| use catalogdb; |
| |
| insert into heat_template(artifact_uuid, name, version, description, body, timeout_minutes, artifact_checksum, creation_timestamp) values ('ff874603-4222-11e7-9252-005056850d2e', 'module_mns_zrdm3frwl01exn_01_rgvm_1.yml', '1', 'created from csar', 'heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: heat template that creates TEST VNF parameters: TEST_server_name: type: string label: TEST server name description: TEST server name TEST_image_name: type: string label: image name description: TEST image name TEST_flavor_name: type: string label: TEST flavor name description: flavor name of TEST instance TEST_Role_net_name: type: string label: TEST network name description: TEST network name TEST_vnf_id: type: string label: TEST VNF Id description: TEST VNF Id resources:TEST: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: TEST_server_name } image: { get_param: TEST_image_name } flavor: { get_param: TEST_flavor_name } networks: - port: { get_resource: TEST_port_0} metadata: vnf_id: {get_param: TEST_vnf_id} TEST_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: TEST_Role_net_name }', '60', 'MANUAL RECORD', '2017-01-21 23:26:56'); |
| |
| insert into temp_network_heat_template_lookup(network_resource_model_name, heat_template_artifact_uuid, aic_version_min, aic_version_max) values |
| ('CONTRAIL30_GNDIRECT', 'ff874603-4222-11e7-9252-005056850d2e', '3', '3'), |
| ('MSO_Example', 'ff874603-4222-11e7-9252-005056850d2e', '3', '3'), |
| ('ExtVL', 'ff874603-4222-11e7-9252-005056850d2e', '3', '3'), |
| ('AIC30_CONTRAIL_BASIC', 'ff874603-4222-11e7-9252-005056850d2e', '3', '3'), |
| ('CONTRAIL30_BASIC', 'ff874603-4222-11e7-9252-005056850d2e', '3', '3'); |
| |
| insert into network_resource(model_uuid, model_name, model_invariant_uuid, description, heat_template_artifact_uuid, neutron_network_type, model_version, tosca_node_type, aic_version_min, aic_version_max, orchestration_mode, creation_timestamp) values |
| ('10b36f65-f4e6-4be6-ae49-9596dc1c47fc', 'CONTRAIL30_GNDIRECT', 'ce4ff476-9641-4e60-b4d5-b4abbec1271d', 'Contrail 30 GNDIRECT NW', 'ff874603-4222-11e7-9252-005056850d2e', 'BASIC', '1.0', '', '3.0', '', 'HEAT', '2017-01-17 20:35:05'); |
| |
| insert into network_resource_customization(model_customization_uuid, model_instance_name, network_technology, network_type, network_role, network_scope, creation_timestamp, network_resource_model_uuid) values |
| ('3bdbb104-476c-483e-9f8b-c095b3d308ac', 'CONTRAIL30_GNDIRECT 9', '', '', '', '', '2017-04-19 14:28:32', '10b36f65-f4e6-4be6-ae49-9596dc1c47fc'); |
| |
| |
| |
| ('TENANT_OAM_NETWORK', 'ff874603-4222-11e7-9252-005056850d2e', '3.0', NULL); |
| ('SRIOV_PROVIDER_NETWORK', 'ff874603-4222-11e7-9252-005056850d2e', '3.0', NULL); |
| ('Generic NeutronNet', 'ff874603-4222-11e7-9252-005056850d2e', '3.0', NULL); |
| |
| insert into vnf_resource(orchestration_mode, description, creation_timestamp, model_uuid, aic_version_min, aic_version_max, model_invariant_uuid, model_version, model_name, tosca_node_type, heat_template_artifact_uuid) values |
| ('HEAT', '1607 vSAMP10a - inherent network', '2017-04-14 21:46:28', 'ff2ae348-214a-11e7-93ae-92361f002671', '', '', '2fff5b20-214b-11e7-93ae-92361f002671', '1.0', 'vSAMP10a', 'VF', null); |
| |
| insert into workflow(artifact_uuid, artifact_name, name, operation_name, version, description, body, resource_target, source) values |
| ('5b0c4322-643d-4c9f-b184-4516049e99b1', 'testingWorkflow.bpmn', 'testingWorkflow', 'create', 1, 'Test Workflow', null, 'vnf', 'sdc'); |
| |
| insert into vnf_resource_to_workflow(vnf_resource_model_uuid, workflow_id) values |
| ('ff2ae348-214a-11e7-93ae-92361f002671', '1'); |
| |
| insert into activity_spec(name, description, version) values |
| ('testActivity1', 'Test Activity 1', 1.0); |
| |
| insert into workflow_activity_spec_sequence(workflow_id, activity_spec_id, seq_no) values |
| (1, 1, 1); |
| |
| ('VNFSetInMaintFlagActivity','Activity to Set InMaint Flag in A&AI',1.0), |
| ('VNFCheckPserversLockedFlagActivity','Activity Check Pservers Locked Flag VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFCheckInMaintFlagActivity','Activity CheckIn Maint Flag on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFCheckClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity','Activity Check Closed Loop Disabled Flag on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFSetClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity','Activity Set Closed Loop Disabled Flag on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFUnsetClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity','Activity Unset Closed Loop Disabled Flag on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFLockActivity','Activity Lock on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFUnlockActivity','Activity UnLock on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFStopActivity','Activity Stop on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFStartActivity','Activity Start on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFSnapShotActivity','Activity Snap Shot on VNF',1.0), |
| ('FlowCompleteActivity','Activity Complete on VNF',1.0), |
| ('PauseForManualTaskActivity','Activity Pause For Manual Task on VNF',1.0), |
| ('DistributeTrafficActivity','Activity Distribute Traffic on VNF',1.0), |
| ('DistributeTrafficCheckActivity','Activity Distribute Traffic Check on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFHealthCheckActivity','Activity Health Check on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFQuiesceTrafficActivity','Activity Quiesce Traffic on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFResumeTrafficActivity','Activity Resume Traffic on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFUnsetInMaintFlagActivity','Activity Unset InMaint Flag on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFUpgradeBackupActivity','Activity Upgrade Backup on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFUpgradePostCheckActivity','Activity Upgrade Post Check on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFUpgradePreCheckActivity','Activity Upgrade PreCheck on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VNFUpgradeSoftwareActivity','Activity UpgradeS oftware on VNF',1.0), |
| ('VnfInPlaceSoftwareUpdate','Activity InPlace Software Update on VNF',1.0); |
| |
| INSERT INTO activity_spec_categories (NAME) |
| VALUES ('VNF'); |
| |
| INSERT INTO activity_spec_to_activity_spec_categories(ACTIVITY_SPEC_ID, ACTIVITY_SPEC_CATEGORIES_ID) |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFSetInMaintFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFCheckPserversLockedFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFCheckInMaintFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFCheckClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFSetClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUnsetClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFLockActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUnlockActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFStopActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFStartActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFSnapShotActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='FlowCompleteActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='PauseForManualTaskActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='DistributeTrafficActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='DistributeTrafficCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFHealthCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFQuiesceTrafficActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFResumeTrafficActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUnsetInMaintFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradeBackupActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradePostCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradePreCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradeSoftwareActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VnfInPlaceSoftwareUpdate' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_categories where NAME='VNF')); |
| |
| INSERT INTO activity_spec_parameters (NAME, TYPE, DIRECTION, DESCRIPTION) |
| VALUES('WorkflowException','WorkflowException','output','Description'); |
| |
| INSERT INTO activity_spec_to_activity_spec_parameters( ACTIVITY_SPEC_ID, ACTIVITY_SPEC_PARAMETERS_ID) |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFSetInMaintFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFCheckPserversLockedFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFCheckInMaintFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFCheckClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFSetClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUnsetClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFLockActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUnlockActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFStopActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFStartActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFSnapShotActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='FlowCompleteActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='PauseForManualTaskActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='DistributeTrafficActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='DistributeTrafficCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFHealthCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFQuiesceTrafficActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFResumeTrafficActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUnsetInMaintFlagActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradeBackupActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradePostCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradePreCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradeSoftwareActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from activity_spec_parameters where NAME='WorkflowException' and DIRECTION='output')); |
| |
| ('cloudOwner','cloudConfiguration','Cloud Owner','text','',1,7,''), |
| ('operations_timeout','userParams','Operations Timeout','text','',1,50,''), |
| ('existing_software_version','userParams','Existing Software Version','text','',1,50,''), |
| ('tenantId','cloudConfiguration','Tenant/Project ID','text','',1,36,''), |
| ('new_software_version','userParams','New Software Version','text','',1,50,''), |
| ('lcpCloudRegionId','cloudConfiguration','Cloud Region ID','text','',1,7,''); |
| |
| INSERT INTO `activity_spec_to_user_parameters`(`ACTIVITY_SPEC_ID`,`USER_PARAMETERS_ID`) |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFStopActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='lcpCloudRegionId')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFStopActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='tenantId')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFStartActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='lcpCloudRegionId')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFStartActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='tenantId')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFSnapShotActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='lcpCloudRegionId')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFSnapShotActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='tenantId')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFQuiesceTrafficActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='operations_timeout')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradeBackupActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='existing_software_version')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradeBackupActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='new_software_version')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradePostCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='existing_software_version')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradePostCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='new_software_version')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradePreCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='existing_software_version')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradePreCheckActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='new_software_version')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradeSoftwareActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='existing_software_version')), |
| ((select ID from activity_spec where NAME='VNFUpgradeSoftwareActivity' and VERSION=1.0), |
| (select ID from user_parameters where NAME='new_software_version')); |
| |
| |
| --------START Request DB INSERTS -------- |
| insert into requestdb.watchdog_distributionid_status(DISTRIBUTION_ID, DISTRIBUTION_ID_STATUS,LOCK_VERSION) values |
| ('watchdogTestStatusSuccess', 'SUCCESS',0), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusFailure', 'FAILURE',0), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusTimeout', 'TIMEOUT',0), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusIncomplete', 'INCOMPLETE',0), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusException', 'EXCEPTION',0), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusNull', 'NULL',0), |
| ('testStatusSuccessTosca', 'SUCCESS',0), |
| ('testStatusFailureTosca', 'FAILURE',0), |
| ('testStatusTimeoutTosca', 'TIMEOUT',0), |
| ('testStatusIncompleteTosca', 'INCOMPLETE',0), |
| ('testStatusExceptionTosca', 'EXCEPTION',0), |
| ('testStatusNullTosca', 'NULL',0); |
| |
| --WatchdogDistrubutionTest |
| insert into requestdb.watchdog_per_component_distribution_status(DISTRIBUTION_ID, COMPONENT_NAME, COMPONENT_DISTRIBUTION_STATUS) values |
| ('watchdogTestStatusSuccess', 'SO', 'COMPONENT_DONE_OK'), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusSuccess', 'AAI', 'COMPONENT_DONE_OK'), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusSuccess', 'SDNC', 'COMPONENT_DONE_OK'), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusFailure', 'SO', 'COMPONENT_DONE_ERROR'), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusFailure', 'AAI', 'COMPONENT_DONE_ERROR'), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusFailure', 'SDNC', 'COMPONENT_DONE_ERROR'), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusException', 'SO', 'COMPONENT_MALFORMED'), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusException', 'AAI', 'COMPONENT_MALFORMED'), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusException', 'SDNC', 'COMPONENT_MALFORMED'), |
| ('testStatusSuccessTosca', 'SO', 'COMPONENT_DONE_OK'), |
| ('testStatusSuccessTosca', 'AAI', 'COMPONENT_DONE_OK'), |
| ('testStatusSuccessTosca', 'SDNC', 'COMPONENT_DONE_OK'), |
| ('testStatusFailureTosca', 'SO', 'COMPONENT_DONE_ERROR'), |
| ('testStatusFailureTosca', 'AAI', 'COMPONENT_DONE_ERROR'), |
| ('testStatusFailureTosca', 'SDNC', 'COMPONENT_DONE_ERROR'), |
| ('testStatusExceptionTosca', 'SO', 'COMPONENT_MALFORMED'), |
| ('testStatusExceptionTosca', 'AAI', 'COMPONENT_MALFORMED'), |
| ('testStatusExceptionTosca', 'SDNC', 'COMPONENT_MALFORMED'); |
| |
| insert into requestdb.watchdog_service_mod_ver_id_lookup(DISTRIBUTION_ID, SERVICE_MODEL_VERSION_ID, DISTRIBUTION_NOTIFICATION, CONSUMER_ID) values |
| ('watchdogTestStatusSuccess', '5df8b6de-2083-11e7-93ae-92361f002671', NULL, NULL), |
| ('watchdogTestStatusNull', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', NULL, NULL); |