| #Author: Shu Shi |
| #emaiL: shushi@research.att.com |
| |
| |
| from toscalib.templates.database import ToscaDB |
| from toscalib.utils import tosca_operate, tosca_import, tosca_print, tosca_export |
| from toscalib.utils.tosca_import import import_context |
| from toscalib.templates.topology import ToscaTopology |
| from toscalib.utils.tosca_operate import _assign_property_value,\ |
| _assign_requirement_value, _assign_capability_property_value |
| import copy, logging |
| |
| |
| class ToscaWorkBook(object): |
| def __init__(self): |
| self.db = ToscaDB() |
| self.tran_db = ToscaDB() |
| self.template = ToscaTopology(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_NAME) |
| self.template.db = self.db |
| self.imported_files = [] |
| |
| def _reset(self): |
| self.template = ToscaTopology(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_NAME) |
| self.template.db = self.db |
| |
| |
| def _import(self, filename): |
| self.db = tosca_import._file_import(self.imported_files, filename, self.db) |
| |
| def _import_dir(self, dirname): |
| self.db = tosca_import._dir_import(self.imported_files, dirname, self.db) |
| |
| def _import_yml_str(self, content): |
| self.db = tosca_import._yaml_str_import(content, self.db) |
| |
| def _load_translation_db(self, dir_name, prefix=''): |
| self.tran_db = tosca_import._dir_import([], dir_name, self.tran_db) |
| |
| def _load_translation_library(self): |
| if self.tran_db is None or len(self.tran_db.TEMPLATES) < 1: |
| return |
| |
| for node_item in iter(self.template.node_dict.values()): |
| node_item.tran_template = None |
| for tran_temp in iter(self.tran_db.TEMPLATES.values()): |
| if hasattr(tran_temp,'sub_type') and tran_temp.sub_type == node_item.type: |
| node_item.tran_template = copy.deepcopy(tran_temp) |
| node_item.tran_template._update_used_tag_for_translation() |
| node_item.tran_template._verify_substitution(node_item) |
| node_item.tran_template._update_prefix(node_item.name + '_') |
| break |
| |
| def _use(self, type_name, node_name=None): |
| if type_name in self.db.NODE_TYPES.keys(): |
| return tosca_operate._create_new_node(self.template, type_name, node_name) |
| elif type_name in self.db.TEMPLATES.keys(): |
| return tosca_operate._create_new_template(self.template, type_name, node_name) |
| else: |
| logging.warning('Name: ' + type_name + ' is neither a type or a template. ') |
| return None |
| |
| def _assign(self, node_name, sub_name, value_1, value_2 = None): |
| # if self.template.node_dict.has_key(node_name) is False: |
| if node_name not in self.template.node_dict: |
| logging.warning('Unrecognized node name: ' + node_name) |
| return |
| node = self.template.node_dict[node_name] |
| if value_2 is not None: |
| # if node.capabilities.has_key(sub_name): |
| if sub_name in node.capabilities: |
| node_cap = node.capabilities[sub_name] |
| # if node_cap.properties.has_key(value_1): |
| if value_1 in node_cap.properties: |
| _assign_capability_property_value(node, sub_name, value_1, value_2) |
| else: |
| logging.warning( 'Unrecognized tag name: ' + value_1) |
| else: |
| logging('Unrecognized tag name: ' + sub_name) |
| # elif node.properties.has_key(sub_name): |
| elif sub_name in node.properties: |
| _assign_property_value(node, sub_name, value_1) |
| else: |
| req_found = False |
| for req in node.requirements: |
| if req.name == sub_name: |
| req_found = req |
| break |
| if req_found is False: |
| logging.warning( 'Unrecognized tag name: ' + sub_name) |
| return |
| |
| # if self.template.node_dict.has_key(value_1): |
| if value_1 in self.template.node_dict: |
| _assign_requirement_value(node, sub_name, self.template.node_dict[value_1]) |
| else: |
| logging.warning( 'Incorrect node name: ' + value_1 + ', a node name is needed to fulfill requirement') |
| return |
| |
| def _show_abstract(self): |
| return tosca_print._print_template(self.template, tosca_print.LEVEL_NODE_NAME) |
| |
| def _show_details(self): |
| return tosca_print._print_template(self.template, tosca_print.LEVEL_NODE_DETAILS) |
| |
| def _show_types(self): |
| return tosca_print._print_node_types(self.db) |
| |
| def _show_type(self, type_name): |
| if type_name in self.db.NODE_TYPES.keys(): |
| tosca_print._print_node_type(self.db.NODE_TYPES[type_name]) |
| else: |
| logging.warning( 'Node type: '+ type_name+ ' not found!') |
| |
| def _show_templates(self): |
| tosca_print._print_templates(self.db) |
| |
| def _show_template(self, temp_name): |
| if temp_name in self.db.TEMPLATES.keys(): |
| tosca_print._print_template(self.db.TEMPLATES[temp_name]) |
| else: |
| logging.warning( 'Template: '+ temp_name+ ' not found') |
| |
| def _translate_template_file(self, filename): |
| ctx = import_context() |
| self.db = tosca_import._single_template_file_import(filename, self.db, ctx) |
| temp_name = ctx.temp_name |
| |
| self._reset() |
| self.tran_db = self.db |
| self._use(temp_name, 'NO_PREFIX') |
| |
| def _translate_template_yaml_str(self, content): |
| ctx = import_context() |
| self.db = tosca_import._yaml_str_import(content, self.db, ctx) |
| temp_name = ctx.temp_name |
| |
| self._reset() |
| self.tran_db = self.db |
| self._use(temp_name, 'NO_PREFIX') |
| |
| def _add_shared_node(self, rel): |
| if rel is None or type(rel) is not list: |
| return |
| |
| # node_index = 0; |
| |
| for rel_entry in rel: |
| rel_name = list(rel_entry.keys())[0] |
| new_node_name = None |
| # temp_node_base= 'node_' |
| |
| while True: |
| ret_node = self._find_open_requirement(rel_name) |
| if ret_node is None: |
| break |
| if new_node_name == None: |
| # while True: |
| # temp_node_name = temp_node_base + str(node_index) |
| # if self.template.node_dict.has_key(temp_node_name): |
| # node_index += 1 |
| # continue |
| # else: |
| # break |
| if self._use(rel_entry[rel_name], 'NO_PREFIX') == None: |
| break |
| new_node_name = True |
| self._assign(ret_node[0], ret_node[1], rel_entry[rel_name]) |
| |
| def _find_open_requirement(self, cap_type): |
| for node in iter(self.template.node_dict.values()): |
| for req_item in node.requirements: |
| if req_item.filled is True: |
| continue |
| if req_item.req_capability == cap_type: |
| return [node.name, req_item.name] |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| def _export_generic(self, tags=''): |
| self.template._update_function_pointer() |
| self._load_translation_library() |
| # self.template._auto_generate_aux_inputs() |
| self.template._propagate_substitution_value() |
| self.template._update_translation_function_pointer() |
| |
| return self.template._prepare_output(tags) |
| |
| def _export_yaml(self, filename, tags='main,nodetype'): |
| return tosca_export._yaml_export(filename, self._export_generic(tags)) |
| |
| def _export_yaml_web(self, tags= 'main,nodetype'): |
| return tosca_export._yaml_export('WEB', self._export_generic(tags)) |
| |
| def _export_heat(self, filename): |
| tags ='heat,main' |
| return tosca_export._heat_export(filename, self._export_generic(tags)) |
| |
| def toJson(self): |
| return self.template.toJson() |
| |