hetengjiao | 8f96d95 | 2020-03-04 10:46:04 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| 2 | <bpmn:definitions xmlns:bpmn="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL" xmlns:bpmndi="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/DI" xmlns:dc="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DC" xmlns:camunda="http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn" xmlns:di="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DI" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" id="Definitions_13dsy4w" targetNamespace="http://bpmn.io/schema/bpmn" exporter="Camunda Modeler" exporterVersion="3.4.1"> |
| 3 | <bpmn:error id="Error_0l3pcnc" name="MSOWorkflowException" errorCode="MSOWorkflowException" /> |
| 4 | <bpmn:error id="Error_1eyu7sx" name="MSOWorkflowException" errorCode="MSOWorkflowException" /> |
| 5 | <bpmn:collaboration id="Collaboration_0htncd8"> |
| 6 | <bpmn:participant id="ActivateSliceService01" name="ActivateSliceService" processRef="ActivateSliceService" /> |
| 7 | </bpmn:collaboration> |
| 8 | <bpmn:process id="ActivateSliceService" name="ActivateSliceService" isExecutable="true"> |
| 9 | <bpmn:scriptTask id="Task_1vscxgp" name="Update the status of SNSSAI and NSI and NSSI" scriptFormat="groovy"> |
| 10 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_1jp9gjt</bpmn:incoming> |
| 11 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_1gkpl5q</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 12 | <bpmn:script>import org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts.* |
| 13 | def csi= new ActivateSliceService() |
| 14 | csi.updateStatusSNSSAIandNSIandNSSI(execution)</bpmn:script> |
| 15 | </bpmn:scriptTask> |
| 16 | <bpmn:scriptTask id="ScriptTask_0cbth6k" name="Prepare Completion Request" scriptFormat="groovy"> |
| 17 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_1gkpl5q</bpmn:incoming> |
| 18 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_0pzts4p</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 19 | <bpmn:script>import org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts.* |
| 20 | def csi = new ActivateSliceService() |
| 21 | csi.prepareCompletionRequest(execution)</bpmn:script> |
| 22 | </bpmn:scriptTask> |
| 23 | <bpmn:serviceTask id="ServiceTask_1aymwlt" name="Update Service Operation Status to Success"> |
| 24 | <bpmn:extensionElements> |
| 25 | <camunda:connector> |
| 26 | <camunda:inputOutput> |
| 27 | <camunda:inputParameter name="url">${dbAdapterEndpoint}</camunda:inputParameter> |
| 28 | <camunda:inputParameter name="headers"> |
| 29 | <camunda:map> |
| 30 | <camunda:entry key="content-type">application/soap+xml</camunda:entry> |
| 31 | <camunda:entry key="Authorization">${UrnPropertiesReader.getVariable("mso.adapters.requestDb.auth", execution)}</camunda:entry> |
| 32 | </camunda:map> |
| 33 | </camunda:inputParameter> |
| 34 | <camunda:inputParameter name="payload">${updateOperationStatus}</camunda:inputParameter> |
| 35 | <camunda:inputParameter name="method">POST</camunda:inputParameter> |
| 36 | <camunda:outputParameter name="CVFMI_dbResponseCode">${statusCode}</camunda:outputParameter> |
| 37 | <camunda:outputParameter name="CVFMI_dbResponse">${response}</camunda:outputParameter> |
| 38 | </camunda:inputOutput> |
| 39 | <camunda:connectorId>http-connector</camunda:connectorId> |
| 40 | </camunda:connector> |
| 41 | </bpmn:extensionElements> |
| 42 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_0pzts4p</bpmn:incoming> |
| 43 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_0ozefu5</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 44 | </bpmn:serviceTask> |
| 45 | <bpmn:endEvent id="EndEvent_0d1g3mv"> |
| 46 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_0r611x8</bpmn:incoming> |
| 47 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_0ozefu5</bpmn:incoming> |
| 48 | </bpmn:endEvent> |
| 49 | <bpmn:endEvent id="EndEvent_1pujgw8"> |
| 50 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_1qa8miv</bpmn:incoming> |
| 51 | <bpmn:errorEventDefinition id="ErrorEventDefinition_17jklyl" errorRef="Error_1eyu7sx" /> |
| 52 | </bpmn:endEvent> |
| 53 | <bpmn:exclusiveGateway id="ExclusiveGateway_0z7s0nx" name="IsSuccessfull"> |
| 54 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_00ba5l9</bpmn:incoming> |
| 55 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_1jp9gjt</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 56 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_1qa8miv</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 57 | </bpmn:exclusiveGateway> |
| 58 | <bpmn:callActivity id="CallActivity_1cvb0iq" name="Send command NSSMF" calledElement="DoSendCommandToNSSMF"> |
| 59 | <bpmn:extensionElements> |
| 60 | <camunda:in source="nssiMap" target="nssiMap" /> |
| 61 | <camunda:in source="operationType" target="operationType" /> |
| 62 | <camunda:in source="NSIserviceid" target="NSIserviceid" /> |
| 63 | <camunda:out source="WorkflowException" target="WorkflowException" /> |
| 64 | <camunda:out source="isNSSIActivate" target="isNSSIActivate" /> |
| 65 | <camunda:in source="snssai" target="snssai" /> |
| 66 | <camunda:in source="e2eserviceInstanceId" target="e2eserviceInstanceId" /> |
| 67 | <camunda:in source="msoRequestId" target="msoRequestId" /> |
| 68 | <camunda:in source="activationCount" target="activationCount" /> |
| 69 | <camunda:in source="serviceInstanceId" target="serviceInstanceId" /> |
| 70 | </bpmn:extensionElements> |
| 71 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_1o4zjvp</bpmn:incoming> |
| 72 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_00ba5l9</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 73 | </bpmn:callActivity> |
| 74 | <bpmn:scriptTask id="ScriptTask_04p0zjj" name="Send Sync Ack Response" scriptFormat="groovy"> |
| 75 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_1yus0c1</bpmn:incoming> |
| 76 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_1uqgdxr</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 77 | <bpmn:script>import org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts.* |
| 78 | def csi = new ActivateSliceService() |
| 79 | csi.sendSyncResponse(execution)</bpmn:script> |
| 80 | </bpmn:scriptTask> |
| 81 | <bpmn:scriptTask id="Task_1o8fe1v" name="check AAI Orch Status of slice" scriptFormat="groovy"> |
| 82 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_1uqgdxr</bpmn:incoming> |
| 83 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_149lhmo</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 84 | <bpmn:script>import org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts.* |
| 85 | def csi= new ActivateSliceService() |
| 86 | csi.checkAAIOrchStatusofslice(execution)</bpmn:script> |
| 87 | </bpmn:scriptTask> |
| 88 | <bpmn:exclusiveGateway id="ExclusiveGateway_0fcc3uy" name="Success?"> |
| 89 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_149lhmo</bpmn:incoming> |
| 90 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_15fdf5d</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 91 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_0r611x8</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 92 | </bpmn:exclusiveGateway> |
| 93 | <bpmn:scriptTask id="Task_08zavab" name="PrepareActiviation" scriptFormat="groovy"> |
| 94 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_15fdf5d</bpmn:incoming> |
| 95 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_144cqr9</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 96 | <bpmn:script>import org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts.* |
| 97 | def csi= new ActivateSliceService() |
| 98 | csi.prepareActivation(execution)</bpmn:script> |
| 99 | </bpmn:scriptTask> |
| 100 | <bpmn:serviceTask id="Task_18urz3r" name="Update Service Operation Status"> |
| 101 | <bpmn:extensionElements> |
| 102 | <camunda:connector> |
| 103 | <camunda:inputOutput> |
| 104 | <camunda:inputParameter name="url">${dbAdapterEndpoint}</camunda:inputParameter> |
| 105 | <camunda:inputParameter name="headers"> |
| 106 | <camunda:map> |
| 107 | <camunda:entry key="content-type">application/soap+xml</camunda:entry> |
| 108 | <camunda:entry key="Authorization">Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk</camunda:entry> |
| 109 | </camunda:map> |
| 110 | </camunda:inputParameter> |
| 111 | <camunda:inputParameter name="payload">${updateOperationStatus}</camunda:inputParameter> |
| 112 | <camunda:inputParameter name="method">POST</camunda:inputParameter> |
| 113 | <camunda:outputParameter name="CVFMI_dbResponseCode">${statusCode}</camunda:outputParameter> |
| 114 | <camunda:outputParameter name="CVFMI_dbResponse">${response}</camunda:outputParameter> |
| 115 | </camunda:inputOutput> |
| 116 | <camunda:connectorId>http-connector</camunda:connectorId> |
| 117 | </camunda:connector> |
| 118 | </bpmn:extensionElements> |
| 119 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_1av6du3</bpmn:incoming> |
| 120 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_1yus0c1</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 121 | </bpmn:serviceTask> |
| 122 | <bpmn:scriptTask id="Task_1ossedo" name="Pre Process Incoming Request" scriptFormat="groovy"> |
| 123 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_0qksr1g</bpmn:incoming> |
| 124 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_183ypky</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 125 | <bpmn:script>import org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts.* |
| 126 | def csi= new ActivateSliceService() |
| 127 | csi.preProcessRequest(execution)</bpmn:script> |
| 128 | </bpmn:scriptTask> |
| 129 | <bpmn:exclusiveGateway id="ExclusiveGateway_1g8cg9g" name="Any NSSI to activate?"> |
| 130 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_144cqr9</bpmn:incoming> |
| 131 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_1o4zjvp</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 132 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_1pj1j1o</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 133 | </bpmn:exclusiveGateway> |
| 134 | <bpmn:startEvent id="StartEvent_1"> |
| 135 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_0qksr1g</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 136 | </bpmn:startEvent> |
| 137 | <bpmn:endEvent id="EndEvent_1taw2p9"> |
| 138 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_1pj1j1o</bpmn:incoming> |
| 139 | <bpmn:errorEventDefinition id="ErrorEventDefinition_03iwehr" errorRef="Error_0l3pcnc" /> |
| 140 | </bpmn:endEvent> |
| 141 | <bpmn:scriptTask id="Task_13zoo6a" name="Init Service Operation Status" scriptFormat="groovy"> |
| 142 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_183ypky</bpmn:incoming> |
| 143 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_1av6du3</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 144 | <bpmn:script>import org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts.* |
| 145 | def csi= new ActivateSliceService() |
| 146 | csi.prepareInitServiceOperationStatus(execution)</bpmn:script> |
| 147 | </bpmn:scriptTask> |
| 148 | <bpmn:subProcess id="SubProcess_0iljxjd" name="sub process for fallouthandler and rollback" triggeredByEvent="true"> |
| 149 | <bpmn:scriptTask id="Task_01ooik6" name="Send Error Response"> |
| 150 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_0oiiwjo</bpmn:incoming> |
| 151 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_0uckyao</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 152 | <bpmn:script>import org.onap.so.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts.* |
| 153 | def csi= new ActivateSliceService() |
| 154 | csi.sendSyncError(execution)</bpmn:script> |
| 155 | </bpmn:scriptTask> |
| 156 | <bpmn:endEvent id="EndEvent_1wd8iqk"> |
| 157 | <bpmn:incoming>SequenceFlow_0uckyao</bpmn:incoming> |
| 158 | </bpmn:endEvent> |
| 159 | <bpmn:startEvent id="StartEvent_0hmwdqq"> |
| 160 | <bpmn:outgoing>SequenceFlow_0oiiwjo</bpmn:outgoing> |
| 161 | <bpmn:errorEventDefinition id="ErrorEventDefinition_1il80ww" /> |
| 162 | </bpmn:startEvent> |
| 163 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0oiiwjo" sourceRef="StartEvent_0hmwdqq" targetRef="Task_01ooik6" /> |
| 164 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0uckyao" sourceRef="Task_01ooik6" targetRef="EndEvent_1wd8iqk" /> |
| 165 | </bpmn:subProcess> |
| 166 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_1av6du3" sourceRef="Task_13zoo6a" targetRef="Task_18urz3r" /> |
| 167 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_1pj1j1o" name="no" sourceRef="ExclusiveGateway_1g8cg9g" targetRef="EndEvent_1taw2p9"> |
| 168 | <bpmn:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">#{execution.getVariable("isNSSIActivate") == "false"}</bpmn:conditionExpression> |
| 169 | </bpmn:sequenceFlow> |
| 170 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0r611x8" name="NO" sourceRef="ExclusiveGateway_0fcc3uy" targetRef="EndEvent_0d1g3mv"> |
| 171 | <bpmn:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">#{execution.getVariable("isContinue") == "false"}</bpmn:conditionExpression> |
| 172 | </bpmn:sequenceFlow> |
| 173 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_1qa8miv" name="no" sourceRef="ExclusiveGateway_0z7s0nx" targetRef="EndEvent_1pujgw8"> |
| 174 | <bpmn:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">#{execution.getVariable("isNSSIActivate") == "false"}</bpmn:conditionExpression> |
| 175 | </bpmn:sequenceFlow> |
| 176 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_1jp9gjt" name="yes" sourceRef="ExclusiveGateway_0z7s0nx" targetRef="Task_1vscxgp"> |
| 177 | <bpmn:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">#{execution.getVariable("isNSSIActivate") == "true"}</bpmn:conditionExpression> |
| 178 | </bpmn:sequenceFlow> |
| 179 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_00ba5l9" sourceRef="CallActivity_1cvb0iq" targetRef="ExclusiveGateway_0z7s0nx" /> |
| 180 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_1uqgdxr" sourceRef="ScriptTask_04p0zjj" targetRef="Task_1o8fe1v" /> |
| 181 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0qksr1g" sourceRef="StartEvent_1" targetRef="Task_1ossedo" /> |
| 182 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_183ypky" sourceRef="Task_1ossedo" targetRef="Task_13zoo6a" /> |
| 183 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_1yus0c1" sourceRef="Task_18urz3r" targetRef="ScriptTask_04p0zjj" /> |
| 184 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_149lhmo" sourceRef="Task_1o8fe1v" targetRef="ExclusiveGateway_0fcc3uy" /> |
| 185 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_15fdf5d" name="yes" sourceRef="ExclusiveGateway_0fcc3uy" targetRef="Task_08zavab"> |
| 186 | <bpmn:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">#{execution.getVariable("isContinue") == "true"}</bpmn:conditionExpression> |
| 187 | </bpmn:sequenceFlow> |
| 188 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_144cqr9" sourceRef="Task_08zavab" targetRef="ExclusiveGateway_1g8cg9g" /> |
| 189 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_1o4zjvp" name="yes" sourceRef="ExclusiveGateway_1g8cg9g" targetRef="CallActivity_1cvb0iq"> |
| 190 | <bpmn:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">#{execution.getVariable("isNSSIActivate") == "true"}</bpmn:conditionExpression> |
| 191 | </bpmn:sequenceFlow> |
| 192 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_1gkpl5q" sourceRef="Task_1vscxgp" targetRef="ScriptTask_0cbth6k" /> |
| 193 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0pzts4p" sourceRef="ScriptTask_0cbth6k" targetRef="ServiceTask_1aymwlt" /> |
| 194 | <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0ozefu5" sourceRef="ServiceTask_1aymwlt" targetRef="EndEvent_0d1g3mv" /> |
| 195 | </bpmn:process> |
| 196 | <bpmn:error id="Error_0vq6f5h" name="Error_3ai5jm1" /> |
| 197 | <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="BPMNDiagram_1"> |
| 198 | <bpmndi:BPMNPlane id="BPMNPlane_1" bpmnElement="Collaboration_0htncd8"> |
| 199 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Participant_1x12pgg_di" bpmnElement="ActivateSliceService01" isHorizontal="true"> |
| 200 | <dc:Bounds x="160" y="120" width="2290" height="990" /> |
| 201 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 202 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="SubProcess_1qw5nm4_di" bpmnElement="SubProcess_0iljxjd" isExpanded="true"> |
| 203 | <dc:Bounds x="935" y="680" width="810" height="180" /> |
| 204 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 205 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ScriptTask_1azew71_di" bpmnElement="Task_01ooik6"> |
| 206 | <dc:Bounds x="1255" y="720" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 207 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 208 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="EndEvent_1wd8iqk_di" bpmnElement="EndEvent_1wd8iqk"> |
| 209 | <dc:Bounds x="1492" y="742" width="36" height="36" /> |
| 210 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 211 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="StartEvent_0hmwdqq_di" bpmnElement="StartEvent_0hmwdqq"> |
| 212 | <dc:Bounds x="1042" y="742" width="36" height="36" /> |
| 213 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 214 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_0oiiwjo_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_0oiiwjo"> |
| 215 | <di:waypoint x="1078" y="760" /> |
| 216 | <di:waypoint x="1255" y="760" /> |
| 217 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 218 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_0uckyao_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_0uckyao"> |
| 219 | <di:waypoint x="1355" y="760" /> |
| 220 | <di:waypoint x="1492" y="760" /> |
| 221 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 222 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ScriptTask_1lb7w6u_di" bpmnElement="Task_1vscxgp"> |
| 223 | <dc:Bounds x="1670" y="310" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 224 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 225 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="EndEvent_0d1g3mv_di" bpmnElement="EndEvent_0d1g3mv"> |
| 226 | <dc:Bounds x="2212" y="332" width="36" height="36" /> |
| 227 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 228 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="EndEvent_1pujgw8_di" bpmnElement="EndEvent_1pujgw8"> |
| 229 | <dc:Bounds x="1462" y="422" width="36" height="36" /> |
| 230 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 231 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ScriptTask_0cbth6k_di" bpmnElement="ScriptTask_0cbth6k"> |
| 232 | <dc:Bounds x="1860" y="310" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 233 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 234 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ExclusiveGateway_0z7s0nx_di" bpmnElement="ExclusiveGateway_0z7s0nx" isMarkerVisible="true"> |
| 235 | <dc:Bounds x="1455" y="325" width="50" height="50" /> |
| 236 | <bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 237 | <dc:Bounds x="1449" y="313" width="65" height="14" /> |
| 238 | </bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 239 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 240 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="CallActivity_1cvb0iq_di" bpmnElement="CallActivity_1cvb0iq"> |
| 241 | <dc:Bounds x="1290" y="310" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 242 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 243 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ScriptTask_04p0zjj_di" bpmnElement="ScriptTask_04p0zjj"> |
| 244 | <dc:Bounds x="695" y="310" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 245 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 246 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ScriptTask_1nsbn4r_di" bpmnElement="Task_1o8fe1v"> |
| 247 | <dc:Bounds x="850" y="310" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 248 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 249 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ExclusiveGateway_0fcc3uy_di" bpmnElement="ExclusiveGateway_0fcc3uy" isMarkerVisible="true"> |
| 250 | <dc:Bounds x="975" y="325" width="50" height="50" /> |
| 251 | <bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 252 | <dc:Bounds x="1006" y="315" width="49" height="14" /> |
| 253 | </bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 254 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 255 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ScriptTask_0g9vipz_di" bpmnElement="Task_08zavab"> |
| 256 | <dc:Bounds x="1060" y="310" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 257 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 258 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ServiceTask_1tv1ow6_di" bpmnElement="Task_18urz3r"> |
| 259 | <dc:Bounds x="540" y="310" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 260 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 261 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ScriptTask_0tam79l_di" bpmnElement="Task_1ossedo"> |
| 262 | <dc:Bounds x="290" y="310" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 263 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 264 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ExclusiveGateway_1g8cg9g_di" bpmnElement="ExclusiveGateway_1g8cg9g" isMarkerVisible="true"> |
| 265 | <dc:Bounds x="1195" y="325" width="50" height="50" /> |
| 266 | <bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 267 | <dc:Bounds x="1141" y="406" width="58" height="27" /> |
| 268 | </bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 269 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 270 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="_BPMNShape_StartEvent_2" bpmnElement="StartEvent_1"> |
| 271 | <dc:Bounds x="212" y="332" width="36" height="36" /> |
| 272 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 273 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_1o4zjvp_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_1o4zjvp"> |
| 274 | <di:waypoint x="1220" y="350" /> |
| 275 | <di:waypoint x="1290" y="350" /> |
| 276 | <bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 277 | <dc:Bounds x="1251" y="332" width="18" height="14" /> |
| 278 | </bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 279 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 280 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_144cqr9_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_144cqr9"> |
| 281 | <di:waypoint x="1160" y="350" /> |
| 282 | <di:waypoint x="1195" y="350" /> |
| 283 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 284 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_15fdf5d_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_15fdf5d"> |
| 285 | <di:waypoint x="1025" y="350" /> |
| 286 | <di:waypoint x="1060" y="350" /> |
| 287 | <bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 288 | <dc:Bounds x="1034" y="332" width="18" height="14" /> |
| 289 | </bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 290 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 291 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_149lhmo_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_149lhmo"> |
| 292 | <di:waypoint x="950" y="350" /> |
| 293 | <di:waypoint x="975" y="350" /> |
| 294 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 295 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_1yus0c1_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_1yus0c1"> |
| 296 | <di:waypoint x="640" y="350" /> |
| 297 | <di:waypoint x="695" y="350" /> |
| 298 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 299 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_183ypky_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_183ypky"> |
| 300 | <di:waypoint x="390" y="350" /> |
| 301 | <di:waypoint x="420" y="350" /> |
| 302 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 303 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_0qksr1g_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_0qksr1g"> |
| 304 | <di:waypoint x="248" y="350" /> |
| 305 | <di:waypoint x="290" y="350" /> |
| 306 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 307 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_1uqgdxr_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_1uqgdxr"> |
| 308 | <di:waypoint x="795" y="350" /> |
| 309 | <di:waypoint x="850" y="350" /> |
| 310 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 311 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_00ba5l9_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_00ba5l9"> |
| 312 | <di:waypoint x="1390" y="350" /> |
| 313 | <di:waypoint x="1455" y="350" /> |
| 314 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 315 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_1jp9gjt_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_1jp9gjt"> |
| 316 | <di:waypoint x="1505" y="350" /> |
| 317 | <di:waypoint x="1670" y="350" /> |
| 318 | <bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 319 | <dc:Bounds x="1596" y="332" width="18" height="14" /> |
| 320 | </bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 321 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 322 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_1qa8miv_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_1qa8miv"> |
| 323 | <di:waypoint x="1480" y="375" /> |
| 324 | <di:waypoint x="1480" y="422" /> |
| 325 | <bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 326 | <dc:Bounds x="1489" y="383" width="12" height="14" /> |
| 327 | </bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 328 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 329 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_0r611x8_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_0r611x8"> |
| 330 | <di:waypoint x="1000" y="375" /> |
| 331 | <di:waypoint x="1000" y="500" /> |
| 332 | <di:waypoint x="2230" y="500" /> |
| 333 | <di:waypoint x="2230" y="368" /> |
| 334 | <bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 335 | <dc:Bounds x="1608" y="482" width="15" height="14" /> |
| 336 | </bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 337 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 338 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_1pj1j1o_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_1pj1j1o"> |
| 339 | <di:waypoint x="1220" y="375" /> |
| 340 | <di:waypoint x="1220" y="422" /> |
| 341 | <bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 342 | <dc:Bounds x="1199" y="378" width="12" height="14" /> |
| 343 | </bpmndi:BPMNLabel> |
| 344 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 345 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="EndEvent_1taw2p9_di" bpmnElement="EndEvent_1taw2p9"> |
| 346 | <dc:Bounds x="1202" y="422" width="36" height="36" /> |
| 347 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 348 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ScriptTask_0uwsu46_di" bpmnElement="Task_13zoo6a"> |
| 349 | <dc:Bounds x="420" y="310" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 350 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 351 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_1av6du3_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_1av6du3"> |
| 352 | <di:waypoint x="520" y="350" /> |
| 353 | <di:waypoint x="540" y="350" /> |
| 354 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 355 | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ServiceTask_1aymwlt_di" bpmnElement="ServiceTask_1aymwlt"> |
| 356 | <dc:Bounds x="2020" y="310" width="100" height="80" /> |
| 357 | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 358 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_0ozefu5_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_0ozefu5"> |
| 359 | <di:waypoint x="2120" y="350" /> |
| 360 | <di:waypoint x="2212" y="350" /> |
| 361 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 362 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_0pzts4p_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_0pzts4p"> |
| 363 | <di:waypoint x="1960" y="350" /> |
| 364 | <di:waypoint x="2020" y="350" /> |
| 365 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 366 | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="SequenceFlow_1gkpl5q_di" bpmnElement="SequenceFlow_1gkpl5q"> |
| 367 | <di:waypoint x="1770" y="350" /> |
| 368 | <di:waypoint x="1860" y="350" /> |
| 369 | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 370 | </bpmndi:BPMNPlane> |
| 371 | </bpmndi:BPMNDiagram> |
| 372 | </bpmn:definitions> |