b-b654cf647c86,611c764d-8862-4f09-a8e0-1622f8d97ce9, b5df0774-2445-4daf-b893-61c014652145, 01481626-b58a-49b5-ba1e-74eb8508ed15, 9e17345a-d11d-4219-b4e3-e86cfdb51d07, 5ff40fbc-f4e9-45f1-85de-0a04b8a5d60c | | |
| 2 | 2 | 74e05aac-48d5-4642-8dc1-dc1ddeb5c0f5,fa86100a-409b-4310-835c-e401896181a5 | |