blob: 31c47461501f16d93e9592f1ccb140fb8c445451 [file] [log] [blame]
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
interface HostParams {
readonly userId: string;
readonly contextType: string;
readonly vfcmtUuid: string;
readonly lifecycleState: string;
readonly isOwner: string;
export class HostService {
/* Public Members */
public static getParams(): HostParams {
return this.getQueryParamsObj(window.location.hash) as HostParams;
public static disableLoader(): void {
this.postMessage('READY', null);
/* Private Methods */
private static postMessage(eventName: string, data: string): void {
type: eventName,
data: data
private static getQueryParamsObj(query: string): object {
return query
.substring(7) // removes '?' that always appears as prefix to the query-string
.split('&') // splits query-string to "key=value" strings
.map(p => p.split('=')) // splits each "key=value" string to [key,value] array
.reduce((res, p) => {
// converts to a dictionary (object) of params
res[p[0]] = p[1];
return res;
}, {});