| # will be used as entry in DB to say SITE OFF/ON for healthcheck |
| # MSO Properties go here |
| |
| server: |
| port: 8080 |
| tomcat: |
| max-threads: 50 |
| |
| mso: |
| logPath: ./logs/openstack |
| site-name: localDevEnv |
| async: |
| core-pool-size: 50 |
| max-pool-size: 50 |
| queue-capacity: 500 |
| |
| # CatalogDB |
| spring: |
| datasource: |
| url: jdbc:mariadb://${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/catalogdb |
| username: ${DB_USERNAME} |
| password: ${DB_PASSWORD} |
| driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver |
| dbcp2: |
| initial-size: 5 |
| max-total: 20 |
| validation-query: select 1 |
| test-on-borrow: true |
| jpa: |
| show-sql: true |
| hibernate: |
| dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect |
| ddl-auto: validate |
| naming-strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy |
| enable-lazy-load-no-trans: true |
| |
| |
| #Actuator |
| management: |
| context-path: /manage |
| |
| flyway: |
| outOfOrder: true |
| ignoreMissingMigrations: true |
| baseline-on-migrate: true |
| validate-on-migrate: false |