blob: 0960eb9dbe9aa23830455bfbd136359ecf35ae42 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>This Maven project is responsible to build and package all child projects - contributions in the MSO project.
This build can be configured to run Functional tests and to start/stop a jboss server + Mysql DB.
"mvn clean install -P with-integration-tests -Dintegration-tests-user=root -Dintegration-tests-group=root -Dintegration-tests-db-type=MYSQL"
<name>ONAP - SO</name>
<!--sonar.jacoco.itReportPath>${project.mso.base.folder}/packages/arquillian-unit-tests/target/mso-automated-tests/jacoco-it.exec</sonar.jacoco.itReportPath -->
<!-- configure build -->
<!-- *********************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- Plugins and repositories -->
<!-- TODO: remove from ONAP environemnt -->
<!-- TODO: remove from ONAP environemnt -->
<!-- *********************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- Build -->
<version>2.8</version> <!-- This version supports the "deployAtEnd" parameter -->
<projectName>ONAP - SO</projectName>
<dockerHost>${docker.newHost}</dockerHost> <!-- 1. Update address to your local docker VM. 2. Add IP to your NO_PROXY
environment variable -->
<certPath>${}</certPath><!-- Add"path
to your local certs directory" to maven build command -->
<pushRegistry>${dockerPushRepo}</pushRegistry> <!-- Update .m2/settings.xml Add server id settings.dockerRepository, username,
and password -->
<pullRegistry>${dockerPullRepo}</pullRegistry> <!-- If docker repo is not public. Update .m2/settings.xml Add server id
settings.dockerRepository, username, and password -->
<includes>*,scripts/**,certs/**, logger/*.xml</includes>
<!-- *********************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- Dependencies -->
<!-- -->
<!-- force use of version 4.5 everywhere in transient deps, aligned on
WildFly 10 version -->