| .PHONY: release install files test docs prepare publish |
| |
| all: |
| @echo "make release - prepares a release and publishes it" |
| @echo "make dev - prepares a development environment" |
| @echo "make install - install on local system" |
| @echo "make files - update changelog and todo files" |
| @echo "make test - run tox" |
| @echo "make docs - build docs" |
| @echo "prepare - prepare module for release (CURRENTLY IRRELEVANT)" |
| @echo "make publish - upload to pypi" |
| |
| release: test docs publish |
| |
| dev: |
| pip install -rdev-requirements.txt |
| python setup.py develop |
| |
| install: |
| python setup.py install |
| |
| files: |
| grep '# TODO' -rn * --exclude-dir=docs --exclude-dir=build --exclude=TODO.md | sed 's/: \+#/: # /g;s/:#/: # /g' | sed -e 's/^/- /' | grep -v Makefile > TODO.md |
| git log --oneline --decorate --color > CHANGELOG |
| |
| test: |
| pip install tox |
| tox |
| |
| docs: |
| pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme |
| cd docs && make html |
| pandoc README.md -f markdown -t rst -s -o README.rst |
| |
| prepare: |
| python scripts/make-release.py |
| |
| publish: |
| python setup.py sdist upload |