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Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 5 | <title>SO Guilin APIs</title> |
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p{margin-bottom:0}.hero-unit{padding:60px;margin-bottom:30px;font-size:18px;font-weight:200;line-height:30px;color:inherit;background-color:#eee;-webkit-border-radius:6px;-moz-border-radius:6px;border-radius:6px}.hero-unit h1{margin-bottom:0;font-size:60px;line-height:1;letter-spacing:-1px;color:inherit}.hero-unit li{line-height:30px}.pull-right{float:right}.pull-left{float:left}.hide{display:none}.show{display:block}.invisible{visibility:hidden}.affix{position:fixed} |
| 170 | |
| 171 | /* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */ |
| 172 | /* Vim sunburst theme by David Leibovic */ |
| 173 | pre .str { |
| 174 | color: #65B042; |
| 175 | } |
| 176 | /* string - green */ |
| 177 | pre .kwd { |
| 178 | color: #E28964; |
| 179 | } |
| 180 | /* keyword - dark pink */ |
| 181 | pre .com { |
| 182 | color: #AEAEAE; |
| 183 | font-style: italic; |
| 184 | } |
| 185 | /* comment - gray */ |
| 186 | pre .typ { |
| 187 | color: #89bdff; |
| 188 | } |
| 189 | /* type - light blue */ |
| 190 | pre .lit { |
| 191 | color: #3387CC; |
| 192 | } |
| 193 | /* literal - blue */ |
| 194 | pre .pun { |
| 195 | color: #fff; |
| 196 | } |
| 197 | /* punctuation - white */ |
| 198 | pre .pln { |
| 199 | color: #fff; |
| 200 | } |
| 201 | /* plaintext - white */ |
| 202 | pre .tag { |
| 203 | color: #89bdff; |
| 204 | } |
| 205 | /* html/xml tag - light blue */ |
| 206 | pre .atn { |
| 207 | color: #bdb76b; |
| 208 | } |
| 209 | /* html/xml attribute name - khaki */ |
| 210 | pre .atv { |
| 211 | color: #65B042; |
| 212 | } |
| 213 | /* html/xml attribute value - green */ |
| 214 | pre .dec { |
| 215 | color: #3387CC; |
| 216 | } |
| 217 | /* decimal - blue */ |
| 218 | /* Specify class=linenums on a pre to get line numbering */ |
| 219 | ol.linenums { |
| 220 | margin-top: 0; |
| 221 | margin-bottom: 0; |
| 222 | color: #AEAEAE; |
| 223 | } |
| 224 | /* IE indents via margin-left */ |
| 225 | li.L0, |
| 226 | li.L1, |
| 227 | li.L2, |
| 228 | li.L3, |
| 229 | li.L5, |
| 230 | li.L6, |
| 231 | li.L7, |
| 232 | li.L8 { |
| 233 | list-style-type: none; |
| 234 | } |
| 235 | /* Alternate shading for lines */ |
| 236 | @media print { |
| 237 | pre .str { |
| 238 | color: #060; |
| 239 | } |
| 240 | pre .kwd { |
| 241 | color: #006; |
| 242 | font-weight: bold; |
| 243 | } |
| 244 | pre .com { |
| 245 | color: #600; |
| 246 | font-style: italic; |
| 247 | } |
| 248 | pre .typ { |
| 249 | color: #404; |
| 250 | font-weight: bold; |
| 251 | } |
| 252 | pre .lit { |
| 253 | color: #044; |
| 254 | } |
| 255 | pre .pun { |
| 256 | color: #440; |
| 257 | } |
| 258 | pre .pln { |
| 259 | color: #000; |
| 260 | } |
| 261 | pre .tag { |
| 262 | color: #006; |
| 263 | font-weight: bold; |
| 264 | } |
| 265 | pre .atn { |
| 266 | color: #404; |
| 267 | } |
| 268 | pre .atv { |
| 269 | color: #060; |
| 270 | } |
| 271 | } |
| 272 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 273 | * Content |
| 274 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 275 | |
| 276 | @import url(''); |
| 277 | * { |
| 278 | font-family: 'Source Code Pro', sans-serif; |
| 279 | } |
| 280 | body { |
| 281 | min-width: 980px; |
| 282 | } |
| 283 | |
| 284 | body, p, a, div, th, td { |
| 285 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 286 | font-weight: 400; |
| 287 | font-size: 16px; |
| 288 | text-shadow: none !important; |
| 289 | } |
| 290 | |
| 291 | td.code { |
| 292 | font-size: 14px; |
| 293 | font-family: "Source Code Pro", monospace; |
| 294 | font-style: normal; |
| 295 | font-weight: 400; |
| 296 | } |
| 297 | |
| 298 | #content { |
| 299 | padding-top: 16px; |
| 300 | z-Index: -1; |
| 301 | margin-left: 270px; |
| 302 | } |
| 303 | |
| 304 | p { |
| 305 | color: #808080; |
| 306 | } |
| 307 | |
| 308 | h1 { |
| 309 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro Semibold", sans-serif; |
| 310 | font-weight: normal; |
| 311 | font-size: 44px; |
| 312 | line-height: 50px; |
| 313 | margin: 0 0 10px 0; |
| 314 | padding: 0; |
| 315 | } |
| 316 | |
| 317 | h2 { |
| 318 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 319 | font-weight: normal; |
| 320 | font-size: 24px; |
| 321 | line-height: 40px; |
| 322 | margin: 0 0 20px 0; |
| 323 | padding: 0; |
| 324 | } |
| 325 | |
| 326 | section { |
| 327 | border-top: 1px solid #ebebeb; |
| 328 | padding: 30px 0; |
| 329 | } |
| 330 | |
| 331 | section h1 { |
| 332 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 333 | font-weight: 700; |
| 334 | font-size: 32px; |
| 335 | line-height: 40px; |
| 336 | padding-bottom: 14px; |
| 337 | margin: 0 0 20px 0; |
| 338 | padding: 0; |
| 339 | } |
| 340 | |
| 341 | article { |
| 342 | padding: 14px 0 30px 0; |
| 343 | } |
| 344 | |
| 345 | article h1 { |
| 346 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro Bold", sans-serif; |
| 347 | font-weight: 600; |
| 348 | font-size: 24px; |
| 349 | line-height: 26px; |
| 350 | } |
| 351 | |
| 352 | article h2 { |
| 353 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 354 | font-weight: 600; |
| 355 | font-size: 18px; |
| 356 | line-height: 24px; |
| 357 | margin: 0 0 10px 0; |
| 358 | } |
| 359 | |
| 360 | article h3 { |
| 361 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 362 | font-weight: 600; |
| 363 | font-size: 16px; |
| 364 | line-height: 18px; |
| 365 | margin: 0 0 10px 0; |
| 366 | } |
| 367 | |
| 368 | article h4 { |
| 369 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 370 | font-weight: 600; |
| 371 | font-size: 14px; |
| 372 | line-height: 16px; |
| 373 | margin: 0 0 8px 0; |
| 374 | } |
| 375 | |
| 376 | table { |
| 377 | border-collapse: collapse; |
| 378 | width: 100%; |
| 379 | margin: 0 0 20px 0; |
| 380 | } |
| 381 | |
| 382 | th { |
| 383 | background-color: #f5f5f5; |
| 384 | text-align: left; |
| 385 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 386 | font-weight: 700; |
| 387 | padding: 4px 8px; |
| 388 | border: #e0e0e0 1px solid; |
| 389 | } |
| 390 | |
| 391 | td { |
| 392 | vertical-align: top; |
| 393 | padding: 2px 8px; |
| 394 | border: #e0e0e0 1px solid; |
| 395 | } |
| 396 | |
| 397 | #generator .content { |
| 398 | color: #b0b0b0; |
| 399 | border-top: 1px solid #ebebeb; |
| 400 | padding: 10px 0; |
| 401 | } |
| 402 | |
| 403 | .label-optional { |
| 404 | float: right; |
| 405 | } |
| 406 | |
| 407 | .open-left { |
| 408 | right: 0; |
| 409 | left: auto; |
| 410 | } |
| 411 | |
| 412 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 413 | * apidoc - intro |
| 414 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 415 | |
| 416 | #apidoc .apidoc { |
| 417 | border-top: 1px solid #ebebeb; |
| 418 | padding: 30px 0; |
| 419 | } |
| 420 | |
| 421 | #apidoc h1 { |
| 422 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 423 | font-weight: 700; |
| 424 | font-size: 32px; |
| 425 | line-height: 40px; |
| 426 | padding-bottom: 14px; |
| 427 | margin: 0 0 20px 0; |
| 428 | padding: 0; |
| 429 | } |
| 430 | |
| 431 | #apidoc h2 { |
| 432 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro Bold", sans-serif; |
| 433 | font-weight: 600; |
| 434 | font-size: 22px; |
| 435 | line-height: 26px; |
| 436 | padding-top: 14px; |
| 437 | } |
| 438 | |
| 439 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 440 | * pre / code |
| 441 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 442 | pre { |
| 443 | background-color: #292b36; |
| 444 | color: #ffffff; |
| 445 | padding: 10px; |
| 446 | border-radius: 6px; |
| 447 | position: relative; |
| 448 | margin: 10px 0 20px 0; |
| 449 | } |
| 450 | |
| 451 | code.language-text { |
| 452 | word-wrap: break-word; |
| 453 | } |
| 454 | |
| 455 | pre.language-json { |
| 456 | overflow: auto; |
| 457 | } |
| 458 | |
| 459 | pre.language-html { |
| 460 | margin: 40px 0 20px 0; |
| 461 | } |
| 462 | |
| 463 | pre.language-html:before { |
| 464 | content: attr(data-type); |
| 465 | position: absolute; |
| 466 | top: -30px; |
| 467 | left: 0; |
| 468 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 469 | font-weight: 600; |
| 470 | font-size: 15px; |
| 471 | display: inline-block; |
| 472 | padding: 2px 5px; |
| 473 | border-radius: 6px; |
| 474 | text-transform: uppercase; |
| 475 | background-color: #3387CC; |
| 476 | color: #ffffff; |
| 477 | } |
| 478 | |
| 479 | pre.language-html[data-type="get"]:before { |
| 480 | background-color: green; |
| 481 | } |
| 482 | |
| 483 | pre.language-html[data-type="put"]:before { |
| 484 | background-color: #e5c500; |
| 485 | } |
| 486 | |
| 487 | pre.language-html[data-type="post"]:before { |
| 488 | background-color: #4070ec; |
| 489 | } |
| 490 | |
| 491 | pre.language-html[data-type="delete"]:before { |
| 492 | background-color: #ed0039; |
| 493 | } |
| 494 | |
| 495 | pre.language-api .str { |
| 496 | color: #ffffff; |
| 497 | } |
| 498 | |
| 499 | pre.language-api .pln, |
| 500 | pre.language-api .pun { |
| 501 | color: #65B042; |
| 502 | } |
| 503 | |
| 504 | pre code { |
| 505 | display: block; |
| 506 | font-size: 14px; |
| 507 | font-family: "Source Code Pro", monospace; |
| 508 | font-style: normal; |
| 509 | font-weight: 400; |
| 510 | } |
| 511 | |
| 512 | pre code.sample-request-response-json { |
| 513 | white-space: pre-wrap; |
| 514 | max-height: 500px; |
| 515 | overflow: auto; |
| 516 | } |
| 517 | |
| 518 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 519 | * Sidenav |
| 520 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 521 | .sidenav { |
| 522 | width: 228px; |
| 523 | margin: 0; |
| 524 | padding: 20px; |
| 525 | position: fixed; |
| 526 | top: 0; |
| 527 | left: 0; |
| 528 | bottom: 0; |
| 529 | overflow-x: hidden; |
| 530 | overflow-y: auto; |
| 531 | background-color: #f5f5f5; |
| 532 | z-index: 10; |
| 533 | } |
| 534 | |
| 535 | .sidenav > li > a { |
| 536 | display: block; |
| 537 | width: 192px; |
| 538 | margin: 0; |
| 539 | padding: 2px 11px; |
| 540 | border: 0; |
| 541 | border-left: transparent 4px solid; |
| 542 | border-right: transparent 4px solid; |
| 543 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 544 | font-weight: 400; |
| 545 | font-size: 14px; |
| 546 | } |
| 547 | |
| 548 | .sidenav > li.nav-header > a { |
| 549 | padding: 5px 15px; |
| 550 | border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; |
| 551 | width: 190px; |
| 552 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 553 | font-weight: 700; |
| 554 | font-size: 16px; |
| 555 | background-color: #4c8eca; |
| 556 | color: #fff; |
| 557 | } |
| 558 | |
| 559 | .sidenav > > a { |
| 560 | background-color: #4c8eca; |
| 561 | color: #fff; |
| 562 | } |
| 563 | |
| 564 | |
| 565 | 00427D |
| 566 | |
| 567 | .sidenav > .active > a { |
| 568 | position: relative; |
| 569 | z-index: 2; |
| 570 | } |
| 571 | |
| 572 | .sidenav > li > a:hover { |
| 573 | background-color: #ffffff; |
| 574 | } |
| 575 | |
| 576 | .sidenav > li.has-modifications a { |
| 577 | border-right: #60d060 4px solid; |
| 578 | } |
| 579 | |
| 580 | .sidenav > a { |
| 581 | border-left: #e5e5e5 4px solid; |
| 582 | } |
| 583 | |
| 584 | |
| 585 | |
| 586 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 587 | * Tabs |
| 588 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 589 | ul.nav-tabs { |
| 590 | margin: 0; |
| 591 | } |
| 592 | |
| 593 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 594 | * Print |
| 595 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 596 | |
| 597 | @media print { |
| 598 | |
| 599 | #sidenav, |
| 600 | #version, |
| 601 | #versions, |
| 602 | section .version, |
| 603 | section .versions { |
| 604 | display: none; |
| 605 | } |
| 606 | |
| 607 | #content { |
| 608 | margin-left: 0; |
| 609 | } |
| 610 | |
| 611 | a { |
| 612 | text-decoration: none; |
| 613 | color: inherit; |
| 614 | } |
| 615 | |
| 616 | a:after { |
| 617 | content: " [" attr(href) "] "; |
| 618 | } |
| 619 | |
| 620 | p { |
| 621 | color: #000000 |
| 622 | } |
| 623 | |
| 624 | pre { |
| 625 | background-color: #ffffff; |
| 626 | color: #000000; |
| 627 | padding: 10px; |
| 628 | border: #808080 1px solid; |
| 629 | border-radius: 6px; |
| 630 | position: relative; |
| 631 | margin: 10px 0 20px 0; |
| 632 | } |
| 633 | |
| 634 | } /* /@media print */ |
| 635 | |
| 636 | |
| 637 | .doc-chapter |
| 638 | { |
| 639 | display:none; |
| 640 | background-color: #eee; |
| 641 | border-radius: 1px; |
| 642 | padding: 10px; |
| 643 | margin-bottom: 20px; |
| 644 | } |
| 645 | |
| 646 | |
| 647 | |
| 648 | |
| 649 | |
| 650 | |
| 651 | |
| 652 | |
| 653 | |
| 654 | |
| 655 | |
| 656 | |
| 657 | |
| 658 | |
| 659 | |
| 660 | |
| 661 | |
| 662 | |
| 663 | |
| 664 | |
| 665 | |
| 666 | |
| 667 | |
| 668 | |
| 669 | |
| 670 | |
| 671 | |
| 672 | |
| 673 | |
| 674 | |
| 675 | |
| 676 | /*! |
| 677 | * json-schema-view-js |
| 678 | * |
| 679 | * Version: 0.4.1 - 2015-11-12T17:19:27.615Z |
| 680 | * License: MIT |
| 681 | */.json-schema-view .toggle-handle:after,.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .toggle-handle:after,json-schema-view .toggle-handle:after,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .toggle-handle:after{content:"\25BC"}.json-schema-view .title,.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .title,json-schema-view .title,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .title{font-weight:700;cursor:pointer}.json-schema-view,json-schema-view{font-family:monospace;font-size:0;display:table-cell}.json-schema-view>*,json-schema-view>*{font-size:14px}.json-schema-view .toggle-handle,json-schema-view .toggle-handle{cursor:pointer;margin:auto .3em;font-size:10px;display:inline-block;transform-origin:50% 40%;transition:transform 150ms ease-in}.json-schema-view .toggle-handle,.json-schema-view .toggle-handle:hover,json-schema-view .toggle-handle,json-schema-view .toggle-handle:hover{text-decoration:none;color:#333}.json-schema-view .description,json-schema-view .description{color:gray;font-style:italic} |
| 682 | .pattern { |
| 683 | color: blue; |
| 684 | } |
| 685 | .default { |
| 686 | color: black; |
| 687 | } |
| 688 | .required { |
| 689 | color:black; |
| 690 | } |
| 691 | .json-schema-view .title,.json-schema-view .title:hover,json-schema-view .title,json-schema-view .title:hover{text-decoration:none;color:#333}.json-schema-view .brace,.json-schema-view .bracket,.json-schema-view .title,json-schema-view .brace,json-schema-view .bracket,json-schema-view .title{color:#333}.json-schema-view .property,json-schema-view .property{font-size:0;display:table-row}.json-schema-view .property>*,json-schema-view .property>*{font-size:14px;padding:.2em}.json-schema-view .name,json-schema-view .name{color:#00f;display:table-cell;vertical-align:top}.json-schema-view .type,json-schema-view .type{color:green}.json-schema-view .type-any,json-schema-view .type-any{color:#33f}.json-schema-view .required,json-schema-view .required{color:red}.json-schema-view .inner,json-schema-view .inner{padding-left:18px}.json-schema-view.collapsed .description,.json-schema-view.collapsed .property,json-schema-view.collapsed .description,json-schema-view.collapsed .property{display:none}.json-schema-view.collapsed .closeing.brace,json-schema-view.collapsed .closeing.brace{display:inline-block}.json-schema-view.collapsed .toggle-handle,json-schema-view.collapsed .toggle-handle{transform:rotate(-90deg)}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark]{font-family:monospace;font-size:0;display:table-cell}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark>*,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark]>*{font-size:14px}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .toggle-handle,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .toggle-handle{cursor:pointer;margin:auto .3em;font-size:10px;display:inline-block;transform-origin:50% 40%;transition:transform 150ms ease-in}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .toggle-handle,.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .toggle-handle:hover,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .toggle-handle,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .toggle-handle:hover{text-decoration:none;color:#eee}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .description,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .description{color:gray;font-style:italic}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .title,.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .title:hover,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .title,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .title:hover{text-decoration:none;color:#eee}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .brace,.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .bracket,.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .title,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .brace,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .bracket,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .title{color:#eee}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .property,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .property{font-size:0;display:table-row}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .property>*,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .property>*{font-size:14px;padding:.2em}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .name,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .name{color:#add8e6;display:table-cell;vertical-align:top}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .type,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .type{color:#90ee90}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .type-any,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .type-any{color:#d4ebf2}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .required,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .required{color:#fe0000}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .inner,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .inner{padding-left:18px}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark.collapsed .description,.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark.collapsed .property,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark].collapsed .description,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark].collapsed .property{display:none}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark.collapsed .closeing.brace,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark].collapsed .closeing.brace{display:inline-block}.json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark.collapsed .toggle-handle,json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark].collapsed .toggle-handle{transform:rotate(-90deg)} |
| 692 | |
| 693 | </style> |
| 694 | </head> |
| 695 | <body> |
| 696 | <script> |
| 697 | // Script section to load models into a JS Var |
| 698 | var defs = {} |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 699 | defs["3gppServiceActivation"] = { |
| 700 | "type" : "object", |
| 701 | "properties" : { |
| 702 | "serviceInstanceID" : { |
| 703 | "type" : "string", |
| 704 | "description" : "ID of the service to be activated/deactivated" |
| 705 | }, |
| 706 | "globalSubscriberId" : { |
| 707 | "type" : "string" |
| 708 | }, |
| 709 | "subscriptionServiceType" : { |
| 710 | "type" : "string", |
| 711 | "description" : "Service type for the subscription. For E.G :5G" |
| 712 | }, |
| 713 | "networkType" : { |
| 714 | "type" : "string", |
| 715 | "description" : "Network type. For E.G :AN/CN/TN" |
| 716 | }, |
| 717 | "additionalProperties" : { |
| 718 | "type" : "object", |
| 719 | "description" : "Map of additional properties required for service activation/deactivation", |
| 720 | "properties" : { } |
| 721 | } |
| 722 | }, |
| 723 | "description" : "This describes the request body for 3gpp service activation/deactivation" |
| 724 | }; |
| 725 | defs["3gppServiceResponse"] = { |
| 726 | "type" : "object", |
| 727 | "properties" : { |
| 728 | "jobId" : { |
| 729 | "type" : "string", |
| 730 | "description" : "Job ID to be used to identify the status of the job" |
| 731 | }, |
| 732 | "status" : { |
| 733 | "type" : "string", |
| 734 | "description" : "status of the job" |
| 735 | }, |
| 736 | "statusDescription" : { |
| 737 | "type" : "object", |
| 738 | "description" : "Description on status in case of erroneous response", |
| 739 | "properties" : { } |
| 740 | } |
| 741 | }, |
| 742 | "description" : "This describes the response for 3gpp services" |
| 743 | }; |
| 744 | defs["Allocate3gppService"] = { |
| 745 | "type" : "object", |
| 746 | "properties" : { |
| 747 | "name" : { |
| 748 | "type" : "string", |
| 749 | "description" : "Name of the service to allocate" |
| 750 | }, |
| 751 | "modelInvariantUuid" : { |
| 752 | "type" : "string", |
| 753 | "description" : "Model Invariant UUID corresponding to the service. For E.g : NSST Model invariant uuid in case of NSSI creation" |
| 754 | }, |
| 755 | "modelUuid" : { |
| 756 | "type" : "string", |
| 757 | "description" : "Model UUID corresponding to the service. For E.g : NSST Model uuid in case of NSSI creation" |
| 758 | }, |
| 759 | "globalSubscriberId" : { |
| 760 | "type" : "string" |
| 761 | }, |
| 762 | "subscriptionServiceType" : { |
| 763 | "type" : "string", |
| 764 | "description" : "Service type for the subscription. For E.G :5G" |
| 765 | }, |
| 766 | "networkType" : { |
| 767 | "type" : "string", |
| 768 | "description" : "Network type. For E.G :AN/CN/TN" |
| 769 | }, |
| 770 | "additionalProperties" : { |
| 771 | "type" : "object", |
| 772 | "description" : "Map of additional properties required for service allocation", |
| 773 | "properties" : { } |
| 774 | } |
| 775 | }, |
| 776 | "description" : "This describes the request body for 3gpp service allocation" |
| 777 | }; |
| 778 | defs["DeAllocate3gppService"] = { |
| 779 | "type" : "object", |
| 780 | "properties" : { |
| 781 | "serviceInstanceID" : { |
| 782 | "type" : "string", |
| 783 | "description" : "ID of the service to terminate" |
| 784 | }, |
| 785 | "globalSubscriberId" : { |
| 786 | "type" : "string" |
| 787 | }, |
| 788 | "subscriptionServiceType" : { |
| 789 | "type" : "string", |
| 790 | "description" : "Service type for the subscription. For E.G :5G" |
| 791 | }, |
| 792 | "networkType" : { |
| 793 | "type" : "string", |
| 794 | "description" : "Network type. For E.G :AN/CN/TN" |
| 795 | }, |
| 796 | "additionalProperties" : { |
| 797 | "type" : "object", |
| 798 | "description" : "Map of additional properties required for service deallocation", |
| 799 | "properties" : { } |
| 800 | } |
| 801 | }, |
| 802 | "description" : "This describes the request body for 3gpp service Termination/Deallocation" |
| 803 | }; |
| 804 | defs["Modify3gppService"] = { |
| 805 | "type" : "object", |
| 806 | "properties" : { |
| 807 | "name" : { |
| 808 | "type" : "string", |
| 809 | "description" : "Name of the service to modify" |
| 810 | }, |
| 811 | "serviceInstanceID" : { |
| 812 | "type" : "string", |
| 813 | "description" : "ID of the service to modify" |
| 814 | }, |
| 815 | "globalSubscriberId" : { |
| 816 | "type" : "string" |
| 817 | }, |
| 818 | "subscriptionServiceType" : { |
| 819 | "type" : "string", |
| 820 | "description" : "Service type for the subscription. For E.G :5G" |
| 821 | }, |
| 822 | "networkType" : { |
| 823 | "type" : "string", |
| 824 | "description" : "Network type. For E.G :AN/CN/TN" |
| 825 | }, |
| 826 | "additionalProperties" : { |
| 827 | "type" : "object", |
| 828 | "description" : "Map of additional properties required for service modification", |
| 829 | "properties" : { } |
| 830 | } |
| 831 | }, |
| 832 | "description" : "This describes the request body for 3gpp service modification" |
| 833 | }; |
| 834 | defs["QuerySubnetCapability"] = { |
| 835 | "type" : "object", |
| 836 | "properties" : { |
| 837 | "subnetTypes" : { |
| 838 | "type" : "array", |
| 839 | "items" : { |
| 840 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/SubnetTypes" |
| 841 | } |
| 842 | } |
| 843 | }, |
| 844 | "description" : "This describes the subnet capabilities that can be queried" |
| 845 | }; |
rameshiyer27 | 553bc77 | 2020-08-25 16:49:34 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 846 | defs["RetrievingWorkflowResponse"] = { |
| 847 | "type" : "object", |
| 848 | "properties" : { |
| 849 | "workflowSpecificationList" : { |
| 850 | "type" : "array", |
| 851 | "description" : "List of Workflow specification data", |
| 852 | "items" : { |
| 853 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/WorkflowSpecification" |
| 854 | } |
| 855 | } |
| 856 | }, |
| 857 | "description" : "Response body of fetching workflows using resource target" |
| 858 | }; |
| 859 | defs["ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution"] = { |
| 860 | "type" : "object", |
| 861 | "properties" : { |
| 862 | "requestInfo" : { |
| 863 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_requestInfo" |
| 864 | }, |
| 865 | "modelInfo" : { |
| 866 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_modelInfo" |
| 867 | }, |
| 868 | "requestParameters" : { |
| 869 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_requestParameters" |
| 870 | }, |
| 871 | "subscriberInfo" : { |
| 872 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_subscriberInfo" |
| 873 | }, |
| 874 | "project" : { |
| 875 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_project" |
| 876 | }, |
| 877 | "owningEntity" : { |
| 878 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_owningEntity" |
| 879 | } |
| 880 | }, |
| 881 | "description" : "This describes the request body of service level custom workflow execution" |
| 882 | }; |
| 883 | defs["ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_modelInfo"] = { |
| 884 | "type" : "object", |
| 885 | "properties" : { |
| 886 | "modelType" : { |
| 887 | "type" : "string", |
| 888 | "description" : "Type of the model to be executed" |
| 889 | }, |
| 890 | "modelInvariantUuid" : { |
| 891 | "type" : "string", |
| 892 | "description" : "Model invariant id corresponding to the service" |
| 893 | }, |
| 894 | "modelUuid" : { |
| 895 | "type" : "string", |
| 896 | "description" : "Model uuid corresponding to the service" |
| 897 | }, |
| 898 | "modelVersionId" : { |
| 899 | "type" : "string", |
| 900 | "description" : "Model version of the service instance" |
| 901 | }, |
| 902 | "modelName" : { |
| 903 | "type" : "string", |
| 904 | "description" : "Name of the service" |
| 905 | }, |
| 906 | "modelVersion" : { |
| 907 | "type" : "string", |
| 908 | "description" : "Version of the service instance" |
| 909 | } |
| 910 | }, |
| 911 | "description" : "Parameters related to the service model" |
| 912 | }; |
| 913 | defs["ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_owningEntity"] = { |
| 914 | "type" : "object", |
| 915 | "properties" : { |
| 916 | "owningEntityId" : { |
| 917 | "type" : "string", |
| 918 | "description" : "Id of the owning Entity" |
| 919 | }, |
| 920 | "owningEntityName" : { |
| 921 | "type" : "string", |
| 922 | "description" : "Name of the owning Entity" |
| 923 | } |
| 924 | }, |
| 925 | "description" : "Object describes the entity details" |
| 926 | }; |
| 927 | defs["ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_project"] = { |
| 928 | "type" : "object", |
| 929 | "properties" : { |
| 930 | "projectName" : { |
| 931 | "type" : "string", |
| 932 | "description" : "Name of the target project" |
| 933 | } |
| 934 | }, |
| 935 | "description" : "Information about the target project name" |
| 936 | }; |
| 937 | defs["ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_requestInfo"] = { |
| 938 | "type" : "object", |
| 939 | "properties" : { |
| 940 | "source" : { |
| 941 | "type" : "string", |
| 942 | "description" : "Name of the sender" |
| 943 | }, |
| 944 | "suppressRollback" : { |
| 945 | "type" : "boolean", |
| 946 | "description" : "Enable/disable rollback suppression" |
| 947 | }, |
| 948 | "requestorId" : { |
| 949 | "type" : "string", |
| 950 | "description" : "Id of the sender" |
| 951 | } |
| 952 | }, |
| 953 | "description" : "Request object contains source information" |
| 954 | }; |
| 955 | defs["ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_requestParameters"] = { |
| 956 | "type" : "object", |
| 957 | "properties" : { |
| 958 | "subscriptionServiceType" : { |
| 959 | "type" : "string", |
| 960 | "description" : "Type of service subscription" |
| 961 | } |
| 962 | }, |
| 963 | "description" : "User parameter object" |
| 964 | }; |
| 965 | defs["ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution_subscriberInfo"] = { |
| 966 | "type" : "object", |
| 967 | "properties" : { |
| 968 | "globalSubscriberId" : { |
| 969 | "type" : "string", |
| 970 | "description" : "Id of the subscriber sending the request" |
| 971 | } |
| 972 | }, |
| 973 | "description" : "Subscriber id information" |
| 974 | }; |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 975 | defs["SubnetTypes"] = { |
| 976 | "type" : "string", |
| 977 | "description" : "This describes allowed subnet types", |
| 978 | "enum" : [ "AN", "AN_NF", "CN", "TN_FH", "TN_MH", "TN_BH" ] |
| 979 | }; |
rameshiyer27 | 553bc77 | 2020-08-25 16:49:34 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 980 | defs["WorkflowSpecification"] = { |
| 981 | "type" : "object", |
| 982 | "properties" : { |
| 983 | "artifactInfo" : { |
| 984 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/WorkflowSpecification_artifactInfo" |
| 985 | } |
| 986 | }, |
| 987 | "description" : "This describes workflow specification object" |
| 988 | }; |
| 989 | defs["WorkflowSpecification_artifactInfo"] = { |
| 990 | "type" : "object", |
| 991 | "properties" : { |
| 992 | "artifactType" : { |
| 993 | "type" : "string", |
| 994 | "description" : "Type of the artifact to be queried" |
| 995 | }, |
| 996 | "artifactUuid" : { |
| 997 | "type" : "string", |
| 998 | "description" : "UUID of the artifact" |
| 999 | }, |
| 1000 | "artifactName" : { |
| 1001 | "type" : "string", |
| 1002 | "description" : "Name of the artifact" |
| 1003 | }, |
| 1004 | "artifactVersion" : { |
| 1005 | "type" : "string", |
| 1006 | "description" : "Artifact's Version" |
| 1007 | }, |
| 1008 | "artifactDescription" : { |
| 1009 | "type" : "string", |
| 1010 | "description" : "" |
| 1011 | }, |
| 1012 | "workflowName" : { |
| 1013 | "type" : "string", |
| 1014 | "description" : "Name of the workflow fetched for the resource type" |
| 1015 | }, |
| 1016 | "operationName" : { |
| 1017 | "type" : "string", |
| 1018 | "description" : "Mapped operation name of the corresponding workflow" |
| 1019 | }, |
| 1020 | "workflowSource" : { |
| 1021 | "type" : "string", |
| 1022 | "description" : "" |
| 1023 | }, |
| 1024 | "workflowResourceTarget" : { |
| 1025 | "type" : "string", |
| 1026 | "description" : "Type of Resource mapped against the workflow" |
| 1027 | } |
| 1028 | }, |
| 1029 | "description" : "Attributes related to artifact information " |
| 1030 | }; |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1031 | </script> |
| 1032 | |
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| 1039 | <!--<div style="width: 80%; background-color: #4c8eca; color: white; padding: 20px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px; "> |
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| 1043 | </div> |
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| 1045 | <li class="nav-fixed nav-header active" data-group="_"><a href="#api-_">API Summary</a></li> |
| 1046 | |
| 1047 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="E2eServiceInstances"><a href="#api-E2eServiceInstances">API Methods - E2eServiceInstances</a></li> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 1048 | <li data-group="E2eServiceInstances" data-name="activateE2EServiceInstances" class=""> |
| 1049 | <a href="#api-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances">activateE2EServiceInstances</a> |
| 1050 | </li> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1051 | <li data-group="E2eServiceInstances" data-name="compareModelwithTargetVersion" class=""> |
| 1052 | <a href="#api-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion">compareModelwithTargetVersion</a> |
| 1053 | </li> |
| 1054 | <li data-group="E2eServiceInstances" data-name="createE2EServiceInstance" class=""> |
| 1055 | <a href="#api-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance">createE2EServiceInstance</a> |
| 1056 | </li> |
| 1057 | <li data-group="E2eServiceInstances" data-name="deleteE2EServiceInstance" class=""> |
| 1058 | <a href="#api-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance">deleteE2EServiceInstance</a> |
| 1059 | </li> |
| 1060 | <li data-group="E2eServiceInstances" data-name="getE2EServiceInstances" class=""> |
| 1061 | <a href="#api-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances">getE2EServiceInstances</a> |
| 1062 | </li> |
| 1063 | <li data-group="E2eServiceInstances" data-name="scaleE2EServiceInstance" class=""> |
| 1064 | <a href="#api-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance">scaleE2EServiceInstance</a> |
| 1065 | </li> |
| 1066 | <li data-group="E2eServiceInstances" data-name="updateE2EServiceInstance" class=""> |
| 1067 | <a href="#api-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance">updateE2EServiceInstance</a> |
| 1068 | </li> |
| 1069 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="Globalhealthcheck"><a href="#api-Globalhealthcheck">API Methods - Globalhealthcheck</a></li> |
| 1070 | <li data-group="Globalhealthcheck" data-name="globalHealthcheck" class=""> |
| 1071 | <a href="#api-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck">globalHealthcheck</a> |
| 1072 | </li> |
| 1073 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="Nodehealthcheck"><a href="#api-Nodehealthcheck">API Methods - Nodehealthcheck</a></li> |
| 1074 | <li data-group="Nodehealthcheck" data-name="nodeHealthcheck" class=""> |
| 1075 | <a href="#api-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck">nodeHealthcheck</a> |
| 1076 | </li> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 1077 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="Onap3gppServiceInstances"><a href="#api-Onap3gppServiceInstances">API Methods - Onap3gppServiceInstances</a></li> |
| 1078 | <li data-group="Onap3gppServiceInstances" data-name="activate3gppService" class=""> |
| 1079 | <a href="#api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService">activate3gppService</a> |
| 1080 | </li> |
| 1081 | <li data-group="Onap3gppServiceInstances" data-name="allocate3gppService" class=""> |
| 1082 | <a href="#api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService">allocate3gppService</a> |
| 1083 | </li> |
| 1084 | <li data-group="Onap3gppServiceInstances" data-name="deactivate3gppService" class=""> |
| 1085 | <a href="#api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService">deactivate3gppService</a> |
| 1086 | </li> |
| 1087 | <li data-group="Onap3gppServiceInstances" data-name="deallocate3gppService" class=""> |
| 1088 | <a href="#api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService">deallocate3gppService</a> |
| 1089 | </li> |
| 1090 | <li data-group="Onap3gppServiceInstances" data-name="modify3gppService" class=""> |
| 1091 | <a href="#api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService">modify3gppService</a> |
| 1092 | </li> |
| 1093 | <li data-group="Onap3gppServiceInstances" data-name="querySubnetCapability" class=""> |
| 1094 | <a href="#api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability">querySubnetCapability</a> |
| 1095 | </li> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1096 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="OnapsoinfracloudResources"><a href="#api-OnapsoinfracloudResources">API Methods - OnapsoinfracloudResources</a></li> |
| 1097 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfracloudResources" data-name="activateOperationEnvironment" class=""> |
| 1098 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment">activateOperationEnvironment</a> |
| 1099 | </li> |
| 1100 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfracloudResources" data-name="createOperationEnvironment" class=""> |
| 1101 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment">createOperationEnvironment</a> |
| 1102 | </li> |
| 1103 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfracloudResources" data-name="deactivateOperationEnvironment" class=""> |
| 1104 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment">deactivateOperationEnvironment</a> |
| 1105 | </li> |
| 1106 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests"><a href="#api-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests">API Methods - OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests</a></li> |
| 1107 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests" data-name="getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter" class=""> |
| 1108 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter">getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter</a> |
| 1109 | </li> |
| 1110 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests" data-name="unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId" class=""> |
| 1111 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId">unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId</a> |
| 1112 | </li> |
rameshiyer27 | 553bc77 | 2020-08-25 16:49:34 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 1113 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement"><a href="#api-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement">API Methods - OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement</a></li> |
| 1114 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement" data-name="executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow" class=""> |
| 1115 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow">executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow</a> |
| 1116 | </li> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1117 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="OnapsoinframodelDistributions"><a href="#api-OnapsoinframodelDistributions">API Methods - OnapsoinframodelDistributions</a></li> |
| 1118 | <li data-group="OnapsoinframodelDistributions" data-name="updateModelDistributionStatus" class=""> |
| 1119 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus">updateModelDistributionStatus</a> |
| 1120 | </li> |
| 1121 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests"><a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests">API Methods - OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests</a></li> |
| 1122 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests" data-name="getOrchestrationRequest" class=""> |
| 1123 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest">getOrchestrationRequest</a> |
| 1124 | </li> |
| 1125 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests" data-name="getOrchestrationRequestForReqId" class=""> |
| 1126 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId">getOrchestrationRequestForReqId</a> |
| 1127 | </li> |
| 1128 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests" data-name="unlockOrchestrationRequest" class=""> |
| 1129 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest">unlockOrchestrationRequest</a> |
| 1130 | </li> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 1131 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks"><a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks">API Methods - OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks</a></li> |
| 1132 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks" data-name="abortOrchestrationTask" class=""> |
| 1133 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask">abortOrchestrationTask</a> |
| 1134 | </li> |
| 1135 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks" data-name="commitOrchestrationTask" class=""> |
| 1136 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask">commitOrchestrationTask</a> |
| 1137 | </li> |
| 1138 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks" data-name="createOrchestrationTask" class=""> |
| 1139 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask">createOrchestrationTask</a> |
| 1140 | </li> |
| 1141 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks" data-name="deleteOrchestrationTask" class=""> |
| 1142 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask">deleteOrchestrationTask</a> |
| 1143 | </li> |
| 1144 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks" data-name="getAllOrchestrationTasks" class=""> |
| 1145 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks">getAllOrchestrationTasks</a> |
| 1146 | </li> |
| 1147 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks" data-name="getOrchestrationTask" class=""> |
| 1148 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask">getOrchestrationTask</a> |
| 1149 | </li> |
| 1150 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks" data-name="updateOrchestrationTask" class=""> |
| 1151 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask">updateOrchestrationTask</a> |
| 1152 | </li> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1153 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation"><a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation">API Methods - OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation</a></li> |
| 1154 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="activatePort" class=""> |
| 1155 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort">activatePort</a> |
| 1156 | </li> |
| 1157 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="activateServiceInstance" class=""> |
| 1158 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance">activateServiceInstance</a> |
| 1159 | </li> |
| 1160 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="addRelationships" class=""> |
| 1161 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships">addRelationships</a> |
| 1162 | </li> |
| 1163 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="applyUpdatedConfig" class=""> |
| 1164 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig">applyUpdatedConfig</a> |
| 1165 | </li> |
| 1166 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="assignServiceInstance" class=""> |
| 1167 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance">assignServiceInstance</a> |
| 1168 | </li> |
| 1169 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="createNetworkInstance" class=""> |
| 1170 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance">createNetworkInstance</a> |
| 1171 | </li> |
| 1172 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="createPortConfiguration" class=""> |
| 1173 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration">createPortConfiguration</a> |
| 1174 | </li> |
| 1175 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="createServiceInstance" class=""> |
| 1176 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance">createServiceInstance</a> |
| 1177 | </li> |
| 1178 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="createVfModuleInstance" class=""> |
| 1179 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance">createVfModuleInstance</a> |
| 1180 | </li> |
| 1181 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="createVnfInstance" class=""> |
| 1182 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance">createVnfInstance</a> |
| 1183 | </li> |
| 1184 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="createVolumeGroupInstance" class=""> |
| 1185 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance">createVolumeGroupInstance</a> |
| 1186 | </li> |
| 1187 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance" class=""> |
| 1188 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance">deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance</a> |
| 1189 | </li> |
| 1190 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="deactivatePort" class=""> |
| 1191 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort">deactivatePort</a> |
| 1192 | </li> |
| 1193 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="deactivateServiceInstance" class=""> |
| 1194 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance">deactivateServiceInstance</a> |
| 1195 | </li> |
| 1196 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="deleteNetworkInstance" class=""> |
| 1197 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance">deleteNetworkInstance</a> |
| 1198 | </li> |
| 1199 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="deletePortConfiguration" class=""> |
| 1200 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration">deletePortConfiguration</a> |
| 1201 | </li> |
| 1202 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="deleteServiceInstance" class=""> |
| 1203 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance">deleteServiceInstance</a> |
| 1204 | </li> |
| 1205 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="deleteVfModuleInstance" class=""> |
| 1206 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance">deleteVfModuleInstance</a> |
| 1207 | </li> |
| 1208 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="deleteVnfInstance" class=""> |
| 1209 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance">deleteVnfInstance</a> |
| 1210 | </li> |
| 1211 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="deleteVolumeGroupInstance" class=""> |
| 1212 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance">deleteVolumeGroupInstance</a> |
| 1213 | </li> |
| 1214 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="disablePort" class=""> |
| 1215 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort">disablePort</a> |
| 1216 | </li> |
| 1217 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="enablePort" class=""> |
| 1218 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort">enablePort</a> |
| 1219 | </li> |
| 1220 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="inPlaceSoftwareUpdate" class=""> |
| 1221 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate">inPlaceSoftwareUpdate</a> |
| 1222 | </li> |
| 1223 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="removeRelationships" class=""> |
| 1224 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships">removeRelationships</a> |
| 1225 | </li> |
| 1226 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="replaceVfModuleInstance" class=""> |
| 1227 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance">replaceVfModuleInstance</a> |
| 1228 | </li> |
| 1229 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="replaceVnfInstance" class=""> |
| 1230 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance">replaceVnfInstance</a> |
| 1231 | </li> |
| 1232 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="scaleOutVfModule" class=""> |
| 1233 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule">scaleOutVfModule</a> |
| 1234 | </li> |
| 1235 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="unassignServiceInstance" class=""> |
| 1236 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance">unassignServiceInstance</a> |
| 1237 | </li> |
| 1238 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="updateNetworkInstance" class=""> |
| 1239 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance">updateNetworkInstance</a> |
| 1240 | </li> |
| 1241 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="updateVfModuleInstance" class=""> |
| 1242 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance">updateVfModuleInstance</a> |
| 1243 | </li> |
| 1244 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="updateVnfInstance" class=""> |
| 1245 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance">updateVnfInstance</a> |
| 1246 | </li> |
| 1247 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation" data-name="updateVolumeGroupInstance" class=""> |
| 1248 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance">updateVolumeGroupInstance</a> |
| 1249 | </li> |
| 1250 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="Onapsoinfratasks"><a href="#api-Onapsoinfratasks">API Methods - Onapsoinfratasks</a></li> |
| 1251 | <li data-group="Onapsoinfratasks" data-name="queryFilters" class=""> |
| 1252 | <a href="#api-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters">queryFilters</a> |
| 1253 | </li> |
rameshiyer27 | 553bc77 | 2020-08-25 16:49:34 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 1254 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications"><a href="#api-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications">API Methods - OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications</a></li> |
| 1255 | <li data-group="OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications" data-name="queryWorkflowSpecifications" class=""> |
| 1256 | <a href="#api-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications">queryWorkflowSpecifications</a> |
| 1257 | </li> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1258 | </ul> |
| 1259 | </nav> |
| 1260 | </div> |
| 1261 | <div id="content"> |
| 1262 | <div id="project"> |
| 1263 | <div class="pull-left"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 1264 | <h1>SO Guilin APIs</h1> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1265 | </div> |
| 1266 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 1267 | </div> |
| 1268 | <div id="header"> |
| 1269 | <div id="api-_"> |
| 1270 | <h2 id="welcome-to-apidoc">API and SDK Documentation</h2> |
| 1271 | <div class="app-desc">Version: 3.1.2</div> |
| 1272 | <hr> |
| 1273 | <div>No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen</div> |
| 1274 | </div> |
| 1275 | </div> |
| 1276 | <div id="sections"> |
| 1277 | <section id="api-E2eServiceInstances"> |
| 1278 | <h1>E2eServiceInstances</h1> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 1279 | <div id="api-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances"> |
| 1280 | <article id="api-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0" data-group="User" data-name="activateE2EServiceInstances" data-version="0"> |
| 1281 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 1282 | <h1>activateE2EServiceInstances</h1> |
| 1283 | <p>Activate/Deactivate 5G slice Service on a specified version and serviceId</p> |
| 1284 | </div> |
| 1285 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 1286 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 1287 | <p></p> |
| 1288 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 1289 | <p></p> |
| 1290 | <br /> |
| 1291 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}/{operationType}</span></code></pre> |
| 1292 | <p> |
| 1293 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 1294 | </p> |
| 1295 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 1296 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 1297 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 1298 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 1299 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 1300 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 1301 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 1302 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 1303 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 1304 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 1305 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 1306 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 1307 | </ul> |
| 1308 | |
| 1309 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 1310 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-curl"> |
| 1311 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}/{operationType}"</code></pre> |
| 1312 | </div> |
| 1313 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-java"> |
| 1314 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 1315 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 1316 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 1317 | import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 1318 | |
| 1319 | import; |
| 1320 | import java.util.*; |
| 1321 | |
| 1322 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 1323 | |
| 1324 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 1325 | |
| 1326 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 1327 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 1328 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 1329 | String operationType = operationType_example; // String | |
| 1330 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 1331 | try { |
| 1332 | apiInstance.activateE2EServiceInstances(version, serviceId, operationType, body); |
| 1333 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 1334 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#activateE2EServiceInstances"); |
| 1335 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 1336 | } |
| 1337 | } |
| 1338 | }</code></pre> |
| 1339 | </div> |
| 1340 | |
| 1341 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-android"> |
| 1342 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 1343 | |
| 1344 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 1345 | |
| 1346 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 1347 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 1348 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 1349 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 1350 | String operationType = operationType_example; // String | |
| 1351 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 1352 | try { |
| 1353 | apiInstance.activateE2EServiceInstances(version, serviceId, operationType, body); |
| 1354 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 1355 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#activateE2EServiceInstances"); |
| 1356 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 1357 | } |
| 1358 | } |
| 1359 | }</code></pre> |
| 1360 | </div> |
| 1361 | <!-- |
| 1362 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-groovy"> |
| 1363 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 1364 | </div> --> |
| 1365 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-objc"> |
| 1366 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 1367 | String *serviceId = serviceId_example; // |
| 1368 | String *operationType = operationType_example; // |
| 1369 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 1370 | |
| 1371 | E2eServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[E2eServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 1372 | |
| 1373 | // Activate/Deactivate 5G slice Service on a specified version and serviceId |
| 1374 | [apiInstance activateE2EServiceInstancesWith:version |
| 1375 | serviceId:serviceId |
| 1376 | operationType:operationType |
| 1377 | body:body |
| 1378 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 1379 | if (error) { |
| 1380 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 1381 | } |
| 1382 | }]; |
| 1383 | </code></pre> |
| 1384 | </div> |
| 1385 | |
| 1386 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-javascript"> |
| 1387 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 1388 | |
| 1389 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
| 1390 | |
| 1391 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 1392 | |
| 1393 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // {String} |
| 1394 | |
| 1395 | var operationType = operationType_example; // {String} |
| 1396 | |
| 1397 | var opts = { |
| 1398 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 1399 | }; |
| 1400 | |
| 1401 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 1402 | if (error) { |
| 1403 | console.error(error); |
| 1404 | } else { |
| 1405 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 1406 | } |
| 1407 | }; |
| 1408 | api.activateE2EServiceInstances(version, serviceId, operationType, opts, callback); |
| 1409 | </code></pre> |
| 1410 | </div> |
| 1411 | |
| 1412 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-angular"> |
| 1413 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 1414 | </div>--> |
| 1415 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-csharp"> |
| 1416 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 1417 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 1418 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 1419 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 1420 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 1421 | |
| 1422 | namespace Example |
| 1423 | { |
| 1424 | public class activateE2EServiceInstancesExample |
| 1425 | { |
| 1426 | public void main() |
| 1427 | { |
| 1428 | |
| 1429 | var apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 1430 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 1431 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 1432 | var operationType = operationType_example; // String | |
| 1433 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 1434 | |
| 1435 | try |
| 1436 | { |
| 1437 | // Activate/Deactivate 5G slice Service on a specified version and serviceId |
| 1438 | apiInstance.activateE2EServiceInstances(version, serviceId, operationType, body); |
| 1439 | } |
| 1440 | catch (Exception e) |
| 1441 | { |
| 1442 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi.activateE2EServiceInstances: " + e.Message ); |
| 1443 | } |
| 1444 | } |
| 1445 | } |
| 1446 | } |
| 1447 | </code></pre> |
| 1448 | </div> |
| 1449 | |
| 1450 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-php"> |
| 1451 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 1452 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 1453 | |
| 1454 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 1455 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 1456 | $serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 1457 | $operationType = operationType_example; // String | |
| 1458 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 1459 | |
| 1460 | try { |
| 1461 | $api_instance->activateE2EServiceInstances($version, $serviceId, $operationType, $body); |
| 1462 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 1463 | echo 'Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->activateE2EServiceInstances: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 1464 | } |
| 1465 | ?></code></pre> |
| 1466 | </div> |
| 1467 | |
| 1468 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-perl"> |
| 1469 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 1470 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 1471 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 1472 | |
| 1473 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 1474 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 1475 | my $serviceId = serviceId_example; # String | |
| 1476 | my $operationType = operationType_example; # String | |
| 1477 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 1478 | |
| 1479 | eval { |
| 1480 | $api_instance->activateE2EServiceInstances(version => $version, serviceId => $serviceId, operationType => $operationType, body => $body); |
| 1481 | }; |
| 1482 | if ($@) { |
| 1483 | warn "Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->activateE2EServiceInstances: $@\n"; |
| 1484 | }</code></pre> |
| 1485 | </div> |
| 1486 | |
| 1487 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-activateE2EServiceInstances-0-python"> |
| 1488 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 1489 | import time |
| 1490 | import swagger_client |
| 1491 | from import ApiException |
| 1492 | from pprint import pprint |
| 1493 | |
| 1494 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 1495 | api_instance = swagger_client.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
| 1496 | version = version_example # String | |
| 1497 | serviceId = serviceId_example # String | |
| 1498 | operationType = operationType_example # String | |
| 1499 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 1500 | |
| 1501 | try: |
| 1502 | # Activate/Deactivate 5G slice Service on a specified version and serviceId |
| 1503 | api_instance.activate_e2_e_service_instances(version, serviceId, operationType, body=body) |
| 1504 | except ApiException as e: |
| 1505 | print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->activateE2EServiceInstances: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 1506 | </div> |
| 1507 | </div> |
| 1508 | |
| 1509 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 1510 | |
| 1511 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 1512 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 1513 | <tr> |
| 1514 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 1515 | <th>Description</th> |
| 1516 | </tr> |
| 1517 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 1518 | <td> |
| 1519 | |
| 1520 | |
| 1521 | <div id="d2e199_activateE2EServiceInstances_version"> |
| 1522 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 1523 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 1524 | <span class="type"> |
| 1525 | String |
| 1526 | </span> |
| 1527 | |
| 1528 | </div> |
| 1529 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 1530 | Required |
| 1531 | </div> |
| 1532 | </div> |
| 1533 | </div> |
| 1534 | </td> |
| 1535 | </tr> |
| 1536 | |
| 1537 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceId*</td> |
| 1538 | <td> |
| 1539 | |
| 1540 | |
| 1541 | <div id="d2e199_activateE2EServiceInstances_serviceId"> |
| 1542 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 1543 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 1544 | <span class="type"> |
| 1545 | String |
| 1546 | </span> |
| 1547 | |
| 1548 | </div> |
| 1549 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 1550 | Required |
| 1551 | </div> |
| 1552 | </div> |
| 1553 | </div> |
| 1554 | </td> |
| 1555 | </tr> |
| 1556 | |
| 1557 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">operationType*</td> |
| 1558 | <td> |
| 1559 | |
| 1560 | |
| 1561 | <div id="d2e199_activateE2EServiceInstances_operationType"> |
| 1562 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 1563 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 1564 | <span class="type"> |
| 1565 | String |
| 1566 | </span> |
| 1567 | |
| 1568 | </div> |
| 1569 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 1570 | Required |
| 1571 | </div> |
| 1572 | </div> |
| 1573 | </div> |
| 1574 | </td> |
| 1575 | </tr> |
| 1576 | |
| 1577 | </table> |
| 1578 | |
| 1579 | |
| 1580 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 1581 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 1582 | <tr> |
| 1583 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 1584 | <th>Description</th> |
| 1585 | </tr> |
| 1586 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 1587 | <td> |
| 1588 | |
| 1589 | |
| 1590 | <script> |
| 1591 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 1592 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 1593 | "in" : "body", |
| 1594 | "name" : "body", |
| 1595 | "required" : false, |
| 1596 | "schema" : { |
| 1597 | "type" : "string" |
| 1598 | } |
| 1599 | }; |
| 1600 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 1601 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 1602 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 1603 | } else { |
| 1604 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 1605 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 1606 | console.log(err); |
| 1607 | }); |
| 1608 | } |
| 1609 | |
| 1610 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 1611 | var result = $('#d2e199_activateE2EServiceInstances_body'); |
| 1612 | result.empty(); |
| 1613 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 1614 | }); |
| 1615 | </script> |
| 1616 | <div id="d2e199_activateE2EServiceInstances_body"></div> |
| 1617 | </td> |
| 1618 | </tr> |
| 1619 | |
| 1620 | </table> |
| 1621 | |
| 1622 | |
| 1623 | |
| 1624 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 1625 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 1626 | |
| 1627 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 1628 | </ul> |
| 1629 | |
| 1630 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 1631 | </div> |
| 1632 | |
| 1633 | </article> |
| 1634 | </div> |
| 1635 | <hr> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1636 | <div id="api-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion"> |
| 1637 | <article id="api-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0" data-group="User" data-name="compareModelwithTargetVersion" data-version="0"> |
| 1638 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 1639 | <h1>compareModelwithTargetVersion</h1> |
rameshiyer27 | 553bc77 | 2020-08-25 16:49:34 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 1640 | <p>Find added and deleted resources of target model for the e2eserviceInstance on a given serviceId</p> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1641 | </div> |
| 1642 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 1643 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 1644 | <p></p> |
| 1645 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 1646 | <p></p> |
| 1647 | <br /> |
| 1648 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}/modeldifferences</span></code></pre> |
| 1649 | <p> |
| 1650 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 1651 | </p> |
| 1652 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 1653 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 1654 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 1655 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 1656 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 1657 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 1658 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 1659 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 1660 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 1661 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 1662 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 1663 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 1664 | </ul> |
| 1665 | |
| 1666 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 1667 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 1668 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}/modeldifferences"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1669 | </div> |
| 1670 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-java"> |
| 1671 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 1672 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 1673 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 1674 | import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 1675 | |
| 1676 | import; |
| 1677 | import java.util.*; |
| 1678 | |
| 1679 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 1680 | |
| 1681 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 1682 | |
| 1683 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 1684 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 1685 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 1686 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 1687 | try { |
| 1688 | apiInstance.compareModelwithTargetVersion(serviceId, version, body); |
| 1689 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 1690 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#compareModelwithTargetVersion"); |
| 1691 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 1692 | } |
| 1693 | } |
| 1694 | }</code></pre> |
| 1695 | </div> |
| 1696 | |
| 1697 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-android"> |
| 1698 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 1699 | |
| 1700 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 1701 | |
| 1702 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 1703 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 1704 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 1705 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 1706 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 1707 | try { |
| 1708 | apiInstance.compareModelwithTargetVersion(serviceId, version, body); |
| 1709 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 1710 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#compareModelwithTargetVersion"); |
| 1711 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 1712 | } |
| 1713 | } |
| 1714 | }</code></pre> |
| 1715 | </div> |
| 1716 | <!-- |
| 1717 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-groovy"> |
| 1718 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 1719 | </div> --> |
| 1720 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-objc"> |
| 1721 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *serviceId = serviceId_example; // |
| 1722 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 1723 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 1724 | |
| 1725 | E2eServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[E2eServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 1726 | |
rameshiyer27 | 553bc77 | 2020-08-25 16:49:34 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 1727 | // Find added and deleted resources of target model for the e2eserviceInstance on a given serviceId |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1728 | [apiInstance compareModelwithTargetVersionWith:serviceId |
| 1729 | version:version |
| 1730 | body:body |
| 1731 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 1732 | if (error) { |
| 1733 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 1734 | } |
| 1735 | }]; |
| 1736 | </code></pre> |
| 1737 | </div> |
| 1738 | |
| 1739 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 1740 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1741 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 1742 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1743 | |
| 1744 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // {String} |
| 1745 | |
| 1746 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 1747 | |
| 1748 | var opts = { |
| 1749 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 1750 | }; |
| 1751 | |
| 1752 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 1753 | if (error) { |
| 1754 | console.error(error); |
| 1755 | } else { |
| 1756 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 1757 | } |
| 1758 | }; |
| 1759 | api.compareModelwithTargetVersion(serviceId, version, opts, callback); |
| 1760 | </code></pre> |
| 1761 | </div> |
| 1762 | |
| 1763 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-angular"> |
| 1764 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 1765 | </div>--> |
| 1766 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-csharp"> |
| 1767 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 1768 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 1769 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 1770 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 1771 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 1772 | |
| 1773 | namespace Example |
| 1774 | { |
| 1775 | public class compareModelwithTargetVersionExample |
| 1776 | { |
| 1777 | public void main() |
| 1778 | { |
| 1779 | |
| 1780 | var apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 1781 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 1782 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 1783 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 1784 | |
| 1785 | try |
| 1786 | { |
rameshiyer27 | 553bc77 | 2020-08-25 16:49:34 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 1787 | // Find added and deleted resources of target model for the e2eserviceInstance on a given serviceId |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1788 | apiInstance.compareModelwithTargetVersion(serviceId, version, body); |
| 1789 | } |
| 1790 | catch (Exception e) |
| 1791 | { |
| 1792 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi.compareModelwithTargetVersion: " + e.Message ); |
| 1793 | } |
| 1794 | } |
| 1795 | } |
| 1796 | } |
| 1797 | </code></pre> |
| 1798 | </div> |
| 1799 | |
| 1800 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-php"> |
| 1801 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 1802 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 1803 | |
| 1804 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 1805 | $serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 1806 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 1807 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 1808 | |
| 1809 | try { |
| 1810 | $api_instance->compareModelwithTargetVersion($serviceId, $version, $body); |
| 1811 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 1812 | echo 'Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->compareModelwithTargetVersion: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 1813 | } |
| 1814 | ?></code></pre> |
| 1815 | </div> |
| 1816 | |
| 1817 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-perl"> |
| 1818 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 1819 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 1820 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 1821 | |
| 1822 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 1823 | my $serviceId = serviceId_example; # String | |
| 1824 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 1825 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 1826 | |
| 1827 | eval { |
| 1828 | $api_instance->compareModelwithTargetVersion(serviceId => $serviceId, version => $version, body => $body); |
| 1829 | }; |
| 1830 | if ($@) { |
| 1831 | warn "Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->compareModelwithTargetVersion: $@\n"; |
| 1832 | }</code></pre> |
| 1833 | </div> |
| 1834 | |
| 1835 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-compareModelwithTargetVersion-0-python"> |
| 1836 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 1837 | import time |
| 1838 | import swagger_client |
| 1839 | from import ApiException |
| 1840 | from pprint import pprint |
| 1841 | |
| 1842 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 1843 | api_instance = swagger_client.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
| 1844 | serviceId = serviceId_example # String | |
| 1845 | version = version_example # String | |
| 1846 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 1847 | |
| 1848 | try: |
rameshiyer27 | 553bc77 | 2020-08-25 16:49:34 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 1849 | # Find added and deleted resources of target model for the e2eserviceInstance on a given serviceId |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1850 | api_instance.compare_modelwith_target_version(serviceId, version, body=body) |
| 1851 | except ApiException as e: |
| 1852 | print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->compareModelwithTargetVersion: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 1853 | </div> |
| 1854 | </div> |
| 1855 | |
| 1856 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 1857 | |
| 1858 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 1859 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 1860 | <tr> |
| 1861 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 1862 | <th>Description</th> |
| 1863 | </tr> |
| 1864 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceId*</td> |
| 1865 | <td> |
| 1866 | |
| 1867 | |
| 1868 | <div id="d2e199_compareModelwithTargetVersion_serviceId"> |
| 1869 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 1870 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 1871 | <span class="type"> |
| 1872 | String |
| 1873 | </span> |
| 1874 | |
| 1875 | </div> |
| 1876 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 1877 | Required |
| 1878 | </div> |
| 1879 | </div> |
| 1880 | </div> |
| 1881 | </td> |
| 1882 | </tr> |
| 1883 | |
| 1884 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 1885 | <td> |
| 1886 | |
| 1887 | |
| 1888 | <div id="d2e199_compareModelwithTargetVersion_version"> |
| 1889 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 1890 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 1891 | <span class="type"> |
| 1892 | String |
| 1893 | </span> |
| 1894 | |
| 1895 | </div> |
| 1896 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 1897 | Required |
| 1898 | </div> |
| 1899 | </div> |
| 1900 | </div> |
| 1901 | </td> |
| 1902 | </tr> |
| 1903 | |
| 1904 | </table> |
| 1905 | |
| 1906 | |
| 1907 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 1908 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 1909 | <tr> |
| 1910 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 1911 | <th>Description</th> |
| 1912 | </tr> |
| 1913 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 1914 | <td> |
| 1915 | |
| 1916 | |
| 1917 | <script> |
| 1918 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 1919 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 1920 | "in" : "body", |
| 1921 | "name" : "body", |
| 1922 | "required" : false, |
| 1923 | "schema" : { |
| 1924 | "type" : "string" |
| 1925 | } |
| 1926 | }; |
| 1927 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 1928 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 1929 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 1930 | } else { |
| 1931 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 1932 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 1933 | console.log(err); |
| 1934 | }); |
| 1935 | } |
| 1936 | |
| 1937 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 1938 | var result = $('#d2e199_compareModelwithTargetVersion_body'); |
| 1939 | result.empty(); |
| 1940 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 1941 | }); |
| 1942 | </script> |
| 1943 | <div id="d2e199_compareModelwithTargetVersion_body"></div> |
| 1944 | </td> |
| 1945 | </tr> |
| 1946 | |
| 1947 | </table> |
| 1948 | |
| 1949 | |
| 1950 | |
| 1951 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 1952 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 1953 | |
| 1954 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 1955 | </ul> |
| 1956 | |
| 1957 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 1958 | </div> |
| 1959 | |
| 1960 | </article> |
| 1961 | </div> |
| 1962 | <hr> |
| 1963 | <div id="api-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance"> |
| 1964 | <article id="api-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="createE2EServiceInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 1965 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 1966 | <h1>createE2EServiceInstance</h1> |
| 1967 | <p>Create an E2E Service Instance on a version provided</p> |
| 1968 | </div> |
| 1969 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 1970 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 1971 | <p></p> |
| 1972 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 1973 | <p></p> |
| 1974 | <br /> |
| 1975 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}</span></code></pre> |
| 1976 | <p> |
| 1977 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 1978 | </p> |
| 1979 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 1980 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 1981 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 1982 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 1983 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 1984 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 1985 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 1986 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 1987 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 1988 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 1989 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 1990 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 1991 | </ul> |
| 1992 | |
| 1993 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 1994 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 1995 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 1996 | </div> |
| 1997 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-java"> |
| 1998 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 1999 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 2000 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 2001 | import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2002 | |
| 2003 | import; |
| 2004 | import java.util.*; |
| 2005 | |
| 2006 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 2007 | |
| 2008 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 2009 | |
| 2010 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2011 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 2012 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 2013 | try { |
| 2014 | apiInstance.createE2EServiceInstance(version, body); |
| 2015 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 2016 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#createE2EServiceInstance"); |
| 2017 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 2018 | } |
| 2019 | } |
| 2020 | }</code></pre> |
| 2021 | </div> |
| 2022 | |
| 2023 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-android"> |
| 2024 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2025 | |
| 2026 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 2027 | |
| 2028 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 2029 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2030 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 2031 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 2032 | try { |
| 2033 | apiInstance.createE2EServiceInstance(version, body); |
| 2034 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 2035 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#createE2EServiceInstance"); |
| 2036 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 2037 | } |
| 2038 | } |
| 2039 | }</code></pre> |
| 2040 | </div> |
| 2041 | <!-- |
| 2042 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 2043 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 2044 | </div> --> |
| 2045 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-objc"> |
| 2046 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 2047 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 2048 | |
| 2049 | E2eServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[E2eServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 2050 | |
| 2051 | // Create an E2E Service Instance on a version provided |
| 2052 | [apiInstance createE2EServiceInstanceWith:version |
| 2053 | body:body |
| 2054 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 2055 | if (error) { |
| 2056 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 2057 | } |
| 2058 | }]; |
| 2059 | </code></pre> |
| 2060 | </div> |
| 2061 | |
| 2062 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2063 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2064 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2065 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2066 | |
| 2067 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 2068 | |
| 2069 | var opts = { |
| 2070 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 2071 | }; |
| 2072 | |
| 2073 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 2074 | if (error) { |
| 2075 | console.error(error); |
| 2076 | } else { |
| 2077 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 2078 | } |
| 2079 | }; |
| 2080 | api.createE2EServiceInstance(version, opts, callback); |
| 2081 | </code></pre> |
| 2082 | </div> |
| 2083 | |
| 2084 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-angular"> |
| 2085 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 2086 | </div>--> |
| 2087 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 2088 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 2089 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 2090 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 2091 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 2092 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 2093 | |
| 2094 | namespace Example |
| 2095 | { |
| 2096 | public class createE2EServiceInstanceExample |
| 2097 | { |
| 2098 | public void main() |
| 2099 | { |
| 2100 | |
| 2101 | var apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2102 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 2103 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 2104 | |
| 2105 | try |
| 2106 | { |
| 2107 | // Create an E2E Service Instance on a version provided |
| 2108 | apiInstance.createE2EServiceInstance(version, body); |
| 2109 | } |
| 2110 | catch (Exception e) |
| 2111 | { |
| 2112 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi.createE2EServiceInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 2113 | } |
| 2114 | } |
| 2115 | } |
| 2116 | } |
| 2117 | </code></pre> |
| 2118 | </div> |
| 2119 | |
| 2120 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-php"> |
| 2121 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 2122 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 2123 | |
| 2124 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2125 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 2126 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 2127 | |
| 2128 | try { |
| 2129 | $api_instance->createE2EServiceInstance($version, $body); |
| 2130 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 2131 | echo 'Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->createE2EServiceInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 2132 | } |
| 2133 | ?></code></pre> |
| 2134 | </div> |
| 2135 | |
| 2136 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-perl"> |
| 2137 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 2138 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 2139 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2140 | |
| 2141 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 2142 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 2143 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 2144 | |
| 2145 | eval { |
| 2146 | $api_instance->createE2EServiceInstance(version => $version, body => $body); |
| 2147 | }; |
| 2148 | if ($@) { |
| 2149 | warn "Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->createE2EServiceInstance: $@\n"; |
| 2150 | }</code></pre> |
| 2151 | </div> |
| 2152 | |
| 2153 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-createE2EServiceInstance-0-python"> |
| 2154 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 2155 | import time |
| 2156 | import swagger_client |
| 2157 | from import ApiException |
| 2158 | from pprint import pprint |
| 2159 | |
| 2160 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 2161 | api_instance = swagger_client.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
| 2162 | version = version_example # String | |
| 2163 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 2164 | |
| 2165 | try: |
| 2166 | # Create an E2E Service Instance on a version provided |
| 2167 | api_instance.create_e2_e_service_instance(version, body=body) |
| 2168 | except ApiException as e: |
| 2169 | print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->createE2EServiceInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 2170 | </div> |
| 2171 | </div> |
| 2172 | |
| 2173 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 2174 | |
| 2175 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 2176 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 2177 | <tr> |
| 2178 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 2179 | <th>Description</th> |
| 2180 | </tr> |
| 2181 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 2182 | <td> |
| 2183 | |
| 2184 | |
| 2185 | <div id="d2e199_createE2EServiceInstance_version"> |
| 2186 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 2187 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 2188 | <span class="type"> |
| 2189 | String |
| 2190 | </span> |
| 2191 | |
| 2192 | </div> |
| 2193 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 2194 | Required |
| 2195 | </div> |
| 2196 | </div> |
| 2197 | </div> |
| 2198 | </td> |
| 2199 | </tr> |
| 2200 | |
| 2201 | </table> |
| 2202 | |
| 2203 | |
| 2204 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 2205 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 2206 | <tr> |
| 2207 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 2208 | <th>Description</th> |
| 2209 | </tr> |
| 2210 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 2211 | <td> |
| 2212 | |
| 2213 | |
| 2214 | <script> |
| 2215 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2216 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2217 | "in" : "body", |
| 2218 | "name" : "body", |
| 2219 | "required" : false, |
| 2220 | "schema" : { |
| 2221 | "type" : "string" |
| 2222 | } |
| 2223 | }; |
| 2224 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2225 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2226 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 2227 | } else { |
| 2228 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2229 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2230 | console.log(err); |
| 2231 | }); |
| 2232 | } |
| 2233 | |
| 2234 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 2235 | var result = $('#d2e199_createE2EServiceInstance_body'); |
| 2236 | result.empty(); |
| 2237 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2238 | }); |
| 2239 | </script> |
| 2240 | <div id="d2e199_createE2EServiceInstance_body"></div> |
| 2241 | </td> |
| 2242 | </tr> |
| 2243 | |
| 2244 | </table> |
| 2245 | |
| 2246 | |
| 2247 | |
| 2248 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 2249 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 2250 | |
| 2251 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2252 | </ul> |
| 2253 | |
| 2254 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2255 | </div> |
| 2256 | |
| 2257 | </article> |
| 2258 | </div> |
| 2259 | <hr> |
| 2260 | <div id="api-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance"> |
| 2261 | <article id="api-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="deleteE2EServiceInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 2262 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 2263 | <h1>deleteE2EServiceInstance</h1> |
| 2264 | <p>Delete E2E Service Instance on a specified version and serviceId</p> |
| 2265 | </div> |
| 2266 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 2267 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 2268 | <p></p> |
| 2269 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 2270 | <p></p> |
| 2271 | <br /> |
| 2272 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="delete"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 2273 | <p> |
| 2274 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 2275 | </p> |
| 2276 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 2277 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 2278 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 2279 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 2280 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 2281 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 2282 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 2283 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 2284 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 2285 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 2286 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 2287 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 2288 | </ul> |
| 2289 | |
| 2290 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 2291 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2292 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2293 | </div> |
| 2294 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-java"> |
| 2295 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 2296 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 2297 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 2298 | import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2299 | |
| 2300 | import; |
| 2301 | import java.util.*; |
| 2302 | |
| 2303 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 2304 | |
| 2305 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 2306 | |
| 2307 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2308 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 2309 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 2310 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 2311 | try { |
| 2312 | apiInstance.deleteE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, body); |
| 2313 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 2314 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#deleteE2EServiceInstance"); |
| 2315 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 2316 | } |
| 2317 | } |
| 2318 | }</code></pre> |
| 2319 | </div> |
| 2320 | |
| 2321 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-android"> |
| 2322 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2323 | |
| 2324 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 2325 | |
| 2326 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 2327 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2328 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 2329 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 2330 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 2331 | try { |
| 2332 | apiInstance.deleteE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, body); |
| 2333 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 2334 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#deleteE2EServiceInstance"); |
| 2335 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 2336 | } |
| 2337 | } |
| 2338 | }</code></pre> |
| 2339 | </div> |
| 2340 | <!-- |
| 2341 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 2342 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 2343 | </div> --> |
| 2344 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-objc"> |
| 2345 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 2346 | String *serviceId = serviceId_example; // |
| 2347 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 2348 | |
| 2349 | E2eServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[E2eServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 2350 | |
| 2351 | // Delete E2E Service Instance on a specified version and serviceId |
| 2352 | [apiInstance deleteE2EServiceInstanceWith:version |
| 2353 | serviceId:serviceId |
| 2354 | body:body |
| 2355 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 2356 | if (error) { |
| 2357 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 2358 | } |
| 2359 | }]; |
| 2360 | </code></pre> |
| 2361 | </div> |
| 2362 | |
| 2363 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2364 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2365 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2366 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2367 | |
| 2368 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 2369 | |
| 2370 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // {String} |
| 2371 | |
| 2372 | var opts = { |
| 2373 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 2374 | }; |
| 2375 | |
| 2376 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 2377 | if (error) { |
| 2378 | console.error(error); |
| 2379 | } else { |
| 2380 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 2381 | } |
| 2382 | }; |
| 2383 | api.deleteE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, opts, callback); |
| 2384 | </code></pre> |
| 2385 | </div> |
| 2386 | |
| 2387 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-angular"> |
| 2388 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 2389 | </div>--> |
| 2390 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 2391 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 2392 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 2393 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 2394 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 2395 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 2396 | |
| 2397 | namespace Example |
| 2398 | { |
| 2399 | public class deleteE2EServiceInstanceExample |
| 2400 | { |
| 2401 | public void main() |
| 2402 | { |
| 2403 | |
| 2404 | var apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2405 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 2406 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 2407 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 2408 | |
| 2409 | try |
| 2410 | { |
| 2411 | // Delete E2E Service Instance on a specified version and serviceId |
| 2412 | apiInstance.deleteE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, body); |
| 2413 | } |
| 2414 | catch (Exception e) |
| 2415 | { |
| 2416 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi.deleteE2EServiceInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 2417 | } |
| 2418 | } |
| 2419 | } |
| 2420 | } |
| 2421 | </code></pre> |
| 2422 | </div> |
| 2423 | |
| 2424 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-php"> |
| 2425 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 2426 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 2427 | |
| 2428 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2429 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 2430 | $serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 2431 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 2432 | |
| 2433 | try { |
| 2434 | $api_instance->deleteE2EServiceInstance($version, $serviceId, $body); |
| 2435 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 2436 | echo 'Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->deleteE2EServiceInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 2437 | } |
| 2438 | ?></code></pre> |
| 2439 | </div> |
| 2440 | |
| 2441 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-perl"> |
| 2442 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 2443 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 2444 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2445 | |
| 2446 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 2447 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 2448 | my $serviceId = serviceId_example; # String | |
| 2449 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 2450 | |
| 2451 | eval { |
| 2452 | $api_instance->deleteE2EServiceInstance(version => $version, serviceId => $serviceId, body => $body); |
| 2453 | }; |
| 2454 | if ($@) { |
| 2455 | warn "Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->deleteE2EServiceInstance: $@\n"; |
| 2456 | }</code></pre> |
| 2457 | </div> |
| 2458 | |
| 2459 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-deleteE2EServiceInstance-0-python"> |
| 2460 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 2461 | import time |
| 2462 | import swagger_client |
| 2463 | from import ApiException |
| 2464 | from pprint import pprint |
| 2465 | |
| 2466 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 2467 | api_instance = swagger_client.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
| 2468 | version = version_example # String | |
| 2469 | serviceId = serviceId_example # String | |
| 2470 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 2471 | |
| 2472 | try: |
| 2473 | # Delete E2E Service Instance on a specified version and serviceId |
| 2474 | api_instance.delete_e2_e_service_instance(version, serviceId, body=body) |
| 2475 | except ApiException as e: |
| 2476 | print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->deleteE2EServiceInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 2477 | </div> |
| 2478 | </div> |
| 2479 | |
| 2480 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 2481 | |
| 2482 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 2483 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 2484 | <tr> |
| 2485 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 2486 | <th>Description</th> |
| 2487 | </tr> |
| 2488 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 2489 | <td> |
| 2490 | |
| 2491 | |
| 2492 | <div id="d2e199_deleteE2EServiceInstance_version"> |
| 2493 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 2494 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 2495 | <span class="type"> |
| 2496 | String |
| 2497 | </span> |
| 2498 | |
| 2499 | </div> |
| 2500 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 2501 | Required |
| 2502 | </div> |
| 2503 | </div> |
| 2504 | </div> |
| 2505 | </td> |
| 2506 | </tr> |
| 2507 | |
| 2508 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceId*</td> |
| 2509 | <td> |
| 2510 | |
| 2511 | |
| 2512 | <div id="d2e199_deleteE2EServiceInstance_serviceId"> |
| 2513 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 2514 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 2515 | <span class="type"> |
| 2516 | String |
| 2517 | </span> |
| 2518 | |
| 2519 | </div> |
| 2520 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 2521 | Required |
| 2522 | </div> |
| 2523 | </div> |
| 2524 | </div> |
| 2525 | </td> |
| 2526 | </tr> |
| 2527 | |
| 2528 | </table> |
| 2529 | |
| 2530 | |
| 2531 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 2532 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 2533 | <tr> |
| 2534 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 2535 | <th>Description</th> |
| 2536 | </tr> |
| 2537 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 2538 | <td> |
| 2539 | |
| 2540 | |
| 2541 | <script> |
| 2542 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2543 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2544 | "in" : "body", |
| 2545 | "name" : "body", |
| 2546 | "required" : false, |
| 2547 | "schema" : { |
| 2548 | "type" : "string" |
| 2549 | } |
| 2550 | }; |
| 2551 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2552 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2553 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 2554 | } else { |
| 2555 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2556 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2557 | console.log(err); |
| 2558 | }); |
| 2559 | } |
| 2560 | |
| 2561 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 2562 | var result = $('#d2e199_deleteE2EServiceInstance_body'); |
| 2563 | result.empty(); |
| 2564 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2565 | }); |
| 2566 | </script> |
| 2567 | <div id="d2e199_deleteE2EServiceInstance_body"></div> |
| 2568 | </td> |
| 2569 | </tr> |
| 2570 | |
| 2571 | </table> |
| 2572 | |
| 2573 | |
| 2574 | |
| 2575 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 2576 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 2577 | |
| 2578 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2579 | </ul> |
| 2580 | |
| 2581 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2582 | </div> |
| 2583 | |
| 2584 | </article> |
| 2585 | </div> |
| 2586 | <hr> |
| 2587 | <div id="api-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances"> |
| 2588 | <article id="api-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0" data-group="User" data-name="getE2EServiceInstances" data-version="0"> |
| 2589 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 2590 | <h1>getE2EServiceInstances</h1> |
| 2591 | <p>Find e2eServiceInstances Requests for a given serviceId and operationId</p> |
| 2592 | </div> |
| 2593 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 2594 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 2595 | <p></p> |
| 2596 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 2597 | <p></p> |
| 2598 | <br /> |
| 2599 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}/operations/{operationId}</span></code></pre> |
| 2600 | <p> |
| 2601 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 2602 | </p> |
| 2603 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 2604 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 2605 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 2606 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 2607 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 2608 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 2609 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 2610 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 2611 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 2612 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 2613 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 2614 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 2615 | </ul> |
| 2616 | |
| 2617 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 2618 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2619 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}/operations/{operationId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2620 | </div> |
| 2621 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-java"> |
| 2622 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 2623 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 2624 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 2625 | import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2626 | |
| 2627 | import; |
| 2628 | import java.util.*; |
| 2629 | |
| 2630 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 2631 | |
| 2632 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 2633 | |
| 2634 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2635 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 2636 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 2637 | String operationId = operationId_example; // String | |
| 2638 | try { |
| 2639 | apiInstance.getE2EServiceInstances(serviceId, version, operationId); |
| 2640 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 2641 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#getE2EServiceInstances"); |
| 2642 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 2643 | } |
| 2644 | } |
| 2645 | }</code></pre> |
| 2646 | </div> |
| 2647 | |
| 2648 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-android"> |
| 2649 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2650 | |
| 2651 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 2652 | |
| 2653 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 2654 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2655 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 2656 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 2657 | String operationId = operationId_example; // String | |
| 2658 | try { |
| 2659 | apiInstance.getE2EServiceInstances(serviceId, version, operationId); |
| 2660 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 2661 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#getE2EServiceInstances"); |
| 2662 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 2663 | } |
| 2664 | } |
| 2665 | }</code></pre> |
| 2666 | </div> |
| 2667 | <!-- |
| 2668 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-groovy"> |
| 2669 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 2670 | </div> --> |
| 2671 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-objc"> |
| 2672 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *serviceId = serviceId_example; // |
| 2673 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 2674 | String *operationId = operationId_example; // |
| 2675 | |
| 2676 | E2eServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[E2eServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 2677 | |
| 2678 | // Find e2eServiceInstances Requests for a given serviceId and operationId |
| 2679 | [apiInstance getE2EServiceInstancesWith:serviceId |
| 2680 | version:version |
| 2681 | operationId:operationId |
| 2682 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 2683 | if (error) { |
| 2684 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 2685 | } |
| 2686 | }]; |
| 2687 | </code></pre> |
| 2688 | </div> |
| 2689 | |
| 2690 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2691 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2692 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2693 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2694 | |
| 2695 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // {String} |
| 2696 | |
| 2697 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 2698 | |
| 2699 | var operationId = operationId_example; // {String} |
| 2700 | |
| 2701 | |
| 2702 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 2703 | if (error) { |
| 2704 | console.error(error); |
| 2705 | } else { |
| 2706 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 2707 | } |
| 2708 | }; |
| 2709 | api.getE2EServiceInstances(serviceId, version, operationId, callback); |
| 2710 | </code></pre> |
| 2711 | </div> |
| 2712 | |
| 2713 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-angular"> |
| 2714 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 2715 | </div>--> |
| 2716 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-csharp"> |
| 2717 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 2718 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 2719 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 2720 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 2721 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 2722 | |
| 2723 | namespace Example |
| 2724 | { |
| 2725 | public class getE2EServiceInstancesExample |
| 2726 | { |
| 2727 | public void main() |
| 2728 | { |
| 2729 | |
| 2730 | var apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2731 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 2732 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 2733 | var operationId = operationId_example; // String | |
| 2734 | |
| 2735 | try |
| 2736 | { |
| 2737 | // Find e2eServiceInstances Requests for a given serviceId and operationId |
| 2738 | apiInstance.getE2EServiceInstances(serviceId, version, operationId); |
| 2739 | } |
| 2740 | catch (Exception e) |
| 2741 | { |
| 2742 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi.getE2EServiceInstances: " + e.Message ); |
| 2743 | } |
| 2744 | } |
| 2745 | } |
| 2746 | } |
| 2747 | </code></pre> |
| 2748 | </div> |
| 2749 | |
| 2750 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-php"> |
| 2751 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 2752 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 2753 | |
| 2754 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2755 | $serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 2756 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 2757 | $operationId = operationId_example; // String | |
| 2758 | |
| 2759 | try { |
| 2760 | $api_instance->getE2EServiceInstances($serviceId, $version, $operationId); |
| 2761 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 2762 | echo 'Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->getE2EServiceInstances: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 2763 | } |
| 2764 | ?></code></pre> |
| 2765 | </div> |
| 2766 | |
| 2767 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-perl"> |
| 2768 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 2769 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 2770 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2771 | |
| 2772 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 2773 | my $serviceId = serviceId_example; # String | |
| 2774 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 2775 | my $operationId = operationId_example; # String | |
| 2776 | |
| 2777 | eval { |
| 2778 | $api_instance->getE2EServiceInstances(serviceId => $serviceId, version => $version, operationId => $operationId); |
| 2779 | }; |
| 2780 | if ($@) { |
| 2781 | warn "Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->getE2EServiceInstances: $@\n"; |
| 2782 | }</code></pre> |
| 2783 | </div> |
| 2784 | |
| 2785 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-getE2EServiceInstances-0-python"> |
| 2786 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 2787 | import time |
| 2788 | import swagger_client |
| 2789 | from import ApiException |
| 2790 | from pprint import pprint |
| 2791 | |
| 2792 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 2793 | api_instance = swagger_client.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
| 2794 | serviceId = serviceId_example # String | |
| 2795 | version = version_example # String | |
| 2796 | operationId = operationId_example # String | |
| 2797 | |
| 2798 | try: |
| 2799 | # Find e2eServiceInstances Requests for a given serviceId and operationId |
| 2800 | api_instance.get_e2_e_service_instances(serviceId, version, operationId) |
| 2801 | except ApiException as e: |
| 2802 | print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->getE2EServiceInstances: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 2803 | </div> |
| 2804 | </div> |
| 2805 | |
| 2806 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 2807 | |
| 2808 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 2809 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 2810 | <tr> |
| 2811 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 2812 | <th>Description</th> |
| 2813 | </tr> |
| 2814 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceId*</td> |
| 2815 | <td> |
| 2816 | |
| 2817 | |
| 2818 | <div id="d2e199_getE2EServiceInstances_serviceId"> |
| 2819 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 2820 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 2821 | <span class="type"> |
| 2822 | String |
| 2823 | </span> |
| 2824 | |
| 2825 | </div> |
| 2826 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 2827 | Required |
| 2828 | </div> |
| 2829 | </div> |
| 2830 | </div> |
| 2831 | </td> |
| 2832 | </tr> |
| 2833 | |
| 2834 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 2835 | <td> |
| 2836 | |
| 2837 | |
| 2838 | <div id="d2e199_getE2EServiceInstances_version"> |
| 2839 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 2840 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 2841 | <span class="type"> |
| 2842 | String |
| 2843 | </span> |
| 2844 | |
| 2845 | </div> |
| 2846 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 2847 | Required |
| 2848 | </div> |
| 2849 | </div> |
| 2850 | </div> |
| 2851 | </td> |
| 2852 | </tr> |
| 2853 | |
| 2854 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">operationId*</td> |
| 2855 | <td> |
| 2856 | |
| 2857 | |
| 2858 | <div id="d2e199_getE2EServiceInstances_operationId"> |
| 2859 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 2860 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 2861 | <span class="type"> |
| 2862 | String |
| 2863 | </span> |
| 2864 | |
| 2865 | </div> |
| 2866 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 2867 | Required |
| 2868 | </div> |
| 2869 | </div> |
| 2870 | </div> |
| 2871 | </td> |
| 2872 | </tr> |
| 2873 | |
| 2874 | </table> |
| 2875 | |
| 2876 | |
| 2877 | |
| 2878 | |
| 2879 | |
| 2880 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 2881 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 2882 | |
| 2883 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2884 | </ul> |
| 2885 | |
| 2886 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2887 | </div> |
| 2888 | |
| 2889 | </article> |
| 2890 | </div> |
| 2891 | <hr> |
| 2892 | <div id="api-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance"> |
| 2893 | <article id="api-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="scaleE2EServiceInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 2894 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 2895 | <h1>scaleE2EServiceInstance</h1> |
| 2896 | <p>Scale E2E Service Instance on a specified version</p> |
| 2897 | </div> |
| 2898 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 2899 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 2900 | <p></p> |
| 2901 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 2902 | <p></p> |
| 2903 | <br /> |
| 2904 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}/scale</span></code></pre> |
| 2905 | <p> |
| 2906 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 2907 | </p> |
| 2908 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 2909 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 2910 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 2911 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 2912 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 2913 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 2914 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 2915 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 2916 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 2917 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 2918 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 2919 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 2920 | </ul> |
| 2921 | |
| 2922 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 2923 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2924 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}/scale"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2925 | </div> |
| 2926 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-java"> |
| 2927 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 2928 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 2929 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 2930 | import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2931 | |
| 2932 | import; |
| 2933 | import java.util.*; |
| 2934 | |
| 2935 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 2936 | |
| 2937 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 2938 | |
| 2939 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2940 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 2941 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 2942 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 2943 | try { |
| 2944 | apiInstance.scaleE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, body); |
| 2945 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 2946 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#scaleE2EServiceInstance"); |
| 2947 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 2948 | } |
| 2949 | } |
| 2950 | }</code></pre> |
| 2951 | </div> |
| 2952 | |
| 2953 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-android"> |
| 2954 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 2955 | |
| 2956 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 2957 | |
| 2958 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 2959 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 2960 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 2961 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 2962 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 2963 | try { |
| 2964 | apiInstance.scaleE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, body); |
| 2965 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 2966 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#scaleE2EServiceInstance"); |
| 2967 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 2968 | } |
| 2969 | } |
| 2970 | }</code></pre> |
| 2971 | </div> |
| 2972 | <!-- |
| 2973 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 2974 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 2975 | </div> --> |
| 2976 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-objc"> |
| 2977 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 2978 | String *serviceId = serviceId_example; // |
| 2979 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 2980 | |
| 2981 | E2eServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[E2eServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 2982 | |
| 2983 | // Scale E2E Service Instance on a specified version |
| 2984 | [apiInstance scaleE2EServiceInstanceWith:version |
| 2985 | serviceId:serviceId |
| 2986 | body:body |
| 2987 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 2988 | if (error) { |
| 2989 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 2990 | } |
| 2991 | }]; |
| 2992 | </code></pre> |
| 2993 | </div> |
| 2994 | |
| 2995 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2996 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2997 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 2998 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 2999 | |
| 3000 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 3001 | |
| 3002 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // {String} |
| 3003 | |
| 3004 | var opts = { |
| 3005 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 3006 | }; |
| 3007 | |
| 3008 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 3009 | if (error) { |
| 3010 | console.error(error); |
| 3011 | } else { |
| 3012 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 3013 | } |
| 3014 | }; |
| 3015 | api.scaleE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, opts, callback); |
| 3016 | </code></pre> |
| 3017 | </div> |
| 3018 | |
| 3019 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-angular"> |
| 3020 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 3021 | </div>--> |
| 3022 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 3023 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 3024 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 3025 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 3026 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 3027 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 3028 | |
| 3029 | namespace Example |
| 3030 | { |
| 3031 | public class scaleE2EServiceInstanceExample |
| 3032 | { |
| 3033 | public void main() |
| 3034 | { |
| 3035 | |
| 3036 | var apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 3037 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 3038 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 3039 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 3040 | |
| 3041 | try |
| 3042 | { |
| 3043 | // Scale E2E Service Instance on a specified version |
| 3044 | apiInstance.scaleE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, body); |
| 3045 | } |
| 3046 | catch (Exception e) |
| 3047 | { |
| 3048 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi.scaleE2EServiceInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 3049 | } |
| 3050 | } |
| 3051 | } |
| 3052 | } |
| 3053 | </code></pre> |
| 3054 | </div> |
| 3055 | |
| 3056 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-php"> |
| 3057 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 3058 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 3059 | |
| 3060 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 3061 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 3062 | $serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 3063 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 3064 | |
| 3065 | try { |
| 3066 | $api_instance->scaleE2EServiceInstance($version, $serviceId, $body); |
| 3067 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 3068 | echo 'Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->scaleE2EServiceInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 3069 | } |
| 3070 | ?></code></pre> |
| 3071 | </div> |
| 3072 | |
| 3073 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-perl"> |
| 3074 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 3075 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 3076 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 3077 | |
| 3078 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 3079 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 3080 | my $serviceId = serviceId_example; # String | |
| 3081 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 3082 | |
| 3083 | eval { |
| 3084 | $api_instance->scaleE2EServiceInstance(version => $version, serviceId => $serviceId, body => $body); |
| 3085 | }; |
| 3086 | if ($@) { |
| 3087 | warn "Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->scaleE2EServiceInstance: $@\n"; |
| 3088 | }</code></pre> |
| 3089 | </div> |
| 3090 | |
| 3091 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-scaleE2EServiceInstance-0-python"> |
| 3092 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 3093 | import time |
| 3094 | import swagger_client |
| 3095 | from import ApiException |
| 3096 | from pprint import pprint |
| 3097 | |
| 3098 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 3099 | api_instance = swagger_client.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
| 3100 | version = version_example # String | |
| 3101 | serviceId = serviceId_example # String | |
| 3102 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 3103 | |
| 3104 | try: |
| 3105 | # Scale E2E Service Instance on a specified version |
| 3106 | api_instance.scale_e2_e_service_instance(version, serviceId, body=body) |
| 3107 | except ApiException as e: |
| 3108 | print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->scaleE2EServiceInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 3109 | </div> |
| 3110 | </div> |
| 3111 | |
| 3112 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 3113 | |
| 3114 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 3115 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 3116 | <tr> |
| 3117 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 3118 | <th>Description</th> |
| 3119 | </tr> |
| 3120 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 3121 | <td> |
| 3122 | |
| 3123 | |
| 3124 | <div id="d2e199_scaleE2EServiceInstance_version"> |
| 3125 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 3126 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 3127 | <span class="type"> |
| 3128 | String |
| 3129 | </span> |
| 3130 | |
| 3131 | </div> |
| 3132 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 3133 | Required |
| 3134 | </div> |
| 3135 | </div> |
| 3136 | </div> |
| 3137 | </td> |
| 3138 | </tr> |
| 3139 | |
| 3140 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceId*</td> |
| 3141 | <td> |
| 3142 | |
| 3143 | |
| 3144 | <div id="d2e199_scaleE2EServiceInstance_serviceId"> |
| 3145 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 3146 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 3147 | <span class="type"> |
| 3148 | String |
| 3149 | </span> |
| 3150 | |
| 3151 | </div> |
| 3152 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 3153 | Required |
| 3154 | </div> |
| 3155 | </div> |
| 3156 | </div> |
| 3157 | </td> |
| 3158 | </tr> |
| 3159 | |
| 3160 | </table> |
| 3161 | |
| 3162 | |
| 3163 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 3164 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 3165 | <tr> |
| 3166 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 3167 | <th>Description</th> |
| 3168 | </tr> |
| 3169 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 3170 | <td> |
| 3171 | |
| 3172 | |
| 3173 | <script> |
| 3174 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 3175 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 3176 | "in" : "body", |
| 3177 | "name" : "body", |
| 3178 | "required" : false, |
| 3179 | "schema" : { |
| 3180 | "type" : "string" |
| 3181 | } |
| 3182 | }; |
| 3183 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 3184 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 3185 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 3186 | } else { |
| 3187 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 3188 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 3189 | console.log(err); |
| 3190 | }); |
| 3191 | } |
| 3192 | |
| 3193 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 3194 | var result = $('#d2e199_scaleE2EServiceInstance_body'); |
| 3195 | result.empty(); |
| 3196 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 3197 | }); |
| 3198 | </script> |
| 3199 | <div id="d2e199_scaleE2EServiceInstance_body"></div> |
| 3200 | </td> |
| 3201 | </tr> |
| 3202 | |
| 3203 | </table> |
| 3204 | |
| 3205 | |
| 3206 | |
| 3207 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 3208 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 3209 | |
| 3210 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 3211 | </ul> |
| 3212 | |
| 3213 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 3214 | </div> |
| 3215 | |
| 3216 | </article> |
| 3217 | </div> |
| 3218 | <hr> |
| 3219 | <div id="api-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance"> |
| 3220 | <article id="api-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="updateE2EServiceInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 3221 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 3222 | <h1>updateE2EServiceInstance</h1> |
| 3223 | <p>Update an E2E Service Instance on a version provided and serviceId</p> |
| 3224 | </div> |
| 3225 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 3226 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 3227 | <p></p> |
| 3228 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 3229 | <p></p> |
| 3230 | <br /> |
| 3231 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="put"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 3232 | <p> |
| 3233 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 3234 | </p> |
| 3235 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 3236 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 3237 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 3238 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 3239 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 3240 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 3241 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 3242 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 3243 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 3244 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 3245 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 3246 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 3247 | </ul> |
| 3248 | |
| 3249 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 3250 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 3251 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X PUT "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/{version}/{serviceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 3252 | </div> |
| 3253 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-java"> |
| 3254 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 3255 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 3256 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 3257 | import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 3258 | |
| 3259 | import; |
| 3260 | import java.util.*; |
| 3261 | |
| 3262 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 3263 | |
| 3264 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 3265 | |
| 3266 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 3267 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 3268 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 3269 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 3270 | try { |
| 3271 | apiInstance.updateE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, body); |
| 3272 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 3273 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#updateE2EServiceInstance"); |
| 3274 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 3275 | } |
| 3276 | } |
| 3277 | }</code></pre> |
| 3278 | </div> |
| 3279 | |
| 3280 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-android"> |
| 3281 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 3282 | |
| 3283 | public class E2eServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 3284 | |
| 3285 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 3286 | E2eServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 3287 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 3288 | String serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 3289 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 3290 | try { |
| 3291 | apiInstance.updateE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, body); |
| 3292 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 3293 | System.err.println("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi#updateE2EServiceInstance"); |
| 3294 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 3295 | } |
| 3296 | } |
| 3297 | }</code></pre> |
| 3298 | </div> |
| 3299 | <!-- |
| 3300 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 3301 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 3302 | </div> --> |
| 3303 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-objc"> |
| 3304 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 3305 | String *serviceId = serviceId_example; // |
| 3306 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 3307 | |
| 3308 | E2eServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[E2eServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 3309 | |
| 3310 | // Update an E2E Service Instance on a version provided and serviceId |
| 3311 | [apiInstance updateE2EServiceInstanceWith:version |
| 3312 | serviceId:serviceId |
| 3313 | body:body |
| 3314 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 3315 | if (error) { |
| 3316 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 3317 | } |
| 3318 | }]; |
| 3319 | </code></pre> |
| 3320 | </div> |
| 3321 | |
| 3322 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 3323 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 3324 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 3325 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 3326 | |
| 3327 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 3328 | |
| 3329 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // {String} |
| 3330 | |
| 3331 | var opts = { |
| 3332 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 3333 | }; |
| 3334 | |
| 3335 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 3336 | if (error) { |
| 3337 | console.error(error); |
| 3338 | } else { |
| 3339 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 3340 | } |
| 3341 | }; |
| 3342 | api.updateE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, opts, callback); |
| 3343 | </code></pre> |
| 3344 | </div> |
| 3345 | |
| 3346 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-angular"> |
| 3347 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 3348 | </div>--> |
| 3349 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 3350 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 3351 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 3352 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 3353 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 3354 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 3355 | |
| 3356 | namespace Example |
| 3357 | { |
| 3358 | public class updateE2EServiceInstanceExample |
| 3359 | { |
| 3360 | public void main() |
| 3361 | { |
| 3362 | |
| 3363 | var apiInstance = new E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 3364 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 3365 | var serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 3366 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 3367 | |
| 3368 | try |
| 3369 | { |
| 3370 | // Update an E2E Service Instance on a version provided and serviceId |
| 3371 | apiInstance.updateE2EServiceInstance(version, serviceId, body); |
| 3372 | } |
| 3373 | catch (Exception e) |
| 3374 | { |
| 3375 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi.updateE2EServiceInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 3376 | } |
| 3377 | } |
| 3378 | } |
| 3379 | } |
| 3380 | </code></pre> |
| 3381 | </div> |
| 3382 | |
| 3383 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-php"> |
| 3384 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 3385 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 3386 | |
| 3387 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\E2eServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 3388 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 3389 | $serviceId = serviceId_example; // String | |
| 3390 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 3391 | |
| 3392 | try { |
| 3393 | $api_instance->updateE2EServiceInstance($version, $serviceId, $body); |
| 3394 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 3395 | echo 'Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->updateE2EServiceInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 3396 | } |
| 3397 | ?></code></pre> |
| 3398 | </div> |
| 3399 | |
| 3400 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-perl"> |
| 3401 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 3402 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 3403 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi; |
| 3404 | |
| 3405 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::E2eServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 3406 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 3407 | my $serviceId = serviceId_example; # String | |
| 3408 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 3409 | |
| 3410 | eval { |
| 3411 | $api_instance->updateE2EServiceInstance(version => $version, serviceId => $serviceId, body => $body); |
| 3412 | }; |
| 3413 | if ($@) { |
| 3414 | warn "Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->updateE2EServiceInstance: $@\n"; |
| 3415 | }</code></pre> |
| 3416 | </div> |
| 3417 | |
| 3418 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-E2eServiceInstances-updateE2EServiceInstance-0-python"> |
| 3419 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 3420 | import time |
| 3421 | import swagger_client |
| 3422 | from import ApiException |
| 3423 | from pprint import pprint |
| 3424 | |
| 3425 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 3426 | api_instance = swagger_client.E2eServiceInstancesApi() |
| 3427 | version = version_example # String | |
| 3428 | serviceId = serviceId_example # String | |
| 3429 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 3430 | |
| 3431 | try: |
| 3432 | # Update an E2E Service Instance on a version provided and serviceId |
| 3433 | api_instance.update_e2_e_service_instance(version, serviceId, body=body) |
| 3434 | except ApiException as e: |
| 3435 | print("Exception when calling E2eServiceInstancesApi->updateE2EServiceInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 3436 | </div> |
| 3437 | </div> |
| 3438 | |
| 3439 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 3440 | |
| 3441 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 3442 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 3443 | <tr> |
| 3444 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 3445 | <th>Description</th> |
| 3446 | </tr> |
| 3447 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 3448 | <td> |
| 3449 | |
| 3450 | |
| 3451 | <div id="d2e199_updateE2EServiceInstance_version"> |
| 3452 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 3453 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 3454 | <span class="type"> |
| 3455 | String |
| 3456 | </span> |
| 3457 | |
| 3458 | </div> |
| 3459 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 3460 | Required |
| 3461 | </div> |
| 3462 | </div> |
| 3463 | </div> |
| 3464 | </td> |
| 3465 | </tr> |
| 3466 | |
| 3467 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceId*</td> |
| 3468 | <td> |
| 3469 | |
| 3470 | |
| 3471 | <div id="d2e199_updateE2EServiceInstance_serviceId"> |
| 3472 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 3473 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 3474 | <span class="type"> |
| 3475 | String |
| 3476 | </span> |
| 3477 | |
| 3478 | </div> |
| 3479 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 3480 | Required |
| 3481 | </div> |
| 3482 | </div> |
| 3483 | </div> |
| 3484 | </td> |
| 3485 | </tr> |
| 3486 | |
| 3487 | </table> |
| 3488 | |
| 3489 | |
| 3490 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 3491 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 3492 | <tr> |
| 3493 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 3494 | <th>Description</th> |
| 3495 | </tr> |
| 3496 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 3497 | <td> |
| 3498 | |
| 3499 | |
| 3500 | <script> |
| 3501 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 3502 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 3503 | "in" : "body", |
| 3504 | "name" : "body", |
| 3505 | "required" : false, |
| 3506 | "schema" : { |
| 3507 | "type" : "string" |
| 3508 | } |
| 3509 | }; |
| 3510 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 3511 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 3512 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 3513 | } else { |
| 3514 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 3515 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 3516 | console.log(err); |
| 3517 | }); |
| 3518 | } |
| 3519 | |
| 3520 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 3521 | var result = $('#d2e199_updateE2EServiceInstance_body'); |
| 3522 | result.empty(); |
| 3523 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 3524 | }); |
| 3525 | </script> |
| 3526 | <div id="d2e199_updateE2EServiceInstance_body"></div> |
| 3527 | </td> |
| 3528 | </tr> |
| 3529 | |
| 3530 | </table> |
| 3531 | |
| 3532 | |
| 3533 | |
| 3534 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 3535 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 3536 | |
| 3537 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 3538 | </ul> |
| 3539 | |
| 3540 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 3541 | </div> |
| 3542 | |
| 3543 | </article> |
| 3544 | </div> |
| 3545 | <hr> |
| 3546 | </section> |
| 3547 | <section id="api-Globalhealthcheck"> |
| 3548 | <h1>Globalhealthcheck</h1> |
| 3549 | <div id="api-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck"> |
| 3550 | <article id="api-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0" data-group="User" data-name="globalHealthcheck" data-version="0"> |
| 3551 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 3552 | <h1>globalHealthcheck</h1> |
| 3553 | <p>Performing global health check</p> |
| 3554 | </div> |
| 3555 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 3556 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 3557 | <p></p> |
| 3558 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 3559 | <p></p> |
| 3560 | <br /> |
| 3561 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/globalhealthcheck</span></code></pre> |
| 3562 | <p> |
| 3563 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 3564 | </p> |
| 3565 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 3566 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 3567 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 3568 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 3569 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 3570 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 3571 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 3572 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 3573 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 3574 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 3575 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 3576 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 3577 | </ul> |
| 3578 | |
| 3579 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 3580 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 3581 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/globalhealthcheck?enableBpmn="</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 3582 | </div> |
| 3583 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-java"> |
| 3584 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 3585 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 3586 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 3587 | import io.swagger.client.api.GlobalhealthcheckApi; |
| 3588 | |
| 3589 | import; |
| 3590 | import java.util.*; |
| 3591 | |
| 3592 | public class GlobalhealthcheckApiExample { |
| 3593 | |
| 3594 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 3595 | |
| 3596 | GlobalhealthcheckApi apiInstance = new GlobalhealthcheckApi(); |
| 3597 | Boolean enableBpmn = true; // Boolean | |
| 3598 | try { |
| 3599 | apiInstance.globalHealthcheck(enableBpmn); |
| 3600 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 3601 | System.err.println("Exception when calling GlobalhealthcheckApi#globalHealthcheck"); |
| 3602 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 3603 | } |
| 3604 | } |
| 3605 | }</code></pre> |
| 3606 | </div> |
| 3607 | |
| 3608 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-android"> |
| 3609 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.GlobalhealthcheckApi; |
| 3610 | |
| 3611 | public class GlobalhealthcheckApiExample { |
| 3612 | |
| 3613 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 3614 | GlobalhealthcheckApi apiInstance = new GlobalhealthcheckApi(); |
| 3615 | Boolean enableBpmn = true; // Boolean | |
| 3616 | try { |
| 3617 | apiInstance.globalHealthcheck(enableBpmn); |
| 3618 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 3619 | System.err.println("Exception when calling GlobalhealthcheckApi#globalHealthcheck"); |
| 3620 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 3621 | } |
| 3622 | } |
| 3623 | }</code></pre> |
| 3624 | </div> |
| 3625 | <!-- |
| 3626 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-groovy"> |
| 3627 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 3628 | </div> --> |
| 3629 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-objc"> |
| 3630 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">Boolean *enableBpmn = true; // (optional) (default to true) |
| 3631 | |
| 3632 | GlobalhealthcheckApi *apiInstance = [[GlobalhealthcheckApi alloc] init]; |
| 3633 | |
| 3634 | // Performing global health check |
| 3635 | [apiInstance globalHealthcheckWith:enableBpmn |
| 3636 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 3637 | if (error) { |
| 3638 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 3639 | } |
| 3640 | }]; |
| 3641 | </code></pre> |
| 3642 | </div> |
| 3643 | |
| 3644 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 3645 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 3646 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 3647 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.GlobalhealthcheckApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 3648 | |
| 3649 | var opts = { |
| 3650 | 'enableBpmn': true // {Boolean} |
| 3651 | }; |
| 3652 | |
| 3653 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 3654 | if (error) { |
| 3655 | console.error(error); |
| 3656 | } else { |
| 3657 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 3658 | } |
| 3659 | }; |
| 3660 | api.globalHealthcheck(opts, callback); |
| 3661 | </code></pre> |
| 3662 | </div> |
| 3663 | |
| 3664 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-angular"> |
| 3665 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 3666 | </div>--> |
| 3667 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-csharp"> |
| 3668 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 3669 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 3670 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 3671 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 3672 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 3673 | |
| 3674 | namespace Example |
| 3675 | { |
| 3676 | public class globalHealthcheckExample |
| 3677 | { |
| 3678 | public void main() |
| 3679 | { |
| 3680 | |
| 3681 | var apiInstance = new GlobalhealthcheckApi(); |
| 3682 | var enableBpmn = true; // Boolean | (optional) (default to true) |
| 3683 | |
| 3684 | try |
| 3685 | { |
| 3686 | // Performing global health check |
| 3687 | apiInstance.globalHealthcheck(enableBpmn); |
| 3688 | } |
| 3689 | catch (Exception e) |
| 3690 | { |
| 3691 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling GlobalhealthcheckApi.globalHealthcheck: " + e.Message ); |
| 3692 | } |
| 3693 | } |
| 3694 | } |
| 3695 | } |
| 3696 | </code></pre> |
| 3697 | </div> |
| 3698 | |
| 3699 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-php"> |
| 3700 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 3701 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 3702 | |
| 3703 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\GlobalhealthcheckApi(); |
| 3704 | $enableBpmn = true; // Boolean | |
| 3705 | |
| 3706 | try { |
| 3707 | $api_instance->globalHealthcheck($enableBpmn); |
| 3708 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 3709 | echo 'Exception when calling GlobalhealthcheckApi->globalHealthcheck: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 3710 | } |
| 3711 | ?></code></pre> |
| 3712 | </div> |
| 3713 | |
| 3714 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-perl"> |
| 3715 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 3716 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 3717 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::GlobalhealthcheckApi; |
| 3718 | |
| 3719 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::GlobalhealthcheckApi->new(); |
| 3720 | my $enableBpmn = true; # Boolean | |
| 3721 | |
| 3722 | eval { |
| 3723 | $api_instance->globalHealthcheck(enableBpmn => $enableBpmn); |
| 3724 | }; |
| 3725 | if ($@) { |
| 3726 | warn "Exception when calling GlobalhealthcheckApi->globalHealthcheck: $@\n"; |
| 3727 | }</code></pre> |
| 3728 | </div> |
| 3729 | |
| 3730 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Globalhealthcheck-globalHealthcheck-0-python"> |
| 3731 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 3732 | import time |
| 3733 | import swagger_client |
| 3734 | from import ApiException |
| 3735 | from pprint import pprint |
| 3736 | |
| 3737 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 3738 | api_instance = swagger_client.GlobalhealthcheckApi() |
| 3739 | enableBpmn = true # Boolean | (optional) (default to true) |
| 3740 | |
| 3741 | try: |
| 3742 | # Performing global health check |
| 3743 | api_instance.global_healthcheck(enableBpmn=enableBpmn) |
| 3744 | except ApiException as e: |
| 3745 | print("Exception when calling GlobalhealthcheckApi->globalHealthcheck: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 3746 | </div> |
| 3747 | </div> |
| 3748 | |
| 3749 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 3750 | |
| 3751 | |
| 3752 | |
| 3753 | |
| 3754 | |
| 3755 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Query parameters</div> |
| 3756 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 3757 | <tr> |
| 3758 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 3759 | <th>Description</th> |
| 3760 | </tr> |
| 3761 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">enableBpmn</td> |
| 3762 | <td> |
| 3763 | |
| 3764 | |
| 3765 | <div id="d2e199_globalHealthcheck_enableBpmn"> |
| 3766 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 3767 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 3768 | <span class="type"> |
| 3769 | Boolean |
| 3770 | </span> |
| 3771 | |
| 3772 | </div> |
| 3773 | </div> |
| 3774 | </div> |
| 3775 | </td> |
| 3776 | </tr> |
| 3777 | |
| 3778 | </table> |
| 3779 | |
| 3780 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 3781 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 3782 | |
| 3783 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 3784 | </ul> |
| 3785 | |
| 3786 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 3787 | </div> |
| 3788 | |
| 3789 | </article> |
| 3790 | </div> |
| 3791 | <hr> |
| 3792 | </section> |
| 3793 | <section id="api-Nodehealthcheck"> |
| 3794 | <h1>Nodehealthcheck</h1> |
| 3795 | <div id="api-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck"> |
| 3796 | <article id="api-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0" data-group="User" data-name="nodeHealthcheck" data-version="0"> |
| 3797 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 3798 | <h1>nodeHealthcheck</h1> |
| 3799 | <p>Performing node health check</p> |
| 3800 | </div> |
| 3801 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 3802 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 3803 | <p></p> |
| 3804 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 3805 | <p></p> |
| 3806 | <br /> |
| 3807 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/nodehealthcheck</span></code></pre> |
| 3808 | <p> |
| 3809 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 3810 | </p> |
| 3811 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 3812 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 3813 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 3814 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 3815 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 3816 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 3817 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 3818 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 3819 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 3820 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 3821 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 3822 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 3823 | </ul> |
| 3824 | |
| 3825 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 3826 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 3827 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/nodehealthcheck"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 3828 | </div> |
| 3829 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-java"> |
| 3830 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 3831 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 3832 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 3833 | import io.swagger.client.api.NodehealthcheckApi; |
| 3834 | |
| 3835 | import; |
| 3836 | import java.util.*; |
| 3837 | |
| 3838 | public class NodehealthcheckApiExample { |
| 3839 | |
| 3840 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 3841 | |
| 3842 | NodehealthcheckApi apiInstance = new NodehealthcheckApi(); |
| 3843 | try { |
| 3844 | apiInstance.nodeHealthcheck(); |
| 3845 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 3846 | System.err.println("Exception when calling NodehealthcheckApi#nodeHealthcheck"); |
| 3847 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 3848 | } |
| 3849 | } |
| 3850 | }</code></pre> |
| 3851 | </div> |
| 3852 | |
| 3853 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-android"> |
| 3854 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.NodehealthcheckApi; |
| 3855 | |
| 3856 | public class NodehealthcheckApiExample { |
| 3857 | |
| 3858 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 3859 | NodehealthcheckApi apiInstance = new NodehealthcheckApi(); |
| 3860 | try { |
| 3861 | apiInstance.nodeHealthcheck(); |
| 3862 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 3863 | System.err.println("Exception when calling NodehealthcheckApi#nodeHealthcheck"); |
| 3864 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 3865 | } |
| 3866 | } |
| 3867 | }</code></pre> |
| 3868 | </div> |
| 3869 | <!-- |
| 3870 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-groovy"> |
| 3871 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 3872 | </div> --> |
| 3873 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-objc"> |
| 3874 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp"> |
| 3875 | NodehealthcheckApi *apiInstance = [[NodehealthcheckApi alloc] init]; |
| 3876 | |
| 3877 | // Performing node health check |
| 3878 | [apiInstance nodeHealthcheckWithCompletionHandler: |
| 3879 | ^(NSError* error) { |
| 3880 | if (error) { |
| 3881 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 3882 | } |
| 3883 | }]; |
| 3884 | </code></pre> |
| 3885 | </div> |
| 3886 | |
| 3887 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 3888 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 3889 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 3890 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.NodehealthcheckApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 3891 | |
| 3892 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 3893 | if (error) { |
| 3894 | console.error(error); |
| 3895 | } else { |
| 3896 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 3897 | } |
| 3898 | }; |
| 3899 | api.nodeHealthcheck(callback); |
| 3900 | </code></pre> |
| 3901 | </div> |
| 3902 | |
| 3903 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-angular"> |
| 3904 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 3905 | </div>--> |
| 3906 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-csharp"> |
| 3907 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 3908 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 3909 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 3910 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 3911 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 3912 | |
| 3913 | namespace Example |
| 3914 | { |
| 3915 | public class nodeHealthcheckExample |
| 3916 | { |
| 3917 | public void main() |
| 3918 | { |
| 3919 | |
| 3920 | var apiInstance = new NodehealthcheckApi(); |
| 3921 | |
| 3922 | try |
| 3923 | { |
| 3924 | // Performing node health check |
| 3925 | apiInstance.nodeHealthcheck(); |
| 3926 | } |
| 3927 | catch (Exception e) |
| 3928 | { |
| 3929 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling NodehealthcheckApi.nodeHealthcheck: " + e.Message ); |
| 3930 | } |
| 3931 | } |
| 3932 | } |
| 3933 | } |
| 3934 | </code></pre> |
| 3935 | </div> |
| 3936 | |
| 3937 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-php"> |
| 3938 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 3939 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 3940 | |
| 3941 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\NodehealthcheckApi(); |
| 3942 | |
| 3943 | try { |
| 3944 | $api_instance->nodeHealthcheck(); |
| 3945 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 3946 | echo 'Exception when calling NodehealthcheckApi->nodeHealthcheck: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 3947 | } |
| 3948 | ?></code></pre> |
| 3949 | </div> |
| 3950 | |
| 3951 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-perl"> |
| 3952 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 3953 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 3954 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::NodehealthcheckApi; |
| 3955 | |
| 3956 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::NodehealthcheckApi->new(); |
| 3957 | |
| 3958 | eval { |
| 3959 | $api_instance->nodeHealthcheck(); |
| 3960 | }; |
| 3961 | if ($@) { |
| 3962 | warn "Exception when calling NodehealthcheckApi->nodeHealthcheck: $@\n"; |
| 3963 | }</code></pre> |
| 3964 | </div> |
| 3965 | |
| 3966 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Nodehealthcheck-nodeHealthcheck-0-python"> |
| 3967 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 3968 | import time |
| 3969 | import swagger_client |
| 3970 | from import ApiException |
| 3971 | from pprint import pprint |
| 3972 | |
| 3973 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 3974 | api_instance = swagger_client.NodehealthcheckApi() |
| 3975 | |
| 3976 | try: |
| 3977 | # Performing node health check |
| 3978 | api_instance.node_healthcheck() |
| 3979 | except ApiException as e: |
| 3980 | print("Exception when calling NodehealthcheckApi->nodeHealthcheck: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 3981 | </div> |
| 3982 | </div> |
| 3983 | |
| 3984 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 3985 | |
| 3986 | |
| 3987 | |
| 3988 | |
| 3989 | |
| 3990 | |
| 3991 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 3992 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 3993 | |
| 3994 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 3995 | </ul> |
| 3996 | |
| 3997 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 3998 | </div> |
| 3999 | |
| 4000 | </article> |
| 4001 | </div> |
| 4002 | <hr> |
| 4003 | </section> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 4004 | <section id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances"> |
| 4005 | <h1>Onap3gppServiceInstances</h1> |
| 4006 | <div id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService"> |
| 4007 | <article id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0" data-group="User" data-name="activate3gppService" data-version="0"> |
| 4008 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 4009 | <h1>activate3gppService</h1> |
| 4010 | <p>Activate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided</p> |
| 4011 | </div> |
| 4012 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 4013 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 4014 | <p></p> |
| 4015 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 4016 | <p></p> |
| 4017 | <br /> |
| 4018 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/activate</span></code></pre> |
| 4019 | <p> |
| 4020 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 4021 | </p> |
| 4022 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 4023 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 4024 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 4025 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 4026 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 4027 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 4028 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 4029 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 4030 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 4031 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 4032 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 4033 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 4034 | </ul> |
| 4035 | |
| 4036 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 4037 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-curl"> |
| 4038 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/activate"</code></pre> |
| 4039 | </div> |
| 4040 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-java"> |
| 4041 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 4042 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 4043 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 4044 | import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 4045 | |
| 4046 | import; |
| 4047 | import java.util.*; |
| 4048 | |
| 4049 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 4050 | |
| 4051 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 4052 | |
| 4053 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4054 | 3gppServiceActivation body = ; // 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4055 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 4056 | try { |
| 4057 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.activate3gppService(body, version); |
| 4058 | System.out.println(result); |
| 4059 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 4060 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#activate3gppService"); |
| 4061 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 4062 | } |
| 4063 | } |
| 4064 | }</code></pre> |
| 4065 | </div> |
| 4066 | |
| 4067 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-android"> |
| 4068 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 4069 | |
| 4070 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 4071 | |
| 4072 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 4073 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4074 | 3gppServiceActivation body = ; // 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4075 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 4076 | try { |
| 4077 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.activate3gppService(body, version); |
| 4078 | System.out.println(result); |
| 4079 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 4080 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#activate3gppService"); |
| 4081 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 4082 | } |
| 4083 | } |
| 4084 | }</code></pre> |
| 4085 | </div> |
| 4086 | <!-- |
| 4087 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-groovy"> |
| 4088 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 4089 | </div> --> |
| 4090 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-objc"> |
| 4091 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">3gppServiceActivation *body = ; // |
| 4092 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 4093 | |
| 4094 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 4095 | |
| 4096 | // Activate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 4097 | [apiInstance activate3gppServiceWith:body |
| 4098 | version:version |
| 4099 | completionHandler: ^(3gppServiceResponse output, NSError* error) { |
| 4100 | if (output) { |
| 4101 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 4102 | } |
| 4103 | if (error) { |
| 4104 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 4105 | } |
| 4106 | }]; |
| 4107 | </code></pre> |
| 4108 | </div> |
| 4109 | |
| 4110 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-javascript"> |
| 4111 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 4112 | |
| 4113 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 4114 | |
| 4115 | var body = ; // {3gppServiceActivation} |
| 4116 | |
| 4117 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 4118 | |
| 4119 | |
| 4120 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 4121 | if (error) { |
| 4122 | console.error(error); |
| 4123 | } else { |
| 4124 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 4125 | } |
| 4126 | }; |
| 4127 | api.activate3gppService(body, version, callback); |
| 4128 | </code></pre> |
| 4129 | </div> |
| 4130 | |
| 4131 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-angular"> |
| 4132 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 4133 | </div>--> |
| 4134 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-csharp"> |
| 4135 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 4136 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 4137 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 4138 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 4139 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 4140 | |
| 4141 | namespace Example |
| 4142 | { |
| 4143 | public class activate3gppServiceExample |
| 4144 | { |
| 4145 | public void main() |
| 4146 | { |
| 4147 | |
| 4148 | var apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4149 | var body = new 3gppServiceActivation(); // 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4150 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 4151 | |
| 4152 | try |
| 4153 | { |
| 4154 | // Activate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 4155 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.activate3gppService(body, version); |
| 4156 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 4157 | } |
| 4158 | catch (Exception e) |
| 4159 | { |
| 4160 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi.activate3gppService: " + e.Message ); |
| 4161 | } |
| 4162 | } |
| 4163 | } |
| 4164 | } |
| 4165 | </code></pre> |
| 4166 | </div> |
| 4167 | |
| 4168 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-php"> |
| 4169 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 4170 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 4171 | |
| 4172 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4173 | $body = ; // 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4174 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 4175 | |
| 4176 | try { |
| 4177 | $result = $api_instance->activate3gppService($body, $version); |
| 4178 | print_r($result); |
| 4179 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 4180 | echo 'Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->activate3gppService: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 4181 | } |
| 4182 | ?></code></pre> |
| 4183 | </div> |
| 4184 | |
| 4185 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-perl"> |
| 4186 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 4187 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 4188 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 4189 | |
| 4190 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 4191 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::3gppServiceActivation->new(); # 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4192 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 4193 | |
| 4194 | eval { |
| 4195 | my $result = $api_instance->activate3gppService(body => $body, version => $version); |
| 4196 | print Dumper($result); |
| 4197 | }; |
| 4198 | if ($@) { |
| 4199 | warn "Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->activate3gppService: $@\n"; |
| 4200 | }</code></pre> |
| 4201 | </div> |
| 4202 | |
| 4203 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-activate3gppService-0-python"> |
| 4204 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 4205 | import time |
| 4206 | import swagger_client |
| 4207 | from import ApiException |
| 4208 | from pprint import pprint |
| 4209 | |
| 4210 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 4211 | api_instance = swagger_client.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 4212 | body = # 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4213 | version = version_example # String | |
| 4214 | |
| 4215 | try: |
| 4216 | # Activate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 4217 | api_response = api_instance.activate3gpp_service(body, version) |
| 4218 | pprint(api_response) |
| 4219 | except ApiException as e: |
| 4220 | print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->activate3gppService: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 4221 | </div> |
| 4222 | </div> |
| 4223 | |
| 4224 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 4225 | |
| 4226 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 4227 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 4228 | <tr> |
| 4229 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 4230 | <th>Description</th> |
| 4231 | </tr> |
| 4232 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 4233 | <td> |
| 4234 | |
| 4235 | |
| 4236 | <div id="d2e199_activate3gppService_version"> |
| 4237 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 4238 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 4239 | <span class="type"> |
| 4240 | String |
| 4241 | </span> |
| 4242 | |
| 4243 | </div> |
| 4244 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 4245 | Required |
| 4246 | </div> |
| 4247 | </div> |
| 4248 | </div> |
| 4249 | </td> |
| 4250 | </tr> |
| 4251 | |
| 4252 | </table> |
| 4253 | |
| 4254 | |
| 4255 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 4256 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 4257 | <tr> |
| 4258 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 4259 | <th>Description</th> |
| 4260 | </tr> |
| 4261 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body <span style="color:red;">*</span></td> |
| 4262 | <td> |
| 4263 | |
| 4264 | |
| 4265 | <script> |
| 4266 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4267 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4268 | "in" : "body", |
| 4269 | "name" : "body", |
| 4270 | "required" : true, |
| 4271 | "schema" : { |
| 4272 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/3gppServiceActivation" |
| 4273 | } |
| 4274 | }; |
| 4275 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4276 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4277 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 4278 | } else { |
| 4279 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4280 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4281 | console.log(err); |
| 4282 | }); |
| 4283 | } |
| 4284 | |
| 4285 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 4286 | var result = $('#d2e199_activate3gppService_body'); |
| 4287 | result.empty(); |
| 4288 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4289 | }); |
| 4290 | </script> |
| 4291 | <div id="d2e199_activate3gppService_body"></div> |
| 4292 | </td> |
| 4293 | </tr> |
| 4294 | |
| 4295 | </table> |
| 4296 | |
| 4297 | |
| 4298 | |
| 4299 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 4300 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 4301 | |
| 4302 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4303 | <li class="active"> |
| 4304 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-activate3gppService-default-schema">Schema</a> |
| 4305 | </li> |
| 4306 | |
| 4307 | </ul> |
| 4308 | |
| 4309 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4310 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-activate3gppService-default-schema"> |
| 4311 | <div id='responses-activate3gppService-default-schema-default' style="padding: 30px; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;"> |
| 4312 | <script> |
| 4313 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4314 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4315 | "description" : "successful operation", |
| 4316 | "schema" : { |
| 4317 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/3gppServiceResponse" |
| 4318 | } |
| 4319 | }; |
| 4320 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4321 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4322 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 4323 | } else { |
| 4324 | schemaWrapper.definitions = defs; |
| 4325 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4326 | console.log(err); |
| 4327 | }); |
| 4328 | } |
| 4329 | |
| 4330 | //console.log(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4331 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4332 | $('#responses-activate3gppService-default-schema-data').val(stringify(schema)); |
| 4333 | var result = $('#responses-activate3gppService-default-schema-default'); |
| 4334 | result.empty(); |
| 4335 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4336 | }); |
| 4337 | </script> |
| 4338 | </div> |
| 4339 | <input id='responses-activate3gppService-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4340 | </div> |
| 4341 | </div> |
| 4342 | |
| 4343 | </article> |
| 4344 | </div> |
| 4345 | <hr> |
| 4346 | <div id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService"> |
| 4347 | <article id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0" data-group="User" data-name="allocate3gppService" data-version="0"> |
| 4348 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 4349 | <h1>allocate3gppService</h1> |
| 4350 | <p>Create a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided</p> |
| 4351 | </div> |
| 4352 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 4353 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 4354 | <p></p> |
| 4355 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 4356 | <p></p> |
| 4357 | <br /> |
| 4358 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/allocate</span></code></pre> |
| 4359 | <p> |
| 4360 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 4361 | </p> |
| 4362 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 4363 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 4364 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 4365 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 4366 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 4367 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 4368 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 4369 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 4370 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 4371 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 4372 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 4373 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 4374 | </ul> |
| 4375 | |
| 4376 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 4377 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-curl"> |
| 4378 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/allocate"</code></pre> |
| 4379 | </div> |
| 4380 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-java"> |
| 4381 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 4382 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 4383 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 4384 | import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 4385 | |
| 4386 | import; |
| 4387 | import java.util.*; |
| 4388 | |
| 4389 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 4390 | |
| 4391 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 4392 | |
| 4393 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4394 | Allocate3gppService body = ; // Allocate3gppService | |
| 4395 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 4396 | try { |
| 4397 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.allocate3gppService(body, version); |
| 4398 | System.out.println(result); |
| 4399 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 4400 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#allocate3gppService"); |
| 4401 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 4402 | } |
| 4403 | } |
| 4404 | }</code></pre> |
| 4405 | </div> |
| 4406 | |
| 4407 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-android"> |
| 4408 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 4409 | |
| 4410 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 4411 | |
| 4412 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 4413 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4414 | Allocate3gppService body = ; // Allocate3gppService | |
| 4415 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 4416 | try { |
| 4417 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.allocate3gppService(body, version); |
| 4418 | System.out.println(result); |
| 4419 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 4420 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#allocate3gppService"); |
| 4421 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 4422 | } |
| 4423 | } |
| 4424 | }</code></pre> |
| 4425 | </div> |
| 4426 | <!-- |
| 4427 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-groovy"> |
| 4428 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 4429 | </div> --> |
| 4430 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-objc"> |
| 4431 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">Allocate3gppService *body = ; // |
| 4432 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 4433 | |
| 4434 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 4435 | |
| 4436 | // Create a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 4437 | [apiInstance allocate3gppServiceWith:body |
| 4438 | version:version |
| 4439 | completionHandler: ^(3gppServiceResponse output, NSError* error) { |
| 4440 | if (output) { |
| 4441 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 4442 | } |
| 4443 | if (error) { |
| 4444 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 4445 | } |
| 4446 | }]; |
| 4447 | </code></pre> |
| 4448 | </div> |
| 4449 | |
| 4450 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-javascript"> |
| 4451 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 4452 | |
| 4453 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 4454 | |
| 4455 | var body = ; // {Allocate3gppService} |
| 4456 | |
| 4457 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 4458 | |
| 4459 | |
| 4460 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 4461 | if (error) { |
| 4462 | console.error(error); |
| 4463 | } else { |
| 4464 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 4465 | } |
| 4466 | }; |
| 4467 | api.allocate3gppService(body, version, callback); |
| 4468 | </code></pre> |
| 4469 | </div> |
| 4470 | |
| 4471 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-angular"> |
| 4472 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 4473 | </div>--> |
| 4474 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-csharp"> |
| 4475 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 4476 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 4477 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 4478 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 4479 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 4480 | |
| 4481 | namespace Example |
| 4482 | { |
| 4483 | public class allocate3gppServiceExample |
| 4484 | { |
| 4485 | public void main() |
| 4486 | { |
| 4487 | |
| 4488 | var apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4489 | var body = new Allocate3gppService(); // Allocate3gppService | |
| 4490 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 4491 | |
| 4492 | try |
| 4493 | { |
| 4494 | // Create a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 4495 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.allocate3gppService(body, version); |
| 4496 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 4497 | } |
| 4498 | catch (Exception e) |
| 4499 | { |
| 4500 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi.allocate3gppService: " + e.Message ); |
| 4501 | } |
| 4502 | } |
| 4503 | } |
| 4504 | } |
| 4505 | </code></pre> |
| 4506 | </div> |
| 4507 | |
| 4508 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-php"> |
| 4509 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 4510 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 4511 | |
| 4512 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4513 | $body = ; // Allocate3gppService | |
| 4514 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 4515 | |
| 4516 | try { |
| 4517 | $result = $api_instance->allocate3gppService($body, $version); |
| 4518 | print_r($result); |
| 4519 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 4520 | echo 'Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->allocate3gppService: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 4521 | } |
| 4522 | ?></code></pre> |
| 4523 | </div> |
| 4524 | |
| 4525 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-perl"> |
| 4526 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 4527 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 4528 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 4529 | |
| 4530 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 4531 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Allocate3gppService->new(); # Allocate3gppService | |
| 4532 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 4533 | |
| 4534 | eval { |
| 4535 | my $result = $api_instance->allocate3gppService(body => $body, version => $version); |
| 4536 | print Dumper($result); |
| 4537 | }; |
| 4538 | if ($@) { |
| 4539 | warn "Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->allocate3gppService: $@\n"; |
| 4540 | }</code></pre> |
| 4541 | </div> |
| 4542 | |
| 4543 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-allocate3gppService-0-python"> |
| 4544 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 4545 | import time |
| 4546 | import swagger_client |
| 4547 | from import ApiException |
| 4548 | from pprint import pprint |
| 4549 | |
| 4550 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 4551 | api_instance = swagger_client.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 4552 | body = # Allocate3gppService | |
| 4553 | version = version_example # String | |
| 4554 | |
| 4555 | try: |
| 4556 | # Create a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 4557 | api_response = api_instance.allocate3gpp_service(body, version) |
| 4558 | pprint(api_response) |
| 4559 | except ApiException as e: |
| 4560 | print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->allocate3gppService: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 4561 | </div> |
| 4562 | </div> |
| 4563 | |
| 4564 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 4565 | |
| 4566 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 4567 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 4568 | <tr> |
| 4569 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 4570 | <th>Description</th> |
| 4571 | </tr> |
| 4572 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 4573 | <td> |
| 4574 | |
| 4575 | |
| 4576 | <div id="d2e199_allocate3gppService_version"> |
| 4577 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 4578 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 4579 | <span class="type"> |
| 4580 | String |
| 4581 | </span> |
| 4582 | |
| 4583 | </div> |
| 4584 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 4585 | Required |
| 4586 | </div> |
| 4587 | </div> |
| 4588 | </div> |
| 4589 | </td> |
| 4590 | </tr> |
| 4591 | |
| 4592 | </table> |
| 4593 | |
| 4594 | |
| 4595 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 4596 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 4597 | <tr> |
| 4598 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 4599 | <th>Description</th> |
| 4600 | </tr> |
| 4601 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body <span style="color:red;">*</span></td> |
| 4602 | <td> |
| 4603 | |
| 4604 | |
| 4605 | <script> |
| 4606 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4607 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4608 | "in" : "body", |
| 4609 | "name" : "body", |
| 4610 | "required" : true, |
| 4611 | "schema" : { |
| 4612 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/Allocate3gppService" |
| 4613 | } |
| 4614 | }; |
| 4615 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4616 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4617 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 4618 | } else { |
| 4619 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4620 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4621 | console.log(err); |
| 4622 | }); |
| 4623 | } |
| 4624 | |
| 4625 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 4626 | var result = $('#d2e199_allocate3gppService_body'); |
| 4627 | result.empty(); |
| 4628 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4629 | }); |
| 4630 | </script> |
| 4631 | <div id="d2e199_allocate3gppService_body"></div> |
| 4632 | </td> |
| 4633 | </tr> |
| 4634 | |
| 4635 | </table> |
| 4636 | |
| 4637 | |
| 4638 | |
| 4639 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 4640 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 4641 | |
| 4642 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4643 | <li class="active"> |
| 4644 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-allocate3gppService-default-schema">Schema</a> |
| 4645 | </li> |
| 4646 | |
| 4647 | </ul> |
| 4648 | |
| 4649 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4650 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-allocate3gppService-default-schema"> |
| 4651 | <div id='responses-allocate3gppService-default-schema-default' style="padding: 30px; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;"> |
| 4652 | <script> |
| 4653 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4654 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4655 | "description" : "successful operation", |
| 4656 | "schema" : { |
| 4657 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/3gppServiceResponse" |
| 4658 | } |
| 4659 | }; |
| 4660 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4661 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4662 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 4663 | } else { |
| 4664 | schemaWrapper.definitions = defs; |
| 4665 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4666 | console.log(err); |
| 4667 | }); |
| 4668 | } |
| 4669 | |
| 4670 | //console.log(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4671 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4672 | $('#responses-allocate3gppService-default-schema-data').val(stringify(schema)); |
| 4673 | var result = $('#responses-allocate3gppService-default-schema-default'); |
| 4674 | result.empty(); |
| 4675 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4676 | }); |
| 4677 | </script> |
| 4678 | </div> |
| 4679 | <input id='responses-allocate3gppService-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4680 | </div> |
| 4681 | </div> |
| 4682 | |
| 4683 | </article> |
| 4684 | </div> |
| 4685 | <hr> |
| 4686 | <div id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService"> |
| 4687 | <article id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0" data-group="User" data-name="deactivate3gppService" data-version="0"> |
| 4688 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 4689 | <h1>deactivate3gppService</h1> |
| 4690 | <p>Deactivate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided</p> |
| 4691 | </div> |
| 4692 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 4693 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 4694 | <p></p> |
| 4695 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 4696 | <p></p> |
| 4697 | <br /> |
| 4698 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/deActivate</span></code></pre> |
| 4699 | <p> |
| 4700 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 4701 | </p> |
| 4702 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 4703 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 4704 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 4705 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 4706 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 4707 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 4708 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 4709 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 4710 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 4711 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 4712 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 4713 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 4714 | </ul> |
| 4715 | |
| 4716 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 4717 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-curl"> |
| 4718 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/deActivate"</code></pre> |
| 4719 | </div> |
| 4720 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-java"> |
| 4721 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 4722 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 4723 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 4724 | import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 4725 | |
| 4726 | import; |
| 4727 | import java.util.*; |
| 4728 | |
| 4729 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 4730 | |
| 4731 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 4732 | |
| 4733 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4734 | 3gppServiceActivation body = ; // 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4735 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 4736 | try { |
| 4737 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.deactivate3gppService(body, version); |
| 4738 | System.out.println(result); |
| 4739 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 4740 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#deactivate3gppService"); |
| 4741 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 4742 | } |
| 4743 | } |
| 4744 | }</code></pre> |
| 4745 | </div> |
| 4746 | |
| 4747 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-android"> |
| 4748 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 4749 | |
| 4750 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 4751 | |
| 4752 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 4753 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4754 | 3gppServiceActivation body = ; // 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4755 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 4756 | try { |
| 4757 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.deactivate3gppService(body, version); |
| 4758 | System.out.println(result); |
| 4759 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 4760 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#deactivate3gppService"); |
| 4761 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 4762 | } |
| 4763 | } |
| 4764 | }</code></pre> |
| 4765 | </div> |
| 4766 | <!-- |
| 4767 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-groovy"> |
| 4768 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 4769 | </div> --> |
| 4770 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-objc"> |
| 4771 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">3gppServiceActivation *body = ; // |
| 4772 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 4773 | |
| 4774 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 4775 | |
| 4776 | // Deactivate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 4777 | [apiInstance deactivate3gppServiceWith:body |
| 4778 | version:version |
| 4779 | completionHandler: ^(3gppServiceResponse output, NSError* error) { |
| 4780 | if (output) { |
| 4781 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 4782 | } |
| 4783 | if (error) { |
| 4784 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 4785 | } |
| 4786 | }]; |
| 4787 | </code></pre> |
| 4788 | </div> |
| 4789 | |
| 4790 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-javascript"> |
| 4791 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 4792 | |
| 4793 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 4794 | |
| 4795 | var body = ; // {3gppServiceActivation} |
| 4796 | |
| 4797 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 4798 | |
| 4799 | |
| 4800 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 4801 | if (error) { |
| 4802 | console.error(error); |
| 4803 | } else { |
| 4804 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 4805 | } |
| 4806 | }; |
| 4807 | api.deactivate3gppService(body, version, callback); |
| 4808 | </code></pre> |
| 4809 | </div> |
| 4810 | |
| 4811 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-angular"> |
| 4812 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 4813 | </div>--> |
| 4814 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-csharp"> |
| 4815 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 4816 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 4817 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 4818 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 4819 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 4820 | |
| 4821 | namespace Example |
| 4822 | { |
| 4823 | public class deactivate3gppServiceExample |
| 4824 | { |
| 4825 | public void main() |
| 4826 | { |
| 4827 | |
| 4828 | var apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4829 | var body = new 3gppServiceActivation(); // 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4830 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 4831 | |
| 4832 | try |
| 4833 | { |
| 4834 | // Deactivate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 4835 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.deactivate3gppService(body, version); |
| 4836 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 4837 | } |
| 4838 | catch (Exception e) |
| 4839 | { |
| 4840 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi.deactivate3gppService: " + e.Message ); |
| 4841 | } |
| 4842 | } |
| 4843 | } |
| 4844 | } |
| 4845 | </code></pre> |
| 4846 | </div> |
| 4847 | |
| 4848 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-php"> |
| 4849 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 4850 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 4851 | |
| 4852 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 4853 | $body = ; // 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4854 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 4855 | |
| 4856 | try { |
| 4857 | $result = $api_instance->deactivate3gppService($body, $version); |
| 4858 | print_r($result); |
| 4859 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 4860 | echo 'Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->deactivate3gppService: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 4861 | } |
| 4862 | ?></code></pre> |
| 4863 | </div> |
| 4864 | |
| 4865 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-perl"> |
| 4866 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 4867 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 4868 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 4869 | |
| 4870 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 4871 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::3gppServiceActivation->new(); # 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4872 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 4873 | |
| 4874 | eval { |
| 4875 | my $result = $api_instance->deactivate3gppService(body => $body, version => $version); |
| 4876 | print Dumper($result); |
| 4877 | }; |
| 4878 | if ($@) { |
| 4879 | warn "Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->deactivate3gppService: $@\n"; |
| 4880 | }</code></pre> |
| 4881 | </div> |
| 4882 | |
| 4883 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deactivate3gppService-0-python"> |
| 4884 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 4885 | import time |
| 4886 | import swagger_client |
| 4887 | from import ApiException |
| 4888 | from pprint import pprint |
| 4889 | |
| 4890 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 4891 | api_instance = swagger_client.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 4892 | body = # 3gppServiceActivation | |
| 4893 | version = version_example # String | |
| 4894 | |
| 4895 | try: |
| 4896 | # Deactivate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 4897 | api_response = api_instance.deactivate3gpp_service(body, version) |
| 4898 | pprint(api_response) |
| 4899 | except ApiException as e: |
| 4900 | print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->deactivate3gppService: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 4901 | </div> |
| 4902 | </div> |
| 4903 | |
| 4904 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 4905 | |
| 4906 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 4907 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 4908 | <tr> |
| 4909 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 4910 | <th>Description</th> |
| 4911 | </tr> |
| 4912 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 4913 | <td> |
| 4914 | |
| 4915 | |
| 4916 | <div id="d2e199_deactivate3gppService_version"> |
| 4917 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 4918 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 4919 | <span class="type"> |
| 4920 | String |
| 4921 | </span> |
| 4922 | |
| 4923 | </div> |
| 4924 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 4925 | Required |
| 4926 | </div> |
| 4927 | </div> |
| 4928 | </div> |
| 4929 | </td> |
| 4930 | </tr> |
| 4931 | |
| 4932 | </table> |
| 4933 | |
| 4934 | |
| 4935 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 4936 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 4937 | <tr> |
| 4938 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 4939 | <th>Description</th> |
| 4940 | </tr> |
| 4941 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body <span style="color:red;">*</span></td> |
| 4942 | <td> |
| 4943 | |
| 4944 | |
| 4945 | <script> |
| 4946 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4947 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4948 | "in" : "body", |
| 4949 | "name" : "body", |
| 4950 | "required" : true, |
| 4951 | "schema" : { |
| 4952 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/3gppServiceActivation" |
| 4953 | } |
| 4954 | }; |
| 4955 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4956 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4957 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 4958 | } else { |
| 4959 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4960 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4961 | console.log(err); |
| 4962 | }); |
| 4963 | } |
| 4964 | |
| 4965 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 4966 | var result = $('#d2e199_deactivate3gppService_body'); |
| 4967 | result.empty(); |
| 4968 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4969 | }); |
| 4970 | </script> |
| 4971 | <div id="d2e199_deactivate3gppService_body"></div> |
| 4972 | </td> |
| 4973 | </tr> |
| 4974 | |
| 4975 | </table> |
| 4976 | |
| 4977 | |
| 4978 | |
| 4979 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 4980 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 4981 | |
| 4982 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4983 | <li class="active"> |
| 4984 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-deactivate3gppService-default-schema">Schema</a> |
| 4985 | </li> |
| 4986 | |
| 4987 | </ul> |
| 4988 | |
| 4989 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4990 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-deactivate3gppService-default-schema"> |
| 4991 | <div id='responses-deactivate3gppService-default-schema-default' style="padding: 30px; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;"> |
| 4992 | <script> |
| 4993 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4994 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4995 | "description" : "successful operation", |
| 4996 | "schema" : { |
| 4997 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/3gppServiceResponse" |
| 4998 | } |
| 4999 | }; |
| 5000 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5001 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5002 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 5003 | } else { |
| 5004 | schemaWrapper.definitions = defs; |
| 5005 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5006 | console.log(err); |
| 5007 | }); |
| 5008 | } |
| 5009 | |
| 5010 | //console.log(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5011 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5012 | $('#responses-deactivate3gppService-default-schema-data').val(stringify(schema)); |
| 5013 | var result = $('#responses-deactivate3gppService-default-schema-default'); |
| 5014 | result.empty(); |
| 5015 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5016 | }); |
| 5017 | </script> |
| 5018 | </div> |
| 5019 | <input id='responses-deactivate3gppService-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5020 | </div> |
| 5021 | </div> |
| 5022 | |
| 5023 | </article> |
| 5024 | </div> |
| 5025 | <hr> |
| 5026 | <div id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService"> |
| 5027 | <article id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0" data-group="User" data-name="deallocate3gppService" data-version="0"> |
| 5028 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 5029 | <h1>deallocate3gppService</h1> |
| 5030 | <p>Terminate/Deallocate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided</p> |
| 5031 | </div> |
| 5032 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 5033 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 5034 | <p></p> |
| 5035 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 5036 | <p></p> |
| 5037 | <br /> |
| 5038 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="delete"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/deAllocate</span></code></pre> |
| 5039 | <p> |
| 5040 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 5041 | </p> |
| 5042 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 5043 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 5044 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 5045 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 5046 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 5047 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 5048 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 5049 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 5050 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 5051 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 5052 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 5053 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 5054 | </ul> |
| 5055 | |
| 5056 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 5057 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-curl"> |
| 5058 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/deAllocate"</code></pre> |
| 5059 | </div> |
| 5060 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-java"> |
| 5061 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 5062 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 5063 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 5064 | import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 5065 | |
| 5066 | import; |
| 5067 | import java.util.*; |
| 5068 | |
| 5069 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 5070 | |
| 5071 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 5072 | |
| 5073 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5074 | DeAllocate3gppService body = ; // DeAllocate3gppService | |
| 5075 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 5076 | try { |
| 5077 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.deallocate3gppService(body, version); |
| 5078 | System.out.println(result); |
| 5079 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 5080 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#deallocate3gppService"); |
| 5081 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 5082 | } |
| 5083 | } |
| 5084 | }</code></pre> |
| 5085 | </div> |
| 5086 | |
| 5087 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-android"> |
| 5088 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 5089 | |
| 5090 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 5091 | |
| 5092 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 5093 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5094 | DeAllocate3gppService body = ; // DeAllocate3gppService | |
| 5095 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 5096 | try { |
| 5097 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.deallocate3gppService(body, version); |
| 5098 | System.out.println(result); |
| 5099 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 5100 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#deallocate3gppService"); |
| 5101 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 5102 | } |
| 5103 | } |
| 5104 | }</code></pre> |
| 5105 | </div> |
| 5106 | <!-- |
| 5107 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-groovy"> |
| 5108 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 5109 | </div> --> |
| 5110 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-objc"> |
| 5111 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">DeAllocate3gppService *body = ; // |
| 5112 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 5113 | |
| 5114 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 5115 | |
| 5116 | // Terminate/Deallocate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 5117 | [apiInstance deallocate3gppServiceWith:body |
| 5118 | version:version |
| 5119 | completionHandler: ^(3gppServiceResponse output, NSError* error) { |
| 5120 | if (output) { |
| 5121 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 5122 | } |
| 5123 | if (error) { |
| 5124 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 5125 | } |
| 5126 | }]; |
| 5127 | </code></pre> |
| 5128 | </div> |
| 5129 | |
| 5130 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-javascript"> |
| 5131 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 5132 | |
| 5133 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 5134 | |
| 5135 | var body = ; // {DeAllocate3gppService} |
| 5136 | |
| 5137 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 5138 | |
| 5139 | |
| 5140 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 5141 | if (error) { |
| 5142 | console.error(error); |
| 5143 | } else { |
| 5144 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 5145 | } |
| 5146 | }; |
| 5147 | api.deallocate3gppService(body, version, callback); |
| 5148 | </code></pre> |
| 5149 | </div> |
| 5150 | |
| 5151 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-angular"> |
| 5152 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 5153 | </div>--> |
| 5154 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-csharp"> |
| 5155 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 5156 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 5157 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 5158 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 5159 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 5160 | |
| 5161 | namespace Example |
| 5162 | { |
| 5163 | public class deallocate3gppServiceExample |
| 5164 | { |
| 5165 | public void main() |
| 5166 | { |
| 5167 | |
| 5168 | var apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5169 | var body = new DeAllocate3gppService(); // DeAllocate3gppService | |
| 5170 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 5171 | |
| 5172 | try |
| 5173 | { |
| 5174 | // Terminate/Deallocate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 5175 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.deallocate3gppService(body, version); |
| 5176 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 5177 | } |
| 5178 | catch (Exception e) |
| 5179 | { |
| 5180 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi.deallocate3gppService: " + e.Message ); |
| 5181 | } |
| 5182 | } |
| 5183 | } |
| 5184 | } |
| 5185 | </code></pre> |
| 5186 | </div> |
| 5187 | |
| 5188 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-php"> |
| 5189 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 5190 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 5191 | |
| 5192 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5193 | $body = ; // DeAllocate3gppService | |
| 5194 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 5195 | |
| 5196 | try { |
| 5197 | $result = $api_instance->deallocate3gppService($body, $version); |
| 5198 | print_r($result); |
| 5199 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 5200 | echo 'Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->deallocate3gppService: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 5201 | } |
| 5202 | ?></code></pre> |
| 5203 | </div> |
| 5204 | |
| 5205 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-perl"> |
| 5206 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 5207 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 5208 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 5209 | |
| 5210 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 5211 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::DeAllocate3gppService->new(); # DeAllocate3gppService | |
| 5212 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 5213 | |
| 5214 | eval { |
| 5215 | my $result = $api_instance->deallocate3gppService(body => $body, version => $version); |
| 5216 | print Dumper($result); |
| 5217 | }; |
| 5218 | if ($@) { |
| 5219 | warn "Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->deallocate3gppService: $@\n"; |
| 5220 | }</code></pre> |
| 5221 | </div> |
| 5222 | |
| 5223 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-deallocate3gppService-0-python"> |
| 5224 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 5225 | import time |
| 5226 | import swagger_client |
| 5227 | from import ApiException |
| 5228 | from pprint import pprint |
| 5229 | |
| 5230 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 5231 | api_instance = swagger_client.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 5232 | body = # DeAllocate3gppService | |
| 5233 | version = version_example # String | |
| 5234 | |
| 5235 | try: |
| 5236 | # Terminate/Deallocate a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 5237 | api_response = api_instance.deallocate3gpp_service(body, version) |
| 5238 | pprint(api_response) |
| 5239 | except ApiException as e: |
| 5240 | print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->deallocate3gppService: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 5241 | </div> |
| 5242 | </div> |
| 5243 | |
| 5244 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 5245 | |
| 5246 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 5247 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 5248 | <tr> |
| 5249 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 5250 | <th>Description</th> |
| 5251 | </tr> |
| 5252 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 5253 | <td> |
| 5254 | |
| 5255 | |
| 5256 | <div id="d2e199_deallocate3gppService_version"> |
| 5257 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 5258 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 5259 | <span class="type"> |
| 5260 | String |
| 5261 | </span> |
| 5262 | |
| 5263 | </div> |
| 5264 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 5265 | Required |
| 5266 | </div> |
| 5267 | </div> |
| 5268 | </div> |
| 5269 | </td> |
| 5270 | </tr> |
| 5271 | |
| 5272 | </table> |
| 5273 | |
| 5274 | |
| 5275 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 5276 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 5277 | <tr> |
| 5278 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 5279 | <th>Description</th> |
| 5280 | </tr> |
| 5281 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body <span style="color:red;">*</span></td> |
| 5282 | <td> |
| 5283 | |
| 5284 | |
| 5285 | <script> |
| 5286 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5287 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5288 | "in" : "body", |
| 5289 | "name" : "body", |
| 5290 | "required" : true, |
| 5291 | "schema" : { |
| 5292 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/DeAllocate3gppService" |
| 5293 | } |
| 5294 | }; |
| 5295 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5296 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5297 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 5298 | } else { |
| 5299 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5300 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5301 | console.log(err); |
| 5302 | }); |
| 5303 | } |
| 5304 | |
| 5305 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 5306 | var result = $('#d2e199_deallocate3gppService_body'); |
| 5307 | result.empty(); |
| 5308 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5309 | }); |
| 5310 | </script> |
| 5311 | <div id="d2e199_deallocate3gppService_body"></div> |
| 5312 | </td> |
| 5313 | </tr> |
| 5314 | |
| 5315 | </table> |
| 5316 | |
| 5317 | |
| 5318 | |
| 5319 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 5320 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 5321 | |
| 5322 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 5323 | <li class="active"> |
| 5324 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-deallocate3gppService-default-schema">Schema</a> |
| 5325 | </li> |
| 5326 | |
| 5327 | </ul> |
| 5328 | |
| 5329 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5330 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-deallocate3gppService-default-schema"> |
| 5331 | <div id='responses-deallocate3gppService-default-schema-default' style="padding: 30px; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;"> |
| 5332 | <script> |
| 5333 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5334 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5335 | "description" : "successful operation", |
| 5336 | "schema" : { |
| 5337 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/3gppServiceResponse" |
| 5338 | } |
| 5339 | }; |
| 5340 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5341 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5342 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 5343 | } else { |
| 5344 | schemaWrapper.definitions = defs; |
| 5345 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5346 | console.log(err); |
| 5347 | }); |
| 5348 | } |
| 5349 | |
| 5350 | //console.log(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5351 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5352 | $('#responses-deallocate3gppService-default-schema-data').val(stringify(schema)); |
| 5353 | var result = $('#responses-deallocate3gppService-default-schema-default'); |
| 5354 | result.empty(); |
| 5355 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5356 | }); |
| 5357 | </script> |
| 5358 | </div> |
| 5359 | <input id='responses-deallocate3gppService-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5360 | </div> |
| 5361 | </div> |
| 5362 | |
| 5363 | </article> |
| 5364 | </div> |
| 5365 | <hr> |
| 5366 | <div id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService"> |
| 5367 | <article id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0" data-group="User" data-name="modify3gppService" data-version="0"> |
| 5368 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 5369 | <h1>modify3gppService</h1> |
| 5370 | <p>Modify a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided</p> |
| 5371 | </div> |
| 5372 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 5373 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 5374 | <p></p> |
| 5375 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 5376 | <p></p> |
| 5377 | <br /> |
| 5378 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="put"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/modify</span></code></pre> |
| 5379 | <p> |
| 5380 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 5381 | </p> |
| 5382 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 5383 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 5384 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 5385 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 5386 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 5387 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 5388 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 5389 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 5390 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 5391 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 5392 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 5393 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 5394 | </ul> |
| 5395 | |
| 5396 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 5397 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-curl"> |
| 5398 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X PUT "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/modify"</code></pre> |
| 5399 | </div> |
| 5400 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-java"> |
| 5401 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 5402 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 5403 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 5404 | import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 5405 | |
| 5406 | import; |
| 5407 | import java.util.*; |
| 5408 | |
| 5409 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 5410 | |
| 5411 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 5412 | |
| 5413 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5414 | Modify3gppService body = ; // Modify3gppService | |
| 5415 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 5416 | try { |
| 5417 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.modify3gppService(body, version); |
| 5418 | System.out.println(result); |
| 5419 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 5420 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#modify3gppService"); |
| 5421 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 5422 | } |
| 5423 | } |
| 5424 | }</code></pre> |
| 5425 | </div> |
| 5426 | |
| 5427 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-android"> |
| 5428 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 5429 | |
| 5430 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 5431 | |
| 5432 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 5433 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5434 | Modify3gppService body = ; // Modify3gppService | |
| 5435 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 5436 | try { |
| 5437 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.modify3gppService(body, version); |
| 5438 | System.out.println(result); |
| 5439 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 5440 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#modify3gppService"); |
| 5441 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 5442 | } |
| 5443 | } |
| 5444 | }</code></pre> |
| 5445 | </div> |
| 5446 | <!-- |
| 5447 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-groovy"> |
| 5448 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 5449 | </div> --> |
| 5450 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-objc"> |
| 5451 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">Modify3gppService *body = ; // |
| 5452 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 5453 | |
| 5454 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 5455 | |
| 5456 | // Modify a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 5457 | [apiInstance modify3gppServiceWith:body |
| 5458 | version:version |
| 5459 | completionHandler: ^(3gppServiceResponse output, NSError* error) { |
| 5460 | if (output) { |
| 5461 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 5462 | } |
| 5463 | if (error) { |
| 5464 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 5465 | } |
| 5466 | }]; |
| 5467 | </code></pre> |
| 5468 | </div> |
| 5469 | |
| 5470 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-javascript"> |
| 5471 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 5472 | |
| 5473 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 5474 | |
| 5475 | var body = ; // {Modify3gppService} |
| 5476 | |
| 5477 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 5478 | |
| 5479 | |
| 5480 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 5481 | if (error) { |
| 5482 | console.error(error); |
| 5483 | } else { |
| 5484 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 5485 | } |
| 5486 | }; |
| 5487 | api.modify3gppService(body, version, callback); |
| 5488 | </code></pre> |
| 5489 | </div> |
| 5490 | |
| 5491 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-angular"> |
| 5492 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 5493 | </div>--> |
| 5494 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-csharp"> |
| 5495 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 5496 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 5497 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 5498 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 5499 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 5500 | |
| 5501 | namespace Example |
| 5502 | { |
| 5503 | public class modify3gppServiceExample |
| 5504 | { |
| 5505 | public void main() |
| 5506 | { |
| 5507 | |
| 5508 | var apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5509 | var body = new Modify3gppService(); // Modify3gppService | |
| 5510 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 5511 | |
| 5512 | try |
| 5513 | { |
| 5514 | // Modify a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 5515 | 3gppServiceResponse result = apiInstance.modify3gppService(body, version); |
| 5516 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 5517 | } |
| 5518 | catch (Exception e) |
| 5519 | { |
| 5520 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi.modify3gppService: " + e.Message ); |
| 5521 | } |
| 5522 | } |
| 5523 | } |
| 5524 | } |
| 5525 | </code></pre> |
| 5526 | </div> |
| 5527 | |
| 5528 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-php"> |
| 5529 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 5530 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 5531 | |
| 5532 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5533 | $body = ; // Modify3gppService | |
| 5534 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 5535 | |
| 5536 | try { |
| 5537 | $result = $api_instance->modify3gppService($body, $version); |
| 5538 | print_r($result); |
| 5539 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 5540 | echo 'Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->modify3gppService: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 5541 | } |
| 5542 | ?></code></pre> |
| 5543 | </div> |
| 5544 | |
| 5545 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-perl"> |
| 5546 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 5547 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 5548 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 5549 | |
| 5550 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 5551 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Modify3gppService->new(); # Modify3gppService | |
| 5552 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 5553 | |
| 5554 | eval { |
| 5555 | my $result = $api_instance->modify3gppService(body => $body, version => $version); |
| 5556 | print Dumper($result); |
| 5557 | }; |
| 5558 | if ($@) { |
| 5559 | warn "Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->modify3gppService: $@\n"; |
| 5560 | }</code></pre> |
| 5561 | </div> |
| 5562 | |
| 5563 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-modify3gppService-0-python"> |
| 5564 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 5565 | import time |
| 5566 | import swagger_client |
| 5567 | from import ApiException |
| 5568 | from pprint import pprint |
| 5569 | |
| 5570 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 5571 | api_instance = swagger_client.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 5572 | body = # Modify3gppService | |
| 5573 | version = version_example # String | |
| 5574 | |
| 5575 | try: |
| 5576 | # Modify a 3GPP Service Instance on a version provided |
| 5577 | api_response = api_instance.modify3gpp_service(body, version) |
| 5578 | pprint(api_response) |
| 5579 | except ApiException as e: |
| 5580 | print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->modify3gppService: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 5581 | </div> |
| 5582 | </div> |
| 5583 | |
| 5584 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 5585 | |
| 5586 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 5587 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 5588 | <tr> |
| 5589 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 5590 | <th>Description</th> |
| 5591 | </tr> |
| 5592 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 5593 | <td> |
| 5594 | |
| 5595 | |
| 5596 | <div id="d2e199_modify3gppService_version"> |
| 5597 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 5598 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 5599 | <span class="type"> |
| 5600 | String |
| 5601 | </span> |
| 5602 | |
| 5603 | </div> |
| 5604 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 5605 | Required |
| 5606 | </div> |
| 5607 | </div> |
| 5608 | </div> |
| 5609 | </td> |
| 5610 | </tr> |
| 5611 | |
| 5612 | </table> |
| 5613 | |
| 5614 | |
| 5615 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 5616 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 5617 | <tr> |
| 5618 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 5619 | <th>Description</th> |
| 5620 | </tr> |
| 5621 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body <span style="color:red;">*</span></td> |
| 5622 | <td> |
| 5623 | |
| 5624 | |
| 5625 | <script> |
| 5626 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5627 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5628 | "in" : "body", |
| 5629 | "name" : "body", |
| 5630 | "required" : true, |
| 5631 | "schema" : { |
| 5632 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/Modify3gppService" |
| 5633 | } |
| 5634 | }; |
| 5635 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5636 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5637 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 5638 | } else { |
| 5639 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5640 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5641 | console.log(err); |
| 5642 | }); |
| 5643 | } |
| 5644 | |
| 5645 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 5646 | var result = $('#d2e199_modify3gppService_body'); |
| 5647 | result.empty(); |
| 5648 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5649 | }); |
| 5650 | </script> |
| 5651 | <div id="d2e199_modify3gppService_body"></div> |
| 5652 | </td> |
| 5653 | </tr> |
| 5654 | |
| 5655 | </table> |
| 5656 | |
| 5657 | |
| 5658 | |
| 5659 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 5660 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 5661 | |
| 5662 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 5663 | <li class="active"> |
| 5664 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-modify3gppService-default-schema">Schema</a> |
| 5665 | </li> |
| 5666 | |
| 5667 | </ul> |
| 5668 | |
| 5669 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5670 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-modify3gppService-default-schema"> |
| 5671 | <div id='responses-modify3gppService-default-schema-default' style="padding: 30px; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;"> |
| 5672 | <script> |
| 5673 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5674 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5675 | "description" : "successful operation", |
| 5676 | "schema" : { |
| 5677 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/3gppServiceResponse" |
| 5678 | } |
| 5679 | }; |
| 5680 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5681 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5682 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 5683 | } else { |
| 5684 | schemaWrapper.definitions = defs; |
| 5685 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5686 | console.log(err); |
| 5687 | }); |
| 5688 | } |
| 5689 | |
| 5690 | //console.log(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5691 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5692 | $('#responses-modify3gppService-default-schema-data').val(stringify(schema)); |
| 5693 | var result = $('#responses-modify3gppService-default-schema-default'); |
| 5694 | result.empty(); |
| 5695 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5696 | }); |
| 5697 | </script> |
| 5698 | </div> |
| 5699 | <input id='responses-modify3gppService-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5700 | </div> |
| 5701 | </div> |
| 5702 | |
| 5703 | </article> |
| 5704 | </div> |
| 5705 | <hr> |
| 5706 | <div id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability"> |
| 5707 | <article id="api-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0" data-group="User" data-name="querySubnetCapability" data-version="0"> |
| 5708 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 5709 | <h1>querySubnetCapability</h1> |
| 5710 | <p>Provides subnet capability based on subnet types</p> |
| 5711 | </div> |
| 5712 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 5713 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 5714 | <p></p> |
| 5715 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 5716 | <p></p> |
| 5717 | <br /> |
| 5718 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/subnetCapabilityQuery</span></code></pre> |
| 5719 | <p> |
| 5720 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 5721 | </p> |
| 5722 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 5723 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 5724 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 5725 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 5726 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 5727 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 5728 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 5729 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 5730 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 5731 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 5732 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 5733 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 5734 | </ul> |
| 5735 | |
| 5736 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 5737 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-curl"> |
| 5738 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/3gppservices/{version}/subnetCapabilityQuery"</code></pre> |
| 5739 | </div> |
| 5740 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-java"> |
| 5741 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 5742 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 5743 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 5744 | import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 5745 | |
| 5746 | import; |
| 5747 | import java.util.*; |
| 5748 | |
| 5749 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 5750 | |
| 5751 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 5752 | |
| 5753 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5754 | QuerySubnetCapability body = ; // QuerySubnetCapability | |
| 5755 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 5756 | try { |
| 5757 | Object result = apiInstance.querySubnetCapability(body, version); |
| 5758 | System.out.println(result); |
| 5759 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 5760 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#querySubnetCapability"); |
| 5761 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 5762 | } |
| 5763 | } |
| 5764 | }</code></pre> |
| 5765 | </div> |
| 5766 | |
| 5767 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-android"> |
| 5768 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 5769 | |
| 5770 | public class Onap3gppServiceInstancesApiExample { |
| 5771 | |
| 5772 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 5773 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5774 | QuerySubnetCapability body = ; // QuerySubnetCapability | |
| 5775 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 5776 | try { |
| 5777 | Object result = apiInstance.querySubnetCapability(body, version); |
| 5778 | System.out.println(result); |
| 5779 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 5780 | System.err.println("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi#querySubnetCapability"); |
| 5781 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 5782 | } |
| 5783 | } |
| 5784 | }</code></pre> |
| 5785 | </div> |
| 5786 | <!-- |
| 5787 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-groovy"> |
| 5788 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 5789 | </div> --> |
| 5790 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-objc"> |
| 5791 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">QuerySubnetCapability *body = ; // |
| 5792 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 5793 | |
| 5794 | Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi *apiInstance = [[Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi alloc] init]; |
| 5795 | |
| 5796 | // Provides subnet capability based on subnet types |
| 5797 | [apiInstance querySubnetCapabilityWith:body |
| 5798 | version:version |
| 5799 | completionHandler: ^(Object output, NSError* error) { |
| 5800 | if (output) { |
| 5801 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 5802 | } |
| 5803 | if (error) { |
| 5804 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 5805 | } |
| 5806 | }]; |
| 5807 | </code></pre> |
| 5808 | </div> |
| 5809 | |
| 5810 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-javascript"> |
| 5811 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 5812 | |
| 5813 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 5814 | |
| 5815 | var body = ; // {QuerySubnetCapability} |
| 5816 | |
| 5817 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 5818 | |
| 5819 | |
| 5820 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 5821 | if (error) { |
| 5822 | console.error(error); |
| 5823 | } else { |
| 5824 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 5825 | } |
| 5826 | }; |
| 5827 | api.querySubnetCapability(body, version, callback); |
| 5828 | </code></pre> |
| 5829 | </div> |
| 5830 | |
| 5831 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-angular"> |
| 5832 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 5833 | </div>--> |
| 5834 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-csharp"> |
| 5835 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 5836 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 5837 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 5838 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 5839 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 5840 | |
| 5841 | namespace Example |
| 5842 | { |
| 5843 | public class querySubnetCapabilityExample |
| 5844 | { |
| 5845 | public void main() |
| 5846 | { |
| 5847 | |
| 5848 | var apiInstance = new Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5849 | var body = new QuerySubnetCapability(); // QuerySubnetCapability | |
| 5850 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 5851 | |
| 5852 | try |
| 5853 | { |
| 5854 | // Provides subnet capability based on subnet types |
| 5855 | Object result = apiInstance.querySubnetCapability(body, version); |
| 5856 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 5857 | } |
| 5858 | catch (Exception e) |
| 5859 | { |
| 5860 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi.querySubnetCapability: " + e.Message ); |
| 5861 | } |
| 5862 | } |
| 5863 | } |
| 5864 | } |
| 5865 | </code></pre> |
| 5866 | </div> |
| 5867 | |
| 5868 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-php"> |
| 5869 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 5870 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 5871 | |
| 5872 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi(); |
| 5873 | $body = ; // QuerySubnetCapability | |
| 5874 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 5875 | |
| 5876 | try { |
| 5877 | $result = $api_instance->querySubnetCapability($body, $version); |
| 5878 | print_r($result); |
| 5879 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 5880 | echo 'Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->querySubnetCapability: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 5881 | } |
| 5882 | ?></code></pre> |
| 5883 | </div> |
| 5884 | |
| 5885 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-perl"> |
| 5886 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 5887 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 5888 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi; |
| 5889 | |
| 5890 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->new(); |
| 5891 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::QuerySubnetCapability->new(); # QuerySubnetCapability | |
| 5892 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 5893 | |
| 5894 | eval { |
| 5895 | my $result = $api_instance->querySubnetCapability(body => $body, version => $version); |
| 5896 | print Dumper($result); |
| 5897 | }; |
| 5898 | if ($@) { |
| 5899 | warn "Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->querySubnetCapability: $@\n"; |
| 5900 | }</code></pre> |
| 5901 | </div> |
| 5902 | |
| 5903 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onap3gppServiceInstances-querySubnetCapability-0-python"> |
| 5904 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 5905 | import time |
| 5906 | import swagger_client |
| 5907 | from import ApiException |
| 5908 | from pprint import pprint |
| 5909 | |
| 5910 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 5911 | api_instance = swagger_client.Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi() |
| 5912 | body = # QuerySubnetCapability | |
| 5913 | version = version_example # String | |
| 5914 | |
| 5915 | try: |
| 5916 | # Provides subnet capability based on subnet types |
| 5917 | api_response = api_instance.query_subnet_capability(body, version) |
| 5918 | pprint(api_response) |
| 5919 | except ApiException as e: |
| 5920 | print("Exception when calling Onap3gppServiceInstancesApi->querySubnetCapability: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 5921 | </div> |
| 5922 | </div> |
| 5923 | |
| 5924 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 5925 | |
| 5926 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 5927 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 5928 | <tr> |
| 5929 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 5930 | <th>Description</th> |
| 5931 | </tr> |
| 5932 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 5933 | <td> |
| 5934 | |
| 5935 | |
| 5936 | <div id="d2e199_querySubnetCapability_version"> |
| 5937 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 5938 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 5939 | <span class="type"> |
| 5940 | String |
| 5941 | </span> |
| 5942 | |
| 5943 | </div> |
| 5944 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 5945 | Required |
| 5946 | </div> |
| 5947 | </div> |
| 5948 | </div> |
| 5949 | </td> |
| 5950 | </tr> |
| 5951 | |
| 5952 | </table> |
| 5953 | |
| 5954 | |
| 5955 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 5956 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 5957 | <tr> |
| 5958 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 5959 | <th>Description</th> |
| 5960 | </tr> |
| 5961 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body <span style="color:red;">*</span></td> |
| 5962 | <td> |
| 5963 | |
| 5964 | |
| 5965 | <script> |
| 5966 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5967 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5968 | "in" : "body", |
| 5969 | "name" : "body", |
| 5970 | "required" : true, |
| 5971 | "schema" : { |
| 5972 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/QuerySubnetCapability" |
| 5973 | } |
| 5974 | }; |
| 5975 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5976 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5977 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 5978 | } else { |
| 5979 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5980 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5981 | console.log(err); |
| 5982 | }); |
| 5983 | } |
| 5984 | |
| 5985 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 5986 | var result = $('#d2e199_querySubnetCapability_body'); |
| 5987 | result.empty(); |
| 5988 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5989 | }); |
| 5990 | </script> |
| 5991 | <div id="d2e199_querySubnetCapability_body"></div> |
| 5992 | </td> |
| 5993 | </tr> |
| 5994 | |
| 5995 | </table> |
| 5996 | |
| 5997 | |
| 5998 | |
| 5999 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 6000 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation with capabilities for the queried subnetTypes </h3> |
| 6001 | |
| 6002 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6003 | <li class="active"> |
| 6004 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-querySubnetCapability-default-schema">Schema</a> |
| 6005 | </li> |
| 6006 | |
| 6007 | </ul> |
| 6008 | |
| 6009 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6010 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-querySubnetCapability-default-schema"> |
| 6011 | <div id='responses-querySubnetCapability-default-schema-default' style="padding: 30px; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;"> |
| 6012 | <script> |
| 6013 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6014 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6015 | "description" : "successful operation with capabilities for the queried subnetTypes", |
| 6016 | "schema" : { |
| 6017 | "type" : "object" |
| 6018 | } |
| 6019 | }; |
| 6020 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6021 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6022 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 6023 | } else { |
| 6024 | schemaWrapper.definitions = defs; |
| 6025 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6026 | console.log(err); |
| 6027 | }); |
| 6028 | } |
| 6029 | |
| 6030 | //console.log(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6031 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6032 | $('#responses-querySubnetCapability-default-schema-data').val(stringify(schema)); |
| 6033 | var result = $('#responses-querySubnetCapability-default-schema-default'); |
| 6034 | result.empty(); |
| 6035 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6036 | }); |
| 6037 | </script> |
| 6038 | </div> |
| 6039 | <input id='responses-querySubnetCapability-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6040 | </div> |
| 6041 | </div> |
| 6042 | |
| 6043 | </article> |
| 6044 | </div> |
| 6045 | <hr> |
| 6046 | </section> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 6047 | <section id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResources"> |
| 6048 | <h1>OnapsoinfracloudResources</h1> |
| 6049 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment"> |
| 6050 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0" data-group="User" data-name="activateOperationEnvironment" data-version="0"> |
| 6051 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 6052 | <h1>activateOperationEnvironment</h1> |
| 6053 | <p>Activate an Operational Environment</p> |
| 6054 | </div> |
| 6055 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 6056 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 6057 | <p></p> |
| 6058 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 6059 | <p></p> |
| 6060 | <br /> |
| 6061 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/cloudResources/{version}/operationalEnvironments/{operationalEnvironmentId}/activate</span></code></pre> |
| 6062 | <p> |
| 6063 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 6064 | </p> |
| 6065 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 6066 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 6067 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 6068 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 6069 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 6070 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 6071 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 6072 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 6073 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 6074 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 6075 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 6076 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 6077 | </ul> |
| 6078 | |
| 6079 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 6080 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 6081 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/cloudResources/{version}/operationalEnvironments/{operationalEnvironmentId}/activate"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 6082 | </div> |
| 6083 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-java"> |
| 6084 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 6085 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 6086 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 6087 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi; |
| 6088 | |
| 6089 | import; |
| 6090 | import java.util.*; |
| 6091 | |
| 6092 | public class OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApiExample { |
| 6093 | |
| 6094 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 6095 | |
| 6096 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6097 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 6098 | String operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // String | |
| 6099 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 6100 | try { |
| 6101 | apiInstance.activateOperationEnvironment(version, operationalEnvironmentId, body); |
| 6102 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 6103 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi#activateOperationEnvironment"); |
| 6104 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 6105 | } |
| 6106 | } |
| 6107 | }</code></pre> |
| 6108 | </div> |
| 6109 | |
| 6110 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-android"> |
| 6111 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi; |
| 6112 | |
| 6113 | public class OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApiExample { |
| 6114 | |
| 6115 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 6116 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6117 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 6118 | String operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // String | |
| 6119 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 6120 | try { |
| 6121 | apiInstance.activateOperationEnvironment(version, operationalEnvironmentId, body); |
| 6122 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 6123 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi#activateOperationEnvironment"); |
| 6124 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 6125 | } |
| 6126 | } |
| 6127 | }</code></pre> |
| 6128 | </div> |
| 6129 | <!-- |
| 6130 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-groovy"> |
| 6131 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 6132 | </div> --> |
| 6133 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-objc"> |
| 6134 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 6135 | String *operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // |
| 6136 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 6137 | |
| 6138 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi alloc] init]; |
| 6139 | |
| 6140 | // Activate an Operational Environment |
| 6141 | [apiInstance activateOperationEnvironmentWith:version |
| 6142 | operationalEnvironmentId:operationalEnvironmentId |
| 6143 | body:body |
| 6144 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 6145 | if (error) { |
| 6146 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 6147 | } |
| 6148 | }]; |
| 6149 | </code></pre> |
| 6150 | </div> |
| 6151 | |
| 6152 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 6153 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 6154 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 6155 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 6156 | |
| 6157 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 6158 | |
| 6159 | var operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // {String} |
| 6160 | |
| 6161 | var opts = { |
| 6162 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 6163 | }; |
| 6164 | |
| 6165 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 6166 | if (error) { |
| 6167 | console.error(error); |
| 6168 | } else { |
| 6169 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 6170 | } |
| 6171 | }; |
| 6172 | api.activateOperationEnvironment(version, operationalEnvironmentId, opts, callback); |
| 6173 | </code></pre> |
| 6174 | </div> |
| 6175 | |
| 6176 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-angular"> |
| 6177 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 6178 | </div>--> |
| 6179 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-csharp"> |
| 6180 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 6181 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 6182 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 6183 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 6184 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 6185 | |
| 6186 | namespace Example |
| 6187 | { |
| 6188 | public class activateOperationEnvironmentExample |
| 6189 | { |
| 6190 | public void main() |
| 6191 | { |
| 6192 | |
| 6193 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6194 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 6195 | var operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // String | |
| 6196 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 6197 | |
| 6198 | try |
| 6199 | { |
| 6200 | // Activate an Operational Environment |
| 6201 | apiInstance.activateOperationEnvironment(version, operationalEnvironmentId, body); |
| 6202 | } |
| 6203 | catch (Exception e) |
| 6204 | { |
| 6205 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi.activateOperationEnvironment: " + e.Message ); |
| 6206 | } |
| 6207 | } |
| 6208 | } |
| 6209 | } |
| 6210 | </code></pre> |
| 6211 | </div> |
| 6212 | |
| 6213 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-php"> |
| 6214 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 6215 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 6216 | |
| 6217 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6218 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 6219 | $operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // String | |
| 6220 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 6221 | |
| 6222 | try { |
| 6223 | $api_instance->activateOperationEnvironment($version, $operationalEnvironmentId, $body); |
| 6224 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 6225 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->activateOperationEnvironment: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 6226 | } |
| 6227 | ?></code></pre> |
| 6228 | </div> |
| 6229 | |
| 6230 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-perl"> |
| 6231 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 6232 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 6233 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi; |
| 6234 | |
| 6235 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->new(); |
| 6236 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 6237 | my $operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; # String | |
| 6238 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 6239 | |
| 6240 | eval { |
| 6241 | $api_instance->activateOperationEnvironment(version => $version, operationalEnvironmentId => $operationalEnvironmentId, body => $body); |
| 6242 | }; |
| 6243 | if ($@) { |
| 6244 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->activateOperationEnvironment: $@\n"; |
| 6245 | }</code></pre> |
| 6246 | </div> |
| 6247 | |
| 6248 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-activateOperationEnvironment-0-python"> |
| 6249 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 6250 | import time |
| 6251 | import swagger_client |
| 6252 | from import ApiException |
| 6253 | from pprint import pprint |
| 6254 | |
| 6255 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 6256 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi() |
| 6257 | version = version_example # String | |
| 6258 | operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example # String | |
| 6259 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 6260 | |
| 6261 | try: |
| 6262 | # Activate an Operational Environment |
| 6263 | api_instance.activate_operation_environment(version, operationalEnvironmentId, body=body) |
| 6264 | except ApiException as e: |
| 6265 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->activateOperationEnvironment: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 6266 | </div> |
| 6267 | </div> |
| 6268 | |
| 6269 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 6270 | |
| 6271 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 6272 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 6273 | <tr> |
| 6274 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 6275 | <th>Description</th> |
| 6276 | </tr> |
| 6277 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 6278 | <td> |
| 6279 | |
| 6280 | |
| 6281 | <div id="d2e199_activateOperationEnvironment_version"> |
| 6282 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 6283 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 6284 | <span class="type"> |
| 6285 | String |
| 6286 | </span> |
| 6287 | |
| 6288 | </div> |
| 6289 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 6290 | Required |
| 6291 | </div> |
| 6292 | </div> |
| 6293 | </div> |
| 6294 | </td> |
| 6295 | </tr> |
| 6296 | |
| 6297 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">operationalEnvironmentId*</td> |
| 6298 | <td> |
| 6299 | |
| 6300 | |
| 6301 | <div id="d2e199_activateOperationEnvironment_operationalEnvironmentId"> |
| 6302 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 6303 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 6304 | <span class="type"> |
| 6305 | String |
| 6306 | </span> |
| 6307 | |
| 6308 | </div> |
| 6309 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 6310 | Required |
| 6311 | </div> |
| 6312 | </div> |
| 6313 | </div> |
| 6314 | </td> |
| 6315 | </tr> |
| 6316 | |
| 6317 | </table> |
| 6318 | |
| 6319 | |
| 6320 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 6321 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 6322 | <tr> |
| 6323 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 6324 | <th>Description</th> |
| 6325 | </tr> |
| 6326 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 6327 | <td> |
| 6328 | |
| 6329 | |
| 6330 | <script> |
| 6331 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6332 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6333 | "in" : "body", |
| 6334 | "name" : "body", |
| 6335 | "required" : false, |
| 6336 | "schema" : { |
| 6337 | "type" : "string" |
| 6338 | } |
| 6339 | }; |
| 6340 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6341 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6342 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 6343 | } else { |
| 6344 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6345 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6346 | console.log(err); |
| 6347 | }); |
| 6348 | } |
| 6349 | |
| 6350 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 6351 | var result = $('#d2e199_activateOperationEnvironment_body'); |
| 6352 | result.empty(); |
| 6353 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6354 | }); |
| 6355 | </script> |
| 6356 | <div id="d2e199_activateOperationEnvironment_body"></div> |
| 6357 | </td> |
| 6358 | </tr> |
| 6359 | |
| 6360 | </table> |
| 6361 | |
| 6362 | |
| 6363 | |
| 6364 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 6365 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 6366 | |
| 6367 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6368 | </ul> |
| 6369 | |
| 6370 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6371 | </div> |
| 6372 | |
| 6373 | </article> |
| 6374 | </div> |
| 6375 | <hr> |
| 6376 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment"> |
| 6377 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0" data-group="User" data-name="createOperationEnvironment" data-version="0"> |
| 6378 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 6379 | <h1>createOperationEnvironment</h1> |
| 6380 | <p>Create an Operational Environment</p> |
| 6381 | </div> |
| 6382 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 6383 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 6384 | <p></p> |
| 6385 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 6386 | <p></p> |
| 6387 | <br /> |
| 6388 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/cloudResources/{version}/operationalEnvironments</span></code></pre> |
| 6389 | <p> |
| 6390 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 6391 | </p> |
| 6392 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 6393 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 6394 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 6395 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 6396 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 6397 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 6398 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 6399 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 6400 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 6401 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 6402 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 6403 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 6404 | </ul> |
| 6405 | |
| 6406 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 6407 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 6408 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/cloudResources/{version}/operationalEnvironments"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 6409 | </div> |
| 6410 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-java"> |
| 6411 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 6412 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 6413 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 6414 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi; |
| 6415 | |
| 6416 | import; |
| 6417 | import java.util.*; |
| 6418 | |
| 6419 | public class OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApiExample { |
| 6420 | |
| 6421 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 6422 | |
| 6423 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6424 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 6425 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 6426 | try { |
| 6427 | apiInstance.createOperationEnvironment(version, body); |
| 6428 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 6429 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi#createOperationEnvironment"); |
| 6430 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 6431 | } |
| 6432 | } |
| 6433 | }</code></pre> |
| 6434 | </div> |
| 6435 | |
| 6436 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-android"> |
| 6437 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi; |
| 6438 | |
| 6439 | public class OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApiExample { |
| 6440 | |
| 6441 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 6442 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6443 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 6444 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 6445 | try { |
| 6446 | apiInstance.createOperationEnvironment(version, body); |
| 6447 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 6448 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi#createOperationEnvironment"); |
| 6449 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 6450 | } |
| 6451 | } |
| 6452 | }</code></pre> |
| 6453 | </div> |
| 6454 | <!-- |
| 6455 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-groovy"> |
| 6456 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 6457 | </div> --> |
| 6458 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-objc"> |
| 6459 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 6460 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 6461 | |
| 6462 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi alloc] init]; |
| 6463 | |
| 6464 | // Create an Operational Environment |
| 6465 | [apiInstance createOperationEnvironmentWith:version |
| 6466 | body:body |
| 6467 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 6468 | if (error) { |
| 6469 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 6470 | } |
| 6471 | }]; |
| 6472 | </code></pre> |
| 6473 | </div> |
| 6474 | |
| 6475 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 6476 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 6477 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 6478 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 6479 | |
| 6480 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 6481 | |
| 6482 | var opts = { |
| 6483 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 6484 | }; |
| 6485 | |
| 6486 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 6487 | if (error) { |
| 6488 | console.error(error); |
| 6489 | } else { |
| 6490 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 6491 | } |
| 6492 | }; |
| 6493 | api.createOperationEnvironment(version, opts, callback); |
| 6494 | </code></pre> |
| 6495 | </div> |
| 6496 | |
| 6497 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-angular"> |
| 6498 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 6499 | </div>--> |
| 6500 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-csharp"> |
| 6501 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 6502 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 6503 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 6504 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 6505 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 6506 | |
| 6507 | namespace Example |
| 6508 | { |
| 6509 | public class createOperationEnvironmentExample |
| 6510 | { |
| 6511 | public void main() |
| 6512 | { |
| 6513 | |
| 6514 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6515 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 6516 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 6517 | |
| 6518 | try |
| 6519 | { |
| 6520 | // Create an Operational Environment |
| 6521 | apiInstance.createOperationEnvironment(version, body); |
| 6522 | } |
| 6523 | catch (Exception e) |
| 6524 | { |
| 6525 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi.createOperationEnvironment: " + e.Message ); |
| 6526 | } |
| 6527 | } |
| 6528 | } |
| 6529 | } |
| 6530 | </code></pre> |
| 6531 | </div> |
| 6532 | |
| 6533 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-php"> |
| 6534 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 6535 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 6536 | |
| 6537 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6538 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 6539 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 6540 | |
| 6541 | try { |
| 6542 | $api_instance->createOperationEnvironment($version, $body); |
| 6543 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 6544 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->createOperationEnvironment: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 6545 | } |
| 6546 | ?></code></pre> |
| 6547 | </div> |
| 6548 | |
| 6549 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-perl"> |
| 6550 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 6551 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 6552 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi; |
| 6553 | |
| 6554 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->new(); |
| 6555 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 6556 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 6557 | |
| 6558 | eval { |
| 6559 | $api_instance->createOperationEnvironment(version => $version, body => $body); |
| 6560 | }; |
| 6561 | if ($@) { |
| 6562 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->createOperationEnvironment: $@\n"; |
| 6563 | }</code></pre> |
| 6564 | </div> |
| 6565 | |
| 6566 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-createOperationEnvironment-0-python"> |
| 6567 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 6568 | import time |
| 6569 | import swagger_client |
| 6570 | from import ApiException |
| 6571 | from pprint import pprint |
| 6572 | |
| 6573 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 6574 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi() |
| 6575 | version = version_example # String | |
| 6576 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 6577 | |
| 6578 | try: |
| 6579 | # Create an Operational Environment |
| 6580 | api_instance.create_operation_environment(version, body=body) |
| 6581 | except ApiException as e: |
| 6582 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->createOperationEnvironment: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 6583 | </div> |
| 6584 | </div> |
| 6585 | |
| 6586 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 6587 | |
| 6588 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 6589 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 6590 | <tr> |
| 6591 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 6592 | <th>Description</th> |
| 6593 | </tr> |
| 6594 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 6595 | <td> |
| 6596 | |
| 6597 | |
| 6598 | <div id="d2e199_createOperationEnvironment_version"> |
| 6599 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 6600 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 6601 | <span class="type"> |
| 6602 | String |
| 6603 | </span> |
| 6604 | |
| 6605 | </div> |
| 6606 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 6607 | Required |
| 6608 | </div> |
| 6609 | </div> |
| 6610 | </div> |
| 6611 | </td> |
| 6612 | </tr> |
| 6613 | |
| 6614 | </table> |
| 6615 | |
| 6616 | |
| 6617 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 6618 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 6619 | <tr> |
| 6620 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 6621 | <th>Description</th> |
| 6622 | </tr> |
| 6623 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 6624 | <td> |
| 6625 | |
| 6626 | |
| 6627 | <script> |
| 6628 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6629 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6630 | "in" : "body", |
| 6631 | "name" : "body", |
| 6632 | "required" : false, |
| 6633 | "schema" : { |
| 6634 | "type" : "string" |
| 6635 | } |
| 6636 | }; |
| 6637 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6638 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6639 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 6640 | } else { |
| 6641 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6642 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6643 | console.log(err); |
| 6644 | }); |
| 6645 | } |
| 6646 | |
| 6647 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 6648 | var result = $('#d2e199_createOperationEnvironment_body'); |
| 6649 | result.empty(); |
| 6650 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6651 | }); |
| 6652 | </script> |
| 6653 | <div id="d2e199_createOperationEnvironment_body"></div> |
| 6654 | </td> |
| 6655 | </tr> |
| 6656 | |
| 6657 | </table> |
| 6658 | |
| 6659 | |
| 6660 | |
| 6661 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 6662 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 6663 | |
| 6664 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6665 | </ul> |
| 6666 | |
| 6667 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6668 | </div> |
| 6669 | |
| 6670 | </article> |
| 6671 | </div> |
| 6672 | <hr> |
| 6673 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment"> |
| 6674 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0" data-group="User" data-name="deactivateOperationEnvironment" data-version="0"> |
| 6675 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 6676 | <h1>deactivateOperationEnvironment</h1> |
| 6677 | <p>Deactivate an Operational Environment</p> |
| 6678 | </div> |
| 6679 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 6680 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 6681 | <p></p> |
| 6682 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 6683 | <p></p> |
| 6684 | <br /> |
| 6685 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/cloudResources/{version}/operationalEnvironments/{operationalEnvironmentId}/deactivate</span></code></pre> |
| 6686 | <p> |
| 6687 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 6688 | </p> |
| 6689 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 6690 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 6691 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 6692 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 6693 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 6694 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 6695 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 6696 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 6697 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 6698 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 6699 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 6700 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 6701 | </ul> |
| 6702 | |
| 6703 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 6704 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 6705 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/cloudResources/{version}/operationalEnvironments/{operationalEnvironmentId}/deactivate"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 6706 | </div> |
| 6707 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-java"> |
| 6708 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 6709 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 6710 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 6711 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi; |
| 6712 | |
| 6713 | import; |
| 6714 | import java.util.*; |
| 6715 | |
| 6716 | public class OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApiExample { |
| 6717 | |
| 6718 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 6719 | |
| 6720 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6721 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 6722 | String operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // String | |
| 6723 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 6724 | try { |
| 6725 | apiInstance.deactivateOperationEnvironment(version, operationalEnvironmentId, body); |
| 6726 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 6727 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi#deactivateOperationEnvironment"); |
| 6728 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 6729 | } |
| 6730 | } |
| 6731 | }</code></pre> |
| 6732 | </div> |
| 6733 | |
| 6734 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-android"> |
| 6735 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi; |
| 6736 | |
| 6737 | public class OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApiExample { |
| 6738 | |
| 6739 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 6740 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6741 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 6742 | String operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // String | |
| 6743 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 6744 | try { |
| 6745 | apiInstance.deactivateOperationEnvironment(version, operationalEnvironmentId, body); |
| 6746 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 6747 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi#deactivateOperationEnvironment"); |
| 6748 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 6749 | } |
| 6750 | } |
| 6751 | }</code></pre> |
| 6752 | </div> |
| 6753 | <!-- |
| 6754 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-groovy"> |
| 6755 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 6756 | </div> --> |
| 6757 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-objc"> |
| 6758 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 6759 | String *operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // |
| 6760 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 6761 | |
| 6762 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi alloc] init]; |
| 6763 | |
| 6764 | // Deactivate an Operational Environment |
| 6765 | [apiInstance deactivateOperationEnvironmentWith:version |
| 6766 | operationalEnvironmentId:operationalEnvironmentId |
| 6767 | body:body |
| 6768 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 6769 | if (error) { |
| 6770 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 6771 | } |
| 6772 | }]; |
| 6773 | </code></pre> |
| 6774 | </div> |
| 6775 | |
| 6776 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 6777 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 6778 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 6779 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 6780 | |
| 6781 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 6782 | |
| 6783 | var operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // {String} |
| 6784 | |
| 6785 | var opts = { |
| 6786 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 6787 | }; |
| 6788 | |
| 6789 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 6790 | if (error) { |
| 6791 | console.error(error); |
| 6792 | } else { |
| 6793 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 6794 | } |
| 6795 | }; |
| 6796 | api.deactivateOperationEnvironment(version, operationalEnvironmentId, opts, callback); |
| 6797 | </code></pre> |
| 6798 | </div> |
| 6799 | |
| 6800 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-angular"> |
| 6801 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 6802 | </div>--> |
| 6803 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-csharp"> |
| 6804 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 6805 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 6806 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 6807 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 6808 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 6809 | |
| 6810 | namespace Example |
| 6811 | { |
| 6812 | public class deactivateOperationEnvironmentExample |
| 6813 | { |
| 6814 | public void main() |
| 6815 | { |
| 6816 | |
| 6817 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6818 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 6819 | var operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // String | |
| 6820 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 6821 | |
| 6822 | try |
| 6823 | { |
| 6824 | // Deactivate an Operational Environment |
| 6825 | apiInstance.deactivateOperationEnvironment(version, operationalEnvironmentId, body); |
| 6826 | } |
| 6827 | catch (Exception e) |
| 6828 | { |
| 6829 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi.deactivateOperationEnvironment: " + e.Message ); |
| 6830 | } |
| 6831 | } |
| 6832 | } |
| 6833 | } |
| 6834 | </code></pre> |
| 6835 | </div> |
| 6836 | |
| 6837 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-php"> |
| 6838 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 6839 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 6840 | |
| 6841 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi(); |
| 6842 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 6843 | $operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; // String | |
| 6844 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 6845 | |
| 6846 | try { |
| 6847 | $api_instance->deactivateOperationEnvironment($version, $operationalEnvironmentId, $body); |
| 6848 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 6849 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->deactivateOperationEnvironment: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 6850 | } |
| 6851 | ?></code></pre> |
| 6852 | </div> |
| 6853 | |
| 6854 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-perl"> |
| 6855 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 6856 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 6857 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi; |
| 6858 | |
| 6859 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->new(); |
| 6860 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 6861 | my $operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example; # String | |
| 6862 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 6863 | |
| 6864 | eval { |
| 6865 | $api_instance->deactivateOperationEnvironment(version => $version, operationalEnvironmentId => $operationalEnvironmentId, body => $body); |
| 6866 | }; |
| 6867 | if ($@) { |
| 6868 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->deactivateOperationEnvironment: $@\n"; |
| 6869 | }</code></pre> |
| 6870 | </div> |
| 6871 | |
| 6872 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResources-deactivateOperationEnvironment-0-python"> |
| 6873 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 6874 | import time |
| 6875 | import swagger_client |
| 6876 | from import ApiException |
| 6877 | from pprint import pprint |
| 6878 | |
| 6879 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 6880 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi() |
| 6881 | version = version_example # String | |
| 6882 | operationalEnvironmentId = operationalEnvironmentId_example # String | |
| 6883 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 6884 | |
| 6885 | try: |
| 6886 | # Deactivate an Operational Environment |
| 6887 | api_instance.deactivate_operation_environment(version, operationalEnvironmentId, body=body) |
| 6888 | except ApiException as e: |
| 6889 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesApi->deactivateOperationEnvironment: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 6890 | </div> |
| 6891 | </div> |
| 6892 | |
| 6893 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 6894 | |
| 6895 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 6896 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 6897 | <tr> |
| 6898 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 6899 | <th>Description</th> |
| 6900 | </tr> |
| 6901 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 6902 | <td> |
| 6903 | |
| 6904 | |
| 6905 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateOperationEnvironment_version"> |
| 6906 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 6907 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 6908 | <span class="type"> |
| 6909 | String |
| 6910 | </span> |
| 6911 | |
| 6912 | </div> |
| 6913 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 6914 | Required |
| 6915 | </div> |
| 6916 | </div> |
| 6917 | </div> |
| 6918 | </td> |
| 6919 | </tr> |
| 6920 | |
| 6921 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">operationalEnvironmentId*</td> |
| 6922 | <td> |
| 6923 | |
| 6924 | |
| 6925 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateOperationEnvironment_operationalEnvironmentId"> |
| 6926 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 6927 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 6928 | <span class="type"> |
| 6929 | String |
| 6930 | </span> |
| 6931 | |
| 6932 | </div> |
| 6933 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 6934 | Required |
| 6935 | </div> |
| 6936 | </div> |
| 6937 | </div> |
| 6938 | </td> |
| 6939 | </tr> |
| 6940 | |
| 6941 | </table> |
| 6942 | |
| 6943 | |
| 6944 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 6945 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 6946 | <tr> |
| 6947 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 6948 | <th>Description</th> |
| 6949 | </tr> |
| 6950 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 6951 | <td> |
| 6952 | |
| 6953 | |
| 6954 | <script> |
| 6955 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6956 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6957 | "in" : "body", |
| 6958 | "name" : "body", |
| 6959 | "required" : false, |
| 6960 | "schema" : { |
| 6961 | "type" : "string" |
| 6962 | } |
| 6963 | }; |
| 6964 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6965 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6966 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 6967 | } else { |
| 6968 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6969 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6970 | console.log(err); |
| 6971 | }); |
| 6972 | } |
| 6973 | |
| 6974 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 6975 | var result = $('#d2e199_deactivateOperationEnvironment_body'); |
| 6976 | result.empty(); |
| 6977 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6978 | }); |
| 6979 | </script> |
| 6980 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateOperationEnvironment_body"></div> |
| 6981 | </td> |
| 6982 | </tr> |
| 6983 | |
| 6984 | </table> |
| 6985 | |
| 6986 | |
| 6987 | |
| 6988 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 6989 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 6990 | |
| 6991 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6992 | </ul> |
| 6993 | |
| 6994 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6995 | </div> |
| 6996 | |
| 6997 | </article> |
| 6998 | </div> |
| 6999 | <hr> |
| 7000 | </section> |
| 7001 | <section id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests"> |
| 7002 | <h1>OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests</h1> |
| 7003 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter"> |
| 7004 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0" data-group="User" data-name="getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter" data-version="0"> |
| 7005 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 7006 | <h1>getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter</h1> |
| 7007 | <p>Get status of an Operational Environment based on filter criteria</p> |
| 7008 | </div> |
| 7009 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 7010 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 7011 | <p></p> |
| 7012 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 7013 | <p></p> |
| 7014 | <br /> |
| 7015 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/cloudResourcesRequests/{version}</span></code></pre> |
| 7016 | <p> |
| 7017 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 7018 | </p> |
| 7019 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 7020 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 7021 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 7022 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 7023 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 7024 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 7025 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 7026 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 7027 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 7028 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 7029 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 7030 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 7031 | </ul> |
| 7032 | |
| 7033 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 7034 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 7035 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/cloudResourcesRequests/{version}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 7036 | </div> |
| 7037 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-java"> |
| 7038 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 7039 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 7040 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 7041 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi; |
| 7042 | |
| 7043 | import; |
| 7044 | import java.util.*; |
| 7045 | |
| 7046 | public class OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApiExample { |
| 7047 | |
| 7048 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 7049 | |
| 7050 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi(); |
| 7051 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 7052 | try { |
| 7053 | apiInstance.getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter(version); |
| 7054 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 7055 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi#getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter"); |
| 7056 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 7057 | } |
| 7058 | } |
| 7059 | }</code></pre> |
| 7060 | </div> |
| 7061 | |
| 7062 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-android"> |
| 7063 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi; |
| 7064 | |
| 7065 | public class OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApiExample { |
| 7066 | |
| 7067 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 7068 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi(); |
| 7069 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 7070 | try { |
| 7071 | apiInstance.getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter(version); |
| 7072 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 7073 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi#getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter"); |
| 7074 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 7075 | } |
| 7076 | } |
| 7077 | }</code></pre> |
| 7078 | </div> |
| 7079 | <!-- |
| 7080 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-groovy"> |
| 7081 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 7082 | </div> --> |
| 7083 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-objc"> |
| 7084 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 7085 | |
| 7086 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi alloc] init]; |
| 7087 | |
| 7088 | // Get status of an Operational Environment based on filter criteria |
| 7089 | [apiInstance getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilterWith:version |
| 7090 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 7091 | if (error) { |
| 7092 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 7093 | } |
| 7094 | }]; |
| 7095 | </code></pre> |
| 7096 | </div> |
| 7097 | |
| 7098 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 7099 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 7100 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 7101 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 7102 | |
| 7103 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 7104 | |
| 7105 | |
| 7106 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 7107 | if (error) { |
| 7108 | console.error(error); |
| 7109 | } else { |
| 7110 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 7111 | } |
| 7112 | }; |
| 7113 | api.getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter(version, callback); |
| 7114 | </code></pre> |
| 7115 | </div> |
| 7116 | |
| 7117 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-angular"> |
| 7118 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 7119 | </div>--> |
| 7120 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-csharp"> |
| 7121 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 7122 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 7123 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 7124 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 7125 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 7126 | |
| 7127 | namespace Example |
| 7128 | { |
| 7129 | public class getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilterExample |
| 7130 | { |
| 7131 | public void main() |
| 7132 | { |
| 7133 | |
| 7134 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi(); |
| 7135 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 7136 | |
| 7137 | try |
| 7138 | { |
| 7139 | // Get status of an Operational Environment based on filter criteria |
| 7140 | apiInstance.getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter(version); |
| 7141 | } |
| 7142 | catch (Exception e) |
| 7143 | { |
| 7144 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi.getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter: " + e.Message ); |
| 7145 | } |
| 7146 | } |
| 7147 | } |
| 7148 | } |
| 7149 | </code></pre> |
| 7150 | </div> |
| 7151 | |
| 7152 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-php"> |
| 7153 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 7154 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 7155 | |
| 7156 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi(); |
| 7157 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 7158 | |
| 7159 | try { |
| 7160 | $api_instance->getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter($version); |
| 7161 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 7162 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi->getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 7163 | } |
| 7164 | ?></code></pre> |
| 7165 | </div> |
| 7166 | |
| 7167 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-perl"> |
| 7168 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 7169 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 7170 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi; |
| 7171 | |
| 7172 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi->new(); |
| 7173 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 7174 | |
| 7175 | eval { |
| 7176 | $api_instance->getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter(version => $version); |
| 7177 | }; |
| 7178 | if ($@) { |
| 7179 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi->getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter: $@\n"; |
| 7180 | }</code></pre> |
| 7181 | </div> |
| 7182 | |
| 7183 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter-0-python"> |
| 7184 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 7185 | import time |
| 7186 | import swagger_client |
| 7187 | from import ApiException |
| 7188 | from pprint import pprint |
| 7189 | |
| 7190 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 7191 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi() |
| 7192 | version = version_example # String | |
| 7193 | |
| 7194 | try: |
| 7195 | # Get status of an Operational Environment based on filter criteria |
| 7196 | api_instance.get_operation_environment_status_filter(version) |
| 7197 | except ApiException as e: |
| 7198 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi->getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 7199 | </div> |
| 7200 | </div> |
| 7201 | |
| 7202 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 7203 | |
| 7204 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 7205 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 7206 | <tr> |
| 7207 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 7208 | <th>Description</th> |
| 7209 | </tr> |
| 7210 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 7211 | <td> |
| 7212 | |
| 7213 | |
| 7214 | <div id="d2e199_getOperationEnvironmentStatusFilter_version"> |
| 7215 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 7216 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 7217 | <span class="type"> |
| 7218 | String |
| 7219 | </span> |
| 7220 | |
| 7221 | </div> |
| 7222 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 7223 | Required |
| 7224 | </div> |
| 7225 | </div> |
| 7226 | </div> |
| 7227 | </td> |
| 7228 | </tr> |
| 7229 | |
| 7230 | </table> |
| 7231 | |
| 7232 | |
| 7233 | |
| 7234 | |
| 7235 | |
| 7236 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 7237 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 7238 | |
| 7239 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 7240 | </ul> |
| 7241 | |
| 7242 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 7243 | </div> |
| 7244 | |
| 7245 | </article> |
| 7246 | </div> |
| 7247 | <hr> |
| 7248 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId"> |
| 7249 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0" data-group="User" data-name="unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId" data-version="0"> |
| 7250 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 7251 | <h1>unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId</h1> |
| 7252 | <p>Unlock CloudOrchestration requests for a specified requestId</p> |
| 7253 | </div> |
| 7254 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 7255 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 7256 | <p></p> |
| 7257 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 7258 | <p></p> |
| 7259 | <br /> |
| 7260 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/cloudResourcesRequests/{version}/{requestId}/unlock</span></code></pre> |
| 7261 | <p> |
| 7262 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 7263 | </p> |
| 7264 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 7265 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 7266 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 7267 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 7268 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 7269 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 7270 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 7271 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 7272 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 7273 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 7274 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 7275 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 7276 | </ul> |
| 7277 | |
| 7278 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 7279 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 7280 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/cloudResourcesRequests/{version}/{requestId}/unlock"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 7281 | </div> |
| 7282 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-java"> |
| 7283 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 7284 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 7285 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 7286 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi; |
| 7287 | |
| 7288 | import; |
| 7289 | import java.util.*; |
| 7290 | |
| 7291 | public class OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApiExample { |
| 7292 | |
| 7293 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 7294 | |
| 7295 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi(); |
| 7296 | String requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 7297 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 7298 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 7299 | try { |
| 7300 | apiInstance.unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId(requestId, version, body); |
| 7301 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 7302 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi#unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId"); |
| 7303 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 7304 | } |
| 7305 | } |
| 7306 | }</code></pre> |
| 7307 | </div> |
| 7308 | |
| 7309 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-android"> |
| 7310 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi; |
| 7311 | |
| 7312 | public class OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApiExample { |
| 7313 | |
| 7314 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 7315 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi(); |
| 7316 | String requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 7317 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 7318 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 7319 | try { |
| 7320 | apiInstance.unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId(requestId, version, body); |
| 7321 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 7322 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi#unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId"); |
| 7323 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 7324 | } |
| 7325 | } |
| 7326 | }</code></pre> |
| 7327 | </div> |
| 7328 | <!-- |
| 7329 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-groovy"> |
| 7330 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 7331 | </div> --> |
| 7332 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-objc"> |
| 7333 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *requestId = requestId_example; // |
| 7334 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 7335 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 7336 | |
| 7337 | OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi alloc] init]; |
| 7338 | |
| 7339 | // Unlock CloudOrchestration requests for a specified requestId |
| 7340 | [apiInstance unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqIdWith:requestId |
| 7341 | version:version |
| 7342 | body:body |
| 7343 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 7344 | if (error) { |
| 7345 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 7346 | } |
| 7347 | }]; |
| 7348 | </code></pre> |
| 7349 | </div> |
| 7350 | |
| 7351 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 7352 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 7353 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 7354 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 7355 | |
| 7356 | var requestId = requestId_example; // {String} |
| 7357 | |
| 7358 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 7359 | |
| 7360 | var opts = { |
| 7361 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 7362 | }; |
| 7363 | |
| 7364 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 7365 | if (error) { |
| 7366 | console.error(error); |
| 7367 | } else { |
| 7368 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 7369 | } |
| 7370 | }; |
| 7371 | api.unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId(requestId, version, opts, callback); |
| 7372 | </code></pre> |
| 7373 | </div> |
| 7374 | |
| 7375 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-angular"> |
| 7376 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 7377 | </div>--> |
| 7378 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-csharp"> |
| 7379 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 7380 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 7381 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 7382 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 7383 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 7384 | |
| 7385 | namespace Example |
| 7386 | { |
| 7387 | public class unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqIdExample |
| 7388 | { |
| 7389 | public void main() |
| 7390 | { |
| 7391 | |
| 7392 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi(); |
| 7393 | var requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 7394 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 7395 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 7396 | |
| 7397 | try |
| 7398 | { |
| 7399 | // Unlock CloudOrchestration requests for a specified requestId |
| 7400 | apiInstance.unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId(requestId, version, body); |
| 7401 | } |
| 7402 | catch (Exception e) |
| 7403 | { |
| 7404 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi.unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId: " + e.Message ); |
| 7405 | } |
| 7406 | } |
| 7407 | } |
| 7408 | } |
| 7409 | </code></pre> |
| 7410 | </div> |
| 7411 | |
| 7412 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-php"> |
| 7413 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 7414 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 7415 | |
| 7416 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi(); |
| 7417 | $requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 7418 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 7419 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 7420 | |
| 7421 | try { |
| 7422 | $api_instance->unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId($requestId, $version, $body); |
| 7423 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 7424 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi->unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 7425 | } |
| 7426 | ?></code></pre> |
| 7427 | </div> |
| 7428 | |
| 7429 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-perl"> |
| 7430 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 7431 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 7432 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi; |
| 7433 | |
| 7434 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi->new(); |
| 7435 | my $requestId = requestId_example; # String | |
| 7436 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 7437 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 7438 | |
| 7439 | eval { |
| 7440 | $api_instance->unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId(requestId => $requestId, version => $version, body => $body); |
| 7441 | }; |
| 7442 | if ($@) { |
| 7443 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi->unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId: $@\n"; |
| 7444 | }</code></pre> |
| 7445 | </div> |
| 7446 | |
| 7447 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-python"> |
| 7448 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 7449 | import time |
| 7450 | import swagger_client |
| 7451 | from import ApiException |
| 7452 | from pprint import pprint |
| 7453 | |
| 7454 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 7455 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi() |
| 7456 | requestId = requestId_example # String | |
| 7457 | version = version_example # String | |
| 7458 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 7459 | |
| 7460 | try: |
| 7461 | # Unlock CloudOrchestration requests for a specified requestId |
| 7462 | api_instance.unlock_orchestration_request_for_req_id(requestId, version, body=body) |
| 7463 | except ApiException as e: |
| 7464 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfracloudResourcesRequestsApi->unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 7465 | </div> |
| 7466 | </div> |
| 7467 | |
| 7468 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 7469 | |
| 7470 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 7471 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 7472 | <tr> |
| 7473 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 7474 | <th>Description</th> |
| 7475 | </tr> |
| 7476 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">requestId*</td> |
| 7477 | <td> |
| 7478 | |
| 7479 | |
| 7480 | <div id="d2e199_unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId_requestId"> |
| 7481 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 7482 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 7483 | <span class="type"> |
| 7484 | String |
| 7485 | </span> |
| 7486 | |
| 7487 | </div> |
| 7488 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 7489 | Required |
| 7490 | </div> |
| 7491 | </div> |
| 7492 | </div> |
| 7493 | </td> |
| 7494 | </tr> |
| 7495 | |
| 7496 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 7497 | <td> |
| 7498 | |
| 7499 | |
| 7500 | <div id="d2e199_unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId_version"> |
| 7501 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 7502 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 7503 | <span class="type"> |
| 7504 | String |
| 7505 | </span> |
| 7506 | |
| 7507 | </div> |
| 7508 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 7509 | Required |
| 7510 | </div> |
| 7511 | </div> |
| 7512 | </div> |
| 7513 | </td> |
| 7514 | </tr> |
| 7515 | |
| 7516 | </table> |
| 7517 | |
| 7518 | |
| 7519 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 7520 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 7521 | <tr> |
| 7522 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 7523 | <th>Description</th> |
| 7524 | </tr> |
| 7525 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 7526 | <td> |
| 7527 | |
| 7528 | |
| 7529 | <script> |
| 7530 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 7531 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 7532 | "in" : "body", |
| 7533 | "name" : "body", |
| 7534 | "required" : false, |
| 7535 | "schema" : { |
| 7536 | "type" : "string" |
| 7537 | } |
| 7538 | }; |
| 7539 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 7540 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 7541 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 7542 | } else { |
| 7543 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 7544 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 7545 | console.log(err); |
| 7546 | }); |
| 7547 | } |
| 7548 | |
| 7549 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 7550 | var result = $('#d2e199_unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId_body'); |
| 7551 | result.empty(); |
| 7552 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 7553 | }); |
| 7554 | </script> |
| 7555 | <div id="d2e199_unlockOrchestrationRequestForReqId_body"></div> |
| 7556 | </td> |
| 7557 | </tr> |
| 7558 | |
| 7559 | </table> |
| 7560 | |
| 7561 | |
| 7562 | |
| 7563 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 7564 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 7565 | |
| 7566 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 7567 | </ul> |
| 7568 | |
| 7569 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 7570 | </div> |
| 7571 | |
| 7572 | </article> |
| 7573 | </div> |
| 7574 | <hr> |
| 7575 | </section> |
rameshiyer27 | 553bc77 | 2020-08-25 16:49:34 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7576 | <section id="api-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement"> |
| 7577 | <h1>OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement</h1> |
| 7578 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow"> |
| 7579 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0" data-group="User" data-name="executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow" data-version="0"> |
| 7580 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 7581 | <h1>executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow</h1> |
| 7582 | <p>Executing service level custom workflow</p> |
| 7583 | </div> |
| 7584 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 7585 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 7586 | <p></p> |
| 7587 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 7588 | <p></p> |
| 7589 | <br /> |
| 7590 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/instanceManagement/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/workflows/{workflow_UUID}</span></code></pre> |
| 7591 | <p> |
| 7592 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 7593 | </p> |
| 7594 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 7595 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 7596 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 7597 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 7598 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 7599 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 7600 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 7601 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 7602 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 7603 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 7604 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 7605 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 7606 | </ul> |
| 7607 | |
| 7608 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 7609 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-curl"> |
| 7610 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/instanceManagement/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/workflows/{workflow_UUID}"</code></pre> |
| 7611 | </div> |
| 7612 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-java"> |
| 7613 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 7614 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 7615 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 7616 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi; |
| 7617 | |
| 7618 | import; |
| 7619 | import java.util.*; |
| 7620 | |
| 7621 | public class OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApiExample { |
| 7622 | |
| 7623 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 7624 | |
| 7625 | OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi(); |
| 7626 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 7627 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 7628 | String workflowUUID = workflowUUID_example; // String | |
| 7629 | ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution body = ; // ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution | |
| 7630 | try { |
| 7631 | apiInstance.executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow(version, serviceInstanceId, workflowUUID, body); |
| 7632 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 7633 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi#executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow"); |
| 7634 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 7635 | } |
| 7636 | } |
| 7637 | }</code></pre> |
| 7638 | </div> |
| 7639 | |
| 7640 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-android"> |
| 7641 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi; |
| 7642 | |
| 7643 | public class OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApiExample { |
| 7644 | |
| 7645 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 7646 | OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi(); |
| 7647 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 7648 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 7649 | String workflowUUID = workflowUUID_example; // String | |
| 7650 | ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution body = ; // ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution | |
| 7651 | try { |
| 7652 | apiInstance.executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow(version, serviceInstanceId, workflowUUID, body); |
| 7653 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 7654 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi#executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow"); |
| 7655 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 7656 | } |
| 7657 | } |
| 7658 | }</code></pre> |
| 7659 | </div> |
| 7660 | <!-- |
| 7661 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-groovy"> |
| 7662 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 7663 | </div> --> |
| 7664 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-objc"> |
| 7665 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 7666 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 7667 | String *workflowUUID = workflowUUID_example; // |
| 7668 | ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution *body = ; // (optional) |
| 7669 | |
| 7670 | OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi alloc] init]; |
| 7671 | |
| 7672 | // Executing service level custom workflow |
| 7673 | [apiInstance executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflowWith:version |
| 7674 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 7675 | workflowUUID:workflowUUID |
| 7676 | body:body |
| 7677 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 7678 | if (error) { |
| 7679 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 7680 | } |
| 7681 | }]; |
| 7682 | </code></pre> |
| 7683 | </div> |
| 7684 | |
| 7685 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-javascript"> |
| 7686 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 7687 | |
| 7688 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi() |
| 7689 | |
| 7690 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 7691 | |
| 7692 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 7693 | |
| 7694 | var workflowUUID = workflowUUID_example; // {String} |
| 7695 | |
| 7696 | var opts = { |
| 7697 | 'body': // {ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution} |
| 7698 | }; |
| 7699 | |
| 7700 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 7701 | if (error) { |
| 7702 | console.error(error); |
| 7703 | } else { |
| 7704 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 7705 | } |
| 7706 | }; |
| 7707 | api.executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow(version, serviceInstanceId, workflowUUID, opts, callback); |
| 7708 | </code></pre> |
| 7709 | </div> |
| 7710 | |
| 7711 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-angular"> |
| 7712 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 7713 | </div>--> |
| 7714 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-csharp"> |
| 7715 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 7716 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 7717 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 7718 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 7719 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 7720 | |
| 7721 | namespace Example |
| 7722 | { |
| 7723 | public class executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflowExample |
| 7724 | { |
| 7725 | public void main() |
| 7726 | { |
| 7727 | |
| 7728 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi(); |
| 7729 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 7730 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 7731 | var workflowUUID = workflowUUID_example; // String | |
| 7732 | var body = new ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution(); // ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution | (optional) |
| 7733 | |
| 7734 | try |
| 7735 | { |
| 7736 | // Executing service level custom workflow |
| 7737 | apiInstance.executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow(version, serviceInstanceId, workflowUUID, body); |
| 7738 | } |
| 7739 | catch (Exception e) |
| 7740 | { |
| 7741 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi.executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow: " + e.Message ); |
| 7742 | } |
| 7743 | } |
| 7744 | } |
| 7745 | } |
| 7746 | </code></pre> |
| 7747 | </div> |
| 7748 | |
| 7749 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-php"> |
| 7750 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 7751 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 7752 | |
| 7753 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi(); |
| 7754 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 7755 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 7756 | $workflowUUID = workflowUUID_example; // String | |
| 7757 | $body = ; // ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution | |
| 7758 | |
| 7759 | try { |
| 7760 | $api_instance->executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow($version, $serviceInstanceId, $workflowUUID, $body); |
| 7761 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 7762 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi->executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 7763 | } |
| 7764 | ?></code></pre> |
| 7765 | </div> |
| 7766 | |
| 7767 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-perl"> |
| 7768 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 7769 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 7770 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi; |
| 7771 | |
| 7772 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi->new(); |
| 7773 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 7774 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 7775 | my $workflowUUID = workflowUUID_example; # String | |
| 7776 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution->new(); # ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution | |
| 7777 | |
| 7778 | eval { |
| 7779 | $api_instance->executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, workflowUUID => $workflowUUID, body => $body); |
| 7780 | }; |
| 7781 | if ($@) { |
| 7782 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi->executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow: $@\n"; |
| 7783 | }</code></pre> |
| 7784 | </div> |
| 7785 | |
| 7786 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfrainstanceManagement-executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow-0-python"> |
| 7787 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 7788 | import time |
| 7789 | import swagger_client |
| 7790 | from import ApiException |
| 7791 | from pprint import pprint |
| 7792 | |
| 7793 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 7794 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi() |
| 7795 | version = version_example # String | |
| 7796 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 7797 | workflowUUID = workflowUUID_example # String | |
| 7798 | body = # ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution | (optional) |
| 7799 | |
| 7800 | try: |
| 7801 | # Executing service level custom workflow |
| 7802 | api_instance.execute_service_level_custom_workflow(version, serviceInstanceId, workflowUUID, body=body) |
| 7803 | except ApiException as e: |
| 7804 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfrainstanceManagementApi->executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 7805 | </div> |
| 7806 | </div> |
| 7807 | |
| 7808 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 7809 | |
| 7810 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 7811 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 7812 | <tr> |
| 7813 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 7814 | <th>Description</th> |
| 7815 | </tr> |
| 7816 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 7817 | <td> |
| 7818 | |
| 7819 | |
| 7820 | <div id="d2e199_executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow_version"> |
| 7821 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 7822 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 7823 | <span class="type"> |
| 7824 | String |
| 7825 | </span> |
| 7826 | |
| 7827 | </div> |
| 7828 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 7829 | Required |
| 7830 | </div> |
| 7831 | </div> |
| 7832 | </div> |
| 7833 | </td> |
| 7834 | </tr> |
| 7835 | |
| 7836 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 7837 | <td> |
| 7838 | |
| 7839 | |
| 7840 | <div id="d2e199_executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 7841 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 7842 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 7843 | <span class="type"> |
| 7844 | String |
| 7845 | </span> |
| 7846 | |
| 7847 | </div> |
| 7848 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 7849 | Required |
| 7850 | </div> |
| 7851 | </div> |
| 7852 | </div> |
| 7853 | </td> |
| 7854 | </tr> |
| 7855 | |
| 7856 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">workflow_UUID*</td> |
| 7857 | <td> |
| 7858 | |
| 7859 | |
| 7860 | <div id="d2e199_executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow_workflowUUID"> |
| 7861 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 7862 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 7863 | <span class="type"> |
| 7864 | String |
| 7865 | </span> |
| 7866 | |
| 7867 | </div> |
| 7868 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 7869 | Required |
| 7870 | </div> |
| 7871 | </div> |
| 7872 | </div> |
| 7873 | </td> |
| 7874 | </tr> |
| 7875 | |
| 7876 | </table> |
| 7877 | |
| 7878 | |
| 7879 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 7880 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 7881 | <tr> |
| 7882 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 7883 | <th>Description</th> |
| 7884 | </tr> |
| 7885 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 7886 | <td> |
| 7887 | |
| 7888 | |
| 7889 | <script> |
| 7890 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 7891 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 7892 | "in" : "body", |
| 7893 | "name" : "body", |
| 7894 | "required" : false, |
| 7895 | "schema" : { |
| 7896 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/ServiceLevelWorkflowExecution" |
| 7897 | } |
| 7898 | }; |
| 7899 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 7900 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 7901 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 7902 | } else { |
| 7903 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 7904 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 7905 | console.log(err); |
| 7906 | }); |
| 7907 | } |
| 7908 | |
| 7909 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 7910 | var result = $('#d2e199_executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow_body'); |
| 7911 | result.empty(); |
| 7912 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 7913 | }); |
| 7914 | </script> |
| 7915 | <div id="d2e199_executeServiceLevelCustomWorkflow_body"></div> |
| 7916 | </td> |
| 7917 | </tr> |
| 7918 | |
| 7919 | </table> |
| 7920 | |
| 7921 | |
| 7922 | |
| 7923 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 7924 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 7925 | |
| 7926 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 7927 | </ul> |
| 7928 | |
| 7929 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 7930 | </div> |
| 7931 | |
| 7932 | </article> |
| 7933 | </div> |
| 7934 | <hr> |
| 7935 | </section> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 7936 | <section id="api-OnapsoinframodelDistributions"> |
| 7937 | <h1>OnapsoinframodelDistributions</h1> |
| 7938 | <div id="api-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus"> |
| 7939 | <article id="api-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0" data-group="User" data-name="updateModelDistributionStatus" data-version="0"> |
| 7940 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 7941 | <h1>updateModelDistributionStatus</h1> |
| 7942 | <p>Update model distribution status</p> |
| 7943 | </div> |
| 7944 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 7945 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 7946 | <p></p> |
| 7947 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 7948 | <p></p> |
| 7949 | <br /> |
| 7950 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/modelDistributions/{version}/distributions/{distributionId}</span></code></pre> |
| 7951 | <p> |
| 7952 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 7953 | </p> |
| 7954 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 7955 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 7956 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 7957 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 7958 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 7959 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 7960 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 7961 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 7962 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 7963 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 7964 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 7965 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 7966 | </ul> |
| 7967 | |
| 7968 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 7969 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 7970 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/modelDistributions/{version}/distributions/{distributionId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 7971 | </div> |
| 7972 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-java"> |
| 7973 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 7974 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 7975 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 7976 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi; |
| 7977 | |
| 7978 | import; |
| 7979 | import java.util.*; |
| 7980 | |
| 7981 | public class OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApiExample { |
| 7982 | |
| 7983 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 7984 | |
| 7985 | OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi(); |
| 7986 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 7987 | String distributionId = distributionId_example; // String | |
| 7988 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 7989 | try { |
| 7990 | apiInstance.updateModelDistributionStatus(version, distributionId, body); |
| 7991 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 7992 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi#updateModelDistributionStatus"); |
| 7993 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 7994 | } |
| 7995 | } |
| 7996 | }</code></pre> |
| 7997 | </div> |
| 7998 | |
| 7999 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-android"> |
| 8000 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi; |
| 8001 | |
| 8002 | public class OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApiExample { |
| 8003 | |
| 8004 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 8005 | OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi(); |
| 8006 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 8007 | String distributionId = distributionId_example; // String | |
| 8008 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 8009 | try { |
| 8010 | apiInstance.updateModelDistributionStatus(version, distributionId, body); |
| 8011 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 8012 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi#updateModelDistributionStatus"); |
| 8013 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 8014 | } |
| 8015 | } |
| 8016 | }</code></pre> |
| 8017 | </div> |
| 8018 | <!-- |
| 8019 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-groovy"> |
| 8020 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 8021 | </div> --> |
| 8022 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-objc"> |
| 8023 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 8024 | String *distributionId = distributionId_example; // |
| 8025 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 8026 | |
| 8027 | OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi alloc] init]; |
| 8028 | |
| 8029 | // Update model distribution status |
| 8030 | [apiInstance updateModelDistributionStatusWith:version |
| 8031 | distributionId:distributionId |
| 8032 | body:body |
| 8033 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 8034 | if (error) { |
| 8035 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 8036 | } |
| 8037 | }]; |
| 8038 | </code></pre> |
| 8039 | </div> |
| 8040 | |
| 8041 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8042 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8043 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8044 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8045 | |
| 8046 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 8047 | |
| 8048 | var distributionId = distributionId_example; // {String} |
| 8049 | |
| 8050 | var opts = { |
| 8051 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 8052 | }; |
| 8053 | |
| 8054 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 8055 | if (error) { |
| 8056 | console.error(error); |
| 8057 | } else { |
| 8058 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 8059 | } |
| 8060 | }; |
| 8061 | api.updateModelDistributionStatus(version, distributionId, opts, callback); |
| 8062 | </code></pre> |
| 8063 | </div> |
| 8064 | |
| 8065 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-angular"> |
| 8066 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 8067 | </div>--> |
| 8068 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-csharp"> |
| 8069 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 8070 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 8071 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 8072 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 8073 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 8074 | |
| 8075 | namespace Example |
| 8076 | { |
| 8077 | public class updateModelDistributionStatusExample |
| 8078 | { |
| 8079 | public void main() |
| 8080 | { |
| 8081 | |
| 8082 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi(); |
| 8083 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 8084 | var distributionId = distributionId_example; // String | |
| 8085 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 8086 | |
| 8087 | try |
| 8088 | { |
| 8089 | // Update model distribution status |
| 8090 | apiInstance.updateModelDistributionStatus(version, distributionId, body); |
| 8091 | } |
| 8092 | catch (Exception e) |
| 8093 | { |
| 8094 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi.updateModelDistributionStatus: " + e.Message ); |
| 8095 | } |
| 8096 | } |
| 8097 | } |
| 8098 | } |
| 8099 | </code></pre> |
| 8100 | </div> |
| 8101 | |
| 8102 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-php"> |
| 8103 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 8104 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 8105 | |
| 8106 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi(); |
| 8107 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 8108 | $distributionId = distributionId_example; // String | |
| 8109 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 8110 | |
| 8111 | try { |
| 8112 | $api_instance->updateModelDistributionStatus($version, $distributionId, $body); |
| 8113 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 8114 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi->updateModelDistributionStatus: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 8115 | } |
| 8116 | ?></code></pre> |
| 8117 | </div> |
| 8118 | |
| 8119 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-perl"> |
| 8120 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 8121 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 8122 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi; |
| 8123 | |
| 8124 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi->new(); |
| 8125 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 8126 | my $distributionId = distributionId_example; # String | |
| 8127 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 8128 | |
| 8129 | eval { |
| 8130 | $api_instance->updateModelDistributionStatus(version => $version, distributionId => $distributionId, body => $body); |
| 8131 | }; |
| 8132 | if ($@) { |
| 8133 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi->updateModelDistributionStatus: $@\n"; |
| 8134 | }</code></pre> |
| 8135 | </div> |
| 8136 | |
| 8137 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinframodelDistributions-updateModelDistributionStatus-0-python"> |
| 8138 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 8139 | import time |
| 8140 | import swagger_client |
| 8141 | from import ApiException |
| 8142 | from pprint import pprint |
| 8143 | |
| 8144 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 8145 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi() |
| 8146 | version = version_example # String | |
| 8147 | distributionId = distributionId_example # String | |
| 8148 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 8149 | |
| 8150 | try: |
| 8151 | # Update model distribution status |
| 8152 | api_instance.update_model_distribution_status(version, distributionId, body=body) |
| 8153 | except ApiException as e: |
| 8154 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinframodelDistributionsApi->updateModelDistributionStatus: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 8155 | </div> |
| 8156 | </div> |
| 8157 | |
| 8158 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 8159 | |
| 8160 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 8161 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 8162 | <tr> |
| 8163 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 8164 | <th>Description</th> |
| 8165 | </tr> |
| 8166 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 8167 | <td> |
| 8168 | |
| 8169 | |
| 8170 | <div id="d2e199_updateModelDistributionStatus_version"> |
| 8171 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 8172 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 8173 | <span class="type"> |
| 8174 | String |
| 8175 | </span> |
| 8176 | |
| 8177 | </div> |
| 8178 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 8179 | Required |
| 8180 | </div> |
| 8181 | </div> |
| 8182 | </div> |
| 8183 | </td> |
| 8184 | </tr> |
| 8185 | |
| 8186 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">distributionId*</td> |
| 8187 | <td> |
| 8188 | |
| 8189 | |
| 8190 | <div id="d2e199_updateModelDistributionStatus_distributionId"> |
| 8191 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 8192 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 8193 | <span class="type"> |
| 8194 | String |
| 8195 | </span> |
| 8196 | |
| 8197 | </div> |
| 8198 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 8199 | Required |
| 8200 | </div> |
| 8201 | </div> |
| 8202 | </div> |
| 8203 | </td> |
| 8204 | </tr> |
| 8205 | |
| 8206 | </table> |
| 8207 | |
| 8208 | |
| 8209 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 8210 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 8211 | <tr> |
| 8212 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 8213 | <th>Description</th> |
| 8214 | </tr> |
| 8215 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 8216 | <td> |
| 8217 | |
| 8218 | |
| 8219 | <script> |
| 8220 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 8221 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 8222 | "in" : "body", |
| 8223 | "name" : "body", |
| 8224 | "required" : false, |
| 8225 | "schema" : { |
| 8226 | "type" : "string" |
| 8227 | } |
| 8228 | }; |
| 8229 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 8230 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8231 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 8232 | } else { |
| 8233 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8234 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8235 | console.log(err); |
| 8236 | }); |
| 8237 | } |
| 8238 | |
| 8239 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 8240 | var result = $('#d2e199_updateModelDistributionStatus_body'); |
| 8241 | result.empty(); |
| 8242 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8243 | }); |
| 8244 | </script> |
| 8245 | <div id="d2e199_updateModelDistributionStatus_body"></div> |
| 8246 | </td> |
| 8247 | </tr> |
| 8248 | |
| 8249 | </table> |
| 8250 | |
| 8251 | |
| 8252 | |
| 8253 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 8254 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 8255 | |
| 8256 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8257 | </ul> |
| 8258 | |
| 8259 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8260 | </div> |
| 8261 | |
| 8262 | </article> |
| 8263 | </div> |
| 8264 | <hr> |
| 8265 | </section> |
| 8266 | <section id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests"> |
| 8267 | <h1>OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests</h1> |
| 8268 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest"> |
| 8269 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0" data-group="User" data-name="getOrchestrationRequest" data-version="0"> |
| 8270 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 8271 | <h1>getOrchestrationRequest</h1> |
| 8272 | <p>Find Orchestrated Requests for a URI Information</p> |
| 8273 | </div> |
| 8274 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 8275 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 8276 | <p></p> |
| 8277 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 8278 | <p></p> |
| 8279 | <br /> |
| 8280 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/orchestrationRequests/{version}</span></code></pre> |
| 8281 | <p> |
| 8282 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 8283 | </p> |
| 8284 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 8285 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 8286 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 8287 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 8288 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 8289 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 8290 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 8291 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 8292 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 8293 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 8294 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 8295 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 8296 | </ul> |
| 8297 | |
| 8298 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 8299 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8300 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/orchestrationRequests/{version}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8301 | </div> |
| 8302 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-java"> |
| 8303 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 8304 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 8305 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 8306 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi; |
| 8307 | |
| 8308 | import; |
| 8309 | import java.util.*; |
| 8310 | |
| 8311 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApiExample { |
| 8312 | |
| 8313 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 8314 | |
| 8315 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8316 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 8317 | try { |
| 8318 | apiInstance.getOrchestrationRequest(version); |
| 8319 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 8320 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi#getOrchestrationRequest"); |
| 8321 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 8322 | } |
| 8323 | } |
| 8324 | }</code></pre> |
| 8325 | </div> |
| 8326 | |
| 8327 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-android"> |
| 8328 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi; |
| 8329 | |
| 8330 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApiExample { |
| 8331 | |
| 8332 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 8333 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8334 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 8335 | try { |
| 8336 | apiInstance.getOrchestrationRequest(version); |
| 8337 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 8338 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi#getOrchestrationRequest"); |
| 8339 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 8340 | } |
| 8341 | } |
| 8342 | }</code></pre> |
| 8343 | </div> |
| 8344 | <!-- |
| 8345 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-groovy"> |
| 8346 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 8347 | </div> --> |
| 8348 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-objc"> |
| 8349 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 8350 | |
| 8351 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi alloc] init]; |
| 8352 | |
| 8353 | // Find Orchestrated Requests for a URI Information |
| 8354 | [apiInstance getOrchestrationRequestWith:version |
| 8355 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 8356 | if (error) { |
| 8357 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 8358 | } |
| 8359 | }]; |
| 8360 | </code></pre> |
| 8361 | </div> |
| 8362 | |
| 8363 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8364 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8365 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8366 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8367 | |
| 8368 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 8369 | |
| 8370 | |
| 8371 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 8372 | if (error) { |
| 8373 | console.error(error); |
| 8374 | } else { |
| 8375 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 8376 | } |
| 8377 | }; |
| 8378 | api.getOrchestrationRequest(version, callback); |
| 8379 | </code></pre> |
| 8380 | </div> |
| 8381 | |
| 8382 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-angular"> |
| 8383 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 8384 | </div>--> |
| 8385 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-csharp"> |
| 8386 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 8387 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 8388 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 8389 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 8390 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 8391 | |
| 8392 | namespace Example |
| 8393 | { |
| 8394 | public class getOrchestrationRequestExample |
| 8395 | { |
| 8396 | public void main() |
| 8397 | { |
| 8398 | |
| 8399 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8400 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 8401 | |
| 8402 | try |
| 8403 | { |
| 8404 | // Find Orchestrated Requests for a URI Information |
| 8405 | apiInstance.getOrchestrationRequest(version); |
| 8406 | } |
| 8407 | catch (Exception e) |
| 8408 | { |
| 8409 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi.getOrchestrationRequest: " + e.Message ); |
| 8410 | } |
| 8411 | } |
| 8412 | } |
| 8413 | } |
| 8414 | </code></pre> |
| 8415 | </div> |
| 8416 | |
| 8417 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-php"> |
| 8418 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 8419 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 8420 | |
| 8421 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8422 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 8423 | |
| 8424 | try { |
| 8425 | $api_instance->getOrchestrationRequest($version); |
| 8426 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 8427 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->getOrchestrationRequest: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 8428 | } |
| 8429 | ?></code></pre> |
| 8430 | </div> |
| 8431 | |
| 8432 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-perl"> |
| 8433 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 8434 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 8435 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi; |
| 8436 | |
| 8437 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->new(); |
| 8438 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 8439 | |
| 8440 | eval { |
| 8441 | $api_instance->getOrchestrationRequest(version => $version); |
| 8442 | }; |
| 8443 | if ($@) { |
| 8444 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->getOrchestrationRequest: $@\n"; |
| 8445 | }</code></pre> |
| 8446 | </div> |
| 8447 | |
| 8448 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequest-0-python"> |
| 8449 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 8450 | import time |
| 8451 | import swagger_client |
| 8452 | from import ApiException |
| 8453 | from pprint import pprint |
| 8454 | |
| 8455 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 8456 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi() |
| 8457 | version = version_example # String | |
| 8458 | |
| 8459 | try: |
| 8460 | # Find Orchestrated Requests for a URI Information |
| 8461 | api_instance.get_orchestration_request(version) |
| 8462 | except ApiException as e: |
| 8463 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->getOrchestrationRequest: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 8464 | </div> |
| 8465 | </div> |
| 8466 | |
| 8467 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 8468 | |
| 8469 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 8470 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 8471 | <tr> |
| 8472 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 8473 | <th>Description</th> |
| 8474 | </tr> |
| 8475 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 8476 | <td> |
| 8477 | |
| 8478 | |
| 8479 | <div id="d2e199_getOrchestrationRequest_version"> |
| 8480 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 8481 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 8482 | <span class="type"> |
| 8483 | String |
| 8484 | </span> |
| 8485 | |
| 8486 | </div> |
| 8487 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 8488 | Required |
| 8489 | </div> |
| 8490 | </div> |
| 8491 | </div> |
| 8492 | </td> |
| 8493 | </tr> |
| 8494 | |
| 8495 | </table> |
| 8496 | |
| 8497 | |
| 8498 | |
| 8499 | |
| 8500 | |
| 8501 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 8502 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 8503 | |
| 8504 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8505 | </ul> |
| 8506 | |
| 8507 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8508 | </div> |
| 8509 | |
| 8510 | </article> |
| 8511 | </div> |
| 8512 | <hr> |
| 8513 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId"> |
| 8514 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0" data-group="User" data-name="getOrchestrationRequestForReqId" data-version="0"> |
| 8515 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 8516 | <h1>getOrchestrationRequestForReqId</h1> |
| 8517 | <p>Find Orchestrated Requests for a given requestId</p> |
| 8518 | </div> |
| 8519 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 8520 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 8521 | <p></p> |
| 8522 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 8523 | <p></p> |
| 8524 | <br /> |
| 8525 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/orchestrationRequests/{version}/{requestId}</span></code></pre> |
| 8526 | <p> |
| 8527 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 8528 | </p> |
| 8529 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 8530 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 8531 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 8532 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 8533 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 8534 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 8535 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 8536 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 8537 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 8538 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 8539 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 8540 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 8541 | </ul> |
| 8542 | |
| 8543 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 8544 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8545 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/orchestrationRequests/{version}/{requestId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8546 | </div> |
| 8547 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-java"> |
| 8548 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 8549 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 8550 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 8551 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi; |
| 8552 | |
| 8553 | import; |
| 8554 | import java.util.*; |
| 8555 | |
| 8556 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApiExample { |
| 8557 | |
| 8558 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 8559 | |
| 8560 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8561 | String requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 8562 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 8563 | try { |
| 8564 | apiInstance.getOrchestrationRequestForReqId(requestId, version); |
| 8565 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 8566 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi#getOrchestrationRequestForReqId"); |
| 8567 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 8568 | } |
| 8569 | } |
| 8570 | }</code></pre> |
| 8571 | </div> |
| 8572 | |
| 8573 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-android"> |
| 8574 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi; |
| 8575 | |
| 8576 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApiExample { |
| 8577 | |
| 8578 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 8579 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8580 | String requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 8581 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 8582 | try { |
| 8583 | apiInstance.getOrchestrationRequestForReqId(requestId, version); |
| 8584 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 8585 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi#getOrchestrationRequestForReqId"); |
| 8586 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 8587 | } |
| 8588 | } |
| 8589 | }</code></pre> |
| 8590 | </div> |
| 8591 | <!-- |
| 8592 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-groovy"> |
| 8593 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 8594 | </div> --> |
| 8595 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-objc"> |
| 8596 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *requestId = requestId_example; // |
| 8597 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 8598 | |
| 8599 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi alloc] init]; |
| 8600 | |
| 8601 | // Find Orchestrated Requests for a given requestId |
| 8602 | [apiInstance getOrchestrationRequestForReqIdWith:requestId |
| 8603 | version:version |
| 8604 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 8605 | if (error) { |
| 8606 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 8607 | } |
| 8608 | }]; |
| 8609 | </code></pre> |
| 8610 | </div> |
| 8611 | |
| 8612 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8613 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8614 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8615 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8616 | |
| 8617 | var requestId = requestId_example; // {String} |
| 8618 | |
| 8619 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 8620 | |
| 8621 | |
| 8622 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 8623 | if (error) { |
| 8624 | console.error(error); |
| 8625 | } else { |
| 8626 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 8627 | } |
| 8628 | }; |
| 8629 | api.getOrchestrationRequestForReqId(requestId, version, callback); |
| 8630 | </code></pre> |
| 8631 | </div> |
| 8632 | |
| 8633 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-angular"> |
| 8634 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 8635 | </div>--> |
| 8636 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-csharp"> |
| 8637 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 8638 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 8639 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 8640 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 8641 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 8642 | |
| 8643 | namespace Example |
| 8644 | { |
| 8645 | public class getOrchestrationRequestForReqIdExample |
| 8646 | { |
| 8647 | public void main() |
| 8648 | { |
| 8649 | |
| 8650 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8651 | var requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 8652 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 8653 | |
| 8654 | try |
| 8655 | { |
| 8656 | // Find Orchestrated Requests for a given requestId |
| 8657 | apiInstance.getOrchestrationRequestForReqId(requestId, version); |
| 8658 | } |
| 8659 | catch (Exception e) |
| 8660 | { |
| 8661 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi.getOrchestrationRequestForReqId: " + e.Message ); |
| 8662 | } |
| 8663 | } |
| 8664 | } |
| 8665 | } |
| 8666 | </code></pre> |
| 8667 | </div> |
| 8668 | |
| 8669 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-php"> |
| 8670 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 8671 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 8672 | |
| 8673 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8674 | $requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 8675 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 8676 | |
| 8677 | try { |
| 8678 | $api_instance->getOrchestrationRequestForReqId($requestId, $version); |
| 8679 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 8680 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->getOrchestrationRequestForReqId: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 8681 | } |
| 8682 | ?></code></pre> |
| 8683 | </div> |
| 8684 | |
| 8685 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-perl"> |
| 8686 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 8687 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 8688 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi; |
| 8689 | |
| 8690 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->new(); |
| 8691 | my $requestId = requestId_example; # String | |
| 8692 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 8693 | |
| 8694 | eval { |
| 8695 | $api_instance->getOrchestrationRequestForReqId(requestId => $requestId, version => $version); |
| 8696 | }; |
| 8697 | if ($@) { |
| 8698 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->getOrchestrationRequestForReqId: $@\n"; |
| 8699 | }</code></pre> |
| 8700 | </div> |
| 8701 | |
| 8702 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-getOrchestrationRequestForReqId-0-python"> |
| 8703 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 8704 | import time |
| 8705 | import swagger_client |
| 8706 | from import ApiException |
| 8707 | from pprint import pprint |
| 8708 | |
| 8709 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 8710 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi() |
| 8711 | requestId = requestId_example # String | |
| 8712 | version = version_example # String | |
| 8713 | |
| 8714 | try: |
| 8715 | # Find Orchestrated Requests for a given requestId |
| 8716 | api_instance.get_orchestration_request_for_req_id(requestId, version) |
| 8717 | except ApiException as e: |
| 8718 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->getOrchestrationRequestForReqId: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 8719 | </div> |
| 8720 | </div> |
| 8721 | |
| 8722 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 8723 | |
| 8724 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 8725 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 8726 | <tr> |
| 8727 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 8728 | <th>Description</th> |
| 8729 | </tr> |
| 8730 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">requestId*</td> |
| 8731 | <td> |
| 8732 | |
| 8733 | |
| 8734 | <div id="d2e199_getOrchestrationRequestForReqId_requestId"> |
| 8735 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 8736 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 8737 | <span class="type"> |
| 8738 | String |
| 8739 | </span> |
| 8740 | |
| 8741 | </div> |
| 8742 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 8743 | Required |
| 8744 | </div> |
| 8745 | </div> |
| 8746 | </div> |
| 8747 | </td> |
| 8748 | </tr> |
| 8749 | |
| 8750 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 8751 | <td> |
| 8752 | |
| 8753 | |
| 8754 | <div id="d2e199_getOrchestrationRequestForReqId_version"> |
| 8755 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 8756 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 8757 | <span class="type"> |
| 8758 | String |
| 8759 | </span> |
| 8760 | |
| 8761 | </div> |
| 8762 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 8763 | Required |
| 8764 | </div> |
| 8765 | </div> |
| 8766 | </div> |
| 8767 | </td> |
| 8768 | </tr> |
| 8769 | |
| 8770 | </table> |
| 8771 | |
| 8772 | |
| 8773 | |
| 8774 | |
| 8775 | |
| 8776 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 8777 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 8778 | |
| 8779 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8780 | </ul> |
| 8781 | |
| 8782 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8783 | </div> |
| 8784 | |
| 8785 | </article> |
| 8786 | </div> |
| 8787 | <hr> |
| 8788 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest"> |
| 8789 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0" data-group="User" data-name="unlockOrchestrationRequest" data-version="0"> |
| 8790 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 8791 | <h1>unlockOrchestrationRequest</h1> |
| 8792 | <p>Unlock Orchestrated Requests for a given requestId</p> |
| 8793 | </div> |
| 8794 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 8795 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 8796 | <p></p> |
| 8797 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 8798 | <p></p> |
| 8799 | <br /> |
| 8800 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/orchestrationRequests/{version}/{requestId}/unlock</span></code></pre> |
| 8801 | <p> |
| 8802 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 8803 | </p> |
| 8804 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 8805 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 8806 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 8807 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 8808 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 8809 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 8810 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 8811 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 8812 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 8813 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 8814 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 8815 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 8816 | </ul> |
| 8817 | |
| 8818 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 8819 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8820 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/orchestrationRequests/{version}/{requestId}/unlock"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8821 | </div> |
| 8822 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-java"> |
| 8823 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 8824 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 8825 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 8826 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi; |
| 8827 | |
| 8828 | import; |
| 8829 | import java.util.*; |
| 8830 | |
| 8831 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApiExample { |
| 8832 | |
| 8833 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 8834 | |
| 8835 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8836 | String requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 8837 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 8838 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 8839 | try { |
| 8840 | apiInstance.unlockOrchestrationRequest(requestId, version, body); |
| 8841 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 8842 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi#unlockOrchestrationRequest"); |
| 8843 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 8844 | } |
| 8845 | } |
| 8846 | }</code></pre> |
| 8847 | </div> |
| 8848 | |
| 8849 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-android"> |
| 8850 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi; |
| 8851 | |
| 8852 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApiExample { |
| 8853 | |
| 8854 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 8855 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8856 | String requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 8857 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 8858 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 8859 | try { |
| 8860 | apiInstance.unlockOrchestrationRequest(requestId, version, body); |
| 8861 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 8862 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi#unlockOrchestrationRequest"); |
| 8863 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 8864 | } |
| 8865 | } |
| 8866 | }</code></pre> |
| 8867 | </div> |
| 8868 | <!-- |
| 8869 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-groovy"> |
| 8870 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 8871 | </div> --> |
| 8872 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-objc"> |
| 8873 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *requestId = requestId_example; // |
| 8874 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 8875 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 8876 | |
| 8877 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi alloc] init]; |
| 8878 | |
| 8879 | // Unlock Orchestrated Requests for a given requestId |
| 8880 | [apiInstance unlockOrchestrationRequestWith:requestId |
| 8881 | version:version |
| 8882 | body:body |
| 8883 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 8884 | if (error) { |
| 8885 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 8886 | } |
| 8887 | }]; |
| 8888 | </code></pre> |
| 8889 | </div> |
| 8890 | |
| 8891 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8892 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8893 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 8894 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 8895 | |
| 8896 | var requestId = requestId_example; // {String} |
| 8897 | |
| 8898 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 8899 | |
| 8900 | var opts = { |
| 8901 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 8902 | }; |
| 8903 | |
| 8904 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 8905 | if (error) { |
| 8906 | console.error(error); |
| 8907 | } else { |
| 8908 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 8909 | } |
| 8910 | }; |
| 8911 | api.unlockOrchestrationRequest(requestId, version, opts, callback); |
| 8912 | </code></pre> |
| 8913 | </div> |
| 8914 | |
| 8915 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-angular"> |
| 8916 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 8917 | </div>--> |
| 8918 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-csharp"> |
| 8919 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 8920 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 8921 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 8922 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 8923 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 8924 | |
| 8925 | namespace Example |
| 8926 | { |
| 8927 | public class unlockOrchestrationRequestExample |
| 8928 | { |
| 8929 | public void main() |
| 8930 | { |
| 8931 | |
| 8932 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8933 | var requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 8934 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 8935 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 8936 | |
| 8937 | try |
| 8938 | { |
| 8939 | // Unlock Orchestrated Requests for a given requestId |
| 8940 | apiInstance.unlockOrchestrationRequest(requestId, version, body); |
| 8941 | } |
| 8942 | catch (Exception e) |
| 8943 | { |
| 8944 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi.unlockOrchestrationRequest: " + e.Message ); |
| 8945 | } |
| 8946 | } |
| 8947 | } |
| 8948 | } |
| 8949 | </code></pre> |
| 8950 | </div> |
| 8951 | |
| 8952 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-php"> |
| 8953 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 8954 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 8955 | |
| 8956 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi(); |
| 8957 | $requestId = requestId_example; // String | |
| 8958 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 8959 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 8960 | |
| 8961 | try { |
| 8962 | $api_instance->unlockOrchestrationRequest($requestId, $version, $body); |
| 8963 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 8964 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->unlockOrchestrationRequest: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 8965 | } |
| 8966 | ?></code></pre> |
| 8967 | </div> |
| 8968 | |
| 8969 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-perl"> |
| 8970 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 8971 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 8972 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi; |
| 8973 | |
| 8974 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->new(); |
| 8975 | my $requestId = requestId_example; # String | |
| 8976 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 8977 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 8978 | |
| 8979 | eval { |
| 8980 | $api_instance->unlockOrchestrationRequest(requestId => $requestId, version => $version, body => $body); |
| 8981 | }; |
| 8982 | if ($@) { |
| 8983 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->unlockOrchestrationRequest: $@\n"; |
| 8984 | }</code></pre> |
| 8985 | </div> |
| 8986 | |
| 8987 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequests-unlockOrchestrationRequest-0-python"> |
| 8988 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 8989 | import time |
| 8990 | import swagger_client |
| 8991 | from import ApiException |
| 8992 | from pprint import pprint |
| 8993 | |
| 8994 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 8995 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi() |
| 8996 | requestId = requestId_example # String | |
| 8997 | version = version_example # String | |
| 8998 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 8999 | |
| 9000 | try: |
| 9001 | # Unlock Orchestrated Requests for a given requestId |
| 9002 | api_instance.unlock_orchestration_request(requestId, version, body=body) |
| 9003 | except ApiException as e: |
| 9004 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationRequestsApi->unlockOrchestrationRequest: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 9005 | </div> |
| 9006 | </div> |
| 9007 | |
| 9008 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 9009 | |
| 9010 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 9011 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 9012 | <tr> |
| 9013 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 9014 | <th>Description</th> |
| 9015 | </tr> |
| 9016 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">requestId*</td> |
| 9017 | <td> |
| 9018 | |
| 9019 | |
| 9020 | <div id="d2e199_unlockOrchestrationRequest_requestId"> |
| 9021 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 9022 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 9023 | <span class="type"> |
| 9024 | String |
| 9025 | </span> |
| 9026 | |
| 9027 | </div> |
| 9028 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 9029 | Required |
| 9030 | </div> |
| 9031 | </div> |
| 9032 | </div> |
| 9033 | </td> |
| 9034 | </tr> |
| 9035 | |
| 9036 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 9037 | <td> |
| 9038 | |
| 9039 | |
| 9040 | <div id="d2e199_unlockOrchestrationRequest_version"> |
| 9041 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 9042 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 9043 | <span class="type"> |
| 9044 | String |
| 9045 | </span> |
| 9046 | |
| 9047 | </div> |
| 9048 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 9049 | Required |
| 9050 | </div> |
| 9051 | </div> |
| 9052 | </div> |
| 9053 | </td> |
| 9054 | </tr> |
| 9055 | |
| 9056 | </table> |
| 9057 | |
| 9058 | |
| 9059 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 9060 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 9061 | <tr> |
| 9062 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 9063 | <th>Description</th> |
| 9064 | </tr> |
| 9065 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 9066 | <td> |
| 9067 | |
| 9068 | |
| 9069 | <script> |
| 9070 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9071 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9072 | "in" : "body", |
| 9073 | "name" : "body", |
| 9074 | "required" : false, |
| 9075 | "schema" : { |
| 9076 | "type" : "string" |
| 9077 | } |
| 9078 | }; |
| 9079 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9080 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9081 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 9082 | } else { |
| 9083 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9084 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9085 | console.log(err); |
| 9086 | }); |
| 9087 | } |
| 9088 | |
| 9089 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 9090 | var result = $('#d2e199_unlockOrchestrationRequest_body'); |
| 9091 | result.empty(); |
| 9092 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9093 | }); |
| 9094 | </script> |
| 9095 | <div id="d2e199_unlockOrchestrationRequest_body"></div> |
| 9096 | </td> |
| 9097 | </tr> |
| 9098 | |
| 9099 | </table> |
| 9100 | |
| 9101 | |
| 9102 | |
| 9103 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 9104 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 9105 | |
| 9106 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9107 | </ul> |
| 9108 | |
| 9109 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9110 | </div> |
| 9111 | |
| 9112 | </article> |
| 9113 | </div> |
| 9114 | <hr> |
| 9115 | </section> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 9116 | <section id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks"> |
| 9117 | <h1>OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks</h1> |
| 9118 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask"> |
| 9119 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0" data-group="User" data-name="abortOrchestrationTask" data-version="0"> |
| 9120 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 9121 | <h1>abortOrchestrationTask</h1> |
| 9122 | <p>abort orchestrationTask for a given taskId</p> |
| 9123 | </div> |
| 9124 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 9125 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 9126 | <p></p> |
| 9127 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 9128 | <p></p> |
| 9129 | <br /> |
| 9130 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}/{taskId}/abort</span></code></pre> |
| 9131 | <p> |
| 9132 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 9133 | </p> |
| 9134 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 9135 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 9136 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 9137 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 9138 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 9139 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 9140 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 9141 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 9142 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 9143 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 9144 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 9145 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 9146 | </ul> |
| 9147 | |
| 9148 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 9149 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-curl"> |
| 9150 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}/{taskId}/abort"</code></pre> |
| 9151 | </div> |
| 9152 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-java"> |
| 9153 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 9154 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 9155 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 9156 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 9157 | |
| 9158 | import; |
| 9159 | import java.util.*; |
| 9160 | |
| 9161 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 9162 | |
| 9163 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 9164 | |
| 9165 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9166 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 9167 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 9168 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 9169 | try { |
| 9170 | apiInstance.abortOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, body); |
| 9171 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 9172 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#abortOrchestrationTask"); |
| 9173 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 9174 | } |
| 9175 | } |
| 9176 | }</code></pre> |
| 9177 | </div> |
| 9178 | |
| 9179 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-android"> |
| 9180 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 9181 | |
| 9182 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 9183 | |
| 9184 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 9185 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9186 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 9187 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 9188 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 9189 | try { |
| 9190 | apiInstance.abortOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, body); |
| 9191 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 9192 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#abortOrchestrationTask"); |
| 9193 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 9194 | } |
| 9195 | } |
| 9196 | }</code></pre> |
| 9197 | </div> |
| 9198 | <!-- |
| 9199 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-groovy"> |
| 9200 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 9201 | </div> --> |
| 9202 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-objc"> |
| 9203 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *taskId = taskId_example; // |
| 9204 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 9205 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 9206 | |
| 9207 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi alloc] init]; |
| 9208 | |
| 9209 | // abort orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 9210 | [apiInstance abortOrchestrationTaskWith:taskId |
| 9211 | version:version |
| 9212 | body:body |
| 9213 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 9214 | if (error) { |
| 9215 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 9216 | } |
| 9217 | }]; |
| 9218 | </code></pre> |
| 9219 | </div> |
| 9220 | |
| 9221 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-javascript"> |
| 9222 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 9223 | |
| 9224 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 9225 | |
| 9226 | var taskId = taskId_example; // {String} |
| 9227 | |
| 9228 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 9229 | |
| 9230 | var opts = { |
| 9231 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 9232 | }; |
| 9233 | |
| 9234 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 9235 | if (error) { |
| 9236 | console.error(error); |
| 9237 | } else { |
| 9238 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 9239 | } |
| 9240 | }; |
| 9241 | api.abortOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, opts, callback); |
| 9242 | </code></pre> |
| 9243 | </div> |
| 9244 | |
| 9245 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-angular"> |
| 9246 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 9247 | </div>--> |
| 9248 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-csharp"> |
| 9249 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 9250 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 9251 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 9252 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 9253 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 9254 | |
| 9255 | namespace Example |
| 9256 | { |
| 9257 | public class abortOrchestrationTaskExample |
| 9258 | { |
| 9259 | public void main() |
| 9260 | { |
| 9261 | |
| 9262 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9263 | var taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 9264 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 9265 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 9266 | |
| 9267 | try |
| 9268 | { |
| 9269 | // abort orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 9270 | apiInstance.abortOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, body); |
| 9271 | } |
| 9272 | catch (Exception e) |
| 9273 | { |
| 9274 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi.abortOrchestrationTask: " + e.Message ); |
| 9275 | } |
| 9276 | } |
| 9277 | } |
| 9278 | } |
| 9279 | </code></pre> |
| 9280 | </div> |
| 9281 | |
| 9282 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-php"> |
| 9283 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 9284 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 9285 | |
| 9286 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9287 | $taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 9288 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 9289 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 9290 | |
| 9291 | try { |
| 9292 | $api_instance->abortOrchestrationTask($taskId, $version, $body); |
| 9293 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 9294 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->abortOrchestrationTask: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 9295 | } |
| 9296 | ?></code></pre> |
| 9297 | </div> |
| 9298 | |
| 9299 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-perl"> |
| 9300 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 9301 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 9302 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 9303 | |
| 9304 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->new(); |
| 9305 | my $taskId = taskId_example; # String | |
| 9306 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 9307 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 9308 | |
| 9309 | eval { |
| 9310 | $api_instance->abortOrchestrationTask(taskId => $taskId, version => $version, body => $body); |
| 9311 | }; |
| 9312 | if ($@) { |
| 9313 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->abortOrchestrationTask: $@\n"; |
| 9314 | }</code></pre> |
| 9315 | </div> |
| 9316 | |
| 9317 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-abortOrchestrationTask-0-python"> |
| 9318 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 9319 | import time |
| 9320 | import swagger_client |
| 9321 | from import ApiException |
| 9322 | from pprint import pprint |
| 9323 | |
| 9324 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 9325 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 9326 | taskId = taskId_example # String | |
| 9327 | version = version_example # String | |
| 9328 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 9329 | |
| 9330 | try: |
| 9331 | # abort orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 9332 | api_instance.abort_orchestration_task(taskId, version, body=body) |
| 9333 | except ApiException as e: |
| 9334 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->abortOrchestrationTask: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 9335 | </div> |
| 9336 | </div> |
| 9337 | |
| 9338 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 9339 | |
| 9340 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 9341 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 9342 | <tr> |
| 9343 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 9344 | <th>Description</th> |
| 9345 | </tr> |
| 9346 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">taskId*</td> |
| 9347 | <td> |
| 9348 | |
| 9349 | |
| 9350 | <div id="d2e199_abortOrchestrationTask_taskId"> |
| 9351 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 9352 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 9353 | <span class="type"> |
| 9354 | String |
| 9355 | </span> |
| 9356 | |
| 9357 | </div> |
| 9358 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 9359 | Required |
| 9360 | </div> |
| 9361 | </div> |
| 9362 | </div> |
| 9363 | </td> |
| 9364 | </tr> |
| 9365 | |
| 9366 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 9367 | <td> |
| 9368 | |
| 9369 | |
| 9370 | <div id="d2e199_abortOrchestrationTask_version"> |
| 9371 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 9372 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 9373 | <span class="type"> |
| 9374 | String |
| 9375 | </span> |
| 9376 | |
| 9377 | </div> |
| 9378 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 9379 | Required |
| 9380 | </div> |
| 9381 | </div> |
| 9382 | </div> |
| 9383 | </td> |
| 9384 | </tr> |
| 9385 | |
| 9386 | </table> |
| 9387 | |
| 9388 | |
| 9389 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 9390 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 9391 | <tr> |
| 9392 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 9393 | <th>Description</th> |
| 9394 | </tr> |
| 9395 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 9396 | <td> |
| 9397 | |
| 9398 | |
| 9399 | <script> |
| 9400 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9401 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9402 | "in" : "body", |
| 9403 | "name" : "body", |
| 9404 | "required" : false, |
| 9405 | "schema" : { |
| 9406 | "type" : "string" |
| 9407 | } |
| 9408 | }; |
| 9409 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9410 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9411 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 9412 | } else { |
| 9413 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9414 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9415 | console.log(err); |
| 9416 | }); |
| 9417 | } |
| 9418 | |
| 9419 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 9420 | var result = $('#d2e199_abortOrchestrationTask_body'); |
| 9421 | result.empty(); |
| 9422 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9423 | }); |
| 9424 | </script> |
| 9425 | <div id="d2e199_abortOrchestrationTask_body"></div> |
| 9426 | </td> |
| 9427 | </tr> |
| 9428 | |
| 9429 | </table> |
| 9430 | |
| 9431 | |
| 9432 | |
| 9433 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 9434 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 9435 | |
| 9436 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9437 | </ul> |
| 9438 | |
| 9439 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9440 | </div> |
| 9441 | |
| 9442 | </article> |
| 9443 | </div> |
| 9444 | <hr> |
| 9445 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask"> |
| 9446 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0" data-group="User" data-name="commitOrchestrationTask" data-version="0"> |
| 9447 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 9448 | <h1>commitOrchestrationTask</h1> |
| 9449 | <p>commit orchestrationTask for a given taskId</p> |
| 9450 | </div> |
| 9451 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 9452 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 9453 | <p></p> |
| 9454 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 9455 | <p></p> |
| 9456 | <br /> |
| 9457 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}/{taskId}/commit</span></code></pre> |
| 9458 | <p> |
| 9459 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 9460 | </p> |
| 9461 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 9462 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 9463 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 9464 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 9465 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 9466 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 9467 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 9468 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 9469 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 9470 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 9471 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 9472 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 9473 | </ul> |
| 9474 | |
| 9475 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 9476 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-curl"> |
| 9477 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}/{taskId}/commit"</code></pre> |
| 9478 | </div> |
| 9479 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-java"> |
| 9480 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 9481 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 9482 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 9483 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 9484 | |
| 9485 | import; |
| 9486 | import java.util.*; |
| 9487 | |
| 9488 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 9489 | |
| 9490 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 9491 | |
| 9492 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9493 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 9494 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 9495 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 9496 | try { |
| 9497 | apiInstance.commitOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, body); |
| 9498 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 9499 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#commitOrchestrationTask"); |
| 9500 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 9501 | } |
| 9502 | } |
| 9503 | }</code></pre> |
| 9504 | </div> |
| 9505 | |
| 9506 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-android"> |
| 9507 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 9508 | |
| 9509 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 9510 | |
| 9511 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 9512 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9513 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 9514 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 9515 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 9516 | try { |
| 9517 | apiInstance.commitOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, body); |
| 9518 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 9519 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#commitOrchestrationTask"); |
| 9520 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 9521 | } |
| 9522 | } |
| 9523 | }</code></pre> |
| 9524 | </div> |
| 9525 | <!-- |
| 9526 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-groovy"> |
| 9527 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 9528 | </div> --> |
| 9529 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-objc"> |
| 9530 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *taskId = taskId_example; // |
| 9531 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 9532 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 9533 | |
| 9534 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi alloc] init]; |
| 9535 | |
| 9536 | // commit orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 9537 | [apiInstance commitOrchestrationTaskWith:taskId |
| 9538 | version:version |
| 9539 | body:body |
| 9540 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 9541 | if (error) { |
| 9542 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 9543 | } |
| 9544 | }]; |
| 9545 | </code></pre> |
| 9546 | </div> |
| 9547 | |
| 9548 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-javascript"> |
| 9549 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 9550 | |
| 9551 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 9552 | |
| 9553 | var taskId = taskId_example; // {String} |
| 9554 | |
| 9555 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 9556 | |
| 9557 | var opts = { |
| 9558 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 9559 | }; |
| 9560 | |
| 9561 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 9562 | if (error) { |
| 9563 | console.error(error); |
| 9564 | } else { |
| 9565 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 9566 | } |
| 9567 | }; |
| 9568 | api.commitOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, opts, callback); |
| 9569 | </code></pre> |
| 9570 | </div> |
| 9571 | |
| 9572 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-angular"> |
| 9573 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 9574 | </div>--> |
| 9575 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-csharp"> |
| 9576 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 9577 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 9578 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 9579 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 9580 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 9581 | |
| 9582 | namespace Example |
| 9583 | { |
| 9584 | public class commitOrchestrationTaskExample |
| 9585 | { |
| 9586 | public void main() |
| 9587 | { |
| 9588 | |
| 9589 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9590 | var taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 9591 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 9592 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 9593 | |
| 9594 | try |
| 9595 | { |
| 9596 | // commit orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 9597 | apiInstance.commitOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, body); |
| 9598 | } |
| 9599 | catch (Exception e) |
| 9600 | { |
| 9601 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi.commitOrchestrationTask: " + e.Message ); |
| 9602 | } |
| 9603 | } |
| 9604 | } |
| 9605 | } |
| 9606 | </code></pre> |
| 9607 | </div> |
| 9608 | |
| 9609 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-php"> |
| 9610 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 9611 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 9612 | |
| 9613 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9614 | $taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 9615 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 9616 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 9617 | |
| 9618 | try { |
| 9619 | $api_instance->commitOrchestrationTask($taskId, $version, $body); |
| 9620 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 9621 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->commitOrchestrationTask: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 9622 | } |
| 9623 | ?></code></pre> |
| 9624 | </div> |
| 9625 | |
| 9626 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-perl"> |
| 9627 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 9628 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 9629 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 9630 | |
| 9631 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->new(); |
| 9632 | my $taskId = taskId_example; # String | |
| 9633 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 9634 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 9635 | |
| 9636 | eval { |
| 9637 | $api_instance->commitOrchestrationTask(taskId => $taskId, version => $version, body => $body); |
| 9638 | }; |
| 9639 | if ($@) { |
| 9640 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->commitOrchestrationTask: $@\n"; |
| 9641 | }</code></pre> |
| 9642 | </div> |
| 9643 | |
| 9644 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-commitOrchestrationTask-0-python"> |
| 9645 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 9646 | import time |
| 9647 | import swagger_client |
| 9648 | from import ApiException |
| 9649 | from pprint import pprint |
| 9650 | |
| 9651 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 9652 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 9653 | taskId = taskId_example # String | |
| 9654 | version = version_example # String | |
| 9655 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 9656 | |
| 9657 | try: |
| 9658 | # commit orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 9659 | api_instance.commit_orchestration_task(taskId, version, body=body) |
| 9660 | except ApiException as e: |
| 9661 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->commitOrchestrationTask: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 9662 | </div> |
| 9663 | </div> |
| 9664 | |
| 9665 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 9666 | |
| 9667 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 9668 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 9669 | <tr> |
| 9670 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 9671 | <th>Description</th> |
| 9672 | </tr> |
| 9673 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">taskId*</td> |
| 9674 | <td> |
| 9675 | |
| 9676 | |
| 9677 | <div id="d2e199_commitOrchestrationTask_taskId"> |
| 9678 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 9679 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 9680 | <span class="type"> |
| 9681 | String |
| 9682 | </span> |
| 9683 | |
| 9684 | </div> |
| 9685 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 9686 | Required |
| 9687 | </div> |
| 9688 | </div> |
| 9689 | </div> |
| 9690 | </td> |
| 9691 | </tr> |
| 9692 | |
| 9693 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 9694 | <td> |
| 9695 | |
| 9696 | |
| 9697 | <div id="d2e199_commitOrchestrationTask_version"> |
| 9698 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 9699 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 9700 | <span class="type"> |
| 9701 | String |
| 9702 | </span> |
| 9703 | |
| 9704 | </div> |
| 9705 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 9706 | Required |
| 9707 | </div> |
| 9708 | </div> |
| 9709 | </div> |
| 9710 | </td> |
| 9711 | </tr> |
| 9712 | |
| 9713 | </table> |
| 9714 | |
| 9715 | |
| 9716 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 9717 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 9718 | <tr> |
| 9719 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 9720 | <th>Description</th> |
| 9721 | </tr> |
| 9722 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 9723 | <td> |
| 9724 | |
| 9725 | |
| 9726 | <script> |
| 9727 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9728 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9729 | "in" : "body", |
| 9730 | "name" : "body", |
| 9731 | "required" : false, |
| 9732 | "schema" : { |
| 9733 | "type" : "string" |
| 9734 | } |
| 9735 | }; |
| 9736 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9737 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9738 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 9739 | } else { |
| 9740 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9741 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9742 | console.log(err); |
| 9743 | }); |
| 9744 | } |
| 9745 | |
| 9746 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 9747 | var result = $('#d2e199_commitOrchestrationTask_body'); |
| 9748 | result.empty(); |
| 9749 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9750 | }); |
| 9751 | </script> |
| 9752 | <div id="d2e199_commitOrchestrationTask_body"></div> |
| 9753 | </td> |
| 9754 | </tr> |
| 9755 | |
| 9756 | </table> |
| 9757 | |
| 9758 | |
| 9759 | |
| 9760 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 9761 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 9762 | |
| 9763 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9764 | </ul> |
| 9765 | |
| 9766 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9767 | </div> |
| 9768 | |
| 9769 | </article> |
| 9770 | </div> |
| 9771 | <hr> |
| 9772 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask"> |
| 9773 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0" data-group="User" data-name="createOrchestrationTask" data-version="0"> |
| 9774 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 9775 | <h1>createOrchestrationTask</h1> |
| 9776 | <p>Create an orchestrationTask</p> |
| 9777 | </div> |
| 9778 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 9779 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 9780 | <p></p> |
| 9781 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 9782 | <p></p> |
| 9783 | <br /> |
| 9784 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}</span></code></pre> |
| 9785 | <p> |
| 9786 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 9787 | </p> |
| 9788 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 9789 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 9790 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 9791 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 9792 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 9793 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 9794 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 9795 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 9796 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 9797 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 9798 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 9799 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 9800 | </ul> |
| 9801 | |
| 9802 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 9803 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-curl"> |
| 9804 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}"</code></pre> |
| 9805 | </div> |
| 9806 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-java"> |
| 9807 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 9808 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 9809 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 9810 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 9811 | |
| 9812 | import; |
| 9813 | import java.util.*; |
| 9814 | |
| 9815 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 9816 | |
| 9817 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 9818 | |
| 9819 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9820 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 9821 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 9822 | try { |
| 9823 | apiInstance.createOrchestrationTask(version, body); |
| 9824 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 9825 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#createOrchestrationTask"); |
| 9826 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 9827 | } |
| 9828 | } |
| 9829 | }</code></pre> |
| 9830 | </div> |
| 9831 | |
| 9832 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-android"> |
| 9833 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 9834 | |
| 9835 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 9836 | |
| 9837 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 9838 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9839 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 9840 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 9841 | try { |
| 9842 | apiInstance.createOrchestrationTask(version, body); |
| 9843 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 9844 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#createOrchestrationTask"); |
| 9845 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 9846 | } |
| 9847 | } |
| 9848 | }</code></pre> |
| 9849 | </div> |
| 9850 | <!-- |
| 9851 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-groovy"> |
| 9852 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 9853 | </div> --> |
| 9854 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-objc"> |
| 9855 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 9856 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 9857 | |
| 9858 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi alloc] init]; |
| 9859 | |
| 9860 | // Create an orchestrationTask |
| 9861 | [apiInstance createOrchestrationTaskWith:version |
| 9862 | body:body |
| 9863 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 9864 | if (error) { |
| 9865 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 9866 | } |
| 9867 | }]; |
| 9868 | </code></pre> |
| 9869 | </div> |
| 9870 | |
| 9871 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-javascript"> |
| 9872 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 9873 | |
| 9874 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 9875 | |
| 9876 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 9877 | |
| 9878 | var opts = { |
| 9879 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 9880 | }; |
| 9881 | |
| 9882 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 9883 | if (error) { |
| 9884 | console.error(error); |
| 9885 | } else { |
| 9886 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 9887 | } |
| 9888 | }; |
| 9889 | api.createOrchestrationTask(version, opts, callback); |
| 9890 | </code></pre> |
| 9891 | </div> |
| 9892 | |
| 9893 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-angular"> |
| 9894 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 9895 | </div>--> |
| 9896 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-csharp"> |
| 9897 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 9898 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 9899 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 9900 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 9901 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 9902 | |
| 9903 | namespace Example |
| 9904 | { |
| 9905 | public class createOrchestrationTaskExample |
| 9906 | { |
| 9907 | public void main() |
| 9908 | { |
| 9909 | |
| 9910 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9911 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 9912 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 9913 | |
| 9914 | try |
| 9915 | { |
| 9916 | // Create an orchestrationTask |
| 9917 | apiInstance.createOrchestrationTask(version, body); |
| 9918 | } |
| 9919 | catch (Exception e) |
| 9920 | { |
| 9921 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi.createOrchestrationTask: " + e.Message ); |
| 9922 | } |
| 9923 | } |
| 9924 | } |
| 9925 | } |
| 9926 | </code></pre> |
| 9927 | </div> |
| 9928 | |
| 9929 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-php"> |
| 9930 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 9931 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 9932 | |
| 9933 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 9934 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 9935 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 9936 | |
| 9937 | try { |
| 9938 | $api_instance->createOrchestrationTask($version, $body); |
| 9939 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 9940 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->createOrchestrationTask: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 9941 | } |
| 9942 | ?></code></pre> |
| 9943 | </div> |
| 9944 | |
| 9945 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-perl"> |
| 9946 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 9947 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 9948 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 9949 | |
| 9950 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->new(); |
| 9951 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 9952 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 9953 | |
| 9954 | eval { |
| 9955 | $api_instance->createOrchestrationTask(version => $version, body => $body); |
| 9956 | }; |
| 9957 | if ($@) { |
| 9958 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->createOrchestrationTask: $@\n"; |
| 9959 | }</code></pre> |
| 9960 | </div> |
| 9961 | |
| 9962 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-createOrchestrationTask-0-python"> |
| 9963 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 9964 | import time |
| 9965 | import swagger_client |
| 9966 | from import ApiException |
| 9967 | from pprint import pprint |
| 9968 | |
| 9969 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 9970 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 9971 | version = version_example # String | |
| 9972 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 9973 | |
| 9974 | try: |
| 9975 | # Create an orchestrationTask |
| 9976 | api_instance.create_orchestration_task(version, body=body) |
| 9977 | except ApiException as e: |
| 9978 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->createOrchestrationTask: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 9979 | </div> |
| 9980 | </div> |
| 9981 | |
| 9982 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 9983 | |
| 9984 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 9985 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 9986 | <tr> |
| 9987 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 9988 | <th>Description</th> |
| 9989 | </tr> |
| 9990 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 9991 | <td> |
| 9992 | |
| 9993 | |
| 9994 | <div id="d2e199_createOrchestrationTask_version"> |
| 9995 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 9996 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 9997 | <span class="type"> |
| 9998 | String |
| 9999 | </span> |
| 10000 | |
| 10001 | </div> |
| 10002 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 10003 | Required |
| 10004 | </div> |
| 10005 | </div> |
| 10006 | </div> |
| 10007 | </td> |
| 10008 | </tr> |
| 10009 | |
| 10010 | </table> |
| 10011 | |
| 10012 | |
| 10013 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 10014 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 10015 | <tr> |
| 10016 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 10017 | <th>Description</th> |
| 10018 | </tr> |
| 10019 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 10020 | <td> |
| 10021 | |
| 10022 | |
| 10023 | <script> |
| 10024 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 10025 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 10026 | "in" : "body", |
| 10027 | "name" : "body", |
| 10028 | "required" : false, |
| 10029 | "schema" : { |
| 10030 | "type" : "string" |
| 10031 | } |
| 10032 | }; |
| 10033 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 10034 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 10035 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 10036 | } else { |
| 10037 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 10038 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 10039 | console.log(err); |
| 10040 | }); |
| 10041 | } |
| 10042 | |
| 10043 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 10044 | var result = $('#d2e199_createOrchestrationTask_body'); |
| 10045 | result.empty(); |
| 10046 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 10047 | }); |
| 10048 | </script> |
| 10049 | <div id="d2e199_createOrchestrationTask_body"></div> |
| 10050 | </td> |
| 10051 | </tr> |
| 10052 | |
| 10053 | </table> |
| 10054 | |
| 10055 | |
| 10056 | |
| 10057 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 10058 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 10059 | |
| 10060 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 10061 | </ul> |
| 10062 | |
| 10063 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 10064 | </div> |
| 10065 | |
| 10066 | </article> |
| 10067 | </div> |
| 10068 | <hr> |
| 10069 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask"> |
| 10070 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0" data-group="User" data-name="deleteOrchestrationTask" data-version="0"> |
| 10071 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 10072 | <h1>deleteOrchestrationTask</h1> |
| 10073 | <p>delete orchestrationTask for a given taskId</p> |
| 10074 | </div> |
| 10075 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 10076 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 10077 | <p></p> |
| 10078 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 10079 | <p></p> |
| 10080 | <br /> |
| 10081 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="delete"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}/{taskId}</span></code></pre> |
| 10082 | <p> |
| 10083 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 10084 | </p> |
| 10085 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 10086 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 10087 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 10088 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 10089 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 10090 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 10091 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 10092 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 10093 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 10094 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 10095 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 10096 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 10097 | </ul> |
| 10098 | |
| 10099 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 10100 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-curl"> |
| 10101 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}/{taskId}"</code></pre> |
| 10102 | </div> |
| 10103 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-java"> |
| 10104 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 10105 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 10106 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 10107 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10108 | |
| 10109 | import; |
| 10110 | import java.util.*; |
| 10111 | |
| 10112 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 10113 | |
| 10114 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 10115 | |
| 10116 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10117 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 10118 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 10119 | try { |
| 10120 | apiInstance.deleteOrchestrationTask(taskId, version); |
| 10121 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 10122 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#deleteOrchestrationTask"); |
| 10123 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 10124 | } |
| 10125 | } |
| 10126 | }</code></pre> |
| 10127 | </div> |
| 10128 | |
| 10129 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-android"> |
| 10130 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10131 | |
| 10132 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 10133 | |
| 10134 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 10135 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10136 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 10137 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 10138 | try { |
| 10139 | apiInstance.deleteOrchestrationTask(taskId, version); |
| 10140 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 10141 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#deleteOrchestrationTask"); |
| 10142 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 10143 | } |
| 10144 | } |
| 10145 | }</code></pre> |
| 10146 | </div> |
| 10147 | <!-- |
| 10148 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-groovy"> |
| 10149 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 10150 | </div> --> |
| 10151 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-objc"> |
| 10152 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *taskId = taskId_example; // |
| 10153 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 10154 | |
| 10155 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi alloc] init]; |
| 10156 | |
| 10157 | // delete orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 10158 | [apiInstance deleteOrchestrationTaskWith:taskId |
| 10159 | version:version |
| 10160 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 10161 | if (error) { |
| 10162 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 10163 | } |
| 10164 | }]; |
| 10165 | </code></pre> |
| 10166 | </div> |
| 10167 | |
| 10168 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-javascript"> |
| 10169 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 10170 | |
| 10171 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 10172 | |
| 10173 | var taskId = taskId_example; // {String} |
| 10174 | |
| 10175 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 10176 | |
| 10177 | |
| 10178 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 10179 | if (error) { |
| 10180 | console.error(error); |
| 10181 | } else { |
| 10182 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 10183 | } |
| 10184 | }; |
| 10185 | api.deleteOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, callback); |
| 10186 | </code></pre> |
| 10187 | </div> |
| 10188 | |
| 10189 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-angular"> |
| 10190 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 10191 | </div>--> |
| 10192 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-csharp"> |
| 10193 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 10194 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 10195 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 10196 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 10197 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 10198 | |
| 10199 | namespace Example |
| 10200 | { |
| 10201 | public class deleteOrchestrationTaskExample |
| 10202 | { |
| 10203 | public void main() |
| 10204 | { |
| 10205 | |
| 10206 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10207 | var taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 10208 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 10209 | |
| 10210 | try |
| 10211 | { |
| 10212 | // delete orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 10213 | apiInstance.deleteOrchestrationTask(taskId, version); |
| 10214 | } |
| 10215 | catch (Exception e) |
| 10216 | { |
| 10217 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi.deleteOrchestrationTask: " + e.Message ); |
| 10218 | } |
| 10219 | } |
| 10220 | } |
| 10221 | } |
| 10222 | </code></pre> |
| 10223 | </div> |
| 10224 | |
| 10225 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-php"> |
| 10226 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 10227 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 10228 | |
| 10229 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10230 | $taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 10231 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 10232 | |
| 10233 | try { |
| 10234 | $api_instance->deleteOrchestrationTask($taskId, $version); |
| 10235 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 10236 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->deleteOrchestrationTask: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 10237 | } |
| 10238 | ?></code></pre> |
| 10239 | </div> |
| 10240 | |
| 10241 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-perl"> |
| 10242 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 10243 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 10244 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10245 | |
| 10246 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->new(); |
| 10247 | my $taskId = taskId_example; # String | |
| 10248 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 10249 | |
| 10250 | eval { |
| 10251 | $api_instance->deleteOrchestrationTask(taskId => $taskId, version => $version); |
| 10252 | }; |
| 10253 | if ($@) { |
| 10254 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->deleteOrchestrationTask: $@\n"; |
| 10255 | }</code></pre> |
| 10256 | </div> |
| 10257 | |
| 10258 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-deleteOrchestrationTask-0-python"> |
| 10259 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 10260 | import time |
| 10261 | import swagger_client |
| 10262 | from import ApiException |
| 10263 | from pprint import pprint |
| 10264 | |
| 10265 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 10266 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 10267 | taskId = taskId_example # String | |
| 10268 | version = version_example # String | |
| 10269 | |
| 10270 | try: |
| 10271 | # delete orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 10272 | api_instance.delete_orchestration_task(taskId, version) |
| 10273 | except ApiException as e: |
| 10274 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->deleteOrchestrationTask: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 10275 | </div> |
| 10276 | </div> |
| 10277 | |
| 10278 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 10279 | |
| 10280 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 10281 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 10282 | <tr> |
| 10283 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 10284 | <th>Description</th> |
| 10285 | </tr> |
| 10286 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">taskId*</td> |
| 10287 | <td> |
| 10288 | |
| 10289 | |
| 10290 | <div id="d2e199_deleteOrchestrationTask_taskId"> |
| 10291 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 10292 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 10293 | <span class="type"> |
| 10294 | String |
| 10295 | </span> |
| 10296 | |
| 10297 | </div> |
| 10298 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 10299 | Required |
| 10300 | </div> |
| 10301 | </div> |
| 10302 | </div> |
| 10303 | </td> |
| 10304 | </tr> |
| 10305 | |
| 10306 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 10307 | <td> |
| 10308 | |
| 10309 | |
| 10310 | <div id="d2e199_deleteOrchestrationTask_version"> |
| 10311 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 10312 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 10313 | <span class="type"> |
| 10314 | String |
| 10315 | </span> |
| 10316 | |
| 10317 | </div> |
| 10318 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 10319 | Required |
| 10320 | </div> |
| 10321 | </div> |
| 10322 | </div> |
| 10323 | </td> |
| 10324 | </tr> |
| 10325 | |
| 10326 | </table> |
| 10327 | |
| 10328 | |
| 10329 | |
| 10330 | |
| 10331 | |
| 10332 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 10333 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 10334 | |
| 10335 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 10336 | </ul> |
| 10337 | |
| 10338 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 10339 | </div> |
| 10340 | |
| 10341 | </article> |
| 10342 | </div> |
| 10343 | <hr> |
| 10344 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks"> |
| 10345 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0" data-group="User" data-name="getAllOrchestrationTasks" data-version="0"> |
| 10346 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 10347 | <h1>getAllOrchestrationTasks</h1> |
| 10348 | <p>Get all orchestrationTasks</p> |
| 10349 | </div> |
| 10350 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 10351 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 10352 | <p></p> |
| 10353 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 10354 | <p></p> |
| 10355 | <br /> |
| 10356 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}</span></code></pre> |
| 10357 | <p> |
| 10358 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 10359 | </p> |
| 10360 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 10361 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 10362 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 10363 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 10364 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 10365 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 10366 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 10367 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 10368 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 10369 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 10370 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 10371 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 10372 | </ul> |
| 10373 | |
| 10374 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 10375 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-curl"> |
| 10376 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}"</code></pre> |
| 10377 | </div> |
| 10378 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-java"> |
| 10379 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 10380 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 10381 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 10382 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10383 | |
| 10384 | import; |
| 10385 | import java.util.*; |
| 10386 | |
| 10387 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 10388 | |
| 10389 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 10390 | |
| 10391 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10392 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 10393 | try { |
| 10394 | apiInstance.getAllOrchestrationTasks(version); |
| 10395 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 10396 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#getAllOrchestrationTasks"); |
| 10397 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 10398 | } |
| 10399 | } |
| 10400 | }</code></pre> |
| 10401 | </div> |
| 10402 | |
| 10403 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-android"> |
| 10404 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10405 | |
| 10406 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 10407 | |
| 10408 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 10409 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10410 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 10411 | try { |
| 10412 | apiInstance.getAllOrchestrationTasks(version); |
| 10413 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 10414 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#getAllOrchestrationTasks"); |
| 10415 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 10416 | } |
| 10417 | } |
| 10418 | }</code></pre> |
| 10419 | </div> |
| 10420 | <!-- |
| 10421 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-groovy"> |
| 10422 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 10423 | </div> --> |
| 10424 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-objc"> |
| 10425 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 10426 | |
| 10427 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi alloc] init]; |
| 10428 | |
| 10429 | // Get all orchestrationTasks |
| 10430 | [apiInstance getAllOrchestrationTasksWith:version |
| 10431 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 10432 | if (error) { |
| 10433 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 10434 | } |
| 10435 | }]; |
| 10436 | </code></pre> |
| 10437 | </div> |
| 10438 | |
| 10439 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-javascript"> |
| 10440 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 10441 | |
| 10442 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 10443 | |
| 10444 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 10445 | |
| 10446 | |
| 10447 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 10448 | if (error) { |
| 10449 | console.error(error); |
| 10450 | } else { |
| 10451 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 10452 | } |
| 10453 | }; |
| 10454 | api.getAllOrchestrationTasks(version, callback); |
| 10455 | </code></pre> |
| 10456 | </div> |
| 10457 | |
| 10458 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-angular"> |
| 10459 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 10460 | </div>--> |
| 10461 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-csharp"> |
| 10462 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 10463 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 10464 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 10465 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 10466 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 10467 | |
| 10468 | namespace Example |
| 10469 | { |
| 10470 | public class getAllOrchestrationTasksExample |
| 10471 | { |
| 10472 | public void main() |
| 10473 | { |
| 10474 | |
| 10475 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10476 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 10477 | |
| 10478 | try |
| 10479 | { |
| 10480 | // Get all orchestrationTasks |
| 10481 | apiInstance.getAllOrchestrationTasks(version); |
| 10482 | } |
| 10483 | catch (Exception e) |
| 10484 | { |
| 10485 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi.getAllOrchestrationTasks: " + e.Message ); |
| 10486 | } |
| 10487 | } |
| 10488 | } |
| 10489 | } |
| 10490 | </code></pre> |
| 10491 | </div> |
| 10492 | |
| 10493 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-php"> |
| 10494 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 10495 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 10496 | |
| 10497 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10498 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 10499 | |
| 10500 | try { |
| 10501 | $api_instance->getAllOrchestrationTasks($version); |
| 10502 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 10503 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->getAllOrchestrationTasks: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 10504 | } |
| 10505 | ?></code></pre> |
| 10506 | </div> |
| 10507 | |
| 10508 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-perl"> |
| 10509 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 10510 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 10511 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10512 | |
| 10513 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->new(); |
| 10514 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 10515 | |
| 10516 | eval { |
| 10517 | $api_instance->getAllOrchestrationTasks(version => $version); |
| 10518 | }; |
| 10519 | if ($@) { |
| 10520 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->getAllOrchestrationTasks: $@\n"; |
| 10521 | }</code></pre> |
| 10522 | </div> |
| 10523 | |
| 10524 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getAllOrchestrationTasks-0-python"> |
| 10525 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 10526 | import time |
| 10527 | import swagger_client |
| 10528 | from import ApiException |
| 10529 | from pprint import pprint |
| 10530 | |
| 10531 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 10532 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 10533 | version = version_example # String | |
| 10534 | |
| 10535 | try: |
| 10536 | # Get all orchestrationTasks |
| 10537 | api_instance.get_all_orchestration_tasks(version) |
| 10538 | except ApiException as e: |
| 10539 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->getAllOrchestrationTasks: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 10540 | </div> |
| 10541 | </div> |
| 10542 | |
| 10543 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 10544 | |
| 10545 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 10546 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 10547 | <tr> |
| 10548 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 10549 | <th>Description</th> |
| 10550 | </tr> |
| 10551 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 10552 | <td> |
| 10553 | |
| 10554 | |
| 10555 | <div id="d2e199_getAllOrchestrationTasks_version"> |
| 10556 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 10557 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 10558 | <span class="type"> |
| 10559 | String |
| 10560 | </span> |
| 10561 | |
| 10562 | </div> |
| 10563 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 10564 | Required |
| 10565 | </div> |
| 10566 | </div> |
| 10567 | </div> |
| 10568 | </td> |
| 10569 | </tr> |
| 10570 | |
| 10571 | </table> |
| 10572 | |
| 10573 | |
| 10574 | |
| 10575 | |
| 10576 | |
| 10577 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 10578 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 10579 | |
| 10580 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 10581 | </ul> |
| 10582 | |
| 10583 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 10584 | </div> |
| 10585 | |
| 10586 | </article> |
| 10587 | </div> |
| 10588 | <hr> |
| 10589 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask"> |
| 10590 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0" data-group="User" data-name="getOrchestrationTask" data-version="0"> |
| 10591 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 10592 | <h1>getOrchestrationTask</h1> |
| 10593 | <p>Get orchestrationTask for a given taskId</p> |
| 10594 | </div> |
| 10595 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 10596 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 10597 | <p></p> |
| 10598 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 10599 | <p></p> |
| 10600 | <br /> |
| 10601 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}/{taskId}</span></code></pre> |
| 10602 | <p> |
| 10603 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 10604 | </p> |
| 10605 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 10606 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 10607 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 10608 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 10609 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 10610 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 10611 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 10612 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 10613 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 10614 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 10615 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 10616 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 10617 | </ul> |
| 10618 | |
| 10619 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 10620 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-curl"> |
| 10621 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}/{taskId}"</code></pre> |
| 10622 | </div> |
| 10623 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-java"> |
| 10624 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 10625 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 10626 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 10627 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10628 | |
| 10629 | import; |
| 10630 | import java.util.*; |
| 10631 | |
| 10632 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 10633 | |
| 10634 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 10635 | |
| 10636 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10637 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 10638 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 10639 | try { |
| 10640 | apiInstance.getOrchestrationTask(taskId, version); |
| 10641 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 10642 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#getOrchestrationTask"); |
| 10643 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 10644 | } |
| 10645 | } |
| 10646 | }</code></pre> |
| 10647 | </div> |
| 10648 | |
| 10649 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-android"> |
| 10650 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10651 | |
| 10652 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 10653 | |
| 10654 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 10655 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10656 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 10657 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 10658 | try { |
| 10659 | apiInstance.getOrchestrationTask(taskId, version); |
| 10660 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 10661 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#getOrchestrationTask"); |
| 10662 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 10663 | } |
| 10664 | } |
| 10665 | }</code></pre> |
| 10666 | </div> |
| 10667 | <!-- |
| 10668 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-groovy"> |
| 10669 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 10670 | </div> --> |
| 10671 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-objc"> |
| 10672 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *taskId = taskId_example; // |
| 10673 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 10674 | |
| 10675 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi alloc] init]; |
| 10676 | |
| 10677 | // Get orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 10678 | [apiInstance getOrchestrationTaskWith:taskId |
| 10679 | version:version |
| 10680 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 10681 | if (error) { |
| 10682 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 10683 | } |
| 10684 | }]; |
| 10685 | </code></pre> |
| 10686 | </div> |
| 10687 | |
| 10688 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-javascript"> |
| 10689 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 10690 | |
| 10691 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 10692 | |
| 10693 | var taskId = taskId_example; // {String} |
| 10694 | |
| 10695 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 10696 | |
| 10697 | |
| 10698 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 10699 | if (error) { |
| 10700 | console.error(error); |
| 10701 | } else { |
| 10702 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 10703 | } |
| 10704 | }; |
| 10705 | api.getOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, callback); |
| 10706 | </code></pre> |
| 10707 | </div> |
| 10708 | |
| 10709 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-angular"> |
| 10710 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 10711 | </div>--> |
| 10712 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-csharp"> |
| 10713 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 10714 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 10715 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 10716 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 10717 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 10718 | |
| 10719 | namespace Example |
| 10720 | { |
| 10721 | public class getOrchestrationTaskExample |
| 10722 | { |
| 10723 | public void main() |
| 10724 | { |
| 10725 | |
| 10726 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10727 | var taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 10728 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 10729 | |
| 10730 | try |
| 10731 | { |
| 10732 | // Get orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 10733 | apiInstance.getOrchestrationTask(taskId, version); |
| 10734 | } |
| 10735 | catch (Exception e) |
| 10736 | { |
| 10737 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi.getOrchestrationTask: " + e.Message ); |
| 10738 | } |
| 10739 | } |
| 10740 | } |
| 10741 | } |
| 10742 | </code></pre> |
| 10743 | </div> |
| 10744 | |
| 10745 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-php"> |
| 10746 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 10747 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 10748 | |
| 10749 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10750 | $taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 10751 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 10752 | |
| 10753 | try { |
| 10754 | $api_instance->getOrchestrationTask($taskId, $version); |
| 10755 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 10756 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->getOrchestrationTask: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 10757 | } |
| 10758 | ?></code></pre> |
| 10759 | </div> |
| 10760 | |
| 10761 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-perl"> |
| 10762 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 10763 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 10764 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10765 | |
| 10766 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->new(); |
| 10767 | my $taskId = taskId_example; # String | |
| 10768 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 10769 | |
| 10770 | eval { |
| 10771 | $api_instance->getOrchestrationTask(taskId => $taskId, version => $version); |
| 10772 | }; |
| 10773 | if ($@) { |
| 10774 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->getOrchestrationTask: $@\n"; |
| 10775 | }</code></pre> |
| 10776 | </div> |
| 10777 | |
| 10778 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-getOrchestrationTask-0-python"> |
| 10779 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 10780 | import time |
| 10781 | import swagger_client |
| 10782 | from import ApiException |
| 10783 | from pprint import pprint |
| 10784 | |
| 10785 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 10786 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 10787 | taskId = taskId_example # String | |
| 10788 | version = version_example # String | |
| 10789 | |
| 10790 | try: |
| 10791 | # Get orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 10792 | api_instance.get_orchestration_task(taskId, version) |
| 10793 | except ApiException as e: |
| 10794 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->getOrchestrationTask: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 10795 | </div> |
| 10796 | </div> |
| 10797 | |
| 10798 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 10799 | |
| 10800 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 10801 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 10802 | <tr> |
| 10803 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 10804 | <th>Description</th> |
| 10805 | </tr> |
| 10806 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">taskId*</td> |
| 10807 | <td> |
| 10808 | |
| 10809 | |
| 10810 | <div id="d2e199_getOrchestrationTask_taskId"> |
| 10811 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 10812 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 10813 | <span class="type"> |
| 10814 | String |
| 10815 | </span> |
| 10816 | |
| 10817 | </div> |
| 10818 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 10819 | Required |
| 10820 | </div> |
| 10821 | </div> |
| 10822 | </div> |
| 10823 | </td> |
| 10824 | </tr> |
| 10825 | |
| 10826 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 10827 | <td> |
| 10828 | |
| 10829 | |
| 10830 | <div id="d2e199_getOrchestrationTask_version"> |
| 10831 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 10832 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 10833 | <span class="type"> |
| 10834 | String |
| 10835 | </span> |
| 10836 | |
| 10837 | </div> |
| 10838 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 10839 | Required |
| 10840 | </div> |
| 10841 | </div> |
| 10842 | </div> |
| 10843 | </td> |
| 10844 | </tr> |
| 10845 | |
| 10846 | </table> |
| 10847 | |
| 10848 | |
| 10849 | |
| 10850 | |
| 10851 | |
| 10852 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 10853 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 10854 | |
| 10855 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 10856 | </ul> |
| 10857 | |
| 10858 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 10859 | </div> |
| 10860 | |
| 10861 | </article> |
| 10862 | </div> |
| 10863 | <hr> |
| 10864 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask"> |
| 10865 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0" data-group="User" data-name="updateOrchestrationTask" data-version="0"> |
| 10866 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 10867 | <h1>updateOrchestrationTask</h1> |
| 10868 | <p>update orchestrationTask for a given taskId</p> |
| 10869 | </div> |
| 10870 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 10871 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 10872 | <p></p> |
| 10873 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 10874 | <p></p> |
| 10875 | <br /> |
| 10876 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="put"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}/{taskId}</span></code></pre> |
| 10877 | <p> |
| 10878 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 10879 | </p> |
| 10880 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 10881 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 10882 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 10883 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 10884 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 10885 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 10886 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 10887 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 10888 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 10889 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 10890 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 10891 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 10892 | </ul> |
| 10893 | |
| 10894 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 10895 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-curl"> |
| 10896 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X PUT "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/orchestrationTasks/{version}/{taskId}"</code></pre> |
| 10897 | </div> |
| 10898 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-java"> |
| 10899 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 10900 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 10901 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 10902 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10903 | |
| 10904 | import; |
| 10905 | import java.util.*; |
| 10906 | |
| 10907 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 10908 | |
| 10909 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 10910 | |
| 10911 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10912 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 10913 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 10914 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 10915 | try { |
| 10916 | apiInstance.updateOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, body); |
| 10917 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 10918 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#updateOrchestrationTask"); |
| 10919 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 10920 | } |
| 10921 | } |
| 10922 | }</code></pre> |
| 10923 | </div> |
| 10924 | |
| 10925 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-android"> |
| 10926 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 10927 | |
| 10928 | public class OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApiExample { |
| 10929 | |
| 10930 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 10931 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 10932 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 10933 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 10934 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 10935 | try { |
| 10936 | apiInstance.updateOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, body); |
| 10937 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 10938 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi#updateOrchestrationTask"); |
| 10939 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 10940 | } |
| 10941 | } |
| 10942 | }</code></pre> |
| 10943 | </div> |
| 10944 | <!-- |
| 10945 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-groovy"> |
| 10946 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 10947 | </div> --> |
| 10948 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-objc"> |
| 10949 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *taskId = taskId_example; // |
| 10950 | String *version = version_example; // |
| 10951 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 10952 | |
| 10953 | OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi alloc] init]; |
| 10954 | |
| 10955 | // update orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 10956 | [apiInstance updateOrchestrationTaskWith:taskId |
| 10957 | version:version |
| 10958 | body:body |
| 10959 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 10960 | if (error) { |
| 10961 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 10962 | } |
| 10963 | }]; |
| 10964 | </code></pre> |
| 10965 | </div> |
| 10966 | |
| 10967 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-javascript"> |
| 10968 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 10969 | |
| 10970 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 10971 | |
| 10972 | var taskId = taskId_example; // {String} |
| 10973 | |
| 10974 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 10975 | |
| 10976 | var opts = { |
| 10977 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 10978 | }; |
| 10979 | |
| 10980 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 10981 | if (error) { |
| 10982 | console.error(error); |
| 10983 | } else { |
| 10984 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 10985 | } |
| 10986 | }; |
| 10987 | api.updateOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, opts, callback); |
| 10988 | </code></pre> |
| 10989 | </div> |
| 10990 | |
| 10991 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-angular"> |
| 10992 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 10993 | </div>--> |
| 10994 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-csharp"> |
| 10995 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 10996 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 10997 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 10998 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 10999 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 11000 | |
| 11001 | namespace Example |
| 11002 | { |
| 11003 | public class updateOrchestrationTaskExample |
| 11004 | { |
| 11005 | public void main() |
| 11006 | { |
| 11007 | |
| 11008 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 11009 | var taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 11010 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 11011 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 11012 | |
| 11013 | try |
| 11014 | { |
| 11015 | // update orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 11016 | apiInstance.updateOrchestrationTask(taskId, version, body); |
| 11017 | } |
| 11018 | catch (Exception e) |
| 11019 | { |
| 11020 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi.updateOrchestrationTask: " + e.Message ); |
| 11021 | } |
| 11022 | } |
| 11023 | } |
| 11024 | } |
| 11025 | </code></pre> |
| 11026 | </div> |
| 11027 | |
| 11028 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-php"> |
| 11029 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 11030 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 11031 | |
| 11032 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi(); |
| 11033 | $taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 11034 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 11035 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 11036 | |
| 11037 | try { |
| 11038 | $api_instance->updateOrchestrationTask($taskId, $version, $body); |
| 11039 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 11040 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->updateOrchestrationTask: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 11041 | } |
| 11042 | ?></code></pre> |
| 11043 | </div> |
| 11044 | |
| 11045 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-perl"> |
| 11046 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 11047 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 11048 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi; |
| 11049 | |
| 11050 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->new(); |
| 11051 | my $taskId = taskId_example; # String | |
| 11052 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 11053 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 11054 | |
| 11055 | eval { |
| 11056 | $api_instance->updateOrchestrationTask(taskId => $taskId, version => $version, body => $body); |
| 11057 | }; |
| 11058 | if ($@) { |
| 11059 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->updateOrchestrationTask: $@\n"; |
| 11060 | }</code></pre> |
| 11061 | </div> |
| 11062 | |
| 11063 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasks-updateOrchestrationTask-0-python"> |
| 11064 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 11065 | import time |
| 11066 | import swagger_client |
| 11067 | from import ApiException |
| 11068 | from pprint import pprint |
| 11069 | |
| 11070 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 11071 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi() |
| 11072 | taskId = taskId_example # String | |
| 11073 | version = version_example # String | |
| 11074 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 11075 | |
| 11076 | try: |
| 11077 | # update orchestrationTask for a given taskId |
| 11078 | api_instance.update_orchestration_task(taskId, version, body=body) |
| 11079 | except ApiException as e: |
| 11080 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraorchestrationTasksApi->updateOrchestrationTask: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 11081 | </div> |
| 11082 | </div> |
| 11083 | |
| 11084 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 11085 | |
| 11086 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 11087 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 11088 | <tr> |
| 11089 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 11090 | <th>Description</th> |
| 11091 | </tr> |
| 11092 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">taskId*</td> |
| 11093 | <td> |
| 11094 | |
| 11095 | |
| 11096 | <div id="d2e199_updateOrchestrationTask_taskId"> |
| 11097 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 11098 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 11099 | <span class="type"> |
| 11100 | String |
| 11101 | </span> |
| 11102 | |
| 11103 | </div> |
| 11104 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 11105 | Required |
| 11106 | </div> |
| 11107 | </div> |
| 11108 | </div> |
| 11109 | </td> |
| 11110 | </tr> |
| 11111 | |
| 11112 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 11113 | <td> |
| 11114 | |
| 11115 | |
| 11116 | <div id="d2e199_updateOrchestrationTask_version"> |
| 11117 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 11118 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 11119 | <span class="type"> |
| 11120 | String |
| 11121 | </span> |
| 11122 | |
| 11123 | </div> |
| 11124 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 11125 | Required |
| 11126 | </div> |
| 11127 | </div> |
| 11128 | </div> |
| 11129 | </td> |
| 11130 | </tr> |
| 11131 | |
| 11132 | </table> |
| 11133 | |
| 11134 | |
| 11135 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 11136 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 11137 | <tr> |
| 11138 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 11139 | <th>Description</th> |
| 11140 | </tr> |
| 11141 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 11142 | <td> |
| 11143 | |
| 11144 | |
| 11145 | <script> |
| 11146 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 11147 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 11148 | "in" : "body", |
| 11149 | "name" : "body", |
| 11150 | "required" : false, |
| 11151 | "schema" : { |
| 11152 | "type" : "string" |
| 11153 | } |
| 11154 | }; |
| 11155 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 11156 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 11157 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 11158 | } else { |
| 11159 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 11160 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 11161 | console.log(err); |
| 11162 | }); |
| 11163 | } |
| 11164 | |
| 11165 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 11166 | var result = $('#d2e199_updateOrchestrationTask_body'); |
| 11167 | result.empty(); |
| 11168 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 11169 | }); |
| 11170 | </script> |
| 11171 | <div id="d2e199_updateOrchestrationTask_body"></div> |
| 11172 | </td> |
| 11173 | </tr> |
| 11174 | |
| 11175 | </table> |
| 11176 | |
| 11177 | |
| 11178 | |
| 11179 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 11180 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 11181 | |
| 11182 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 11183 | </ul> |
| 11184 | |
| 11185 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 11186 | </div> |
| 11187 | |
| 11188 | </article> |
| 11189 | </div> |
| 11190 | <hr> |
| 11191 | </section> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 11192 | <section id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation"> |
| 11193 | <h1>OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation</h1> |
| 11194 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort"> |
| 11195 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0" data-group="User" data-name="activatePort" data-version="0"> |
| 11196 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 11197 | <h1>activatePort</h1> |
| 11198 | <p>Activate Port Mirroring</p> |
| 11199 | </div> |
| 11200 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 11201 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 11202 | <p></p> |
| 11203 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 11204 | <p></p> |
| 11205 | <br /> |
| 11206 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations/{configurationInstanceId}/activate</span></code></pre> |
| 11207 | <p> |
| 11208 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 11209 | </p> |
| 11210 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 11211 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 11212 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 11213 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 11214 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 11215 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 11216 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 11217 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 11218 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 11219 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 11220 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 11221 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 11222 | </ul> |
| 11223 | |
| 11224 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 11225 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 11226 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations/{configurationInstanceId}/activate"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 11227 | </div> |
| 11228 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-java"> |
| 11229 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 11230 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 11231 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 11232 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 11233 | |
| 11234 | import; |
| 11235 | import java.util.*; |
| 11236 | |
| 11237 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 11238 | |
| 11239 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 11240 | |
| 11241 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 11242 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 11243 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11244 | String configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11245 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 11246 | try { |
| 11247 | apiInstance.activatePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 11248 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 11249 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#activatePort"); |
| 11250 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 11251 | } |
| 11252 | } |
| 11253 | }</code></pre> |
| 11254 | </div> |
| 11255 | |
| 11256 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-android"> |
| 11257 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 11258 | |
| 11259 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 11260 | |
| 11261 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 11262 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 11263 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 11264 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11265 | String configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11266 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 11267 | try { |
| 11268 | apiInstance.activatePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 11269 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 11270 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#activatePort"); |
| 11271 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 11272 | } |
| 11273 | } |
| 11274 | }</code></pre> |
| 11275 | </div> |
| 11276 | <!-- |
| 11277 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-groovy"> |
| 11278 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 11279 | </div> --> |
| 11280 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-objc"> |
| 11281 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 11282 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 11283 | String *configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // |
| 11284 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 11285 | |
| 11286 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 11287 | |
| 11288 | // Activate Port Mirroring |
| 11289 | [apiInstance activatePortWith:version |
| 11290 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 11291 | configurationInstanceId:configurationInstanceId |
| 11292 | body:body |
| 11293 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 11294 | if (error) { |
| 11295 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 11296 | } |
| 11297 | }]; |
| 11298 | </code></pre> |
| 11299 | </div> |
| 11300 | |
| 11301 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 11302 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 11303 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 11304 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 11305 | |
| 11306 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 11307 | |
| 11308 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 11309 | |
| 11310 | var configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 11311 | |
| 11312 | var opts = { |
| 11313 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 11314 | }; |
| 11315 | |
| 11316 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 11317 | if (error) { |
| 11318 | console.error(error); |
| 11319 | } else { |
| 11320 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 11321 | } |
| 11322 | }; |
| 11323 | api.activatePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 11324 | </code></pre> |
| 11325 | </div> |
| 11326 | |
| 11327 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-angular"> |
| 11328 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 11329 | </div>--> |
| 11330 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-csharp"> |
| 11331 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 11332 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 11333 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 11334 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 11335 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 11336 | |
| 11337 | namespace Example |
| 11338 | { |
| 11339 | public class activatePortExample |
| 11340 | { |
| 11341 | public void main() |
| 11342 | { |
| 11343 | |
| 11344 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 11345 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 11346 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11347 | var configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11348 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 11349 | |
| 11350 | try |
| 11351 | { |
| 11352 | // Activate Port Mirroring |
| 11353 | apiInstance.activatePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 11354 | } |
| 11355 | catch (Exception e) |
| 11356 | { |
| 11357 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.activatePort: " + e.Message ); |
| 11358 | } |
| 11359 | } |
| 11360 | } |
| 11361 | } |
| 11362 | </code></pre> |
| 11363 | </div> |
| 11364 | |
| 11365 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-php"> |
| 11366 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 11367 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 11368 | |
| 11369 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 11370 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 11371 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11372 | $configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11373 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 11374 | |
| 11375 | try { |
| 11376 | $api_instance->activatePort($version, $serviceInstanceId, $configurationInstanceId, $body); |
| 11377 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 11378 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->activatePort: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 11379 | } |
| 11380 | ?></code></pre> |
| 11381 | </div> |
| 11382 | |
| 11383 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-perl"> |
| 11384 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 11385 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 11386 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 11387 | |
| 11388 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 11389 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 11390 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 11391 | my $configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 11392 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 11393 | |
| 11394 | eval { |
| 11395 | $api_instance->activatePort(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId => $configurationInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 11396 | }; |
| 11397 | if ($@) { |
| 11398 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->activatePort: $@\n"; |
| 11399 | }</code></pre> |
| 11400 | </div> |
| 11401 | |
| 11402 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activatePort-0-python"> |
| 11403 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 11404 | import time |
| 11405 | import swagger_client |
| 11406 | from import ApiException |
| 11407 | from pprint import pprint |
| 11408 | |
| 11409 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 11410 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 11411 | version = version_example # String | |
| 11412 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 11413 | configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example # String | |
| 11414 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 11415 | |
| 11416 | try: |
| 11417 | # Activate Port Mirroring |
| 11418 | api_instance.activate_port(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body=body) |
| 11419 | except ApiException as e: |
| 11420 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->activatePort: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 11421 | </div> |
| 11422 | </div> |
| 11423 | |
| 11424 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 11425 | |
| 11426 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 11427 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 11428 | <tr> |
| 11429 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 11430 | <th>Description</th> |
| 11431 | </tr> |
| 11432 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 11433 | <td> |
| 11434 | |
| 11435 | |
| 11436 | <div id="d2e199_activatePort_version"> |
| 11437 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 11438 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 11439 | <span class="type"> |
| 11440 | String |
| 11441 | </span> |
| 11442 | |
| 11443 | </div> |
| 11444 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 11445 | Required |
| 11446 | </div> |
| 11447 | </div> |
| 11448 | </div> |
| 11449 | </td> |
| 11450 | </tr> |
| 11451 | |
| 11452 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 11453 | <td> |
| 11454 | |
| 11455 | |
| 11456 | <div id="d2e199_activatePort_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 11457 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 11458 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 11459 | <span class="type"> |
| 11460 | String |
| 11461 | </span> |
| 11462 | |
| 11463 | </div> |
| 11464 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 11465 | Required |
| 11466 | </div> |
| 11467 | </div> |
| 11468 | </div> |
| 11469 | </td> |
| 11470 | </tr> |
| 11471 | |
| 11472 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">configurationInstanceId*</td> |
| 11473 | <td> |
| 11474 | |
| 11475 | |
| 11476 | <div id="d2e199_activatePort_configurationInstanceId"> |
| 11477 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 11478 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 11479 | <span class="type"> |
| 11480 | String |
| 11481 | </span> |
| 11482 | |
| 11483 | </div> |
| 11484 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 11485 | Required |
| 11486 | </div> |
| 11487 | </div> |
| 11488 | </div> |
| 11489 | </td> |
| 11490 | </tr> |
| 11491 | |
| 11492 | </table> |
| 11493 | |
| 11494 | |
| 11495 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 11496 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 11497 | <tr> |
| 11498 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 11499 | <th>Description</th> |
| 11500 | </tr> |
| 11501 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 11502 | <td> |
| 11503 | |
| 11504 | |
| 11505 | <script> |
| 11506 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 11507 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 11508 | "in" : "body", |
| 11509 | "name" : "body", |
| 11510 | "required" : false, |
| 11511 | "schema" : { |
| 11512 | "type" : "string" |
| 11513 | } |
| 11514 | }; |
| 11515 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 11516 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 11517 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 11518 | } else { |
| 11519 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 11520 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 11521 | console.log(err); |
| 11522 | }); |
| 11523 | } |
| 11524 | |
| 11525 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 11526 | var result = $('#d2e199_activatePort_body'); |
| 11527 | result.empty(); |
| 11528 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 11529 | }); |
| 11530 | </script> |
| 11531 | <div id="d2e199_activatePort_body"></div> |
| 11532 | </td> |
| 11533 | </tr> |
| 11534 | |
| 11535 | </table> |
| 11536 | |
| 11537 | |
| 11538 | |
| 11539 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 11540 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 11541 | |
| 11542 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 11543 | </ul> |
| 11544 | |
| 11545 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 11546 | </div> |
| 11547 | |
| 11548 | </article> |
| 11549 | </div> |
| 11550 | <hr> |
| 11551 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance"> |
| 11552 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="activateServiceInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 11553 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 11554 | <h1>activateServiceInstance</h1> |
| 11555 | <p>Activate provided Service Instance</p> |
| 11556 | </div> |
| 11557 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 11558 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 11559 | <p></p> |
| 11560 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 11561 | <p></p> |
| 11562 | <br /> |
| 11563 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/activate</span></code></pre> |
| 11564 | <p> |
| 11565 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 11566 | </p> |
| 11567 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 11568 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 11569 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 11570 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 11571 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 11572 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 11573 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 11574 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 11575 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 11576 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 11577 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 11578 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 11579 | </ul> |
| 11580 | |
| 11581 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 11582 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 11583 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/activate"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 11584 | </div> |
| 11585 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-java"> |
| 11586 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 11587 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 11588 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 11589 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 11590 | |
| 11591 | import; |
| 11592 | import java.util.*; |
| 11593 | |
| 11594 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 11595 | |
| 11596 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 11597 | |
| 11598 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 11599 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 11600 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11601 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 11602 | try { |
| 11603 | apiInstance.activateServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 11604 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 11605 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#activateServiceInstance"); |
| 11606 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 11607 | } |
| 11608 | } |
| 11609 | }</code></pre> |
| 11610 | </div> |
| 11611 | |
| 11612 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-android"> |
| 11613 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 11614 | |
| 11615 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 11616 | |
| 11617 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 11618 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 11619 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 11620 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11621 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 11622 | try { |
| 11623 | apiInstance.activateServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 11624 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 11625 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#activateServiceInstance"); |
| 11626 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 11627 | } |
| 11628 | } |
| 11629 | }</code></pre> |
| 11630 | </div> |
| 11631 | <!-- |
| 11632 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 11633 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 11634 | </div> --> |
| 11635 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-objc"> |
| 11636 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 11637 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 11638 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 11639 | |
| 11640 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 11641 | |
| 11642 | // Activate provided Service Instance |
| 11643 | [apiInstance activateServiceInstanceWith:version |
| 11644 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 11645 | body:body |
| 11646 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 11647 | if (error) { |
| 11648 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 11649 | } |
| 11650 | }]; |
| 11651 | </code></pre> |
| 11652 | </div> |
| 11653 | |
| 11654 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 11655 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 11656 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 11657 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 11658 | |
| 11659 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 11660 | |
| 11661 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 11662 | |
| 11663 | var opts = { |
| 11664 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 11665 | }; |
| 11666 | |
| 11667 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 11668 | if (error) { |
| 11669 | console.error(error); |
| 11670 | } else { |
| 11671 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 11672 | } |
| 11673 | }; |
| 11674 | api.activateServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 11675 | </code></pre> |
| 11676 | </div> |
| 11677 | |
| 11678 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-angular"> |
| 11679 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 11680 | </div>--> |
| 11681 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 11682 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 11683 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 11684 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 11685 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 11686 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 11687 | |
| 11688 | namespace Example |
| 11689 | { |
| 11690 | public class activateServiceInstanceExample |
| 11691 | { |
| 11692 | public void main() |
| 11693 | { |
| 11694 | |
| 11695 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 11696 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 11697 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11698 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 11699 | |
| 11700 | try |
| 11701 | { |
| 11702 | // Activate provided Service Instance |
| 11703 | apiInstance.activateServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 11704 | } |
| 11705 | catch (Exception e) |
| 11706 | { |
| 11707 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.activateServiceInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 11708 | } |
| 11709 | } |
| 11710 | } |
| 11711 | } |
| 11712 | </code></pre> |
| 11713 | </div> |
| 11714 | |
| 11715 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-php"> |
| 11716 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 11717 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 11718 | |
| 11719 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 11720 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 11721 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11722 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 11723 | |
| 11724 | try { |
| 11725 | $api_instance->activateServiceInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $body); |
| 11726 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 11727 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->activateServiceInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 11728 | } |
| 11729 | ?></code></pre> |
| 11730 | </div> |
| 11731 | |
| 11732 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-perl"> |
| 11733 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 11734 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 11735 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 11736 | |
| 11737 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 11738 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 11739 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 11740 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 11741 | |
| 11742 | eval { |
| 11743 | $api_instance->activateServiceInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 11744 | }; |
| 11745 | if ($@) { |
| 11746 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->activateServiceInstance: $@\n"; |
| 11747 | }</code></pre> |
| 11748 | </div> |
| 11749 | |
| 11750 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-activateServiceInstance-0-python"> |
| 11751 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 11752 | import time |
| 11753 | import swagger_client |
| 11754 | from import ApiException |
| 11755 | from pprint import pprint |
| 11756 | |
| 11757 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 11758 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 11759 | version = version_example # String | |
| 11760 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 11761 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 11762 | |
| 11763 | try: |
| 11764 | # Activate provided Service Instance |
| 11765 | api_instance.activate_service_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, body=body) |
| 11766 | except ApiException as e: |
| 11767 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->activateServiceInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 11768 | </div> |
| 11769 | </div> |
| 11770 | |
| 11771 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 11772 | |
| 11773 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 11774 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 11775 | <tr> |
| 11776 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 11777 | <th>Description</th> |
| 11778 | </tr> |
| 11779 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 11780 | <td> |
| 11781 | |
| 11782 | |
| 11783 | <div id="d2e199_activateServiceInstance_version"> |
| 11784 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 11785 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 11786 | <span class="type"> |
| 11787 | String |
| 11788 | </span> |
| 11789 | |
| 11790 | </div> |
| 11791 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 11792 | Required |
| 11793 | </div> |
| 11794 | </div> |
| 11795 | </div> |
| 11796 | </td> |
| 11797 | </tr> |
| 11798 | |
| 11799 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 11800 | <td> |
| 11801 | |
| 11802 | |
| 11803 | <div id="d2e199_activateServiceInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 11804 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 11805 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 11806 | <span class="type"> |
| 11807 | String |
| 11808 | </span> |
| 11809 | |
| 11810 | </div> |
| 11811 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 11812 | Required |
| 11813 | </div> |
| 11814 | </div> |
| 11815 | </div> |
| 11816 | </td> |
| 11817 | </tr> |
| 11818 | |
| 11819 | </table> |
| 11820 | |
| 11821 | |
| 11822 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 11823 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 11824 | <tr> |
| 11825 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 11826 | <th>Description</th> |
| 11827 | </tr> |
| 11828 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 11829 | <td> |
| 11830 | |
| 11831 | |
| 11832 | <script> |
| 11833 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 11834 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 11835 | "in" : "body", |
| 11836 | "name" : "body", |
| 11837 | "required" : false, |
| 11838 | "schema" : { |
| 11839 | "type" : "string" |
| 11840 | } |
| 11841 | }; |
| 11842 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 11843 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 11844 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 11845 | } else { |
| 11846 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 11847 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 11848 | console.log(err); |
| 11849 | }); |
| 11850 | } |
| 11851 | |
| 11852 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 11853 | var result = $('#d2e199_activateServiceInstance_body'); |
| 11854 | result.empty(); |
| 11855 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 11856 | }); |
| 11857 | </script> |
| 11858 | <div id="d2e199_activateServiceInstance_body"></div> |
| 11859 | </td> |
| 11860 | </tr> |
| 11861 | |
| 11862 | </table> |
| 11863 | |
| 11864 | |
| 11865 | |
| 11866 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 11867 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 11868 | |
| 11869 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 11870 | </ul> |
| 11871 | |
| 11872 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 11873 | </div> |
| 11874 | |
| 11875 | </article> |
| 11876 | </div> |
| 11877 | <hr> |
| 11878 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships"> |
| 11879 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0" data-group="User" data-name="addRelationships" data-version="0"> |
| 11880 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 11881 | <h1>addRelationships</h1> |
| 11882 | <p>Add Relationships to a Service Instance</p> |
| 11883 | </div> |
| 11884 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 11885 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 11886 | <p></p> |
| 11887 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 11888 | <p></p> |
| 11889 | <br /> |
| 11890 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/addRelationships</span></code></pre> |
| 11891 | <p> |
| 11892 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 11893 | </p> |
| 11894 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 11895 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 11896 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 11897 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 11898 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 11899 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 11900 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 11901 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 11902 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 11903 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 11904 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 11905 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 11906 | </ul> |
| 11907 | |
| 11908 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 11909 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 11910 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/addRelationships"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 11911 | </div> |
| 11912 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-java"> |
| 11913 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 11914 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 11915 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 11916 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 11917 | |
| 11918 | import; |
| 11919 | import java.util.*; |
| 11920 | |
| 11921 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 11922 | |
| 11923 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 11924 | |
| 11925 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 11926 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 11927 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11928 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 11929 | try { |
| 11930 | apiInstance.addRelationships(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 11931 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 11932 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#addRelationships"); |
| 11933 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 11934 | } |
| 11935 | } |
| 11936 | }</code></pre> |
| 11937 | </div> |
| 11938 | |
| 11939 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-android"> |
| 11940 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 11941 | |
| 11942 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 11943 | |
| 11944 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 11945 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 11946 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 11947 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 11948 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 11949 | try { |
| 11950 | apiInstance.addRelationships(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 11951 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 11952 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#addRelationships"); |
| 11953 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 11954 | } |
| 11955 | } |
| 11956 | }</code></pre> |
| 11957 | </div> |
| 11958 | <!-- |
| 11959 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-groovy"> |
| 11960 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 11961 | </div> --> |
| 11962 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-objc"> |
| 11963 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 11964 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 11965 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 11966 | |
| 11967 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 11968 | |
| 11969 | // Add Relationships to a Service Instance |
| 11970 | [apiInstance addRelationshipsWith:version |
| 11971 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 11972 | body:body |
| 11973 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 11974 | if (error) { |
| 11975 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 11976 | } |
| 11977 | }]; |
| 11978 | </code></pre> |
| 11979 | </div> |
| 11980 | |
| 11981 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 11982 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 11983 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 11984 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 11985 | |
| 11986 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 11987 | |
| 11988 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 11989 | |
| 11990 | var opts = { |
| 11991 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 11992 | }; |
| 11993 | |
| 11994 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 11995 | if (error) { |
| 11996 | console.error(error); |
| 11997 | } else { |
| 11998 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 11999 | } |
| 12000 | }; |
| 12001 | api.addRelationships(version, serviceInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 12002 | </code></pre> |
| 12003 | </div> |
| 12004 | |
| 12005 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-angular"> |
| 12006 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 12007 | </div>--> |
| 12008 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-csharp"> |
| 12009 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 12010 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 12011 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 12012 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 12013 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 12014 | |
| 12015 | namespace Example |
| 12016 | { |
| 12017 | public class addRelationshipsExample |
| 12018 | { |
| 12019 | public void main() |
| 12020 | { |
| 12021 | |
| 12022 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12023 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 12024 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12025 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 12026 | |
| 12027 | try |
| 12028 | { |
| 12029 | // Add Relationships to a Service Instance |
| 12030 | apiInstance.addRelationships(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 12031 | } |
| 12032 | catch (Exception e) |
| 12033 | { |
| 12034 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.addRelationships: " + e.Message ); |
| 12035 | } |
| 12036 | } |
| 12037 | } |
| 12038 | } |
| 12039 | </code></pre> |
| 12040 | </div> |
| 12041 | |
| 12042 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-php"> |
| 12043 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 12044 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 12045 | |
| 12046 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12047 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 12048 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12049 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 12050 | |
| 12051 | try { |
| 12052 | $api_instance->addRelationships($version, $serviceInstanceId, $body); |
| 12053 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 12054 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->addRelationships: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 12055 | } |
| 12056 | ?></code></pre> |
| 12057 | </div> |
| 12058 | |
| 12059 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-perl"> |
| 12060 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 12061 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 12062 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 12063 | |
| 12064 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 12065 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 12066 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 12067 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 12068 | |
| 12069 | eval { |
| 12070 | $api_instance->addRelationships(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 12071 | }; |
| 12072 | if ($@) { |
| 12073 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->addRelationships: $@\n"; |
| 12074 | }</code></pre> |
| 12075 | </div> |
| 12076 | |
| 12077 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-addRelationships-0-python"> |
| 12078 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 12079 | import time |
| 12080 | import swagger_client |
| 12081 | from import ApiException |
| 12082 | from pprint import pprint |
| 12083 | |
| 12084 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 12085 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 12086 | version = version_example # String | |
| 12087 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 12088 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 12089 | |
| 12090 | try: |
| 12091 | # Add Relationships to a Service Instance |
| 12092 | api_instance.add_relationships(version, serviceInstanceId, body=body) |
| 12093 | except ApiException as e: |
| 12094 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->addRelationships: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 12095 | </div> |
| 12096 | </div> |
| 12097 | |
| 12098 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 12099 | |
| 12100 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 12101 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 12102 | <tr> |
| 12103 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 12104 | <th>Description</th> |
| 12105 | </tr> |
| 12106 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 12107 | <td> |
| 12108 | |
| 12109 | |
| 12110 | <div id="d2e199_addRelationships_version"> |
| 12111 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 12112 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 12113 | <span class="type"> |
| 12114 | String |
| 12115 | </span> |
| 12116 | |
| 12117 | </div> |
| 12118 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 12119 | Required |
| 12120 | </div> |
| 12121 | </div> |
| 12122 | </div> |
| 12123 | </td> |
| 12124 | </tr> |
| 12125 | |
| 12126 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 12127 | <td> |
| 12128 | |
| 12129 | |
| 12130 | <div id="d2e199_addRelationships_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 12131 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 12132 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 12133 | <span class="type"> |
| 12134 | String |
| 12135 | </span> |
| 12136 | |
| 12137 | </div> |
| 12138 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 12139 | Required |
| 12140 | </div> |
| 12141 | </div> |
| 12142 | </div> |
| 12143 | </td> |
| 12144 | </tr> |
| 12145 | |
| 12146 | </table> |
| 12147 | |
| 12148 | |
| 12149 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 12150 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 12151 | <tr> |
| 12152 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 12153 | <th>Description</th> |
| 12154 | </tr> |
| 12155 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 12156 | <td> |
| 12157 | |
| 12158 | |
| 12159 | <script> |
| 12160 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 12161 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 12162 | "in" : "body", |
| 12163 | "name" : "body", |
| 12164 | "required" : false, |
| 12165 | "schema" : { |
| 12166 | "type" : "string" |
| 12167 | } |
| 12168 | }; |
| 12169 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 12170 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 12171 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 12172 | } else { |
| 12173 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 12174 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 12175 | console.log(err); |
| 12176 | }); |
| 12177 | } |
| 12178 | |
| 12179 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 12180 | var result = $('#d2e199_addRelationships_body'); |
| 12181 | result.empty(); |
| 12182 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 12183 | }); |
| 12184 | </script> |
| 12185 | <div id="d2e199_addRelationships_body"></div> |
| 12186 | </td> |
| 12187 | </tr> |
| 12188 | |
| 12189 | </table> |
| 12190 | |
| 12191 | |
| 12192 | |
| 12193 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 12194 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 12195 | |
| 12196 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 12197 | </ul> |
| 12198 | |
| 12199 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 12200 | </div> |
| 12201 | |
| 12202 | </article> |
| 12203 | </div> |
| 12204 | <hr> |
| 12205 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig"> |
| 12206 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0" data-group="User" data-name="applyUpdatedConfig" data-version="0"> |
| 12207 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 12208 | <h1>applyUpdatedConfig</h1> |
| 12209 | <p>Apply updated configuration</p> |
| 12210 | </div> |
| 12211 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 12212 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 12213 | <p></p> |
| 12214 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 12215 | <p></p> |
| 12216 | <br /> |
| 12217 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/applyUpdatedConfig</span></code></pre> |
| 12218 | <p> |
| 12219 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 12220 | </p> |
| 12221 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 12222 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 12223 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 12224 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 12225 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 12226 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 12227 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 12228 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 12229 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 12230 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 12231 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 12232 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 12233 | </ul> |
| 12234 | |
| 12235 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 12236 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 12237 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/applyUpdatedConfig"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 12238 | </div> |
| 12239 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-java"> |
| 12240 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 12241 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 12242 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 12243 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 12244 | |
| 12245 | import; |
| 12246 | import java.util.*; |
| 12247 | |
| 12248 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 12249 | |
| 12250 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 12251 | |
| 12252 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12253 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 12254 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12255 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12256 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 12257 | try { |
| 12258 | apiInstance.applyUpdatedConfig(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 12259 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 12260 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#applyUpdatedConfig"); |
| 12261 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 12262 | } |
| 12263 | } |
| 12264 | }</code></pre> |
| 12265 | </div> |
| 12266 | |
| 12267 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-android"> |
| 12268 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 12269 | |
| 12270 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 12271 | |
| 12272 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 12273 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12274 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 12275 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12276 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12277 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 12278 | try { |
| 12279 | apiInstance.applyUpdatedConfig(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 12280 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 12281 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#applyUpdatedConfig"); |
| 12282 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 12283 | } |
| 12284 | } |
| 12285 | }</code></pre> |
| 12286 | </div> |
| 12287 | <!-- |
| 12288 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-groovy"> |
| 12289 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 12290 | </div> --> |
| 12291 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-objc"> |
| 12292 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 12293 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 12294 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 12295 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 12296 | |
| 12297 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 12298 | |
| 12299 | // Apply updated configuration |
| 12300 | [apiInstance applyUpdatedConfigWith:version |
| 12301 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 12302 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 12303 | body:body |
| 12304 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 12305 | if (error) { |
| 12306 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 12307 | } |
| 12308 | }]; |
| 12309 | </code></pre> |
| 12310 | </div> |
| 12311 | |
| 12312 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 12313 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 12314 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 12315 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 12316 | |
| 12317 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 12318 | |
| 12319 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 12320 | |
| 12321 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 12322 | |
| 12323 | var opts = { |
| 12324 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 12325 | }; |
| 12326 | |
| 12327 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 12328 | if (error) { |
| 12329 | console.error(error); |
| 12330 | } else { |
| 12331 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 12332 | } |
| 12333 | }; |
| 12334 | api.applyUpdatedConfig(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 12335 | </code></pre> |
| 12336 | </div> |
| 12337 | |
| 12338 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-angular"> |
| 12339 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 12340 | </div>--> |
| 12341 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-csharp"> |
| 12342 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 12343 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 12344 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 12345 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 12346 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 12347 | |
| 12348 | namespace Example |
| 12349 | { |
| 12350 | public class applyUpdatedConfigExample |
| 12351 | { |
| 12352 | public void main() |
| 12353 | { |
| 12354 | |
| 12355 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12356 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 12357 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12358 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12359 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 12360 | |
| 12361 | try |
| 12362 | { |
| 12363 | // Apply updated configuration |
| 12364 | apiInstance.applyUpdatedConfig(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 12365 | } |
| 12366 | catch (Exception e) |
| 12367 | { |
| 12368 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.applyUpdatedConfig: " + e.Message ); |
| 12369 | } |
| 12370 | } |
| 12371 | } |
| 12372 | } |
| 12373 | </code></pre> |
| 12374 | </div> |
| 12375 | |
| 12376 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-php"> |
| 12377 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 12378 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 12379 | |
| 12380 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12381 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 12382 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12383 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12384 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 12385 | |
| 12386 | try { |
| 12387 | $api_instance->applyUpdatedConfig($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $body); |
| 12388 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 12389 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->applyUpdatedConfig: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 12390 | } |
| 12391 | ?></code></pre> |
| 12392 | </div> |
| 12393 | |
| 12394 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-perl"> |
| 12395 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 12396 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 12397 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 12398 | |
| 12399 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 12400 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 12401 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 12402 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 12403 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 12404 | |
| 12405 | eval { |
| 12406 | $api_instance->applyUpdatedConfig(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 12407 | }; |
| 12408 | if ($@) { |
| 12409 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->applyUpdatedConfig: $@\n"; |
| 12410 | }</code></pre> |
| 12411 | </div> |
| 12412 | |
| 12413 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-applyUpdatedConfig-0-python"> |
| 12414 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 12415 | import time |
| 12416 | import swagger_client |
| 12417 | from import ApiException |
| 12418 | from pprint import pprint |
| 12419 | |
| 12420 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 12421 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 12422 | version = version_example # String | |
| 12423 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 12424 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 12425 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 12426 | |
| 12427 | try: |
| 12428 | # Apply updated configuration |
| 12429 | api_instance.apply_updated_config(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body=body) |
| 12430 | except ApiException as e: |
| 12431 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->applyUpdatedConfig: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 12432 | </div> |
| 12433 | </div> |
| 12434 | |
| 12435 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 12436 | |
| 12437 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 12438 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 12439 | <tr> |
| 12440 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 12441 | <th>Description</th> |
| 12442 | </tr> |
| 12443 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 12444 | <td> |
| 12445 | |
| 12446 | |
| 12447 | <div id="d2e199_applyUpdatedConfig_version"> |
| 12448 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 12449 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 12450 | <span class="type"> |
| 12451 | String |
| 12452 | </span> |
| 12453 | |
| 12454 | </div> |
| 12455 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 12456 | Required |
| 12457 | </div> |
| 12458 | </div> |
| 12459 | </div> |
| 12460 | </td> |
| 12461 | </tr> |
| 12462 | |
| 12463 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 12464 | <td> |
| 12465 | |
| 12466 | |
| 12467 | <div id="d2e199_applyUpdatedConfig_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 12468 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 12469 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 12470 | <span class="type"> |
| 12471 | String |
| 12472 | </span> |
| 12473 | |
| 12474 | </div> |
| 12475 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 12476 | Required |
| 12477 | </div> |
| 12478 | </div> |
| 12479 | </div> |
| 12480 | </td> |
| 12481 | </tr> |
| 12482 | |
| 12483 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 12484 | <td> |
| 12485 | |
| 12486 | |
| 12487 | <div id="d2e199_applyUpdatedConfig_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 12488 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 12489 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 12490 | <span class="type"> |
| 12491 | String |
| 12492 | </span> |
| 12493 | |
| 12494 | </div> |
| 12495 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 12496 | Required |
| 12497 | </div> |
| 12498 | </div> |
| 12499 | </div> |
| 12500 | </td> |
| 12501 | </tr> |
| 12502 | |
| 12503 | </table> |
| 12504 | |
| 12505 | |
| 12506 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 12507 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 12508 | <tr> |
| 12509 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 12510 | <th>Description</th> |
| 12511 | </tr> |
| 12512 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 12513 | <td> |
| 12514 | |
| 12515 | |
| 12516 | <script> |
| 12517 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 12518 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 12519 | "in" : "body", |
| 12520 | "name" : "body", |
| 12521 | "required" : false, |
| 12522 | "schema" : { |
| 12523 | "type" : "string" |
| 12524 | } |
| 12525 | }; |
| 12526 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 12527 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 12528 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 12529 | } else { |
| 12530 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 12531 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 12532 | console.log(err); |
| 12533 | }); |
| 12534 | } |
| 12535 | |
| 12536 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 12537 | var result = $('#d2e199_applyUpdatedConfig_body'); |
| 12538 | result.empty(); |
| 12539 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 12540 | }); |
| 12541 | </script> |
| 12542 | <div id="d2e199_applyUpdatedConfig_body"></div> |
| 12543 | </td> |
| 12544 | </tr> |
| 12545 | |
| 12546 | </table> |
| 12547 | |
| 12548 | |
| 12549 | |
| 12550 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 12551 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 12552 | |
| 12553 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 12554 | </ul> |
| 12555 | |
| 12556 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 12557 | </div> |
| 12558 | |
| 12559 | </article> |
| 12560 | </div> |
| 12561 | <hr> |
| 12562 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance"> |
| 12563 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="assignServiceInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 12564 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 12565 | <h1>assignServiceInstance</h1> |
| 12566 | <p>Assign Service Instance</p> |
| 12567 | </div> |
| 12568 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 12569 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 12570 | <p></p> |
| 12571 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 12572 | <p></p> |
| 12573 | <br /> |
| 12574 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/assign</span></code></pre> |
| 12575 | <p> |
| 12576 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 12577 | </p> |
| 12578 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 12579 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 12580 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 12581 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 12582 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 12583 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 12584 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 12585 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 12586 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 12587 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 12588 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 12589 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 12590 | </ul> |
| 12591 | |
| 12592 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 12593 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 12594 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/assign"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 12595 | </div> |
| 12596 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-java"> |
| 12597 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 12598 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 12599 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 12600 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 12601 | |
| 12602 | import; |
| 12603 | import java.util.*; |
| 12604 | |
| 12605 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 12606 | |
| 12607 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 12608 | |
| 12609 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12610 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 12611 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 12612 | try { |
| 12613 | apiInstance.assignServiceInstance(version, body); |
| 12614 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 12615 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#assignServiceInstance"); |
| 12616 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 12617 | } |
| 12618 | } |
| 12619 | }</code></pre> |
| 12620 | </div> |
| 12621 | |
| 12622 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-android"> |
| 12623 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 12624 | |
| 12625 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 12626 | |
| 12627 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 12628 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12629 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 12630 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 12631 | try { |
| 12632 | apiInstance.assignServiceInstance(version, body); |
| 12633 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 12634 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#assignServiceInstance"); |
| 12635 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 12636 | } |
| 12637 | } |
| 12638 | }</code></pre> |
| 12639 | </div> |
| 12640 | <!-- |
| 12641 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 12642 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 12643 | </div> --> |
| 12644 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-objc"> |
| 12645 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 12646 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 12647 | |
| 12648 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 12649 | |
| 12650 | // Assign Service Instance |
| 12651 | [apiInstance assignServiceInstanceWith:version |
| 12652 | body:body |
| 12653 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 12654 | if (error) { |
| 12655 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 12656 | } |
| 12657 | }]; |
| 12658 | </code></pre> |
| 12659 | </div> |
| 12660 | |
| 12661 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 12662 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 12663 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 12664 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 12665 | |
| 12666 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 12667 | |
| 12668 | var opts = { |
| 12669 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 12670 | }; |
| 12671 | |
| 12672 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 12673 | if (error) { |
| 12674 | console.error(error); |
| 12675 | } else { |
| 12676 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 12677 | } |
| 12678 | }; |
| 12679 | api.assignServiceInstance(version, opts, callback); |
| 12680 | </code></pre> |
| 12681 | </div> |
| 12682 | |
| 12683 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-angular"> |
| 12684 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 12685 | </div>--> |
| 12686 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 12687 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 12688 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 12689 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 12690 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 12691 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 12692 | |
| 12693 | namespace Example |
| 12694 | { |
| 12695 | public class assignServiceInstanceExample |
| 12696 | { |
| 12697 | public void main() |
| 12698 | { |
| 12699 | |
| 12700 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12701 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 12702 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 12703 | |
| 12704 | try |
| 12705 | { |
| 12706 | // Assign Service Instance |
| 12707 | apiInstance.assignServiceInstance(version, body); |
| 12708 | } |
| 12709 | catch (Exception e) |
| 12710 | { |
| 12711 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.assignServiceInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 12712 | } |
| 12713 | } |
| 12714 | } |
| 12715 | } |
| 12716 | </code></pre> |
| 12717 | </div> |
| 12718 | |
| 12719 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-php"> |
| 12720 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 12721 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 12722 | |
| 12723 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12724 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 12725 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 12726 | |
| 12727 | try { |
| 12728 | $api_instance->assignServiceInstance($version, $body); |
| 12729 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 12730 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->assignServiceInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 12731 | } |
| 12732 | ?></code></pre> |
| 12733 | </div> |
| 12734 | |
| 12735 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-perl"> |
| 12736 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 12737 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 12738 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 12739 | |
| 12740 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 12741 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 12742 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 12743 | |
| 12744 | eval { |
| 12745 | $api_instance->assignServiceInstance(version => $version, body => $body); |
| 12746 | }; |
| 12747 | if ($@) { |
| 12748 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->assignServiceInstance: $@\n"; |
| 12749 | }</code></pre> |
| 12750 | </div> |
| 12751 | |
| 12752 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-assignServiceInstance-0-python"> |
| 12753 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 12754 | import time |
| 12755 | import swagger_client |
| 12756 | from import ApiException |
| 12757 | from pprint import pprint |
| 12758 | |
| 12759 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 12760 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 12761 | version = version_example # String | |
| 12762 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 12763 | |
| 12764 | try: |
| 12765 | # Assign Service Instance |
| 12766 | api_instance.assign_service_instance(version, body=body) |
| 12767 | except ApiException as e: |
| 12768 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->assignServiceInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 12769 | </div> |
| 12770 | </div> |
| 12771 | |
| 12772 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 12773 | |
| 12774 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 12775 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 12776 | <tr> |
| 12777 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 12778 | <th>Description</th> |
| 12779 | </tr> |
| 12780 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 12781 | <td> |
| 12782 | |
| 12783 | |
| 12784 | <div id="d2e199_assignServiceInstance_version"> |
| 12785 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 12786 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 12787 | <span class="type"> |
| 12788 | String |
| 12789 | </span> |
| 12790 | |
| 12791 | </div> |
| 12792 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 12793 | Required |
| 12794 | </div> |
| 12795 | </div> |
| 12796 | </div> |
| 12797 | </td> |
| 12798 | </tr> |
| 12799 | |
| 12800 | </table> |
| 12801 | |
| 12802 | |
| 12803 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 12804 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 12805 | <tr> |
| 12806 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 12807 | <th>Description</th> |
| 12808 | </tr> |
| 12809 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 12810 | <td> |
| 12811 | |
| 12812 | |
| 12813 | <script> |
| 12814 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 12815 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 12816 | "in" : "body", |
| 12817 | "name" : "body", |
| 12818 | "required" : false, |
| 12819 | "schema" : { |
| 12820 | "type" : "string" |
| 12821 | } |
| 12822 | }; |
| 12823 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 12824 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 12825 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 12826 | } else { |
| 12827 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 12828 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 12829 | console.log(err); |
| 12830 | }); |
| 12831 | } |
| 12832 | |
| 12833 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 12834 | var result = $('#d2e199_assignServiceInstance_body'); |
| 12835 | result.empty(); |
| 12836 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 12837 | }); |
| 12838 | </script> |
| 12839 | <div id="d2e199_assignServiceInstance_body"></div> |
| 12840 | </td> |
| 12841 | </tr> |
| 12842 | |
| 12843 | </table> |
| 12844 | |
| 12845 | |
| 12846 | |
| 12847 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 12848 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 12849 | |
| 12850 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 12851 | </ul> |
| 12852 | |
| 12853 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 12854 | </div> |
| 12855 | |
| 12856 | </article> |
| 12857 | </div> |
| 12858 | <hr> |
| 12859 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance"> |
| 12860 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="createNetworkInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 12861 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 12862 | <h1>createNetworkInstance</h1> |
| 12863 | <p>Create NetworkInstance on a specified version and serviceInstance </p> |
| 12864 | </div> |
| 12865 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 12866 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 12867 | <p></p> |
| 12868 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 12869 | <p></p> |
| 12870 | <br /> |
| 12871 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/networks</span></code></pre> |
| 12872 | <p> |
| 12873 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 12874 | </p> |
| 12875 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 12876 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 12877 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 12878 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 12879 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 12880 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 12881 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 12882 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 12883 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 12884 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 12885 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 12886 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 12887 | </ul> |
| 12888 | |
| 12889 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 12890 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 12891 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/networks"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 12892 | </div> |
| 12893 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-java"> |
| 12894 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 12895 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 12896 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 12897 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 12898 | |
| 12899 | import; |
| 12900 | import java.util.*; |
| 12901 | |
| 12902 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 12903 | |
| 12904 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 12905 | |
| 12906 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12907 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 12908 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12909 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 12910 | try { |
| 12911 | apiInstance.createNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 12912 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 12913 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createNetworkInstance"); |
| 12914 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 12915 | } |
| 12916 | } |
| 12917 | }</code></pre> |
| 12918 | </div> |
| 12919 | |
| 12920 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-android"> |
| 12921 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 12922 | |
| 12923 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 12924 | |
| 12925 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 12926 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 12927 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 12928 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 12929 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 12930 | try { |
| 12931 | apiInstance.createNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 12932 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 12933 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createNetworkInstance"); |
| 12934 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 12935 | } |
| 12936 | } |
| 12937 | }</code></pre> |
| 12938 | </div> |
| 12939 | <!-- |
| 12940 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 12941 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 12942 | </div> --> |
| 12943 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-objc"> |
| 12944 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 12945 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 12946 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 12947 | |
| 12948 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 12949 | |
| 12950 | // Create NetworkInstance on a specified version and serviceInstance |
| 12951 | [apiInstance createNetworkInstanceWith:version |
| 12952 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 12953 | body:body |
| 12954 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 12955 | if (error) { |
| 12956 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 12957 | } |
| 12958 | }]; |
| 12959 | </code></pre> |
| 12960 | </div> |
| 12961 | |
| 12962 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 12963 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 12964 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 12965 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 12966 | |
| 12967 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 12968 | |
| 12969 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 12970 | |
| 12971 | var opts = { |
| 12972 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 12973 | }; |
| 12974 | |
| 12975 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 12976 | if (error) { |
| 12977 | console.error(error); |
| 12978 | } else { |
| 12979 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 12980 | } |
| 12981 | }; |
| 12982 | api.createNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 12983 | </code></pre> |
| 12984 | </div> |
| 12985 | |
| 12986 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-angular"> |
| 12987 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 12988 | </div>--> |
| 12989 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 12990 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 12991 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 12992 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 12993 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 12994 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 12995 | |
| 12996 | namespace Example |
| 12997 | { |
| 12998 | public class createNetworkInstanceExample |
| 12999 | { |
| 13000 | public void main() |
| 13001 | { |
| 13002 | |
| 13003 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13004 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 13005 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13006 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 13007 | |
| 13008 | try |
| 13009 | { |
| 13010 | // Create NetworkInstance on a specified version and serviceInstance |
| 13011 | apiInstance.createNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 13012 | } |
| 13013 | catch (Exception e) |
| 13014 | { |
| 13015 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.createNetworkInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 13016 | } |
| 13017 | } |
| 13018 | } |
| 13019 | } |
| 13020 | </code></pre> |
| 13021 | </div> |
| 13022 | |
| 13023 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-php"> |
| 13024 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 13025 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 13026 | |
| 13027 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13028 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 13029 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13030 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 13031 | |
| 13032 | try { |
| 13033 | $api_instance->createNetworkInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $body); |
| 13034 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 13035 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createNetworkInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 13036 | } |
| 13037 | ?></code></pre> |
| 13038 | </div> |
| 13039 | |
| 13040 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-perl"> |
| 13041 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 13042 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 13043 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 13044 | |
| 13045 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 13046 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 13047 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 13048 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 13049 | |
| 13050 | eval { |
| 13051 | $api_instance->createNetworkInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 13052 | }; |
| 13053 | if ($@) { |
| 13054 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createNetworkInstance: $@\n"; |
| 13055 | }</code></pre> |
| 13056 | </div> |
| 13057 | |
| 13058 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createNetworkInstance-0-python"> |
| 13059 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 13060 | import time |
| 13061 | import swagger_client |
| 13062 | from import ApiException |
| 13063 | from pprint import pprint |
| 13064 | |
| 13065 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 13066 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 13067 | version = version_example # String | |
| 13068 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 13069 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 13070 | |
| 13071 | try: |
| 13072 | # Create NetworkInstance on a specified version and serviceInstance |
| 13073 | api_instance.create_network_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, body=body) |
| 13074 | except ApiException as e: |
| 13075 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createNetworkInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 13076 | </div> |
| 13077 | </div> |
| 13078 | |
| 13079 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 13080 | |
| 13081 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 13082 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 13083 | <tr> |
| 13084 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 13085 | <th>Description</th> |
| 13086 | </tr> |
| 13087 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 13088 | <td> |
| 13089 | |
| 13090 | |
| 13091 | <div id="d2e199_createNetworkInstance_version"> |
| 13092 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 13093 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 13094 | <span class="type"> |
| 13095 | String |
| 13096 | </span> |
| 13097 | |
| 13098 | </div> |
| 13099 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 13100 | Required |
| 13101 | </div> |
| 13102 | </div> |
| 13103 | </div> |
| 13104 | </td> |
| 13105 | </tr> |
| 13106 | |
| 13107 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 13108 | <td> |
| 13109 | |
| 13110 | |
| 13111 | <div id="d2e199_createNetworkInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 13112 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 13113 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 13114 | <span class="type"> |
| 13115 | String |
| 13116 | </span> |
| 13117 | |
| 13118 | </div> |
| 13119 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 13120 | Required |
| 13121 | </div> |
| 13122 | </div> |
| 13123 | </div> |
| 13124 | </td> |
| 13125 | </tr> |
| 13126 | |
| 13127 | </table> |
| 13128 | |
| 13129 | |
| 13130 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 13131 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 13132 | <tr> |
| 13133 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 13134 | <th>Description</th> |
| 13135 | </tr> |
| 13136 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 13137 | <td> |
| 13138 | |
| 13139 | |
| 13140 | <script> |
| 13141 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 13142 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 13143 | "in" : "body", |
| 13144 | "name" : "body", |
| 13145 | "required" : false, |
| 13146 | "schema" : { |
| 13147 | "type" : "string" |
| 13148 | } |
| 13149 | }; |
| 13150 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 13151 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 13152 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 13153 | } else { |
| 13154 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 13155 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 13156 | console.log(err); |
| 13157 | }); |
| 13158 | } |
| 13159 | |
| 13160 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 13161 | var result = $('#d2e199_createNetworkInstance_body'); |
| 13162 | result.empty(); |
| 13163 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 13164 | }); |
| 13165 | </script> |
| 13166 | <div id="d2e199_createNetworkInstance_body"></div> |
| 13167 | </td> |
| 13168 | </tr> |
| 13169 | |
| 13170 | </table> |
| 13171 | |
| 13172 | |
| 13173 | |
| 13174 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 13175 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 13176 | |
| 13177 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 13178 | </ul> |
| 13179 | |
| 13180 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 13181 | </div> |
| 13182 | |
| 13183 | </article> |
| 13184 | </div> |
| 13185 | <hr> |
| 13186 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration"> |
| 13187 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0" data-group="User" data-name="createPortConfiguration" data-version="0"> |
| 13188 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 13189 | <h1>createPortConfiguration</h1> |
| 13190 | <p>Create Port Mirroring Configuration</p> |
| 13191 | </div> |
| 13192 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 13193 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 13194 | <p></p> |
| 13195 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 13196 | <p></p> |
| 13197 | <br /> |
| 13198 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations</span></code></pre> |
| 13199 | <p> |
| 13200 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 13201 | </p> |
| 13202 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 13203 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 13204 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 13205 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 13206 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 13207 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 13208 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 13209 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 13210 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 13211 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 13212 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 13213 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 13214 | </ul> |
| 13215 | |
| 13216 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 13217 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 13218 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 13219 | </div> |
| 13220 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-java"> |
| 13221 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 13222 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 13223 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 13224 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 13225 | |
| 13226 | import; |
| 13227 | import java.util.*; |
| 13228 | |
| 13229 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 13230 | |
| 13231 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 13232 | |
| 13233 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13234 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 13235 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13236 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 13237 | try { |
| 13238 | apiInstance.createPortConfiguration(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 13239 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 13240 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createPortConfiguration"); |
| 13241 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 13242 | } |
| 13243 | } |
| 13244 | }</code></pre> |
| 13245 | </div> |
| 13246 | |
| 13247 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-android"> |
| 13248 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 13249 | |
| 13250 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 13251 | |
| 13252 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 13253 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13254 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 13255 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13256 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 13257 | try { |
| 13258 | apiInstance.createPortConfiguration(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 13259 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 13260 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createPortConfiguration"); |
| 13261 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 13262 | } |
| 13263 | } |
| 13264 | }</code></pre> |
| 13265 | </div> |
| 13266 | <!-- |
| 13267 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-groovy"> |
| 13268 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 13269 | </div> --> |
| 13270 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-objc"> |
| 13271 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 13272 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 13273 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 13274 | |
| 13275 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 13276 | |
| 13277 | // Create Port Mirroring Configuration |
| 13278 | [apiInstance createPortConfigurationWith:version |
| 13279 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 13280 | body:body |
| 13281 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 13282 | if (error) { |
| 13283 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 13284 | } |
| 13285 | }]; |
| 13286 | </code></pre> |
| 13287 | </div> |
| 13288 | |
| 13289 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 13290 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 13291 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 13292 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 13293 | |
| 13294 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 13295 | |
| 13296 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 13297 | |
| 13298 | var opts = { |
| 13299 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 13300 | }; |
| 13301 | |
| 13302 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 13303 | if (error) { |
| 13304 | console.error(error); |
| 13305 | } else { |
| 13306 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 13307 | } |
| 13308 | }; |
| 13309 | api.createPortConfiguration(version, serviceInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 13310 | </code></pre> |
| 13311 | </div> |
| 13312 | |
| 13313 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-angular"> |
| 13314 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 13315 | </div>--> |
| 13316 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-csharp"> |
| 13317 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 13318 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 13319 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 13320 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 13321 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 13322 | |
| 13323 | namespace Example |
| 13324 | { |
| 13325 | public class createPortConfigurationExample |
| 13326 | { |
| 13327 | public void main() |
| 13328 | { |
| 13329 | |
| 13330 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13331 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 13332 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13333 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 13334 | |
| 13335 | try |
| 13336 | { |
| 13337 | // Create Port Mirroring Configuration |
| 13338 | apiInstance.createPortConfiguration(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 13339 | } |
| 13340 | catch (Exception e) |
| 13341 | { |
| 13342 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.createPortConfiguration: " + e.Message ); |
| 13343 | } |
| 13344 | } |
| 13345 | } |
| 13346 | } |
| 13347 | </code></pre> |
| 13348 | </div> |
| 13349 | |
| 13350 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-php"> |
| 13351 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 13352 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 13353 | |
| 13354 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13355 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 13356 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13357 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 13358 | |
| 13359 | try { |
| 13360 | $api_instance->createPortConfiguration($version, $serviceInstanceId, $body); |
| 13361 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 13362 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createPortConfiguration: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 13363 | } |
| 13364 | ?></code></pre> |
| 13365 | </div> |
| 13366 | |
| 13367 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-perl"> |
| 13368 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 13369 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 13370 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 13371 | |
| 13372 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 13373 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 13374 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 13375 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 13376 | |
| 13377 | eval { |
| 13378 | $api_instance->createPortConfiguration(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 13379 | }; |
| 13380 | if ($@) { |
| 13381 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createPortConfiguration: $@\n"; |
| 13382 | }</code></pre> |
| 13383 | </div> |
| 13384 | |
| 13385 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createPortConfiguration-0-python"> |
| 13386 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 13387 | import time |
| 13388 | import swagger_client |
| 13389 | from import ApiException |
| 13390 | from pprint import pprint |
| 13391 | |
| 13392 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 13393 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 13394 | version = version_example # String | |
| 13395 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 13396 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 13397 | |
| 13398 | try: |
| 13399 | # Create Port Mirroring Configuration |
| 13400 | api_instance.create_port_configuration(version, serviceInstanceId, body=body) |
| 13401 | except ApiException as e: |
| 13402 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createPortConfiguration: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 13403 | </div> |
| 13404 | </div> |
| 13405 | |
| 13406 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 13407 | |
| 13408 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 13409 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 13410 | <tr> |
| 13411 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 13412 | <th>Description</th> |
| 13413 | </tr> |
| 13414 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 13415 | <td> |
| 13416 | |
| 13417 | |
| 13418 | <div id="d2e199_createPortConfiguration_version"> |
| 13419 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 13420 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 13421 | <span class="type"> |
| 13422 | String |
| 13423 | </span> |
| 13424 | |
| 13425 | </div> |
| 13426 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 13427 | Required |
| 13428 | </div> |
| 13429 | </div> |
| 13430 | </div> |
| 13431 | </td> |
| 13432 | </tr> |
| 13433 | |
| 13434 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 13435 | <td> |
| 13436 | |
| 13437 | |
| 13438 | <div id="d2e199_createPortConfiguration_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 13439 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 13440 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 13441 | <span class="type"> |
| 13442 | String |
| 13443 | </span> |
| 13444 | |
| 13445 | </div> |
| 13446 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 13447 | Required |
| 13448 | </div> |
| 13449 | </div> |
| 13450 | </div> |
| 13451 | </td> |
| 13452 | </tr> |
| 13453 | |
| 13454 | </table> |
| 13455 | |
| 13456 | |
| 13457 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 13458 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 13459 | <tr> |
| 13460 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 13461 | <th>Description</th> |
| 13462 | </tr> |
| 13463 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 13464 | <td> |
| 13465 | |
| 13466 | |
| 13467 | <script> |
| 13468 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 13469 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 13470 | "in" : "body", |
| 13471 | "name" : "body", |
| 13472 | "required" : false, |
| 13473 | "schema" : { |
| 13474 | "type" : "string" |
| 13475 | } |
| 13476 | }; |
| 13477 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 13478 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 13479 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 13480 | } else { |
| 13481 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 13482 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 13483 | console.log(err); |
| 13484 | }); |
| 13485 | } |
| 13486 | |
| 13487 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 13488 | var result = $('#d2e199_createPortConfiguration_body'); |
| 13489 | result.empty(); |
| 13490 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 13491 | }); |
| 13492 | </script> |
| 13493 | <div id="d2e199_createPortConfiguration_body"></div> |
| 13494 | </td> |
| 13495 | </tr> |
| 13496 | |
| 13497 | </table> |
| 13498 | |
| 13499 | |
| 13500 | |
| 13501 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 13502 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 13503 | |
| 13504 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 13505 | </ul> |
| 13506 | |
| 13507 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 13508 | </div> |
| 13509 | |
| 13510 | </article> |
| 13511 | </div> |
| 13512 | <hr> |
| 13513 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance"> |
| 13514 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="createServiceInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 13515 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 13516 | <h1>createServiceInstance</h1> |
| 13517 | <p>Create a Service Instance on a version provided</p> |
| 13518 | </div> |
| 13519 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 13520 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 13521 | <p></p> |
| 13522 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 13523 | <p></p> |
| 13524 | <br /> |
| 13525 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances</span></code></pre> |
| 13526 | <p> |
| 13527 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 13528 | </p> |
| 13529 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 13530 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 13531 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 13532 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 13533 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 13534 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 13535 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 13536 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 13537 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 13538 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 13539 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 13540 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 13541 | </ul> |
| 13542 | |
| 13543 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 13544 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 13545 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 13546 | </div> |
| 13547 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-java"> |
| 13548 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 13549 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 13550 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 13551 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 13552 | |
| 13553 | import; |
| 13554 | import java.util.*; |
| 13555 | |
| 13556 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 13557 | |
| 13558 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 13559 | |
| 13560 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13561 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 13562 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 13563 | try { |
| 13564 | apiInstance.createServiceInstance(version, body); |
| 13565 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 13566 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createServiceInstance"); |
| 13567 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 13568 | } |
| 13569 | } |
| 13570 | }</code></pre> |
| 13571 | </div> |
| 13572 | |
| 13573 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-android"> |
| 13574 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 13575 | |
| 13576 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 13577 | |
| 13578 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 13579 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13580 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 13581 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 13582 | try { |
| 13583 | apiInstance.createServiceInstance(version, body); |
| 13584 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 13585 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createServiceInstance"); |
| 13586 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 13587 | } |
| 13588 | } |
| 13589 | }</code></pre> |
| 13590 | </div> |
| 13591 | <!-- |
| 13592 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 13593 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 13594 | </div> --> |
| 13595 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-objc"> |
| 13596 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 13597 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 13598 | |
| 13599 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 13600 | |
| 13601 | // Create a Service Instance on a version provided |
| 13602 | [apiInstance createServiceInstanceWith:version |
| 13603 | body:body |
| 13604 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 13605 | if (error) { |
| 13606 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 13607 | } |
| 13608 | }]; |
| 13609 | </code></pre> |
| 13610 | </div> |
| 13611 | |
| 13612 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 13613 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 13614 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 13615 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 13616 | |
| 13617 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 13618 | |
| 13619 | var opts = { |
| 13620 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 13621 | }; |
| 13622 | |
| 13623 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 13624 | if (error) { |
| 13625 | console.error(error); |
| 13626 | } else { |
| 13627 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 13628 | } |
| 13629 | }; |
| 13630 | api.createServiceInstance(version, opts, callback); |
| 13631 | </code></pre> |
| 13632 | </div> |
| 13633 | |
| 13634 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-angular"> |
| 13635 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 13636 | </div>--> |
| 13637 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 13638 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 13639 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 13640 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 13641 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 13642 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 13643 | |
| 13644 | namespace Example |
| 13645 | { |
| 13646 | public class createServiceInstanceExample |
| 13647 | { |
| 13648 | public void main() |
| 13649 | { |
| 13650 | |
| 13651 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13652 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 13653 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 13654 | |
| 13655 | try |
| 13656 | { |
| 13657 | // Create a Service Instance on a version provided |
| 13658 | apiInstance.createServiceInstance(version, body); |
| 13659 | } |
| 13660 | catch (Exception e) |
| 13661 | { |
| 13662 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.createServiceInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 13663 | } |
| 13664 | } |
| 13665 | } |
| 13666 | } |
| 13667 | </code></pre> |
| 13668 | </div> |
| 13669 | |
| 13670 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-php"> |
| 13671 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 13672 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 13673 | |
| 13674 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13675 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 13676 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 13677 | |
| 13678 | try { |
| 13679 | $api_instance->createServiceInstance($version, $body); |
| 13680 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 13681 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createServiceInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 13682 | } |
| 13683 | ?></code></pre> |
| 13684 | </div> |
| 13685 | |
| 13686 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-perl"> |
| 13687 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 13688 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 13689 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 13690 | |
| 13691 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 13692 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 13693 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 13694 | |
| 13695 | eval { |
| 13696 | $api_instance->createServiceInstance(version => $version, body => $body); |
| 13697 | }; |
| 13698 | if ($@) { |
| 13699 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createServiceInstance: $@\n"; |
| 13700 | }</code></pre> |
| 13701 | </div> |
| 13702 | |
| 13703 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createServiceInstance-0-python"> |
| 13704 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 13705 | import time |
| 13706 | import swagger_client |
| 13707 | from import ApiException |
| 13708 | from pprint import pprint |
| 13709 | |
| 13710 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 13711 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 13712 | version = version_example # String | |
| 13713 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 13714 | |
| 13715 | try: |
| 13716 | # Create a Service Instance on a version provided |
| 13717 | api_instance.create_service_instance(version, body=body) |
| 13718 | except ApiException as e: |
| 13719 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createServiceInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 13720 | </div> |
| 13721 | </div> |
| 13722 | |
| 13723 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 13724 | |
| 13725 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 13726 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 13727 | <tr> |
| 13728 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 13729 | <th>Description</th> |
| 13730 | </tr> |
| 13731 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 13732 | <td> |
| 13733 | |
| 13734 | |
| 13735 | <div id="d2e199_createServiceInstance_version"> |
| 13736 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 13737 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 13738 | <span class="type"> |
| 13739 | String |
| 13740 | </span> |
| 13741 | |
| 13742 | </div> |
| 13743 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 13744 | Required |
| 13745 | </div> |
| 13746 | </div> |
| 13747 | </div> |
| 13748 | </td> |
| 13749 | </tr> |
| 13750 | |
| 13751 | </table> |
| 13752 | |
| 13753 | |
| 13754 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 13755 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 13756 | <tr> |
| 13757 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 13758 | <th>Description</th> |
| 13759 | </tr> |
| 13760 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 13761 | <td> |
| 13762 | |
| 13763 | |
| 13764 | <script> |
| 13765 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 13766 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 13767 | "in" : "body", |
| 13768 | "name" : "body", |
| 13769 | "required" : false, |
| 13770 | "schema" : { |
| 13771 | "type" : "string" |
| 13772 | } |
| 13773 | }; |
| 13774 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 13775 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 13776 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 13777 | } else { |
| 13778 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 13779 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 13780 | console.log(err); |
| 13781 | }); |
| 13782 | } |
| 13783 | |
| 13784 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 13785 | var result = $('#d2e199_createServiceInstance_body'); |
| 13786 | result.empty(); |
| 13787 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 13788 | }); |
| 13789 | </script> |
| 13790 | <div id="d2e199_createServiceInstance_body"></div> |
| 13791 | </td> |
| 13792 | </tr> |
| 13793 | |
| 13794 | </table> |
| 13795 | |
| 13796 | |
| 13797 | |
| 13798 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 13799 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 13800 | |
| 13801 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 13802 | </ul> |
| 13803 | |
| 13804 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 13805 | </div> |
| 13806 | |
| 13807 | </article> |
| 13808 | </div> |
| 13809 | <hr> |
| 13810 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance"> |
| 13811 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="createVfModuleInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 13812 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 13813 | <h1>createVfModuleInstance</h1> |
| 13814 | <p>Create VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance</p> |
| 13815 | </div> |
| 13816 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 13817 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 13818 | <p></p> |
| 13819 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 13820 | <p></p> |
| 13821 | <br /> |
| 13822 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules</span></code></pre> |
| 13823 | <p> |
| 13824 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 13825 | </p> |
| 13826 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 13827 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 13828 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 13829 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 13830 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 13831 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 13832 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 13833 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 13834 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 13835 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 13836 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 13837 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 13838 | </ul> |
| 13839 | |
| 13840 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 13841 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 13842 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 13843 | </div> |
| 13844 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-java"> |
| 13845 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 13846 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 13847 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 13848 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 13849 | |
| 13850 | import; |
| 13851 | import java.util.*; |
| 13852 | |
| 13853 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 13854 | |
| 13855 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 13856 | |
| 13857 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13858 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 13859 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13860 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13861 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 13862 | try { |
| 13863 | apiInstance.createVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 13864 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 13865 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createVfModuleInstance"); |
| 13866 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 13867 | } |
| 13868 | } |
| 13869 | }</code></pre> |
| 13870 | </div> |
| 13871 | |
| 13872 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-android"> |
| 13873 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 13874 | |
| 13875 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 13876 | |
| 13877 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 13878 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13879 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 13880 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13881 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13882 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 13883 | try { |
| 13884 | apiInstance.createVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 13885 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 13886 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createVfModuleInstance"); |
| 13887 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 13888 | } |
| 13889 | } |
| 13890 | }</code></pre> |
| 13891 | </div> |
| 13892 | <!-- |
| 13893 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 13894 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 13895 | </div> --> |
| 13896 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-objc"> |
| 13897 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 13898 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 13899 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 13900 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 13901 | |
| 13902 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 13903 | |
| 13904 | // Create VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance |
| 13905 | [apiInstance createVfModuleInstanceWith:version |
| 13906 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 13907 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 13908 | body:body |
| 13909 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 13910 | if (error) { |
| 13911 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 13912 | } |
| 13913 | }]; |
| 13914 | </code></pre> |
| 13915 | </div> |
| 13916 | |
| 13917 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 13918 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 13919 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 13920 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 13921 | |
| 13922 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 13923 | |
| 13924 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 13925 | |
| 13926 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 13927 | |
| 13928 | var opts = { |
| 13929 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 13930 | }; |
| 13931 | |
| 13932 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 13933 | if (error) { |
| 13934 | console.error(error); |
| 13935 | } else { |
| 13936 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 13937 | } |
| 13938 | }; |
| 13939 | api.createVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 13940 | </code></pre> |
| 13941 | </div> |
| 13942 | |
| 13943 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-angular"> |
| 13944 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 13945 | </div>--> |
| 13946 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 13947 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 13948 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 13949 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 13950 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 13951 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 13952 | |
| 13953 | namespace Example |
| 13954 | { |
| 13955 | public class createVfModuleInstanceExample |
| 13956 | { |
| 13957 | public void main() |
| 13958 | { |
| 13959 | |
| 13960 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13961 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 13962 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13963 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13964 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 13965 | |
| 13966 | try |
| 13967 | { |
| 13968 | // Create VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance |
| 13969 | apiInstance.createVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 13970 | } |
| 13971 | catch (Exception e) |
| 13972 | { |
| 13973 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.createVfModuleInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 13974 | } |
| 13975 | } |
| 13976 | } |
| 13977 | } |
| 13978 | </code></pre> |
| 13979 | </div> |
| 13980 | |
| 13981 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-php"> |
| 13982 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 13983 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 13984 | |
| 13985 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 13986 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 13987 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13988 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 13989 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 13990 | |
| 13991 | try { |
| 13992 | $api_instance->createVfModuleInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $body); |
| 13993 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 13994 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createVfModuleInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 13995 | } |
| 13996 | ?></code></pre> |
| 13997 | </div> |
| 13998 | |
| 13999 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-perl"> |
| 14000 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 14001 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 14002 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 14003 | |
| 14004 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 14005 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 14006 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 14007 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 14008 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 14009 | |
| 14010 | eval { |
| 14011 | $api_instance->createVfModuleInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 14012 | }; |
| 14013 | if ($@) { |
| 14014 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createVfModuleInstance: $@\n"; |
| 14015 | }</code></pre> |
| 14016 | </div> |
| 14017 | |
| 14018 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVfModuleInstance-0-python"> |
| 14019 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 14020 | import time |
| 14021 | import swagger_client |
| 14022 | from import ApiException |
| 14023 | from pprint import pprint |
| 14024 | |
| 14025 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 14026 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 14027 | version = version_example # String | |
| 14028 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 14029 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 14030 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 14031 | |
| 14032 | try: |
| 14033 | # Create VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance |
| 14034 | api_instance.create_vf_module_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body=body) |
| 14035 | except ApiException as e: |
| 14036 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createVfModuleInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 14037 | </div> |
| 14038 | </div> |
| 14039 | |
| 14040 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 14041 | |
| 14042 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 14043 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 14044 | <tr> |
| 14045 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 14046 | <th>Description</th> |
| 14047 | </tr> |
| 14048 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 14049 | <td> |
| 14050 | |
| 14051 | |
| 14052 | <div id="d2e199_createVfModuleInstance_version"> |
| 14053 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 14054 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 14055 | <span class="type"> |
| 14056 | String |
| 14057 | </span> |
| 14058 | |
| 14059 | </div> |
| 14060 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 14061 | Required |
| 14062 | </div> |
| 14063 | </div> |
| 14064 | </div> |
| 14065 | </td> |
| 14066 | </tr> |
| 14067 | |
| 14068 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 14069 | <td> |
| 14070 | |
| 14071 | |
| 14072 | <div id="d2e199_createVfModuleInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 14073 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 14074 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 14075 | <span class="type"> |
| 14076 | String |
| 14077 | </span> |
| 14078 | |
| 14079 | </div> |
| 14080 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 14081 | Required |
| 14082 | </div> |
| 14083 | </div> |
| 14084 | </div> |
| 14085 | </td> |
| 14086 | </tr> |
| 14087 | |
| 14088 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 14089 | <td> |
| 14090 | |
| 14091 | |
| 14092 | <div id="d2e199_createVfModuleInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 14093 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 14094 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 14095 | <span class="type"> |
| 14096 | String |
| 14097 | </span> |
| 14098 | |
| 14099 | </div> |
| 14100 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 14101 | Required |
| 14102 | </div> |
| 14103 | </div> |
| 14104 | </div> |
| 14105 | </td> |
| 14106 | </tr> |
| 14107 | |
| 14108 | </table> |
| 14109 | |
| 14110 | |
| 14111 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 14112 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 14113 | <tr> |
| 14114 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 14115 | <th>Description</th> |
| 14116 | </tr> |
| 14117 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 14118 | <td> |
| 14119 | |
| 14120 | |
| 14121 | <script> |
| 14122 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 14123 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 14124 | "in" : "body", |
| 14125 | "name" : "body", |
| 14126 | "required" : false, |
| 14127 | "schema" : { |
| 14128 | "type" : "string" |
| 14129 | } |
| 14130 | }; |
| 14131 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 14132 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 14133 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 14134 | } else { |
| 14135 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 14136 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 14137 | console.log(err); |
| 14138 | }); |
| 14139 | } |
| 14140 | |
| 14141 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 14142 | var result = $('#d2e199_createVfModuleInstance_body'); |
| 14143 | result.empty(); |
| 14144 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 14145 | }); |
| 14146 | </script> |
| 14147 | <div id="d2e199_createVfModuleInstance_body"></div> |
| 14148 | </td> |
| 14149 | </tr> |
| 14150 | |
| 14151 | </table> |
| 14152 | |
| 14153 | |
| 14154 | |
| 14155 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 14156 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 14157 | |
| 14158 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 14159 | </ul> |
| 14160 | |
| 14161 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 14162 | </div> |
| 14163 | |
| 14164 | </article> |
| 14165 | </div> |
| 14166 | <hr> |
| 14167 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance"> |
| 14168 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="createVnfInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 14169 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 14170 | <h1>createVnfInstance</h1> |
| 14171 | <p>Create VNF on a specified version and serviceInstance</p> |
| 14172 | </div> |
| 14173 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 14174 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 14175 | <p></p> |
| 14176 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 14177 | <p></p> |
| 14178 | <br /> |
| 14179 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs</span></code></pre> |
| 14180 | <p> |
| 14181 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 14182 | </p> |
| 14183 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 14184 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 14185 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 14186 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 14187 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 14188 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 14189 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 14190 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 14191 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 14192 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 14193 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 14194 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 14195 | </ul> |
| 14196 | |
| 14197 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 14198 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 14199 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 14200 | </div> |
| 14201 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-java"> |
| 14202 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 14203 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 14204 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 14205 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 14206 | |
| 14207 | import; |
| 14208 | import java.util.*; |
| 14209 | |
| 14210 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 14211 | |
| 14212 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 14213 | |
| 14214 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 14215 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 14216 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14217 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 14218 | try { |
| 14219 | apiInstance.createVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 14220 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 14221 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createVnfInstance"); |
| 14222 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 14223 | } |
| 14224 | } |
| 14225 | }</code></pre> |
| 14226 | </div> |
| 14227 | |
| 14228 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-android"> |
| 14229 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 14230 | |
| 14231 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 14232 | |
| 14233 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 14234 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 14235 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 14236 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14237 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 14238 | try { |
| 14239 | apiInstance.createVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 14240 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 14241 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createVnfInstance"); |
| 14242 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 14243 | } |
| 14244 | } |
| 14245 | }</code></pre> |
| 14246 | </div> |
| 14247 | <!-- |
| 14248 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 14249 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 14250 | </div> --> |
| 14251 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-objc"> |
| 14252 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 14253 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 14254 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 14255 | |
| 14256 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 14257 | |
| 14258 | // Create VNF on a specified version and serviceInstance |
| 14259 | [apiInstance createVnfInstanceWith:version |
| 14260 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 14261 | body:body |
| 14262 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 14263 | if (error) { |
| 14264 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 14265 | } |
| 14266 | }]; |
| 14267 | </code></pre> |
| 14268 | </div> |
| 14269 | |
| 14270 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 14271 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 14272 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 14273 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 14274 | |
| 14275 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 14276 | |
| 14277 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 14278 | |
| 14279 | var opts = { |
| 14280 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 14281 | }; |
| 14282 | |
| 14283 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 14284 | if (error) { |
| 14285 | console.error(error); |
| 14286 | } else { |
| 14287 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 14288 | } |
| 14289 | }; |
| 14290 | api.createVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 14291 | </code></pre> |
| 14292 | </div> |
| 14293 | |
| 14294 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-angular"> |
| 14295 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 14296 | </div>--> |
| 14297 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 14298 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 14299 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 14300 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 14301 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 14302 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 14303 | |
| 14304 | namespace Example |
| 14305 | { |
| 14306 | public class createVnfInstanceExample |
| 14307 | { |
| 14308 | public void main() |
| 14309 | { |
| 14310 | |
| 14311 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 14312 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 14313 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14314 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 14315 | |
| 14316 | try |
| 14317 | { |
| 14318 | // Create VNF on a specified version and serviceInstance |
| 14319 | apiInstance.createVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 14320 | } |
| 14321 | catch (Exception e) |
| 14322 | { |
| 14323 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.createVnfInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 14324 | } |
| 14325 | } |
| 14326 | } |
| 14327 | } |
| 14328 | </code></pre> |
| 14329 | </div> |
| 14330 | |
| 14331 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-php"> |
| 14332 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 14333 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 14334 | |
| 14335 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 14336 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 14337 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14338 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 14339 | |
| 14340 | try { |
| 14341 | $api_instance->createVnfInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $body); |
| 14342 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 14343 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createVnfInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 14344 | } |
| 14345 | ?></code></pre> |
| 14346 | </div> |
| 14347 | |
| 14348 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-perl"> |
| 14349 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 14350 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 14351 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 14352 | |
| 14353 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 14354 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 14355 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 14356 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 14357 | |
| 14358 | eval { |
| 14359 | $api_instance->createVnfInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 14360 | }; |
| 14361 | if ($@) { |
| 14362 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createVnfInstance: $@\n"; |
| 14363 | }</code></pre> |
| 14364 | </div> |
| 14365 | |
| 14366 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVnfInstance-0-python"> |
| 14367 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 14368 | import time |
| 14369 | import swagger_client |
| 14370 | from import ApiException |
| 14371 | from pprint import pprint |
| 14372 | |
| 14373 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 14374 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 14375 | version = version_example # String | |
| 14376 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 14377 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 14378 | |
| 14379 | try: |
| 14380 | # Create VNF on a specified version and serviceInstance |
| 14381 | api_instance.create_vnf_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, body=body) |
| 14382 | except ApiException as e: |
| 14383 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createVnfInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 14384 | </div> |
| 14385 | </div> |
| 14386 | |
| 14387 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 14388 | |
| 14389 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 14390 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 14391 | <tr> |
| 14392 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 14393 | <th>Description</th> |
| 14394 | </tr> |
| 14395 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 14396 | <td> |
| 14397 | |
| 14398 | |
| 14399 | <div id="d2e199_createVnfInstance_version"> |
| 14400 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 14401 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 14402 | <span class="type"> |
| 14403 | String |
| 14404 | </span> |
| 14405 | |
| 14406 | </div> |
| 14407 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 14408 | Required |
| 14409 | </div> |
| 14410 | </div> |
| 14411 | </div> |
| 14412 | </td> |
| 14413 | </tr> |
| 14414 | |
| 14415 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 14416 | <td> |
| 14417 | |
| 14418 | |
| 14419 | <div id="d2e199_createVnfInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 14420 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 14421 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 14422 | <span class="type"> |
| 14423 | String |
| 14424 | </span> |
| 14425 | |
| 14426 | </div> |
| 14427 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 14428 | Required |
| 14429 | </div> |
| 14430 | </div> |
| 14431 | </div> |
| 14432 | </td> |
| 14433 | </tr> |
| 14434 | |
| 14435 | </table> |
| 14436 | |
| 14437 | |
| 14438 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 14439 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 14440 | <tr> |
| 14441 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 14442 | <th>Description</th> |
| 14443 | </tr> |
| 14444 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 14445 | <td> |
| 14446 | |
| 14447 | |
| 14448 | <script> |
| 14449 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 14450 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 14451 | "in" : "body", |
| 14452 | "name" : "body", |
| 14453 | "required" : false, |
| 14454 | "schema" : { |
| 14455 | "type" : "string" |
| 14456 | } |
| 14457 | }; |
| 14458 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 14459 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 14460 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 14461 | } else { |
| 14462 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 14463 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 14464 | console.log(err); |
| 14465 | }); |
| 14466 | } |
| 14467 | |
| 14468 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 14469 | var result = $('#d2e199_createVnfInstance_body'); |
| 14470 | result.empty(); |
| 14471 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 14472 | }); |
| 14473 | </script> |
| 14474 | <div id="d2e199_createVnfInstance_body"></div> |
| 14475 | </td> |
| 14476 | </tr> |
| 14477 | |
| 14478 | </table> |
| 14479 | |
| 14480 | |
| 14481 | |
| 14482 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 14483 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 14484 | |
| 14485 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 14486 | </ul> |
| 14487 | |
| 14488 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 14489 | </div> |
| 14490 | |
| 14491 | </article> |
| 14492 | </div> |
| 14493 | <hr> |
| 14494 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance"> |
| 14495 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="createVolumeGroupInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 14496 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 14497 | <h1>createVolumeGroupInstance</h1> |
| 14498 | <p>Create VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance</p> |
| 14499 | </div> |
| 14500 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 14501 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 14502 | <p></p> |
| 14503 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 14504 | <p></p> |
| 14505 | <br /> |
| 14506 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/volumeGroups</span></code></pre> |
| 14507 | <p> |
| 14508 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 14509 | </p> |
| 14510 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 14511 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 14512 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 14513 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 14514 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 14515 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 14516 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 14517 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 14518 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 14519 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 14520 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 14521 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 14522 | </ul> |
| 14523 | |
| 14524 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 14525 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 14526 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/volumeGroups"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 14527 | </div> |
| 14528 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-java"> |
| 14529 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 14530 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 14531 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 14532 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 14533 | |
| 14534 | import; |
| 14535 | import java.util.*; |
| 14536 | |
| 14537 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 14538 | |
| 14539 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 14540 | |
| 14541 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 14542 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 14543 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14544 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14545 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 14546 | try { |
| 14547 | apiInstance.createVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 14548 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 14549 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createVolumeGroupInstance"); |
| 14550 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 14551 | } |
| 14552 | } |
| 14553 | }</code></pre> |
| 14554 | </div> |
| 14555 | |
| 14556 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-android"> |
| 14557 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 14558 | |
| 14559 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 14560 | |
| 14561 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 14562 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 14563 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 14564 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14565 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14566 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 14567 | try { |
| 14568 | apiInstance.createVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 14569 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 14570 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#createVolumeGroupInstance"); |
| 14571 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 14572 | } |
| 14573 | } |
| 14574 | }</code></pre> |
| 14575 | </div> |
| 14576 | <!-- |
| 14577 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 14578 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 14579 | </div> --> |
| 14580 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-objc"> |
| 14581 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 14582 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 14583 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 14584 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 14585 | |
| 14586 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 14587 | |
| 14588 | // Create VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance |
| 14589 | [apiInstance createVolumeGroupInstanceWith:version |
| 14590 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 14591 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 14592 | body:body |
| 14593 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 14594 | if (error) { |
| 14595 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 14596 | } |
| 14597 | }]; |
| 14598 | </code></pre> |
| 14599 | </div> |
| 14600 | |
| 14601 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 14602 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 14603 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 14604 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 14605 | |
| 14606 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 14607 | |
| 14608 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 14609 | |
| 14610 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 14611 | |
| 14612 | var opts = { |
| 14613 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 14614 | }; |
| 14615 | |
| 14616 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 14617 | if (error) { |
| 14618 | console.error(error); |
| 14619 | } else { |
| 14620 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 14621 | } |
| 14622 | }; |
| 14623 | api.createVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 14624 | </code></pre> |
| 14625 | </div> |
| 14626 | |
| 14627 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-angular"> |
| 14628 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 14629 | </div>--> |
| 14630 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 14631 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 14632 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 14633 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 14634 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 14635 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 14636 | |
| 14637 | namespace Example |
| 14638 | { |
| 14639 | public class createVolumeGroupInstanceExample |
| 14640 | { |
| 14641 | public void main() |
| 14642 | { |
| 14643 | |
| 14644 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 14645 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 14646 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14647 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14648 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 14649 | |
| 14650 | try |
| 14651 | { |
| 14652 | // Create VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance |
| 14653 | apiInstance.createVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 14654 | } |
| 14655 | catch (Exception e) |
| 14656 | { |
| 14657 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.createVolumeGroupInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 14658 | } |
| 14659 | } |
| 14660 | } |
| 14661 | } |
| 14662 | </code></pre> |
| 14663 | </div> |
| 14664 | |
| 14665 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-php"> |
| 14666 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 14667 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 14668 | |
| 14669 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 14670 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 14671 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14672 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14673 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 14674 | |
| 14675 | try { |
| 14676 | $api_instance->createVolumeGroupInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $body); |
| 14677 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 14678 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createVolumeGroupInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 14679 | } |
| 14680 | ?></code></pre> |
| 14681 | </div> |
| 14682 | |
| 14683 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-perl"> |
| 14684 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 14685 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 14686 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 14687 | |
| 14688 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 14689 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 14690 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 14691 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 14692 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 14693 | |
| 14694 | eval { |
| 14695 | $api_instance->createVolumeGroupInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 14696 | }; |
| 14697 | if ($@) { |
| 14698 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createVolumeGroupInstance: $@\n"; |
| 14699 | }</code></pre> |
| 14700 | </div> |
| 14701 | |
| 14702 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-createVolumeGroupInstance-0-python"> |
| 14703 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 14704 | import time |
| 14705 | import swagger_client |
| 14706 | from import ApiException |
| 14707 | from pprint import pprint |
| 14708 | |
| 14709 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 14710 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 14711 | version = version_example # String | |
| 14712 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 14713 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 14714 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 14715 | |
| 14716 | try: |
| 14717 | # Create VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance |
| 14718 | api_instance.create_volume_group_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body=body) |
| 14719 | except ApiException as e: |
| 14720 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->createVolumeGroupInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 14721 | </div> |
| 14722 | </div> |
| 14723 | |
| 14724 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 14725 | |
| 14726 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 14727 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 14728 | <tr> |
| 14729 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 14730 | <th>Description</th> |
| 14731 | </tr> |
| 14732 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 14733 | <td> |
| 14734 | |
| 14735 | |
| 14736 | <div id="d2e199_createVolumeGroupInstance_version"> |
| 14737 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 14738 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 14739 | <span class="type"> |
| 14740 | String |
| 14741 | </span> |
| 14742 | |
| 14743 | </div> |
| 14744 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 14745 | Required |
| 14746 | </div> |
| 14747 | </div> |
| 14748 | </div> |
| 14749 | </td> |
| 14750 | </tr> |
| 14751 | |
| 14752 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 14753 | <td> |
| 14754 | |
| 14755 | |
| 14756 | <div id="d2e199_createVolumeGroupInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 14757 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 14758 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 14759 | <span class="type"> |
| 14760 | String |
| 14761 | </span> |
| 14762 | |
| 14763 | </div> |
| 14764 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 14765 | Required |
| 14766 | </div> |
| 14767 | </div> |
| 14768 | </div> |
| 14769 | </td> |
| 14770 | </tr> |
| 14771 | |
| 14772 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 14773 | <td> |
| 14774 | |
| 14775 | |
| 14776 | <div id="d2e199_createVolumeGroupInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 14777 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 14778 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 14779 | <span class="type"> |
| 14780 | String |
| 14781 | </span> |
| 14782 | |
| 14783 | </div> |
| 14784 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 14785 | Required |
| 14786 | </div> |
| 14787 | </div> |
| 14788 | </div> |
| 14789 | </td> |
| 14790 | </tr> |
| 14791 | |
| 14792 | </table> |
| 14793 | |
| 14794 | |
| 14795 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 14796 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 14797 | <tr> |
| 14798 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 14799 | <th>Description</th> |
| 14800 | </tr> |
| 14801 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 14802 | <td> |
| 14803 | |
| 14804 | |
| 14805 | <script> |
| 14806 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 14807 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 14808 | "in" : "body", |
| 14809 | "name" : "body", |
| 14810 | "required" : false, |
| 14811 | "schema" : { |
| 14812 | "type" : "string" |
| 14813 | } |
| 14814 | }; |
| 14815 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 14816 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 14817 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 14818 | } else { |
| 14819 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 14820 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 14821 | console.log(err); |
| 14822 | }); |
| 14823 | } |
| 14824 | |
| 14825 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 14826 | var result = $('#d2e199_createVolumeGroupInstance_body'); |
| 14827 | result.empty(); |
| 14828 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 14829 | }); |
| 14830 | </script> |
| 14831 | <div id="d2e199_createVolumeGroupInstance_body"></div> |
| 14832 | </td> |
| 14833 | </tr> |
| 14834 | |
| 14835 | </table> |
| 14836 | |
| 14837 | |
| 14838 | |
| 14839 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 14840 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 14841 | |
| 14842 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 14843 | </ul> |
| 14844 | |
| 14845 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 14846 | </div> |
| 14847 | |
| 14848 | </article> |
| 14849 | </div> |
| 14850 | <hr> |
| 14851 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance"> |
| 14852 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 14853 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 14854 | <h1>deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance</h1> |
| 14855 | <p>Deactivate and Cloud Delete VfModule instance</p> |
| 14856 | </div> |
| 14857 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 14858 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 14859 | <p></p> |
| 14860 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 14861 | <p></p> |
| 14862 | <br /> |
| 14863 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/{vfmoduleInstanceId}/deactivateAndCloudDelete</span></code></pre> |
| 14864 | <p> |
| 14865 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 14866 | </p> |
| 14867 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 14868 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 14869 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 14870 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 14871 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 14872 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 14873 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 14874 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 14875 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 14876 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 14877 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 14878 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 14879 | </ul> |
| 14880 | |
| 14881 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 14882 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 14883 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/{vfmoduleInstanceId}/deactivateAndCloudDelete"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 14884 | </div> |
| 14885 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-java"> |
| 14886 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 14887 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 14888 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 14889 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 14890 | |
| 14891 | import; |
| 14892 | import java.util.*; |
| 14893 | |
| 14894 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 14895 | |
| 14896 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 14897 | |
| 14898 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 14899 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 14900 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14901 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14902 | String vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14903 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 14904 | try { |
| 14905 | apiInstance.deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 14906 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 14907 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance"); |
| 14908 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 14909 | } |
| 14910 | } |
| 14911 | }</code></pre> |
| 14912 | </div> |
| 14913 | |
| 14914 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-android"> |
| 14915 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 14916 | |
| 14917 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 14918 | |
| 14919 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 14920 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 14921 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 14922 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14923 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14924 | String vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 14925 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 14926 | try { |
| 14927 | apiInstance.deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 14928 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 14929 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance"); |
| 14930 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 14931 | } |
| 14932 | } |
| 14933 | }</code></pre> |
| 14934 | </div> |
| 14935 | <!-- |
| 14936 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 14937 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 14938 | </div> --> |
| 14939 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-objc"> |
| 14940 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 14941 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 14942 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 14943 | String *vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // |
| 14944 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 14945 | |
| 14946 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 14947 | |
| 14948 | // Deactivate and Cloud Delete VfModule instance |
| 14949 | [apiInstance deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstanceWith:version |
| 14950 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 14951 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 14952 | vfmoduleInstanceId:vfmoduleInstanceId |
| 14953 | body:body |
| 14954 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 14955 | if (error) { |
| 14956 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 14957 | } |
| 14958 | }]; |
| 14959 | </code></pre> |
| 14960 | </div> |
| 14961 | |
| 14962 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 14963 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 14964 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 14965 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 14966 | |
| 14967 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 14968 | |
| 14969 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 14970 | |
| 14971 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 14972 | |
| 14973 | var vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 14974 | |
| 14975 | var opts = { |
| 14976 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 14977 | }; |
| 14978 | |
| 14979 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 14980 | if (error) { |
| 14981 | console.error(error); |
| 14982 | } else { |
| 14983 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 14984 | } |
| 14985 | }; |
| 14986 | api.deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 14987 | </code></pre> |
| 14988 | </div> |
| 14989 | |
| 14990 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-angular"> |
| 14991 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 14992 | </div>--> |
| 14993 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 14994 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 14995 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 14996 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 14997 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 14998 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 14999 | |
| 15000 | namespace Example |
| 15001 | { |
| 15002 | public class deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstanceExample |
| 15003 | { |
| 15004 | public void main() |
| 15005 | { |
| 15006 | |
| 15007 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15008 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 15009 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15010 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15011 | var vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15012 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 15013 | |
| 15014 | try |
| 15015 | { |
| 15016 | // Deactivate and Cloud Delete VfModule instance |
| 15017 | apiInstance.deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 15018 | } |
| 15019 | catch (Exception e) |
| 15020 | { |
| 15021 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 15022 | } |
| 15023 | } |
| 15024 | } |
| 15025 | } |
| 15026 | </code></pre> |
| 15027 | </div> |
| 15028 | |
| 15029 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-php"> |
| 15030 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 15031 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 15032 | |
| 15033 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15034 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 15035 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15036 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15037 | $vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15038 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 15039 | |
| 15040 | try { |
| 15041 | $api_instance->deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $vfmoduleInstanceId, $body); |
| 15042 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 15043 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 15044 | } |
| 15045 | ?></code></pre> |
| 15046 | </div> |
| 15047 | |
| 15048 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-perl"> |
| 15049 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 15050 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 15051 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 15052 | |
| 15053 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 15054 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 15055 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 15056 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 15057 | my $vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 15058 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 15059 | |
| 15060 | eval { |
| 15061 | $api_instance->deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId => $vfmoduleInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 15062 | }; |
| 15063 | if ($@) { |
| 15064 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance: $@\n"; |
| 15065 | }</code></pre> |
| 15066 | </div> |
| 15067 | |
| 15068 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance-0-python"> |
| 15069 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 15070 | import time |
| 15071 | import swagger_client |
| 15072 | from import ApiException |
| 15073 | from pprint import pprint |
| 15074 | |
| 15075 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 15076 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 15077 | version = version_example # String | |
| 15078 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 15079 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 15080 | vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example # String | |
| 15081 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 15082 | |
| 15083 | try: |
| 15084 | # Deactivate and Cloud Delete VfModule instance |
| 15085 | api_instance.deactivate_and_cloud_delete_vf_module_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body=body) |
| 15086 | except ApiException as e: |
| 15087 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 15088 | </div> |
| 15089 | </div> |
| 15090 | |
| 15091 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 15092 | |
| 15093 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 15094 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 15095 | <tr> |
| 15096 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 15097 | <th>Description</th> |
| 15098 | </tr> |
| 15099 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 15100 | <td> |
| 15101 | |
| 15102 | |
| 15103 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance_version"> |
| 15104 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 15105 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 15106 | <span class="type"> |
| 15107 | String |
| 15108 | </span> |
| 15109 | |
| 15110 | </div> |
| 15111 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 15112 | Required |
| 15113 | </div> |
| 15114 | </div> |
| 15115 | </div> |
| 15116 | </td> |
| 15117 | </tr> |
| 15118 | |
| 15119 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 15120 | <td> |
| 15121 | |
| 15122 | |
| 15123 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 15124 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 15125 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 15126 | <span class="type"> |
| 15127 | String |
| 15128 | </span> |
| 15129 | |
| 15130 | </div> |
| 15131 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 15132 | Required |
| 15133 | </div> |
| 15134 | </div> |
| 15135 | </div> |
| 15136 | </td> |
| 15137 | </tr> |
| 15138 | |
| 15139 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 15140 | <td> |
| 15141 | |
| 15142 | |
| 15143 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 15144 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 15145 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 15146 | <span class="type"> |
| 15147 | String |
| 15148 | </span> |
| 15149 | |
| 15150 | </div> |
| 15151 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 15152 | Required |
| 15153 | </div> |
| 15154 | </div> |
| 15155 | </div> |
| 15156 | </td> |
| 15157 | </tr> |
| 15158 | |
| 15159 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vfmoduleInstanceId*</td> |
| 15160 | <td> |
| 15161 | |
| 15162 | |
| 15163 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance_vfmoduleInstanceId"> |
| 15164 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 15165 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 15166 | <span class="type"> |
| 15167 | String |
| 15168 | </span> |
| 15169 | |
| 15170 | </div> |
| 15171 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 15172 | Required |
| 15173 | </div> |
| 15174 | </div> |
| 15175 | </div> |
| 15176 | </td> |
| 15177 | </tr> |
| 15178 | |
| 15179 | </table> |
| 15180 | |
| 15181 | |
| 15182 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 15183 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 15184 | <tr> |
| 15185 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 15186 | <th>Description</th> |
| 15187 | </tr> |
| 15188 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 15189 | <td> |
| 15190 | |
| 15191 | |
| 15192 | <script> |
| 15193 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 15194 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 15195 | "in" : "body", |
| 15196 | "name" : "body", |
| 15197 | "required" : false, |
| 15198 | "schema" : { |
| 15199 | "type" : "string" |
| 15200 | } |
| 15201 | }; |
| 15202 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 15203 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 15204 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 15205 | } else { |
| 15206 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 15207 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 15208 | console.log(err); |
| 15209 | }); |
| 15210 | } |
| 15211 | |
| 15212 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 15213 | var result = $('#d2e199_deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance_body'); |
| 15214 | result.empty(); |
| 15215 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 15216 | }); |
| 15217 | </script> |
| 15218 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateAndCloudDeleteVfModuleInstance_body"></div> |
| 15219 | </td> |
| 15220 | </tr> |
| 15221 | |
| 15222 | </table> |
| 15223 | |
| 15224 | |
| 15225 | |
| 15226 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 15227 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 15228 | |
| 15229 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 15230 | </ul> |
| 15231 | |
| 15232 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 15233 | </div> |
| 15234 | |
| 15235 | </article> |
| 15236 | </div> |
| 15237 | <hr> |
| 15238 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort"> |
| 15239 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0" data-group="User" data-name="deactivatePort" data-version="0"> |
| 15240 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 15241 | <h1>deactivatePort</h1> |
| 15242 | <p>Deactivate Port Mirroring</p> |
| 15243 | </div> |
| 15244 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 15245 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 15246 | <p></p> |
| 15247 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 15248 | <p></p> |
| 15249 | <br /> |
| 15250 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations/{configurationInstanceId}/deactivate</span></code></pre> |
| 15251 | <p> |
| 15252 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 15253 | </p> |
| 15254 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 15255 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 15256 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 15257 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 15258 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 15259 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 15260 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 15261 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 15262 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 15263 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 15264 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 15265 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 15266 | </ul> |
| 15267 | |
| 15268 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 15269 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 15270 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations/{configurationInstanceId}/deactivate"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 15271 | </div> |
| 15272 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-java"> |
| 15273 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 15274 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 15275 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 15276 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 15277 | |
| 15278 | import; |
| 15279 | import java.util.*; |
| 15280 | |
| 15281 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 15282 | |
| 15283 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 15284 | |
| 15285 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15286 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 15287 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15288 | String configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15289 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 15290 | try { |
| 15291 | apiInstance.deactivatePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 15292 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 15293 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deactivatePort"); |
| 15294 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 15295 | } |
| 15296 | } |
| 15297 | }</code></pre> |
| 15298 | </div> |
| 15299 | |
| 15300 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-android"> |
| 15301 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 15302 | |
| 15303 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 15304 | |
| 15305 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 15306 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15307 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 15308 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15309 | String configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15310 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 15311 | try { |
| 15312 | apiInstance.deactivatePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 15313 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 15314 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deactivatePort"); |
| 15315 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 15316 | } |
| 15317 | } |
| 15318 | }</code></pre> |
| 15319 | </div> |
| 15320 | <!-- |
| 15321 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-groovy"> |
| 15322 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 15323 | </div> --> |
| 15324 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-objc"> |
| 15325 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 15326 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 15327 | String *configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // |
| 15328 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 15329 | |
| 15330 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 15331 | |
| 15332 | // Deactivate Port Mirroring |
| 15333 | [apiInstance deactivatePortWith:version |
| 15334 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 15335 | configurationInstanceId:configurationInstanceId |
| 15336 | body:body |
| 15337 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 15338 | if (error) { |
| 15339 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 15340 | } |
| 15341 | }]; |
| 15342 | </code></pre> |
| 15343 | </div> |
| 15344 | |
| 15345 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 15346 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 15347 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 15348 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 15349 | |
| 15350 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 15351 | |
| 15352 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 15353 | |
| 15354 | var configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 15355 | |
| 15356 | var opts = { |
| 15357 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 15358 | }; |
| 15359 | |
| 15360 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 15361 | if (error) { |
| 15362 | console.error(error); |
| 15363 | } else { |
| 15364 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 15365 | } |
| 15366 | }; |
| 15367 | api.deactivatePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 15368 | </code></pre> |
| 15369 | </div> |
| 15370 | |
| 15371 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-angular"> |
| 15372 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 15373 | </div>--> |
| 15374 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-csharp"> |
| 15375 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 15376 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 15377 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 15378 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 15379 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 15380 | |
| 15381 | namespace Example |
| 15382 | { |
| 15383 | public class deactivatePortExample |
| 15384 | { |
| 15385 | public void main() |
| 15386 | { |
| 15387 | |
| 15388 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15389 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 15390 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15391 | var configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15392 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 15393 | |
| 15394 | try |
| 15395 | { |
| 15396 | // Deactivate Port Mirroring |
| 15397 | apiInstance.deactivatePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 15398 | } |
| 15399 | catch (Exception e) |
| 15400 | { |
| 15401 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.deactivatePort: " + e.Message ); |
| 15402 | } |
| 15403 | } |
| 15404 | } |
| 15405 | } |
| 15406 | </code></pre> |
| 15407 | </div> |
| 15408 | |
| 15409 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-php"> |
| 15410 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 15411 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 15412 | |
| 15413 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15414 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 15415 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15416 | $configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15417 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 15418 | |
| 15419 | try { |
| 15420 | $api_instance->deactivatePort($version, $serviceInstanceId, $configurationInstanceId, $body); |
| 15421 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 15422 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deactivatePort: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 15423 | } |
| 15424 | ?></code></pre> |
| 15425 | </div> |
| 15426 | |
| 15427 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-perl"> |
| 15428 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 15429 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 15430 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 15431 | |
| 15432 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 15433 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 15434 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 15435 | my $configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 15436 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 15437 | |
| 15438 | eval { |
| 15439 | $api_instance->deactivatePort(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId => $configurationInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 15440 | }; |
| 15441 | if ($@) { |
| 15442 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deactivatePort: $@\n"; |
| 15443 | }</code></pre> |
| 15444 | </div> |
| 15445 | |
| 15446 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivatePort-0-python"> |
| 15447 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 15448 | import time |
| 15449 | import swagger_client |
| 15450 | from import ApiException |
| 15451 | from pprint import pprint |
| 15452 | |
| 15453 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 15454 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 15455 | version = version_example # String | |
| 15456 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 15457 | configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example # String | |
| 15458 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 15459 | |
| 15460 | try: |
| 15461 | # Deactivate Port Mirroring |
| 15462 | api_instance.deactivate_port(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body=body) |
| 15463 | except ApiException as e: |
| 15464 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deactivatePort: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 15465 | </div> |
| 15466 | </div> |
| 15467 | |
| 15468 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 15469 | |
| 15470 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 15471 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 15472 | <tr> |
| 15473 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 15474 | <th>Description</th> |
| 15475 | </tr> |
| 15476 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 15477 | <td> |
| 15478 | |
| 15479 | |
| 15480 | <div id="d2e199_deactivatePort_version"> |
| 15481 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 15482 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 15483 | <span class="type"> |
| 15484 | String |
| 15485 | </span> |
| 15486 | |
| 15487 | </div> |
| 15488 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 15489 | Required |
| 15490 | </div> |
| 15491 | </div> |
| 15492 | </div> |
| 15493 | </td> |
| 15494 | </tr> |
| 15495 | |
| 15496 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 15497 | <td> |
| 15498 | |
| 15499 | |
| 15500 | <div id="d2e199_deactivatePort_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 15501 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 15502 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 15503 | <span class="type"> |
| 15504 | String |
| 15505 | </span> |
| 15506 | |
| 15507 | </div> |
| 15508 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 15509 | Required |
| 15510 | </div> |
| 15511 | </div> |
| 15512 | </div> |
| 15513 | </td> |
| 15514 | </tr> |
| 15515 | |
| 15516 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">configurationInstanceId*</td> |
| 15517 | <td> |
| 15518 | |
| 15519 | |
| 15520 | <div id="d2e199_deactivatePort_configurationInstanceId"> |
| 15521 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 15522 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 15523 | <span class="type"> |
| 15524 | String |
| 15525 | </span> |
| 15526 | |
| 15527 | </div> |
| 15528 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 15529 | Required |
| 15530 | </div> |
| 15531 | </div> |
| 15532 | </div> |
| 15533 | </td> |
| 15534 | </tr> |
| 15535 | |
| 15536 | </table> |
| 15537 | |
| 15538 | |
| 15539 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 15540 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 15541 | <tr> |
| 15542 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 15543 | <th>Description</th> |
| 15544 | </tr> |
| 15545 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 15546 | <td> |
| 15547 | |
| 15548 | |
| 15549 | <script> |
| 15550 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 15551 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 15552 | "in" : "body", |
| 15553 | "name" : "body", |
| 15554 | "required" : false, |
| 15555 | "schema" : { |
| 15556 | "type" : "string" |
| 15557 | } |
| 15558 | }; |
| 15559 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 15560 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 15561 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 15562 | } else { |
| 15563 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 15564 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 15565 | console.log(err); |
| 15566 | }); |
| 15567 | } |
| 15568 | |
| 15569 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 15570 | var result = $('#d2e199_deactivatePort_body'); |
| 15571 | result.empty(); |
| 15572 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 15573 | }); |
| 15574 | </script> |
| 15575 | <div id="d2e199_deactivatePort_body"></div> |
| 15576 | </td> |
| 15577 | </tr> |
| 15578 | |
| 15579 | </table> |
| 15580 | |
| 15581 | |
| 15582 | |
| 15583 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 15584 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 15585 | |
| 15586 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 15587 | </ul> |
| 15588 | |
| 15589 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 15590 | </div> |
| 15591 | |
| 15592 | </article> |
| 15593 | </div> |
| 15594 | <hr> |
| 15595 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance"> |
| 15596 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="deactivateServiceInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 15597 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 15598 | <h1>deactivateServiceInstance</h1> |
| 15599 | <p>Deactivate provided Service Instance</p> |
| 15600 | </div> |
| 15601 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 15602 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 15603 | <p></p> |
| 15604 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 15605 | <p></p> |
| 15606 | <br /> |
| 15607 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/deactivate</span></code></pre> |
| 15608 | <p> |
| 15609 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 15610 | </p> |
| 15611 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 15612 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 15613 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 15614 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 15615 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 15616 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 15617 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 15618 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 15619 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 15620 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 15621 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 15622 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 15623 | </ul> |
| 15624 | |
| 15625 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 15626 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 15627 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/deactivate"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 15628 | </div> |
| 15629 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-java"> |
| 15630 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 15631 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 15632 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 15633 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 15634 | |
| 15635 | import; |
| 15636 | import java.util.*; |
| 15637 | |
| 15638 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 15639 | |
| 15640 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 15641 | |
| 15642 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15643 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 15644 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15645 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 15646 | try { |
| 15647 | apiInstance.deactivateServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 15648 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 15649 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deactivateServiceInstance"); |
| 15650 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 15651 | } |
| 15652 | } |
| 15653 | }</code></pre> |
| 15654 | </div> |
| 15655 | |
| 15656 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-android"> |
| 15657 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 15658 | |
| 15659 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 15660 | |
| 15661 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 15662 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15663 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 15664 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15665 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 15666 | try { |
| 15667 | apiInstance.deactivateServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 15668 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 15669 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deactivateServiceInstance"); |
| 15670 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 15671 | } |
| 15672 | } |
| 15673 | }</code></pre> |
| 15674 | </div> |
| 15675 | <!-- |
| 15676 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 15677 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 15678 | </div> --> |
| 15679 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-objc"> |
| 15680 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 15681 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 15682 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 15683 | |
| 15684 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 15685 | |
| 15686 | // Deactivate provided Service Instance |
| 15687 | [apiInstance deactivateServiceInstanceWith:version |
| 15688 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 15689 | body:body |
| 15690 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 15691 | if (error) { |
| 15692 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 15693 | } |
| 15694 | }]; |
| 15695 | </code></pre> |
| 15696 | </div> |
| 15697 | |
| 15698 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 15699 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 15700 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 15701 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 15702 | |
| 15703 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 15704 | |
| 15705 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 15706 | |
| 15707 | var opts = { |
| 15708 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 15709 | }; |
| 15710 | |
| 15711 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 15712 | if (error) { |
| 15713 | console.error(error); |
| 15714 | } else { |
| 15715 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 15716 | } |
| 15717 | }; |
| 15718 | api.deactivateServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 15719 | </code></pre> |
| 15720 | </div> |
| 15721 | |
| 15722 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-angular"> |
| 15723 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 15724 | </div>--> |
| 15725 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 15726 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 15727 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 15728 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 15729 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 15730 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 15731 | |
| 15732 | namespace Example |
| 15733 | { |
| 15734 | public class deactivateServiceInstanceExample |
| 15735 | { |
| 15736 | public void main() |
| 15737 | { |
| 15738 | |
| 15739 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15740 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 15741 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15742 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 15743 | |
| 15744 | try |
| 15745 | { |
| 15746 | // Deactivate provided Service Instance |
| 15747 | apiInstance.deactivateServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 15748 | } |
| 15749 | catch (Exception e) |
| 15750 | { |
| 15751 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.deactivateServiceInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 15752 | } |
| 15753 | } |
| 15754 | } |
| 15755 | } |
| 15756 | </code></pre> |
| 15757 | </div> |
| 15758 | |
| 15759 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-php"> |
| 15760 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 15761 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 15762 | |
| 15763 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15764 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 15765 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15766 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 15767 | |
| 15768 | try { |
| 15769 | $api_instance->deactivateServiceInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $body); |
| 15770 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 15771 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deactivateServiceInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 15772 | } |
| 15773 | ?></code></pre> |
| 15774 | </div> |
| 15775 | |
| 15776 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-perl"> |
| 15777 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 15778 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 15779 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 15780 | |
| 15781 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 15782 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 15783 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 15784 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 15785 | |
| 15786 | eval { |
| 15787 | $api_instance->deactivateServiceInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 15788 | }; |
| 15789 | if ($@) { |
| 15790 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deactivateServiceInstance: $@\n"; |
| 15791 | }</code></pre> |
| 15792 | </div> |
| 15793 | |
| 15794 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deactivateServiceInstance-0-python"> |
| 15795 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 15796 | import time |
| 15797 | import swagger_client |
| 15798 | from import ApiException |
| 15799 | from pprint import pprint |
| 15800 | |
| 15801 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 15802 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 15803 | version = version_example # String | |
| 15804 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 15805 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 15806 | |
| 15807 | try: |
| 15808 | # Deactivate provided Service Instance |
| 15809 | api_instance.deactivate_service_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, body=body) |
| 15810 | except ApiException as e: |
| 15811 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deactivateServiceInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 15812 | </div> |
| 15813 | </div> |
| 15814 | |
| 15815 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 15816 | |
| 15817 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 15818 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 15819 | <tr> |
| 15820 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 15821 | <th>Description</th> |
| 15822 | </tr> |
| 15823 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 15824 | <td> |
| 15825 | |
| 15826 | |
| 15827 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateServiceInstance_version"> |
| 15828 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 15829 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 15830 | <span class="type"> |
| 15831 | String |
| 15832 | </span> |
| 15833 | |
| 15834 | </div> |
| 15835 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 15836 | Required |
| 15837 | </div> |
| 15838 | </div> |
| 15839 | </div> |
| 15840 | </td> |
| 15841 | </tr> |
| 15842 | |
| 15843 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 15844 | <td> |
| 15845 | |
| 15846 | |
| 15847 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateServiceInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 15848 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 15849 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 15850 | <span class="type"> |
| 15851 | String |
| 15852 | </span> |
| 15853 | |
| 15854 | </div> |
| 15855 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 15856 | Required |
| 15857 | </div> |
| 15858 | </div> |
| 15859 | </div> |
| 15860 | </td> |
| 15861 | </tr> |
| 15862 | |
| 15863 | </table> |
| 15864 | |
| 15865 | |
| 15866 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 15867 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 15868 | <tr> |
| 15869 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 15870 | <th>Description</th> |
| 15871 | </tr> |
| 15872 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 15873 | <td> |
| 15874 | |
| 15875 | |
| 15876 | <script> |
| 15877 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 15878 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 15879 | "in" : "body", |
| 15880 | "name" : "body", |
| 15881 | "required" : false, |
| 15882 | "schema" : { |
| 15883 | "type" : "string" |
| 15884 | } |
| 15885 | }; |
| 15886 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 15887 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 15888 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 15889 | } else { |
| 15890 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 15891 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 15892 | console.log(err); |
| 15893 | }); |
| 15894 | } |
| 15895 | |
| 15896 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 15897 | var result = $('#d2e199_deactivateServiceInstance_body'); |
| 15898 | result.empty(); |
| 15899 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 15900 | }); |
| 15901 | </script> |
| 15902 | <div id="d2e199_deactivateServiceInstance_body"></div> |
| 15903 | </td> |
| 15904 | </tr> |
| 15905 | |
| 15906 | </table> |
| 15907 | |
| 15908 | |
| 15909 | |
| 15910 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 15911 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 15912 | |
| 15913 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 15914 | </ul> |
| 15915 | |
| 15916 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 15917 | </div> |
| 15918 | |
| 15919 | </article> |
| 15920 | </div> |
| 15921 | <hr> |
| 15922 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance"> |
| 15923 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="deleteNetworkInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 15924 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 15925 | <h1>deleteNetworkInstance</h1> |
| 15926 | <p>Delete provided Network instance</p> |
| 15927 | </div> |
| 15928 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 15929 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 15930 | <p></p> |
| 15931 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 15932 | <p></p> |
| 15933 | <br /> |
| 15934 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="delete"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/networks/{networkInstanceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 15935 | <p> |
| 15936 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 15937 | </p> |
| 15938 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 15939 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 15940 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 15941 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 15942 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 15943 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 15944 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 15945 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 15946 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 15947 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 15948 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 15949 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 15950 | </ul> |
| 15951 | |
| 15952 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 15953 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 15954 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/networks/{networkInstanceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 15955 | </div> |
| 15956 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-java"> |
| 15957 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 15958 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 15959 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 15960 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 15961 | |
| 15962 | import; |
| 15963 | import java.util.*; |
| 15964 | |
| 15965 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 15966 | |
| 15967 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 15968 | |
| 15969 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15970 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 15971 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15972 | String networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15973 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 15974 | try { |
| 15975 | apiInstance.deleteNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId, body); |
| 15976 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 15977 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deleteNetworkInstance"); |
| 15978 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 15979 | } |
| 15980 | } |
| 15981 | }</code></pre> |
| 15982 | </div> |
| 15983 | |
| 15984 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-android"> |
| 15985 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 15986 | |
| 15987 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 15988 | |
| 15989 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 15990 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 15991 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 15992 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15993 | String networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 15994 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 15995 | try { |
| 15996 | apiInstance.deleteNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId, body); |
| 15997 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 15998 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deleteNetworkInstance"); |
| 15999 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 16000 | } |
| 16001 | } |
| 16002 | }</code></pre> |
| 16003 | </div> |
| 16004 | <!-- |
| 16005 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 16006 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 16007 | </div> --> |
| 16008 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-objc"> |
| 16009 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 16010 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 16011 | String *networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // |
| 16012 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 16013 | |
| 16014 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 16015 | |
| 16016 | // Delete provided Network instance |
| 16017 | [apiInstance deleteNetworkInstanceWith:version |
| 16018 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 16019 | networkInstanceId:networkInstanceId |
| 16020 | body:body |
| 16021 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 16022 | if (error) { |
| 16023 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 16024 | } |
| 16025 | }]; |
| 16026 | </code></pre> |
| 16027 | </div> |
| 16028 | |
| 16029 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 16030 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 16031 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 16032 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 16033 | |
| 16034 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 16035 | |
| 16036 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 16037 | |
| 16038 | var networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 16039 | |
| 16040 | var opts = { |
| 16041 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 16042 | }; |
| 16043 | |
| 16044 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 16045 | if (error) { |
| 16046 | console.error(error); |
| 16047 | } else { |
| 16048 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 16049 | } |
| 16050 | }; |
| 16051 | api.deleteNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 16052 | </code></pre> |
| 16053 | </div> |
| 16054 | |
| 16055 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-angular"> |
| 16056 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 16057 | </div>--> |
| 16058 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 16059 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 16060 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 16061 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 16062 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 16063 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 16064 | |
| 16065 | namespace Example |
| 16066 | { |
| 16067 | public class deleteNetworkInstanceExample |
| 16068 | { |
| 16069 | public void main() |
| 16070 | { |
| 16071 | |
| 16072 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 16073 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 16074 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16075 | var networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16076 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 16077 | |
| 16078 | try |
| 16079 | { |
| 16080 | // Delete provided Network instance |
| 16081 | apiInstance.deleteNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId, body); |
| 16082 | } |
| 16083 | catch (Exception e) |
| 16084 | { |
| 16085 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.deleteNetworkInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 16086 | } |
| 16087 | } |
| 16088 | } |
| 16089 | } |
| 16090 | </code></pre> |
| 16091 | </div> |
| 16092 | |
| 16093 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-php"> |
| 16094 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 16095 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 16096 | |
| 16097 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 16098 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 16099 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16100 | $networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16101 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 16102 | |
| 16103 | try { |
| 16104 | $api_instance->deleteNetworkInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $networkInstanceId, $body); |
| 16105 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 16106 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteNetworkInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 16107 | } |
| 16108 | ?></code></pre> |
| 16109 | </div> |
| 16110 | |
| 16111 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-perl"> |
| 16112 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 16113 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 16114 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 16115 | |
| 16116 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 16117 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 16118 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 16119 | my $networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 16120 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 16121 | |
| 16122 | eval { |
| 16123 | $api_instance->deleteNetworkInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId => $networkInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 16124 | }; |
| 16125 | if ($@) { |
| 16126 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteNetworkInstance: $@\n"; |
| 16127 | }</code></pre> |
| 16128 | </div> |
| 16129 | |
| 16130 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteNetworkInstance-0-python"> |
| 16131 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 16132 | import time |
| 16133 | import swagger_client |
| 16134 | from import ApiException |
| 16135 | from pprint import pprint |
| 16136 | |
| 16137 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 16138 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 16139 | version = version_example # String | |
| 16140 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 16141 | networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example # String | |
| 16142 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 16143 | |
| 16144 | try: |
| 16145 | # Delete provided Network instance |
| 16146 | api_instance.delete_network_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId, body=body) |
| 16147 | except ApiException as e: |
| 16148 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteNetworkInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 16149 | </div> |
| 16150 | </div> |
| 16151 | |
| 16152 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 16153 | |
| 16154 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 16155 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 16156 | <tr> |
| 16157 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 16158 | <th>Description</th> |
| 16159 | </tr> |
| 16160 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 16161 | <td> |
| 16162 | |
| 16163 | |
| 16164 | <div id="d2e199_deleteNetworkInstance_version"> |
| 16165 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 16166 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 16167 | <span class="type"> |
| 16168 | String |
| 16169 | </span> |
| 16170 | |
| 16171 | </div> |
| 16172 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 16173 | Required |
| 16174 | </div> |
| 16175 | </div> |
| 16176 | </div> |
| 16177 | </td> |
| 16178 | </tr> |
| 16179 | |
| 16180 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 16181 | <td> |
| 16182 | |
| 16183 | |
| 16184 | <div id="d2e199_deleteNetworkInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 16185 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 16186 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 16187 | <span class="type"> |
| 16188 | String |
| 16189 | </span> |
| 16190 | |
| 16191 | </div> |
| 16192 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 16193 | Required |
| 16194 | </div> |
| 16195 | </div> |
| 16196 | </div> |
| 16197 | </td> |
| 16198 | </tr> |
| 16199 | |
| 16200 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">networkInstanceId*</td> |
| 16201 | <td> |
| 16202 | |
| 16203 | |
| 16204 | <div id="d2e199_deleteNetworkInstance_networkInstanceId"> |
| 16205 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 16206 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 16207 | <span class="type"> |
| 16208 | String |
| 16209 | </span> |
| 16210 | |
| 16211 | </div> |
| 16212 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 16213 | Required |
| 16214 | </div> |
| 16215 | </div> |
| 16216 | </div> |
| 16217 | </td> |
| 16218 | </tr> |
| 16219 | |
| 16220 | </table> |
| 16221 | |
| 16222 | |
| 16223 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 16224 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 16225 | <tr> |
| 16226 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 16227 | <th>Description</th> |
| 16228 | </tr> |
| 16229 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 16230 | <td> |
| 16231 | |
| 16232 | |
| 16233 | <script> |
| 16234 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 16235 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 16236 | "in" : "body", |
| 16237 | "name" : "body", |
| 16238 | "required" : false, |
| 16239 | "schema" : { |
| 16240 | "type" : "string" |
| 16241 | } |
| 16242 | }; |
| 16243 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 16244 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 16245 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 16246 | } else { |
| 16247 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 16248 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 16249 | console.log(err); |
| 16250 | }); |
| 16251 | } |
| 16252 | |
| 16253 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 16254 | var result = $('#d2e199_deleteNetworkInstance_body'); |
| 16255 | result.empty(); |
| 16256 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 16257 | }); |
| 16258 | </script> |
| 16259 | <div id="d2e199_deleteNetworkInstance_body"></div> |
| 16260 | </td> |
| 16261 | </tr> |
| 16262 | |
| 16263 | </table> |
| 16264 | |
| 16265 | |
| 16266 | |
| 16267 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 16268 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 16269 | |
| 16270 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 16271 | </ul> |
| 16272 | |
| 16273 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 16274 | </div> |
| 16275 | |
| 16276 | </article> |
| 16277 | </div> |
| 16278 | <hr> |
| 16279 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration"> |
| 16280 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0" data-group="User" data-name="deletePortConfiguration" data-version="0"> |
| 16281 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 16282 | <h1>deletePortConfiguration</h1> |
| 16283 | <p>Delete provided Port</p> |
| 16284 | </div> |
| 16285 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 16286 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 16287 | <p></p> |
| 16288 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 16289 | <p></p> |
| 16290 | <br /> |
| 16291 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="delete"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations/{configurationInstanceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 16292 | <p> |
| 16293 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 16294 | </p> |
| 16295 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 16296 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 16297 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 16298 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 16299 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 16300 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 16301 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 16302 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 16303 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 16304 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 16305 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 16306 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 16307 | </ul> |
| 16308 | |
| 16309 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 16310 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 16311 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations/{configurationInstanceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 16312 | </div> |
| 16313 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-java"> |
| 16314 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 16315 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 16316 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 16317 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 16318 | |
| 16319 | import; |
| 16320 | import java.util.*; |
| 16321 | |
| 16322 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 16323 | |
| 16324 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 16325 | |
| 16326 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 16327 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 16328 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16329 | String configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16330 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 16331 | try { |
| 16332 | apiInstance.deletePortConfiguration(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 16333 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 16334 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deletePortConfiguration"); |
| 16335 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 16336 | } |
| 16337 | } |
| 16338 | }</code></pre> |
| 16339 | </div> |
| 16340 | |
| 16341 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-android"> |
| 16342 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 16343 | |
| 16344 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 16345 | |
| 16346 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 16347 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 16348 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 16349 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16350 | String configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16351 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 16352 | try { |
| 16353 | apiInstance.deletePortConfiguration(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 16354 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 16355 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deletePortConfiguration"); |
| 16356 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 16357 | } |
| 16358 | } |
| 16359 | }</code></pre> |
| 16360 | </div> |
| 16361 | <!-- |
| 16362 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-groovy"> |
| 16363 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 16364 | </div> --> |
| 16365 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-objc"> |
| 16366 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 16367 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 16368 | String *configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // |
| 16369 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 16370 | |
| 16371 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 16372 | |
| 16373 | // Delete provided Port |
| 16374 | [apiInstance deletePortConfigurationWith:version |
| 16375 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 16376 | configurationInstanceId:configurationInstanceId |
| 16377 | body:body |
| 16378 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 16379 | if (error) { |
| 16380 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 16381 | } |
| 16382 | }]; |
| 16383 | </code></pre> |
| 16384 | </div> |
| 16385 | |
| 16386 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 16387 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 16388 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 16389 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 16390 | |
| 16391 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 16392 | |
| 16393 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 16394 | |
| 16395 | var configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 16396 | |
| 16397 | var opts = { |
| 16398 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 16399 | }; |
| 16400 | |
| 16401 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 16402 | if (error) { |
| 16403 | console.error(error); |
| 16404 | } else { |
| 16405 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 16406 | } |
| 16407 | }; |
| 16408 | api.deletePortConfiguration(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 16409 | </code></pre> |
| 16410 | </div> |
| 16411 | |
| 16412 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-angular"> |
| 16413 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 16414 | </div>--> |
| 16415 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-csharp"> |
| 16416 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 16417 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 16418 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 16419 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 16420 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 16421 | |
| 16422 | namespace Example |
| 16423 | { |
| 16424 | public class deletePortConfigurationExample |
| 16425 | { |
| 16426 | public void main() |
| 16427 | { |
| 16428 | |
| 16429 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 16430 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 16431 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16432 | var configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16433 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 16434 | |
| 16435 | try |
| 16436 | { |
| 16437 | // Delete provided Port |
| 16438 | apiInstance.deletePortConfiguration(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 16439 | } |
| 16440 | catch (Exception e) |
| 16441 | { |
| 16442 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.deletePortConfiguration: " + e.Message ); |
| 16443 | } |
| 16444 | } |
| 16445 | } |
| 16446 | } |
| 16447 | </code></pre> |
| 16448 | </div> |
| 16449 | |
| 16450 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-php"> |
| 16451 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 16452 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 16453 | |
| 16454 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 16455 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 16456 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16457 | $configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16458 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 16459 | |
| 16460 | try { |
| 16461 | $api_instance->deletePortConfiguration($version, $serviceInstanceId, $configurationInstanceId, $body); |
| 16462 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 16463 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deletePortConfiguration: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 16464 | } |
| 16465 | ?></code></pre> |
| 16466 | </div> |
| 16467 | |
| 16468 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-perl"> |
| 16469 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 16470 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 16471 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 16472 | |
| 16473 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 16474 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 16475 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 16476 | my $configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 16477 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 16478 | |
| 16479 | eval { |
| 16480 | $api_instance->deletePortConfiguration(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId => $configurationInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 16481 | }; |
| 16482 | if ($@) { |
| 16483 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deletePortConfiguration: $@\n"; |
| 16484 | }</code></pre> |
| 16485 | </div> |
| 16486 | |
| 16487 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deletePortConfiguration-0-python"> |
| 16488 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 16489 | import time |
| 16490 | import swagger_client |
| 16491 | from import ApiException |
| 16492 | from pprint import pprint |
| 16493 | |
| 16494 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 16495 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 16496 | version = version_example # String | |
| 16497 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 16498 | configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example # String | |
| 16499 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 16500 | |
| 16501 | try: |
| 16502 | # Delete provided Port |
| 16503 | api_instance.delete_port_configuration(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body=body) |
| 16504 | except ApiException as e: |
| 16505 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deletePortConfiguration: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 16506 | </div> |
| 16507 | </div> |
| 16508 | |
| 16509 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 16510 | |
| 16511 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 16512 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 16513 | <tr> |
| 16514 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 16515 | <th>Description</th> |
| 16516 | </tr> |
| 16517 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 16518 | <td> |
| 16519 | |
| 16520 | |
| 16521 | <div id="d2e199_deletePortConfiguration_version"> |
| 16522 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 16523 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 16524 | <span class="type"> |
| 16525 | String |
| 16526 | </span> |
| 16527 | |
| 16528 | </div> |
| 16529 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 16530 | Required |
| 16531 | </div> |
| 16532 | </div> |
| 16533 | </div> |
| 16534 | </td> |
| 16535 | </tr> |
| 16536 | |
| 16537 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 16538 | <td> |
| 16539 | |
| 16540 | |
| 16541 | <div id="d2e199_deletePortConfiguration_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 16542 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 16543 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 16544 | <span class="type"> |
| 16545 | String |
| 16546 | </span> |
| 16547 | |
| 16548 | </div> |
| 16549 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 16550 | Required |
| 16551 | </div> |
| 16552 | </div> |
| 16553 | </div> |
| 16554 | </td> |
| 16555 | </tr> |
| 16556 | |
| 16557 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">configurationInstanceId*</td> |
| 16558 | <td> |
| 16559 | |
| 16560 | |
| 16561 | <div id="d2e199_deletePortConfiguration_configurationInstanceId"> |
| 16562 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 16563 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 16564 | <span class="type"> |
| 16565 | String |
| 16566 | </span> |
| 16567 | |
| 16568 | </div> |
| 16569 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 16570 | Required |
| 16571 | </div> |
| 16572 | </div> |
| 16573 | </div> |
| 16574 | </td> |
| 16575 | </tr> |
| 16576 | |
| 16577 | </table> |
| 16578 | |
| 16579 | |
| 16580 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 16581 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 16582 | <tr> |
| 16583 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 16584 | <th>Description</th> |
| 16585 | </tr> |
| 16586 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 16587 | <td> |
| 16588 | |
| 16589 | |
| 16590 | <script> |
| 16591 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 16592 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 16593 | "in" : "body", |
| 16594 | "name" : "body", |
| 16595 | "required" : false, |
| 16596 | "schema" : { |
| 16597 | "type" : "string" |
| 16598 | } |
| 16599 | }; |
| 16600 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 16601 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 16602 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 16603 | } else { |
| 16604 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 16605 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 16606 | console.log(err); |
| 16607 | }); |
| 16608 | } |
| 16609 | |
| 16610 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 16611 | var result = $('#d2e199_deletePortConfiguration_body'); |
| 16612 | result.empty(); |
| 16613 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 16614 | }); |
| 16615 | </script> |
| 16616 | <div id="d2e199_deletePortConfiguration_body"></div> |
| 16617 | </td> |
| 16618 | </tr> |
| 16619 | |
| 16620 | </table> |
| 16621 | |
| 16622 | |
| 16623 | |
| 16624 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 16625 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 16626 | |
| 16627 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 16628 | </ul> |
| 16629 | |
| 16630 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 16631 | </div> |
| 16632 | |
| 16633 | </article> |
| 16634 | </div> |
| 16635 | <hr> |
| 16636 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance"> |
| 16637 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="deleteServiceInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 16638 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 16639 | <h1>deleteServiceInstance</h1> |
| 16640 | <p>Delete provided Service Instance</p> |
| 16641 | </div> |
| 16642 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 16643 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 16644 | <p></p> |
| 16645 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 16646 | <p></p> |
| 16647 | <br /> |
| 16648 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="delete"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 16649 | <p> |
| 16650 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 16651 | </p> |
| 16652 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 16653 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 16654 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 16655 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 16656 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 16657 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 16658 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 16659 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 16660 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 16661 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 16662 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 16663 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 16664 | </ul> |
| 16665 | |
| 16666 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 16667 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 16668 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 16669 | </div> |
| 16670 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-java"> |
| 16671 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 16672 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 16673 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 16674 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 16675 | |
| 16676 | import; |
| 16677 | import java.util.*; |
| 16678 | |
| 16679 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 16680 | |
| 16681 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 16682 | |
| 16683 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 16684 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 16685 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16686 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 16687 | try { |
| 16688 | apiInstance.deleteServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 16689 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 16690 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deleteServiceInstance"); |
| 16691 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 16692 | } |
| 16693 | } |
| 16694 | }</code></pre> |
| 16695 | </div> |
| 16696 | |
| 16697 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-android"> |
| 16698 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 16699 | |
| 16700 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 16701 | |
| 16702 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 16703 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 16704 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 16705 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16706 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 16707 | try { |
| 16708 | apiInstance.deleteServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 16709 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 16710 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deleteServiceInstance"); |
| 16711 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 16712 | } |
| 16713 | } |
| 16714 | }</code></pre> |
| 16715 | </div> |
| 16716 | <!-- |
| 16717 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 16718 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 16719 | </div> --> |
| 16720 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-objc"> |
| 16721 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 16722 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 16723 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 16724 | |
| 16725 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 16726 | |
| 16727 | // Delete provided Service Instance |
| 16728 | [apiInstance deleteServiceInstanceWith:version |
| 16729 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 16730 | body:body |
| 16731 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 16732 | if (error) { |
| 16733 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 16734 | } |
| 16735 | }]; |
| 16736 | </code></pre> |
| 16737 | </div> |
| 16738 | |
| 16739 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 16740 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 16741 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 16742 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 16743 | |
| 16744 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 16745 | |
| 16746 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 16747 | |
| 16748 | var opts = { |
| 16749 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 16750 | }; |
| 16751 | |
| 16752 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 16753 | if (error) { |
| 16754 | console.error(error); |
| 16755 | } else { |
| 16756 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 16757 | } |
| 16758 | }; |
| 16759 | api.deleteServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 16760 | </code></pre> |
| 16761 | </div> |
| 16762 | |
| 16763 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-angular"> |
| 16764 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 16765 | </div>--> |
| 16766 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 16767 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 16768 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 16769 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 16770 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 16771 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 16772 | |
| 16773 | namespace Example |
| 16774 | { |
| 16775 | public class deleteServiceInstanceExample |
| 16776 | { |
| 16777 | public void main() |
| 16778 | { |
| 16779 | |
| 16780 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 16781 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 16782 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16783 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 16784 | |
| 16785 | try |
| 16786 | { |
| 16787 | // Delete provided Service Instance |
| 16788 | apiInstance.deleteServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 16789 | } |
| 16790 | catch (Exception e) |
| 16791 | { |
| 16792 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.deleteServiceInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 16793 | } |
| 16794 | } |
| 16795 | } |
| 16796 | } |
| 16797 | </code></pre> |
| 16798 | </div> |
| 16799 | |
| 16800 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-php"> |
| 16801 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 16802 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 16803 | |
| 16804 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 16805 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 16806 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 16807 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 16808 | |
| 16809 | try { |
| 16810 | $api_instance->deleteServiceInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $body); |
| 16811 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 16812 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteServiceInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 16813 | } |
| 16814 | ?></code></pre> |
| 16815 | </div> |
| 16816 | |
| 16817 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-perl"> |
| 16818 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 16819 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 16820 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 16821 | |
| 16822 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 16823 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 16824 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 16825 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 16826 | |
| 16827 | eval { |
| 16828 | $api_instance->deleteServiceInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 16829 | }; |
| 16830 | if ($@) { |
| 16831 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteServiceInstance: $@\n"; |
| 16832 | }</code></pre> |
| 16833 | </div> |
| 16834 | |
| 16835 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteServiceInstance-0-python"> |
| 16836 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 16837 | import time |
| 16838 | import swagger_client |
| 16839 | from import ApiException |
| 16840 | from pprint import pprint |
| 16841 | |
| 16842 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 16843 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 16844 | version = version_example # String | |
| 16845 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 16846 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 16847 | |
| 16848 | try: |
| 16849 | # Delete provided Service Instance |
| 16850 | api_instance.delete_service_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, body=body) |
| 16851 | except ApiException as e: |
| 16852 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteServiceInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 16853 | </div> |
| 16854 | </div> |
| 16855 | |
| 16856 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 16857 | |
| 16858 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 16859 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 16860 | <tr> |
| 16861 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 16862 | <th>Description</th> |
| 16863 | </tr> |
| 16864 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 16865 | <td> |
| 16866 | |
| 16867 | |
| 16868 | <div id="d2e199_deleteServiceInstance_version"> |
| 16869 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 16870 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 16871 | <span class="type"> |
| 16872 | String |
| 16873 | </span> |
| 16874 | |
| 16875 | </div> |
| 16876 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 16877 | Required |
| 16878 | </div> |
| 16879 | </div> |
| 16880 | </div> |
| 16881 | </td> |
| 16882 | </tr> |
| 16883 | |
| 16884 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 16885 | <td> |
| 16886 | |
| 16887 | |
| 16888 | <div id="d2e199_deleteServiceInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 16889 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 16890 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 16891 | <span class="type"> |
| 16892 | String |
| 16893 | </span> |
| 16894 | |
| 16895 | </div> |
| 16896 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 16897 | Required |
| 16898 | </div> |
| 16899 | </div> |
| 16900 | </div> |
| 16901 | </td> |
| 16902 | </tr> |
| 16903 | |
| 16904 | </table> |
| 16905 | |
| 16906 | |
| 16907 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 16908 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 16909 | <tr> |
| 16910 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 16911 | <th>Description</th> |
| 16912 | </tr> |
| 16913 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 16914 | <td> |
| 16915 | |
| 16916 | |
| 16917 | <script> |
| 16918 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 16919 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 16920 | "in" : "body", |
| 16921 | "name" : "body", |
| 16922 | "required" : false, |
| 16923 | "schema" : { |
| 16924 | "type" : "string" |
| 16925 | } |
| 16926 | }; |
| 16927 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 16928 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 16929 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 16930 | } else { |
| 16931 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 16932 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 16933 | console.log(err); |
| 16934 | }); |
| 16935 | } |
| 16936 | |
| 16937 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 16938 | var result = $('#d2e199_deleteServiceInstance_body'); |
| 16939 | result.empty(); |
| 16940 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 16941 | }); |
| 16942 | </script> |
| 16943 | <div id="d2e199_deleteServiceInstance_body"></div> |
| 16944 | </td> |
| 16945 | </tr> |
| 16946 | |
| 16947 | </table> |
| 16948 | |
| 16949 | |
| 16950 | |
| 16951 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 16952 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 16953 | |
| 16954 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 16955 | </ul> |
| 16956 | |
| 16957 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 16958 | </div> |
| 16959 | |
| 16960 | </article> |
| 16961 | </div> |
| 16962 | <hr> |
| 16963 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance"> |
| 16964 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="deleteVfModuleInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 16965 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 16966 | <h1>deleteVfModuleInstance</h1> |
| 16967 | <p>Delete provided VfModule instance</p> |
| 16968 | </div> |
| 16969 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 16970 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 16971 | <p></p> |
| 16972 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 16973 | <p></p> |
| 16974 | <br /> |
| 16975 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="delete"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/{vfmoduleInstanceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 16976 | <p> |
| 16977 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 16978 | </p> |
| 16979 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 16980 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 16981 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 16982 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 16983 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 16984 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 16985 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 16986 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 16987 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 16988 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 16989 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 16990 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 16991 | </ul> |
| 16992 | |
| 16993 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 16994 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 16995 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/{vfmoduleInstanceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 16996 | </div> |
| 16997 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-java"> |
| 16998 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 16999 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 17000 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 17001 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 17002 | |
| 17003 | import; |
| 17004 | import java.util.*; |
| 17005 | |
| 17006 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 17007 | |
| 17008 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 17009 | |
| 17010 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17011 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 17012 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17013 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17014 | String vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17015 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 17016 | try { |
| 17017 | apiInstance.deleteVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 17018 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 17019 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deleteVfModuleInstance"); |
| 17020 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 17021 | } |
| 17022 | } |
| 17023 | }</code></pre> |
| 17024 | </div> |
| 17025 | |
| 17026 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-android"> |
| 17027 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 17028 | |
| 17029 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 17030 | |
| 17031 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 17032 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17033 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 17034 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17035 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17036 | String vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17037 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 17038 | try { |
| 17039 | apiInstance.deleteVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 17040 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 17041 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deleteVfModuleInstance"); |
| 17042 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 17043 | } |
| 17044 | } |
| 17045 | }</code></pre> |
| 17046 | </div> |
| 17047 | <!-- |
| 17048 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 17049 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 17050 | </div> --> |
| 17051 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-objc"> |
| 17052 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 17053 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 17054 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 17055 | String *vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // |
| 17056 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 17057 | |
| 17058 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 17059 | |
| 17060 | // Delete provided VfModule instance |
| 17061 | [apiInstance deleteVfModuleInstanceWith:version |
| 17062 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 17063 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 17064 | vfmoduleInstanceId:vfmoduleInstanceId |
| 17065 | body:body |
| 17066 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 17067 | if (error) { |
| 17068 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 17069 | } |
| 17070 | }]; |
| 17071 | </code></pre> |
| 17072 | </div> |
| 17073 | |
| 17074 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 17075 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 17076 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 17077 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 17078 | |
| 17079 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 17080 | |
| 17081 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 17082 | |
| 17083 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 17084 | |
| 17085 | var vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 17086 | |
| 17087 | var opts = { |
| 17088 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 17089 | }; |
| 17090 | |
| 17091 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 17092 | if (error) { |
| 17093 | console.error(error); |
| 17094 | } else { |
| 17095 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 17096 | } |
| 17097 | }; |
| 17098 | api.deleteVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 17099 | </code></pre> |
| 17100 | </div> |
| 17101 | |
| 17102 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-angular"> |
| 17103 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 17104 | </div>--> |
| 17105 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 17106 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 17107 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 17108 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 17109 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 17110 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 17111 | |
| 17112 | namespace Example |
| 17113 | { |
| 17114 | public class deleteVfModuleInstanceExample |
| 17115 | { |
| 17116 | public void main() |
| 17117 | { |
| 17118 | |
| 17119 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17120 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 17121 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17122 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17123 | var vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17124 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 17125 | |
| 17126 | try |
| 17127 | { |
| 17128 | // Delete provided VfModule instance |
| 17129 | apiInstance.deleteVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 17130 | } |
| 17131 | catch (Exception e) |
| 17132 | { |
| 17133 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.deleteVfModuleInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 17134 | } |
| 17135 | } |
| 17136 | } |
| 17137 | } |
| 17138 | </code></pre> |
| 17139 | </div> |
| 17140 | |
| 17141 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-php"> |
| 17142 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 17143 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 17144 | |
| 17145 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17146 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 17147 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17148 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17149 | $vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17150 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 17151 | |
| 17152 | try { |
| 17153 | $api_instance->deleteVfModuleInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $vfmoduleInstanceId, $body); |
| 17154 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 17155 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteVfModuleInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 17156 | } |
| 17157 | ?></code></pre> |
| 17158 | </div> |
| 17159 | |
| 17160 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-perl"> |
| 17161 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 17162 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 17163 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 17164 | |
| 17165 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 17166 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 17167 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 17168 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 17169 | my $vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 17170 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 17171 | |
| 17172 | eval { |
| 17173 | $api_instance->deleteVfModuleInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId => $vfmoduleInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 17174 | }; |
| 17175 | if ($@) { |
| 17176 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteVfModuleInstance: $@\n"; |
| 17177 | }</code></pre> |
| 17178 | </div> |
| 17179 | |
| 17180 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVfModuleInstance-0-python"> |
| 17181 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 17182 | import time |
| 17183 | import swagger_client |
| 17184 | from import ApiException |
| 17185 | from pprint import pprint |
| 17186 | |
| 17187 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 17188 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 17189 | version = version_example # String | |
| 17190 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 17191 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 17192 | vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example # String | |
| 17193 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 17194 | |
| 17195 | try: |
| 17196 | # Delete provided VfModule instance |
| 17197 | api_instance.delete_vf_module_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body=body) |
| 17198 | except ApiException as e: |
| 17199 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteVfModuleInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 17200 | </div> |
| 17201 | </div> |
| 17202 | |
| 17203 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 17204 | |
| 17205 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 17206 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 17207 | <tr> |
| 17208 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 17209 | <th>Description</th> |
| 17210 | </tr> |
| 17211 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 17212 | <td> |
| 17213 | |
| 17214 | |
| 17215 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVfModuleInstance_version"> |
| 17216 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 17217 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 17218 | <span class="type"> |
| 17219 | String |
| 17220 | </span> |
| 17221 | |
| 17222 | </div> |
| 17223 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 17224 | Required |
| 17225 | </div> |
| 17226 | </div> |
| 17227 | </div> |
| 17228 | </td> |
| 17229 | </tr> |
| 17230 | |
| 17231 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 17232 | <td> |
| 17233 | |
| 17234 | |
| 17235 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVfModuleInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 17236 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 17237 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 17238 | <span class="type"> |
| 17239 | String |
| 17240 | </span> |
| 17241 | |
| 17242 | </div> |
| 17243 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 17244 | Required |
| 17245 | </div> |
| 17246 | </div> |
| 17247 | </div> |
| 17248 | </td> |
| 17249 | </tr> |
| 17250 | |
| 17251 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 17252 | <td> |
| 17253 | |
| 17254 | |
| 17255 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVfModuleInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 17256 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 17257 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 17258 | <span class="type"> |
| 17259 | String |
| 17260 | </span> |
| 17261 | |
| 17262 | </div> |
| 17263 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 17264 | Required |
| 17265 | </div> |
| 17266 | </div> |
| 17267 | </div> |
| 17268 | </td> |
| 17269 | </tr> |
| 17270 | |
| 17271 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vfmoduleInstanceId*</td> |
| 17272 | <td> |
| 17273 | |
| 17274 | |
| 17275 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVfModuleInstance_vfmoduleInstanceId"> |
| 17276 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 17277 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 17278 | <span class="type"> |
| 17279 | String |
| 17280 | </span> |
| 17281 | |
| 17282 | </div> |
| 17283 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 17284 | Required |
| 17285 | </div> |
| 17286 | </div> |
| 17287 | </div> |
| 17288 | </td> |
| 17289 | </tr> |
| 17290 | |
| 17291 | </table> |
| 17292 | |
| 17293 | |
| 17294 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 17295 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 17296 | <tr> |
| 17297 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 17298 | <th>Description</th> |
| 17299 | </tr> |
| 17300 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 17301 | <td> |
| 17302 | |
| 17303 | |
| 17304 | <script> |
| 17305 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 17306 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 17307 | "in" : "body", |
| 17308 | "name" : "body", |
| 17309 | "required" : false, |
| 17310 | "schema" : { |
| 17311 | "type" : "string" |
| 17312 | } |
| 17313 | }; |
| 17314 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 17315 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 17316 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 17317 | } else { |
| 17318 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 17319 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 17320 | console.log(err); |
| 17321 | }); |
| 17322 | } |
| 17323 | |
| 17324 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 17325 | var result = $('#d2e199_deleteVfModuleInstance_body'); |
| 17326 | result.empty(); |
| 17327 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 17328 | }); |
| 17329 | </script> |
| 17330 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVfModuleInstance_body"></div> |
| 17331 | </td> |
| 17332 | </tr> |
| 17333 | |
| 17334 | </table> |
| 17335 | |
| 17336 | |
| 17337 | |
| 17338 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 17339 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 17340 | |
| 17341 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 17342 | </ul> |
| 17343 | |
| 17344 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 17345 | </div> |
| 17346 | |
| 17347 | </article> |
| 17348 | </div> |
| 17349 | <hr> |
| 17350 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance"> |
| 17351 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="deleteVnfInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 17352 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 17353 | <h1>deleteVnfInstance</h1> |
| 17354 | <p>Delete provided VNF instance</p> |
| 17355 | </div> |
| 17356 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 17357 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 17358 | <p></p> |
| 17359 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 17360 | <p></p> |
| 17361 | <br /> |
| 17362 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="delete"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 17363 | <p> |
| 17364 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 17365 | </p> |
| 17366 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 17367 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 17368 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 17369 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 17370 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 17371 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 17372 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 17373 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 17374 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 17375 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 17376 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 17377 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 17378 | </ul> |
| 17379 | |
| 17380 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 17381 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 17382 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 17383 | </div> |
| 17384 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-java"> |
| 17385 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 17386 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 17387 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 17388 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 17389 | |
| 17390 | import; |
| 17391 | import java.util.*; |
| 17392 | |
| 17393 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 17394 | |
| 17395 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 17396 | |
| 17397 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17398 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 17399 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17400 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17401 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 17402 | try { |
| 17403 | apiInstance.deleteVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 17404 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 17405 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deleteVnfInstance"); |
| 17406 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 17407 | } |
| 17408 | } |
| 17409 | }</code></pre> |
| 17410 | </div> |
| 17411 | |
| 17412 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-android"> |
| 17413 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 17414 | |
| 17415 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 17416 | |
| 17417 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 17418 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17419 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 17420 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17421 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17422 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 17423 | try { |
| 17424 | apiInstance.deleteVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 17425 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 17426 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deleteVnfInstance"); |
| 17427 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 17428 | } |
| 17429 | } |
| 17430 | }</code></pre> |
| 17431 | </div> |
| 17432 | <!-- |
| 17433 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 17434 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 17435 | </div> --> |
| 17436 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-objc"> |
| 17437 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 17438 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 17439 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 17440 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 17441 | |
| 17442 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 17443 | |
| 17444 | // Delete provided VNF instance |
| 17445 | [apiInstance deleteVnfInstanceWith:version |
| 17446 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 17447 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 17448 | body:body |
| 17449 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 17450 | if (error) { |
| 17451 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 17452 | } |
| 17453 | }]; |
| 17454 | </code></pre> |
| 17455 | </div> |
| 17456 | |
| 17457 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 17458 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 17459 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 17460 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 17461 | |
| 17462 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 17463 | |
| 17464 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 17465 | |
| 17466 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 17467 | |
| 17468 | var opts = { |
| 17469 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 17470 | }; |
| 17471 | |
| 17472 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 17473 | if (error) { |
| 17474 | console.error(error); |
| 17475 | } else { |
| 17476 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 17477 | } |
| 17478 | }; |
| 17479 | api.deleteVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 17480 | </code></pre> |
| 17481 | </div> |
| 17482 | |
| 17483 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-angular"> |
| 17484 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 17485 | </div>--> |
| 17486 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 17487 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 17488 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 17489 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 17490 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 17491 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 17492 | |
| 17493 | namespace Example |
| 17494 | { |
| 17495 | public class deleteVnfInstanceExample |
| 17496 | { |
| 17497 | public void main() |
| 17498 | { |
| 17499 | |
| 17500 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17501 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 17502 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17503 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17504 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 17505 | |
| 17506 | try |
| 17507 | { |
| 17508 | // Delete provided VNF instance |
| 17509 | apiInstance.deleteVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 17510 | } |
| 17511 | catch (Exception e) |
| 17512 | { |
| 17513 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.deleteVnfInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 17514 | } |
| 17515 | } |
| 17516 | } |
| 17517 | } |
| 17518 | </code></pre> |
| 17519 | </div> |
| 17520 | |
| 17521 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-php"> |
| 17522 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 17523 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 17524 | |
| 17525 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17526 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 17527 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17528 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17529 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 17530 | |
| 17531 | try { |
| 17532 | $api_instance->deleteVnfInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $body); |
| 17533 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 17534 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteVnfInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 17535 | } |
| 17536 | ?></code></pre> |
| 17537 | </div> |
| 17538 | |
| 17539 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-perl"> |
| 17540 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 17541 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 17542 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 17543 | |
| 17544 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 17545 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 17546 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 17547 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 17548 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 17549 | |
| 17550 | eval { |
| 17551 | $api_instance->deleteVnfInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 17552 | }; |
| 17553 | if ($@) { |
| 17554 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteVnfInstance: $@\n"; |
| 17555 | }</code></pre> |
| 17556 | </div> |
| 17557 | |
| 17558 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVnfInstance-0-python"> |
| 17559 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 17560 | import time |
| 17561 | import swagger_client |
| 17562 | from import ApiException |
| 17563 | from pprint import pprint |
| 17564 | |
| 17565 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 17566 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 17567 | version = version_example # String | |
| 17568 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 17569 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 17570 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 17571 | |
| 17572 | try: |
| 17573 | # Delete provided VNF instance |
| 17574 | api_instance.delete_vnf_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body=body) |
| 17575 | except ApiException as e: |
| 17576 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteVnfInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 17577 | </div> |
| 17578 | </div> |
| 17579 | |
| 17580 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 17581 | |
| 17582 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 17583 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 17584 | <tr> |
| 17585 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 17586 | <th>Description</th> |
| 17587 | </tr> |
| 17588 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 17589 | <td> |
| 17590 | |
| 17591 | |
| 17592 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVnfInstance_version"> |
| 17593 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 17594 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 17595 | <span class="type"> |
| 17596 | String |
| 17597 | </span> |
| 17598 | |
| 17599 | </div> |
| 17600 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 17601 | Required |
| 17602 | </div> |
| 17603 | </div> |
| 17604 | </div> |
| 17605 | </td> |
| 17606 | </tr> |
| 17607 | |
| 17608 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 17609 | <td> |
| 17610 | |
| 17611 | |
| 17612 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVnfInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 17613 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 17614 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 17615 | <span class="type"> |
| 17616 | String |
| 17617 | </span> |
| 17618 | |
| 17619 | </div> |
| 17620 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 17621 | Required |
| 17622 | </div> |
| 17623 | </div> |
| 17624 | </div> |
| 17625 | </td> |
| 17626 | </tr> |
| 17627 | |
| 17628 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 17629 | <td> |
| 17630 | |
| 17631 | |
| 17632 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVnfInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 17633 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 17634 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 17635 | <span class="type"> |
| 17636 | String |
| 17637 | </span> |
| 17638 | |
| 17639 | </div> |
| 17640 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 17641 | Required |
| 17642 | </div> |
| 17643 | </div> |
| 17644 | </div> |
| 17645 | </td> |
| 17646 | </tr> |
| 17647 | |
| 17648 | </table> |
| 17649 | |
| 17650 | |
| 17651 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 17652 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 17653 | <tr> |
| 17654 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 17655 | <th>Description</th> |
| 17656 | </tr> |
| 17657 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 17658 | <td> |
| 17659 | |
| 17660 | |
| 17661 | <script> |
| 17662 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 17663 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 17664 | "in" : "body", |
| 17665 | "name" : "body", |
| 17666 | "required" : false, |
| 17667 | "schema" : { |
| 17668 | "type" : "string" |
| 17669 | } |
| 17670 | }; |
| 17671 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 17672 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 17673 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 17674 | } else { |
| 17675 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 17676 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 17677 | console.log(err); |
| 17678 | }); |
| 17679 | } |
| 17680 | |
| 17681 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 17682 | var result = $('#d2e199_deleteVnfInstance_body'); |
| 17683 | result.empty(); |
| 17684 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 17685 | }); |
| 17686 | </script> |
| 17687 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVnfInstance_body"></div> |
| 17688 | </td> |
| 17689 | </tr> |
| 17690 | |
| 17691 | </table> |
| 17692 | |
| 17693 | |
| 17694 | |
| 17695 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 17696 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 17697 | |
| 17698 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 17699 | </ul> |
| 17700 | |
| 17701 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 17702 | </div> |
| 17703 | |
| 17704 | </article> |
| 17705 | </div> |
| 17706 | <hr> |
| 17707 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance"> |
| 17708 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="deleteVolumeGroupInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 17709 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 17710 | <h1>deleteVolumeGroupInstance</h1> |
| 17711 | <p>Delete provided VolumeGroup instance</p> |
| 17712 | </div> |
| 17713 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 17714 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 17715 | <p></p> |
| 17716 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 17717 | <p></p> |
| 17718 | <br /> |
| 17719 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="delete"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/volumeGroups/{volumeGroupInstanceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 17720 | <p> |
| 17721 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 17722 | </p> |
| 17723 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 17724 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 17725 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 17726 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 17727 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 17728 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 17729 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 17730 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 17731 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 17732 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 17733 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 17734 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 17735 | </ul> |
| 17736 | |
| 17737 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 17738 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 17739 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X DELETE "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/volumeGroups/{volumeGroupInstanceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 17740 | </div> |
| 17741 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-java"> |
| 17742 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 17743 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 17744 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 17745 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 17746 | |
| 17747 | import; |
| 17748 | import java.util.*; |
| 17749 | |
| 17750 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 17751 | |
| 17752 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 17753 | |
| 17754 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17755 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 17756 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17757 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17758 | String volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17759 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 17760 | try { |
| 17761 | apiInstance.deleteVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId, body); |
| 17762 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 17763 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deleteVolumeGroupInstance"); |
| 17764 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 17765 | } |
| 17766 | } |
| 17767 | }</code></pre> |
| 17768 | </div> |
| 17769 | |
| 17770 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-android"> |
| 17771 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 17772 | |
| 17773 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 17774 | |
| 17775 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 17776 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17777 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 17778 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17779 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17780 | String volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17781 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 17782 | try { |
| 17783 | apiInstance.deleteVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId, body); |
| 17784 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 17785 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#deleteVolumeGroupInstance"); |
| 17786 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 17787 | } |
| 17788 | } |
| 17789 | }</code></pre> |
| 17790 | </div> |
| 17791 | <!-- |
| 17792 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 17793 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 17794 | </div> --> |
| 17795 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-objc"> |
| 17796 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 17797 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 17798 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 17799 | String *volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // |
| 17800 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 17801 | |
| 17802 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 17803 | |
| 17804 | // Delete provided VolumeGroup instance |
| 17805 | [apiInstance deleteVolumeGroupInstanceWith:version |
| 17806 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 17807 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 17808 | volumeGroupInstanceId:volumeGroupInstanceId |
| 17809 | body:body |
| 17810 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 17811 | if (error) { |
| 17812 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 17813 | } |
| 17814 | }]; |
| 17815 | </code></pre> |
| 17816 | </div> |
| 17817 | |
| 17818 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 17819 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 17820 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 17821 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 17822 | |
| 17823 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 17824 | |
| 17825 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 17826 | |
| 17827 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 17828 | |
| 17829 | var volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 17830 | |
| 17831 | var opts = { |
| 17832 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 17833 | }; |
| 17834 | |
| 17835 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 17836 | if (error) { |
| 17837 | console.error(error); |
| 17838 | } else { |
| 17839 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 17840 | } |
| 17841 | }; |
| 17842 | api.deleteVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 17843 | </code></pre> |
| 17844 | </div> |
| 17845 | |
| 17846 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-angular"> |
| 17847 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 17848 | </div>--> |
| 17849 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 17850 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 17851 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 17852 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 17853 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 17854 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 17855 | |
| 17856 | namespace Example |
| 17857 | { |
| 17858 | public class deleteVolumeGroupInstanceExample |
| 17859 | { |
| 17860 | public void main() |
| 17861 | { |
| 17862 | |
| 17863 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17864 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 17865 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17866 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17867 | var volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17868 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 17869 | |
| 17870 | try |
| 17871 | { |
| 17872 | // Delete provided VolumeGroup instance |
| 17873 | apiInstance.deleteVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId, body); |
| 17874 | } |
| 17875 | catch (Exception e) |
| 17876 | { |
| 17877 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.deleteVolumeGroupInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 17878 | } |
| 17879 | } |
| 17880 | } |
| 17881 | } |
| 17882 | </code></pre> |
| 17883 | </div> |
| 17884 | |
| 17885 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-php"> |
| 17886 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 17887 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 17888 | |
| 17889 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 17890 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 17891 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17892 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17893 | $volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 17894 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 17895 | |
| 17896 | try { |
| 17897 | $api_instance->deleteVolumeGroupInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $volumeGroupInstanceId, $body); |
| 17898 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 17899 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteVolumeGroupInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 17900 | } |
| 17901 | ?></code></pre> |
| 17902 | </div> |
| 17903 | |
| 17904 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-perl"> |
| 17905 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 17906 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 17907 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 17908 | |
| 17909 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 17910 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 17911 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 17912 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 17913 | my $volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 17914 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 17915 | |
| 17916 | eval { |
| 17917 | $api_instance->deleteVolumeGroupInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId => $volumeGroupInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 17918 | }; |
| 17919 | if ($@) { |
| 17920 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteVolumeGroupInstance: $@\n"; |
| 17921 | }</code></pre> |
| 17922 | </div> |
| 17923 | |
| 17924 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-deleteVolumeGroupInstance-0-python"> |
| 17925 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 17926 | import time |
| 17927 | import swagger_client |
| 17928 | from import ApiException |
| 17929 | from pprint import pprint |
| 17930 | |
| 17931 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 17932 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 17933 | version = version_example # String | |
| 17934 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 17935 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 17936 | volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example # String | |
| 17937 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 17938 | |
| 17939 | try: |
| 17940 | # Delete provided VolumeGroup instance |
| 17941 | api_instance.delete_volume_group_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId, body=body) |
| 17942 | except ApiException as e: |
| 17943 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->deleteVolumeGroupInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 17944 | </div> |
| 17945 | </div> |
| 17946 | |
| 17947 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 17948 | |
| 17949 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 17950 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 17951 | <tr> |
| 17952 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 17953 | <th>Description</th> |
| 17954 | </tr> |
| 17955 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 17956 | <td> |
| 17957 | |
| 17958 | |
| 17959 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVolumeGroupInstance_version"> |
| 17960 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 17961 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 17962 | <span class="type"> |
| 17963 | String |
| 17964 | </span> |
| 17965 | |
| 17966 | </div> |
| 17967 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 17968 | Required |
| 17969 | </div> |
| 17970 | </div> |
| 17971 | </div> |
| 17972 | </td> |
| 17973 | </tr> |
| 17974 | |
| 17975 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 17976 | <td> |
| 17977 | |
| 17978 | |
| 17979 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVolumeGroupInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 17980 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 17981 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 17982 | <span class="type"> |
| 17983 | String |
| 17984 | </span> |
| 17985 | |
| 17986 | </div> |
| 17987 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 17988 | Required |
| 17989 | </div> |
| 17990 | </div> |
| 17991 | </div> |
| 17992 | </td> |
| 17993 | </tr> |
| 17994 | |
| 17995 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 17996 | <td> |
| 17997 | |
| 17998 | |
| 17999 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVolumeGroupInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 18000 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 18001 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 18002 | <span class="type"> |
| 18003 | String |
| 18004 | </span> |
| 18005 | |
| 18006 | </div> |
| 18007 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 18008 | Required |
| 18009 | </div> |
| 18010 | </div> |
| 18011 | </div> |
| 18012 | </td> |
| 18013 | </tr> |
| 18014 | |
| 18015 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">volumeGroupInstanceId*</td> |
| 18016 | <td> |
| 18017 | |
| 18018 | |
| 18019 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVolumeGroupInstance_volumeGroupInstanceId"> |
| 18020 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 18021 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 18022 | <span class="type"> |
| 18023 | String |
| 18024 | </span> |
| 18025 | |
| 18026 | </div> |
| 18027 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 18028 | Required |
| 18029 | </div> |
| 18030 | </div> |
| 18031 | </div> |
| 18032 | </td> |
| 18033 | </tr> |
| 18034 | |
| 18035 | </table> |
| 18036 | |
| 18037 | |
| 18038 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 18039 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 18040 | <tr> |
| 18041 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 18042 | <th>Description</th> |
| 18043 | </tr> |
| 18044 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 18045 | <td> |
| 18046 | |
| 18047 | |
| 18048 | <script> |
| 18049 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 18050 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 18051 | "in" : "body", |
| 18052 | "name" : "body", |
| 18053 | "required" : false, |
| 18054 | "schema" : { |
| 18055 | "type" : "string" |
| 18056 | } |
| 18057 | }; |
| 18058 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 18059 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 18060 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 18061 | } else { |
| 18062 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 18063 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 18064 | console.log(err); |
| 18065 | }); |
| 18066 | } |
| 18067 | |
| 18068 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 18069 | var result = $('#d2e199_deleteVolumeGroupInstance_body'); |
| 18070 | result.empty(); |
| 18071 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 18072 | }); |
| 18073 | </script> |
| 18074 | <div id="d2e199_deleteVolumeGroupInstance_body"></div> |
| 18075 | </td> |
| 18076 | </tr> |
| 18077 | |
| 18078 | </table> |
| 18079 | |
| 18080 | |
| 18081 | |
| 18082 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 18083 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 18084 | |
| 18085 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 18086 | </ul> |
| 18087 | |
| 18088 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 18089 | </div> |
| 18090 | |
| 18091 | </article> |
| 18092 | </div> |
| 18093 | <hr> |
| 18094 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort"> |
| 18095 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0" data-group="User" data-name="disablePort" data-version="0"> |
| 18096 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 18097 | <h1>disablePort</h1> |
| 18098 | <p>Disable Port Mirroring</p> |
| 18099 | </div> |
| 18100 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 18101 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 18102 | <p></p> |
| 18103 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 18104 | <p></p> |
| 18105 | <br /> |
| 18106 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations/{configurationInstanceId}/disablePort</span></code></pre> |
| 18107 | <p> |
| 18108 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 18109 | </p> |
| 18110 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 18111 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 18112 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 18113 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 18114 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 18115 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 18116 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 18117 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 18118 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 18119 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 18120 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 18121 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 18122 | </ul> |
| 18123 | |
| 18124 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 18125 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 18126 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations/{configurationInstanceId}/disablePort"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 18127 | </div> |
| 18128 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-java"> |
| 18129 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 18130 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 18131 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 18132 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 18133 | |
| 18134 | import; |
| 18135 | import java.util.*; |
| 18136 | |
| 18137 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 18138 | |
| 18139 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 18140 | |
| 18141 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18142 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 18143 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18144 | String configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18145 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 18146 | try { |
| 18147 | apiInstance.disablePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 18148 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 18149 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#disablePort"); |
| 18150 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 18151 | } |
| 18152 | } |
| 18153 | }</code></pre> |
| 18154 | </div> |
| 18155 | |
| 18156 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-android"> |
| 18157 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 18158 | |
| 18159 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 18160 | |
| 18161 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 18162 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18163 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 18164 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18165 | String configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18166 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 18167 | try { |
| 18168 | apiInstance.disablePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 18169 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 18170 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#disablePort"); |
| 18171 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 18172 | } |
| 18173 | } |
| 18174 | }</code></pre> |
| 18175 | </div> |
| 18176 | <!-- |
| 18177 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-groovy"> |
| 18178 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 18179 | </div> --> |
| 18180 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-objc"> |
| 18181 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 18182 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 18183 | String *configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // |
| 18184 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 18185 | |
| 18186 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 18187 | |
| 18188 | // Disable Port Mirroring |
| 18189 | [apiInstance disablePortWith:version |
| 18190 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 18191 | configurationInstanceId:configurationInstanceId |
| 18192 | body:body |
| 18193 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 18194 | if (error) { |
| 18195 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 18196 | } |
| 18197 | }]; |
| 18198 | </code></pre> |
| 18199 | </div> |
| 18200 | |
| 18201 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 18202 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 18203 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 18204 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 18205 | |
| 18206 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 18207 | |
| 18208 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 18209 | |
| 18210 | var configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 18211 | |
| 18212 | var opts = { |
| 18213 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 18214 | }; |
| 18215 | |
| 18216 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 18217 | if (error) { |
| 18218 | console.error(error); |
| 18219 | } else { |
| 18220 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 18221 | } |
| 18222 | }; |
| 18223 | api.disablePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 18224 | </code></pre> |
| 18225 | </div> |
| 18226 | |
| 18227 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-angular"> |
| 18228 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 18229 | </div>--> |
| 18230 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-csharp"> |
| 18231 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 18232 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 18233 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 18234 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 18235 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 18236 | |
| 18237 | namespace Example |
| 18238 | { |
| 18239 | public class disablePortExample |
| 18240 | { |
| 18241 | public void main() |
| 18242 | { |
| 18243 | |
| 18244 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18245 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 18246 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18247 | var configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18248 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 18249 | |
| 18250 | try |
| 18251 | { |
| 18252 | // Disable Port Mirroring |
| 18253 | apiInstance.disablePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 18254 | } |
| 18255 | catch (Exception e) |
| 18256 | { |
| 18257 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.disablePort: " + e.Message ); |
| 18258 | } |
| 18259 | } |
| 18260 | } |
| 18261 | } |
| 18262 | </code></pre> |
| 18263 | </div> |
| 18264 | |
| 18265 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-php"> |
| 18266 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 18267 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 18268 | |
| 18269 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18270 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 18271 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18272 | $configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18273 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 18274 | |
| 18275 | try { |
| 18276 | $api_instance->disablePort($version, $serviceInstanceId, $configurationInstanceId, $body); |
| 18277 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 18278 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->disablePort: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 18279 | } |
| 18280 | ?></code></pre> |
| 18281 | </div> |
| 18282 | |
| 18283 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-perl"> |
| 18284 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 18285 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 18286 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 18287 | |
| 18288 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 18289 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 18290 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 18291 | my $configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 18292 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 18293 | |
| 18294 | eval { |
| 18295 | $api_instance->disablePort(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId => $configurationInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 18296 | }; |
| 18297 | if ($@) { |
| 18298 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->disablePort: $@\n"; |
| 18299 | }</code></pre> |
| 18300 | </div> |
| 18301 | |
| 18302 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-disablePort-0-python"> |
| 18303 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 18304 | import time |
| 18305 | import swagger_client |
| 18306 | from import ApiException |
| 18307 | from pprint import pprint |
| 18308 | |
| 18309 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 18310 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 18311 | version = version_example # String | |
| 18312 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 18313 | configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example # String | |
| 18314 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 18315 | |
| 18316 | try: |
| 18317 | # Disable Port Mirroring |
| 18318 | api_instance.disable_port(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body=body) |
| 18319 | except ApiException as e: |
| 18320 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->disablePort: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 18321 | </div> |
| 18322 | </div> |
| 18323 | |
| 18324 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 18325 | |
| 18326 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 18327 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 18328 | <tr> |
| 18329 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 18330 | <th>Description</th> |
| 18331 | </tr> |
| 18332 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 18333 | <td> |
| 18334 | |
| 18335 | |
| 18336 | <div id="d2e199_disablePort_version"> |
| 18337 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 18338 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 18339 | <span class="type"> |
| 18340 | String |
| 18341 | </span> |
| 18342 | |
| 18343 | </div> |
| 18344 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 18345 | Required |
| 18346 | </div> |
| 18347 | </div> |
| 18348 | </div> |
| 18349 | </td> |
| 18350 | </tr> |
| 18351 | |
| 18352 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 18353 | <td> |
| 18354 | |
| 18355 | |
| 18356 | <div id="d2e199_disablePort_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 18357 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 18358 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 18359 | <span class="type"> |
| 18360 | String |
| 18361 | </span> |
| 18362 | |
| 18363 | </div> |
| 18364 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 18365 | Required |
| 18366 | </div> |
| 18367 | </div> |
| 18368 | </div> |
| 18369 | </td> |
| 18370 | </tr> |
| 18371 | |
| 18372 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">configurationInstanceId*</td> |
| 18373 | <td> |
| 18374 | |
| 18375 | |
| 18376 | <div id="d2e199_disablePort_configurationInstanceId"> |
| 18377 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 18378 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 18379 | <span class="type"> |
| 18380 | String |
| 18381 | </span> |
| 18382 | |
| 18383 | </div> |
| 18384 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 18385 | Required |
| 18386 | </div> |
| 18387 | </div> |
| 18388 | </div> |
| 18389 | </td> |
| 18390 | </tr> |
| 18391 | |
| 18392 | </table> |
| 18393 | |
| 18394 | |
| 18395 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 18396 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 18397 | <tr> |
| 18398 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 18399 | <th>Description</th> |
| 18400 | </tr> |
| 18401 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 18402 | <td> |
| 18403 | |
| 18404 | |
| 18405 | <script> |
| 18406 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 18407 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 18408 | "in" : "body", |
| 18409 | "name" : "body", |
| 18410 | "required" : false, |
| 18411 | "schema" : { |
| 18412 | "type" : "string" |
| 18413 | } |
| 18414 | }; |
| 18415 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 18416 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 18417 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 18418 | } else { |
| 18419 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 18420 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 18421 | console.log(err); |
| 18422 | }); |
| 18423 | } |
| 18424 | |
| 18425 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 18426 | var result = $('#d2e199_disablePort_body'); |
| 18427 | result.empty(); |
| 18428 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 18429 | }); |
| 18430 | </script> |
| 18431 | <div id="d2e199_disablePort_body"></div> |
| 18432 | </td> |
| 18433 | </tr> |
| 18434 | |
| 18435 | </table> |
| 18436 | |
| 18437 | |
| 18438 | |
| 18439 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 18440 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 18441 | |
| 18442 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 18443 | </ul> |
| 18444 | |
| 18445 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 18446 | </div> |
| 18447 | |
| 18448 | </article> |
| 18449 | </div> |
| 18450 | <hr> |
| 18451 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort"> |
| 18452 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0" data-group="User" data-name="enablePort" data-version="0"> |
| 18453 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 18454 | <h1>enablePort</h1> |
| 18455 | <p>Enable Port Mirroring</p> |
| 18456 | </div> |
| 18457 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 18458 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 18459 | <p></p> |
| 18460 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 18461 | <p></p> |
| 18462 | <br /> |
| 18463 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations/{configurationInstanceId}/enablePort</span></code></pre> |
| 18464 | <p> |
| 18465 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 18466 | </p> |
| 18467 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 18468 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 18469 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 18470 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 18471 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 18472 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 18473 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 18474 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 18475 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 18476 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 18477 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 18478 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 18479 | </ul> |
| 18480 | |
| 18481 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 18482 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 18483 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/configurations/{configurationInstanceId}/enablePort"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 18484 | </div> |
| 18485 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-java"> |
| 18486 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 18487 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 18488 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 18489 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 18490 | |
| 18491 | import; |
| 18492 | import java.util.*; |
| 18493 | |
| 18494 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 18495 | |
| 18496 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 18497 | |
| 18498 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18499 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 18500 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18501 | String configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18502 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 18503 | try { |
| 18504 | apiInstance.enablePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 18505 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 18506 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#enablePort"); |
| 18507 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 18508 | } |
| 18509 | } |
| 18510 | }</code></pre> |
| 18511 | </div> |
| 18512 | |
| 18513 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-android"> |
| 18514 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 18515 | |
| 18516 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 18517 | |
| 18518 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 18519 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18520 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 18521 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18522 | String configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18523 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 18524 | try { |
| 18525 | apiInstance.enablePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 18526 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 18527 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#enablePort"); |
| 18528 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 18529 | } |
| 18530 | } |
| 18531 | }</code></pre> |
| 18532 | </div> |
| 18533 | <!-- |
| 18534 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-groovy"> |
| 18535 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 18536 | </div> --> |
| 18537 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-objc"> |
| 18538 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 18539 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 18540 | String *configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // |
| 18541 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 18542 | |
| 18543 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 18544 | |
| 18545 | // Enable Port Mirroring |
| 18546 | [apiInstance enablePortWith:version |
| 18547 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 18548 | configurationInstanceId:configurationInstanceId |
| 18549 | body:body |
| 18550 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 18551 | if (error) { |
| 18552 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 18553 | } |
| 18554 | }]; |
| 18555 | </code></pre> |
| 18556 | </div> |
| 18557 | |
| 18558 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 18559 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 18560 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 18561 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 18562 | |
| 18563 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 18564 | |
| 18565 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 18566 | |
| 18567 | var configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 18568 | |
| 18569 | var opts = { |
| 18570 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 18571 | }; |
| 18572 | |
| 18573 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 18574 | if (error) { |
| 18575 | console.error(error); |
| 18576 | } else { |
| 18577 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 18578 | } |
| 18579 | }; |
| 18580 | api.enablePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 18581 | </code></pre> |
| 18582 | </div> |
| 18583 | |
| 18584 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-angular"> |
| 18585 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 18586 | </div>--> |
| 18587 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-csharp"> |
| 18588 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 18589 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 18590 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 18591 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 18592 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 18593 | |
| 18594 | namespace Example |
| 18595 | { |
| 18596 | public class enablePortExample |
| 18597 | { |
| 18598 | public void main() |
| 18599 | { |
| 18600 | |
| 18601 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18602 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 18603 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18604 | var configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18605 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 18606 | |
| 18607 | try |
| 18608 | { |
| 18609 | // Enable Port Mirroring |
| 18610 | apiInstance.enablePort(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body); |
| 18611 | } |
| 18612 | catch (Exception e) |
| 18613 | { |
| 18614 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.enablePort: " + e.Message ); |
| 18615 | } |
| 18616 | } |
| 18617 | } |
| 18618 | } |
| 18619 | </code></pre> |
| 18620 | </div> |
| 18621 | |
| 18622 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-php"> |
| 18623 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 18624 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 18625 | |
| 18626 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18627 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 18628 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18629 | $configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18630 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 18631 | |
| 18632 | try { |
| 18633 | $api_instance->enablePort($version, $serviceInstanceId, $configurationInstanceId, $body); |
| 18634 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 18635 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->enablePort: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 18636 | } |
| 18637 | ?></code></pre> |
| 18638 | </div> |
| 18639 | |
| 18640 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-perl"> |
| 18641 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 18642 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 18643 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 18644 | |
| 18645 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 18646 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 18647 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 18648 | my $configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 18649 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 18650 | |
| 18651 | eval { |
| 18652 | $api_instance->enablePort(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId => $configurationInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 18653 | }; |
| 18654 | if ($@) { |
| 18655 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->enablePort: $@\n"; |
| 18656 | }</code></pre> |
| 18657 | </div> |
| 18658 | |
| 18659 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-enablePort-0-python"> |
| 18660 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 18661 | import time |
| 18662 | import swagger_client |
| 18663 | from import ApiException |
| 18664 | from pprint import pprint |
| 18665 | |
| 18666 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 18667 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 18668 | version = version_example # String | |
| 18669 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 18670 | configurationInstanceId = configurationInstanceId_example # String | |
| 18671 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 18672 | |
| 18673 | try: |
| 18674 | # Enable Port Mirroring |
| 18675 | api_instance.enable_port(version, serviceInstanceId, configurationInstanceId, body=body) |
| 18676 | except ApiException as e: |
| 18677 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->enablePort: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 18678 | </div> |
| 18679 | </div> |
| 18680 | |
| 18681 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 18682 | |
| 18683 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 18684 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 18685 | <tr> |
| 18686 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 18687 | <th>Description</th> |
| 18688 | </tr> |
| 18689 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 18690 | <td> |
| 18691 | |
| 18692 | |
| 18693 | <div id="d2e199_enablePort_version"> |
| 18694 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 18695 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 18696 | <span class="type"> |
| 18697 | String |
| 18698 | </span> |
| 18699 | |
| 18700 | </div> |
| 18701 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 18702 | Required |
| 18703 | </div> |
| 18704 | </div> |
| 18705 | </div> |
| 18706 | </td> |
| 18707 | </tr> |
| 18708 | |
| 18709 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 18710 | <td> |
| 18711 | |
| 18712 | |
| 18713 | <div id="d2e199_enablePort_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 18714 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 18715 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 18716 | <span class="type"> |
| 18717 | String |
| 18718 | </span> |
| 18719 | |
| 18720 | </div> |
| 18721 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 18722 | Required |
| 18723 | </div> |
| 18724 | </div> |
| 18725 | </div> |
| 18726 | </td> |
| 18727 | </tr> |
| 18728 | |
| 18729 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">configurationInstanceId*</td> |
| 18730 | <td> |
| 18731 | |
| 18732 | |
| 18733 | <div id="d2e199_enablePort_configurationInstanceId"> |
| 18734 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 18735 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 18736 | <span class="type"> |
| 18737 | String |
| 18738 | </span> |
| 18739 | |
| 18740 | </div> |
| 18741 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 18742 | Required |
| 18743 | </div> |
| 18744 | </div> |
| 18745 | </div> |
| 18746 | </td> |
| 18747 | </tr> |
| 18748 | |
| 18749 | </table> |
| 18750 | |
| 18751 | |
| 18752 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 18753 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 18754 | <tr> |
| 18755 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 18756 | <th>Description</th> |
| 18757 | </tr> |
| 18758 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 18759 | <td> |
| 18760 | |
| 18761 | |
| 18762 | <script> |
| 18763 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 18764 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 18765 | "in" : "body", |
| 18766 | "name" : "body", |
| 18767 | "required" : false, |
| 18768 | "schema" : { |
| 18769 | "type" : "string" |
| 18770 | } |
| 18771 | }; |
| 18772 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 18773 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 18774 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 18775 | } else { |
| 18776 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 18777 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 18778 | console.log(err); |
| 18779 | }); |
| 18780 | } |
| 18781 | |
| 18782 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 18783 | var result = $('#d2e199_enablePort_body'); |
| 18784 | result.empty(); |
| 18785 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 18786 | }); |
| 18787 | </script> |
| 18788 | <div id="d2e199_enablePort_body"></div> |
| 18789 | </td> |
| 18790 | </tr> |
| 18791 | |
| 18792 | </table> |
| 18793 | |
| 18794 | |
| 18795 | |
| 18796 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 18797 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 18798 | |
| 18799 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 18800 | </ul> |
| 18801 | |
| 18802 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 18803 | </div> |
| 18804 | |
| 18805 | </article> |
| 18806 | </div> |
| 18807 | <hr> |
| 18808 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate"> |
| 18809 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0" data-group="User" data-name="inPlaceSoftwareUpdate" data-version="0"> |
| 18810 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 18811 | <h1>inPlaceSoftwareUpdate</h1> |
| 18812 | <p>Perform VNF software update</p> |
| 18813 | </div> |
| 18814 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 18815 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 18816 | <p></p> |
| 18817 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 18818 | <p></p> |
| 18819 | <br /> |
| 18820 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/inPlaceSoftwareUpdate</span></code></pre> |
| 18821 | <p> |
| 18822 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 18823 | </p> |
| 18824 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 18825 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 18826 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 18827 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 18828 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 18829 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 18830 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 18831 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 18832 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 18833 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 18834 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 18835 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 18836 | </ul> |
| 18837 | |
| 18838 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 18839 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 18840 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/inPlaceSoftwareUpdate"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 18841 | </div> |
| 18842 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-java"> |
| 18843 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 18844 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 18845 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 18846 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 18847 | |
| 18848 | import; |
| 18849 | import java.util.*; |
| 18850 | |
| 18851 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 18852 | |
| 18853 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 18854 | |
| 18855 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18856 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 18857 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18858 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18859 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 18860 | try { |
| 18861 | apiInstance.inPlaceSoftwareUpdate(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 18862 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 18863 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#inPlaceSoftwareUpdate"); |
| 18864 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 18865 | } |
| 18866 | } |
| 18867 | }</code></pre> |
| 18868 | </div> |
| 18869 | |
| 18870 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-android"> |
| 18871 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 18872 | |
| 18873 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 18874 | |
| 18875 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 18876 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18877 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 18878 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18879 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18880 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 18881 | try { |
| 18882 | apiInstance.inPlaceSoftwareUpdate(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 18883 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 18884 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#inPlaceSoftwareUpdate"); |
| 18885 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 18886 | } |
| 18887 | } |
| 18888 | }</code></pre> |
| 18889 | </div> |
| 18890 | <!-- |
| 18891 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-groovy"> |
| 18892 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 18893 | </div> --> |
| 18894 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-objc"> |
| 18895 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 18896 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 18897 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 18898 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 18899 | |
| 18900 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 18901 | |
| 18902 | // Perform VNF software update |
| 18903 | [apiInstance inPlaceSoftwareUpdateWith:version |
| 18904 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 18905 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 18906 | body:body |
| 18907 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 18908 | if (error) { |
| 18909 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 18910 | } |
| 18911 | }]; |
| 18912 | </code></pre> |
| 18913 | </div> |
| 18914 | |
| 18915 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 18916 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 18917 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 18918 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 18919 | |
| 18920 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 18921 | |
| 18922 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 18923 | |
| 18924 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 18925 | |
| 18926 | var opts = { |
| 18927 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 18928 | }; |
| 18929 | |
| 18930 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 18931 | if (error) { |
| 18932 | console.error(error); |
| 18933 | } else { |
| 18934 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 18935 | } |
| 18936 | }; |
| 18937 | api.inPlaceSoftwareUpdate(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 18938 | </code></pre> |
| 18939 | </div> |
| 18940 | |
| 18941 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-angular"> |
| 18942 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 18943 | </div>--> |
| 18944 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-csharp"> |
| 18945 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 18946 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 18947 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 18948 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 18949 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 18950 | |
| 18951 | namespace Example |
| 18952 | { |
| 18953 | public class inPlaceSoftwareUpdateExample |
| 18954 | { |
| 18955 | public void main() |
| 18956 | { |
| 18957 | |
| 18958 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18959 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 18960 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18961 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18962 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 18963 | |
| 18964 | try |
| 18965 | { |
| 18966 | // Perform VNF software update |
| 18967 | apiInstance.inPlaceSoftwareUpdate(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 18968 | } |
| 18969 | catch (Exception e) |
| 18970 | { |
| 18971 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.inPlaceSoftwareUpdate: " + e.Message ); |
| 18972 | } |
| 18973 | } |
| 18974 | } |
| 18975 | } |
| 18976 | </code></pre> |
| 18977 | </div> |
| 18978 | |
| 18979 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-php"> |
| 18980 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 18981 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 18982 | |
| 18983 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 18984 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 18985 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18986 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 18987 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 18988 | |
| 18989 | try { |
| 18990 | $api_instance->inPlaceSoftwareUpdate($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $body); |
| 18991 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 18992 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->inPlaceSoftwareUpdate: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 18993 | } |
| 18994 | ?></code></pre> |
| 18995 | </div> |
| 18996 | |
| 18997 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-perl"> |
| 18998 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 18999 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 19000 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 19001 | |
| 19002 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 19003 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 19004 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 19005 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 19006 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 19007 | |
| 19008 | eval { |
| 19009 | $api_instance->inPlaceSoftwareUpdate(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 19010 | }; |
| 19011 | if ($@) { |
| 19012 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->inPlaceSoftwareUpdate: $@\n"; |
| 19013 | }</code></pre> |
| 19014 | </div> |
| 19015 | |
| 19016 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-inPlaceSoftwareUpdate-0-python"> |
| 19017 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 19018 | import time |
| 19019 | import swagger_client |
| 19020 | from import ApiException |
| 19021 | from pprint import pprint |
| 19022 | |
| 19023 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 19024 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 19025 | version = version_example # String | |
| 19026 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 19027 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 19028 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 19029 | |
| 19030 | try: |
| 19031 | # Perform VNF software update |
| 19032 | api_instance.in_place_software_update(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body=body) |
| 19033 | except ApiException as e: |
| 19034 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->inPlaceSoftwareUpdate: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 19035 | </div> |
| 19036 | </div> |
| 19037 | |
| 19038 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 19039 | |
| 19040 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 19041 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 19042 | <tr> |
| 19043 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 19044 | <th>Description</th> |
| 19045 | </tr> |
| 19046 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 19047 | <td> |
| 19048 | |
| 19049 | |
| 19050 | <div id="d2e199_inPlaceSoftwareUpdate_version"> |
| 19051 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 19052 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 19053 | <span class="type"> |
| 19054 | String |
| 19055 | </span> |
| 19056 | |
| 19057 | </div> |
| 19058 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 19059 | Required |
| 19060 | </div> |
| 19061 | </div> |
| 19062 | </div> |
| 19063 | </td> |
| 19064 | </tr> |
| 19065 | |
| 19066 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 19067 | <td> |
| 19068 | |
| 19069 | |
| 19070 | <div id="d2e199_inPlaceSoftwareUpdate_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 19071 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 19072 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 19073 | <span class="type"> |
| 19074 | String |
| 19075 | </span> |
| 19076 | |
| 19077 | </div> |
| 19078 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 19079 | Required |
| 19080 | </div> |
| 19081 | </div> |
| 19082 | </div> |
| 19083 | </td> |
| 19084 | </tr> |
| 19085 | |
| 19086 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 19087 | <td> |
| 19088 | |
| 19089 | |
| 19090 | <div id="d2e199_inPlaceSoftwareUpdate_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 19091 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 19092 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 19093 | <span class="type"> |
| 19094 | String |
| 19095 | </span> |
| 19096 | |
| 19097 | </div> |
| 19098 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 19099 | Required |
| 19100 | </div> |
| 19101 | </div> |
| 19102 | </div> |
| 19103 | </td> |
| 19104 | </tr> |
| 19105 | |
| 19106 | </table> |
| 19107 | |
| 19108 | |
| 19109 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 19110 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 19111 | <tr> |
| 19112 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 19113 | <th>Description</th> |
| 19114 | </tr> |
| 19115 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 19116 | <td> |
| 19117 | |
| 19118 | |
| 19119 | <script> |
| 19120 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 19121 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 19122 | "in" : "body", |
| 19123 | "name" : "body", |
| 19124 | "required" : false, |
| 19125 | "schema" : { |
| 19126 | "type" : "string" |
| 19127 | } |
| 19128 | }; |
| 19129 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 19130 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 19131 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 19132 | } else { |
| 19133 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 19134 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 19135 | console.log(err); |
| 19136 | }); |
| 19137 | } |
| 19138 | |
| 19139 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 19140 | var result = $('#d2e199_inPlaceSoftwareUpdate_body'); |
| 19141 | result.empty(); |
| 19142 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 19143 | }); |
| 19144 | </script> |
| 19145 | <div id="d2e199_inPlaceSoftwareUpdate_body"></div> |
| 19146 | </td> |
| 19147 | </tr> |
| 19148 | |
| 19149 | </table> |
| 19150 | |
| 19151 | |
| 19152 | |
| 19153 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 19154 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 19155 | |
| 19156 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 19157 | </ul> |
| 19158 | |
| 19159 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 19160 | </div> |
| 19161 | |
| 19162 | </article> |
| 19163 | </div> |
| 19164 | <hr> |
| 19165 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships"> |
| 19166 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0" data-group="User" data-name="removeRelationships" data-version="0"> |
| 19167 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 19168 | <h1>removeRelationships</h1> |
| 19169 | <p>Remove Relationships from Service Instance</p> |
| 19170 | </div> |
| 19171 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 19172 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 19173 | <p></p> |
| 19174 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 19175 | <p></p> |
| 19176 | <br /> |
| 19177 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/removeRelationships</span></code></pre> |
| 19178 | <p> |
| 19179 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 19180 | </p> |
| 19181 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 19182 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 19183 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 19184 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 19185 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 19186 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 19187 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 19188 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 19189 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 19190 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 19191 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 19192 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 19193 | </ul> |
| 19194 | |
| 19195 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 19196 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 19197 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/removeRelationships"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 19198 | </div> |
| 19199 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-java"> |
| 19200 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 19201 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 19202 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 19203 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 19204 | |
| 19205 | import; |
| 19206 | import java.util.*; |
| 19207 | |
| 19208 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 19209 | |
| 19210 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 19211 | |
| 19212 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 19213 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 19214 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19215 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 19216 | try { |
| 19217 | apiInstance.removeRelationships(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 19218 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 19219 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#removeRelationships"); |
| 19220 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 19221 | } |
| 19222 | } |
| 19223 | }</code></pre> |
| 19224 | </div> |
| 19225 | |
| 19226 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-android"> |
| 19227 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 19228 | |
| 19229 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 19230 | |
| 19231 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 19232 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 19233 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 19234 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19235 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 19236 | try { |
| 19237 | apiInstance.removeRelationships(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 19238 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 19239 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#removeRelationships"); |
| 19240 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 19241 | } |
| 19242 | } |
| 19243 | }</code></pre> |
| 19244 | </div> |
| 19245 | <!-- |
| 19246 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-groovy"> |
| 19247 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 19248 | </div> --> |
| 19249 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-objc"> |
| 19250 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 19251 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 19252 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 19253 | |
| 19254 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 19255 | |
| 19256 | // Remove Relationships from Service Instance |
| 19257 | [apiInstance removeRelationshipsWith:version |
| 19258 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 19259 | body:body |
| 19260 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 19261 | if (error) { |
| 19262 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 19263 | } |
| 19264 | }]; |
| 19265 | </code></pre> |
| 19266 | </div> |
| 19267 | |
| 19268 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 19269 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 19270 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 19271 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 19272 | |
| 19273 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 19274 | |
| 19275 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 19276 | |
| 19277 | var opts = { |
| 19278 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 19279 | }; |
| 19280 | |
| 19281 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 19282 | if (error) { |
| 19283 | console.error(error); |
| 19284 | } else { |
| 19285 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 19286 | } |
| 19287 | }; |
| 19288 | api.removeRelationships(version, serviceInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 19289 | </code></pre> |
| 19290 | </div> |
| 19291 | |
| 19292 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-angular"> |
| 19293 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 19294 | </div>--> |
| 19295 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-csharp"> |
| 19296 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 19297 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 19298 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 19299 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 19300 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 19301 | |
| 19302 | namespace Example |
| 19303 | { |
| 19304 | public class removeRelationshipsExample |
| 19305 | { |
| 19306 | public void main() |
| 19307 | { |
| 19308 | |
| 19309 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 19310 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 19311 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19312 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 19313 | |
| 19314 | try |
| 19315 | { |
| 19316 | // Remove Relationships from Service Instance |
| 19317 | apiInstance.removeRelationships(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 19318 | } |
| 19319 | catch (Exception e) |
| 19320 | { |
| 19321 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.removeRelationships: " + e.Message ); |
| 19322 | } |
| 19323 | } |
| 19324 | } |
| 19325 | } |
| 19326 | </code></pre> |
| 19327 | </div> |
| 19328 | |
| 19329 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-php"> |
| 19330 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 19331 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 19332 | |
| 19333 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 19334 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 19335 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19336 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 19337 | |
| 19338 | try { |
| 19339 | $api_instance->removeRelationships($version, $serviceInstanceId, $body); |
| 19340 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 19341 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->removeRelationships: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 19342 | } |
| 19343 | ?></code></pre> |
| 19344 | </div> |
| 19345 | |
| 19346 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-perl"> |
| 19347 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 19348 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 19349 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 19350 | |
| 19351 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 19352 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 19353 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 19354 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 19355 | |
| 19356 | eval { |
| 19357 | $api_instance->removeRelationships(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 19358 | }; |
| 19359 | if ($@) { |
| 19360 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->removeRelationships: $@\n"; |
| 19361 | }</code></pre> |
| 19362 | </div> |
| 19363 | |
| 19364 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-removeRelationships-0-python"> |
| 19365 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 19366 | import time |
| 19367 | import swagger_client |
| 19368 | from import ApiException |
| 19369 | from pprint import pprint |
| 19370 | |
| 19371 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 19372 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 19373 | version = version_example # String | |
| 19374 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 19375 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 19376 | |
| 19377 | try: |
| 19378 | # Remove Relationships from Service Instance |
| 19379 | api_instance.remove_relationships(version, serviceInstanceId, body=body) |
| 19380 | except ApiException as e: |
| 19381 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->removeRelationships: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 19382 | </div> |
| 19383 | </div> |
| 19384 | |
| 19385 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 19386 | |
| 19387 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 19388 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 19389 | <tr> |
| 19390 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 19391 | <th>Description</th> |
| 19392 | </tr> |
| 19393 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 19394 | <td> |
| 19395 | |
| 19396 | |
| 19397 | <div id="d2e199_removeRelationships_version"> |
| 19398 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 19399 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 19400 | <span class="type"> |
| 19401 | String |
| 19402 | </span> |
| 19403 | |
| 19404 | </div> |
| 19405 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 19406 | Required |
| 19407 | </div> |
| 19408 | </div> |
| 19409 | </div> |
| 19410 | </td> |
| 19411 | </tr> |
| 19412 | |
| 19413 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 19414 | <td> |
| 19415 | |
| 19416 | |
| 19417 | <div id="d2e199_removeRelationships_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 19418 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 19419 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 19420 | <span class="type"> |
| 19421 | String |
| 19422 | </span> |
| 19423 | |
| 19424 | </div> |
| 19425 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 19426 | Required |
| 19427 | </div> |
| 19428 | </div> |
| 19429 | </div> |
| 19430 | </td> |
| 19431 | </tr> |
| 19432 | |
| 19433 | </table> |
| 19434 | |
| 19435 | |
| 19436 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 19437 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 19438 | <tr> |
| 19439 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 19440 | <th>Description</th> |
| 19441 | </tr> |
| 19442 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 19443 | <td> |
| 19444 | |
| 19445 | |
| 19446 | <script> |
| 19447 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 19448 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 19449 | "in" : "body", |
| 19450 | "name" : "body", |
| 19451 | "required" : false, |
| 19452 | "schema" : { |
| 19453 | "type" : "string" |
| 19454 | } |
| 19455 | }; |
| 19456 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 19457 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 19458 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 19459 | } else { |
| 19460 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 19461 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 19462 | console.log(err); |
| 19463 | }); |
| 19464 | } |
| 19465 | |
| 19466 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 19467 | var result = $('#d2e199_removeRelationships_body'); |
| 19468 | result.empty(); |
| 19469 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 19470 | }); |
| 19471 | </script> |
| 19472 | <div id="d2e199_removeRelationships_body"></div> |
| 19473 | </td> |
| 19474 | </tr> |
| 19475 | |
| 19476 | </table> |
| 19477 | |
| 19478 | |
| 19479 | |
| 19480 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 19481 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 19482 | |
| 19483 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 19484 | </ul> |
| 19485 | |
| 19486 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 19487 | </div> |
| 19488 | |
| 19489 | </article> |
| 19490 | </div> |
| 19491 | <hr> |
| 19492 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance"> |
| 19493 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="replaceVfModuleInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 19494 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 19495 | <h1>replaceVfModuleInstance</h1> |
| 19496 | <p>Create VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance</p> |
| 19497 | </div> |
| 19498 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 19499 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 19500 | <p></p> |
| 19501 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 19502 | <p></p> |
| 19503 | <br /> |
| 19504 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/{vfmoduleInstanceId}/replace</span></code></pre> |
| 19505 | <p> |
| 19506 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 19507 | </p> |
| 19508 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 19509 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 19510 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 19511 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 19512 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 19513 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 19514 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 19515 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 19516 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 19517 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 19518 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 19519 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 19520 | </ul> |
| 19521 | |
| 19522 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 19523 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 19524 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/{vfmoduleInstanceId}/replace"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 19525 | </div> |
| 19526 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-java"> |
| 19527 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 19528 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 19529 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 19530 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 19531 | |
| 19532 | import; |
| 19533 | import java.util.*; |
| 19534 | |
| 19535 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 19536 | |
| 19537 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 19538 | |
| 19539 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 19540 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 19541 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19542 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19543 | String vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19544 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 19545 | try { |
| 19546 | apiInstance.replaceVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 19547 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 19548 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#replaceVfModuleInstance"); |
| 19549 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 19550 | } |
| 19551 | } |
| 19552 | }</code></pre> |
| 19553 | </div> |
| 19554 | |
| 19555 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-android"> |
| 19556 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 19557 | |
| 19558 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 19559 | |
| 19560 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 19561 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 19562 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 19563 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19564 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19565 | String vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19566 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 19567 | try { |
| 19568 | apiInstance.replaceVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 19569 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 19570 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#replaceVfModuleInstance"); |
| 19571 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 19572 | } |
| 19573 | } |
| 19574 | }</code></pre> |
| 19575 | </div> |
| 19576 | <!-- |
| 19577 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 19578 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 19579 | </div> --> |
| 19580 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-objc"> |
| 19581 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 19582 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 19583 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 19584 | String *vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // |
| 19585 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 19586 | |
| 19587 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 19588 | |
| 19589 | // Create VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance |
| 19590 | [apiInstance replaceVfModuleInstanceWith:version |
| 19591 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 19592 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 19593 | vfmoduleInstanceId:vfmoduleInstanceId |
| 19594 | body:body |
| 19595 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 19596 | if (error) { |
| 19597 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 19598 | } |
| 19599 | }]; |
| 19600 | </code></pre> |
| 19601 | </div> |
| 19602 | |
| 19603 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 19604 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 19605 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 19606 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 19607 | |
| 19608 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 19609 | |
| 19610 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 19611 | |
| 19612 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 19613 | |
| 19614 | var vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 19615 | |
| 19616 | var opts = { |
| 19617 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 19618 | }; |
| 19619 | |
| 19620 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 19621 | if (error) { |
| 19622 | console.error(error); |
| 19623 | } else { |
| 19624 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 19625 | } |
| 19626 | }; |
| 19627 | api.replaceVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 19628 | </code></pre> |
| 19629 | </div> |
| 19630 | |
| 19631 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-angular"> |
| 19632 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 19633 | </div>--> |
| 19634 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 19635 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 19636 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 19637 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 19638 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 19639 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 19640 | |
| 19641 | namespace Example |
| 19642 | { |
| 19643 | public class replaceVfModuleInstanceExample |
| 19644 | { |
| 19645 | public void main() |
| 19646 | { |
| 19647 | |
| 19648 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 19649 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 19650 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19651 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19652 | var vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19653 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 19654 | |
| 19655 | try |
| 19656 | { |
| 19657 | // Create VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance |
| 19658 | apiInstance.replaceVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 19659 | } |
| 19660 | catch (Exception e) |
| 19661 | { |
| 19662 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.replaceVfModuleInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 19663 | } |
| 19664 | } |
| 19665 | } |
| 19666 | } |
| 19667 | </code></pre> |
| 19668 | </div> |
| 19669 | |
| 19670 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-php"> |
| 19671 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 19672 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 19673 | |
| 19674 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 19675 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 19676 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19677 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19678 | $vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19679 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 19680 | |
| 19681 | try { |
| 19682 | $api_instance->replaceVfModuleInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $vfmoduleInstanceId, $body); |
| 19683 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 19684 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->replaceVfModuleInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 19685 | } |
| 19686 | ?></code></pre> |
| 19687 | </div> |
| 19688 | |
| 19689 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-perl"> |
| 19690 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 19691 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 19692 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 19693 | |
| 19694 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 19695 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 19696 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 19697 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 19698 | my $vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 19699 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 19700 | |
| 19701 | eval { |
| 19702 | $api_instance->replaceVfModuleInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId => $vfmoduleInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 19703 | }; |
| 19704 | if ($@) { |
| 19705 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->replaceVfModuleInstance: $@\n"; |
| 19706 | }</code></pre> |
| 19707 | </div> |
| 19708 | |
| 19709 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVfModuleInstance-0-python"> |
| 19710 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 19711 | import time |
| 19712 | import swagger_client |
| 19713 | from import ApiException |
| 19714 | from pprint import pprint |
| 19715 | |
| 19716 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 19717 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 19718 | version = version_example # String | |
| 19719 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 19720 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 19721 | vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example # String | |
| 19722 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 19723 | |
| 19724 | try: |
| 19725 | # Create VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance |
| 19726 | api_instance.replace_vf_module_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body=body) |
| 19727 | except ApiException as e: |
| 19728 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->replaceVfModuleInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 19729 | </div> |
| 19730 | </div> |
| 19731 | |
| 19732 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 19733 | |
| 19734 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 19735 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 19736 | <tr> |
| 19737 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 19738 | <th>Description</th> |
| 19739 | </tr> |
| 19740 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 19741 | <td> |
| 19742 | |
| 19743 | |
| 19744 | <div id="d2e199_replaceVfModuleInstance_version"> |
| 19745 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 19746 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 19747 | <span class="type"> |
| 19748 | String |
| 19749 | </span> |
| 19750 | |
| 19751 | </div> |
| 19752 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 19753 | Required |
| 19754 | </div> |
| 19755 | </div> |
| 19756 | </div> |
| 19757 | </td> |
| 19758 | </tr> |
| 19759 | |
| 19760 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 19761 | <td> |
| 19762 | |
| 19763 | |
| 19764 | <div id="d2e199_replaceVfModuleInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 19765 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 19766 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 19767 | <span class="type"> |
| 19768 | String |
| 19769 | </span> |
| 19770 | |
| 19771 | </div> |
| 19772 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 19773 | Required |
| 19774 | </div> |
| 19775 | </div> |
| 19776 | </div> |
| 19777 | </td> |
| 19778 | </tr> |
| 19779 | |
| 19780 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 19781 | <td> |
| 19782 | |
| 19783 | |
| 19784 | <div id="d2e199_replaceVfModuleInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 19785 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 19786 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 19787 | <span class="type"> |
| 19788 | String |
| 19789 | </span> |
| 19790 | |
| 19791 | </div> |
| 19792 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 19793 | Required |
| 19794 | </div> |
| 19795 | </div> |
| 19796 | </div> |
| 19797 | </td> |
| 19798 | </tr> |
| 19799 | |
| 19800 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vfmoduleInstanceId*</td> |
| 19801 | <td> |
| 19802 | |
| 19803 | |
| 19804 | <div id="d2e199_replaceVfModuleInstance_vfmoduleInstanceId"> |
| 19805 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 19806 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 19807 | <span class="type"> |
| 19808 | String |
| 19809 | </span> |
| 19810 | |
| 19811 | </div> |
| 19812 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 19813 | Required |
| 19814 | </div> |
| 19815 | </div> |
| 19816 | </div> |
| 19817 | </td> |
| 19818 | </tr> |
| 19819 | |
| 19820 | </table> |
| 19821 | |
| 19822 | |
| 19823 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 19824 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 19825 | <tr> |
| 19826 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 19827 | <th>Description</th> |
| 19828 | </tr> |
| 19829 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 19830 | <td> |
| 19831 | |
| 19832 | |
| 19833 | <script> |
| 19834 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 19835 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 19836 | "in" : "body", |
| 19837 | "name" : "body", |
| 19838 | "required" : false, |
| 19839 | "schema" : { |
| 19840 | "type" : "string" |
| 19841 | } |
| 19842 | }; |
| 19843 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 19844 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 19845 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 19846 | } else { |
| 19847 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 19848 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 19849 | console.log(err); |
| 19850 | }); |
| 19851 | } |
| 19852 | |
| 19853 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 19854 | var result = $('#d2e199_replaceVfModuleInstance_body'); |
| 19855 | result.empty(); |
| 19856 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 19857 | }); |
| 19858 | </script> |
| 19859 | <div id="d2e199_replaceVfModuleInstance_body"></div> |
| 19860 | </td> |
| 19861 | </tr> |
| 19862 | |
| 19863 | </table> |
| 19864 | |
| 19865 | |
| 19866 | |
| 19867 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 19868 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 19869 | |
| 19870 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 19871 | </ul> |
| 19872 | |
| 19873 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 19874 | </div> |
| 19875 | |
| 19876 | </article> |
| 19877 | </div> |
| 19878 | <hr> |
| 19879 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance"> |
| 19880 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="replaceVnfInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 19881 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 19882 | <h1>replaceVnfInstance</h1> |
| 19883 | <p>Replace provided VNF instance</p> |
| 19884 | </div> |
| 19885 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 19886 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 19887 | <p></p> |
| 19888 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 19889 | <p></p> |
| 19890 | <br /> |
| 19891 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/replace</span></code></pre> |
| 19892 | <p> |
| 19893 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 19894 | </p> |
| 19895 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 19896 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 19897 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 19898 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 19899 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 19900 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 19901 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 19902 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 19903 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 19904 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 19905 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 19906 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 19907 | </ul> |
| 19908 | |
| 19909 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 19910 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 19911 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/replace"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 19912 | </div> |
| 19913 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-java"> |
| 19914 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 19915 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 19916 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 19917 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 19918 | |
| 19919 | import; |
| 19920 | import java.util.*; |
| 19921 | |
| 19922 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 19923 | |
| 19924 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 19925 | |
| 19926 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 19927 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 19928 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19929 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19930 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 19931 | try { |
| 19932 | apiInstance.replaceVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 19933 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 19934 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#replaceVnfInstance"); |
| 19935 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 19936 | } |
| 19937 | } |
| 19938 | }</code></pre> |
| 19939 | </div> |
| 19940 | |
| 19941 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-android"> |
| 19942 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 19943 | |
| 19944 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 19945 | |
| 19946 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 19947 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 19948 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 19949 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19950 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 19951 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 19952 | try { |
| 19953 | apiInstance.replaceVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 19954 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 19955 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#replaceVnfInstance"); |
| 19956 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 19957 | } |
| 19958 | } |
| 19959 | }</code></pre> |
| 19960 | </div> |
| 19961 | <!-- |
| 19962 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 19963 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 19964 | </div> --> |
| 19965 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-objc"> |
| 19966 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 19967 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 19968 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 19969 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 19970 | |
| 19971 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 19972 | |
| 19973 | // Replace provided VNF instance |
| 19974 | [apiInstance replaceVnfInstanceWith:version |
| 19975 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 19976 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 19977 | body:body |
| 19978 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 19979 | if (error) { |
| 19980 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 19981 | } |
| 19982 | }]; |
| 19983 | </code></pre> |
| 19984 | </div> |
| 19985 | |
| 19986 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 19987 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 19988 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 19989 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 19990 | |
| 19991 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 19992 | |
| 19993 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 19994 | |
| 19995 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 19996 | |
| 19997 | var opts = { |
| 19998 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 19999 | }; |
| 20000 | |
| 20001 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 20002 | if (error) { |
| 20003 | console.error(error); |
| 20004 | } else { |
| 20005 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 20006 | } |
| 20007 | }; |
| 20008 | api.replaceVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 20009 | </code></pre> |
| 20010 | </div> |
| 20011 | |
| 20012 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-angular"> |
| 20013 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 20014 | </div>--> |
| 20015 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 20016 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 20017 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 20018 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 20019 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 20020 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 20021 | |
| 20022 | namespace Example |
| 20023 | { |
| 20024 | public class replaceVnfInstanceExample |
| 20025 | { |
| 20026 | public void main() |
| 20027 | { |
| 20028 | |
| 20029 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20030 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 20031 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20032 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20033 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 20034 | |
| 20035 | try |
| 20036 | { |
| 20037 | // Replace provided VNF instance |
| 20038 | apiInstance.replaceVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 20039 | } |
| 20040 | catch (Exception e) |
| 20041 | { |
| 20042 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.replaceVnfInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 20043 | } |
| 20044 | } |
| 20045 | } |
| 20046 | } |
| 20047 | </code></pre> |
| 20048 | </div> |
| 20049 | |
| 20050 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-php"> |
| 20051 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 20052 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 20053 | |
| 20054 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20055 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 20056 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20057 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20058 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 20059 | |
| 20060 | try { |
| 20061 | $api_instance->replaceVnfInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $body); |
| 20062 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 20063 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->replaceVnfInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 20064 | } |
| 20065 | ?></code></pre> |
| 20066 | </div> |
| 20067 | |
| 20068 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-perl"> |
| 20069 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 20070 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 20071 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 20072 | |
| 20073 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 20074 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 20075 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 20076 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 20077 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 20078 | |
| 20079 | eval { |
| 20080 | $api_instance->replaceVnfInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 20081 | }; |
| 20082 | if ($@) { |
| 20083 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->replaceVnfInstance: $@\n"; |
| 20084 | }</code></pre> |
| 20085 | </div> |
| 20086 | |
| 20087 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-replaceVnfInstance-0-python"> |
| 20088 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 20089 | import time |
| 20090 | import swagger_client |
| 20091 | from import ApiException |
| 20092 | from pprint import pprint |
| 20093 | |
| 20094 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 20095 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 20096 | version = version_example # String | |
| 20097 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 20098 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 20099 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 20100 | |
| 20101 | try: |
| 20102 | # Replace provided VNF instance |
| 20103 | api_instance.replace_vnf_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body=body) |
| 20104 | except ApiException as e: |
| 20105 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->replaceVnfInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 20106 | </div> |
| 20107 | </div> |
| 20108 | |
| 20109 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 20110 | |
| 20111 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 20112 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 20113 | <tr> |
| 20114 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 20115 | <th>Description</th> |
| 20116 | </tr> |
| 20117 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 20118 | <td> |
| 20119 | |
| 20120 | |
| 20121 | <div id="d2e199_replaceVnfInstance_version"> |
| 20122 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 20123 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 20124 | <span class="type"> |
| 20125 | String |
| 20126 | </span> |
| 20127 | |
| 20128 | </div> |
| 20129 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 20130 | Required |
| 20131 | </div> |
| 20132 | </div> |
| 20133 | </div> |
| 20134 | </td> |
| 20135 | </tr> |
| 20136 | |
| 20137 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 20138 | <td> |
| 20139 | |
| 20140 | |
| 20141 | <div id="d2e199_replaceVnfInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 20142 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 20143 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 20144 | <span class="type"> |
| 20145 | String |
| 20146 | </span> |
| 20147 | |
| 20148 | </div> |
| 20149 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 20150 | Required |
| 20151 | </div> |
| 20152 | </div> |
| 20153 | </div> |
| 20154 | </td> |
| 20155 | </tr> |
| 20156 | |
| 20157 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 20158 | <td> |
| 20159 | |
| 20160 | |
| 20161 | <div id="d2e199_replaceVnfInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 20162 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 20163 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 20164 | <span class="type"> |
| 20165 | String |
| 20166 | </span> |
| 20167 | |
| 20168 | </div> |
| 20169 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 20170 | Required |
| 20171 | </div> |
| 20172 | </div> |
| 20173 | </div> |
| 20174 | </td> |
| 20175 | </tr> |
| 20176 | |
| 20177 | </table> |
| 20178 | |
| 20179 | |
| 20180 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 20181 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 20182 | <tr> |
| 20183 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 20184 | <th>Description</th> |
| 20185 | </tr> |
| 20186 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 20187 | <td> |
| 20188 | |
| 20189 | |
| 20190 | <script> |
| 20191 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 20192 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 20193 | "in" : "body", |
| 20194 | "name" : "body", |
| 20195 | "required" : false, |
| 20196 | "schema" : { |
| 20197 | "type" : "string" |
| 20198 | } |
| 20199 | }; |
| 20200 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 20201 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 20202 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 20203 | } else { |
| 20204 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 20205 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 20206 | console.log(err); |
| 20207 | }); |
| 20208 | } |
| 20209 | |
| 20210 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 20211 | var result = $('#d2e199_replaceVnfInstance_body'); |
| 20212 | result.empty(); |
| 20213 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 20214 | }); |
| 20215 | </script> |
| 20216 | <div id="d2e199_replaceVnfInstance_body"></div> |
| 20217 | </td> |
| 20218 | </tr> |
| 20219 | |
| 20220 | </table> |
| 20221 | |
| 20222 | |
| 20223 | |
| 20224 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 20225 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 20226 | |
| 20227 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 20228 | </ul> |
| 20229 | |
| 20230 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 20231 | </div> |
| 20232 | |
| 20233 | </article> |
| 20234 | </div> |
| 20235 | <hr> |
| 20236 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule"> |
| 20237 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0" data-group="User" data-name="scaleOutVfModule" data-version="0"> |
| 20238 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 20239 | <h1>scaleOutVfModule</h1> |
| 20240 | <p>VF Auto Scale Out</p> |
| 20241 | </div> |
| 20242 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 20243 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 20244 | <p></p> |
| 20245 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 20246 | <p></p> |
| 20247 | <br /> |
| 20248 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/scaleOut</span></code></pre> |
| 20249 | <p> |
| 20250 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 20251 | </p> |
| 20252 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 20253 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 20254 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 20255 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 20256 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 20257 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 20258 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 20259 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 20260 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 20261 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 20262 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 20263 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 20264 | </ul> |
| 20265 | |
| 20266 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 20267 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 20268 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/scaleOut"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 20269 | </div> |
| 20270 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-java"> |
| 20271 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 20272 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 20273 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 20274 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 20275 | |
| 20276 | import; |
| 20277 | import java.util.*; |
| 20278 | |
| 20279 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 20280 | |
| 20281 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 20282 | |
| 20283 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20284 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 20285 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20286 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20287 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 20288 | try { |
| 20289 | apiInstance.scaleOutVfModule(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 20290 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 20291 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#scaleOutVfModule"); |
| 20292 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 20293 | } |
| 20294 | } |
| 20295 | }</code></pre> |
| 20296 | </div> |
| 20297 | |
| 20298 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-android"> |
| 20299 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 20300 | |
| 20301 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 20302 | |
| 20303 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 20304 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20305 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 20306 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20307 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20308 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 20309 | try { |
| 20310 | apiInstance.scaleOutVfModule(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 20311 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 20312 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#scaleOutVfModule"); |
| 20313 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 20314 | } |
| 20315 | } |
| 20316 | }</code></pre> |
| 20317 | </div> |
| 20318 | <!-- |
| 20319 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-groovy"> |
| 20320 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 20321 | </div> --> |
| 20322 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-objc"> |
| 20323 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 20324 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 20325 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 20326 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 20327 | |
| 20328 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 20329 | |
| 20330 | // VF Auto Scale Out |
| 20331 | [apiInstance scaleOutVfModuleWith:version |
| 20332 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 20333 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 20334 | body:body |
| 20335 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 20336 | if (error) { |
| 20337 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 20338 | } |
| 20339 | }]; |
| 20340 | </code></pre> |
| 20341 | </div> |
| 20342 | |
| 20343 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 20344 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 20345 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 20346 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 20347 | |
| 20348 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 20349 | |
| 20350 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 20351 | |
| 20352 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 20353 | |
| 20354 | var opts = { |
| 20355 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 20356 | }; |
| 20357 | |
| 20358 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 20359 | if (error) { |
| 20360 | console.error(error); |
| 20361 | } else { |
| 20362 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 20363 | } |
| 20364 | }; |
| 20365 | api.scaleOutVfModule(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 20366 | </code></pre> |
| 20367 | </div> |
| 20368 | |
| 20369 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-angular"> |
| 20370 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 20371 | </div>--> |
| 20372 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-csharp"> |
| 20373 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 20374 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 20375 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 20376 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 20377 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 20378 | |
| 20379 | namespace Example |
| 20380 | { |
| 20381 | public class scaleOutVfModuleExample |
| 20382 | { |
| 20383 | public void main() |
| 20384 | { |
| 20385 | |
| 20386 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20387 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 20388 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20389 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20390 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 20391 | |
| 20392 | try |
| 20393 | { |
| 20394 | // VF Auto Scale Out |
| 20395 | apiInstance.scaleOutVfModule(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 20396 | } |
| 20397 | catch (Exception e) |
| 20398 | { |
| 20399 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.scaleOutVfModule: " + e.Message ); |
| 20400 | } |
| 20401 | } |
| 20402 | } |
| 20403 | } |
| 20404 | </code></pre> |
| 20405 | </div> |
| 20406 | |
| 20407 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-php"> |
| 20408 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 20409 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 20410 | |
| 20411 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20412 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 20413 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20414 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20415 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 20416 | |
| 20417 | try { |
| 20418 | $api_instance->scaleOutVfModule($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $body); |
| 20419 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 20420 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->scaleOutVfModule: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 20421 | } |
| 20422 | ?></code></pre> |
| 20423 | </div> |
| 20424 | |
| 20425 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-perl"> |
| 20426 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 20427 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 20428 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 20429 | |
| 20430 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 20431 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 20432 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 20433 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 20434 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 20435 | |
| 20436 | eval { |
| 20437 | $api_instance->scaleOutVfModule(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 20438 | }; |
| 20439 | if ($@) { |
| 20440 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->scaleOutVfModule: $@\n"; |
| 20441 | }</code></pre> |
| 20442 | </div> |
| 20443 | |
| 20444 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-scaleOutVfModule-0-python"> |
| 20445 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 20446 | import time |
| 20447 | import swagger_client |
| 20448 | from import ApiException |
| 20449 | from pprint import pprint |
| 20450 | |
| 20451 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 20452 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 20453 | version = version_example # String | |
| 20454 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 20455 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 20456 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 20457 | |
| 20458 | try: |
| 20459 | # VF Auto Scale Out |
| 20460 | api_instance.scale_out_vf_module(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body=body) |
| 20461 | except ApiException as e: |
| 20462 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->scaleOutVfModule: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 20463 | </div> |
| 20464 | </div> |
| 20465 | |
| 20466 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 20467 | |
| 20468 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 20469 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 20470 | <tr> |
| 20471 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 20472 | <th>Description</th> |
| 20473 | </tr> |
| 20474 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 20475 | <td> |
| 20476 | |
| 20477 | |
| 20478 | <div id="d2e199_scaleOutVfModule_version"> |
| 20479 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 20480 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 20481 | <span class="type"> |
| 20482 | String |
| 20483 | </span> |
| 20484 | |
| 20485 | </div> |
| 20486 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 20487 | Required |
| 20488 | </div> |
| 20489 | </div> |
| 20490 | </div> |
| 20491 | </td> |
| 20492 | </tr> |
| 20493 | |
| 20494 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 20495 | <td> |
| 20496 | |
| 20497 | |
| 20498 | <div id="d2e199_scaleOutVfModule_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 20499 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 20500 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 20501 | <span class="type"> |
| 20502 | String |
| 20503 | </span> |
| 20504 | |
| 20505 | </div> |
| 20506 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 20507 | Required |
| 20508 | </div> |
| 20509 | </div> |
| 20510 | </div> |
| 20511 | </td> |
| 20512 | </tr> |
| 20513 | |
| 20514 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 20515 | <td> |
| 20516 | |
| 20517 | |
| 20518 | <div id="d2e199_scaleOutVfModule_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 20519 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 20520 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 20521 | <span class="type"> |
| 20522 | String |
| 20523 | </span> |
| 20524 | |
| 20525 | </div> |
| 20526 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 20527 | Required |
| 20528 | </div> |
| 20529 | </div> |
| 20530 | </div> |
| 20531 | </td> |
| 20532 | </tr> |
| 20533 | |
| 20534 | </table> |
| 20535 | |
| 20536 | |
| 20537 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 20538 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 20539 | <tr> |
| 20540 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 20541 | <th>Description</th> |
| 20542 | </tr> |
| 20543 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 20544 | <td> |
| 20545 | |
| 20546 | |
| 20547 | <script> |
| 20548 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 20549 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 20550 | "in" : "body", |
| 20551 | "name" : "body", |
| 20552 | "required" : false, |
| 20553 | "schema" : { |
| 20554 | "type" : "string" |
| 20555 | } |
| 20556 | }; |
| 20557 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 20558 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 20559 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 20560 | } else { |
| 20561 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 20562 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 20563 | console.log(err); |
| 20564 | }); |
| 20565 | } |
| 20566 | |
| 20567 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 20568 | var result = $('#d2e199_scaleOutVfModule_body'); |
| 20569 | result.empty(); |
| 20570 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 20571 | }); |
| 20572 | </script> |
| 20573 | <div id="d2e199_scaleOutVfModule_body"></div> |
| 20574 | </td> |
| 20575 | </tr> |
| 20576 | |
| 20577 | </table> |
| 20578 | |
| 20579 | |
| 20580 | |
| 20581 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 20582 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 20583 | |
| 20584 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 20585 | </ul> |
| 20586 | |
| 20587 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 20588 | </div> |
| 20589 | |
| 20590 | </article> |
| 20591 | </div> |
| 20592 | <hr> |
| 20593 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance"> |
| 20594 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="unassignServiceInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 20595 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 20596 | <h1>unassignServiceInstance</h1> |
| 20597 | <p>Unassign Service Instance</p> |
| 20598 | </div> |
| 20599 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 20600 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 20601 | <p></p> |
| 20602 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 20603 | <p></p> |
| 20604 | <br /> |
| 20605 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/unassign</span></code></pre> |
| 20606 | <p> |
| 20607 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 20608 | </p> |
| 20609 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 20610 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 20611 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 20612 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 20613 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 20614 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 20615 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 20616 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 20617 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 20618 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 20619 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 20620 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 20621 | </ul> |
| 20622 | |
| 20623 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 20624 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 20625 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/unassign"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 20626 | </div> |
| 20627 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-java"> |
| 20628 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 20629 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 20630 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 20631 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 20632 | |
| 20633 | import; |
| 20634 | import java.util.*; |
| 20635 | |
| 20636 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 20637 | |
| 20638 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 20639 | |
| 20640 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20641 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 20642 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20643 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 20644 | try { |
| 20645 | apiInstance.unassignServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 20646 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 20647 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#unassignServiceInstance"); |
| 20648 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 20649 | } |
| 20650 | } |
| 20651 | }</code></pre> |
| 20652 | </div> |
| 20653 | |
| 20654 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-android"> |
| 20655 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 20656 | |
| 20657 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 20658 | |
| 20659 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 20660 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20661 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 20662 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20663 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 20664 | try { |
| 20665 | apiInstance.unassignServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 20666 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 20667 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#unassignServiceInstance"); |
| 20668 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 20669 | } |
| 20670 | } |
| 20671 | }</code></pre> |
| 20672 | </div> |
| 20673 | <!-- |
| 20674 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 20675 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 20676 | </div> --> |
| 20677 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-objc"> |
| 20678 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 20679 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 20680 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 20681 | |
| 20682 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 20683 | |
| 20684 | // Unassign Service Instance |
| 20685 | [apiInstance unassignServiceInstanceWith:version |
| 20686 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 20687 | body:body |
| 20688 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 20689 | if (error) { |
| 20690 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 20691 | } |
| 20692 | }]; |
| 20693 | </code></pre> |
| 20694 | </div> |
| 20695 | |
| 20696 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 20697 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 20698 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 20699 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 20700 | |
| 20701 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 20702 | |
| 20703 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 20704 | |
| 20705 | var opts = { |
| 20706 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 20707 | }; |
| 20708 | |
| 20709 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 20710 | if (error) { |
| 20711 | console.error(error); |
| 20712 | } else { |
| 20713 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 20714 | } |
| 20715 | }; |
| 20716 | api.unassignServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 20717 | </code></pre> |
| 20718 | </div> |
| 20719 | |
| 20720 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-angular"> |
| 20721 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 20722 | </div>--> |
| 20723 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 20724 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 20725 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 20726 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 20727 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 20728 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 20729 | |
| 20730 | namespace Example |
| 20731 | { |
| 20732 | public class unassignServiceInstanceExample |
| 20733 | { |
| 20734 | public void main() |
| 20735 | { |
| 20736 | |
| 20737 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20738 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 20739 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20740 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 20741 | |
| 20742 | try |
| 20743 | { |
| 20744 | // Unassign Service Instance |
| 20745 | apiInstance.unassignServiceInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, body); |
| 20746 | } |
| 20747 | catch (Exception e) |
| 20748 | { |
| 20749 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.unassignServiceInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 20750 | } |
| 20751 | } |
| 20752 | } |
| 20753 | } |
| 20754 | </code></pre> |
| 20755 | </div> |
| 20756 | |
| 20757 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-php"> |
| 20758 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 20759 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 20760 | |
| 20761 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20762 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 20763 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20764 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 20765 | |
| 20766 | try { |
| 20767 | $api_instance->unassignServiceInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $body); |
| 20768 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 20769 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->unassignServiceInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 20770 | } |
| 20771 | ?></code></pre> |
| 20772 | </div> |
| 20773 | |
| 20774 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-perl"> |
| 20775 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 20776 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 20777 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 20778 | |
| 20779 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 20780 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 20781 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 20782 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 20783 | |
| 20784 | eval { |
| 20785 | $api_instance->unassignServiceInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 20786 | }; |
| 20787 | if ($@) { |
| 20788 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->unassignServiceInstance: $@\n"; |
| 20789 | }</code></pre> |
| 20790 | </div> |
| 20791 | |
| 20792 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-unassignServiceInstance-0-python"> |
| 20793 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 20794 | import time |
| 20795 | import swagger_client |
| 20796 | from import ApiException |
| 20797 | from pprint import pprint |
| 20798 | |
| 20799 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 20800 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 20801 | version = version_example # String | |
| 20802 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 20803 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 20804 | |
| 20805 | try: |
| 20806 | # Unassign Service Instance |
| 20807 | api_instance.unassign_service_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, body=body) |
| 20808 | except ApiException as e: |
| 20809 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->unassignServiceInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 20810 | </div> |
| 20811 | </div> |
| 20812 | |
| 20813 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 20814 | |
| 20815 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 20816 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 20817 | <tr> |
| 20818 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 20819 | <th>Description</th> |
| 20820 | </tr> |
| 20821 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 20822 | <td> |
| 20823 | |
| 20824 | |
| 20825 | <div id="d2e199_unassignServiceInstance_version"> |
| 20826 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 20827 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 20828 | <span class="type"> |
| 20829 | String |
| 20830 | </span> |
| 20831 | |
| 20832 | </div> |
| 20833 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 20834 | Required |
| 20835 | </div> |
| 20836 | </div> |
| 20837 | </div> |
| 20838 | </td> |
| 20839 | </tr> |
| 20840 | |
| 20841 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 20842 | <td> |
| 20843 | |
| 20844 | |
| 20845 | <div id="d2e199_unassignServiceInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 20846 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 20847 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 20848 | <span class="type"> |
| 20849 | String |
| 20850 | </span> |
| 20851 | |
| 20852 | </div> |
| 20853 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 20854 | Required |
| 20855 | </div> |
| 20856 | </div> |
| 20857 | </div> |
| 20858 | </td> |
| 20859 | </tr> |
| 20860 | |
| 20861 | </table> |
| 20862 | |
| 20863 | |
| 20864 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 20865 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 20866 | <tr> |
| 20867 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 20868 | <th>Description</th> |
| 20869 | </tr> |
| 20870 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 20871 | <td> |
| 20872 | |
| 20873 | |
| 20874 | <script> |
| 20875 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 20876 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 20877 | "in" : "body", |
| 20878 | "name" : "body", |
| 20879 | "required" : false, |
| 20880 | "schema" : { |
| 20881 | "type" : "string" |
| 20882 | } |
| 20883 | }; |
| 20884 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 20885 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 20886 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 20887 | } else { |
| 20888 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 20889 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 20890 | console.log(err); |
| 20891 | }); |
| 20892 | } |
| 20893 | |
| 20894 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 20895 | var result = $('#d2e199_unassignServiceInstance_body'); |
| 20896 | result.empty(); |
| 20897 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 20898 | }); |
| 20899 | </script> |
| 20900 | <div id="d2e199_unassignServiceInstance_body"></div> |
| 20901 | </td> |
| 20902 | </tr> |
| 20903 | |
| 20904 | </table> |
| 20905 | |
| 20906 | |
| 20907 | |
| 20908 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 20909 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 20910 | |
| 20911 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 20912 | </ul> |
| 20913 | |
| 20914 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 20915 | </div> |
| 20916 | |
| 20917 | </article> |
| 20918 | </div> |
| 20919 | <hr> |
| 20920 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance"> |
| 20921 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="updateNetworkInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 20922 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 20923 | <h1>updateNetworkInstance</h1> |
| 20924 | <p>Update VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, networkInstance</p> |
| 20925 | </div> |
| 20926 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 20927 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 20928 | <p></p> |
| 20929 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 20930 | <p></p> |
| 20931 | <br /> |
| 20932 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="put"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/networks/{networkInstanceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 20933 | <p> |
| 20934 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 20935 | </p> |
| 20936 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 20937 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 20938 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 20939 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 20940 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 20941 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 20942 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 20943 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 20944 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 20945 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 20946 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 20947 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 20948 | </ul> |
| 20949 | |
| 20950 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 20951 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 20952 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X PUT "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/networks/{networkInstanceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 20953 | </div> |
| 20954 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-java"> |
| 20955 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 20956 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 20957 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 20958 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 20959 | |
| 20960 | import; |
| 20961 | import java.util.*; |
| 20962 | |
| 20963 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 20964 | |
| 20965 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 20966 | |
| 20967 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20968 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 20969 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20970 | String networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20971 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 20972 | try { |
| 20973 | apiInstance.updateNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId, body); |
| 20974 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 20975 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#updateNetworkInstance"); |
| 20976 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 20977 | } |
| 20978 | } |
| 20979 | }</code></pre> |
| 20980 | </div> |
| 20981 | |
| 20982 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-android"> |
| 20983 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 20984 | |
| 20985 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 20986 | |
| 20987 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 20988 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 20989 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 20990 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20991 | String networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 20992 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 20993 | try { |
| 20994 | apiInstance.updateNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId, body); |
| 20995 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 20996 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#updateNetworkInstance"); |
| 20997 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 20998 | } |
| 20999 | } |
| 21000 | }</code></pre> |
| 21001 | </div> |
| 21002 | <!-- |
| 21003 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 21004 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 21005 | </div> --> |
| 21006 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-objc"> |
| 21007 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 21008 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 21009 | String *networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // |
| 21010 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 21011 | |
| 21012 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 21013 | |
| 21014 | // Update VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, networkInstance |
| 21015 | [apiInstance updateNetworkInstanceWith:version |
| 21016 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 21017 | networkInstanceId:networkInstanceId |
| 21018 | body:body |
| 21019 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 21020 | if (error) { |
| 21021 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 21022 | } |
| 21023 | }]; |
| 21024 | </code></pre> |
| 21025 | </div> |
| 21026 | |
| 21027 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 21028 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 21029 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 21030 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 21031 | |
| 21032 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 21033 | |
| 21034 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 21035 | |
| 21036 | var networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 21037 | |
| 21038 | var opts = { |
| 21039 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 21040 | }; |
| 21041 | |
| 21042 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 21043 | if (error) { |
| 21044 | console.error(error); |
| 21045 | } else { |
| 21046 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 21047 | } |
| 21048 | }; |
| 21049 | api.updateNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 21050 | </code></pre> |
| 21051 | </div> |
| 21052 | |
| 21053 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-angular"> |
| 21054 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 21055 | </div>--> |
| 21056 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 21057 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 21058 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 21059 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 21060 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 21061 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 21062 | |
| 21063 | namespace Example |
| 21064 | { |
| 21065 | public class updateNetworkInstanceExample |
| 21066 | { |
| 21067 | public void main() |
| 21068 | { |
| 21069 | |
| 21070 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 21071 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 21072 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21073 | var networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21074 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 21075 | |
| 21076 | try |
| 21077 | { |
| 21078 | // Update VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, networkInstance |
| 21079 | apiInstance.updateNetworkInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId, body); |
| 21080 | } |
| 21081 | catch (Exception e) |
| 21082 | { |
| 21083 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.updateNetworkInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 21084 | } |
| 21085 | } |
| 21086 | } |
| 21087 | } |
| 21088 | </code></pre> |
| 21089 | </div> |
| 21090 | |
| 21091 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-php"> |
| 21092 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 21093 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 21094 | |
| 21095 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 21096 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 21097 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21098 | $networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21099 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 21100 | |
| 21101 | try { |
| 21102 | $api_instance->updateNetworkInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $networkInstanceId, $body); |
| 21103 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 21104 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateNetworkInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 21105 | } |
| 21106 | ?></code></pre> |
| 21107 | </div> |
| 21108 | |
| 21109 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-perl"> |
| 21110 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 21111 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 21112 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 21113 | |
| 21114 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 21115 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 21116 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 21117 | my $networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 21118 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 21119 | |
| 21120 | eval { |
| 21121 | $api_instance->updateNetworkInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId => $networkInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 21122 | }; |
| 21123 | if ($@) { |
| 21124 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateNetworkInstance: $@\n"; |
| 21125 | }</code></pre> |
| 21126 | </div> |
| 21127 | |
| 21128 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateNetworkInstance-0-python"> |
| 21129 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 21130 | import time |
| 21131 | import swagger_client |
| 21132 | from import ApiException |
| 21133 | from pprint import pprint |
| 21134 | |
| 21135 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 21136 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 21137 | version = version_example # String | |
| 21138 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 21139 | networkInstanceId = networkInstanceId_example # String | |
| 21140 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 21141 | |
| 21142 | try: |
| 21143 | # Update VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, networkInstance |
| 21144 | api_instance.update_network_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, networkInstanceId, body=body) |
| 21145 | except ApiException as e: |
| 21146 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateNetworkInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 21147 | </div> |
| 21148 | </div> |
| 21149 | |
| 21150 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 21151 | |
| 21152 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 21153 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 21154 | <tr> |
| 21155 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 21156 | <th>Description</th> |
| 21157 | </tr> |
| 21158 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 21159 | <td> |
| 21160 | |
| 21161 | |
| 21162 | <div id="d2e199_updateNetworkInstance_version"> |
| 21163 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 21164 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 21165 | <span class="type"> |
| 21166 | String |
| 21167 | </span> |
| 21168 | |
| 21169 | </div> |
| 21170 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 21171 | Required |
| 21172 | </div> |
| 21173 | </div> |
| 21174 | </div> |
| 21175 | </td> |
| 21176 | </tr> |
| 21177 | |
| 21178 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 21179 | <td> |
| 21180 | |
| 21181 | |
| 21182 | <div id="d2e199_updateNetworkInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 21183 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 21184 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 21185 | <span class="type"> |
| 21186 | String |
| 21187 | </span> |
| 21188 | |
| 21189 | </div> |
| 21190 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 21191 | Required |
| 21192 | </div> |
| 21193 | </div> |
| 21194 | </div> |
| 21195 | </td> |
| 21196 | </tr> |
| 21197 | |
| 21198 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">networkInstanceId*</td> |
| 21199 | <td> |
| 21200 | |
| 21201 | |
| 21202 | <div id="d2e199_updateNetworkInstance_networkInstanceId"> |
| 21203 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 21204 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 21205 | <span class="type"> |
| 21206 | String |
| 21207 | </span> |
| 21208 | |
| 21209 | </div> |
| 21210 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 21211 | Required |
| 21212 | </div> |
| 21213 | </div> |
| 21214 | </div> |
| 21215 | </td> |
| 21216 | </tr> |
| 21217 | |
| 21218 | </table> |
| 21219 | |
| 21220 | |
| 21221 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 21222 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 21223 | <tr> |
| 21224 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 21225 | <th>Description</th> |
| 21226 | </tr> |
| 21227 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 21228 | <td> |
| 21229 | |
| 21230 | |
| 21231 | <script> |
| 21232 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 21233 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 21234 | "in" : "body", |
| 21235 | "name" : "body", |
| 21236 | "required" : false, |
| 21237 | "schema" : { |
| 21238 | "type" : "string" |
| 21239 | } |
| 21240 | }; |
| 21241 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 21242 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 21243 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 21244 | } else { |
| 21245 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 21246 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 21247 | console.log(err); |
| 21248 | }); |
| 21249 | } |
| 21250 | |
| 21251 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 21252 | var result = $('#d2e199_updateNetworkInstance_body'); |
| 21253 | result.empty(); |
| 21254 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 21255 | }); |
| 21256 | </script> |
| 21257 | <div id="d2e199_updateNetworkInstance_body"></div> |
| 21258 | </td> |
| 21259 | </tr> |
| 21260 | |
| 21261 | </table> |
| 21262 | |
| 21263 | |
| 21264 | |
| 21265 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 21266 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 21267 | |
| 21268 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 21269 | </ul> |
| 21270 | |
| 21271 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 21272 | </div> |
| 21273 | |
| 21274 | </article> |
| 21275 | </div> |
| 21276 | <hr> |
| 21277 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance"> |
| 21278 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="updateVfModuleInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 21279 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 21280 | <h1>updateVfModuleInstance</h1> |
| 21281 | <p>Update VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance and vfModule</p> |
| 21282 | </div> |
| 21283 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 21284 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 21285 | <p></p> |
| 21286 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 21287 | <p></p> |
| 21288 | <br /> |
| 21289 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="put"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/{vfmoduleInstanceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 21290 | <p> |
| 21291 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 21292 | </p> |
| 21293 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 21294 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 21295 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 21296 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 21297 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 21298 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 21299 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 21300 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 21301 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 21302 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 21303 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 21304 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 21305 | </ul> |
| 21306 | |
| 21307 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 21308 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 21309 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X PUT "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/vfModules/{vfmoduleInstanceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 21310 | </div> |
| 21311 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-java"> |
| 21312 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 21313 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 21314 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 21315 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 21316 | |
| 21317 | import; |
| 21318 | import java.util.*; |
| 21319 | |
| 21320 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 21321 | |
| 21322 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 21323 | |
| 21324 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 21325 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 21326 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21327 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21328 | String vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21329 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 21330 | try { |
| 21331 | apiInstance.updateVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 21332 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 21333 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#updateVfModuleInstance"); |
| 21334 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 21335 | } |
| 21336 | } |
| 21337 | }</code></pre> |
| 21338 | </div> |
| 21339 | |
| 21340 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-android"> |
| 21341 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 21342 | |
| 21343 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 21344 | |
| 21345 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 21346 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 21347 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 21348 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21349 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21350 | String vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21351 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 21352 | try { |
| 21353 | apiInstance.updateVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 21354 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 21355 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#updateVfModuleInstance"); |
| 21356 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 21357 | } |
| 21358 | } |
| 21359 | }</code></pre> |
| 21360 | </div> |
| 21361 | <!-- |
| 21362 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 21363 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 21364 | </div> --> |
| 21365 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-objc"> |
| 21366 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 21367 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 21368 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 21369 | String *vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // |
| 21370 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 21371 | |
| 21372 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 21373 | |
| 21374 | // Update VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance and vfModule |
| 21375 | [apiInstance updateVfModuleInstanceWith:version |
| 21376 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 21377 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 21378 | vfmoduleInstanceId:vfmoduleInstanceId |
| 21379 | body:body |
| 21380 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 21381 | if (error) { |
| 21382 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 21383 | } |
| 21384 | }]; |
| 21385 | </code></pre> |
| 21386 | </div> |
| 21387 | |
| 21388 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 21389 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 21390 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 21391 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 21392 | |
| 21393 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 21394 | |
| 21395 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 21396 | |
| 21397 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 21398 | |
| 21399 | var vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 21400 | |
| 21401 | var opts = { |
| 21402 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 21403 | }; |
| 21404 | |
| 21405 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 21406 | if (error) { |
| 21407 | console.error(error); |
| 21408 | } else { |
| 21409 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 21410 | } |
| 21411 | }; |
| 21412 | api.updateVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 21413 | </code></pre> |
| 21414 | </div> |
| 21415 | |
| 21416 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-angular"> |
| 21417 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 21418 | </div>--> |
| 21419 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 21420 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 21421 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 21422 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 21423 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 21424 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 21425 | |
| 21426 | namespace Example |
| 21427 | { |
| 21428 | public class updateVfModuleInstanceExample |
| 21429 | { |
| 21430 | public void main() |
| 21431 | { |
| 21432 | |
| 21433 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 21434 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 21435 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21436 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21437 | var vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21438 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 21439 | |
| 21440 | try |
| 21441 | { |
| 21442 | // Update VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance and vfModule |
| 21443 | apiInstance.updateVfModuleInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body); |
| 21444 | } |
| 21445 | catch (Exception e) |
| 21446 | { |
| 21447 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.updateVfModuleInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 21448 | } |
| 21449 | } |
| 21450 | } |
| 21451 | } |
| 21452 | </code></pre> |
| 21453 | </div> |
| 21454 | |
| 21455 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-php"> |
| 21456 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 21457 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 21458 | |
| 21459 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 21460 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 21461 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21462 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21463 | $vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21464 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 21465 | |
| 21466 | try { |
| 21467 | $api_instance->updateVfModuleInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $vfmoduleInstanceId, $body); |
| 21468 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 21469 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateVfModuleInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 21470 | } |
| 21471 | ?></code></pre> |
| 21472 | </div> |
| 21473 | |
| 21474 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-perl"> |
| 21475 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 21476 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 21477 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 21478 | |
| 21479 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 21480 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 21481 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 21482 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 21483 | my $vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 21484 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 21485 | |
| 21486 | eval { |
| 21487 | $api_instance->updateVfModuleInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId => $vfmoduleInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 21488 | }; |
| 21489 | if ($@) { |
| 21490 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateVfModuleInstance: $@\n"; |
| 21491 | }</code></pre> |
| 21492 | </div> |
| 21493 | |
| 21494 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVfModuleInstance-0-python"> |
| 21495 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 21496 | import time |
| 21497 | import swagger_client |
| 21498 | from import ApiException |
| 21499 | from pprint import pprint |
| 21500 | |
| 21501 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 21502 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 21503 | version = version_example # String | |
| 21504 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 21505 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 21506 | vfmoduleInstanceId = vfmoduleInstanceId_example # String | |
| 21507 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 21508 | |
| 21509 | try: |
| 21510 | # Update VfModule on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance and vfModule |
| 21511 | api_instance.update_vf_module_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, vfmoduleInstanceId, body=body) |
| 21512 | except ApiException as e: |
| 21513 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateVfModuleInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 21514 | </div> |
| 21515 | </div> |
| 21516 | |
| 21517 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 21518 | |
| 21519 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 21520 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 21521 | <tr> |
| 21522 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 21523 | <th>Description</th> |
| 21524 | </tr> |
| 21525 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 21526 | <td> |
| 21527 | |
| 21528 | |
| 21529 | <div id="d2e199_updateVfModuleInstance_version"> |
| 21530 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 21531 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 21532 | <span class="type"> |
| 21533 | String |
| 21534 | </span> |
| 21535 | |
| 21536 | </div> |
| 21537 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 21538 | Required |
| 21539 | </div> |
| 21540 | </div> |
| 21541 | </div> |
| 21542 | </td> |
| 21543 | </tr> |
| 21544 | |
| 21545 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 21546 | <td> |
| 21547 | |
| 21548 | |
| 21549 | <div id="d2e199_updateVfModuleInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 21550 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 21551 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 21552 | <span class="type"> |
| 21553 | String |
| 21554 | </span> |
| 21555 | |
| 21556 | </div> |
| 21557 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 21558 | Required |
| 21559 | </div> |
| 21560 | </div> |
| 21561 | </div> |
| 21562 | </td> |
| 21563 | </tr> |
| 21564 | |
| 21565 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 21566 | <td> |
| 21567 | |
| 21568 | |
| 21569 | <div id="d2e199_updateVfModuleInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 21570 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 21571 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 21572 | <span class="type"> |
| 21573 | String |
| 21574 | </span> |
| 21575 | |
| 21576 | </div> |
| 21577 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 21578 | Required |
| 21579 | </div> |
| 21580 | </div> |
| 21581 | </div> |
| 21582 | </td> |
| 21583 | </tr> |
| 21584 | |
| 21585 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vfmoduleInstanceId*</td> |
| 21586 | <td> |
| 21587 | |
| 21588 | |
| 21589 | <div id="d2e199_updateVfModuleInstance_vfmoduleInstanceId"> |
| 21590 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 21591 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 21592 | <span class="type"> |
| 21593 | String |
| 21594 | </span> |
| 21595 | |
| 21596 | </div> |
| 21597 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 21598 | Required |
| 21599 | </div> |
| 21600 | </div> |
| 21601 | </div> |
| 21602 | </td> |
| 21603 | </tr> |
| 21604 | |
| 21605 | </table> |
| 21606 | |
| 21607 | |
| 21608 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 21609 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 21610 | <tr> |
| 21611 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 21612 | <th>Description</th> |
| 21613 | </tr> |
| 21614 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 21615 | <td> |
| 21616 | |
| 21617 | |
| 21618 | <script> |
| 21619 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 21620 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 21621 | "in" : "body", |
| 21622 | "name" : "body", |
| 21623 | "required" : false, |
| 21624 | "schema" : { |
| 21625 | "type" : "string" |
| 21626 | } |
| 21627 | }; |
| 21628 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 21629 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 21630 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 21631 | } else { |
| 21632 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 21633 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 21634 | console.log(err); |
| 21635 | }); |
| 21636 | } |
| 21637 | |
| 21638 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 21639 | var result = $('#d2e199_updateVfModuleInstance_body'); |
| 21640 | result.empty(); |
| 21641 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 21642 | }); |
| 21643 | </script> |
| 21644 | <div id="d2e199_updateVfModuleInstance_body"></div> |
| 21645 | </td> |
| 21646 | </tr> |
| 21647 | |
| 21648 | </table> |
| 21649 | |
| 21650 | |
| 21651 | |
| 21652 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 21653 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 21654 | |
| 21655 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 21656 | </ul> |
| 21657 | |
| 21658 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 21659 | </div> |
| 21660 | |
| 21661 | </article> |
| 21662 | </div> |
| 21663 | <hr> |
| 21664 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance"> |
| 21665 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="updateVnfInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 21666 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 21667 | <h1>updateVnfInstance</h1> |
| 21668 | <p>Update VNF on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance</p> |
| 21669 | </div> |
| 21670 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 21671 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 21672 | <p></p> |
| 21673 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 21674 | <p></p> |
| 21675 | <br /> |
| 21676 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="put"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 21677 | <p> |
| 21678 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 21679 | </p> |
| 21680 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 21681 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 21682 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 21683 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 21684 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 21685 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 21686 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 21687 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 21688 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 21689 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 21690 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 21691 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 21692 | </ul> |
| 21693 | |
| 21694 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 21695 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 21696 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X PUT "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 21697 | </div> |
| 21698 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-java"> |
| 21699 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 21700 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 21701 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 21702 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 21703 | |
| 21704 | import; |
| 21705 | import java.util.*; |
| 21706 | |
| 21707 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 21708 | |
| 21709 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 21710 | |
| 21711 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 21712 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 21713 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21714 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21715 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 21716 | try { |
| 21717 | apiInstance.updateVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 21718 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 21719 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#updateVnfInstance"); |
| 21720 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 21721 | } |
| 21722 | } |
| 21723 | }</code></pre> |
| 21724 | </div> |
| 21725 | |
| 21726 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-android"> |
| 21727 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 21728 | |
| 21729 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 21730 | |
| 21731 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 21732 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 21733 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 21734 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21735 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21736 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 21737 | try { |
| 21738 | apiInstance.updateVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 21739 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 21740 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#updateVnfInstance"); |
| 21741 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 21742 | } |
| 21743 | } |
| 21744 | }</code></pre> |
| 21745 | </div> |
| 21746 | <!-- |
| 21747 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 21748 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 21749 | </div> --> |
| 21750 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-objc"> |
| 21751 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 21752 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 21753 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 21754 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 21755 | |
| 21756 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 21757 | |
| 21758 | // Update VNF on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance |
| 21759 | [apiInstance updateVnfInstanceWith:version |
| 21760 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 21761 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 21762 | body:body |
| 21763 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 21764 | if (error) { |
| 21765 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 21766 | } |
| 21767 | }]; |
| 21768 | </code></pre> |
| 21769 | </div> |
| 21770 | |
| 21771 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 21772 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 21773 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 21774 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 21775 | |
| 21776 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 21777 | |
| 21778 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 21779 | |
| 21780 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 21781 | |
| 21782 | var opts = { |
| 21783 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 21784 | }; |
| 21785 | |
| 21786 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 21787 | if (error) { |
| 21788 | console.error(error); |
| 21789 | } else { |
| 21790 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 21791 | } |
| 21792 | }; |
| 21793 | api.updateVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 21794 | </code></pre> |
| 21795 | </div> |
| 21796 | |
| 21797 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-angular"> |
| 21798 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 21799 | </div>--> |
| 21800 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 21801 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 21802 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 21803 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 21804 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 21805 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 21806 | |
| 21807 | namespace Example |
| 21808 | { |
| 21809 | public class updateVnfInstanceExample |
| 21810 | { |
| 21811 | public void main() |
| 21812 | { |
| 21813 | |
| 21814 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 21815 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 21816 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21817 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21818 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 21819 | |
| 21820 | try |
| 21821 | { |
| 21822 | // Update VNF on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance |
| 21823 | apiInstance.updateVnfInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body); |
| 21824 | } |
| 21825 | catch (Exception e) |
| 21826 | { |
| 21827 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.updateVnfInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 21828 | } |
| 21829 | } |
| 21830 | } |
| 21831 | } |
| 21832 | </code></pre> |
| 21833 | </div> |
| 21834 | |
| 21835 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-php"> |
| 21836 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 21837 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 21838 | |
| 21839 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 21840 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 21841 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21842 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 21843 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 21844 | |
| 21845 | try { |
| 21846 | $api_instance->updateVnfInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $body); |
| 21847 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 21848 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateVnfInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 21849 | } |
| 21850 | ?></code></pre> |
| 21851 | </div> |
| 21852 | |
| 21853 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-perl"> |
| 21854 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 21855 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 21856 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 21857 | |
| 21858 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 21859 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 21860 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 21861 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 21862 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 21863 | |
| 21864 | eval { |
| 21865 | $api_instance->updateVnfInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 21866 | }; |
| 21867 | if ($@) { |
| 21868 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateVnfInstance: $@\n"; |
| 21869 | }</code></pre> |
| 21870 | </div> |
| 21871 | |
| 21872 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVnfInstance-0-python"> |
| 21873 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 21874 | import time |
| 21875 | import swagger_client |
| 21876 | from import ApiException |
| 21877 | from pprint import pprint |
| 21878 | |
| 21879 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 21880 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 21881 | version = version_example # String | |
| 21882 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 21883 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 21884 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 21885 | |
| 21886 | try: |
| 21887 | # Update VNF on a specified version, serviceInstance and vnfInstance |
| 21888 | api_instance.update_vnf_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, body=body) |
| 21889 | except ApiException as e: |
| 21890 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateVnfInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 21891 | </div> |
| 21892 | </div> |
| 21893 | |
| 21894 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 21895 | |
| 21896 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 21897 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 21898 | <tr> |
| 21899 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 21900 | <th>Description</th> |
| 21901 | </tr> |
| 21902 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 21903 | <td> |
| 21904 | |
| 21905 | |
| 21906 | <div id="d2e199_updateVnfInstance_version"> |
| 21907 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 21908 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 21909 | <span class="type"> |
| 21910 | String |
| 21911 | </span> |
| 21912 | |
| 21913 | </div> |
| 21914 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 21915 | Required |
| 21916 | </div> |
| 21917 | </div> |
| 21918 | </div> |
| 21919 | </td> |
| 21920 | </tr> |
| 21921 | |
| 21922 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 21923 | <td> |
| 21924 | |
| 21925 | |
| 21926 | <div id="d2e199_updateVnfInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 21927 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 21928 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 21929 | <span class="type"> |
| 21930 | String |
| 21931 | </span> |
| 21932 | |
| 21933 | </div> |
| 21934 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 21935 | Required |
| 21936 | </div> |
| 21937 | </div> |
| 21938 | </div> |
| 21939 | </td> |
| 21940 | </tr> |
| 21941 | |
| 21942 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 21943 | <td> |
| 21944 | |
| 21945 | |
| 21946 | <div id="d2e199_updateVnfInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 21947 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 21948 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 21949 | <span class="type"> |
| 21950 | String |
| 21951 | </span> |
| 21952 | |
| 21953 | </div> |
| 21954 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 21955 | Required |
| 21956 | </div> |
| 21957 | </div> |
| 21958 | </div> |
| 21959 | </td> |
| 21960 | </tr> |
| 21961 | |
| 21962 | </table> |
| 21963 | |
| 21964 | |
| 21965 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 21966 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 21967 | <tr> |
| 21968 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 21969 | <th>Description</th> |
| 21970 | </tr> |
| 21971 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 21972 | <td> |
| 21973 | |
| 21974 | |
| 21975 | <script> |
| 21976 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 21977 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 21978 | "in" : "body", |
| 21979 | "name" : "body", |
| 21980 | "required" : false, |
| 21981 | "schema" : { |
| 21982 | "type" : "string" |
| 21983 | } |
| 21984 | }; |
| 21985 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 21986 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 21987 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 21988 | } else { |
| 21989 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 21990 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 21991 | console.log(err); |
| 21992 | }); |
| 21993 | } |
| 21994 | |
| 21995 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 21996 | var result = $('#d2e199_updateVnfInstance_body'); |
| 21997 | result.empty(); |
| 21998 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 21999 | }); |
| 22000 | </script> |
| 22001 | <div id="d2e199_updateVnfInstance_body"></div> |
| 22002 | </td> |
| 22003 | </tr> |
| 22004 | |
| 22005 | </table> |
| 22006 | |
| 22007 | |
| 22008 | |
| 22009 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 22010 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 22011 | |
| 22012 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 22013 | </ul> |
| 22014 | |
| 22015 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 22016 | </div> |
| 22017 | |
| 22018 | </article> |
| 22019 | </div> |
| 22020 | <hr> |
| 22021 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance"> |
| 22022 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0" data-group="User" data-name="updateVolumeGroupInstance" data-version="0"> |
| 22023 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 22024 | <h1>updateVolumeGroupInstance</h1> |
| 22025 | <p>Update VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance and volumeGroup</p> |
| 22026 | </div> |
| 22027 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 22028 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 22029 | <p></p> |
| 22030 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 22031 | <p></p> |
| 22032 | <br /> |
| 22033 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="put"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/volumeGroups/{volumeGroupInstanceId}</span></code></pre> |
| 22034 | <p> |
| 22035 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 22036 | </p> |
| 22037 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 22038 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 22039 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 22040 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 22041 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 22042 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 22043 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 22044 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 22045 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 22046 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 22047 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 22048 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 22049 | </ul> |
| 22050 | |
| 22051 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 22052 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 22053 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X PUT "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/{version}/serviceInstances/{serviceInstanceId}/vnfs/{vnfInstanceId}/volumeGroups/{volumeGroupInstanceId}"</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 22054 | </div> |
| 22055 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-java"> |
| 22056 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 22057 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 22058 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 22059 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 22060 | |
| 22061 | import; |
| 22062 | import java.util.*; |
| 22063 | |
| 22064 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 22065 | |
| 22066 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 22067 | |
| 22068 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 22069 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 22070 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22071 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22072 | String volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22073 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 22074 | try { |
| 22075 | apiInstance.updateVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId, body); |
| 22076 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 22077 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#updateVolumeGroupInstance"); |
| 22078 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 22079 | } |
| 22080 | } |
| 22081 | }</code></pre> |
| 22082 | </div> |
| 22083 | |
| 22084 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-android"> |
| 22085 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 22086 | |
| 22087 | public class OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApiExample { |
| 22088 | |
| 22089 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 22090 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 22091 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 22092 | String serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22093 | String vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22094 | String volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22095 | String body = body_example; // String | |
| 22096 | try { |
| 22097 | apiInstance.updateVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId, body); |
| 22098 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 22099 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi#updateVolumeGroupInstance"); |
| 22100 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 22101 | } |
| 22102 | } |
| 22103 | }</code></pre> |
| 22104 | </div> |
| 22105 | <!-- |
| 22106 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-groovy"> |
| 22107 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 22108 | </div> --> |
| 22109 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-objc"> |
| 22110 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 22111 | String *serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // |
| 22112 | String *vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // |
| 22113 | String *volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // |
| 22114 | String *body = body_example; // (optional) |
| 22115 | |
| 22116 | OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi alloc] init]; |
| 22117 | |
| 22118 | // Update VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance and volumeGroup |
| 22119 | [apiInstance updateVolumeGroupInstanceWith:version |
| 22120 | serviceInstanceId:serviceInstanceId |
| 22121 | vnfInstanceId:vnfInstanceId |
| 22122 | volumeGroupInstanceId:volumeGroupInstanceId |
| 22123 | body:body |
| 22124 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 22125 | if (error) { |
| 22126 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 22127 | } |
| 22128 | }]; |
| 22129 | </code></pre> |
| 22130 | </div> |
| 22131 | |
| 22132 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 22133 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 22134 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 22135 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 22136 | |
| 22137 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 22138 | |
| 22139 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 22140 | |
| 22141 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 22142 | |
| 22143 | var volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // {String} |
| 22144 | |
| 22145 | var opts = { |
| 22146 | 'body': body_example // {String} |
| 22147 | }; |
| 22148 | |
| 22149 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 22150 | if (error) { |
| 22151 | console.error(error); |
| 22152 | } else { |
| 22153 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 22154 | } |
| 22155 | }; |
| 22156 | api.updateVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId, opts, callback); |
| 22157 | </code></pre> |
| 22158 | </div> |
| 22159 | |
| 22160 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-angular"> |
| 22161 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 22162 | </div>--> |
| 22163 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-csharp"> |
| 22164 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 22165 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 22166 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 22167 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 22168 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 22169 | |
| 22170 | namespace Example |
| 22171 | { |
| 22172 | public class updateVolumeGroupInstanceExample |
| 22173 | { |
| 22174 | public void main() |
| 22175 | { |
| 22176 | |
| 22177 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 22178 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 22179 | var serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22180 | var vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22181 | var volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22182 | var body = body_example; // String | (optional) |
| 22183 | |
| 22184 | try |
| 22185 | { |
| 22186 | // Update VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance and volumeGroup |
| 22187 | apiInstance.updateVolumeGroupInstance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId, body); |
| 22188 | } |
| 22189 | catch (Exception e) |
| 22190 | { |
| 22191 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi.updateVolumeGroupInstance: " + e.Message ); |
| 22192 | } |
| 22193 | } |
| 22194 | } |
| 22195 | } |
| 22196 | </code></pre> |
| 22197 | </div> |
| 22198 | |
| 22199 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-php"> |
| 22200 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 22201 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 22202 | |
| 22203 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi(); |
| 22204 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 22205 | $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22206 | $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22207 | $volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; // String | |
| 22208 | $body = body_example; // String | |
| 22209 | |
| 22210 | try { |
| 22211 | $api_instance->updateVolumeGroupInstance($version, $serviceInstanceId, $vnfInstanceId, $volumeGroupInstanceId, $body); |
| 22212 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 22213 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateVolumeGroupInstance: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 22214 | } |
| 22215 | ?></code></pre> |
| 22216 | </div> |
| 22217 | |
| 22218 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-perl"> |
| 22219 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 22220 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 22221 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi; |
| 22222 | |
| 22223 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->new(); |
| 22224 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 22225 | my $serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 22226 | my $vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 22227 | my $volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example; # String | |
| 22228 | my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::String->new(); # String | |
| 22229 | |
| 22230 | eval { |
| 22231 | $api_instance->updateVolumeGroupInstance(version => $version, serviceInstanceId => $serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId => $vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId => $volumeGroupInstanceId, body => $body); |
| 22232 | }; |
| 22233 | if ($@) { |
| 22234 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateVolumeGroupInstance: $@\n"; |
| 22235 | }</code></pre> |
| 22236 | </div> |
| 22237 | |
| 22238 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiation-updateVolumeGroupInstance-0-python"> |
| 22239 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 22240 | import time |
| 22241 | import swagger_client |
| 22242 | from import ApiException |
| 22243 | from pprint import pprint |
| 22244 | |
| 22245 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 22246 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi() |
| 22247 | version = version_example # String | |
| 22248 | serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId_example # String | |
| 22249 | vnfInstanceId = vnfInstanceId_example # String | |
| 22250 | volumeGroupInstanceId = volumeGroupInstanceId_example # String | |
| 22251 | body = body_example # String | (optional) |
| 22252 | |
| 22253 | try: |
| 22254 | # Update VolumeGroup on a specified version, serviceInstance, vnfInstance and volumeGroup |
| 22255 | api_instance.update_volume_group_instance(version, serviceInstanceId, vnfInstanceId, volumeGroupInstanceId, body=body) |
| 22256 | except ApiException as e: |
| 22257 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraserviceInstantiationApi->updateVolumeGroupInstance: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 22258 | </div> |
| 22259 | </div> |
| 22260 | |
| 22261 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 22262 | |
| 22263 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 22264 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 22265 | <tr> |
| 22266 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 22267 | <th>Description</th> |
| 22268 | </tr> |
| 22269 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 22270 | <td> |
| 22271 | |
| 22272 | |
| 22273 | <div id="d2e199_updateVolumeGroupInstance_version"> |
| 22274 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22275 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22276 | <span class="type"> |
| 22277 | String |
| 22278 | </span> |
| 22279 | |
| 22280 | </div> |
| 22281 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 22282 | Required |
| 22283 | </div> |
| 22284 | </div> |
| 22285 | </div> |
| 22286 | </td> |
| 22287 | </tr> |
| 22288 | |
| 22289 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceInstanceId*</td> |
| 22290 | <td> |
| 22291 | |
| 22292 | |
| 22293 | <div id="d2e199_updateVolumeGroupInstance_serviceInstanceId"> |
| 22294 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22295 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22296 | <span class="type"> |
| 22297 | String |
| 22298 | </span> |
| 22299 | |
| 22300 | </div> |
| 22301 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 22302 | Required |
| 22303 | </div> |
| 22304 | </div> |
| 22305 | </div> |
| 22306 | </td> |
| 22307 | </tr> |
| 22308 | |
| 22309 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">vnfInstanceId*</td> |
| 22310 | <td> |
| 22311 | |
| 22312 | |
| 22313 | <div id="d2e199_updateVolumeGroupInstance_vnfInstanceId"> |
| 22314 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22315 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22316 | <span class="type"> |
| 22317 | String |
| 22318 | </span> |
| 22319 | |
| 22320 | </div> |
| 22321 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 22322 | Required |
| 22323 | </div> |
| 22324 | </div> |
| 22325 | </div> |
| 22326 | </td> |
| 22327 | </tr> |
| 22328 | |
| 22329 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">volumeGroupInstanceId*</td> |
| 22330 | <td> |
| 22331 | |
| 22332 | |
| 22333 | <div id="d2e199_updateVolumeGroupInstance_volumeGroupInstanceId"> |
| 22334 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22335 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22336 | <span class="type"> |
| 22337 | String |
| 22338 | </span> |
| 22339 | |
| 22340 | </div> |
| 22341 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 22342 | Required |
| 22343 | </div> |
| 22344 | </div> |
| 22345 | </div> |
| 22346 | </td> |
| 22347 | </tr> |
| 22348 | |
| 22349 | </table> |
| 22350 | |
| 22351 | |
| 22352 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 22353 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 22354 | <tr> |
| 22355 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 22356 | <th>Description</th> |
| 22357 | </tr> |
| 22358 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">body </td> |
| 22359 | <td> |
| 22360 | |
| 22361 | |
| 22362 | <script> |
| 22363 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 22364 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 22365 | "in" : "body", |
| 22366 | "name" : "body", |
| 22367 | "required" : false, |
| 22368 | "schema" : { |
| 22369 | "type" : "string" |
| 22370 | } |
| 22371 | }; |
| 22372 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 22373 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 22374 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 22375 | } else { |
| 22376 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 22377 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 22378 | console.log(err); |
| 22379 | }); |
| 22380 | } |
| 22381 | |
| 22382 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 22383 | var result = $('#d2e199_updateVolumeGroupInstance_body'); |
| 22384 | result.empty(); |
| 22385 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 22386 | }); |
| 22387 | </script> |
| 22388 | <div id="d2e199_updateVolumeGroupInstance_body"></div> |
| 22389 | </td> |
| 22390 | </tr> |
| 22391 | |
| 22392 | </table> |
| 22393 | |
| 22394 | |
| 22395 | |
| 22396 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 22397 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 22398 | |
| 22399 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 22400 | </ul> |
| 22401 | |
| 22402 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 22403 | </div> |
| 22404 | |
| 22405 | </article> |
| 22406 | </div> |
| 22407 | <hr> |
| 22408 | </section> |
| 22409 | <section id="api-Onapsoinfratasks"> |
| 22410 | <h1>Onapsoinfratasks</h1> |
| 22411 | <div id="api-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters"> |
| 22412 | <article id="api-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0" data-group="User" data-name="queryFilters" data-version="0"> |
| 22413 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 22414 | <h1>queryFilters</h1> |
| 22415 | <p>Finds Manual Tasks</p> |
| 22416 | </div> |
| 22417 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 22418 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 22419 | <p></p> |
| 22420 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 22421 | <p></p> |
| 22422 | <br /> |
| 22423 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/tasks/{version}</span></code></pre> |
| 22424 | <p> |
| 22425 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 22426 | </p> |
| 22427 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 22428 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 22429 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 22430 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 22431 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 22432 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 22433 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 22434 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 22435 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 22436 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 22437 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 22438 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 22439 | </ul> |
| 22440 | |
| 22441 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 22442 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-curl"> |
seshukm | 9bd738c | 2019-01-18 14:11:47 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 22443 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/tasks/{version}?taskId=&originalRequestId=&subscriptionServiceType=&nfRole=&buildingBlockName=&originalRequestDate=&originalRequestorId="</code></pre> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 22444 | </div> |
| 22445 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-java"> |
| 22446 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 22447 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 22448 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 22449 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfratasksApi; |
| 22450 | |
| 22451 | import; |
| 22452 | import java.util.*; |
| 22453 | |
| 22454 | public class OnapsoinfratasksApiExample { |
| 22455 | |
| 22456 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 22457 | |
| 22458 | OnapsoinfratasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfratasksApi(); |
| 22459 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 22460 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 22461 | String originalRequestId = originalRequestId_example; // String | |
| 22462 | String subscriptionServiceType = subscriptionServiceType_example; // String | |
| 22463 | String nfRole = nfRole_example; // String | |
| 22464 | String buildingBlockName = buildingBlockName_example; // String | |
| 22465 | String originalRequestDate = originalRequestDate_example; // String | |
| 22466 | String originalRequestorId = originalRequestorId_example; // String | |
| 22467 | try { |
| 22468 | apiInstance.queryFilters(version, taskId, originalRequestId, subscriptionServiceType, nfRole, buildingBlockName, originalRequestDate, originalRequestorId); |
| 22469 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 22470 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfratasksApi#queryFilters"); |
| 22471 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 22472 | } |
| 22473 | } |
| 22474 | }</code></pre> |
| 22475 | </div> |
| 22476 | |
| 22477 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-android"> |
| 22478 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfratasksApi; |
| 22479 | |
| 22480 | public class OnapsoinfratasksApiExample { |
| 22481 | |
| 22482 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 22483 | OnapsoinfratasksApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfratasksApi(); |
| 22484 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 22485 | String taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 22486 | String originalRequestId = originalRequestId_example; // String | |
| 22487 | String subscriptionServiceType = subscriptionServiceType_example; // String | |
| 22488 | String nfRole = nfRole_example; // String | |
| 22489 | String buildingBlockName = buildingBlockName_example; // String | |
| 22490 | String originalRequestDate = originalRequestDate_example; // String | |
| 22491 | String originalRequestorId = originalRequestorId_example; // String | |
| 22492 | try { |
| 22493 | apiInstance.queryFilters(version, taskId, originalRequestId, subscriptionServiceType, nfRole, buildingBlockName, originalRequestDate, originalRequestorId); |
| 22494 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 22495 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfratasksApi#queryFilters"); |
| 22496 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 22497 | } |
| 22498 | } |
| 22499 | }</code></pre> |
| 22500 | </div> |
| 22501 | <!-- |
| 22502 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-groovy"> |
| 22503 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 22504 | </div> --> |
| 22505 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-objc"> |
| 22506 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 22507 | String *taskId = taskId_example; // (optional) |
| 22508 | String *originalRequestId = originalRequestId_example; // (optional) |
| 22509 | String *subscriptionServiceType = subscriptionServiceType_example; // (optional) |
| 22510 | String *nfRole = nfRole_example; // (optional) |
| 22511 | String *buildingBlockName = buildingBlockName_example; // (optional) |
| 22512 | String *originalRequestDate = originalRequestDate_example; // (optional) |
| 22513 | String *originalRequestorId = originalRequestorId_example; // (optional) |
| 22514 | |
| 22515 | OnapsoinfratasksApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfratasksApi alloc] init]; |
| 22516 | |
| 22517 | // Finds Manual Tasks |
| 22518 | [apiInstance queryFiltersWith:version |
| 22519 | taskId:taskId |
| 22520 | originalRequestId:originalRequestId |
| 22521 | subscriptionServiceType:subscriptionServiceType |
| 22522 | nfRole:nfRole |
| 22523 | buildingBlockName:buildingBlockName |
| 22524 | originalRequestDate:originalRequestDate |
| 22525 | originalRequestorId:originalRequestorId |
| 22526 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 22527 | if (error) { |
| 22528 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 22529 | } |
| 22530 | }]; |
| 22531 | </code></pre> |
| 22532 | </div> |
| 22533 | |
| 22534 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-javascript"> |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 22535 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 22536 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 22537 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfratasksApi() |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 22538 | |
| 22539 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 22540 | |
| 22541 | var opts = { |
| 22542 | 'taskId': taskId_example, // {String} |
| 22543 | 'originalRequestId': originalRequestId_example, // {String} |
| 22544 | 'subscriptionServiceType': subscriptionServiceType_example, // {String} |
| 22545 | 'nfRole': nfRole_example, // {String} |
| 22546 | 'buildingBlockName': buildingBlockName_example, // {String} |
| 22547 | 'originalRequestDate': originalRequestDate_example, // {String} |
| 22548 | 'originalRequestorId': originalRequestorId_example // {String} |
| 22549 | }; |
| 22550 | |
| 22551 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 22552 | if (error) { |
| 22553 | console.error(error); |
| 22554 | } else { |
| 22555 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 22556 | } |
| 22557 | }; |
| 22558 | api.queryFilters(version, opts, callback); |
| 22559 | </code></pre> |
| 22560 | </div> |
| 22561 | |
| 22562 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-angular"> |
| 22563 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 22564 | </div>--> |
| 22565 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-csharp"> |
| 22566 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 22567 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 22568 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 22569 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 22570 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 22571 | |
| 22572 | namespace Example |
| 22573 | { |
| 22574 | public class queryFiltersExample |
| 22575 | { |
| 22576 | public void main() |
| 22577 | { |
| 22578 | |
| 22579 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfratasksApi(); |
| 22580 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 22581 | var taskId = taskId_example; // String | (optional) |
| 22582 | var originalRequestId = originalRequestId_example; // String | (optional) |
| 22583 | var subscriptionServiceType = subscriptionServiceType_example; // String | (optional) |
| 22584 | var nfRole = nfRole_example; // String | (optional) |
| 22585 | var buildingBlockName = buildingBlockName_example; // String | (optional) |
| 22586 | var originalRequestDate = originalRequestDate_example; // String | (optional) |
| 22587 | var originalRequestorId = originalRequestorId_example; // String | (optional) |
| 22588 | |
| 22589 | try |
| 22590 | { |
| 22591 | // Finds Manual Tasks |
| 22592 | apiInstance.queryFilters(version, taskId, originalRequestId, subscriptionServiceType, nfRole, buildingBlockName, originalRequestDate, originalRequestorId); |
| 22593 | } |
| 22594 | catch (Exception e) |
| 22595 | { |
| 22596 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfratasksApi.queryFilters: " + e.Message ); |
| 22597 | } |
| 22598 | } |
| 22599 | } |
| 22600 | } |
| 22601 | </code></pre> |
| 22602 | </div> |
| 22603 | |
| 22604 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-php"> |
| 22605 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 22606 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 22607 | |
| 22608 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfratasksApi(); |
| 22609 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 22610 | $taskId = taskId_example; // String | |
| 22611 | $originalRequestId = originalRequestId_example; // String | |
| 22612 | $subscriptionServiceType = subscriptionServiceType_example; // String | |
| 22613 | $nfRole = nfRole_example; // String | |
| 22614 | $buildingBlockName = buildingBlockName_example; // String | |
| 22615 | $originalRequestDate = originalRequestDate_example; // String | |
| 22616 | $originalRequestorId = originalRequestorId_example; // String | |
| 22617 | |
| 22618 | try { |
| 22619 | $api_instance->queryFilters($version, $taskId, $originalRequestId, $subscriptionServiceType, $nfRole, $buildingBlockName, $originalRequestDate, $originalRequestorId); |
| 22620 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 22621 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfratasksApi->queryFilters: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 22622 | } |
| 22623 | ?></code></pre> |
| 22624 | </div> |
| 22625 | |
| 22626 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-perl"> |
| 22627 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 22628 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 22629 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfratasksApi; |
| 22630 | |
| 22631 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfratasksApi->new(); |
| 22632 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 22633 | my $taskId = taskId_example; # String | |
| 22634 | my $originalRequestId = originalRequestId_example; # String | |
| 22635 | my $subscriptionServiceType = subscriptionServiceType_example; # String | |
| 22636 | my $nfRole = nfRole_example; # String | |
| 22637 | my $buildingBlockName = buildingBlockName_example; # String | |
| 22638 | my $originalRequestDate = originalRequestDate_example; # String | |
| 22639 | my $originalRequestorId = originalRequestorId_example; # String | |
| 22640 | |
| 22641 | eval { |
| 22642 | $api_instance->queryFilters(version => $version, taskId => $taskId, originalRequestId => $originalRequestId, subscriptionServiceType => $subscriptionServiceType, nfRole => $nfRole, buildingBlockName => $buildingBlockName, originalRequestDate => $originalRequestDate, originalRequestorId => $originalRequestorId); |
| 22643 | }; |
| 22644 | if ($@) { |
| 22645 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfratasksApi->queryFilters: $@\n"; |
| 22646 | }</code></pre> |
| 22647 | </div> |
| 22648 | |
| 22649 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Onapsoinfratasks-queryFilters-0-python"> |
| 22650 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 22651 | import time |
| 22652 | import swagger_client |
| 22653 | from import ApiException |
| 22654 | from pprint import pprint |
| 22655 | |
| 22656 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 22657 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfratasksApi() |
| 22658 | version = version_example # String | |
| 22659 | taskId = taskId_example # String | (optional) |
| 22660 | originalRequestId = originalRequestId_example # String | (optional) |
| 22661 | subscriptionServiceType = subscriptionServiceType_example # String | (optional) |
| 22662 | nfRole = nfRole_example # String | (optional) |
| 22663 | buildingBlockName = buildingBlockName_example # String | (optional) |
| 22664 | originalRequestDate = originalRequestDate_example # String | (optional) |
| 22665 | originalRequestorId = originalRequestorId_example # String | (optional) |
| 22666 | |
| 22667 | try: |
| 22668 | # Finds Manual Tasks |
| 22669 | api_instance.query_filters(version, taskId=taskId, originalRequestId=originalRequestId, subscriptionServiceType=subscriptionServiceType, nfRole=nfRole, buildingBlockName=buildingBlockName, originalRequestDate=originalRequestDate, originalRequestorId=originalRequestorId) |
| 22670 | except ApiException as e: |
| 22671 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfratasksApi->queryFilters: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 22672 | </div> |
| 22673 | </div> |
| 22674 | |
| 22675 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 22676 | |
| 22677 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 22678 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 22679 | <tr> |
| 22680 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 22681 | <th>Description</th> |
| 22682 | </tr> |
| 22683 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 22684 | <td> |
| 22685 | |
| 22686 | |
| 22687 | <div id="d2e199_queryFilters_version"> |
| 22688 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22689 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22690 | <span class="type"> |
| 22691 | String |
| 22692 | </span> |
| 22693 | |
| 22694 | </div> |
| 22695 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 22696 | Required |
| 22697 | </div> |
| 22698 | </div> |
| 22699 | </div> |
| 22700 | </td> |
| 22701 | </tr> |
| 22702 | |
| 22703 | </table> |
| 22704 | |
| 22705 | |
| 22706 | |
| 22707 | |
| 22708 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Query parameters</div> |
| 22709 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 22710 | <tr> |
| 22711 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 22712 | <th>Description</th> |
| 22713 | </tr> |
| 22714 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">taskId</td> |
| 22715 | <td> |
| 22716 | |
| 22717 | |
| 22718 | <div id="d2e199_queryFilters_taskId"> |
| 22719 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22720 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22721 | <span class="type"> |
| 22722 | String |
| 22723 | </span> |
| 22724 | |
| 22725 | </div> |
| 22726 | </div> |
| 22727 | </div> |
| 22728 | </td> |
| 22729 | </tr> |
| 22730 | |
| 22731 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">originalRequestId</td> |
| 22732 | <td> |
| 22733 | |
| 22734 | |
| 22735 | <div id="d2e199_queryFilters_originalRequestId"> |
| 22736 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22737 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22738 | <span class="type"> |
| 22739 | String |
| 22740 | </span> |
| 22741 | |
| 22742 | </div> |
| 22743 | </div> |
| 22744 | </div> |
| 22745 | </td> |
| 22746 | </tr> |
| 22747 | |
| 22748 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">subscriptionServiceType</td> |
| 22749 | <td> |
| 22750 | |
| 22751 | |
| 22752 | <div id="d2e199_queryFilters_subscriptionServiceType"> |
| 22753 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22754 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22755 | <span class="type"> |
| 22756 | String |
| 22757 | </span> |
| 22758 | |
| 22759 | </div> |
| 22760 | </div> |
| 22761 | </div> |
| 22762 | </td> |
| 22763 | </tr> |
| 22764 | |
| 22765 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">nfRole</td> |
| 22766 | <td> |
| 22767 | |
| 22768 | |
| 22769 | <div id="d2e199_queryFilters_nfRole"> |
| 22770 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22771 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22772 | <span class="type"> |
| 22773 | String |
| 22774 | </span> |
| 22775 | |
| 22776 | </div> |
| 22777 | </div> |
| 22778 | </div> |
| 22779 | </td> |
| 22780 | </tr> |
| 22781 | |
| 22782 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">buildingBlockName</td> |
| 22783 | <td> |
| 22784 | |
| 22785 | |
| 22786 | <div id="d2e199_queryFilters_buildingBlockName"> |
| 22787 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22788 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22789 | <span class="type"> |
| 22790 | String |
| 22791 | </span> |
| 22792 | |
| 22793 | </div> |
| 22794 | </div> |
| 22795 | </div> |
| 22796 | </td> |
| 22797 | </tr> |
| 22798 | |
| 22799 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">originalRequestDate</td> |
| 22800 | <td> |
| 22801 | |
| 22802 | |
| 22803 | <div id="d2e199_queryFilters_originalRequestDate"> |
| 22804 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22805 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22806 | <span class="type"> |
| 22807 | String |
| 22808 | </span> |
| 22809 | |
| 22810 | </div> |
| 22811 | </div> |
| 22812 | </div> |
| 22813 | </td> |
| 22814 | </tr> |
| 22815 | |
| 22816 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">originalRequestorId</td> |
| 22817 | <td> |
| 22818 | |
| 22819 | |
| 22820 | <div id="d2e199_queryFilters_originalRequestorId"> |
| 22821 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 22822 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 22823 | <span class="type"> |
| 22824 | String |
| 22825 | </span> |
| 22826 | |
| 22827 | </div> |
| 22828 | </div> |
| 22829 | </div> |
| 22830 | </td> |
| 22831 | </tr> |
| 22832 | |
| 22833 | </table> |
| 22834 | |
| 22835 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 22836 | <h3> Status: default - successful operation </h3> |
| 22837 | |
| 22838 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 22839 | </ul> |
| 22840 | |
| 22841 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 22842 | </div> |
| 22843 | |
| 22844 | </article> |
| 22845 | </div> |
| 22846 | <hr> |
| 22847 | </section> |
rameshiyer27 | 553bc77 | 2020-08-25 16:49:34 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 22848 | <section id="api-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications"> |
| 22849 | <h1>OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications</h1> |
| 22850 | <div id="api-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications"> |
| 22851 | <article id="api-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0" data-group="User" data-name="queryWorkflowSpecifications" data-version="0"> |
| 22852 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 22853 | <h1>queryWorkflowSpecifications</h1> |
| 22854 | <p>Retrieve Workflow details based on the filter criteria</p> |
| 22855 | </div> |
| 22856 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 22857 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 22858 | <p></p> |
| 22859 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 22860 | <p></p> |
| 22861 | <br /> |
| 22862 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/onap/so/infra/workflowSpecifications/{version}/workflows</span></code></pre> |
| 22863 | <p> |
| 22864 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 22865 | </p> |
| 22866 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 22867 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 22868 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 22869 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 22870 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 22871 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 22872 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 22873 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 22874 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 22875 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 22876 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 22877 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 22878 | </ul> |
| 22879 | |
| 22880 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 22881 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-curl"> |
| 22882 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET "http://localhost/onap/so/infra/workflowSpecifications/{version}/workflows?resourceTarget="</code></pre> |
| 22883 | </div> |
| 22884 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-java"> |
| 22885 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.*; |
| 22886 | import io.swagger.client.auth.*; |
| 22887 | import io.swagger.client.model.*; |
| 22888 | import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi; |
| 22889 | |
| 22890 | import; |
| 22891 | import java.util.*; |
| 22892 | |
| 22893 | public class OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApiExample { |
| 22894 | |
| 22895 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 22896 | |
| 22897 | OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi(); |
| 22898 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 22899 | String resourceTarget = resourceTarget_example; // String | |
| 22900 | try { |
| 22901 | RetrievingWorkflowResponse result = apiInstance.queryWorkflowSpecifications(version, resourceTarget); |
| 22902 | System.out.println(result); |
| 22903 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 22904 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi#queryWorkflowSpecifications"); |
| 22905 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 22906 | } |
| 22907 | } |
| 22908 | }</code></pre> |
| 22909 | </div> |
| 22910 | |
| 22911 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-android"> |
| 22912 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import io.swagger.client.api.OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi; |
| 22913 | |
| 22914 | public class OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApiExample { |
| 22915 | |
| 22916 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 22917 | OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi(); |
| 22918 | String version = version_example; // String | |
| 22919 | String resourceTarget = resourceTarget_example; // String | |
| 22920 | try { |
| 22921 | RetrievingWorkflowResponse result = apiInstance.queryWorkflowSpecifications(version, resourceTarget); |
| 22922 | System.out.println(result); |
| 22923 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 22924 | System.err.println("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi#queryWorkflowSpecifications"); |
| 22925 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 22926 | } |
| 22927 | } |
| 22928 | }</code></pre> |
| 22929 | </div> |
| 22930 | <!-- |
| 22931 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-groovy"> |
| 22932 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 22933 | </div> --> |
| 22934 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-objc"> |
| 22935 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp">String *version = version_example; // |
| 22936 | String *resourceTarget = resourceTarget_example; // (optional) |
| 22937 | |
| 22938 | OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi *apiInstance = [[OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi alloc] init]; |
| 22939 | |
| 22940 | // Retrieve Workflow details based on the filter criteria |
| 22941 | [apiInstance queryWorkflowSpecificationsWith:version |
| 22942 | resourceTarget:resourceTarget |
| 22943 | completionHandler: ^(RetrievingWorkflowResponse output, NSError* error) { |
| 22944 | if (output) { |
| 22945 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 22946 | } |
| 22947 | if (error) { |
| 22948 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 22949 | } |
| 22950 | }]; |
| 22951 | </code></pre> |
| 22952 | </div> |
| 22953 | |
| 22954 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-javascript"> |
| 22955 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var SoGuilinApIs = require('so_guilin_ap_is'); |
| 22956 | |
| 22957 | var api = new SoGuilinApIs.OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi() |
| 22958 | |
| 22959 | var version = version_example; // {String} |
| 22960 | |
| 22961 | var opts = { |
| 22962 | 'resourceTarget': resourceTarget_example // {String} |
| 22963 | }; |
| 22964 | |
| 22965 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 22966 | if (error) { |
| 22967 | console.error(error); |
| 22968 | } else { |
| 22969 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 22970 | } |
| 22971 | }; |
| 22972 | api.queryWorkflowSpecifications(version, opts, callback); |
| 22973 | </code></pre> |
| 22974 | </div> |
| 22975 | |
| 22976 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-angular"> |
| 22977 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 22978 | </div>--> |
| 22979 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-csharp"> |
| 22980 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 22981 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 22982 | using IO.Swagger.Api; |
| 22983 | using IO.Swagger.Client; |
| 22984 | using IO.Swagger.Model; |
| 22985 | |
| 22986 | namespace Example |
| 22987 | { |
| 22988 | public class queryWorkflowSpecificationsExample |
| 22989 | { |
| 22990 | public void main() |
| 22991 | { |
| 22992 | |
| 22993 | var apiInstance = new OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi(); |
| 22994 | var version = version_example; // String | |
| 22995 | var resourceTarget = resourceTarget_example; // String | (optional) |
| 22996 | |
| 22997 | try |
| 22998 | { |
| 22999 | // Retrieve Workflow details based on the filter criteria |
| 23000 | RetrievingWorkflowResponse result = apiInstance.queryWorkflowSpecifications(version, resourceTarget); |
| 23001 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 23002 | } |
| 23003 | catch (Exception e) |
| 23004 | { |
| 23005 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi.queryWorkflowSpecifications: " + e.Message ); |
| 23006 | } |
| 23007 | } |
| 23008 | } |
| 23009 | } |
| 23010 | </code></pre> |
| 23011 | </div> |
| 23012 | |
| 23013 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-php"> |
| 23014 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 23015 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 23016 | |
| 23017 | $api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi(); |
| 23018 | $version = version_example; // String | |
| 23019 | $resourceTarget = resourceTarget_example; // String | |
| 23020 | |
| 23021 | try { |
| 23022 | $result = $api_instance->queryWorkflowSpecifications($version, $resourceTarget); |
| 23023 | print_r($result); |
| 23024 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 23025 | echo 'Exception when calling OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi->queryWorkflowSpecifications: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 23026 | } |
| 23027 | ?></code></pre> |
| 23028 | </div> |
| 23029 | |
| 23030 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-perl"> |
| 23031 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 23032 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration; |
| 23033 | use WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi; |
| 23034 | |
| 23035 | my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi->new(); |
| 23036 | my $version = version_example; # String | |
| 23037 | my $resourceTarget = resourceTarget_example; # String | |
| 23038 | |
| 23039 | eval { |
| 23040 | my $result = $api_instance->queryWorkflowSpecifications(version => $version, resourceTarget => $resourceTarget); |
| 23041 | print Dumper($result); |
| 23042 | }; |
| 23043 | if ($@) { |
| 23044 | warn "Exception when calling OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi->queryWorkflowSpecifications: $@\n"; |
| 23045 | }</code></pre> |
| 23046 | </div> |
| 23047 | |
| 23048 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecifications-queryWorkflowSpecifications-0-python"> |
| 23049 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 23050 | import time |
| 23051 | import swagger_client |
| 23052 | from import ApiException |
| 23053 | from pprint import pprint |
| 23054 | |
| 23055 | # create an instance of the API class |
| 23056 | api_instance = swagger_client.OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi() |
| 23057 | version = version_example # String | |
| 23058 | resourceTarget = resourceTarget_example # String | (optional) |
| 23059 | |
| 23060 | try: |
| 23061 | # Retrieve Workflow details based on the filter criteria |
| 23062 | api_response = api_instance.query_workflow_specifications(version, resourceTarget=resourceTarget) |
| 23063 | pprint(api_response) |
| 23064 | except ApiException as e: |
| 23065 | print("Exception when calling OnapsoinfraworkflowSpecificationsApi->queryWorkflowSpecifications: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 23066 | </div> |
| 23067 | </div> |
| 23068 | |
| 23069 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 23070 | |
| 23071 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 23072 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 23073 | <tr> |
| 23074 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 23075 | <th>Description</th> |
| 23076 | </tr> |
| 23077 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">version*</td> |
| 23078 | <td> |
| 23079 | |
| 23080 | |
| 23081 | <div id="d2e199_queryWorkflowSpecifications_version"> |
| 23082 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 23083 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 23084 | <span class="type"> |
| 23085 | String |
| 23086 | </span> |
| 23087 | |
| 23088 | </div> |
| 23089 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 23090 | Required |
| 23091 | </div> |
| 23092 | </div> |
| 23093 | </div> |
| 23094 | </td> |
| 23095 | </tr> |
| 23096 | |
| 23097 | </table> |
| 23098 | |
| 23099 | |
| 23100 | |
| 23101 | |
| 23102 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Query parameters</div> |
| 23103 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 23104 | <tr> |
| 23105 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 23106 | <th>Description</th> |
| 23107 | </tr> |
| 23108 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">resourceTarget</td> |
| 23109 | <td> |
| 23110 | |
| 23111 | |
| 23112 | <div id="d2e199_queryWorkflowSpecifications_resourceTarget"> |
| 23113 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 23114 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 23115 | <span class="type"> |
| 23116 | String |
| 23117 | </span> |
| 23118 | |
| 23119 | </div> |
| 23120 | </div> |
| 23121 | </div> |
| 23122 | </td> |
| 23123 | </tr> |
| 23124 | |
| 23125 | </table> |
| 23126 | |
| 23127 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 23128 | <h3> Status: default - List of workflow specifications on successful operation </h3> |
| 23129 | |
| 23130 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 23131 | <li class="active"> |
| 23132 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-queryWorkflowSpecifications-default-schema">Schema</a> |
| 23133 | </li> |
| 23134 | |
| 23135 | </ul> |
| 23136 | |
| 23137 | <div class="tab-content" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 23138 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-queryWorkflowSpecifications-default-schema"> |
| 23139 | <div id='responses-queryWorkflowSpecifications-default-schema-default' style="padding: 30px; border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;"> |
| 23140 | <script> |
| 23141 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 23142 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 23143 | "description" : "List of workflow specifications on successful operation", |
| 23144 | "schema" : { |
| 23145 | "$ref" : "#/definitions/RetrievingWorkflowResponse" |
| 23146 | } |
| 23147 | }; |
| 23148 | var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 23149 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 23150 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
| 23151 | } else { |
| 23152 | schemaWrapper.definitions = defs; |
| 23153 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 23154 | console.log(err); |
| 23155 | }); |
| 23156 | } |
| 23157 | |
| 23158 | //console.log(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 23159 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 23160 | $('#responses-queryWorkflowSpecifications-default-schema-data').val(stringify(schema)); |
| 23161 | var result = $('#responses-queryWorkflowSpecifications-default-schema-default'); |
| 23162 | result.empty(); |
| 23163 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 23164 | }); |
| 23165 | </script> |
| 23166 | </div> |
| 23167 | <input id='responses-queryWorkflowSpecifications-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 23168 | </div> |
| 23169 | </div> |
| 23170 | |
| 23171 | </article> |
| 23172 | </div> |
| 23173 | <hr> |
| 23174 | </section> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 23175 | </div> |
| 23176 | <div id="footer"> |
| 23177 | <div id="api-_footer"> |
| 23178 | <p>Suggestions, contact, support and error reporting; |
| 23179 | <div class="app-desc">Information URL: <a href=""></a></div> |
| 23180 | <div class="app-desc">Contact Info: <a href=""></a></div> |
| 23181 | </p> |
| 23182 | <div class="license-info">All rights reserved</div> |
| 23183 | <div class="license-url"></div> |
| 23184 | </div> |
| 23185 | </div> |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 23186 | </div> |
| 23187 | </div> |
| 23188 | </div> |
| 23189 | <script> |
| 23190 | (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { |
| 23191 | if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') |
| 23192 | module.exports = factory(); |
| 23193 | else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) |
| 23194 | define("JSONFormatter", [], factory); |
| 23195 | else if(typeof exports === 'object') |
| 23196 | exports["JSONFormatter"] = factory(); |
| 23197 | else |
| 23198 | root["JSONFormatter"] = factory(); |
| 23199 | })(this, function() { |
| 23200 | return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap |
| 23201 | /******/ // The module cache |
| 23202 | /******/ var installedModules = {}; |
| 23203 | /******/ |
| 23204 | /******/ // The require function |
| 23205 | /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { |
| 23206 | /******/ |
| 23207 | /******/ // Check if module is in cache |
| 23208 | /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) |
| 23209 | /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; |
| 23210 | /******/ |
| 23211 | /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) |
| 23212 | /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { |
| 23213 | /******/ exports: {}, |
| 23214 | /******/ id: moduleId, |
| 23215 | /******/ loaded: false |
| 23216 | /******/ }; |
| 23217 | /******/ |
| 23218 | /******/ // Execute the module function |
| 23219 | /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); |
| 23220 | /******/ |
| 23221 | /******/ // Flag the module as loaded |
| 23222 | /******/ module.loaded = true; |
| 23223 | /******/ |
| 23224 | /******/ // Return the exports of the module |
| 23225 | /******/ return module.exports; |
| 23226 | /******/ } |
| 23227 | /******/ |
| 23228 | /******/ |
| 23229 | /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) |
| 23230 | /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; |
| 23231 | /******/ |
| 23232 | /******/ // expose the module cache |
| 23233 | /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; |
| 23234 | /******/ |
| 23235 | /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ |
| 23236 | /******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist"; |
| 23237 | /******/ |
| 23238 | /******/ // Load entry module and return exports |
| 23239 | /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); |
| 23240 | /******/ }) |
| 23241 | /************************************************************************/ |
| 23242 | /******/ ([ |
| 23243 | /* 0 */ |
| 23244 | /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { |
| 23245 | |
| 23246 | module.exports = __webpack_require__(1); |
| 23247 | |
| 23248 | |
| 23249 | /***/ }, |
| 23250 | /* 1 */ |
| 23251 | /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { |
| 23252 | |
| 23253 | "use strict"; |
| 23254 | __webpack_require__(2); |
| 23255 | var helpers_ts_1 = __webpack_require__(6); |
| 23256 | var DATE_STRING_REGEX = /(^\d{1,4}[\.|\\/|-]\d{1,2}[\.|\\/|-]\d{1,4})(\s*(?:0?[1-9]:[0-5]|1(?=[012])\d:[0-5])\d\s*[ap]m)?$/; |
| 23257 | var PARTIAL_DATE_REGEX = /\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} GMT-\d{4}/; |
| 23258 | var JSON_DATE_REGEX = /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}Z/; |
| 23259 | // When toggleing, don't animated removal or addition of more than a few items |
| 23260 | var MAX_ANIMATED_TOGGLE_ITEMS = 10; |
| 23261 | var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || function (cb) { cb(); return 0; }; |
| 23262 | ; |
| 23263 | var _defaultConfig = { |
| 23264 | hoverPreviewEnabled: false, |
| 23265 | hoverPreviewArrayCount: 100, |
| 23266 | hoverPreviewFieldCount: 5, |
| 23267 | animateOpen: true, |
| 23268 | animateClose: true, |
| 23269 | theme: null |
| 23270 | }; |
| 23271 | module.exports = (function () { |
| 23272 | /** |
| 23273 | * @param {object} json The JSON object you want to render. It has to be an |
| 23274 | * object or array. Do NOT pass raw JSON string. |
| 23275 | * |
| 23276 | * @param {number} [open=1] his number indicates up to how many levels the |
| 23277 | * rendered tree should expand. Set it to `0` to make the whole tree collapsed |
| 23278 | * or set it to `Infinity` to expand the tree deeply |
| 23279 | * |
| 23280 | * @param {object} [config=defaultConfig] - |
| 23281 | * defaultConfig = { |
| 23282 | * hoverPreviewEnabled: false, |
| 23283 | * hoverPreviewArrayCount: 100, |
| 23284 | * hoverPreviewFieldCount: 5 |
| 23285 | * } |
| 23286 | * |
| 23287 | * Available configurations: |
| 23288 | * #####Hover Preview |
| 23289 | * * `hoverPreviewEnabled`: enable preview on hover |
| 23290 | * * `hoverPreviewArrayCount`: number of array items to show in preview Any |
| 23291 | * array larger than this number will be shown as `Array[XXX]` where `XXX` |
| 23292 | * is length of the array. |
| 23293 | * * `hoverPreviewFieldCount`: number of object properties to show for object |
| 23294 | * preview. Any object with more properties that thin number will be |
| 23295 | * truncated. |
| 23296 | * |
| 23297 | * @param {string} [key=undefined] The key that this object in it's parent |
| 23298 | * context |
| 23299 | */ |
| 23300 | function JSONFormatter(json, open, config, key) { |
| 23301 | if (open === void 0) { open = 1; } |
| 23302 | if (config === void 0) { config = _defaultConfig; } |
| 23303 | this.json = json; |
| 23304 | = open; |
| 23305 | this.config = config; |
| 23306 | this.key = key; |
| 23307 | // Hold the open state after the toggler is used |
| 23308 | this._isOpen = null; |
| 23309 | // Setting default values for config object |
| 23310 | if (this.config.hoverPreviewEnabled === undefined) { |
| 23311 | this.config.hoverPreviewEnabled = _defaultConfig.hoverPreviewEnabled; |
| 23312 | } |
| 23313 | if (this.config.hoverPreviewArrayCount === undefined) { |
| 23314 | this.config.hoverPreviewArrayCount = _defaultConfig.hoverPreviewArrayCount; |
| 23315 | } |
| 23316 | if (this.config.hoverPreviewFieldCount === undefined) { |
| 23317 | this.config.hoverPreviewFieldCount = _defaultConfig.hoverPreviewFieldCount; |
| 23318 | } |
| 23319 | } |
| 23320 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isOpen", { |
| 23321 | /* |
| 23322 | * is formatter open? |
| 23323 | */ |
| 23324 | get: function () { |
| 23325 | if (this._isOpen !== null) { |
| 23326 | return this._isOpen; |
| 23327 | } |
| 23328 | else { |
| 23329 | return > 0; |
| 23330 | } |
| 23331 | }, |
| 23332 | /* |
| 23333 | * set open state (from toggler) |
| 23334 | */ |
| 23335 | set: function (value) { |
| 23336 | this._isOpen = value; |
| 23337 | }, |
| 23338 | enumerable: true, |
| 23339 | configurable: true |
| 23340 | }); |
| 23341 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isDate", { |
| 23342 | /* |
| 23343 | * is this a date string? |
| 23344 | */ |
| 23345 | get: function () { |
| 23346 | return (this.type === 'string') && |
| 23347 | (DATE_STRING_REGEX.test(this.json) || |
| 23348 | JSON_DATE_REGEX.test(this.json) || |
| 23349 | PARTIAL_DATE_REGEX.test(this.json)); |
| 23350 | }, |
| 23351 | enumerable: true, |
| 23352 | configurable: true |
| 23353 | }); |
| 23354 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isUrl", { |
| 23355 | /* |
| 23356 | * is this a URL string? |
| 23357 | */ |
| 23358 | get: function () { |
| 23359 | return this.type === 'string' && (this.json.indexOf('http') === 0); |
| 23360 | }, |
| 23361 | enumerable: true, |
| 23362 | configurable: true |
| 23363 | }); |
| 23364 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isArray", { |
| 23365 | /* |
| 23366 | * is this an array? |
| 23367 | */ |
| 23368 | get: function () { |
| 23369 | return Array.isArray(this.json); |
| 23370 | }, |
| 23371 | enumerable: true, |
| 23372 | configurable: true |
| 23373 | }); |
| 23374 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isObject", { |
| 23375 | /* |
| 23376 | * is this an object? |
| 23377 | * Note: In this context arrays are object as well |
| 23378 | */ |
| 23379 | get: function () { |
| 23380 | return helpers_ts_1.isObject(this.json); |
| 23381 | }, |
| 23382 | enumerable: true, |
| 23383 | configurable: true |
| 23384 | }); |
| 23385 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isEmptyObject", { |
| 23386 | /* |
| 23387 | * is this an empty object with no properties? |
| 23388 | */ |
| 23389 | get: function () { |
| 23390 | return !this.keys.length && !this.isArray; |
| 23391 | }, |
| 23392 | enumerable: true, |
| 23393 | configurable: true |
| 23394 | }); |
| 23395 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isEmpty", { |
| 23396 | /* |
| 23397 | * is this an empty object or array? |
| 23398 | */ |
| 23399 | get: function () { |
| 23400 | return this.isEmptyObject || (this.keys && !this.keys.length && this.isArray); |
| 23401 | }, |
| 23402 | enumerable: true, |
| 23403 | configurable: true |
| 23404 | }); |
| 23405 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "hasKey", { |
| 23406 | /* |
| 23407 | * did we receive a key argument? |
| 23408 | * This means that the formatter was called as a sub formatter of a parent formatter |
| 23409 | */ |
| 23410 | get: function () { |
| 23411 | return typeof this.key !== 'undefined'; |
| 23412 | }, |
| 23413 | enumerable: true, |
| 23414 | configurable: true |
| 23415 | }); |
| 23416 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "constructorName", { |
| 23417 | /* |
| 23418 | * if this is an object, get constructor function name |
| 23419 | */ |
| 23420 | get: function () { |
| 23421 | return helpers_ts_1.getObjectName(this.json); |
| 23422 | }, |
| 23423 | enumerable: true, |
| 23424 | configurable: true |
| 23425 | }); |
| 23426 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "type", { |
| 23427 | /* |
| 23428 | * get type of this value |
| 23429 | * Possible values: all JavaScript primitive types plus "array" and "null" |
| 23430 | */ |
| 23431 | get: function () { |
| 23432 | return helpers_ts_1.getType(this.json); |
| 23433 | }, |
| 23434 | enumerable: true, |
| 23435 | configurable: true |
| 23436 | }); |
| 23437 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "keys", { |
| 23438 | /* |
| 23439 | * get object keys |
| 23440 | * If there is an empty key we pad it wit quotes to make it visible |
| 23441 | */ |
| 23442 | get: function () { |
| 23443 | if (this.isObject) { |
| 23444 | return Object.keys(this.json).map(function (key) { return key ? key : '""'; }); |
| 23445 | } |
| 23446 | else { |
| 23447 | return []; |
| 23448 | } |
| 23449 | }, |
| 23450 | enumerable: true, |
| 23451 | configurable: true |
| 23452 | }); |
| 23453 | /** |
| 23454 | * Toggles `isOpen` state |
| 23455 | * |
| 23456 | */ |
| 23457 | JSONFormatter.prototype.toggleOpen = function () { |
| 23458 | this.isOpen = !this.isOpen; |
| 23459 | if (this.element) { |
| 23460 | if (this.isOpen) { |
| 23461 | this.appendChildren(this.config.animateOpen); |
| 23462 | } |
| 23463 | else { |
| 23464 | this.removeChildren(this.config.animateClose); |
| 23465 | } |
| 23466 | this.element.classList.toggle(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('open')); |
| 23467 | } |
| 23468 | }; |
| 23469 | /** |
| 23470 | * Open all children up to a certain depth. |
| 23471 | * Allows actions such as expand all/collapse all |
| 23472 | * |
| 23473 | */ |
| 23474 | JSONFormatter.prototype.openAtDepth = function (depth) { |
| 23475 | if (depth === void 0) { depth = 1; } |
| 23476 | if (depth < 0) { |
| 23477 | return; |
| 23478 | } |
| 23479 | = depth; |
| 23480 | this.isOpen = (depth !== 0); |
| 23481 | if (this.element) { |
| 23482 | this.removeChildren(false); |
| 23483 | if (depth === 0) { |
| 23484 | this.element.classList.remove(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('open')); |
| 23485 | } |
| 23486 | else { |
| 23487 | this.appendChildren(this.config.animateOpen); |
| 23488 | this.element.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('open')); |
| 23489 | } |
| 23490 | } |
| 23491 | }; |
| 23492 | /** |
| 23493 | * Generates inline preview |
| 23494 | * |
| 23495 | * @returns {string} |
| 23496 | */ |
| 23497 | JSONFormatter.prototype.getInlinepreview = function () { |
| 23498 | var _this = this; |
| 23499 | if (this.isArray) { |
| 23500 | // if array length is greater then 100 it shows "Array[101]" |
| 23501 | if (this.json.length > this.config.hoverPreviewArrayCount) { |
| 23502 | return "Array[" + this.json.length + "]"; |
| 23503 | } |
| 23504 | else { |
| 23505 | return "[" +', ') + "]"; |
| 23506 | } |
| 23507 | } |
| 23508 | else { |
| 23509 | var keys = this.keys; |
| 23510 | // the first five keys (like Chrome Developer Tool) |
| 23511 | var narrowKeys = keys.slice(0, this.config.hoverPreviewFieldCount); |
| 23512 | // json value schematic information |
| 23513 | var kvs = (key) { return (key + ":" + helpers_ts_1.getPreview(_this.json[key])); }); |
| 23514 | // if keys count greater then 5 then show ellipsis |
| 23515 | var ellipsis = keys.length >= this.config.hoverPreviewFieldCount ? '…' : ''; |
| 23516 | return "{" + kvs.join(', ') + ellipsis + "}"; |
| 23517 | } |
| 23518 | }; |
| 23519 | /** |
| 23520 | * Renders an HTML element and installs event listeners |
| 23521 | * |
| 23522 | * @returns {HTMLDivElement} |
| 23523 | */ |
| 23524 | JSONFormatter.prototype.render = function () { |
| 23525 | // construct the root element and assign it to this.element |
| 23526 | this.element = helpers_ts_1.createElement('div', 'row'); |
| 23527 | // construct the toggler link |
| 23528 | var togglerLink = helpers_ts_1.createElement('a', 'toggler-link'); |
| 23529 | // if this is an object we need a wrapper span (toggler) |
| 23530 | if (this.isObject) { |
| 23531 | togglerLink.appendChild(helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'toggler')); |
| 23532 | } |
| 23533 | // if this is child of a parent formatter we need to append the key |
| 23534 | if (this.hasKey) { |
| 23535 | togglerLink.appendChild(helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'key', this.key + ":")); |
| 23536 | } |
| 23537 | // Value for objects and arrays |
| 23538 | if (this.isObject) { |
| 23539 | // construct the value holder element |
| 23540 | var value = helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'value'); |
| 23541 | // we need a wrapper span for objects |
| 23542 | var objectWrapperSpan = helpers_ts_1.createElement('span'); |
| 23543 | // get constructor name and append it to wrapper span |
| 23544 | var constructorName = helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'constructor-name', this.constructorName); |
| 23545 | objectWrapperSpan.appendChild(constructorName); |
| 23546 | // if it's an array append the array specific elements like brackets and length |
| 23547 | if (this.isArray) { |
| 23548 | var arrayWrapperSpan = helpers_ts_1.createElement('span'); |
| 23549 | arrayWrapperSpan.appendChild(helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'bracket', '[')); |
| 23550 | arrayWrapperSpan.appendChild(helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'number', (this.json.length))); |
| 23551 | arrayWrapperSpan.appendChild(helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'bracket', ']')); |
| 23552 | objectWrapperSpan.appendChild(arrayWrapperSpan); |
| 23553 | } |
| 23554 | // append object wrapper span to toggler link |
| 23555 | value.appendChild(objectWrapperSpan); |
| 23556 | togglerLink.appendChild(value); |
| 23557 | } |
| 23558 | else { |
| 23559 | // make a value holder element |
| 23560 | var value = this.isUrl ? helpers_ts_1.createElement('a') : helpers_ts_1.createElement('span'); |
| 23561 | // add type and other type related CSS classes |
| 23562 | value.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass(this.type)); |
| 23563 | if (this.isDate) { |
| 23564 | value.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('date')); |
| 23565 | } |
| 23566 | if (this.isUrl) { |
| 23567 | value.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('url')); |
| 23568 | value.setAttribute('href', this.json); |
| 23569 | } |
| 23570 | // Append value content to value element |
| 23571 | var valuePreview = helpers_ts_1.getValuePreview(this.json, this.json); |
| 23572 | value.appendChild(document.createTextNode(valuePreview)); |
| 23573 | // append the value element to toggler link |
| 23574 | togglerLink.appendChild(value); |
| 23575 | } |
| 23576 | // if hover preview is enabled, append the inline preview element |
| 23577 | if (this.isObject && this.config.hoverPreviewEnabled) { |
| 23578 | var preview = helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'preview-text'); |
| 23579 | preview.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.getInlinepreview())); |
| 23580 | togglerLink.appendChild(preview); |
| 23581 | } |
| 23582 | // construct a children element |
| 23583 | var children = helpers_ts_1.createElement('div', 'children'); |
| 23584 | // set CSS classes for children |
| 23585 | if (this.isObject) { |
| 23586 | children.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('object')); |
| 23587 | } |
| 23588 | if (this.isArray) { |
| 23589 | children.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('array')); |
| 23590 | } |
| 23591 | if (this.isEmpty) { |
| 23592 | children.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('empty')); |
| 23593 | } |
| 23594 | // set CSS classes for root element |
| 23595 | if (this.config && this.config.theme) { |
| 23596 | this.element.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass(this.config.theme)); |
| 23597 | } |
| 23598 | if (this.isOpen) { |
| 23599 | this.element.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('open')); |
| 23600 | } |
| 23601 | // append toggler and children elements to root element |
| 23602 | this.element.appendChild(togglerLink); |
| 23603 | this.element.appendChild(children); |
| 23604 | // if formatter is set to be open call appendChildren |
| 23605 | if (this.isObject && this.isOpen) { |
| 23606 | this.appendChildren(); |
| 23607 | } |
| 23608 | // add event listener for toggling |
| 23609 | if (this.isObject) { |
| 23610 | togglerLink.addEventListener('click', this.toggleOpen.bind(this)); |
| 23611 | } |
| 23612 | return this.element; |
| 23613 | }; |
| 23614 | /** |
| 23615 | * Appends all the children to children element |
| 23616 | * Animated option is used when user triggers this via a click |
| 23617 | */ |
| 23618 | JSONFormatter.prototype.appendChildren = function (animated) { |
| 23619 | var _this = this; |
| 23620 | if (animated === void 0) { animated = false; } |
| 23621 | var children = this.element.querySelector("div." + helpers_ts_1.cssClass('children')); |
| 23622 | if (!children || this.isEmpty) { |
| 23623 | return; |
| 23624 | } |
| 23625 | if (animated) { |
| 23626 | var index_1 = 0; |
| 23627 | var addAChild_1 = function () { |
| 23628 | var key = _this.keys[index_1]; |
| 23629 | var formatter = new JSONFormatter(_this.json[key], - 1, _this.config, key); |
| 23630 | children.appendChild(formatter.render()); |
| 23631 | index_1 += 1; |
| 23632 | if (index_1 < _this.keys.length) { |
| 23633 | if (index_1 > MAX_ANIMATED_TOGGLE_ITEMS) { |
| 23634 | addAChild_1(); |
| 23635 | } |
| 23636 | else { |
| 23637 | requestAnimationFrame(addAChild_1); |
| 23638 | } |
| 23639 | } |
| 23640 | }; |
| 23641 | requestAnimationFrame(addAChild_1); |
| 23642 | } |
| 23643 | else { |
| 23644 | this.keys.forEach(function (key) { |
| 23645 | var formatter = new JSONFormatter(_this.json[key], - 1, _this.config, key); |
| 23646 | children.appendChild(formatter.render()); |
| 23647 | }); |
| 23648 | } |
| 23649 | }; |
| 23650 | /** |
| 23651 | * Removes all the children from children element |
| 23652 | * Animated option is used when user triggers this via a click |
| 23653 | */ |
| 23654 | JSONFormatter.prototype.removeChildren = function (animated) { |
| 23655 | if (animated === void 0) { animated = false; } |
| 23656 | var childrenElement = this.element.querySelector("div." + helpers_ts_1.cssClass('children')); |
| 23657 | if (animated) { |
| 23658 | var childrenRemoved_1 = 0; |
| 23659 | var removeAChild_1 = function () { |
| 23660 | if (childrenElement && childrenElement.children.length) { |
| 23661 | childrenElement.removeChild(childrenElement.children[0]); |
| 23662 | childrenRemoved_1 += 1; |
| 23663 | if (childrenRemoved_1 > MAX_ANIMATED_TOGGLE_ITEMS) { |
| 23664 | removeAChild_1(); |
| 23665 | } |
| 23666 | else { |
| 23667 | requestAnimationFrame(removeAChild_1); |
| 23668 | } |
| 23669 | } |
| 23670 | }; |
| 23671 | requestAnimationFrame(removeAChild_1); |
| 23672 | } |
| 23673 | else { |
| 23674 | if (childrenElement) { |
| 23675 | childrenElement.innerHTML = ''; |
| 23676 | } |
| 23677 | } |
| 23678 | }; |
| 23679 | return JSONFormatter; |
| 23680 | }()); |
| 23681 | |
| 23682 | |
| 23683 | /***/ }, |
| 23684 | /* 2 */ |
| 23685 | /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { |
| 23686 | |
| 23687 | // style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag |
| 23688 | |
| 23689 | // load the styles |
| 23690 | var content = __webpack_require__(3); |
| 23691 | if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[, content, '']]; |
| 23692 | // add the styles to the DOM |
| 23693 | var update = __webpack_require__(5)(content, {"sourceMap":true}); |
| 23694 | if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals; |
| 23695 | // Hot Module Replacement |
| 23696 | if(false) { |
| 23697 | // When the styles change, update the <style> tags |
| 23698 | if(!content.locals) { |
| 23699 |"!!./../node_modules/css-loader/index.js?sourceMap!./../node_modules/less-loader/index.js?sourceMap!./style.less", function() { |
| 23700 | var newContent = require("!!./../node_modules/css-loader/index.js?sourceMap!./../node_modules/less-loader/index.js?sourceMap!./style.less"); |
| 23701 | if(typeof newContent === 'string') newContent = [[, newContent, '']]; |
| 23702 | update(newContent); |
| 23703 | }); |
| 23704 | } |
| 23705 | // When the module is disposed, remove the <style> tags |
| 23706 | { update(); }); |
| 23707 | } |
| 23708 | |
| 23709 | /***/ }, |
| 23710 | /* 3 */ |
| 23711 | /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { |
| 23712 | |
| 23713 | exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(4)(); |
| 23714 | // imports |
| 23715 | |
| 23716 | |
| 23717 | // module |
| 23718 | exports.push([, ".json-formatter-row {\n font-family: monospace;\n}\n.json-formatter-row,\n.json-formatter-row a,\n.json-formatter-row a:hover {\n color: black;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-row {\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-object:after {\n content: \"No properties\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-array:after {\n content: \"[]\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-string {\n color: green;\n white-space: pre;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-number {\n color: blue;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-boolean {\n color: red;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-null {\n color: #855A00;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-undefined {\n color: #ca0b69;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-function {\n color: #FF20ED;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-date {\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-url {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: blue;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-bracket {\n color: blue;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-key {\n color: #00008B;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-constructor-name {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler {\n line-height: 1.2rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n vertical-align: middle;\n opacity: 0.6;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform 100ms ease-in;\n content: \"\\25BA\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n.json-formatter-row:hover > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0.6;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-toggler-link .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n transform: rotate(90deg);\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-children:after {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: block;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row {\n font-family: monospace;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row,\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row a,\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row a:hover {\n color: white;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-row {\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-object:after {\n content: \"No properties\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-array:after {\n content: \"[]\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-string {\n color: #31F031;\n white-space: pre;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-number {\n color: #66C2FF;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-boolean {\n color: #EC4242;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-null {\n color: #EEC97D;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-undefined {\n color: #ef8fbe;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-function {\n color: #FD48CB;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-date {\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-url {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: #027BFF;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-bracket {\n color: #9494FF;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-key {\n color: #23A0DB;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-constructor-name {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler {\n line-height: 1.2rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n vertical-align: middle;\n opacity: 0.6;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform 100ms ease-in;\n content: \"\\25BA\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row:hover > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0.6;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-toggler-link .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n transform: rotate(90deg);\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-children:after {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: block;\n}\n", "", {"version":3,"sources":["/./src/style.less","/./src/style.less"],"names":[],"mappings":"AA0GA;EA3FE,uBAAA;CCbD;ADcC;;;EACE,aAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCVH;ADkGD;EApFI,kBAAA;CCXH;ADeG;EACE,aAAA;EACA,kBAAA;CCbL;ADeK;EAAU,cAAA;CCZf;ADaK;EAAgC,yBAAA;CCVrC;ADWK;EAA+B,cAAA;CCRpC;ADkFD;EArEI,aAAA;EACA,iBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCVH;AD6ED;EAjE2B,YAAA;CCT1B;AD0ED;EAhE4B,WAAA;CCP3B;ADuED;EA/DyB,eAAA;CCLxB;ADoED;EA9D8B,eAAA;CCH7B;ADiED;EA7D6B,eAAA;CCD5B;AD8DD;EA5DyB,sCAAA;CCCxB;AD2DD;EA1DI,2BAAA;EACA,YAAA;EACA,gBAAA;CCEH;ADsDD;EArD4B,YAAA;CCE3B;ADmDD;EAnDI,eAAA;EACA,gBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCGH;AD8CD;EA9CI,gBAAA;CCGH;AD2CD;EA1CI,oBAAA;EACA,kBAAA;EACA,uBAAA;EACA,aAAA;EACA,gBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCEH;ADAG;EACE,sBAAA;EACA,oCAAA;EACA,iBAAA;CCEL;AD8BD;EA1BI,WAAA;EACA,kCAAA;EACA,mBAAA;CCDH;ADGC;EACE,aAAA;CCDH;ADKC;EAEI,yBAAA;CCJL;ADEC;EAKI,sBAAA;CCJL;ADDC;EAQI,cAAA;CCJL;ADMG;EACE,eAAA;CCJL;ADeD;EAhGE,uBAAA;CCoFD;ADnFC;;;EACE,aAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCuFH;ADMD;EAzFI,kBAAA;CCsFH;ADlFG;EACE,aAAA;EACA,kBAAA;CCoFL;ADlFK;EAAU,cAAA;CCqFf;ADpFK;EAAgC,yBAAA;CCuFrC;ADtFK;EAA+B,cAAA;CCyFpC;ADVD;EA1EI,eAAA;EACA,iBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCuFH;ADfD;EAtE2B,eAAA;CCwF1B;ADlBD;EArE4B,eAAA;CC0F3B;ADrBD;EApEyB,eAAA;CC4FxB;ADxBD;EAnE8B,eAAA;CC8F7B;AD3BD;EAlE6B,eAAA;CCgG5B;AD9BD;EAjEyB,4CAAA;CCkGxB;ADjCD;EA/DI,2BAAA;EACA,eAAA;EACA,gBAAA;CCmGH;ADtCD;EA1D4B,eAAA;CCmG3B;ADzCD;EAxDI,eAAA;EACA,gBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCoGH;AD9CD;EAnDI,gBAAA;CCoGH;ADjDD;EA/CI,oBAAA;EACA,kBAAA;EACA,uBAAA;EACA,aAAA;EACA,gBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCmGH;ADjGG;EACE,sBAAA;EACA,oCAAA;EACA,iBAAA;CCmGL;AD9DD;EA/BI,WAAA;EACA,kCAAA;EACA,mBAAA;CCgGH;AD9FC;EACE,aAAA;CCgGH;AD5FC;EAEI,yBAAA;CC6FL;AD/FC;EAKI,sBAAA;CC6FL;ADlGC;EAQI,cAAA;CC6FL;AD3FG;EACE,eAAA;CC6FL","file":"style.less","sourcesContent":[".theme(\n @default-color: black,\n @string-color: green,\n @number-color: blue,\n @boolean-color: red,\n @null-color: #855A00,\n @undefined-color: rgb(202, 11, 105),\n @function-color: #FF20ED,\n @rotate-time: 100ms,\n @toggler-opacity: 0.6,\n @toggler-color: #45376F,\n @bracket-color: blue,\n @key-color: #00008B,\n @url-color: blue ){\n\n font-family: monospace;\n &, a, a:hover {\n color: @default-color;\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n\n .json-formatter-row {\n margin-left: 1rem;\n }\n\n .json-formatter-children {\n &.json-formatter-empty {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n\n &:after { display: none; }\n &.json-formatter-object:after { content: \"No properties\"; }\n &.json-formatter-array:after { content: \"[]\"; }\n }\n }\n\n .json-formatter-string {\n color: @string-color;\n white-space: pre;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n }\n .json-formatter-number { color: @number-color; }\n .json-formatter-boolean { color: @boolean-color; }\n .json-formatter-null { color: @null-color; }\n .json-formatter-undefined { color: @undefined-color; }\n .json-formatter-function { color: @function-color; }\n .json-formatter-date { background-color: fade(@default-color, 5%); }\n .json-formatter-url {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: @url-color;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n\n .json-formatter-bracket { color: @bracket-color; }\n .json-formatter-key {\n color: @key-color;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n }\n .json-formatter-constructor-name {\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n\n .json-formatter-toggler {\n line-height: 1.2rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n vertical-align: middle;\n opacity: @toggler-opacity;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n\n &:after {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform @rotate-time ease-in;\n content: \"►\";\n }\n }\n\n // Inline preview on hover (optional)\n > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity .15s ease-in;\n font-style: italic;\n }\n &:hover > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0.6;\n }\n\n // Open state\n &.json-formatter-open {\n > .json-formatter-toggler-link .json-formatter-toggler:after{\n transform: rotate(90deg);\n }\n > .json-formatter-children:after {\n display: inline-block;\n }\n > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n display: none;\n }\n &.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: block;\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Default theme\n.json-formatter-row {\n .theme();\n}\n\n// Dark theme\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row {\n .theme(\n @default-color: white,\n @string-color: #31F031,\n @number-color: #66C2FF,\n @boolean-color: #EC4242,\n @null-color: #EEC97D,\n @undefined-color: rgb(239, 143, 190),\n @function-color: #FD48CB,\n @rotate-time: 100ms,\n @toggler-opacity: 0.6,\n @toggler-color: #45376F,\n @bracket-color: #9494FF,\n @key-color: #23A0DB,\n @url-color: #027BFF);\n}\n",".json-formatter-row {\n font-family: monospace;\n}\n.json-formatter-row,\n.json-formatter-row a,\n.json-formatter-row a:hover {\n color: black;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-row {\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-object:after {\n content: \"No properties\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-array:after {\n content: \"[]\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-string {\n color: green;\n white-space: pre;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-number {\n color: blue;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-boolean {\n color: red;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-null {\n color: #855A00;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-undefined {\n color: #ca0b69;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-function {\n color: #FF20ED;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-date {\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-url {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: blue;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-bracket {\n color: blue;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-key {\n color: #00008B;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-constructor-name {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler {\n line-height: 1.2rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n vertical-align: middle;\n opacity: 0.6;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform 100ms ease-in;\n content: \"►\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n.json-formatter-row:hover > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0.6;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-toggler-link .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n transform: rotate(90deg);\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-children:after {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: block;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row {\n font-family: monospace;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row,\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row a,\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row a:hover {\n color: white;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-row {\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-object:after {\n content: \"No properties\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-array:after {\n content: \"[]\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-string {\n color: #31F031;\n white-space: pre;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-number {\n color: #66C2FF;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-boolean {\n color: #EC4242;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-null {\n color: #EEC97D;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-undefined {\n color: #ef8fbe;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-function {\n color: #FD48CB;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-date {\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-url {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: #027BFF;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-bracket {\n color: #9494FF;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-key {\n color: #23A0DB;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-constructor-name {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler {\n line-height: 1.2rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n vertical-align: middle;\n opacity: 0.6;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform 100ms ease-in;\n content: \"►\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row:hover > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0.6;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-toggler-link .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n transform: rotate(90deg);\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-children:after {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: block;\n}\n"],"sourceRoot":"webpack://"}]); |
| 23719 | |
| 23720 | // exports |
| 23721 | |
| 23722 | |
| 23723 | /***/ }, |
| 23724 | /* 4 */ |
| 23725 | /***/ function(module, exports) { |
| 23726 | |
| 23727 | /* |
| 23728 | MIT License |
| 23729 | Author Tobias Koppers @sokra |
| 23730 | */ |
| 23731 | // css base code, injected by the css-loader |
| 23732 | module.exports = function() { |
| 23733 | var list = []; |
| 23734 | |
| 23735 | // return the list of modules as css string |
| 23736 | list.toString = function toString() { |
| 23737 | var result = []; |
| 23738 | for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { |
| 23739 | var item = this[i]; |
| 23740 | if(item[2]) { |
| 23741 | result.push("@media " + item[2] + "{" + item[1] + "}"); |
| 23742 | } else { |
| 23743 | result.push(item[1]); |
| 23744 | } |
| 23745 | } |
| 23746 | return result.join(""); |
| 23747 | }; |
| 23748 | |
| 23749 | // import a list of modules into the list |
| 23750 | list.i = function(modules, mediaQuery) { |
| 23751 | if(typeof modules === "string") |
| 23752 | modules = [[null, modules, ""]]; |
| 23753 | var alreadyImportedModules = {}; |
| 23754 | for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { |
| 23755 | var id = this[i][0]; |
| 23756 | if(typeof id === "number") |
| 23757 | alreadyImportedModules[id] = true; |
| 23758 | } |
| 23759 | for(i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { |
| 23760 | var item = modules[i]; |
| 23761 | // skip already imported module |
| 23762 | // this implementation is not 100% perfect for weird media query combinations |
| 23763 | // when a module is imported multiple times with different media queries. |
| 23764 | // I hope this will never occur (Hey this way we have smaller bundles) |
| 23765 | if(typeof item[0] !== "number" || !alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) { |
| 23766 | if(mediaQuery && !item[2]) { |
| 23767 | item[2] = mediaQuery; |
| 23768 | } else if(mediaQuery) { |
| 23769 | item[2] = "(" + item[2] + ") and (" + mediaQuery + ")"; |
| 23770 | } |
| 23771 | list.push(item); |
| 23772 | } |
| 23773 | } |
| 23774 | }; |
| 23775 | return list; |
| 23776 | }; |
| 23777 | |
| 23778 | |
| 23779 | /***/ }, |
| 23780 | /* 5 */ |
| 23781 | /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { |
| 23782 | |
| 23783 | /* |
| 23784 | MIT License |
| 23785 | Author Tobias Koppers @sokra |
| 23786 | */ |
| 23787 | var stylesInDom = {}, |
| 23788 | memoize = function(fn) { |
| 23789 | var memo; |
| 23790 | return function () { |
| 23791 | if (typeof memo === "undefined") memo = fn.apply(this, arguments); |
| 23792 | return memo; |
| 23793 | }; |
| 23794 | }, |
| 23795 | isOldIE = memoize(function() { |
| 23796 | return /msie [6-9]\b/.test(window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); |
| 23797 | }), |
| 23798 | getHeadElement = memoize(function () { |
| 23799 | return document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; |
| 23800 | }), |
| 23801 | singletonElement = null, |
| 23802 | singletonCounter = 0, |
| 23803 | styleElementsInsertedAtTop = []; |
| 23804 | |
| 23805 | module.exports = function(list, options) { |
| 23806 | if(false) { |
| 23807 | if(typeof document !== "object") throw new Error("The style-loader cannot be used in a non-browser environment"); |
| 23808 | } |
| 23809 | |
| 23810 | options = options || {}; |
| 23811 | // Force single-tag solution on IE6-9, which has a hard limit on the # of <style> |
| 23812 | // tags it will allow on a page |
| 23813 | if (typeof options.singleton === "undefined") options.singleton = isOldIE(); |
| 23814 | |
| 23815 | // By default, add <style> tags to the bottom of <head>. |
| 23816 | if (typeof options.insertAt === "undefined") options.insertAt = "bottom"; |
| 23817 | |
| 23818 | var styles = listToStyles(list); |
| 23819 | addStylesToDom(styles, options); |
| 23820 | |
| 23821 | return function update(newList) { |
| 23822 | var mayRemove = []; |
| 23823 | for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { |
| 23824 | var item = styles[i]; |
| 23825 | var domStyle = stylesInDom[]; |
| 23826 | domStyle.refs--; |
| 23827 | mayRemove.push(domStyle); |
| 23828 | } |
| 23829 | if(newList) { |
| 23830 | var newStyles = listToStyles(newList); |
| 23831 | addStylesToDom(newStyles, options); |
| 23832 | } |
| 23833 | for(var i = 0; i < mayRemove.length; i++) { |
| 23834 | var domStyle = mayRemove[i]; |
| 23835 | if(domStyle.refs === 0) { |
| 23836 | for(var j = 0; j <; j++) |
| 23837 |[j](); |
| 23838 | delete stylesInDom[]; |
| 23839 | } |
| 23840 | } |
| 23841 | }; |
| 23842 | } |
| 23843 | |
| 23844 | function addStylesToDom(styles, options) { |
| 23845 | for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { |
| 23846 | var item = styles[i]; |
| 23847 | var domStyle = stylesInDom[]; |
| 23848 | if(domStyle) { |
| 23849 | domStyle.refs++; |
| 23850 | for(var j = 0; j <; j++) { |
| 23851 |[j]([j]); |
| 23852 | } |
| 23853 | for(; j <; j++) { |
| 23854 |[j], options)); |
| 23855 | } |
| 23856 | } else { |
| 23857 | var parts = []; |
| 23858 | for(var j = 0; j <; j++) { |
| 23859 | parts.push(addStyle([j], options)); |
| 23860 | } |
| 23861 | stylesInDom[] = {id:, refs: 1, parts: parts}; |
| 23862 | } |
| 23863 | } |
| 23864 | } |
| 23865 | |
| 23866 | function listToStyles(list) { |
| 23867 | var styles = []; |
| 23868 | var newStyles = {}; |
| 23869 | for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { |
| 23870 | var item = list[i]; |
| 23871 | var id = item[0]; |
| 23872 | var css = item[1]; |
| 23873 | var media = item[2]; |
| 23874 | var sourceMap = item[3]; |
| 23875 | var part = {css: css, media: media, sourceMap: sourceMap}; |
| 23876 | if(!newStyles[id]) |
| 23877 | styles.push(newStyles[id] = {id: id, parts: [part]}); |
| 23878 | else |
| 23879 | newStyles[id].parts.push(part); |
| 23880 | } |
| 23881 | return styles; |
| 23882 | } |
| 23883 | |
| 23884 | function insertStyleElement(options, styleElement) { |
| 23885 | var head = getHeadElement(); |
| 23886 | var lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop = styleElementsInsertedAtTop[styleElementsInsertedAtTop.length - 1]; |
| 23887 | if (options.insertAt === "top") { |
| 23888 | if(!lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop) { |
| 23889 | head.insertBefore(styleElement, head.firstChild); |
| 23890 | } else if(lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop.nextSibling) { |
| 23891 | head.insertBefore(styleElement, lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop.nextSibling); |
| 23892 | } else { |
| 23893 | head.appendChild(styleElement); |
| 23894 | } |
| 23895 | styleElementsInsertedAtTop.push(styleElement); |
| 23896 | } else if (options.insertAt === "bottom") { |
| 23897 | head.appendChild(styleElement); |
| 23898 | } else { |
| 23899 | throw new Error("Invalid value for parameter 'insertAt'. Must be 'top' or 'bottom'."); |
| 23900 | } |
| 23901 | } |
| 23902 | |
| 23903 | function removeStyleElement(styleElement) { |
| 23904 | styleElement.parentNode.removeChild(styleElement); |
| 23905 | var idx = styleElementsInsertedAtTop.indexOf(styleElement); |
| 23906 | if(idx >= 0) { |
| 23907 | styleElementsInsertedAtTop.splice(idx, 1); |
| 23908 | } |
| 23909 | } |
| 23910 | |
| 23911 | function createStyleElement(options) { |
| 23912 | var styleElement = document.createElement("style"); |
| 23913 | styleElement.type = "text/css"; |
| 23914 | insertStyleElement(options, styleElement); |
| 23915 | return styleElement; |
| 23916 | } |
| 23917 | |
| 23918 | function createLinkElement(options) { |
| 23919 | var linkElement = document.createElement("link"); |
| 23920 | linkElement.rel = "stylesheet"; |
| 23921 | insertStyleElement(options, linkElement); |
| 23922 | return linkElement; |
| 23923 | } |
| 23924 | |
| 23925 | function addStyle(obj, options) { |
| 23926 | var styleElement, update, remove; |
| 23927 | |
| 23928 | if (options.singleton) { |
| 23929 | var styleIndex = singletonCounter++; |
| 23930 | styleElement = singletonElement || (singletonElement = createStyleElement(options)); |
| 23931 | update = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, styleElement, styleIndex, false); |
| 23932 | remove = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, styleElement, styleIndex, true); |
| 23933 | } else if(obj.sourceMap && |
| 23934 | typeof URL === "function" && |
| 23935 | typeof URL.createObjectURL === "function" && |
| 23936 | typeof URL.revokeObjectURL === "function" && |
| 23937 | typeof Blob === "function" && |
| 23938 | typeof btoa === "function") { |
| 23939 | styleElement = createLinkElement(options); |
| 23940 | update = updateLink.bind(null, styleElement); |
| 23941 | remove = function() { |
| 23942 | removeStyleElement(styleElement); |
| 23943 | if(styleElement.href) |
| 23944 | URL.revokeObjectURL(styleElement.href); |
| 23945 | }; |
| 23946 | } else { |
| 23947 | styleElement = createStyleElement(options); |
| 23948 | update = applyToTag.bind(null, styleElement); |
| 23949 | remove = function() { |
| 23950 | removeStyleElement(styleElement); |
| 23951 | }; |
| 23952 | } |
| 23953 | |
| 23954 | update(obj); |
| 23955 | |
| 23956 | return function updateStyle(newObj) { |
| 23957 | if(newObj) { |
| 23958 | if(newObj.css === obj.css && === && newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap) |
| 23959 | return; |
| 23960 | update(obj = newObj); |
| 23961 | } else { |
| 23962 | remove(); |
| 23963 | } |
| 23964 | }; |
| 23965 | } |
| 23966 | |
| 23967 | var replaceText = (function () { |
| 23968 | var textStore = []; |
| 23969 | |
| 23970 | return function (index, replacement) { |
| 23971 | textStore[index] = replacement; |
| 23972 | return textStore.filter(Boolean).join('\n'); |
| 23973 | }; |
| 23974 | })(); |
| 23975 | |
| 23976 | function applyToSingletonTag(styleElement, index, remove, obj) { |
| 23977 | var css = remove ? "" : obj.css; |
| 23978 | |
| 23979 | if (styleElement.styleSheet) { |
| 23980 | styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = replaceText(index, css); |
| 23981 | } else { |
| 23982 | var cssNode = document.createTextNode(css); |
| 23983 | var childNodes = styleElement.childNodes; |
| 23984 | if (childNodes[index]) styleElement.removeChild(childNodes[index]); |
| 23985 | if (childNodes.length) { |
| 23986 | styleElement.insertBefore(cssNode, childNodes[index]); |
| 23987 | } else { |
| 23988 | styleElement.appendChild(cssNode); |
| 23989 | } |
| 23990 | } |
| 23991 | } |
| 23992 | |
| 23993 | function applyToTag(styleElement, obj) { |
| 23994 | var css = obj.css; |
| 23995 | var media =; |
| 23996 | |
| 23997 | if(media) { |
| 23998 | styleElement.setAttribute("media", media) |
| 23999 | } |
| 24000 | |
| 24001 | if(styleElement.styleSheet) { |
| 24002 | styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = css; |
| 24003 | } else { |
| 24004 | while(styleElement.firstChild) { |
| 24005 | styleElement.removeChild(styleElement.firstChild); |
| 24006 | } |
| 24007 | styleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); |
| 24008 | } |
| 24009 | } |
| 24010 | |
| 24011 | function updateLink(linkElement, obj) { |
| 24012 | var css = obj.css; |
| 24013 | var sourceMap = obj.sourceMap; |
| 24014 | |
| 24015 | if(sourceMap) { |
| 24016 | // |
| 24017 | css += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))) + " */"; |
| 24018 | } |
| 24019 | |
| 24020 | var blob = new Blob([css], { type: "text/css" }); |
| 24021 | |
| 24022 | var oldSrc = linkElement.href; |
| 24023 | |
| 24024 | linkElement.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
| 24025 | |
| 24026 | if(oldSrc) |
| 24027 | URL.revokeObjectURL(oldSrc); |
| 24028 | } |
| 24029 | |
| 24030 | |
| 24031 | /***/ }, |
| 24032 | /* 6 */ |
| 24033 | /***/ function(module, exports) { |
| 24034 | |
| 24035 | "use strict"; |
| 24036 | /* |
| 24037 | * Escapes `"` characters from string |
| 24038 | */ |
| 24039 | function escapeString(str) { |
| 24040 | return str.replace('"', '\"'); |
| 24041 | } |
| 24042 | /* |
| 24043 | * Determines if a value is an object |
| 24044 | */ |
| 24045 | function isObject(value) { |
| 24046 | var type = typeof value; |
| 24047 | return !!value && (type == 'object'); |
| 24048 | } |
| 24049 | exports.isObject = isObject; |
| 24050 | /* |
| 24051 | * Gets constructor name of an object. |
| 24052 | * |
| 24053 | */ |
| 24054 | function getObjectName(object) { |
| 24055 | if (object === undefined) { |
| 24056 | return ''; |
| 24057 | } |
| 24058 | if (object === null || (typeof object === 'object' && !object.constructor)) { |
| 24059 | return 'Object'; |
| 24060 | } |
| 24061 | var funcNameRegex = /function ([^(]*)/; |
| 24062 | var results = (funcNameRegex).exec((object).constructor.toString()); |
| 24063 | if (results && results.length > 1) { |
| 24064 | return results[1]; |
| 24065 | } else { |
| 24066 | return ''; |
| 24067 | } |
| 24068 | } |
| 24069 | exports.getObjectName = getObjectName; |
| 24070 | /* |
| 24071 | * Gets type of an object. Returns "null" for null objects |
| 24072 | */ |
| 24073 | function getType(object) { |
| 24074 | if (object === null) { |
| 24075 | return 'null'; |
| 24076 | } |
| 24077 | return typeof object; |
| 24078 | } |
| 24079 | exports.getType = getType; |
| 24080 | /* |
| 24081 | * Generates inline preview for a JavaScript object based on a value |
| 24082 | */ |
| 24083 | function getValuePreview(object, value) { |
| 24084 | var type = getType(object); |
| 24085 | if (type === 'null' || type === 'undefined') { |
| 24086 | return type; |
| 24087 | } |
| 24088 | if (type === 'string') { |
| 24089 | value = '"' + escapeString(value) + '"'; |
| 24090 | } |
| 24091 | if (type === 'function') { |
| 24092 | // Remove content of the function |
| 24093 | return object.toString() |
| 24094 | .replace(/[\r\n]/g, '') |
| 24095 | .replace(/\{.*\}/, '') + '{…}'; |
| 24096 | } |
| 24097 | return value; |
| 24098 | } |
| 24099 | exports.getValuePreview = getValuePreview; |
| 24100 | /* |
| 24101 | * Generates inline preview for a JavaScript object |
| 24102 | */ |
| 24103 | function getPreview(object) { |
| 24104 | var value = ''; |
| 24105 | if (isObject(object)) { |
| 24106 | value = getObjectName(object); |
| 24107 | if (Array.isArray(object)) |
| 24108 | value += '[' + object.length + ']'; |
| 24109 | } |
| 24110 | else { |
| 24111 | value = getValuePreview(object, object); |
| 24112 | } |
| 24113 | return value; |
| 24114 | } |
| 24115 | exports.getPreview = getPreview; |
| 24116 | /* |
| 24117 | * Generates a prefixed CSS class name |
| 24118 | */ |
| 24119 | function cssClass(className) { |
| 24120 | return "json-formatter-" + className; |
| 24121 | } |
| 24122 | exports.cssClass = cssClass; |
| 24123 | /* |
| 24124 | * Creates a new DOM element with given type and class |
| 24125 | * TODO: move me to helpers |
| 24126 | */ |
| 24127 | function createElement(type, className, content) { |
| 24128 | var el = document.createElement(type); |
| 24129 | if (className) { |
| 24130 | el.classList.add(cssClass(className)); |
| 24131 | } |
| 24132 | if (content !== undefined) { |
| 24133 | if (content instanceof Node) { |
| 24134 | el.appendChild(content); |
| 24135 | } |
| 24136 | else { |
| 24137 | el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String(content))); |
| 24138 | } |
| 24139 | } |
| 24140 | return el; |
| 24141 | } |
| 24142 | exports.createElement = createElement; |
| 24143 | |
| 24144 | |
| 24145 | /***/ } |
| 24146 | /******/ ]) |
| 24147 | }); |
| 24148 | ; |
| 24149 | //# |
| 24150 | |
| 24151 | </script> |
| 24152 | |
| 24153 | <script> |
| 24154 | |
| 24155 | (function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.JSONSchemaView = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24156 | 'use strict'; |
| 24157 | /* |
| 24158 | * Converts anyOf, allOf and oneOf to human readable string |
| 24159 | */ |
| 24160 | Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { |
| 24161 | value: true |
| 24162 | }); |
| 24163 | exports.convertXOf = convertXOf; |
| 24164 | exports._if = _if; |
| 24165 | |
| 24166 | function convertXOf(type) { |
| 24167 | return type.substring(0, 3) + ' of'; |
| 24168 | } |
| 24169 | |
| 24170 | /* |
| 24171 | * if condition for ES6 template strings |
| 24172 | * to be used only in template string |
| 24173 | * |
| 24174 | * @example mystr = `Random is ${_if(Math.random() > 0.5)`greater than 0.5`` |
| 24175 | * |
| 24176 | * @param {boolean} condition |
| 24177 | * |
| 24178 | * @returns {function} the template function |
| 24179 | */ |
| 24180 | |
| 24181 | function _if(condition) { |
| 24182 | return condition ? normal : empty; |
| 24183 | } |
| 24184 | |
| 24185 | function empty() { |
| 24186 | return ''; |
| 24187 | } |
| 24188 | function normal(template) { |
| 24189 | for (var _len = arguments.length, expressions = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { |
| 24190 | expressions[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; |
| 24191 | } |
| 24192 | |
| 24193 | return template.slice(1).reduce(function (accumulator, part, i) { |
| 24194 | return accumulator + expressions[i] + part; |
| 24195 | }, template[0]); |
| 24196 | } |
| 24197 | |
| 24198 | },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24199 | 'use strict'; |
| 24200 | |
| 24201 | /* globals JSONSchemaView */ |
| 24202 | |
| 24203 | Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { |
| 24204 | value: true |
| 24205 | }); |
| 24206 | |
| 24207 | var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); |
| 24208 | |
| 24209 | var _templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="any">\n ', '\n\n <span class="type type-any"><any></span>\n\n ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n </div>\n '], ['\n <div class="any">\n ', '\n\n <span class="type type-any"><any></span>\n\n ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n </div>\n ']), |
| 24210 | _templateObject2 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <a class="title"><span class="toggle-handle"></span>', ' </a>\n '], ['\n <a class="title"><span class="toggle-handle"></span>', ' </a>\n ']), |
| 24211 | _templateObject3 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner description marked">', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner description marked">', '</div>\n ']), |
| 24212 | _templateObject4 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner required">Required: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner required">Required: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 24213 | _templateObject5 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner default">Default: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner default">Default: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 24214 | _templateObject6 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner pattern">Pattern: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner pattern">Pattern: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 24215 | _templateObject7 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="primitive">\n ', '\n\n <span class="type">', '</span>\n\n \n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n </div>\n '], ['\n <div class="primitive">\n ', '\n\n <span class="type">', '</span>\n\n \n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n </div>\n ']), |
| 24216 | _templateObject8 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="format">(', ')</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="format">(', ')</span>\n ']), |
| 24217 | _templateObject9 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range minimum">minimum:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range minimum">minimum:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 24218 | _templateObject10 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range exclusiveMinimum">(ex)minimum:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range exclusiveMinimum">(ex)minimum:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 24219 | _templateObject11 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range maximum">maximum:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range maximum">maximum:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 24220 | _templateObject12 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range exclusiveMaximum">(ex)maximum:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range exclusiveMaximum">(ex)maximum:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 24221 | _templateObject13 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range minLength">minLength:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range minLength">minLength:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 24222 | _templateObject14 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range maxLength">maxLength:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range maxLength">maxLength:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 24223 | _templateObject15 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner required">Required</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner required">Required</div>\n ']), |
| 24224 | _templateObject16 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n ', '\n '], ['\n ', '\n ']), |
| 24225 | _templateObject17 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['', ''], ['', '']), |
| 24226 | _templateObject18 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="array">\n <a class="title"><span class="toggle-handle"></span>', '<span class="opening bracket">[</span>', '</a>\n ', '\n <div class="inner">\n ', '\n </div>\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n\n ', '\n </div>\n '], ['\n <div class="array">\n <a class="title"><span class="toggle-handle"></span>', '<span class="opening bracket">[</span>', '</a>\n ', '\n <div class="inner">\n ', '\n </div>\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n\n ', '\n </div>\n ']), |
| 24227 | _templateObject19 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['<span class="closing bracket">]</span>'], ['<span class="closing bracket">]</span>']), |
| 24228 | _templateObject20 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span>\n <span title="items range">(', '..', ')</span>\n ', '\n </span>\n '], ['\n <span>\n <span title="items range">(', '..', ')</span>\n ', '\n </span>\n ']), |
| 24229 | _templateObject21 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['<span title="unique" class="uniqueItems">♦</span>'], ['<span title="unique" class="uniqueItems">♦</span>']), |
| 24230 | _templateObject22 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="description">', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="description">', '</div>\n ']), |
| 24231 | _templateObject23 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="closing bracket">]</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="closing bracket">]</span>\n ']), |
| 24232 | _templateObject24 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="object">\n <a class="title"><span\n class="toggle-handle"></span>', ' <span\n class="opening brace">{</span>', '</a>\n\n <div class="inner">\n ', '\n <!-- children go here -->\n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t\t', '\n </div>\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n\n ', '\n </div>\n '], ['\n <div class="object">\n <a class="title"><span\n class="toggle-handle"></span>', ' <span\n class="opening brace">{</span>', '</a>\n\n <div class="inner">\n ', '\n <!-- children go here -->\n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t\t', '\n </div>\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n\n ', '\n </div>\n ']), |
| 24233 | _templateObject25 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="closing brace" ng-if="isCollapsed">}</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="closing brace" ng-if="isCollapsed">}</span>\n ']), |
| 24234 | _templateObject26 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="required">Required: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="required">Required: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 24235 | _templateObject266 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="required">Required: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="required">Required: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 24236 | _templateObject27 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="default">Default: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="default">Default: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 24237 | _templateObject28 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="pattern">Pattern: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="pattern">Pattern: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 24238 | _templateObject29 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="closing brace">}</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="closing brace">}</span>\n ']), |
| 24239 | _templateObject30 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner enums">\n <b>Enum:</b>\n </div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner enums">\n <b>Enum:</b>\n </div>\n ']); |
| 24240 | |
| 24241 | function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } } |
| 24242 | |
| 24243 | function _taggedTemplateLiteral(strings, raw) { return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(strings, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(raw) } })); } |
| 24244 | |
| 24245 | var _helpersJs = require('./helpers.js'); |
| 24246 | |
| 24247 | /** |
| 24248 | * @class JSONSchemaView |
| 24249 | * |
| 24250 | * A pure JavaScript component for rendering JSON Schema in HTML. |
| 24251 | */ |
| 24252 | |
| 24253 | var JSONSchemaView = (function () { |
| 24254 | |
| 24255 | /** |
| 24256 | * @param {object} schema The JSON Schema object |
| 24257 | * |
| 24258 | * @param {number} [open=1] his number indicates up to how many levels the |
| 24259 | * rendered tree should expand. Set it to `0` to make the whole tree collapsed |
| 24260 | * or set it to `Infinity` to expand the tree deeply |
| 24261 | * @param {object} options. |
| 24262 | * theme {string}: one of the following options: ['dark'] |
| 24263 | */ |
| 24264 | |
| 24265 | function JSONSchemaView(schema, open) { |
| 24266 | var _this = this; |
| 24267 | |
| 24268 | var options = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? { theme: null } : arguments[2]; |
| 24269 | |
| 24270 | _classCallCheck(this, JSONSchemaView); |
| 24271 | |
| 24272 | this.schema = schema; //console.log(schema); |
| 24273 | = open; |
| 24274 | this.options = options; |
| 24275 | this.isCollapsed = open <= 0; |
| 24276 | |
| 24277 | // if schema is an empty object which means any JOSN |
| 24278 | this.isAny = typeof schema === 'object' && !Array.isArray(schema) && !Object.keys(schema).filter(function (k) { |
| 24279 | return ['title', 'description'].indexOf(k) === -1; |
| 24280 | }).length; |
| 24281 | |
| 24282 | // Determine if a schema is an array |
| 24283 | this.isArray = !this.isAny && this.schema && this.schema.type === 'array'; |
| 24284 | |
| 24285 | this.isObject = this.schema && (this.schema.type === 'object' || || this.schema.anyOf || this.schema.oneof || this.schema.allOf); |
| 24286 | |
| 24287 | // Determine if a schema is a primitive |
| 24288 | this.isPrimitive = !this.isAny && !this.isArray && !this.isObject; |
| 24289 | |
| 24290 | // |
| 24291 | this.showToggle = this.schema.description || this.schema.title || this.isPrimitive && (this.schema.minimum || this.schema.maximum || this.schema.exclusiveMinimum || this.schema.exclusiveMaximum); |
| 24292 | |
| 24293 | // populate isRequired property down to properties |
| 24294 | if (this.schema && Array.isArray(this.schema.required)) { |
| 24295 | this.schema.required.forEach(function (requiredProperty) { |
| 24296 | if (typeof[requiredProperty] === 'object') { |
| 24297 |[requiredProperty].isRequired = true; |
| 24298 | } |
| 24299 | }); |
| 24300 | } |
| 24301 | } |
| 24302 | |
| 24303 | /* |
| 24304 | * Returns the template with populated properties. |
| 24305 | * This template does not have the children |
| 24306 | */ |
| 24307 | |
| 24308 | _createClass(JSONSchemaView, [{ |
| 24309 | key: 'template', |
| 24310 | value: function template() { |
| 24311 | if (!this.schema) { |
| 24312 | return ''; |
| 24313 | } |
| 24314 | |
| 24315 | return ('\n <!-- Any -->\n ' + (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.isAny)(_templateObject, (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.showToggle)(_templateObject2, this.schema.title || ''), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.description && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject3, marked(this.schema.description || "")), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.required && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject4, this.schema.required), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema['default'] && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject5, this.schema['default']), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.pattern && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject6, this.schema.pattern)) + '\n\n <!-- Primitive -->\n ' + (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.isPrimitive)(_templateObject7, (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.showToggle)(_templateObject2, this.schema.title || ''), this.schema.type, (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.format)(_templateObject8, this.schema.format), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.minimum)(_templateObject9, this.schema.minimum), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.exclusiveMinimum)(_templateObject10, this.schema.exclusiveMinimum), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.maximum)(_templateObject11, this.schema.maximum), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.exclusiveMaximum)(_templateObject12, this.schema.exclusiveMaximum), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.minLength)(_templateObject13, this.schema.minLength), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.maxLength)(_templateObject14, this.schema.maxLength), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.description && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject3, marked(this.schema.description || "")), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.required && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject15), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema['default'] && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject5, this.schema['default']), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.pattern && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject6, this.schema.pattern), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema['enum'])(_templateObject16, this['enum'](this.schema, this.isCollapsed,, (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.allOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'allOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.oneOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'oneOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.anyOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'anyOf'))) + '\n\n\n <!-- Array -->\n ' + (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.isArray)(_templateObject18, this.schema.title || '', (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject19), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && (this.schema.uniqueItems || this.schema.minItems || this.schema.maxItems))(_templateObject20, this.schema.minItems || 0, this.schema.maxItems || '∞', (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.uniqueItems)(_templateObject21)), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.description)(_templateObject22, marked(this.schema.description || "")), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema['enum'])(_templateObject16, this['enum'](this.schema, this.isCollapsed,, (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.allOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'allOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.oneOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'oneOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.anyOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'anyOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject23)) + '\n\n <!-- Object -->\n ' + (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isPrimitive && !this.isArray && !this.isAny)(_templateObject24, this.schema.title || '', (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject25), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.description)(_templateObject22, marked(this.schema.description || "")), |
| 24316 | |
| 24317 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.required && !this.isCollapsed && this.options.isBodyParam != true)(_templateObject26, this.schema.required), |
| 24318 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.required && !this.isCollapsed && this.options.isBodyParam == true)(_templateObject266, this.schema.required), |
| 24319 | |
| 24320 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema['default'] && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject27, this.schema['default']),(0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject29), |
| 24321 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.pattern)(_templateObject28, this.schema.pattern), |
| 24322 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema['enum'])(_templateObject16, this['enum'](this.schema, this.isCollapsed,, (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.allOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'allOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.oneOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'oneOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.anyOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'anyOf'))) + '\n').replace(/\s*\n/g, '\n').replace(/(\<\!\-\-).+/g, '').trim(); |
| 24323 | } |
| 24324 | |
| 24325 | /* |
| 24326 | * Template for oneOf, anyOf and allOf |
| 24327 | */ |
| 24328 | }, { |
| 24329 | key: 'xOf', |
| 24330 | value: function xOf(schema, type) { |
| 24331 | return '\n <div class="inner ' + type + '">\n <b>' + (0, _helpersJs.convertXOf)(type) + ':</b>\n </div>\n '; |
| 24332 | } |
| 24333 | |
| 24334 | /* |
| 24335 | * Template for enums |
| 24336 | */ |
| 24337 | }, { |
| 24338 | key: 'enum', |
| 24339 | value: function _enum(schema, isCollapsed, open) { |
| 24340 | return '\n ' + (0, _helpersJs._if)(!isCollapsed && schema['enum'])(_templateObject30) + '\n '; |
| 24341 | } |
| 24342 | |
| 24343 | /* |
| 24344 | * Toggles the 'collapsed' state |
| 24345 | */ |
| 24346 | }, { |
| 24347 | key: 'toggle', |
| 24348 | value: function toggle() { |
| 24349 | this.isCollapsed = !this.isCollapsed; |
| 24350 | this.render(); |
| 24351 | } |
| 24352 | |
| 24353 | /* |
| 24354 | * Renders the element and returns it |
| 24355 | */ |
| 24356 | }, { |
| 24357 | key: 'render', |
| 24358 | value: function render() { |
| 24359 | if (!this.element) { |
| 24360 | this.element = document.createElement('div'); |
| 24361 | this.element.classList.add('json-schema-view'); |
| 24362 | } |
| 24363 | |
| 24364 | if (this.isCollapsed) { |
| 24365 | this.element.classList.add('collapsed'); |
| 24366 | } else { |
| 24367 | this.element.classList.remove('collapsed'); |
| 24368 | } |
| 24369 | |
| 24370 | if (this.options.theme) { |
| 24371 | this.element.classList.add('json-schema-view-' + this.options.theme); |
| 24372 | } |
| 24373 | |
| 24374 | this.element.innerHTML = this.template(); |
| 24375 | |
| 24376 | if (!this.schema) { |
| 24377 | return this.element; |
| 24378 | } |
| 24379 | |
Priyadharshini | c86ab4a | 2020-08-14 17:11:49 +0530 | [diff] [blame] | 24380 | if (this.schema && this.schema.example) { |
| 24381 | var exampleDiv = document.createElement('div'); |
| 24382 | exampleDiv.innerHTML = '<div style="display: block" class="example">\n <span style="color: #808080" class="name">example: ' + this.schema.example + '</span>\n </div>'; |
| 24383 | this.element.appendChild(exampleDiv.querySelector('.example')); |
| 24384 | } |
| 24385 | |
seshukm | b3a332a | 2018-10-05 16:27:16 +0800 | [diff] [blame] | 24386 | if (!this.isCollapsed) { |
| 24387 | this.appendChildren(this.element); |
| 24388 | } |
| 24389 | |
| 24390 | // add event listener for toggling |
| 24391 | if (this.element.querySelector('a.title')) { |
| 24392 | this.element.querySelector('a.title').addEventListener('click', this.toggle.bind(this)); |
| 24393 | } |
| 24394 | return this.element; |
| 24395 | } |
| 24396 | |
| 24397 | /* |
| 24398 | * Appends children to given element based on current schema |
| 24399 | */ |
| 24400 | }, { |
| 24401 | key: 'appendChildren', |
| 24402 | value: function appendChildren(element) { |
| 24403 | var _this2 = this; |
| 24404 | |
| 24405 | var inner = element.querySelector('.inner'); |
| 24406 | |
| 24407 | if (!inner) { |
| 24408 | return; |
| 24409 | } |
| 24410 | |
| 24411 | if (this.schema['enum']) { |
| 24412 | var tempDiv = document.createElement('span');; |
| 24413 | tempDiv.classList.add('inner'); |
| 24414 | tempDiv.innerHTML = '<code>' + this.schema['enum'].join('</code>, <code>') + '</code>'; |
| 24415 | element.querySelector('.enums.inner').appendChild(tempDiv); |
| 24416 | } |
| 24417 | |
| 24418 | if (this.isArray) { |
| 24419 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(this.schema.items, Infinity); |
| 24420 | inner.appendChild(view.render()); |
| 24421 | } |
| 24422 | |
| 24423 | if (typeof === 'object') { |
| 24424 | Object.keys( (propertyName) { |
| 24425 | var property =[propertyName]; |
| 24426 | var tempDiv = document.createElement('div');; |
| 24427 | tempDiv.innerHTML = '<div class="property">\n <span class="name">' + propertyName + ':</span>\n </div>'; |
| 24428 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(property, - 1); |
| 24429 | tempDiv.querySelector('.property').appendChild(view.render()); |
| 24430 | |
| 24431 | inner.appendChild(tempDiv.querySelector('.property')); |
| 24432 | }); |
| 24433 | } |
| 24434 | |
| 24435 | if (this.schema.allOf) { |
| 24436 |, 'allOf'); |
| 24437 | } |
| 24438 | if (this.schema.oneOf) { |
| 24439 |, 'oneOf'); |
| 24440 | } |
| 24441 | if (this.schema.anyOf) { |
| 24442 |, 'anyOf'); |
| 24443 | } |
| 24444 | |
| 24445 | function appendXOf(type) { |
| 24446 | var _this3 = this; |
| 24447 | |
| 24448 | var innerAllOf = element.querySelector('.inner.' + type); |
| 24449 | |
| 24450 | this.schema[type].forEach(function (schema) { |
| 24451 | var inner = document.createElement('div'); |
| 24452 | inner.classList.add('inner'); |
| 24453 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, - 1); |
| 24454 | inner.appendChild(view.render()); |
| 24455 | innerAllOf.appendChild(inner); |
| 24456 | }); |
| 24457 | } |
| 24458 | } |
| 24459 | }]); |
| 24460 | |
| 24461 | return JSONSchemaView; |
| 24462 | })(); |
| 24463 | |
| 24464 | exports['default'] = JSONSchemaView; |
| 24465 | module.exports = exports['default']; |
| 24466 | |
| 24467 | },{"./helpers.js":1}]},{},[2])(2) |
| 24468 | }); |
| 24470 | |
| 24471 | </script> |
| 24472 | |
| 24473 | <script> |
| 24474 | (function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.$RefParser = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24475 | /** ! |
| 24476 | * JSON Schema $Ref Parser v3.1.2 |
| 24477 | * |
| 24478 | * @link |
| 24479 | * @license MIT |
| 24480 | */ |
| 24481 | "use strict";function bundle(e,r){debug("Bundling $ref pointers in %s",e.$refs._root$Ref.path);var t=[];crawl(e,"schema",e.$refs._root$Ref.path+"#","#",t,e.$refs,r),remap(t)}function crawl(e,r,t,f,n,i,a){var o=null===r?e:e[r];if(o&&"object"==typeof o)if($$Ref(o))inventory$Ref(e,r,t,f,n,i,a);else{var l=Object.keys(o),u=l.indexOf("definitions");u>0&&l.splice(0,0,l.splice(u,1)[0]),l.forEach(function(e){var r=Pointer.join(t,e),l=Pointer.join(f,e),u=o[e];$$Ref(u)?inventory$Ref(o,e,t,l,n,i,a):crawl(o,e,r,l,n,i,a)})}}function inventory$Ref(e,r,t,f,n,i,a){if(!n.some(function(t){return t.parent===e&&t.key===r})){var o=null===r?e:e[r],l=url.resolve(t,o.$ref),u=i._resolve(l,a),h=Pointer.parse(f).length,s=url.stripHash(u.path),$=url.getHash(u.path),c=s!==i._root$Ref.path,p=$Ref.isExtended$Ref(o);n.push({$ref:o,parent:e,key:r,pathFromRoot:f,depth:h,file:s,hash:$,value:u.value,circular:u.circular,extended:p,external:c}),crawl(u.value,null,u.path,f,n,i,a)}}function remap(e){e.sort(function(e,r){return e.file!==r.file?e.file<r.file?-1:1:e.hash!==r.hash?e.hash<r.hash?-1:1:e.circular!==r.circular?e.circular?-1:1:e.extended!==r.extended?e.extended?1:-1:e.depth!==r.depth?e.depth-r.depth:r.pathFromRoot.lastIndexOf("/definitions")-e.pathFromRoot.lastIndexOf("/definitions")});var r,t,f;e.forEach(function(e){debug('Re-mapping $ref pointer "%s" at %s',e.$ref.$ref,e.pathFromRoot),e.external?e.file===r&&e.hash===t?e.$ref.$ref=f:e.file===r&&0===e.hash.indexOf(t+"/")?e.$ref.$ref=Pointer.join(f,Pointer.parse(e.hash)):(r=e.file,t=e.hash,f=e.pathFromRoot,e.$ref=e.parent[e.key]=$Ref.dereference(e.$ref,e.value),e.circular&&(e.$ref.$ref=e.pathFromRoot)):e.$ref.$ref=e.hash,debug(" new value: %s",e.$ref&&e.$ref.$ref?e.$ref.$ref:"[object Object]")})}var $Ref=require("./ref"),Pointer=require("./pointer"),debug=require("./util/debug"),url=require("./util/url");module.exports=bundle; |
| 24482 | |
| 24483 | },{"./pointer":10,"./ref":11,"./util/debug":16,"./util/url":19}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24484 | "use strict";function dereference(e,r){debug("Dereferencing $ref pointers in %s",e.$refs._root$Ref.path);var c=crawl(e.schema,e.$refs._root$Ref.path,"#",[],e.$refs,r);e.$refs.circular=c.circular,e.schema=c.value}function crawl(e,r,c,u,f,i){var n,a={value:e,circular:!1};return e&&"object"==typeof e&&(u.push(e),$Ref.isAllowed$Ref(e,i)?(n=dereference$Ref(e,r,c,u,f,i),a.circular=n.circular,a.value=n.value):Object.keys(e).forEach(function(l){var o=Pointer.join(r,l),t=Pointer.join(c,l),d=e[l],$=!1;$Ref.isAllowed$Ref(d,i)?(n=dereference$Ref(d,o,t,u,f,i),$=n.circular,e[l]=n.value):-1===u.indexOf(d)?(n=crawl(d,o,t,u,f,i),$=n.circular,e[l]=n.value):$=foundCircularReference(o,f,i),a.circular=a.circular||$}),u.pop()),a}function dereference$Ref(e,r,c,u,f,i){debug('Dereferencing $ref pointer "%s" at %s',e.$ref,r);var n=url.resolve(r,e.$ref),a=f._resolve(n,i),l=a.circular,o=l||-1!==u.indexOf(a.value);o&&foundCircularReference(r,f,i);var t=$Ref.dereference(e,a.value);if(!o){var d=crawl(t,a.path,c,u,f,i);o=d.circular,t=d.value}return o&&!l&&"ignore"===i.dereference.circular&&(t=e),l&&(t.$ref=c),{circular:o,value:t}}function foundCircularReference(e,r,c){if(r.circular=!0,!c.dereference.circular)throw ono.reference("Circular $ref pointer found at %s",e);return!0}var $Ref=require("./ref"),Pointer=require("./pointer"),ono=require("ono"),debug=require("./util/debug"),url=require("./util/url");module.exports=dereference; |
| 24485 | |
| 24486 | },{"./pointer":10,"./ref":11,"./util/debug":16,"./util/url":19,"ono":69}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24487 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 24488 | "use strict";function $RefParser(){this.schema=null,this.$refs=new $Refs}function normalizeArgs(e){var r,t,a,s;return,"function"==typeof e[e.length-1]&&(s=e.pop()),"string"==typeof e[0]?(r=e[0],"object"==typeof e[2]?(t=e[1],a=e[2]):(t=void 0,a=e[1])):(r="",t=e[0],a=e[1]),a instanceof Options||(a=new Options(a)),{path:r,schema:t,options:a,callback:s}}var Promise=require("./util/promise"),Options=require("./options"),$Refs=require("./refs"),parse=require("./parse"),resolveExternal=require("./resolve-external"),bundle=require("./bundle"),dereference=require("./dereference"),url=require("./util/url"),maybe=require("call-me-maybe"),ono=require("ono");module.exports=$RefParser,module.exports.YAML=require("./util/yaml"),$RefParser.parse=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=new a;return s.parse.apply(s,arguments)},$RefParser.prototype.parse=function(e,r,t){var a,s=normalizeArgs(arguments);if(!s.path&&!s.schema){var n=ono("Expected a file path, URL, or object. Got %s",s.path||s.schema);return maybe(s.callback,Promise.reject(n))}this.schema=null,this.$refs=new $Refs,url.isFileSystemPath(s.path)&&(s.path=url.fromFileSystemPath(s.path)),s.path=url.resolve(url.cwd(),s.path),s.schema&&"object"==typeof s.schema?(this.$refs._add(s.path,s.schema),a=Promise.resolve(s.schema)):a=parse(s.path,this.$refs,s.options);var o=this;return a.then(function(e){if(!e||"object"!=typeof e||Buffer.isBuffer(e))throw ono.syntax('"%s" is not a valid JSON Schema',o.$refs._root$Ref.path||e);return o.schema=e,maybe(s.callback,Promise.resolve(o.schema))})["catch"](function(e){return maybe(s.callback,Promise.reject(e))})},$RefParser.resolve=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=new a;return s.resolve.apply(s,arguments)},$RefParser.prototype.resolve=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=normalizeArgs(arguments);return this.parse(s.path,s.schema,s.options).then(function(){return resolveExternal(a,s.options)}).then(function(){return maybe(s.callback,Promise.resolve(a.$refs))})["catch"](function(e){return maybe(s.callback,Promise.reject(e))})},$RefParser.bundle=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=new a;return s.bundle.apply(s,arguments)},$RefParser.prototype.bundle=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=normalizeArgs(arguments);return this.resolve(s.path,s.schema,s.options).then(function(){return bundle(a,s.options),maybe(s.callback,Promise.resolve(a.schema))})["catch"](function(e){return maybe(s.callback,Promise.reject(e))})},$RefParser.dereference=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=new a;return s.dereference.apply(s,arguments)},$RefParser.prototype.dereference=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=normalizeArgs(arguments);return this.resolve(s.path,s.schema,s.options).then(function(){return dereference(a,s.options),maybe(s.callback,Promise.resolve(a.schema))})["catch"](function(e){return maybe(s.callback,Promise.reject(e))})}; |
| 24489 | |
| 24490 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 24491 | |
| 24492 | },{"../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js":36,"./bundle":1,"./dereference":2,"./options":4,"./parse":5,"./refs":12,"./resolve-external":13,"./util/promise":18,"./util/url":19,"./util/yaml":20,"call-me-maybe":27,"ono":69}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24493 | "use strict";function $RefParserOptions(e){merge(this,$RefParserOptions.defaults),merge(this,e)}function merge(e,r){if(isMergeable(r))for(var s=Object.keys(r),a=0;a<s.length;a++){var t=s[a],i=r[t],o=e[t];isMergeable(i)?e[t]=merge(o||{},i):void 0!==i&&(e[t]=i)}return e}function isMergeable(e){return e&&"object"==typeof e&&!Array.isArray(e)&&!(e instanceof RegExp)&&!(e instanceof Date)}var jsonParser=require("./parsers/json"),yamlParser=require("./parsers/yaml"),textParser=require("./parsers/text"),binaryParser=require("./parsers/binary"),fileResolver=require("./resolvers/file"),httpResolver=require("./resolvers/http"),zschemaValidator=require("./validators/z-schema");module.exports=$RefParserOptions,$RefParserOptions.defaults={parse:{json:jsonParser,yaml:yamlParser,text:textParser,binary:binaryParser},resolve:{file:fileResolver,http:httpResolver,external:!0},dereference:{circular:!0},validate:{zschema:zschemaValidator}}; |
| 24494 | |
| 24495 | },{"./parsers/binary":6,"./parsers/json":7,"./parsers/text":8,"./parsers/yaml":9,"./resolvers/file":14,"./resolvers/http":15,"./validators/z-schema":21}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24496 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 24497 | "use strict";function parse(r,e,n){try{r=url.stripHash(r);var t=e._add(r),u={url:r,extension:url.getExtension(r)};return readFile(u,n).then(function(r){return,,parseFile(u,n)}).then(function(r){return t.value=r.result,r.result})}catch(i){return Promise.reject(i)}}function readFile(r,e){return new Promise(function(n,t){function u(e){t(!e||e instanceof SyntaxError?ono.syntax('Unable to resolve $ref pointer "%s"',r.url):e)}debug("Reading %s",r.url);var i=plugins.all(e.resolve);i=plugins.filter(i,"canRead",r),plugins.sort(i),,"read",r).then(n,u)})}function parseFile(r,e){return new Promise(function(n,t){function u(e){!e.plugin.allowEmpty&&isEmpty(e.result)?t(ono.syntax('Error parsing "%s" as %s. \nParsed value is empty',r.url,}function i(e){e?(e=e instanceof Error?e:new Error(e),t(ono.syntax(e,"Error parsing %s",r.url))):t(ono.syntax("Unable to parse %s",r.url))}debug("Parsing %s",r.url);var s=plugins.all(e.parse),l=plugins.filter(s,"canParse",r),o=l.length>0?l:s;plugins.sort(o),,"parse",r).then(u,i)})}function isEmpty(r){return void 0===r||"object"==typeof r&&0===Object.keys(r).length||"string"==typeof r&&0===r.trim().length||Buffer.isBuffer(r)&&0===r.length}var ono=require("ono"),debug=require("./util/debug"),url=require("./util/url"),plugins=require("./util/plugins"),Promise=require("./util/promise");module.exports=parse; |
| 24498 | |
| 24499 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 24500 | |
| 24501 | },{"../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js":36,"./util/debug":16,"./util/plugins":17,"./util/promise":18,"./util/url":19,"ono":69}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24502 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 24503 | "use strict";var BINARY_REGEXP=/\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png|bmp|ico)$/i;module.exports={order:400,allowEmpty:!0,canParse:function(r){return Buffer.isBuffer(},parse:function(r){return Buffer.isBuffer( Buffer(}}; |
| 24504 | |
| 24505 | }).call(this,require("buffer").Buffer) |
| 24506 | |
| 24507 | },{"buffer":25}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24508 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 24509 | "use strict";var Promise=require("../util/promise");module.exports={order:100,allowEmpty:!0,canParse:".json",parse:function(r){return new Promise(function(e,t){var;Buffer.isBuffer(i)&&(i=i.toString()),e("string"==typeof i?0===i.trim().length?void 0:JSON.parse(i):i)})}}; |
| 24510 | |
| 24511 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 24512 | |
| 24513 | },{"../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js":36,"../util/promise":18}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24514 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 24515 | "use strict";var TEXT_REGEXP=/\.(txt|htm|html|md|xml|js|min|map|css|scss|less|svg)$/i;module.exports={order:300,allowEmpty:!0,encoding:"utf8",canParse:function(t){return("string"==typeof||Buffer.isBuffer(},parse:function(t){if("string"==typeof;if(Buffer.isBuffer(;throw new Error("data is not text")}}; |
| 24516 | |
| 24517 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 24518 | |
| 24519 | },{"../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js":36}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24520 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 24521 | "use strict";var Promise=require("../util/promise"),YAML=require("../util/yaml");module.exports={order:200,allowEmpty:!0,canParse:[".yaml",".yml",".json"],parse:function(r){return new Promise(function(e,t){var;Buffer.isBuffer(i)&&(i=i.toString()),e("string"==typeof i?YAML.parse(i):i)})}}; |
| 24522 | |
| 24523 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 24524 | |
| 24525 | },{"../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js":36,"../util/promise":18,"../util/yaml":20}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24526 | "use strict";function Pointer(e,r){this.$ref=e,this.path=r,this.value=void 0,this.circular=!1}function resolveIf$Ref(e,r){if($Ref.isAllowed$Ref(e.value,r)){var t=url.resolve(e.path,e.value.$ref);if(t!==e.path){var s=e.$ref.$refs._resolve(t,r);return $Ref.isExtended$Ref(e.value)?e.value=$Ref.dereference(e.value,s.value):(e.$ref=s.$ref,e.path=s.path,e.value=s.value),!0}e.circular=!0}}function setValue(e,r,t){if(!e.value||"object"!=typeof e.value)throw ono.syntax('Error assigning $ref pointer "%s". \nCannot set "%s" of a non-object.',e.path,r);return"-"===r&&Array.isArray(e.value)?e.value.push(t):e.value[r]=t,t}module.exports=Pointer;var $Ref=require("./ref"),url=require("./util/url"),ono=require("ono"),slashes=/\//g,tildes=/~/g,escapedSlash=/~1/g,escapedTilde=/~0/g;Pointer.prototype.resolve=function(e,r){var t=Pointer.parse(this.path);this.value=e;for(var s=0;s<t.length;s++){resolveIf$Ref(this,r)&&(this.path=Pointer.join(this.path,t.slice(s)));var i=t[s];if(void 0===this.value[i])throw ono.syntax('Error resolving $ref pointer "%s". \nToken "%s" does not exist.',this.path,i);this.value=this.value[i]}return resolveIf$Ref(this,r),this},Pointer.prototype.set=function(e,r,t){var s,i=Pointer.parse(this.path);if(0===i.length)return this.value=r,r;this.value=e;for(var a=0;a<i.length-1;a++)resolveIf$Ref(this,t),s=i[a],this.value&&void 0!==this.value[s]?this.value=this.value[s]:this.value=setValue(this,s,{});return resolveIf$Ref(this,t),s=i[i.length-1],setValue(this,s,r),e},Pointer.parse=function(e){var r=url.getHash(e).substr(1);if(!r)return[];r=r.split("/");for(var t=0;t<r.length;t++)r[t]=decodeURI(r[t].replace(escapedSlash,"/").replace(escapedTilde,"~"));if(""!==r[0])throw ono.syntax('Invalid $ref pointer "%s". Pointers must begin with "#/"',r);return r.slice(1)},Pointer.join=function(e,r){-1===e.indexOf("#")&&(e+="#"),r=Array.isArray(r)?r:[r];for(var t=0;t<r.length;t++){var s=r[t];e+="/"+encodeURI(s.replace(tildes,"~0").replace(slashes,"~1"))}return e}; |
| 24527 | |
| 24528 | },{"./ref":11,"./util/url":19,"ono":69}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24529 | "use strict";function $Ref(){this.path=void 0,this.value=void 0,this.$refs=void 0,this.pathType=void 0}module.exports=$Ref;var Pointer=require("./pointer");$Ref.prototype.exists=function(e,t){try{return this.resolve(e,t),!0}catch(r){return!1}},$Ref.prototype.get=function(e,t){return this.resolve(e,t).value},$Ref.prototype.resolve=function(e,t){var r=new Pointer(this,e);return r.resolve(this.value,t)},$Ref.prototype.set=function(e,t){var r=new Pointer(this,e);this.value=r.set(this.value,t)},$$Ref=function(e){return e&&"object"==typeof e&&"string"==typeof e.$ref&&e.$ref.length>0},$Ref.isExternal$Ref=function(e){return $$Ref(e)&&"#"!==e.$ref[0]},$Ref.isAllowed$Ref=function(e,t){return!$$Ref(e)||"#"!==e.$ref[0]&&t&&!t.resolve.external?void 0:!0},$Ref.isExtended$Ref=function(e){return $$Ref(e)&&Object.keys(e).length>1},$Ref.dereference=function(e,t){if(t&&"object"==typeof t&&$Ref.isExtended$Ref(e)){var r={};return Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t){"$ref"!==t&&(r[t]=e[t])}),Object.keys(t).forEach(function(e){e in r||(r[e]=t[e])}),r}return t}; |
| 24530 | |
| 24531 | },{"./pointer":10}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24532 | "use strict";function $Refs(){this.circular=!1,this._$refs={},this._root$Ref=null}function getPaths(e,r){var t=Object.keys(e);return r=Array.isArray(r[0])?r[0],r.length>0&&r[0]&&(t=t.filter(function(t){return-1!==r.indexOf(e[t].pathType)})),{return{encoded:r,decoded:"file"===e[r].pathType?url.toFileSystemPath(r,!0):r}})}var ono=require("ono"),$Ref=require("./ref"),url=require("./util/url");module.exports=$Refs,$Refs.prototype.paths=function(e){var r=getPaths(this._$refs,arguments);return{return e.decoded})},$Refs.prototype.values=function(e){var r=this._$refs,t=getPaths(r,arguments);return t.reduce(function(e,t){return e[t.decoded]=r[t.encoded].value,e},{})},$Refs.prototype.toJSON=$Refs.prototype.values,$Refs.prototype.exists=function(e,r){try{return this._resolve(e,r),!0}catch(t){return!1}},$Refs.prototype.get=function(e,r){return this._resolve(e,r).value},$Refs.prototype.set=function(e,r){e=url.resolve(this._root$Ref.path,e);var t=url.stripHash(e),o=this._$refs[t];if(!o)throw ono('Error resolving $ref pointer "%s". \n"%s" not found.',e,t);o.set(e,r)},$Refs.prototype._add=function(e,r){var t=url.stripHash(e),o=new $Ref;return o.path=t,o.value=r,o.$refs=this,this._$refs[t]=o,this._root$Ref=this._root$Ref||o,o},$Refs.prototype._resolve=function(e,r){e=url.resolve(this._root$Ref.path,e);var t=url.stripHash(e),o=this._$refs[t];if(!o)throw ono('Error resolving $ref pointer "%s". \n"%s" not found.',e,t);return o.resolve(e,r)},$Refs.prototype._get$Ref=function(e){e=url.resolve(this._root$Ref.path,e);var r=url.stripHash(e);return this._$refs[r]}; |
| 24533 | |
| 24534 | },{"./ref":11,"./util/url":19,"ono":69}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24535 | "use strict";function resolveExternal(e,r){if(!r.resolve.external)return Promise.resolve();try{debug("Resolving $ref pointers in %s",e.$refs._root$Ref.path);var s=crawl(e.schema,e.$refs._root$Ref.path+"#",e.$refs,r);return Promise.all(s)}catch(t){return Promise.reject(t)}}function crawl(e,r,s,t){var o=[];return e&&"object"==typeof e&&($Ref.isExternal$Ref(e)?o.push(resolve$Ref(e,r,s,t)):Object.keys(e).forEach(function(i){var n=Pointer.join(r,i),l=e[i];$Ref.isExternal$Ref(l)?o.push(resolve$Ref(l,n,s,t)):o=o.concat(crawl(l,n,s,t))})),o}function resolve$Ref(e,r,s,t){debug('Resolving $ref pointer "%s" at %s',e.$ref,r);var o=url.resolve(r,e.$ref),i=url.stripHash(o);return e=s._$refs[i],e?Promise.resolve(e.value):parse(o,s,t).then(function(e){debug("Resolving $ref pointers in %s",i);var r=crawl(e,i+"#",s,t);return Promise.all(r)})}var Promise=require("./util/promise"),$Ref=require("./ref"),Pointer=require("./pointer"),parse=require("./parse"),debug=require("./util/debug"),url=require("./util/url");module.exports=resolveExternal; |
| 24536 | |
| 24537 | },{"./parse":5,"./pointer":10,"./ref":11,"./util/debug":16,"./util/promise":18,"./util/url":19}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24538 | "use strict";var fs=require("fs"),ono=require("ono"),Promise=require("../util/promise"),url=require("../util/url"),debug=require("../util/debug");module.exports={order:100,canRead:function(r){return url.isFileSystemPath(r.url)},read:function(r){return new Promise(function(e,i){var u;try{u=url.toFileSystemPath(r.url)}catch(o){i(ono.uri(o,"Malformed URI: %s",r.url))}debug("Opening file: %s",u);try{fs.readFile(u,function(r,o){r?i(ono(r,'Error opening file "%s"',u)):e(o)})}catch(o){i(ono(o,'Error opening file "%s"',u))}})}}; |
| 24539 | |
| 24540 | },{"../util/debug":16,"../util/promise":18,"../util/url":19,"fs":24,"ono":69}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24541 | (function (process,Buffer){ |
| 24542 | "use strict";function download(e,t,o){return new Promise(function(r,n){e=url.parse(e),o=o||[],o.push(e.href),get(e,t).then(function(s){if(s.statusCode>=400)throw ono({status:s.statusCode},"HTTP ERROR %d",s.statusCode);if(s.statusCode>=300)if(o.length>t.redirects)n(ono({status:s.statusCode},"Error downloading %s. \nToo many redirects: \n %s",o[0],o.join(" \n ")));else{if(!s.headers.location)throw ono({status:s.statusCode},"HTTP %d redirect with no location header",s.statusCode);debug("HTTP %d redirect %s -> %s",s.statusCode,e.href,s.headers.location);var u=url.resolve(e,s.headers.location);download(u,t,o).then(r,n)}else r(s.body||new Buffer(0))})["catch"](function(t){n(ono(t,"Error downloading",e.href))})})}function get(e,t){return new Promise(function(o,r){debug("GET",e.href);var n="https:"===e.protocol?https:http,s=n.get({hostname:e.hostname,port:e.port,path:e.path,auth:e.auth,headers:t.headers||{},withCredentials:t.withCredentials});"function"==typeof s.setTimeout&&s.setTimeout(t.timeout),s.on("timeout",function(){s.abort()}),s.on("error",r),s.once("response",function(e){e.body=new Buffer(0),e.on("data",function(t){e.body=Buffer.concat([e.body,new Buffer(t)])}),e.on("error",r),e.on("end",function(){o(e)})})})}var http=require("http"),https=require("https"),ono=require("ono"),url=require("../util/url"),debug=require("../util/debug"),Promise=require("../util/promise");module.exports={order:200,headers:null,timeout:5e3,redirects:5,withCredentials:!1,canRead:function(e){return url.isHttp(e.url)},read:function(e){var t=url.parse(e.url);return process.browser&&!t.protocol&&(t.protocol=url.parse(location.href).protocol),download(t,this)}}; |
| 24543 | |
| 24544 | }).call(this,require('_process'),require("buffer").Buffer) |
| 24545 | |
| 24546 | },{"../util/debug":16,"../util/promise":18,"../util/url":19,"_process":71,"buffer":25,"http":87,"https":33,"ono":69}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24547 | "use strict";var debug=require("debug");module.exports=debug("json-schema-ref-parser"); |
| 24548 | |
| 24549 | },{"debug":29}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24550 | "use strict";function getResult(e,r,t,n){var u=e[r];if("function"==typeof u)return u.apply(e,[t,n]);if(!n){if(u instanceof RegExp)return u.test(t.url);if("string"==typeof u)return u===t.extension;if(Array.isArray(u))return-1!==u.indexOf(t.extension)}return u}var Promise=require("./promise"),debug=require("./debug");exports.all=function(e){return Object.keys(e).filter(function(r){return"object"==typeof e[r]}).map(function(r){return e[r].name=r,e[r]})},exports.filter=function(e,r,t){return e.filter(function(e){return!!getResult(e,r,t)})},exports.sort=function(e){return e.forEach(function(e){e.order=e.order||Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}),e.sort(function(e,r){return e.order-r.order})},,r,t){var n,u,i=0;return new Promise(function(o,f){function s(){if(n=e[i++],!n)return f(u);try{debug(" %s",;var o=getResult(n,r,t,c);o&&"function"==typeof o.then?o.then(a,p):void 0!==o&&a(o)}catch(s){p(s)}}function c(e,r){e?p(e):a(r)}function a(e){debug(" success"),o({plugin:n,result:e})}function p(e){debug(" %s",e.message||e),u=e,s()}s()})}; |
| 24551 | |
| 24552 | },{"./debug":16,"./promise":18}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24553 | "use strict";module.exports="function"==typeof Promise?Promise:require("es6-promise").Promise; |
| 24554 | |
| 24555 | },{"es6-promise":31}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24556 | (function (process){ |
| 24557 | "use strict";var isWindows=/^win/.test(process.platform),forwardSlashPattern=/\//g,protocolPattern=/^([a-z0-9.+-]+):\/\//i,url=module.exports,urlEncodePatterns=[/\?/g,"%3F",/\#/g,"%23",isWindows?/\\/g:/\//,"/"],urlDecodePatterns=[/\%23/g,"#",/\%24/g,"$",/\%26/g,"&",/\%2C/g,",",/\%40/g,"@"];exports.parse=require("url").parse,exports.resolve=require("url").resolve,exports.cwd=function(){return process.browser?location.href:process.cwd()+"/"},exports.getProtocol=function(r){var e=protocolPattern.exec(r);return e?e[1].toLowerCase():void 0},exports.getExtension=function(r){var e=r.lastIndexOf(".");return e>=0?r.substr(e).toLowerCase():""},exports.getHash=function(r){var e=r.indexOf("#");return e>=0?r.substr(e):"#"},exports.stripHash=function(r){var e=r.indexOf("#");return e>=0&&(r=r.substr(0,e)),r},exports.isHttp=function(r){var e=url.getProtocol(r);return"http"===e||"https"===e?!0:void 0===e?process.browser:!1},exports.isFileSystemPath=function(r){if(process.browser)return!1;var e=url.getProtocol(r);return void 0===e||"file"===e},exports.fromFileSystemPath=function(r){for(var e=0;e<urlEncodePatterns.length;e+=2)r=r.replace(urlEncodePatterns[e],urlEncodePatterns[e+1]);return encodeURI(r)},exports.toFileSystemPath=function(r,e){r=decodeURI(r);for(var t=0;t<urlDecodePatterns.length;t+=2)r=r.replace(urlDecodePatterns[t],urlDecodePatterns[t+1]);var o="file://"===r.substr(0,7).toLowerCase();return o&&(r="/"===r[7]?r.substr(8):r.substr(7),isWindows&&"/"===r[1]&&(r=r[0]+":"+r.substr(1)),e?r="file:///"+r:(o=!1,r=isWindows?r:"/"+r)),isWindows&&!o&&(r=r.replace(forwardSlashPattern,"\\")),r}; |
| 24558 | |
| 24559 | }).call(this,require('_process')) |
| 24560 | |
| 24561 | },{"_process":71,"url":93}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24562 | "use strict";var yaml=require("js-yaml"),ono=require("ono");module.exports={parse:function(r,e){try{return yaml.safeLoad(r)}catch(o){throw o instanceof Error?o:ono(o,o.message)}},stringify:function(r,e,o){try{var t=("string"==typeof o?o.length:o)||2;return yaml.safeDump(r,{indent:t})}catch(n){throw n instanceof Error?n:ono(n,n.message)}}}; |
| 24563 | |
| 24564 | },{"js-yaml":38,"ono":69}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24565 | "use strict";module.exports={order:100,canValidate:function(e){return!!e.resolved},validate:function(e){}}; |
| 24566 | |
| 24567 | },{}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24568 | var lookup="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";!function(t){"use strict";function r(t){var r=t.charCodeAt(0);return r===h||r===u?62:r===c||r===f?63:o>r?-1:o+10>r?r-o+26+26:i+26>r?r-i:A+26>r?r-A+26:void 0}function e(t){function e(t){i[f++]=t}var n,h,c,o,A,i;if(t.length%4>0)throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");var u=t.length;A="="===t.charAt(u-2)?2:"="===t.charAt(u-1)?1:0,i=new a(3*t.length/4-A),c=A>0?t.length-4:t.length;var f=0;for(n=0,h=0;c>n;n+=4,h+=3)o=r(t.charAt(n))<<18|r(t.charAt(n+1))<<12|r(t.charAt(n+2))<<6|r(t.charAt(n+3)),e((16711680&o)>>16),e((65280&o)>>8),e(255&o);return 2===A?(o=r(t.charAt(n))<<2|r(t.charAt(n+1))>>4,e(255&o)):1===A&&(o=r(t.charAt(n))<<10|r(t.charAt(n+1))<<4|r(t.charAt(n+2))>>2,e(o>>8&255),e(255&o)),i}function n(t){function r(t){return lookup.charAt(t)}function e(t){return r(t>>18&63)+r(t>>12&63)+r(t>>6&63)+r(63&t)}var n,a,h,c=t.length%3,o="";for(n=0,h=t.length-c;h>n;n+=3)a=(t[n]<<16)+(t[n+1]<<8)+t[n+2],o+=e(a);switch(c){case 1:a=t[t.length-1],o+=r(a>>2),o+=r(a<<4&63),o+="==";break;case 2:a=(t[t.length-2]<<8)+t[t.length-1],o+=r(a>>10),o+=r(a>>4&63),o+=r(a<<2&63),o+="="}return o}var a="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array?Uint8Array:Array,h="+".charCodeAt(0),c="/".charCodeAt(0),o="0".charCodeAt(0),A="a".charCodeAt(0),i="A".charCodeAt(0),u="-".charCodeAt(0),f="_".charCodeAt(0);t.toByteArray=e,t.fromByteArray=n}("undefined"==typeof exports?this.base64js={}:exports); |
| 24569 | |
| 24570 | },{}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24571 | |
| 24572 | },{}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24573 | |
| 24574 | },{}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24575 | (function (global){ |
| 24576 | /*! |
| 24577 | * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser. |
| 24578 | * |
| 24579 | * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh <> <> |
| 24580 | * @license MIT |
| 24581 | */ |
| 24582 | "use strict";function typedArraySupport(){function t(){}try{var e=new Uint8Array(1);return{return 42},e.constructor=t,"function"==typeof e.subarray&&0===e.subarray(1,1).byteLength}catch(r){return!1}}function kMaxLength(){return Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?2147483647:1073741823}function Buffer(t){return this instanceof Buffer?(Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(this.length=0,this.parent=void 0),"number"==typeof t?fromNumber(this,t):"string"==typeof t?fromString(this,t,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:"utf8"):fromObject(this,t)):arguments.length>1?new Buffer(t,arguments[1]):new Buffer(t)}function fromNumber(t,e){if(t=allocate(t,0>e?0:0|checked(e)),!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)for(var r=0;e>r;r++)t[r]=0;return t}function fromString(t,e,r){"string"==typeof r&&""!==r||(r="utf8");var n=0|byteLength(e,r);return t=allocate(t,n),t.write(e,r),t}function fromObject(t,e){if(Buffer.isBuffer(e))return fromBuffer(t,e);if(isArray(e))return fromArray(t,e);if(null==e)throw new TypeError("must start with number, buffer, array or string");if("undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer){if(e.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer)return fromTypedArray(t,e);if(e instanceof ArrayBuffer)return fromArrayBuffer(t,e)}return e.length?fromArrayLike(t,e):fromJsonObject(t,e)}function fromBuffer(t,e){var r=0|checked(e.length);return t=allocate(t,r),e.copy(t,0,0,r),t}function fromArray(t,e){var r=0|checked(e.length);t=allocate(t,r);for(var n=0;r>n;n+=1)t[n]=255&e[n];return t}function fromTypedArray(t,e){var r=0|checked(e.length);t=allocate(t,r);for(var n=0;r>n;n+=1)t[n]=255&e[n];return t}function fromArrayBuffer(t,e){return Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(e.byteLength,t=Buffer._augment(new Uint8Array(e))):t=fromTypedArray(t,new Uint8Array(e)),t}function fromArrayLike(t,e){var r=0|checked(e.length);t=allocate(t,r);for(var n=0;r>n;n+=1)t[n]=255&e[n];return t}function fromJsonObject(t,e){var r,n=0;"Buffer"===e.type&&isArray(,n=0|checked(r.length)),t=allocate(t,n);for(var f=0;n>f;f+=1)t[f]=255&r[f];return t}function allocate(t,e){Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(t=Buffer._augment(new Uint8Array(e)),t.__proto__=Buffer.prototype):(t.length=e,t._isBuffer=!0);var r=0!==e&&e<=Buffer.poolSize>>>1;return r&&(t.parent=rootParent),t}function checked(t){if(t>=kMaxLength())throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x"+kMaxLength().toString(16)+" bytes");return 0|t}function SlowBuffer(t,e){if(!(this instanceof SlowBuffer))return new SlowBuffer(t,e);var r=new Buffer(t,e);return delete r.parent,r}function byteLength(t,e){"string"!=typeof t&&(t=""+t);var r=t.length;if(0===r)return 0;for(var n=!1;;)switch(e){case"ascii":case"binary":case"raw":case"raws":return r;case"utf8":case"utf-8":return utf8ToBytes(t).length;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return 2*r;case"hex":return r>>>1;case"base64":return base64ToBytes(t).length;default:if(n)return utf8ToBytes(t).length;e=(""+e).toLowerCase(),n=!0}}function slowToString(t,e,r){var n=!1;if(e=0|e,r=void 0===r||r===1/0?this.length:0|r,t||(t="utf8"),0>e&&(e=0),r>this.length&&(r=this.length),e>=r)return"";for(;;)switch(t){case"hex":return hexSlice(this,e,r);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return utf8Slice(this,e,r);case"ascii":return asciiSlice(this,e,r);case"binary":return binarySlice(this,e,r);case"base64":return base64Slice(this,e,r);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return utf16leSlice(this,e,r);default:if(n)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+t);t=(t+"").toLowerCase(),n=!0}}function hexWrite(t,e,r,n){r=Number(r)||0;var f=t.length-r;n?(n=Number(n),n>f&&(n=f)):n=f;var i=e.length;if(i%2!==0)throw new Error("Invalid hex string");n>i/2&&(n=i/2);for(var o=0;n>o;o++){var u=parseInt(e.substr(2*o,2),16);if(isNaN(u))throw new Error("Invalid hex string");t[r+o]=u}return o}function utf8Write(t,e,r,n){return blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(e,t.length-r),t,r,n)}function asciiWrite(t,e,r,n){return blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(e),t,r,n)}function binaryWrite(t,e,r,n){return asciiWrite(t,e,r,n)}function base64Write(t,e,r,n){return blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(e),t,r,n)}function ucs2Write(t,e,r,n){return blitBuffer(utf16leToBytes(e,t.length-r),t,r,n)}function base64Slice(t,e,r){return 0===e&&r===t.length?base64.fromByteArray(t):base64.fromByteArray(t.slice(e,r))}function utf8Slice(t,e,r){r=Math.min(t.length,r);for(var n=[],f=e;r>f;){var i=t[f],o=null,u=i>239?4:i>223?3:i>191?2:1;if(r>=f+u){var s,a,h,c;switch(u){case 1:128>i&&(o=i);break;case 2:s=t[f+1],128===(192&s)&&(c=(31&i)<<6|63&s,c>127&&(o=c));break;case 3:s=t[f+1],a=t[f+2],128===(192&s)&&128===(192&a)&&(c=(15&i)<<12|(63&s)<<6|63&a,c>2047&&(55296>c||c>57343)&&(o=c));break;case 4:s=t[f+1],a=t[f+2],h=t[f+3],128===(192&s)&&128===(192&a)&&128===(192&h)&&(c=(15&i)<<18|(63&s)<<12|(63&a)<<6|63&h,c>65535&&1114112>c&&(o=c))}}null===o?(o=65533,u=1):o>65535&&(o-=65536,n.push(o>>>10&1023|55296),o=56320|1023&o),n.push(o),f+=u}return decodeCodePointsArray(n)}function decodeCodePointsArray(t){var e=t.length;if(MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH>=e)return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t);for(var r="",n=0;e>n;)r+=String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t.slice(n,n+=MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH));return r}function asciiSlice(t,e,r){var n="";r=Math.min(t.length,r);for(var f=e;r>f;f++)n+=String.fromCharCode(127&t[f]);return n}function binarySlice(t,e,r){var n="";r=Math.min(t.length,r);for(var f=e;r>f;f++)n+=String.fromCharCode(t[f]);return n}function hexSlice(t,e,r){var n=t.length;(!e||0>e)&&(e=0),(!r||0>r||r>n)&&(r=n);for(var f="",i=e;r>i;i++)f+=toHex(t[i]);return f}function utf16leSlice(t,e,r){for(var n=t.slice(e,r),f="",i=0;i<n.length;i+=2)f+=String.fromCharCode(n[i]+256*n[i+1]);return f}function checkOffset(t,e,r){if(t%1!==0||0>t)throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");if(t+e>r)throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")}function checkInt(t,e,r,n,f,i){if(!Buffer.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("buffer must be a Buffer instance");if(e>f||i>e)throw new RangeError("value is out of bounds");if(r+n>t.length)throw new RangeError("index out of range")}function objectWriteUInt16(t,e,r,n){0>e&&(e=65535+e+1);for(var f=0,i=Math.min(t.length-r,2);i>f;f++)t[r+f]=(e&255<<8*(n?f:1-f))>>>8*(n?f:1-f)}function objectWriteUInt32(t,e,r,n){0>e&&(e=4294967295+e+1);for(var f=0,i=Math.min(t.length-r,4);i>f;f++)t[r+f]=e>>>8*(n?f:3-f)&255}function checkIEEE754(t,e,r,n,f,i){if(e>f||i>e)throw new RangeError("value is out of bounds");if(r+n>t.length)throw new RangeError("index out of range");if(0>r)throw new RangeError("index out of range")}function writeFloat(t,e,r,n,f){return f||checkIEEE754(t,e,r,4,3.4028234663852886e38,-3.4028234663852886e38),ieee754.write(t,e,r,n,23,4),r+4}function writeDouble(t,e,r,n,f){return f||checkIEEE754(t,e,r,8,1.7976931348623157e308,-1.7976931348623157e308),ieee754.write(t,e,r,n,52,8),r+8}function base64clean(t){if(t=stringtrim(t).replace(INVALID_BASE64_RE,""),t.length<2)return"";for(;t.length%4!==0;)t+="=";return t}function stringtrim(t){return t.trim?t.trim():t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")}function toHex(t){return 16>t?"0"+t.toString(16):t.toString(16)}function utf8ToBytes(t,e){e=e||1/0;for(var r,n=t.length,f=null,i=[],o=0;n>o;o++){if(r=t.charCodeAt(o),r>55295&&57344>r){if(!f){if(r>56319){(e-=3)>-1&&i.push(239,191,189);continue}if(o+1===n){(e-=3)>-1&&i.push(239,191,189);continue}f=r;continue}if(56320>r){(e-=3)>-1&&i.push(239,191,189),f=r;continue}r=(f-55296<<10|r-56320)+65536}else f&&(e-=3)>-1&&i.push(239,191,189);if(f=null,128>r){if((e-=1)<0)break;i.push(r)}else if(2048>r){if((e-=2)<0)break;i.push(r>>6|192,63&r|128)}else if(65536>r){if((e-=3)<0)break;i.push(r>>12|224,r>>6&63|128,63&r|128)}else{if(!(1114112>r))throw new Error("Invalid code point");if((e-=4)<0)break;i.push(r>>18|240,r>>12&63|128,r>>6&63|128,63&r|128)}}return i}function asciiToBytes(t){for(var e=[],r=0;r<t.length;r++)e.push(255&t.charCodeAt(r));return e}function utf16leToBytes(t,e){for(var r,n,f,i=[],o=0;o<t.length&&!((e-=2)<0);o++)r=t.charCodeAt(o),n=r>>8,f=r%256,i.push(f),i.push(n);return i}function base64ToBytes(t){return base64.toByteArray(base64clean(t))}function blitBuffer(t,e,r,n){for(var f=0;n>f&&!(f+r>=e.length||f>=t.length);f++)e[f+r]=t[f];return f}var base64=require("base64-js"),ieee754=require("ieee754"),isArray=require("isarray");exports.Buffer=Buffer,exports.SlowBuffer=SlowBuffer,exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES=50,Buffer.poolSize=8192;var rootParent={};Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT=void 0!==global.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?global.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT:typedArraySupport(),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(Buffer.prototype.__proto__=Uint8Array.prototype,Buffer.__proto__=Uint8Array):(Buffer.prototype.length=void 0,Buffer.prototype.parent=void 0),Buffer.isBuffer=function(t){return!(null==t||!t._isBuffer)},,e){if(!Buffer.isBuffer(t)||!Buffer.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError("Arguments must be Buffers");if(t===e)return 0;for(var r=t.length,n=e.length,f=0,i=Math.min(r,n);i>f&&t[f]===e[f];)++f;return f!==i&&(r=t[f],n=e[f]),n>r?-1:r>n?1:0},Buffer.isEncoding=function(t){switch(String(t).toLowerCase()){case"hex":case"utf8":case"utf-8":case"ascii":case"binary":case"base64":case"raw":case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return!0;default:return!1}},Buffer.concat=function(t,e){if(!isArray(t))throw new TypeError("list argument must be an Array of Buffers.");if(0===t.length)return new Buffer(0);var r;if(void 0===e)for(e=0,r=0;r<t.length;r++)e+=t[r].length;var n=new Buffer(e),f=0;for(r=0;r<t.length;r++){var i=t[r];i.copy(n,f),f+=i.length}return n},Buffer.byteLength=byteLength,Buffer.prototype.toString=function(){var t=0|this.length;return 0===t?"":0===arguments.length?utf8Slice(this,0,t):slowToString.apply(this,arguments)},Buffer.prototype.equals=function(t){if(!Buffer.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===t?!,t)},Buffer.prototype.inspect=function(){var t="",e=exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;return this.length>0&&(t=this.toString("hex",0,e).match(/.{2}/g).join(" "),this.length>e&&(t+=" ... ")),"<Buffer "+t+">"},{if(!Buffer.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===t?,t)},Buffer.prototype.indexOf=function(t,e){function r(t,e,r){for(var n=-1,f=0;r+f<t.length;f++)if(t[r+f]===e[-1===n?0:f-n]){if(-1===n&&(n=f),f-n+1===e.length)return r+n}else n=-1;return-1}if(e>2147483647?e=2147483647:-2147483648>e&&(e=-2147483648),e>>=0,0===this.length)return-1;if(e>=this.length)return-1;if(0>e&&(e=Math.max(this.length+e,0)),"string"==typeof t)return 0===t.length?,t,e);if(Buffer.isBuffer(t))return r(this,t,e);if("number"==typeof t)return Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT&&"function"===Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf?,t,e):r(this,[t],e);throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")},Buffer.prototype.get=function(t){return console.log(".get() is deprecated. Access using array indexes instead."),this.readUInt8(t)},Buffer.prototype.set=function(t,e){return console.log(".set() is deprecated. Access using array indexes instead."),this.writeUInt8(t,e)},Buffer.prototype.write=function(t,e,r,n){if(void 0===e)n="utf8",r=this.length,e=0;else if(void 0===r&&"string"==typeof e)n=e,r=this.length,e=0;else if(isFinite(e))e=0|e,isFinite(r)?(r=0|r,void 0===n&&(n="utf8")):(n=r,r=void 0);else{var f=n;n=e,e=0|r,r=f}var i=this.length-e;if((void 0===r||r>i)&&(r=i),t.length>0&&(0>r||0>e)||e>this.length)throw new RangeError("attempt to write outside buffer bounds");n||(n="utf8");for(var o=!1;;)switch(n){case"hex":return hexWrite(this,t,e,r);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return utf8Write(this,t,e,r);case"ascii":return asciiWrite(this,t,e,r);case"binary":return binaryWrite(this,t,e,r);case"base64":return base64Write(this,t,e,r);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return ucs2Write(this,t,e,r);default:if(o)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+n);n=(""+n).toLowerCase(),o=!0}},Buffer.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{type:"Buffer",||this,0)}};var MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH=4096;Buffer.prototype.slice=function(t,e){var r=this.length;t=~~t,e=void 0===e?r:~~e,0>t?(t+=r,0>t&&(t=0)):t>r&&(t=r),0>e?(e+=r,0>e&&(e=0)):e>r&&(e=r),t>e&&(e=t);var n;if(Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)n=Buffer._augment(this.subarray(t,e));else{var f=e-t;n=new Buffer(f,void 0);for(var i=0;f>i;i++)n[i]=this[i+t]}return n.length&&(n.parent=this.parent||this),n},Buffer.prototype.readUIntLE=function(t,e,r){t=0|t,e=0|e,r||checkOffset(t,e,this.length);for(var n=this[t],f=1,i=0;++i<e&&(f*=256);)n+=this[t+i]*f;return n},Buffer.prototype.readUIntBE=function(t,e,r){t=0|t,e=0|e,r||checkOffset(t,e,this.length);for(var n=this[t+--e],f=1;e>0&&(f*=256);)n+=this[t+--e]*f;return n},Buffer.prototype.readUInt8=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,1,this.length),this[t]},Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,2,this.length),this[t]|this[t+1]<<8},Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,2,this.length),this[t]<<8|this[t+1]},Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),(this[t]|this[t+1]<<8|this[t+2]<<16)+16777216*this[t+3]},Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),16777216*this[t]+(this[t+1]<<16|this[t+2]<<8|this[t+3])},Buffer.prototype.readIntLE=function(t,e,r){t=0|t,e=0|e,r||checkOffset(t,e,this.length);for(var n=this[t],f=1,i=0;++i<e&&(f*=256);)n+=this[t+i]*f;return f*=128,n>=f&&(n-=Math.pow(2,8*e)),n},Buffer.prototype.readIntBE=function(t,e,r){t=0|t,e=0|e,r||checkOffset(t,e,this.length);for(var n=e,f=1,i=this[t+--n];n>0&&(f*=256);)i+=this[t+--n]*f;return f*=128,i>=f&&(i-=Math.pow(2,8*e)),i},Buffer.prototype.readInt8=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,1,this.length),128&this[t]?-1*(255-this[t]+1):this[t]},Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE=function(t,e){e||checkOffset(t,2,this.length);var r=this[t]|this[t+1]<<8;return 32768&r?4294901760|r:r},Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE=function(t,e){e||checkOffset(t,2,this.length);var r=this[t+1]|this[t]<<8;return 32768&r?4294901760|r:r},Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),this[t]|this[t+1]<<8|this[t+2]<<16|this[t+3]<<24},Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),this[t]<<24|this[t+1]<<16|this[t+2]<<8|this[t+3]},Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),,t,!0,23,4)},Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),,t,!1,23,4)},Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,8,this.length),,t,!0,52,8)},Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,8,this.length),,t,!1,52,8)},Buffer.prototype.writeUIntLE=function(t,e,r,n){t=+t,e=0|e,r=0|r,n||checkInt(this,t,e,r,Math.pow(2,8*r),0);var f=1,i=0;for(this[e]=255&t;++i<r&&(f*=256);)this[e+i]=t/f&255;return e+r},Buffer.prototype.writeUIntBE=function(t,e,r,n){t=+t,e=0|e,r=0|r,n||checkInt(this,t,e,r,Math.pow(2,8*r),0);var f=r-1,i=1;for(this[e+f]=255&t;--f>=0&&(i*=256);)this[e+f]=t/i&255;return e+r},Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,1,255,0),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(t=Math.floor(t)),this[e]=255&t,e+1},Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,2,65535,0),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=255&t,this[e+1]=t>>>8):objectWriteUInt16(this,t,e,!0),e+2},Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,2,65535,0),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>8,this[e+1]=255&t):objectWriteUInt16(this,t,e,!1),e+2},Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,4,4294967295,0),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e+3]=t>>>24,this[e+2]=t>>>16,this[e+1]=t>>>8,this[e]=255&t):objectWriteUInt32(this,t,e,!0),e+4},Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,4,4294967295,0),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>24,this[e+1]=t>>>16,this[e+2]=t>>>8,this[e+3]=255&t):objectWriteUInt32(this,t,e,!1),e+4},Buffer.prototype.writeIntLE=function(t,e,r,n){if(t=+t,e=0|e,!n){var f=Math.pow(2,8*r-1);checkInt(this,t,e,r,f-1,-f)}var i=0,o=1,u=0>t?1:0;for(this[e]=255&t;++i<r&&(o*=256);)this[e+i]=(t/o>>0)-u&255;return e+r},Buffer.prototype.writeIntBE=function(t,e,r,n){if(t=+t,e=0|e,!n){var f=Math.pow(2,8*r-1);checkInt(this,t,e,r,f-1,-f)}var i=r-1,o=1,u=0>t?1:0;for(this[e+i]=255&t;--i>=0&&(o*=256);)this[e+i]=(t/o>>0)-u&255;return e+r},Buffer.prototype.writeInt8=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,1,127,-128),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(t=Math.floor(t)),0>t&&(t=255+t+1),this[e]=255&t,e+1},Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,2,32767,-32768),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=255&t,this[e+1]=t>>>8):objectWriteUInt16(this,t,e,!0),e+2},Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,2,32767,-32768),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>8,this[e+1]=255&t):objectWriteUInt16(this,t,e,!1),e+2},Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,4,2147483647,-2147483648),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=255&t,this[e+1]=t>>>8,this[e+2]=t>>>16,this[e+3]=t>>>24):objectWriteUInt32(this,t,e,!0),e+4},Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,4,2147483647,-2147483648),0>t&&(t=4294967295+t+1),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>24,this[e+1]=t>>>16,this[e+2]=t>>>8,this[e+3]=255&t):objectWriteUInt32(this,t,e,!1),e+4},Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE=function(t,e,r){return writeFloat(this,t,e,!0,r)},Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE=function(t,e,r){return writeFloat(this,t,e,!1,r)},Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE=function(t,e,r){return writeDouble(this,t,e,!0,r)},Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE=function(t,e,r){return writeDouble(this,t,e,!1,r)},Buffer.prototype.copy=function(t,e,r,n){if(r||(r=0),n||0===n||(n=this.length),e>=t.length&&(e=t.length),e||(e=0),n>0&&r>n&&(n=r),n===r)return 0;if(0===t.length||0===this.length)return 0;if(0>e)throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");if(0>r||r>=this.length)throw new RangeError("sourceStart out of bounds");if(0>n)throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");n>this.length&&(n=this.length),t.length-e<n-r&&(n=t.length-e+r);var 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| 24583 | |
| 24584 | }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 24585 | |
| 24586 | },{"base64-js":22,"ieee754":34,"isarray":37}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24587 | module.exports={100:"Continue",101:"Switching Protocols",102:"Processing",200:"OK",201:"Created",202:"Accepted",203:"Non-Authoritative Information",204:"No Content",205:"Reset Content",206:"Partial Content",207:"Multi-Status",208:"Already Reported",226:"IM Used",300:"Multiple Choices",301:"Moved Permanently",302:"Found",303:"See Other",304:"Not Modified",305:"Use Proxy",307:"Temporary Redirect",308:"Permanent Redirect",400:"Bad Request",401:"Unauthorized",402:"Payment Required",403:"Forbidden",404:"Not Found",405:"Method Not Allowed",406:"Not Acceptable",407:"Proxy Authentication Required",408:"Request Timeout",409:"Conflict",410:"Gone",411:"Length Required",412:"Precondition Failed",413:"Payload Too Large",414:"URI Too Long",415:"Unsupported Media Type",416:"Range Not Satisfiable",417:"Expectation Failed",418:"I'm a teapot",421:"Misdirected Request",422:"Unprocessable Entity",423:"Locked",424:"Failed Dependency",425:"Unordered Collection",426:"Upgrade Required",428:"Precondition Required",429:"Too Many Requests",431:"Request Header Fields Too Large",500:"Internal Server Error",501:"Not Implemented",502:"Bad Gateway",503:"Service Unavailable",504:"Gateway Timeout",505:"HTTP Version Not Supported",506:"Variant Also Negotiates",507:"Insufficient Storage",508:"Loop Detected",509:"Bandwidth Limit Exceeded",510:"Not Extended",511:"Network Authentication Required"}; |
| 24588 | |
| 24589 | },{}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24590 | (function (process,global){ |
| 24591 | "use strict";var next=global.process&&process.nextTick||global.setImmediate||function(n){setTimeout(n,0)};module.exports=function(n,t){return n?void t.then(function(t){next(function(){n(null,t)})},function(t){next(function(){n(t)})}):t}; |
| 24592 | |
| 24593 | }).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 24594 | |
| 24595 | },{"_process":71}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24596 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 24597 | function isArray(r){return Array.isArray?Array.isArray(r):"[object Array]"===objectToString(r)}function isBoolean(r){return"boolean"==typeof r}function isNull(r){return null===r}function isNullOrUndefined(r){return null==r}function isNumber(r){return"number"==typeof r}function isString(r){return"string"==typeof r}function isSymbol(r){return"symbol"==typeof r}function isUndefined(r){return void 0===r}function isRegExp(r){return"[object RegExp]"===objectToString(r)}function isObject(r){return"object"==typeof r&&null!==r}function isDate(r){return"[object Date]"===objectToString(r)}function isError(r){return"[object Error]"===objectToString(r)||r instanceof Error}function isFunction(r){return"function"==typeof r}function isPrimitive(r){return null===r||"boolean"==typeof r||"number"==typeof r||"string"==typeof r||"symbol"==typeof r||"undefined"==typeof r}function objectToString(r){return}exports.isArray=isArray,exports.isBoolean=isBoolean,exports.isNull=isNull,exports.isNullOrUndefined=isNullOrUndefined,exports.isNumber=isNumber,exports.isString=isString,exports.isSymbol=isSymbol,exports.isUndefined=isUndefined,exports.isRegExp=isRegExp,exports.isObject=isObject,exports.isDate=isDate,exports.isError=isError,exports.isFunction=isFunction,exports.isPrimitive=isPrimitive,exports.isBuffer=Buffer.isBuffer; |
| 24598 | |
| 24599 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../../is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 24600 | |
| 24601 | },{"../../is-buffer/index.js":36}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24602 | function useColors(){return"WebkitAppearance"in||window.console&&(console.firebug||console.exception&&console.table)||navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/)&&parseInt(RegExp.$1,10)>=31}function formatArgs(){var o=arguments,e=this.useColors;if(o[0]=(e?"%c":"")+this.namespace+(e?" %c":" ")+o[0]+(e?"%c ":" ")+"+"+exports.humanize(this.diff),!e)return o;var r="color: "+this.color;o=[o[0],r,"color: inherit"].concat(,1));var t=0,s=0;return o[0].replace(/%[a-z%]/g,function(o){"%%"!==o&&(t++,"%c"===o&&(s=t))}),o.splice(s,0,r),o}function log(){return"object"==typeof console&&console.log&&,console,arguments)}function save(o){try{null==o?"debug")}catch(e){}}function load(){var o;try{}catch(e){}return o}function localstorage(){try{return window.localStorage}catch(o){}}exports=module.exports=require("./debug"),exports.log=log,exports.formatArgs=formatArgs,,exports.load=load,exports.useColors=useColors,"undefined"!=typeof chrome&&"undefined"!=typeof,exports.colors=["lightseagreen","forestgreen","goldenrod","dodgerblue","darkorchid","crimson"],exports.formatters.j=function(o){return JSON.stringify(o)},exports.enable(load()); |
| 24603 | |
| 24604 | },{"./debug":30}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24605 | function selectColor(){return exports.colors[prevColor++%exports.colors.length]}function debug(e){function r(){}function o(){var e=o,r=+new Date,s=r-(prevTime||r);e.diff=s,e.prev=prevTime,e.curr=r,prevTime=r,null==e.useColors&&(e.useColors=exports.useColors()),null==e.color&&e.useColors&&(e.color=selectColor());var;t[0]=exports.coerce(t[0]),"string"!=typeof t[0]&&(t=["%o"].concat(t));var n=0;t[0]=t[0].replace(/%([a-z%])/g,function(r,o){if("%%"===r)return r;n++;var s=exports.formatters[o];if("function"==typeof s){var p=t[n];,p),t.splice(n,1),n--}return r}),"function"==typeof exports.formatArgs&&(t=exports.formatArgs.apply(e,t));var p=o.log||exports.log||console.log.bind(console);p.apply(e,t)}r.enabled=!1,o.enabled=!0;var s=exports.enabled(e)?o:r;return s.namespace=e,s}function enable(e){;for(var r=(e||"").split(/[\s,]+/),o=r.length,s=0;o>s;s++)r[s]&&(e=r[s].replace(/\*/g,".*?"),"-"===e[0]?exports.skips.push(new RegExp("^"+e.substr(1)+"$")):exports.names.push(new RegExp("^"+e+"$")))}function disable(){exports.enable("")}function enabled(e){var r,o;for(r=0,o=exports.skips.length;o>r;r++)if(exports.skips[r].test(e))return!1;for(r=0,o=exports.names.length;o>r;r++)if(exports.names[r].test(e))return!0;return!1}function coerce(e){return e instanceof Error?e.stack||e.message:e}exports=module.exports=debug,exports.coerce=coerce,exports.disable=disable,exports.enable=enable,exports.enabled=enabled,exports.humanize=require("ms"),exports.names=[],exports.skips=[],exports.formatters={};var prevColor=0,prevTime; |
| 24606 | |
| 24607 | },{"ms":68}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24608 | (function (process,global){ |
| 24609 | /*! |
| 24610 | * @overview es6-promise - a tiny implementation of Promises/A+. |
| 24611 | * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 API by Jake Archibald) |
| 24612 | * @license Licensed under MIT license |
| 24613 | * See |
| 24614 | * @version 3.1.2 |
| 24615 | */ |
| 24616 | (function(){"use strict";function t(t){return"function"==typeof t||"object"==typeof t&&null!==t}function e(t){return"function"==typeof t}function n(t){W=t}function r(t){H=t}function o(){return function(){process.nextTick(a)}}function i(){return function(){U(a)}}function s(){var t=0,e=new Q(a),n=document.createTextNode("");return e.observe(n,{characterData:!0}),function(){}}function u(){var t=new MessageChannel;return t.port1.onmessage=a,function(){t.port2.postMessage(0)}}function c(){return function(){setTimeout(a,1)}}function a(){for(var t=0;G>t;t+=2){var e=X[t],n=X[t+1];e(n),X[t]=void 0,X[t+1]=void 0}G=0}function f(){try{var t=require,e=t("vertx");return U=e.runOnLoop||e.runOnContext,i()}catch(n){return c()}}function l(t,e){var n=this,r=n._state;if(r===et&&!t||r===nt&&!e)return this;var o=new this.constructor(p),i=n._result;if(r){var s=arguments[r-1];H(function(){C(r,o,s,i)})}else j(n,o,t,e);return o}function h(t){var e=this;if(t&&"object"==typeof t&&t.constructor===e)return t;var n=new e(p);return g(n,t),n}function p(){}function _(){return new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself")}function v(){return new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.")}function d(t){try{return t.then}catch(e){return rt.error=e,rt}}function y(t,e,n,r){try{,n,r)}catch(o){return o}}function m(t,e,n){H(function(t){var r=!1,o=y(n,e,function(n){r||(r=!0,e!==n?g(t,n):E(t,n))},function(e){r||(r=!0,S(t,e))},"Settle: "+(t._label||" unknown promise"));!r&&o&&(r=!0,S(t,o))},t)}function w(t,e){e._state===et?E(t,e._result):e._state===nt?S(t,e._result):j(e,void 0,function(e){g(t,e)},function(e){S(t,e)})}function b(t,n,r){n.constructor===t.constructor&&r===Z&&constructor.resolve===$?w(t,n):r===rt?S(t,rt.error):void 0===r?E(t,n):e(r)?m(t,n,r):E(t,n)}function g(e,n){e===n?S(e,_()):t(n)?b(e,n,d(n)):E(e,n)}function A(t){t._onerror&&t._onerror(t._result),T(t)}function E(t,e){t._state===tt&&(t._result=e,t._state=et,0!==t._subscribers.length&&H(T,t))}function S(t,e){t._state===tt&&(t._state=nt,t._result=e,H(A,t))}function j(t,e,n,r){var o=t._subscribers,i=o.length;t._onerror=null,o[i]=e,o[i+et]=n,o[i+nt]=r,0===i&&t._state&&H(T,t)}function T(t){var e=t._subscribers,n=t._state;if(0!==e.length){for(var r,o,i=t._result,s=0;s<e.length;s+=3)r=e[s],o=e[s+n],r?C(n,r,o,i):o(i);t._subscribers.length=0}}function P(){this.error=null}function x(t,e){try{return t(e)}catch(n){return ot.error=n,ot}}function C(t,n,r,o){var i,s,u,c,a=e(r);if(a){if(i=x(r,o),i===ot?(c=!0,s=i.error,i=null):u=!0,n===i)return void S(n,v())}else i=o,u=!0;n._state!==tt||(a&&u?g(n,i):c?S(n,s):t===et?E(n,i):t===nt&&S(n,i))}function M(t,e){try{e(function(e){g(t,e)},function(e){S(t,e)})}catch(n){S(t,n)}}function O(t){return new ft(this,t).promise}function k(t){function e(t){g(o,t)}function n(t){S(o,t)}var r=this,o=new r(p);if(!B(t))return S(o,new TypeError("You must pass an array to race.")),o;for(var i=t.length,s=0;o._state===tt&&i>s;s++)j(r.resolve(t[s]),void 0,e,n);return o}function Y(t){var e=this,n=new e(p);return S(n,t),n}function q(){throw new TypeError("You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor")}function F(){throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.")}function D(t){this._id=ct++,this._state=void 0,this._result=void 0,this._subscribers=[],p!==t&&("function"!=typeof t&&q(),this instanceof D?M(this,t):F())}function K(t,e){this._instanceConstructor=t,this.promise=new t(p),Array.isArray(e)?(this._input=e,this.length=e.length,this._remaining=e.length,this._result=new Array(this.length),0===this.length?E(this.promise,this._result):(this.length=this.length||0,this._enumerate(),0===this._remaining&&E(this.promise,this._result))):S(this.promise,this._validationError())}function L(){var t;if("undefined"!=typeof global)t=global;else if("undefined"!=typeof self)t=self;else try{t=Function("return this")()}catch(e){throw new Error("polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment")}var n=t.Promise;n&&"[object Promise]"!n.cast||(t.Promise=at)}var N;N=Array.isArray?Array.isArray:function(t){return"[object Array]"};var U,W,z,B=N,G=0,H=function(t,e){X[G]=t,X[G+1]=e,G+=2,2===G&&(W?W(a):z())},I="undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0,J=I||{},Q=J.MutationObserver||J.WebKitMutationObserver,R="undefined"!=typeof process&&"[object process]"==={},V="undefined"!=typeof Uint8ClampedArray&&"undefined"!=typeof importScripts&&"undefined"!=typeof MessageChannel,X=new Array(1e3);z=R?o():Q?s():V?u():void 0===I&&"function"==typeof require?f():c();var Z=l,$=h,tt=void 0,et=1,nt=2,rt=new P,ot=new P,it=O,st=k,ut=Y,ct=0,at=D;D.all=it,D.race=st,D.resolve=$,D.reject=ut,D._setScheduler=n,D._setAsap=r,D._asap=H,D.prototype={constructor:D,then:Z,"catch":function(t){return this.then(null,t)}};var ft=K;K.prototype._validationError=function(){return new Error("Array Methods must be provided an Array")},K.prototype._enumerate=function(){for(var t=this.length,e=this._input,n=0;this._state===tt&&t>n;n++)this._eachEntry(e[n],n)},K.prototype._eachEntry=function(t,e){var n=this._instanceConstructor,r=n.resolve;if(r===$){var o=d(t);if(o===Z&&t._state!==tt)this._settledAt(t._state,e,t._result);else if("function"!=typeof o)this._remaining--,this._result[e]=t;else if(n===at){var i=new n(p);b(i,t,o),this._willSettleAt(i,e)}else this._willSettleAt(new n(function(e){e(t)}),e)}else this._willSettleAt(r(t),e)},K.prototype._settledAt=function(t,e,n){var r=this.promise;r._state===tt&&(this._remaining--,t===nt?S(r,n):this._result[e]=n),0===this._remaining&&E(r,this._result)},K.prototype._willSettleAt=function(t,e){var n=this;j(t,void 0,function(t){n._settledAt(et,e,t)},function(t){n._settledAt(nt,e,t)})};var lt=L,ht={Promise:at,polyfill:lt};"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return ht}):"undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=ht:"undefined"!=typeof this&&(this.ES6Promise=ht),lt()}).call(this); |
| 24617 | |
| 24618 | }).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 24619 | |
| 24620 | },{"_process":71}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24621 | function EventEmitter(){this._events=this._events||{},this._maxListeners=this._maxListeners||void 0}function isFunction(e){return"function"==typeof e}function isNumber(e){return"number"==typeof e}function isObject(e){return"object"==typeof e&&null!==e}function isUndefined(e){return void 0===e}module.exports=EventEmitter,EventEmitter.EventEmitter=EventEmitter,EventEmitter.prototype._events=void 0,EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners=void 0,EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners=10,EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners=function(e){if(!isNumber(e)||0>e||isNaN(e))throw TypeError("n must be a positive number");return this._maxListeners=e,this},EventEmitter.prototype.emit=function(e){var t,i,n,s,r,o;if(this._events||(this._events={}),"error"===e&&(!this._events.error||isObject(this._events.error)&&!this._events.error.length)){if(t=arguments[1],t instanceof Error)throw t;throw TypeError('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.')}if(i=this._events[e],isUndefined(i))return!1;if(isFunction(i))switch(arguments.length){case;break;case,arguments[1]);break;case,arguments[1],arguments[2]);break;,1),i.apply(this,s)}else if(isObject(i))for(,1),o=i.slice(),n=o.length,r=0;n>r;r++)o[r].apply(this,s);return!0},EventEmitter.prototype.addListener=function(e,t){var i;if(!isFunction(t))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");return this._events||(this._events={}),this._events.newListener&&this.emit("newListener",e,isFunction(t.listener)?t.listener:t),this._events[e]?isObject(this._events[e])?this._events[e].push(t):this._events[e]=[this._events[e],t]:this._events[e]=t,isObject(this._events[e])&&!this._events[e].warned&&(i=isUndefined(this._maxListeners)?EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners:this._maxListeners,i&&i>0&&this._events[e].length>i&&(this._events[e].warned=!0,console.error("(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. %d listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.",this._events[e].length),"function"==typeof console.trace&&console.trace())),this},EventEmitter.prototype.on=EventEmitter.prototype.addListener,EventEmitter.prototype.once=function(e,t){function i(){this.removeListener(e,i),n||(n=!0,t.apply(this,arguments))}if(!isFunction(t))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");var n=!1;return i.listener=t,this.on(e,i),this},EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener=function(e,t){var i,n,s,r;if(!isFunction(t))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");if(!this._events||!this._events[e])return this;if(i=this._events[e],s=i.length,n=-1,i===t||isFunction(i.listener)&&i.listener===t)delete this._events[e],this._events.removeListener&&this.emit("removeListener",e,t);else if(isObject(i)){for(r=s;r-- >0;)if(i[r]===t||i[r].listener&&i[r].listener===t){n=r;break}if(0>n)return this;1===i.length?(i.length=0,delete this._events[e]):i.splice(n,1),this._events.removeListener&&this.emit("removeListener",e,t)}return this},EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners=function(e){var t,i;if(!this._events)return this;if(!this._events.removeListener)return 0===arguments.length?this._events={}:this._events[e]&&delete this._events[e],this;if(0===arguments.length){for(t in this._events)"removeListener"!==t&&this.removeAllListeners(t);return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"),this._events={},this}if(i=this._events[e],isFunction(i))this.removeListener(e,i);else if(i)for(;i.length;)this.removeListener(e,i[i.length-1]);return delete this._events[e],this},EventEmitter.prototype.listeners=function(e){var t;return t=this._events&&this._events[e]?isFunction(this._events[e])?[this._events[e]]:this._events[e].slice():[]},EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount=function(e){if(this._events){var t=this._events[e];if(isFunction(t))return 1;if(t)return t.length}return 0},EventEmitter.listenerCount=function(e,t){return e.listenerCount(t)}; |
| 24622 | |
| 24623 | },{}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24624 | var http=require("http"),https=module.exports;for(var key in http)http.hasOwnProperty(key)&&(https[key]=http[key]);https.request=function(t,e){return t||(t={}),t.scheme="https",t.protocol="https:",,t,e)}; |
| 24625 | |
| 24626 | },{"http":87}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24627 |,o,t,r,h){var M,p,w=8*h-r-1,f=(1<<w)-1,e=f>>1,i=-7,N=t?h-1:0,n=t?-1:1,s=a[o+N];for(N+=n,M=s&(1<<-i)-1,s>>=-i,i+=w;i>0;M=256*M+a[o+N],N+=n,i-=8);for(p=M&(1<<-i)-1,M>>=-i,i+=r;i>0;p=256*p+a[o+N],N+=n,i-=8);if(0===M)M=1-e;else{if(M===f)return p?NaN:(s?-1:1)*(1/0);p+=Math.pow(2,r),M-=e}return(s?-1:1)*p*Math.pow(2,M-r)},exports.write=function(a,o,t,r,h,M){var p,w,f,e=8*M-h-1,i=(1<<e)-1,N=i>>1,n=23===h?Math.pow(2,-24)-Math.pow(2,-77):0,s=r?0:M-1,u=r?1:-1,l=0>o||0===o&&0>1/o?1:0;for(o=Math.abs(o),isNaN(o)||o===1/0?(w=isNaN(o)?1:0,p=i):(p=Math.floor(Math.log(o)/Math.LN2),o*(f=Math.pow(2,-p))<1&&(p--,f*=2),o+=p+N>=1?n/f:n*Math.pow(2,1-N),o*f>=2&&(p++,f/=2),p+N>=i?(w=0,p=i):p+N>=1?(w=(o*f-1)*Math.pow(2,h),p+=N):(w=o*Math.pow(2,N-1)*Math.pow(2,h),p=0));h>=8;a[t+s]=255&w,s+=u,w/=256,h-=8);for(p=p<<h|w,e+=h;e>0;a[t+s]=255&p,s+=u,p/=256,e-=8);a[t+s-u]|=128*l}; |
| 24628 | |
| 24629 | },{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24630 | "function"==typeof Object.create?module.exports=function(t,e){t.super_=e,t.prototype=Object.create(e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}})}:module.exports=function(t,e){t.super_=e;var o=function(){};o.prototype=e.prototype,t.prototype=new o,t.prototype.constructor=t}; |
| 24631 | |
| 24632 | },{}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24633 | module.exports=function(r){return!(null==r||!(r._isBuffer||r.constructor&&"function"==typeof r.constructor.isBuffer&&r.constructor.isBuffer(r)))}; |
| 24634 | |
| 24635 | },{}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24636 | var toString={}.toString;module.exports=Array.isArray||function(r){return"[object Array]"}; |
| 24637 | |
| 24638 | },{}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24639 | "use strict";var yaml=require("./lib/js-yaml.js");module.exports=yaml; |
| 24640 | |
| 24641 | },{"./lib/js-yaml.js":39}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24642 | "use strict";function deprecated(e){return function(){throw new Error("Function "+e+" is deprecated and cannot be used.")}}var loader=require("./js-yaml/loader"),dumper=require("./js-yaml/dumper");module.exports.Type=require("./js-yaml/type"),module.exports.Schema=require("./js-yaml/schema"),module.exports.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/failsafe"),module.exports.JSON_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/json"),module.exports.CORE_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/core"),module.exports.DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/default_safe"),module.exports.DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/default_full"),module.exports.load=loader.load,module.exports.loadAll=loader.loadAll,module.exports.safeLoad=loader.safeLoad,module.exports.safeLoadAll=loader.safeLoadAll,module.exports.dump=dumper.dump,module.exports.safeDump=dumper.safeDump,module.exports.YAMLException=require("./js-yaml/exception"),module.exports.MINIMAL_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/failsafe"),module.exports.SAFE_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/default_safe"),module.exports.DEFAULT_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/default_full"),module.exports.scan=deprecated("scan"),module.exports.parse=deprecated("parse"),module.exports.compose=deprecated("compose"),module.exports.addConstructor=deprecated("addConstructor"); |
| 24643 | |
| 24644 | },{"./js-yaml/dumper":41,"./js-yaml/exception":42,"./js-yaml/loader":43,"./js-yaml/schema":45,"./js-yaml/schema/core":46,"./js-yaml/schema/default_full":47,"./js-yaml/schema/default_safe":48,"./js-yaml/schema/failsafe":49,"./js-yaml/schema/json":50,"./js-yaml/type":51}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24645 | "use strict";function isNothing(e){return"undefined"==typeof e||null===e}function isObject(e){return"object"==typeof e&&null!==e}function toArray(e){return Array.isArray(e)?e:isNothing(e)?[]:[e]}function extend(e,t){var r,o,n,i;if(t)for(i=Object.keys(t),r=0,o=i.length;o>r;r+=1)n=i[r],e[n]=t[n];return e}function repeat(e,t){var r,o="";for(r=0;t>r;r+=1)o+=e;return o}function isNegativeZero(e){return 0===e&&Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY===1/e}module.exports.isNothing=isNothing,module.exports.isObject=isObject,module.exports.toArray=toArray,module.exports.repeat=repeat,module.exports.isNegativeZero=isNegativeZero,module.exports.extend=extend; |
| 24646 | |
| 24647 | },{}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24648 | "use strict";function compileStyleMap(e,t){var n,i,r,E,o,l,a;if(null===t)return{};for(n={},i=Object.keys(t),r=0,E=i.length;E>r;r+=1)o=i[r],l=String(t[o]),"!!"===o.slice(0,2)&&(o=",2002:"+o.slice(2)),a=e.compiledTypeMap[o],a&&,l)&&(l=a.styleAliases[l]),n[o]=l;return n}function encodeHex(e){var t,n,i;if(t=e.toString(16).toUpperCase(),255>=e)n="x",i=2;else if(65535>=e)n="u",i=4;else{if(!(4294967295>=e))throw new YAMLException("code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF");n="U",i=8}return"\\"+n+common.repeat("0",i-t.length)+t}function State(e){this.schema=e.schema||DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA,this.indent=Math.max(1,e.indent||2),this.skipInvalid=e.skipInvalid||!1,this.flowLevel=common.isNothing(e.flowLevel)?-1:e.flowLevel,this.styleMap=compileStyleMap(this.schema,e.styles||null),this.sortKeys=e.sortKeys||!1,this.lineWidth=e.lineWidth||80,this.noRefs=e.noRefs||!1,this.noCompatMode=e.noCompatMode||!1,this.implicitTypes=this.schema.compiledImplicit,this.explicitTypes=this.schema.compiledExplicit,this.tag=null,this.result="",this.duplicates=[],this.usedDuplicates=null}function indentString(e,t){for(var n,i=common.repeat(" ",t),r=0,E=-1,o="",l=e.length;l>r;)E=e.indexOf("\n",r),-1===E?(n=e.slice(r),r=l):(n=e.slice(r,E+1),r=E+1),n.length&&"\n"!==n&&(o+=i),o+=n;return o}function generateNextLine(e,t){return"\n"+common.repeat(" ",e.indent*t)}function testImplicitResolving(e,t){var n,i,r;for(n=0,i=e.implicitTypes.length;i>n;n+=1)if(r=e.implicitTypes[n],r.resolve(t))return!0;return!1}function isWhitespace(e){return e===CHAR_SPACE||e===CHAR_TAB}function isPrintable(e){return e>=32&&126>=e||e>=161&&55295>=e&&8232!==e&&8233!==e||e>=57344&&65533>=e&&65279!==e||e>=65536&&1114111>=e}function isPlainSafe(e){return isPrintable(e)&&65279!==e&&e!==CHAR_COMMA&&e!==CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_COLON&&e!==CHAR_SHARP}function isPlainSafeFirst(e){return isPrintable(e)&&65279!==e&&!isWhitespace(e)&&e!==CHAR_MINUS&&e!==CHAR_QUESTION&&e!==CHAR_COLON&&e!==CHAR_COMMA&&e!==CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_SHARP&&e!==CHAR_AMPERSAND&&e!==CHAR_ASTERISK&&e!==CHAR_EXCLAMATION&&e!==CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE&&e!==CHAR_GREATER_THAN&&e!==CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE&&e!==CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE&&e!==CHAR_PERCENT&&e!==CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT&&e!==CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT}function chooseScalarStyle(e,t,n,i,r){var E,o,l=!1,a=!1,s=-1!==i,c=-1,A=isPlainSafeFirst(e.charCodeAt(0))&&!isWhitespace(e.charCodeAt(e.length-1));if(t)for(E=0;E<e.length;E++){if(o=e.charCodeAt(E),!isPrintable(o))return STYLE_DOUBLE;A=A&&isPlainSafe(o)}else{for(E=0;E<e.length;E++){if(o=e.charCodeAt(E),o===CHAR_LINE_FEED)l=!0,s&&(a=a||E-c-1>i&&" "!==e[c+1],c=E);else if(!isPrintable(o))return STYLE_DOUBLE;A=A&&isPlainSafe(o)}a=a||s&&E-c-1>i&&" "!==e[c+1]}return l||a?" "===e[0]&&n>9?STYLE_DOUBLE:a?STYLE_FOLDED:STYLE_LITERAL:A&&!r(e)?STYLE_PLAIN:STYLE_SINGLE}function writeScalar(e,t,n,i){e.dump=function(){function r(t){return testImplicitResolving(e,t)}if(0===t.length)return"''";if(!e.noCompatMode&&-1!==DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX.indexOf(t))return"'"+t+"'";var E=e.indent*Math.max(1,n),o=-1===e.lineWidth?-1:Math.max(Math.min(e.lineWidth,40),e.lineWidth-E),l=i||e.flowLevel>-1&&n>=e.flowLevel;switch(chooseScalarStyle(t,l,e.indent,o,r)){case STYLE_PLAIN:return t;case STYLE_SINGLE:return"'"+t.replace(/'/g,"''")+"'";case STYLE_LITERAL:return"|"+blockHeader(t,e.indent)+dropEndingNewline(indentString(t,E));case STYLE_FOLDED:return">"+blockHeader(t,e.indent)+dropEndingNewline(indentString(foldString(t,o),E));case STYLE_DOUBLE:return'"'+escapeString(t,o)+'"';default:throw new YAMLException("impossible error: invalid scalar style")}}()}function blockHeader(e,t){var n=" "===e[0]?String(t):"",i="\n"===e[e.length-1],r=i&&("\n"===e[e.length-2]||"\n"===e),E=r?"+":i?"":"-";return n+E+"\n"}function dropEndingNewline(e){return"\n"===e[e.length-1]?e.slice(0,-1):e}function foldString(e,t){for(var n,i,r=/(\n+)([^\n]*)/g,E=function(){var n=e.indexOf("\n");return n=-1!==n?n:e.length,r.lastIndex=n,foldLine(e.slice(0,n),t)}(),o="\n"===e[0]||" "===e[0];i=r.exec(e);){var l=i[1],a=i[2];n=" "===a[0],E+=l+(o||n||""===a?"":"\n")+foldLine(a,t),o=n}return E}function foldLine(e,t){if(""===e||" "===e[0])return e;for(var n,i,r=/ [^ ]/g,E=0,o=0,l=0,a="";n=r.exec(e);)l=n.index,l-E>t&&(i=o>E?o:l,a+="\n"+e.slice(E,i),E=i+1),o=l;return a+="\n",a+=e.length-E>t&&o>E?e.slice(E,o)+"\n"+e.slice(o+1):e.slice(E),a.slice(1)}function escapeString(e){for(var t,n,i="",r=0;r<e.length;r++)t=e.charCodeAt(r),n=ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[t],i+=!n&&isPrintable(t)?e[r]:n||encodeHex(t);return i}function writeFlowSequence(e,t,n){var i,r,E="",o=e.tag;for(i=0,r=n.length;r>i;i+=1)writeNode(e,t,n[i],!1,!1)&&(0!==i&&(E+=", "),E+=e.dump);e.tag=o,e.dump="["+E+"]"}function writeBlockSequence(e,t,n,i){var r,E,o="",l=e.tag;for(r=0,E=n.length;E>r;r+=1)writeNode(e,t+1,n[r],!0,!0)&&(i&&0===r||(o+=generateNextLine(e,t)),o+="- "+e.dump);e.tag=l,e.dump=o||"[]"}function writeFlowMapping(e,t,n){var i,r,E,o,l,a="",s=e.tag,c=Object.keys(n);for(i=0,r=c.length;r>i;i+=1)l="",0!==i&&(l+=", "),E=c[i],o=n[E],writeNode(e,t,E,!1,!1)&&(e.dump.length>1024&&(l+="? 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| 24649 | |
| 24650 | },{"./common":40,"./exception":42,"./schema/default_full":47,"./schema/default_safe":48}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24651 | "use strict";function YAMLException(t,r){,Error.captureStackTrace?Error.captureStackTrace(this,this.constructor):this.stack=(new Error).stack||"","YAMLException",this.reason=t,this.mark=r,this.message=(this.reason||"(unknown reason)")+(this.mark?" "+this.mark.toString():"")}YAMLException.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype),YAMLException.prototype.constructor=YAMLException,YAMLException.prototype.toString=function(t){var": ";return r+=this.reason||"(unknown reason)",!t&&this.mark&&(r+=" "+this.mark.toString()),r},module.exports=YAMLException; |
| 24652 | |
| 24653 | },{}],43:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24654 | "use strict";function is_EOL(e){return 10===e||13===e}function is_WHITE_SPACE(e){return 9===e||32===e}function is_WS_OR_EOL(e){return 9===e||32===e||10===e||13===e}function is_FLOW_INDICATOR(e){return 44===e||91===e||93===e||123===e||125===e}function fromHexCode(e){var t;return e>=48&&57>=e?e-48:(t=32|e,t>=97&&102>=t?t-97+10:-1)}function escapedHexLen(e){return 120===e?2:117===e?4:85===e?8:0}function fromDecimalCode(e){return e>=48&&57>=e?e-48:-1}function simpleEscapeSequence(e){return 48===e?"\x00":97===e?"":98===e?"\b":116===e?" ":9===e?" ":110===e?"\n":118===e?"\x0B":102===e?"\f":114===e?"\r":101===e?"":32===e?" ":34===e?'"':47===e?"/":92===e?"\\":78===e?"
":95===e?" ":76===e?"\u2028":80===e?"\u2029":""}function charFromCodepoint(e){return 65535>=e?String.fromCharCode(e):String.fromCharCode((e-65536>>10)+55296,(e-65536&1023)+56320)}function State(e,t){this.input=e,this.filename=t.filename||null,this.schema=t.schema||DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA,this.onWarning=t.onWarning||null,this.legacy=t.legacy||!1,this.json=t.json||!1,this.listener=t.listener||null,this.implicitTypes=this.schema.compiledImplicit,this.typeMap=this.schema.compiledTypeMap,this.length=e.length,this.position=0,this.line=0,this.lineStart=0,this.lineIndent=0,this.documents=[]}function generateError(e,t){return new YAMLException(t,new Mark(e.filename,e.input,e.position,e.line,e.position-e.lineStart))}function throwError(e,t){throw generateError(e,t)}function throwWarning(e,t){e.onWarning&&,generateError(e,t))}function captureSegment(e,t,n,i){var o,r,a,s;if(n>t){if(s=e.input.slice(t,n),i)for(o=0,r=s.length;r>o;o+=1)a=s.charCodeAt(o),9===a||a>=32&&1114111>=a||throwError(e,"expected valid JSON character");else PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE.test(s)&&throwError(e,"the stream contains non-printable characters");e.result+=s}}function mergeMappings(e,t,n,i){var o,r,a,s;for(common.isObject(n)||throwError(e,"cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable"),o=Object.keys(n),a=0,s=o.length;s>a;a+=1)r=o[a],,r)||(t[r]=n[r],i[r]=!0)}function storeMappingPair(e,t,n,i,o,r){var a,s;if(o=String(o),null===t&&(t={}),",2002:merge"===i)if(Array.isArray(r))for(a=0,s=r.length;s>a;a+=1)mergeMappings(e,t,r[a],n);else mergeMappings(e,t,r,n);else e.json||,o)||!,o)||throwError(e,"duplicated mapping key"),t[o]=r,delete n[o];return t}function readLineBreak(e){var t;t=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),10===t?e.position++:13===t?(e.position++,10===e.input.charCodeAt(e.position)&&e.position++):throwError(e,"a line break is expected"),e.line+=1,e.lineStart=e.position}function skipSeparationSpace(e,t,n){for(var i=0,o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);0!==o;){for(;is_WHITE_SPACE(o);)o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);if(t&&35===o)do o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);while(10!==o&&13!==o&&0!==o);if(!is_EOL(o))break;for(readLineBreak(e),o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),i++,e.lineIndent=0;32===o;)e.lineIndent++,o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)}return-1!==n&&0!==i&&e.lineIndent<n&&throwWarning(e,"deficient indentation"),i}function testDocumentSeparator(e){var t,n=e.position;return t=e.input.charCodeAt(n),(45===t||46===t)&&t===e.input.charCodeAt(n+1)&&t===e.input.charCodeAt(n+2)&&(n+=3,t=e.input.charCodeAt(n),0===t||is_WS_OR_EOL(t))}function writeFoldedLines(e,t){1===t?e.result+=" ":t>1&&(e.result+=common.repeat("\n",t-1))}function readPlainScalar(e,t,n){var i,o,r,a,s,p,c,l,u,d=e.kind,h=e.result;if(u=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),is_WS_OR_EOL(u)||is_FLOW_INDICATOR(u)||35===u||38===u||42===u||33===u||124===u||62===u||39===u||34===u||37===u||64===u||96===u)return!1;if((63===u||45===u)&&(o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(o)||n&&is_FLOW_INDICATOR(o)))return!1;for(e.kind="scalar",e.result="",r=a=e.position,s=!1;0!==u;){if(58===u){if(o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(o)||n&&is_FLOW_INDICATOR(o))break}else if(35===u){if(i=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position-1),is_WS_OR_EOL(i))break}else{if(e.position===e.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(e)||n&&is_FLOW_INDICATOR(u))break;if(is_EOL(u)){if(p=e.line,c=e.lineStart,l=e.lineIndent,skipSeparationSpace(e,!1,-1),e.lineIndent>=t){s=!0,u=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);continue}e.position=a,e.line=p,e.lineStart=c,e.lineIndent=l;break}}s&&(captureSegment(e,r,a,!1),writeFoldedLines(e,e.line-p),r=a=e.position,s=!1),is_WHITE_SPACE(u)||(a=e.position+1),u=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)}return captureSegment(e,r,a,!1),e.result?!0:(e.kind=d,e.result=h,!1)}function readSingleQuotedScalar(e,t){var n,i,o;if(n=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),39!==n)return!1;for(e.kind="scalar",e.result="",e.position++,i=o=e.position;0!==(n=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position));)if(39===n){if(captureSegment(e,i,e.position,!0),n=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),39!==n)return!0;i=o=e.position,e.position++}else is_EOL(n)?(captureSegment(e,i,o,!0),writeFoldedLines(e,skipSeparationSpace(e,!1,t)),i=o=e.position):e.position===e.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(e)?throwError(e,"unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar"):(e.position++,o=e.position);throwError(e,"unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar")}function readDoubleQuotedScalar(e,t){var n,i,o,r,a,s;if(s=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),34!==s)return!1;for(e.kind="scalar",e.result="",e.position++,n=i=e.position;0!==(s=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position));){if(34===s)return captureSegment(e,n,e.position,!0),e.position++,!0;if(92===s){if(captureSegment(e,n,e.position,!0),s=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),is_EOL(s))skipSeparationSpace(e,!1,t);else if(256>s&&simpleEscapeCheck[s])e.result+=simpleEscapeMap[s],e.position++;else if((a=escapedHexLen(s))>0){for(o=a,r=0;o>0;o--)s=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),(a=fromHexCode(s))>=0?r=(r<<4)+a:throwError(e,"expected hexadecimal character");e.result+=charFromCodepoint(r),e.position++}else throwError(e,"unknown escape sequence");n=i=e.position}else is_EOL(s)?(captureSegment(e,n,i,!0),writeFoldedLines(e,skipSeparationSpace(e,!1,t)),n=i=e.position):e.position===e.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(e)?throwError(e,"unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar"):(e.position++,i=e.position)}throwError(e,"unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar")}function readFlowCollection(e,t){var n,i,o,r,a,s,p,c,l,u,d,h=!0,f=e.tag,_=e.anchor,A={};if(d=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),91===d)r=93,p=!1,i=[];else{if(123!==d)return!1;r=125,p=!0,i={}}for(null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=i),d=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);0!==d;){if(skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,t),d=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),d===r)return e.position++,e.tag=f,e.anchor=_,e.kind=p?"mapping":"sequence",e.result=i,!0;h||throwError(e,"missed comma between flow collection entries"),l=c=u=null,a=s=!1,63===d&&(o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(o)&&(a=s=!0,e.position++,skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,t))),n=e.line,composeNode(e,t,CONTEXT_FLOW_IN,!1,!0),l=e.tag,c=e.result,skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,t),d=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),!s&&e.line!==n||58!==d||(a=!0,d=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,t),composeNode(e,t,CONTEXT_FLOW_IN,!1,!0),u=e.result),p?storeMappingPair(e,i,A,l,c,u):a?i.push(storeMappingPair(e,null,A,l,c,u)):i.push(c),skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,t),d=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),44===d?(h=!0,d=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)):h=!1}throwError(e,"unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection")}function readBlockScalar(e,t){var n,i,o,r,a=CHOMPING_CLIP,s=!1,p=!1,c=t,l=0,u=!1;if(r=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),124===r)i=!1;else{if(62!==r)return!1;i=!0}for(e.kind="scalar",e.result="";0!==r;)if(r=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),43===r||45===r)CHOMPING_CLIP===a?a=43===r?CHOMPING_KEEP:CHOMPING_STRIP:throwError(e,"repeat of a chomping mode identifier");else{if(!((o=fromDecimalCode(r))>=0))break;0===o?throwError(e,"bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one"):p?throwError(e,"repeat of an indentation width identifier"):(c=t+o-1,p=!0)}if(is_WHITE_SPACE(r)){do r=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);while(is_WHITE_SPACE(r));if(35===r)do r=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);while(!is_EOL(r)&&0!==r)}for(;0!==r;){for(readLineBreak(e),e.lineIndent=0,r=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);(!p||e.lineIndent<c)&&32===r;)e.lineIndent++,r=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);if(!p&&e.lineIndent>c&&(c=e.lineIndent),is_EOL(r))l++;else{if(e.lineIndent<c){a===CHOMPING_KEEP?e.result+=common.repeat("\n",s?1+l:l):a===CHOMPING_CLIP&&s&&(e.result+="\n");break}for(i?is_WHITE_SPACE(r)?(u=!0,e.result+=common.repeat("\n",s?1+l:l)):u?(u=!1,e.result+=common.repeat("\n",l+1)):0===l?s&&(e.result+=" "):e.result+=common.repeat("\n",l):e.result+=common.repeat("\n",s?1+l:l),s=!0,p=!0,l=0,n=e.position;!is_EOL(r)&&0!==r;)r=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);captureSegment(e,n,e.position,!1)}}return!0}function readBlockSequence(e,t){var n,i,o,r=e.tag,a=e.anchor,s=[],p=!1;for(null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=s),o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);0!==o&&45===o&&(i=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(i));)if(p=!0,e.position++,skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1)&&e.lineIndent<=t)s.push(null),o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);else if(n=e.line,composeNode(e,t,CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN,!1,!0),s.push(e.result),skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),(e.line===n||e.lineIndent>t)&&0!==o)throwError(e,"bad indentation of a sequence entry");else if(e.lineIndent<t)break;return p?(e.tag=r,e.anchor=a,e.kind="sequence",e.result=s,!0):!1}function readBlockMapping(e,t,n){var i,o,r,a,s=e.tag,p=e.anchor,c={},l={},u=null,d=null,h=null,f=!1,_=!1;for(null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=c),a=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);0!==a;){if(i=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1),r=e.line,63!==a&&58!==a||!is_WS_OR_EOL(i)){if(!composeNode(e,n,CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT,!1,!0))break;if(e.line===r){for(a=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);is_WHITE_SPACE(a);)a=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);if(58===a)a=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),is_WS_OR_EOL(a)||throwError(e,"a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping"),f&&(storeMappingPair(e,c,l,u,d,null),u=d=h=null),_=!0,f=!1,o=!1,u=e.tag,d=e.result;else{if(!_)return e.tag=s,e.anchor=p,!0;throwError(e,"can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed")}}else{if(!_)return e.tag=s,e.anchor=p,!0;throwError(e,"can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key")}}else 63===a?(f&&(storeMappingPair(e,c,l,u,d,null),u=d=h=null),_=!0,f=!0,o=!0):f?(f=!1,o=!0):throwError(e,"incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed"),e.position+=1,a=i;if((e.line===r||e.lineIndent>t)&&(composeNode(e,t,CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT,!0,o)&&(f?d=e.result:h=e.result),f||(storeMappingPair(e,c,l,u,d,h),u=d=h=null),skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),a=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position)),e.lineIndent>t&&0!==a)throwError(e,"bad indentation of a mapping entry");else if(e.lineIndent<t)break}return f&&storeMappingPair(e,c,l,u,d,null),_&&(e.tag=s,e.anchor=p,e.kind="mapping",e.result=c),_}function readTagProperty(e){var t,n,i,o,r=!1,a=!1;if(o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),33!==o)return!1;if(null!==e.tag&&throwError(e,"duplication of a tag property"),o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),60===o?(r=!0,o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)):33===o?(a=!0,n="!!",o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)):n="!",t=e.position,r){do o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);while(0!==o&&62!==o);e.position<e.length?(i=e.input.slice(t,e.position),o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)):throwError(e,"unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag")}else{for(;0!==o&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(o);)33===o&&(a?throwError(e,"tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks"):(n=e.input.slice(t-1,e.position+1),PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(n)||throwError(e,"named tag handle cannot contain such characters"),a=!0,t=e.position+1)),o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);i=e.input.slice(t,e.position),PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS.test(i)&&throwError(e,"tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters")}return i&&!PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(i)&&throwError(e,"tag name cannot contain such characters: "+i),r?,n)?e.tag=e.tagMap[n]+i:"!"===n?e.tag="!"+i:"!!"===n?e.tag=",2002:"+i:throwError(e,'undeclared tag handle "'+n+'"'),!0}function readAnchorProperty(e){var t,n;if(n=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),38!==n)return!1;for(null!==e.anchor&&throwError(e,"duplication of an anchor property"),n=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),t=e.position;0!==n&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(n)&&!is_FLOW_INDICATOR(n);)n=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);return e.position===t&&throwError(e,"name of an anchor node must contain at least one character"),e.anchor=e.input.slice(t,e.position),!0}function readAlias(e){var t,n,i;if(i=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),42!==i)return!1;for(i=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),t=e.position;0!==i&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(i)&&!is_FLOW_INDICATOR(i);)i=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);return e.position===t&&throwError(e,"name of an alias node must contain at least one character"),n=e.input.slice(t,e.position),e.anchorMap.hasOwnProperty(n)||throwError(e,'unidentified alias "'+n+'"'),e.result=e.anchorMap[n],skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),!0}function composeNode(e,t,n,i,o){var r,a,s,p,c,l,u,d,h=1,f=!1,_=!1;if(null!==e.listener&&e.listener("open",e),e.tag=null,e.anchor=null,e.kind=null,e.result=null,r=a=s=CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT===n||CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN===n,i&&skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1)&&(f=!0,e.lineIndent>t?h=1:e.lineIndent===t?h=0:e.lineIndent<t&&(h=-1)),1===h)for(;readTagProperty(e)||readAnchorProperty(e);)skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1)?(f=!0,s=r,e.lineIndent>t?h=1:e.lineIndent===t?h=0:e.lineIndent<t&&(h=-1)):s=!1;if(s&&(s=f||o),1!==h&&CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT!==n||(u=CONTEXT_FLOW_IN===n||CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT===n?t:t+1,d=e.position-e.lineStart,1===h?s&&(readBlockSequence(e,d)||readBlockMapping(e,d,u))||readFlowCollection(e,u)?_=!0:(a&&readBlockScalar(e,u)||readSingleQuotedScalar(e,u)||readDoubleQuotedScalar(e,u)?_=!0:readAlias(e)?(_=!0,null===e.tag&&null===e.anchor||throwError(e,"alias node should not have any properties")):readPlainScalar(e,u,CONTEXT_FLOW_IN===n)&&(_=!0,null===e.tag&&(e.tag="?")),null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=e.result)):0===h&&(_=s&&readBlockSequence(e,d))),null!==e.tag&&"!"!==e.tag)if("?"===e.tag){for(p=0,c=e.implicitTypes.length;c>p;p+=1)if(l=e.implicitTypes[p],l.resolve(e.result)){e.result=l.construct(e.result),e.tag=l.tag,null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=e.result);break}}else,e.tag)?(l=e.typeMap[e.tag],null!==e.result&&l.kind!==e.kind&&throwError(e,"unacceptable node kind for !<"+e.tag+'> tag; it should be "'+l.kind+'", not "'+e.kind+'"'),l.resolve(e.result)?(e.result=l.construct(e.result),null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=e.result)):throwError(e,"cannot resolve a node with !<"+e.tag+"> explicit tag")):throwError(e,"unknown tag !<"+e.tag+">");return null!==e.listener&&e.listener("close",e),null!==e.tag||null!==e.anchor||_}function readDocument(e){var t,n,i,o,r=e.position,a=!1;for(e.version=null,e.checkLineBreaks=e.legacy,e.tagMap={},e.anchorMap={};0!==(o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position))&&(skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),!(e.lineIndent>0||37!==o));){for(a=!0,o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),t=e.position;0!==o&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(o);)o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);for(n=e.input.slice(t,e.position),i=[],n.length<1&&throwError(e,"directive name must not be less than one character in length");0!==o;){for(;is_WHITE_SPACE(o);)o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);if(35===o){do o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);while(0!==o&&!is_EOL(o));break}if(is_EOL(o))break;for(t=e.position;0!==o&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(o);)o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);i.push(e.input.slice(t,e.position))}0!==o&&readLineBreak(e),,n)?directiveHandlers[n](e,n,i):throwWarning(e,'unknown document directive "'+n+'"')}return skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),0===e.lineIndent&&45===e.input.charCodeAt(e.position)&&45===e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1)&&45===e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+2)?(e.position+=3,skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1)):a&&throwError(e,"directives end mark is expected"),composeNode(e,e.lineIndent-1,CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT,!1,!0),skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),e.checkLineBreaks&&PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS.test(e.input.slice(r,e.position))&&throwWarning(e,"non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content"),e.documents.push(e.result),e.position===e.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(e)?void(46===e.input.charCodeAt(e.position)&&(e.position+=3,skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1))):void(e.position<e.length-1&&throwError(e,"end of the stream or a document separator is expected"))}function loadDocuments(e,t){e=String(e),t=t||{},0!==e.length&&(10!==e.charCodeAt(e.length-1)&&13!==e.charCodeAt(e.length-1)&&(e+="\n"),65279===e.charCodeAt(0)&&(e=e.slice(1)));var n=new State(e,t);for(n.input+="\x00";32===n.input.charCodeAt(n.position);)n.lineIndent+=1,n.position+=1;for(;n.position<n.length-1;)readDocument(n);return n.documents}function loadAll(e,t,n){var i,o,r=loadDocuments(e,n);for(i=0,o=r.length;o>i;i+=1)t(r[i])}function load(e,t){var n=loadDocuments(e,t);if(0!==n.length){if(1===n.length)return n[0];throw new YAMLException("expected a single document in the stream, but found more")}}function safeLoadAll(e,t,n){loadAll(e,t,common.extend({schema:DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA},n))}function safeLoad(e,t){return load(e,common.extend({schema:DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA},t))}for(var common=require("./common"),YAMLException=require("./exception"),Mark=require("./mark"),DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA=require("./schema/default_safe"),DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA=require("./schema/default_full"),_hasOwnProperty=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,CONTEXT_FLOW_IN=1,CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT=2,CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN=3,CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT=4,CHOMPING_CLIP=1,CHOMPING_STRIP=2,CHOMPING_KEEP=3,PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE=/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/,PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS=/[\x85\u2028\u2029]/,PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS=/[,\[\]\{\}]/,PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE=/^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i,PATTERN_TAG_URI=/^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i,simpleEscapeCheck=new Array(256),simpleEscapeMap=new Array(256),i=0;256>i;i++)simpleEscapeCheck[i]=simpleEscapeSequence(i)?1:0,simpleEscapeMap[i]=simpleEscapeSequence(i);var directiveHandlers={YAML:function(e,t,n){var i,o,r;null!==e.version&&throwError(e,"duplication of %YAML directive"),1!==n.length&&throwError(e,"YAML directive accepts exactly one argument"),i=/^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(n[0]),null===i&&throwError(e,"ill-formed argument of the YAML directive"),o=parseInt(i[1],10),r=parseInt(i[2],10),1!==o&&throwError(e,"unacceptable YAML version of the document"),e.version=n[0],e.checkLineBreaks=2>r,1!==r&&2!==r&&throwWarning(e,"unsupported YAML version of the document")},TAG:function(e,t,n){var i,o;2!==n.length&&throwError(e,"TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments"),i=n[0],o=n[1],PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(i)||throwError(e,"ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive"),,i)&&throwError(e,'there is a previously declared suffix for "'+i+'" tag handle'),PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(o)||throwError(e,"ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive"),e.tagMap[i]=o}};module.exports.loadAll=loadAll,module.exports.load=load,module.exports.safeLoadAll=safeLoadAll,module.exports.safeLoad=safeLoad; |
| 24655 | |
| 24656 | },{"./common":40,"./exception":42,"./mark":44,"./schema/default_full":47,"./schema/default_safe":48}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24657 | "use strict";function Mark(t,i,n,e,r){,this.buffer=i,this.position=n,this.line=e,this.column=r}var common=require("./common");Mark.prototype.getSnippet=function(t,i){var n,e,r,o,s;if(!this.buffer)return null;for(t=t||4,i=i||75,n="",e=this.position;e>0&&-1==="\x00\r\n
\u2028\u2029".indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(e-1));)if(e-=1,this.position-e>i/2-1){n=" ... ",e+=5;break}for(r="",o=this.position;o<this.buffer.length&&-1==="\x00\r\n
\u2028\u2029".indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(o));)if(o+=1,o-this.position>i/2-1){r=" ... ",o-=5;break}return s=this.buffer.slice(e,o),common.repeat(" ",t)+n+s+r+"\n"+common.repeat(" ",t+this.position-e+n.length)+"^"},Mark.prototype.toString=function(t){var i,n="";return'in "''" '),n+="at line "+(this.line+1)+", column "+(this.column+1),t||(i=this.getSnippet(),i&&(n+=":\n"+i)),n},module.exports=Mark; |
| 24658 | |
| 24659 | },{"./common":40}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24660 | "use strict";function compileList(i,e,t){var c=[];return i.include.forEach(function(i){t=compileList(i,e,t)}),i[e].forEach(function(i){t.forEach(function(e,t){e.tag===i.tag&&c.push(t)}),t.push(i)}),t.filter(function(i,e){return-1===c.indexOf(e)})}function compileMap(){function i(i){c[i.tag]=i}var e,t,c={};for(e=0,t=arguments.length;t>e;e+=1)arguments[e].forEach(i);return c}function Schema(i){this.include=i.include||[],this.implicit=i.implicit||[],this.explicit=i.explicit||[],this.implicit.forEach(function(i){if(i.loadKind&&"scalar"!==i.loadKind)throw new YAMLException("There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.")}),this.compiledImplicit=compileList(this,"implicit",[]),this.compiledExplicit=compileList(this,"explicit",[]),this.compiledTypeMap=compileMap(this.compiledImplicit,this.compiledExplicit)}var common=require("./common"),YAMLException=require("./exception"),Type=require("./type");Schema.DEFAULT=null,Schema.create=function(){var i,e;switch(arguments.length){case 1:i=Schema.DEFAULT,e=arguments[0];break;case 2:i=arguments[0],e=arguments[1];break;default:throw new YAMLException("Wrong number of arguments for Schema.create function")}if(i=common.toArray(i),e=common.toArray(e),!i.every(function(i){return i instanceof Schema}))throw new YAMLException("Specified list of super schemas (or a single Schema object) contains a non-Schema object.");if(!e.every(function(i){return i instanceof Type}))throw new YAMLException("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.");return new Schema({include:i,explicit:e})},module.exports=Schema; |
| 24661 | |
| 24662 | },{"./common":40,"./exception":42,"./type":51}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24663 | "use strict";var Schema=require("../schema");module.exports=new Schema({include:[require("./json")]}); |
| 24664 | |
| 24665 | },{"../schema":45,"./json":50}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24666 | "use strict";var Schema=require("../schema");module.exports=Schema.DEFAULT=new Schema({include:[require("./default_safe")],explicit:[require("../type/js/undefined"),require("../type/js/regexp"),require("../type/js/function")]}); |
| 24667 | |
| 24668 | },{"../schema":45,"../type/js/function":56,"../type/js/regexp":57,"../type/js/undefined":58,"./default_safe":48}],48:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24669 | "use strict";var Schema=require("../schema");module.exports=new Schema({include:[require("./core")],implicit:[require("../type/timestamp"),require("../type/merge")],explicit:[require("../type/binary"),require("../type/omap"),require("../type/pairs"),require("../type/set")]}); |
| 24670 | |
| 24671 | },{"../schema":45,"../type/binary":52,"../type/merge":60,"../type/omap":62,"../type/pairs":63,"../type/set":65,"../type/timestamp":67,"./core":46}],49:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24672 | "use strict";var Schema=require("../schema");module.exports=new Schema({explicit:[require("../type/str"),require("../type/seq"),require("../type/map")]}); |
| 24673 | |
| 24674 | },{"../schema":45,"../type/map":59,"../type/seq":64,"../type/str":66}],50:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24675 | "use strict";var Schema=require("../schema");module.exports=new Schema({include:[require("./failsafe")],implicit:[require("../type/null"),require("../type/bool"),require("../type/int"),require("../type/float")]}); |
| 24676 | |
| 24677 | },{"../schema":45,"../type/bool":53,"../type/float":54,"../type/int":55,"../type/null":61,"./failsafe":49}],51:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24678 | "use strict";function compileStyleAliases(e){var t={};return null!==e&&Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n){e[n].forEach(function(e){t[String(e)]=n})}),t}function Type(e,t){if(t=t||{},Object.keys(t).forEach(function(t){if(-1===TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS.indexOf(t))throw new YAMLException('Unknown option "'+t+'" is met in definition of "'+e+'" YAML type.')}),this.tag=e,this.kind=t.kind||null,this.resolve=t.resolve||function(){return!0},this.construct=t.construct||function(e){return e},this.instanceOf=t.instanceOf||null,this.predicate=t.predicate||null,this.represent=t.represent||null,this.defaultStyle=t.defaultStyle||null,this.styleAliases=compileStyleAliases(t.styleAliases||null),-1===YAML_NODE_KINDS.indexOf(this.kind))throw new YAMLException('Unknown kind "'+this.kind+'" is specified for "'+e+'" YAML type.')}var YAMLException=require("./exception"),TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS=["kind","resolve","construct","instanceOf","predicate","represent","defaultStyle","styleAliases"],YAML_NODE_KINDS=["scalar","sequence","mapping"];module.exports=Type; |
| 24679 | |
| 24680 | },{"./exception":42}],52:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24681 | "use strict";function resolveYamlBinary(r){if(null===r)return!1;var e,n,u=0,t=r.length,a=BASE64_MAP;for(n=0;t>n;n++)if(e=a.indexOf(r.charAt(n)),!(e>64)){if(0>e)return!1;u+=6}return u%8===0}function constructYamlBinary(r){var e,n,u=r.replace(/[\r\n=]/g,""),t=u.length,a=BASE64_MAP,f=0,i=[];for(e=0;t>e;e++)e%4===0&&e&&(i.push(f>>16&255),i.push(f>>8&255),i.push(255&f)),f=f<<6|a.indexOf(u.charAt(e));return n=t%4*6,0===n?(i.push(f>>16&255),i.push(f>>8&255),i.push(255&f)):18===n?(i.push(f>>10&255),i.push(f>>2&255)):12===n&&i.push(f>>4&255),NodeBuffer?new NodeBuffer(i):i}function representYamlBinary(r){var e,n,u="",t=0,a=r.length,f=BASE64_MAP;for(e=0;a>e;e++)e%3===0&&e&&(u+=f[t>>18&63],u+=f[t>>12&63],u+=f[t>>6&63],u+=f[63&t]),t=(t<<8)+r[e];return n=a%3,0===n?(u+=f[t>>18&63],u+=f[t>>12&63],u+=f[t>>6&63],u+=f[63&t]):2===n?(u+=f[t>>10&63],u+=f[t>>4&63],u+=f[t<<2&63],u+=f[64]):1===n&&(u+=f[t>>2&63],u+=f[t<<4&63],u+=f[64],u+=f[64]),u}function isBinary(r){return NodeBuffer&&NodeBuffer.isBuffer(r)}var NodeBuffer;try{var _require=require;NodeBuffer=_require("buffer").Buffer}catch(__){}var Type=require("../type"),BASE64_MAP="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r";module.exports=new Type(",2002:binary",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlBinary,construct:constructYamlBinary,predicate:isBinary,represent:representYamlBinary}); |
| 24682 | |
| 24683 | },{"../type":51}],53:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24684 | "use strict";function resolveYamlBoolean(e){if(null===e)return!1;var r=e.length;return 4===r&&("true"===e||"True"===e||"TRUE"===e)||5===r&&("false"===e||"False"===e||"FALSE"===e)}function constructYamlBoolean(e){return"true"===e||"True"===e||"TRUE"===e}function isBoolean(e){return"[object Boolean]"}var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:bool",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlBoolean,construct:constructYamlBoolean,predicate:isBoolean,represent:{lowercase:function(e){return e?"true":"false"},uppercase:function(e){return e?"TRUE":"FALSE"},camelcase:function(e){return e?"True":"False"}},defaultStyle:"lowercase"}); |
| 24685 | |
| 24686 | },{"../type":51}],54:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24687 | "use strict";function resolveYamlFloat(e){return null===e?!1:!!YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN.test(e)}function constructYamlFloat(e){var r,t,a,n;return r=e.replace(/_/g,"").toLowerCase(),t="-"===r[0]?-1:1,n=[],"+-".indexOf(r[0])>=0&&(r=r.slice(1)),".inf"===r?1===t?Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY:Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY:".nan"===r?NaN:r.indexOf(":")>=0?(r.split(":").forEach(function(e){n.unshift(parseFloat(e,10))}),r=0,a=1,n.forEach(function(e){r+=e*a,a*=60}),t*r):t*parseFloat(r,10)}function representYamlFloat(e,r){var t;if(isNaN(e))switch(r){case"lowercase":return".nan";case"uppercase":return".NAN";case"camelcase":return".NaN"}else if(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY===e)switch(r){case"lowercase":return".inf";case"uppercase":return".INF";case"camelcase":return".Inf"}else if(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY===e)switch(r){case"lowercase":return"-.inf";case"uppercase":return"-.INF";case"camelcase":return"-.Inf"}else if(common.isNegativeZero(e))return"-0.0";return t=e.toString(10),SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT.test(t)?t.replace("e",".e"):t}function isFloat(e){return"[object Number]"!==0||common.isNegativeZero(e))}var common=require("../common"),Type=require("../type"),YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN=new RegExp("^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)\\.[0-9_]*(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)?|[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+\\.[0-9_]*|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$"),SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT=/^[-+]?[0-9]+e/;module.exports=new Type(",2002:float",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlFloat,construct:constructYamlFloat,predicate:isFloat,represent:representYamlFloat,defaultStyle:"lowercase"}); |
| 24688 | |
| 24689 | },{"../common":40,"../type":51}],55:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24690 | "use strict";function isHexCode(e){return e>=48&&57>=e||e>=65&&70>=e||e>=97&&102>=e}function isOctCode(e){return e>=48&&55>=e}function isDecCode(e){return e>=48&&57>=e}function resolveYamlInteger(e){if(null===e)return!1;var r,t=e.length,n=0,i=!1;if(!t)return!1;if(r=e[n],"-"!==r&&"+"!==r||(r=e[++n]),"0"===r){if(n+1===t)return!0;if(r=e[++n],"b"===r){for(n++;t>n;n++)if(r=e[n],"_"!==r){if("0"!==r&&"1"!==r)return!1;i=!0}return i}if("x"===r){for(n++;t>n;n++)if(r=e[n],"_"!==r){if(!isHexCode(e.charCodeAt(n)))return!1;i=!0}return i}for(;t>n;n++)if(r=e[n],"_"!==r){if(!isOctCode(e.charCodeAt(n)))return!1;i=!0}return i}for(;t>n;n++)if(r=e[n],"_"!==r){if(":"===r)break;if(!isDecCode(e.charCodeAt(n)))return!1;i=!0}return i?":"!==r?!0:/^(:[0-5]?[0-9])+$/.test(e.slice(n)):!1}function constructYamlInteger(e){var r,t,n=e,i=1,o=[];return-1!==n.indexOf("_")&&(n=n.replace(/_/g,"")),r=n[0],"-"!==r&&"+"!==r||("-"===r&&(i=-1),n=n.slice(1),r=n[0]),"0"===n?0:"0"===r?"b"===n[1]?i*parseInt(n.slice(2),2):"x"===n[1]?i*parseInt(n,16):i*parseInt(n,8):-1!==n.indexOf(":")?(n.split(":").forEach(function(e){o.unshift(parseInt(e,10))}),n=0,t=1,o.forEach(function(e){n+=e*t,t*=60}),i*n):i*parseInt(n,10)}function isInteger(e){return"[object Number]"!common.isNegativeZero(e)}var common=require("../common"),Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:int",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlInteger,construct:constructYamlInteger,predicate:isInteger,represent:{binary:function(e){return"0b"+e.toString(2)},octal:function(e){return"0"+e.toString(8)},decimal:function(e){return e.toString(10)},hexadecimal:function(e){return"0x"+e.toString(16).toUpperCase()}},defaultStyle:"decimal",styleAliases:{binary:[2,"bin"],octal:[8,"oct"],decimal:[10,"dec"],hexadecimal:[16,"hex"]}}); |
| 24691 | |
| 24692 | },{"../common":40,"../type":51}],56:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24693 | "use strict";function resolveJavascriptFunction(e){if(null===e)return!1;try{var r="("+e+")",n=esprima.parse(r,{range:!0});return"Program"===n.type&&1===n.body.length&&"ExpressionStatement"===n.body[0].type&&"FunctionExpression"===n.body[0].expression.type}catch(t){return!1}}function constructJavascriptFunction(e){var r,n="("+e+")",t=esprima.parse(n,{range:!0}),o=[];if("Program"!==t.type||1!==t.body.length||"ExpressionStatement"!==t.body[0].type||"FunctionExpression"!==t.body[0].expression.type)throw new Error("Failed to resolve function");return t.body[0].expression.params.forEach(function(e){o.push(}),r=t.body[0].expression.body.range,new Function(o,n.slice(r[0]+1,r[1]-1))}function representJavascriptFunction(e){return e.toString()}function isFunction(e){return"[object Function]"}var esprima;try{var _require=require;esprima=_require("esprima")}catch(_){"undefined"!=typeof window&&(esprima=window.esprima)}var Type=require("../../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:js/function",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveJavascriptFunction,construct:constructJavascriptFunction,predicate:isFunction,represent:representJavascriptFunction}); |
| 24694 | |
| 24695 | },{"../../type":51}],57:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24696 | "use strict";function resolveJavascriptRegExp(e){if(null===e)return!1;if(0===e.length)return!1;var r=e,t=/\/([gim]*)$/.exec(e),n="";if("/"===r[0]){if(t&&(n=t[1]),n.length>3)return!1;if("/"!==r[r.length-n.length-1])return!1}return!0}function constructJavascriptRegExp(e){var r=e,t=/\/([gim]*)$/.exec(e),n="";return"/"===r[0]&&(t&&(n=t[1]),r=r.slice(1,r.length-n.length-1)),new RegExp(r,n)}function representJavascriptRegExp(e){var r="/"+e.source+"/";return"g"),e.multiline&&(r+="m"),e.ignoreCase&&(r+="i"),r}function isRegExp(e){return"[object RegExp]"}var Type=require("../../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:js/regexp",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveJavascriptRegExp,construct:constructJavascriptRegExp,predicate:isRegExp,represent:representJavascriptRegExp}); |
| 24697 | |
| 24698 | },{"../../type":51}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24699 | "use strict";function resolveJavascriptUndefined(){return!0}function constructJavascriptUndefined(){}function representJavascriptUndefined(){return""}function isUndefined(e){return"undefined"==typeof e}var Type=require("../../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:js/undefined",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveJavascriptUndefined,construct:constructJavascriptUndefined,predicate:isUndefined,represent:representJavascriptUndefined}); |
| 24700 | |
| 24701 | },{"../../type":51}],59:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24702 | "use strict";var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:map",{kind:"mapping",construct:function(e){return null!==e?e:{}}}); |
| 24703 | |
| 24704 | },{"../type":51}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24705 | "use strict";function resolveYamlMerge(e){return"<<"===e||null===e}var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:merge",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlMerge}); |
| 24706 | |
| 24707 | },{"../type":51}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24708 | "use strict";function resolveYamlNull(l){if(null===l)return!0;var e=l.length;return 1===e&&"~"===l||4===e&&("null"===l||"Null"===l||"NULL"===l)}function constructYamlNull(){return null}function isNull(l){return null===l}var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:null",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlNull,construct:constructYamlNull,predicate:isNull,represent:{canonical:function(){return"~"},lowercase:function(){return"null"},uppercase:function(){return"NULL"},camelcase:function(){return"Null"}},defaultStyle:"lowercase"}); |
| 24709 | |
| 24710 | },{"../type":51}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24711 | "use strict";function resolveYamlOmap(r){if(null===r)return!0;var t,e,n,o,u,a=[],l=r;for(t=0,e=l.length;e>t;t+=1){if(n=l[t],u=!1,"[object Object]"!!1;for(o in n)if(,o)){if(u)return!1;u=!0}if(!u)return!1;if(-1!==a.indexOf(o))return!1;a.push(o)}return!0}function constructYamlOmap(r){return null!==r?r:[]}var Type=require("../type"),_hasOwnProperty=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,_toString=Object.prototype.toString;module.exports=new Type(",2002:omap",{kind:"sequence",resolve:resolveYamlOmap,construct:constructYamlOmap}); |
| 24712 | |
| 24713 | },{"../type":51}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24714 | "use strict";function resolveYamlPairs(r){if(null===r)return!0;var e,t,n,l,o,a=r;for(o=new Array(a.length),e=0,t=a.length;t>e;e+=1){if(n=a[e],"[object Object]"!!1;if(l=Object.keys(n),1!==l.length)return!1;o[e]=[l[0],n[l[0]]]}return!0}function constructYamlPairs(r){if(null===r)return[];var e,t,n,l,o,a=r;for(o=new Array(a.length),e=0,t=a.length;t>e;e+=1)n=a[e],l=Object.keys(n),o[e]=[l[0],n[l[0]]];return o}var Type=require("../type"),_toString=Object.prototype.toString;module.exports=new Type(",2002:pairs",{kind:"sequence",resolve:resolveYamlPairs,construct:constructYamlPairs}); |
| 24715 | |
| 24716 | },{"../type":51}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24717 | "use strict";var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:seq",{kind:"sequence",construct:function(e){return null!==e?e:[]}}); |
| 24718 | |
| 24719 | },{"../type":51}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24720 | "use strict";function resolveYamlSet(e){if(null===e)return!0;var r,t=e;for(r in t)if(,r)&&null!==t[r])return!1;return!0}function constructYamlSet(e){return null!==e?e:{}}var Type=require("../type"),_hasOwnProperty=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;module.exports=new Type(",2002:set",{kind:"mapping",resolve:resolveYamlSet,construct:constructYamlSet}); |
| 24721 | |
| 24722 | },{"../type":51}],66:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24723 | "use strict";var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:str",{kind:"scalar",construct:function(r){return null!==r?r:""}}); |
| 24724 | |
| 24725 | },{"../type":51}],67:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24726 | "use strict";function resolveYamlTimestamp(e){return null===e?!1:null!==YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(e)?!0:null!==YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(e)}function constructYamlTimestamp(e){var t,r,n,l,a,m,s,T,i,E,u=0,o=null;if(t=YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(e),null===t&&(t=YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(e)),null===t)throw new Error("Date resolve error");if(r=+t[1],n=+t[2]-1,l=+t[3],!t[4])return new Date(Date.UTC(r,n,l));if(a=+t[4],m=+t[5],s=+t[6],t[7]){for(u=t[7].slice(0,3);u.length<3;)u+="0";u=+u}return t[9]&&(T=+t[10],i=+(t[11]||0),o=6e4*(60*T+i),"-"===t[9]&&(o=-o)),E=new Date(Date.UTC(r,n,l,a,m,s,u)),o&&E.setTime(E.getTime()-o),E}function representYamlTimestamp(e){return e.toISOString()}var Type=require("../type"),YAML_DATE_REGEXP=new RegExp("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])$"),YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP=new RegExp("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(?:\\.([0-9]*))?(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$");module.exports=new Type(",2002:timestamp",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlTimestamp,construct:constructYamlTimestamp,instanceOf:Date,represent:representYamlTimestamp}); |
| 24727 | |
| 24728 | },{"../type":51}],68:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24729 | function parse(e){if(e=""+e,!(e.length>1e4)){var a=/^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(e);if(a){var r=parseFloat(a[1]),c=(a[2]||"ms").toLowerCase();switch(c){case"years":case"year":case"yrs":case"yr":case"y":return r*y;case"days":case"day":case"d":return r*d;case"hours":case"hour":case"hrs":case"hr":case"h":return r*h;case"minutes":case"minute":case"mins":case"min":case"m":return r*m;case"seconds":case"second":case"secs":case"sec":case"s":return r*s;case"milliseconds":case"millisecond":case"msecs":case"msec":case"ms":return r}}}}function short(e){return e>=d?Math.round(e/d)+"d":e>=h?Math.round(e/h)+"h":e>=m?Math.round(e/m)+"m":e>=s?Math.round(e/s)+"s":e+"ms"}function long(e){return plural(e,d,"day")||plural(e,h,"hour")||plural(e,m,"minute")||plural(e,s,"second")||e+" ms"}function plural(s,e,a){return e>s?void 0:1.5*e>s?Math.floor(s/e)+" "+a:Math.ceil(s/e)+" "+a+"s"}var s=1e3,m=60*s,h=60*m,d=24*h,y=365.25*d;module.exports=function(s,e){return e=e||{},"string"==typeof s?parse(s):e["long"]?long(s):short(s)}; |
| 24730 | |
| 24731 | },{}],69:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24732 | /**! |
| 24733 | * Ono v2.2.1 |
| 24734 | * |
| 24735 | * @link |
| 24736 | * @license MIT |
| 24737 | */ |
| 24738 | "use strict";function create(e){return function(r,t,o,n){var c,a=module.exports.formatter;"string"==typeof r?(c=a.apply(null,arguments),r=t=void 0):c="string"==typeof t?a.apply(null,,1)):a.apply(null,,2)),r instanceof Error||(t=r,r=void 0),r&&(c+=(c?" \n":"")+r.message);var i=new e(c);return extendError(i,r),extendToJSON(i),extend(i,t),i}}function extendError(e,r){r&&(extendStack(e,r),extend(e,r,!0))}function extendToJSON(e){e.toJSON=errorToJSON,e.inspect=errorToString}function extend(e,r,t){if(r&&"object"==typeof r)for(var o=Object.keys(r),n=0;n<o.length;n++){var c=o[n];if(!(t&&vendorSpecificErrorProperties.indexOf(c)>=0))try{e[c]=r[c]}catch(a){}}}function errorToJSON(){var e={},r=Object.keys(this);r=r.concat(vendorSpecificErrorProperties);for(var t=0;t<r.length;t++){var o=r[t],n=this[o],c=typeof n;"undefined"!==c&&"function"!==c&&(e[o]=n)}return e}function errorToString(){return JSON.stringify(this,null,2).replace(/\\n/g,"\n")}function extendStack(e,r){if(hasLazyStack(r))extendStackProperty(e,r);else{var t=r.stack;t&&(e.stack+=" \n\n"+r.stack)}}function hasLazyStack(e){if(!supportsLazyStack)return!1;var r=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,"stack");return r?"function"==typeof r.get:!1}function extendStackProperty(e,r){var t=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r,"stack");if(t){var o=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,"stack");Object.defineProperty(e,"stack",{get:function(){return o.get.apply(e)+" \n\n"+r.stack},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0})}}var util=require("util"),slice=Array.prototype.slice,vendorSpecificErrorProperties=["name","message","description","number","fileName","lineNumber","columnNumber","sourceURL","line","column","stack"];module.exports=create(Error),module.exports.error=create(Error),module.exports.eval=create(EvalError),module.exports.range=create(RangeError),module.exports.reference=create(ReferenceError),module.exports.syntax=create(SyntaxError),module.exports.type=create(TypeError),module.exports.uri=create(URIError),module.exports.formatter=util.format;var supportsLazyStack=function(){return!(!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor||!Object.defineProperty||"undefined"!=typeof navigator&&/Android/.test(navigator.userAgent))}(); |
| 24739 | |
| 24740 | },{"util":97}],70:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24741 | (function (process){ |
| 24742 | "use strict";function nextTick(e){for(var s=new Array(arguments.length-1),n=0;n<s.length;)s[n++]=arguments[n];process.nextTick(function(){e.apply(null,s)})}!process.version||0===process.version.indexOf("v0.")||0===process.version.indexOf("v1.")&&0!==process.version.indexOf("v1.8.")?module.exports=nextTick:module.exports=process.nextTick; |
| 24743 | |
| 24744 | }).call(this,require('_process')) |
| 24745 | |
| 24746 | },{"_process":71}],71:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24747 | function cleanUpNextTick(){draining=!1,currentQueue.length?queue=currentQueue.concat(queue):queueIndex=-1,queue.length&&drainQueue()}function drainQueue(){if(!draining){var e=setTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);draining=!0;for(var n=queue.length;n;){for(currentQueue=queue,queue=[];++queueIndex<n;)currentQueue&¤tQueue[queueIndex].run();queueIndex=-1,n=queue.length}currentQueue=null,draining=!1,clearTimeout(e)}}function Item(e,n){,this.array=n}function noop(){}var process=module.exports={},queue=[],draining=!1,currentQueue,queueIndex=-1;process.nextTick=function(e){var n=new Array(arguments.length-1);if(arguments.length>1)for(var r=1;r<arguments.length;r++)n[r-1]=arguments[r];queue.push(new Item(e,n)),1!==queue.length||draining||setTimeout(drainQueue,0)},{,this.array)},process.title="browser",process.browser=!0,process.env={},process.argv=[],process.version="",process.versions={},process.on=noop,process.addListener=noop,process.once=noop,,process.removeListener=noop,process.removeAllListeners=noop,process.emit=noop,process.binding=function(e){throw new Error("process.binding is not supported")},process.cwd=function(){return"/"},process.chdir=function(e){throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported")},process.umask=function(){return 0}; |
| 24748 | |
| 24749 | },{}],72:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24750 | (function (global){ |
| 24751 | /*! v1.4.1 by @mathias */ |
| 24752 | !function(e){function o(e){throw new RangeError(T[e])}function n(e,o){for(var n=e.length,r=[];n--;)r[n]=o(e[n]);return r}function r(e,o){var r=e.split("@"),t="";r.length>1&&(t=r[0]+"@",e=r[1]),e=e.replace(S,".");var u=e.split("."),i=n(u,o).join(".");return t+i}function t(e){for(var o,n,r=[],t=0,u=e.length;u>t;)o=e.charCodeAt(t++),o>=55296&&56319>=o&&u>t?(n=e.charCodeAt(t++),56320==(64512&n)?r.push(((1023&o)<<10)+(1023&n)+65536):(r.push(o),t--)):r.push(o);return r}function u(e){return n(e,function(e){var o="";return e>65535&&(e-=65536,o+=P(e>>>10&1023|55296),e=56320|1023&e),o+=P(e)}).join("")}function i(e){return 10>e-48?e-22:26>e-65?e-65:26>e-97?e-97:b}function f(e,o){return e+22+75*(26>e)-((0!=o)<<5)}function c(e,o,n){var r=0;for(e=n?M(e/j):e>>1,e+=M(e/o);e>L*C>>1;r+=b)e=M(e/L);return M(r+(L+1)*e/(e+m))}function l(e){var n,r,t,f,l,s,d,a,p,h,v=[],g=e.length,w=0,m=I,j=A;for(r=e.lastIndexOf(E),0>r&&(r=0),t=0;r>t;++t)e.charCodeAt(t)>=128&&o("not-basic"),v.push(e.charCodeAt(t));for(f=r>0?r+1:0;g>f;){for(l=w,s=1,d=b;f>=g&&o("invalid-input"),a=i(e.charCodeAt(f++)),(a>=b||a>M((x-w)/s))&&o("overflow"),w+=a*s,p=j>=d?y:d>=j+C?C:d-j,!(p>a);d+=b)h=b-p,s>M(x/h)&&o("overflow"),s*=h;n=v.length+1,j=c(w-l,n,0==l),M(w/n)>x-m&&o("overflow"),m+=M(w/n),w%=n,v.splice(w++,0,m)}return u(v)}function s(e){var n,r,u,i,l,s,d,a,p,h,v,g,w,m,j,F=[];for(e=t(e),g=e.length,n=I,r=0,l=A,s=0;g>s;++s)v=e[s],128>v&&F.push(P(v));for(u=i=F.length,i&&F.push(E);g>u;){for(d=x,s=0;g>s;++s)v=e[s],v>=n&&d>v&&(d=v);for(w=u+1,d-n>M((x-r)/w)&&o("overflow"),r+=(d-n)*w,n=d,s=0;g>s;++s)if(v=e[s],n>v&&++r>x&&o("overflow"),v==n){for(a=r,p=b;h=l>=p?y:p>=l+C?C:p-l,!(h>a);p+=b)j=a-h,m=b-h,F.push(P(f(h+j%m,0))),a=M(j/m);F.push(P(f(a,0))),l=c(r,w,u==i),r=0,++u}++r,++n}return F.join("")}function d(e){return r(e,function(e){return F.test(e)?l(e.slice(4).toLowerCase()):e})}function a(e){return r(e,function(e){return O.test(e)?"xn--"+s(e):e})}var p="object"==typeof exports&&exports&&!exports.nodeType&&exports,h="object"==typeof module&&module&&!module.nodeType&&module,v="object"==typeof global&&global;!==v&&v.window!==v&&v.self!==v||(e=v);var g,w,x=2147483647,b=36,y=1,C=26,m=38,j=700,A=72,I=128,E="-",F=/^xn--/,O=/[^\x20-\x7E]/,S=/[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g,T={overflow:"Overflow: input needs wider integers to process","not-basic":"Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)","invalid-input":"Invalid input"},L=b-y,M=Math.floor,P=String.fromCharCode;if(g={version:"1.4.1",ucs2:{decode:t,encode:u},decode:l,encode:s,toASCII:a,toUnicode:d},"function"==typeof define&&"object"==typeof define.amd&&define.amd)define("punycode",function(){return g});else if(p&&h)if(module.exports==p)h.exports=g;else for(w in g)g.hasOwnProperty(w)&&(p[w]=g[w]);else e.punycode=g}(this); |
| 24753 | |
| 24754 | }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 24755 | |
| 24756 | },{}],73:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24757 | "use strict";function hasOwnProperty(r,e){return,e)}module.exports=function(r,e,t,n){e=e||"&",t=t||"=";var o={};if("string"!=typeof r||0===r.length)return o;var a=/\+/g;r=r.split(e);var s=1e3;n&&"number"==typeof n.maxKeys&&(s=n.maxKeys);var p=r.length;s>0&&p>s&&(p=s);for(var y=0;p>y;++y){var u,c,i,l,f=r[y].replace(a,"%20"),v=f.indexOf(t);v>=0?(u=f.substr(0,v),c=f.substr(v+1)):(u=f,c=""),i=decodeURIComponent(u),l=decodeURIComponent(c),hasOwnProperty(o,i)?isArray(o[i])?o[i].push(l):o[i]=[o[i],l]:o[i]=l}return o};var isArray=Array.isArray||function(r){return"[object Array]"}; |
| 24758 | |
| 24759 | },{}],74:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24760 | "use strict";function map(r,e){if(;for(var t=[],n=0;n<r.length;n++)t.push(e(r[n],n));return t}var stringifyPrimitive=function(r){switch(typeof r){case"string":return r;case"boolean":return r?"true":"false";case"number":return isFinite(r)?r:"";default:return""}};module.exports=function(r,e,t,n){return e=e||"&",t=t||"=",null===r&&(r=void 0),"object"==typeof r?map(objectKeys(r),function(n){var i=encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(n))+t;return isArray(r[n])?map(r[n],function(r){return i+encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(r))}).join(e):i+encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(r[n]))}).join(e):n?encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(n))+t+encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(r)):""};var isArray=Array.isArray||function(r){return"[object Array]"},objectKeys=Object.keys||function(r){var e=[];for(var t in r),t)&&e.push(t);return e}; |
| 24761 | |
| 24762 | },{}],75:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24763 | "use strict";exports.decode=exports.parse=require("./decode"),exports.encode=exports.stringify=require("./encode"); |
| 24764 | |
| 24765 | },{"./decode":73,"./encode":74}],76:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24766 | module.exports=require("./lib/_stream_duplex.js"); |
| 24767 | |
| 24768 | },{"./lib/_stream_duplex.js":77}],77:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24769 | "use strict";function Duplex(e){return this instanceof Duplex?(,e),,e),e&&e.readable===!1&&(this.readable=!1),e&&e.writable===!1&&(this.writable=!1),this.allowHalfOpen=!0,e&&e.allowHalfOpen===!1&&(this.allowHalfOpen=!1),void this.once("end",onend)):new Duplex(e)}function onend(){this.allowHalfOpen||this._writableState.ended||processNextTick(onEndNT,this)}function onEndNT(e){e.end()}function forEach(e,t){for(var r=0,i=e.length;i>r;r++)t(e[r],r)}var objectKeys=Object.keys||function(e){var t=[];for(var r in e)t.push(r);return t};module.exports=Duplex;var processNextTick=require("process-nextick-args"),util=require("core-util-is");util.inherits=require("inherits");var Readable=require("./_stream_readable"),Writable=require("./_stream_writable");util.inherits(Duplex,Readable);for(var keys=objectKeys(Writable.prototype),v=0;v<keys.length;v++){var method=keys[v];Duplex.prototype[method]||(Duplex.prototype[method]=Writable.prototype[method])} |
| 24770 | |
| 24771 | },{"./_stream_readable":79,"./_stream_writable":81,"core-util-is":28,"inherits":35,"process-nextick-args":70}],78:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24772 | "use strict";function PassThrough(r){return this instanceof PassThrough?void,r):new PassThrough(r)}module.exports=PassThrough;var Transform=require("./_stream_transform"),util=require("core-util-is");util.inherits=require("inherits"),util.inherits(PassThrough,Transform),PassThrough.prototype._transform=function(r,s,i){i(null,r)}; |
| 24773 | |
| 24774 | },{"./_stream_transform":80,"core-util-is":28,"inherits":35}],79:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24775 | (function (process){ |
| 24776 | "use strict";function ReadableState(e,t){Duplex=Duplex||require("./_stream_duplex"),e=e||{},this.objectMode=!!e.objectMode,t instanceof Duplex&&(this.objectMode=this.objectMode||!!e.readableObjectMode);var r=e.highWaterMark,n=this.objectMode?16:16384;this.highWaterMark=r||0===r?r:n,this.highWaterMark=~~this.highWaterMark,this.buffer=[],this.length=0,this.pipes=null,this.pipesCount=0,this.flowing=null,this.ended=!1,this.endEmitted=!1,this.reading=!1,this.sync=!0,this.needReadable=!1,this.emittedReadable=!1,this.readableListening=!1,this.resumeScheduled=!1,this.defaultEncoding=e.defaultEncoding||"utf8",this.ranOut=!1,this.awaitDrain=0,this.readingMore=!1,this.decoder=null,this.encoding=null,e.encoding&&(StringDecoder||(StringDecoder=require("string_decoder/").StringDecoder),this.decoder=new StringDecoder(e.encoding),this.encoding=e.encoding)}function Readable(e){return Duplex=Duplex||require("./_stream_duplex"),this instanceof Readable?(this._readableState=new ReadableState(e,this),this.readable=!0,e&&"function"==typeof,void Readable(e)}function readableAddChunk(e,t,r,n,a){var i=chunkInvalid(t,r);if(i)e.emit("error",i);else if(null===r)t.reading=!1,onEofChunk(e,t);else if(t.objectMode||r&&r.length>0)if(t.ended&&!a){var d=new Error("stream.push() after EOF");e.emit("error",d)}else if(t.endEmitted&&a){var d=new Error("stream.unshift() after end event");e.emit("error",d)}else{var o;!t.decoder||a||n||(r=t.decoder.write(r),o=!t.objectMode&&0===r.length),a||(t.reading=!1),o||(t.flowing&&0===t.length&&!t.sync?(e.emit("data",r),,a?t.buffer.unshift(r):t.buffer.push(r),t.needReadable&&emitReadable(e))),maybeReadMore(e,t)}else a||(t.reading=!1);return needMoreData(t)}function needMoreData(e){return!e.ended&&(e.needReadable||e.length<e.highWaterMark||0===e.length)}function computeNewHighWaterMark(e){return e>=MAX_HWM?e=MAX_HWM:(e--,e|=e>>>1,e|=e>>>2,e|=e>>>4,e|=e>>>8,e|=e>>>16,e++),e}function howMuchToRead(e,t){return 0===t.length&&t.ended?0:t.objectMode?0===e?0:1:null===e||isNaN(e)?t.flowing&&t.buffer.length?t.buffer[0].length:t.length:0>=e?0:(e>t.highWaterMark&&(t.highWaterMark=computeNewHighWaterMark(e)),e>t.length?t.ended?t.length:(t.needReadable=!0,0):e)}function chunkInvalid(e,t){var r=null;return Buffer.isBuffer(t)||"string"==typeof t||null===t||void 0===t||e.objectMode||(r=new TypeError("Invalid non-string/buffer chunk")),r}function onEofChunk(e,t){if(!t.ended){if(t.decoder){var r=t.decoder.end();r&&r.length&&(t.buffer.push(r),t.length+=t.objectMode?1:r.length)}t.ended=!0,emitReadable(e)}}function emitReadable(e){var t=e._readableState;t.needReadable=!1,t.emittedReadable||(debug("emitReadable",t.flowing),t.emittedReadable=!0,t.sync?processNextTick(emitReadable_,e):emitReadable_(e))}function emitReadable_(e){debug("emit readable"),e.emit("readable"),flow(e)}function maybeReadMore(e,t){t.readingMore||(t.readingMore=!0,processNextTick(maybeReadMore_,e,t))}function maybeReadMore_(e,t){for(var r=t.length;!t.reading&&!t.flowing&&!t.ended&&t.length<t.highWaterMark&&(debug("maybeReadMore read 0"),,r!==t.length);)r=t.length;t.readingMore=!1}function pipeOnDrain(e){return function(){var t=e._readableState;debug("pipeOnDrain",t.awaitDrain),t.awaitDrain&&t.awaitDrain--,0===t.awaitDrain&&EElistenerCount(e,"data")&&(t.flowing=!0,flow(e))}}function nReadingNextTick(e){debug("readable nexttick read 0"),}function resume(e,t){t.resumeScheduled||(t.resumeScheduled=!0,processNextTick(resume_,e,t))}function resume_(e,t){t.reading||(debug("resume read 0"),,t.resumeScheduled=!1,e.emit("resume"),flow(e),t.flowing&&!t.reading&&}function flow(e){var t=e._readableState;if(debug("flow",t.flowing),t.flowing)do var;while(null!==r&&t.flowing)}function fromList(e,t){var r,n=t.buffer,a=t.length,i=!!t.decoder,d=!!t.objectMode;if(0===n.length)return null;if(0===a)r=null;else if(d)r=n.shift();else if(!e||e>=a)r=i?n.join(""):1===n.length?n[0]:Buffer.concat(n,a),n.length=0;else if(e<n[0].length){var o=n[0];r=o.slice(0,e),n[0]=o.slice(e)}else if(e===n[0].length)r=n.shift();else{r=i?"":new Buffer(e);for(var l=0,u=0,s=n.length;s>u&&e>l;u++){var o=n[0],h=Math.min(e-l,o.length);i?r+=o.slice(0,h):o.copy(r,l,0,h),h<o.length?n[0]=o.slice(h):n.shift(),l+=h}}return r}function endReadable(e){var t=e._readableState;if(t.length>0)throw new Error("endReadable called on non-empty stream");t.endEmitted||(t.ended=!0,processNextTick(endReadableNT,t,e))}function endReadableNT(e,t){e.endEmitted||0!==e.length||(e.endEmitted=!0,t.readable=!1,t.emit("end"))}function forEach(e,t){for(var r=0,n=e.length;n>r;r++)t(e[r],r)}function indexOf(e,t){for(var r=0,n=e.length;n>r;r++)if(e[r]===t)return r;return-1}module.exports=Readable;var processNextTick=require("process-nextick-args"),isArray=require("isarray"),Buffer=require("buffer").Buffer;Readable.ReadableState=ReadableState;var EE=require("events"),EElistenerCount=function(e,t){return e.listeners(t).length},Stream;!function(){try{Stream=require("stream")}catch(e){}finally{Stream||(Stream=require("events").EventEmitter)}}();var Buffer=require("buffer").Buffer,util=require("core-util-is");util.inherits=require("inherits");var debugUtil=require("util"),debug=void 0;debug=debugUtil&&debugUtil.debuglog?debugUtil.debuglog("stream"):function(){};var StringDecoder;util.inherits(Readable,Stream);var Duplex,Duplex;Readable.prototype.push=function(e,t){var r=this._readableState;return r.objectMode||"string"!=typeof e||(t=t||r.defaultEncoding,t!==r.encoding&&(e=new Buffer(e,t),t="")),readableAddChunk(this,r,e,t,!1)},Readable.prototype.unshift=function(e){var t=this._readableState;return readableAddChunk(this,t,e,"",!0)},Readable.prototype.isPaused=function(){return this._readableState.flowing===!1},Readable.prototype.setEncoding=function(e){return StringDecoder||(StringDecoder=require("string_decoder/").StringDecoder),this._readableState.decoder=new StringDecoder(e),this._readableState.encoding=e,this};var MAX_HWM=8388608;{debug("read",e);var t=this._readableState,r=e;if(("number"!=typeof e||e>0)&&(t.emittedReadable=!1),0===e&&t.needReadable&&(t.length>=t.highWaterMark||t.ended))return debug("read: emitReadable",t.length,t.ended),0===t.length&&t.ended?endReadable(this):emitReadable(this),null;if(e=howMuchToRead(e,t),0===e&&t.ended)return 0===t.length&&endReadable(this),null;var n=t.needReadable;debug("need readable",n),(0===t.length||t.length-e<t.highWaterMark)&&(n=!0,debug("length less than watermark",n)),(t.ended||t.reading)&&(n=!1,debug("reading or ended",n)),n&&(debug("do read"),t.reading=!0,t.sync=!0,0===t.length&&(t.needReadable=!0),this._read(t.highWaterMark),t.sync=!1),n&&!t.reading&&(e=howMuchToRead(r,t));var a;return a=e>0?fromList(e,t):null,null===a&&(t.needReadable=!0,e=0),t.length-=e,0!==t.length||t.ended||(t.needReadable=!0),r!==e&&t.ended&&0===t.length&&endReadable(this),null!==a&&this.emit("data",a),a},Readable.prototype._read=function(e){this.emit("error",new Error("not implemented"))},Readable.prototype.pipe=function(e,t){function r(e){debug("onunpipe"),e===s&&a()}function n(){debug("onend"),e.end()}function a(){debug("cleanup"),e.removeListener("close",o),e.removeListener("finish",l),e.removeListener("drain",c),e.removeListener("error",d),e.removeListener("unpipe",r),s.removeListener("end",n),s.removeListener("end",a),s.removeListener("data",i),b=!0,!h.awaitDrain||e._writableState&&!e._writableState.needDrain||c()}function i(t){debug("ondata");var r=e.write(t);!1===r&&(1!==h.pipesCount||h.pipes[0]!==e||1!==s.listenerCount("data")||b||(debug("false write response, pause",s._readableState.awaitDrain),s._readableState.awaitDrain++),s.pause())}function d(t){debug("onerror",t),u(),e.removeListener("error",d),0===EElistenerCount(e,"error")&&e.emit("error",t)}function o(){e.removeListener("finish",l),u()}function l(){debug("onfinish"),e.removeListener("close",o),u()}function u(){debug("unpipe"),s.unpipe(e)}var s=this,h=this._readableState;switch(h.pipesCount){case 0:h.pipes=e;break;case 1:h.pipes=[h.pipes,e];break;default:h.pipes.push(e)}h.pipesCount+=1,debug("pipe count=%d opts=%j",h.pipesCount,t);var f=(!t||t.end!==!1)&&e!==process.stdout&&e!==process.stderr,p=f?n:a;h.endEmitted?processNextTick(p):s.once("end",p),e.on("unpipe",r);var c=pipeOnDrain(s);e.on("drain",c);var b=!1;return s.on("data",i),e._events&&e._events.error?isArray(e._events.error)?e._events.error.unshift(d):e._events.error=[d,e._events.error]:e.on("error",d),e.once("close",o),e.once("finish",l),e.emit("pipe",s),h.flowing||(debug("pipe resume"),s.resume()),e},Readable.prototype.unpipe=function(e){var t=this._readableState;if(0===t.pipesCount)return this;if(1===t.pipesCount)return e&&e!==t.pipes?this:(e||(e=t.pipes),t.pipes=null,t.pipesCount=0,t.flowing=!1,e&&e.emit("unpipe",this),this);if(!e){var r=t.pipes,n=t.pipesCount;t.pipes=null,t.pipesCount=0,t.flowing=!1;for(var a=0;n>a;a++)r[a].emit("unpipe",this);return this}var i=indexOf(t.pipes,e);return-1===i?this:(t.pipes.splice(i,1),t.pipesCount-=1,1===t.pipesCount&&(t.pipes=t.pipes[0]),e.emit("unpipe",this),this)},Readable.prototype.on=function(e,t){var,e,t);if("data"===e&&!1!==this._readableState.flowing&&this.resume(),"readable"===e&&!this._readableState.endEmitted){var n=this._readableState;n.readableListening||(n.readableListening=!0,n.emittedReadable=!1,n.needReadable=!0,n.reading?n.length&&emitReadable(this,n):processNextTick(nReadingNextTick,this))}return r},Readable.prototype.addListener=Readable.prototype.on,Readable.prototype.resume=function(){var e=this._readableState;return e.flowing||(debug("resume"),e.flowing=!0,resume(this,e)),this},Readable.prototype.pause=function(){return debug("call pause flowing=%j",this._readableState.flowing),!1!==this._readableState.flowing&&(debug("pause"),this._readableState.flowing=!1,this.emit("pause")),this},Readable.prototype.wrap=function(e){var t=this._readableState,r=!1,n=this;e.on("end",function(){if(debug("wrapped end"),t.decoder&&!t.ended){var e=t.decoder.end();e&&e.length&&n.push(e)}n.push(null)}),e.on("data",function(a){if(debug("wrapped data"),t.decoder&&(a=t.decoder.write(a)),(!t.objectMode||null!==a&&void 0!==a)&&(t.objectMode||a&&a.length)){var i=n.push(a);i||(r=!0,e.pause())}});for(var a in e)void 0===this[a]&&"function"==typeof e[a]&&(this[a]=function(t){return function(){return e[t].apply(e,arguments)}}(a));var i=["error","close","destroy","pause","resume"];return forEach(i,function(t){e.on(t,n.emit.bind(n,t))}),n._read=function(t){debug("wrapped _read",t),r&&(r=!1,e.resume())},n},Readable._fromList=fromList; |
| 24777 | |
| 24778 | }).call(this,require('_process')) |
| 24779 | |
| 24780 | },{"./_stream_duplex":77,"_process":71,"buffer":25,"core-util-is":28,"events":32,"inherits":35,"isarray":37,"process-nextick-args":70,"stream":86,"string_decoder/":91,"util":23}],80:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24781 | "use strict";function TransformState(r){this.afterTransform=function(t,n){return afterTransform(r,t,n)},this.needTransform=!1,this.transforming=!1,this.writecb=null,this.writechunk=null,this.writeencoding=null}function afterTransform(r,t,n){var e=r._transformState;e.transforming=!1;var i=e.writecb;if(!i)return r.emit("error",new Error("no writecb in Transform class"));e.writechunk=null,e.writecb=null,null!==n&&void 0!==n&&r.push(n),i(t);var a=r._readableState;a.reading=!1,(a.needReadable||a.length<a.highWaterMark)&&r._read(a.highWaterMark)}function Transform(r){if(!(this instanceof Transform))return new Transform(r);,r),this._transformState=new TransformState(this);var t=this;this._readableState.needReadable=!0,this._readableState.sync=!1,r&&("function"==typeof r.transform&&(this._transform=r.transform),"function"==typeof r.flush&&(this._flush=r.flush)),this.once("prefinish",function(){"function"==typeof this._flush?this._flush(function(r){done(t,r)}):done(t)})}function done(r,t){if(t)return r.emit("error",t);var n=r._writableState,e=r._transformState;if(n.length)throw new Error("calling transform done when ws.length != 0");if(e.transforming)throw new Error("calling transform done when still transforming");return r.push(null)}module.exports=Transform;var Duplex=require("./_stream_duplex"),util=require("core-util-is");util.inherits=require("inherits"),util.inherits(Transform,Duplex),Transform.prototype.push=function(r,t){return this._transformState.needTransform=!1,,r,t)},Transform.prototype._transform=function(r,t,n){throw new Error("not implemented")},Transform.prototype._write=function(r,t,n){var e=this._transformState;if(e.writecb=n,e.writechunk=r,e.writeencoding=t,!e.transforming){var i=this._readableState;(e.needTransform||i.needReadable||i.length<i.highWaterMark)&&this._read(i.highWaterMark)}},Transform.prototype._read=function(r){var t=this._transformState;null!==t.writechunk&&t.writecb&&!t.transforming?(t.transforming=!0,this._transform(t.writechunk,t.writeencoding,t.afterTransform)):t.needTransform=!0}; |
| 24782 | |
| 24783 | },{"./_stream_duplex":77,"core-util-is":28,"inherits":35}],81:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24784 | (function (process){ |
| 24785 | "use strict";function nop(){}function WriteReq(e,t,r){this.chunk=e,this.encoding=t,this.callback=r,}function WritableState(e,t){Duplex=Duplex||require("./_stream_duplex"),e=e||{},this.objectMode=!!e.objectMode,t instanceof Duplex&&(this.objectMode=this.objectMode||!!e.writableObjectMode);var r=e.highWaterMark,i=this.objectMode?16:16384;this.highWaterMark=r||0===r?r:i,this.highWaterMark=~~this.highWaterMark,this.needDrain=!1,this.ending=!1,this.ended=!1,this.finished=!1;var n=e.decodeStrings===!1;this.decodeStrings=!n,this.defaultEncoding=e.defaultEncoding||"utf8",this.length=0,this.writing=!1,this.corked=0,this.sync=!0,this.bufferProcessing=!1,this.onwrite=function(e){onwrite(t,e)},this.writecb=null,this.writelen=0,this.bufferedRequest=null,this.lastBufferedRequest=null,this.pendingcb=0,this.prefinished=!1,this.errorEmitted=!1,this.bufferedRequestCount=0,this.corkedRequestsFree=new CorkedRequest(this), CorkedRequest(this)}function Writable(e){return Duplex=Duplex||require("./_stream_duplex"),this instanceof Writable||this instanceof Duplex?(this._writableState=new WritableState(e,this),this.writable=!0,e&&("function"==typeof e.write&&(this._write=e.write),"function"==typeof e.writev&&(this._writev=e.writev)),void Writable(e)}function writeAfterEnd(e,t){var r=new Error("write after end");e.emit("error",r),processNextTick(t,r)}function validChunk(e,t,r,i){var n=!0;if(!Buffer.isBuffer(r)&&"string"!=typeof r&&null!==r&&void 0!==r&&!t.objectMode){var s=new TypeError("Invalid non-string/buffer chunk");e.emit("error",s),processNextTick(i,s),n=!1}return n}function decodeChunk(e,t,r){return e.objectMode||e.decodeStrings===!1||"string"!=typeof t||(t=new Buffer(t,r)),t}function writeOrBuffer(e,t,r,i,n){r=decodeChunk(t,r,i),Buffer.isBuffer(r)&&(i="buffer");var s=t.objectMode?1:r.length;t.length+=s;var f=t.length<t.highWaterMark;if(f||(t.needDrain=!0),t.writing||t.corked){var u=t.lastBufferedRequest;t.lastBufferedRequest=new WriteReq(r,i,n),u?,t.bufferedRequestCount+=1}else doWrite(e,t,!1,s,r,i,n);return f}function doWrite(e,t,r,i,n,s,f){t.writelen=i,t.writecb=f,t.writing=!0,t.sync=!0,r?e._writev(n,t.onwrite):e._write(n,s,t.onwrite),t.sync=!1}function onwriteError(e,t,r,i,n){--t.pendingcb,r?processNextTick(n,i):n(i),e._writableState.errorEmitted=!0,e.emit("error",i)}function onwriteStateUpdate(e){e.writing=!1,e.writecb=null,e.length-=e.writelen,e.writelen=0}function onwrite(e,t){var r=e._writableState,i=r.sync,n=r.writecb;if(onwriteStateUpdate(r),t)onwriteError(e,r,i,t,n);else{var s=needFinish(r);s||r.corked||r.bufferProcessing||!r.bufferedRequest||clearBuffer(e,r),i?asyncWrite(afterWrite,e,r,s,n):afterWrite(e,r,s,n)}}function afterWrite(e,t,r,i){r||onwriteDrain(e,t),t.pendingcb--,i(),finishMaybe(e,t)}function onwriteDrain(e,t){0===t.length&&t.needDrain&&(t.needDrain=!1,e.emit("drain"))}function clearBuffer(e,t){t.bufferProcessing=!0;var r=t.bufferedRequest;if(e._writev&&r&&{var i=t.bufferedRequestCount,n=new Array(i),s=t.corkedRequestsFree;s.entry=r;for(var f=0;r;)n[f]=r,,f+=1;doWrite(e,t,!0,t.length,n,"",s.finish),t.pendingcb++,t.lastBufferedRequest=null,,}else{for(;r;){var u=r.chunk,o=r.encoding,a=r.callback,c=t.objectMode?1:u.length;if(doWrite(e,t,!1,c,u,o,a),,t.writing)break}null===r&&(t.lastBufferedRequest=null)}t.bufferedRequestCount=0,t.bufferedRequest=r,t.bufferProcessing=!1}function needFinish(e){return e.ending&&0===e.length&&null===e.bufferedRequest&&!e.finished&&!e.writing}function prefinish(e,t){t.prefinished||(t.prefinished=!0,e.emit("prefinish"))}function finishMaybe(e,t){var r=needFinish(t);return r&&(0===t.pendingcb?(prefinish(e,t),t.finished=!0,e.emit("finish")):prefinish(e,t)),r}function endWritable(e,t,r){t.ending=!0,finishMaybe(e,t),r&&(t.finished?processNextTick(r):e.once("finish",r)),t.ended=!0,e.writable=!1}function CorkedRequest(e){var t=this;,this.entry=null,this.finish=function(r){var i=t.entry;for(t.entry=null;i;){var n=i.callback;e.pendingcb--,n(r),}e.corkedRequestsFree?}}module.exports=Writable;var processNextTick=require("process-nextick-args"),asyncWrite=!process.browser&&["v0.10","v0.9."].indexOf(process.version.slice(0,5))>-1?setImmediate:processNextTick,Buffer=require("buffer").Buffer;Writable.WritableState=WritableState;var util=require("core-util-is");util.inherits=require("inherits");var internalUtil={deprecate:require("util-deprecate")},Stream;!function(){try{Stream=require("stream")}catch(e){}finally{Stream||(Stream=require("events").EventEmitter)}}();var Buffer=require("buffer").Buffer;util.inherits(Writable,Stream);var Duplex;WritableState.prototype.getBuffer=function(){for(var e=this.bufferedRequest,t=[];e;)t.push(e),;return t},function(){try{Object.defineProperty(WritableState.prototype,"buffer",{get:internalUtil.deprecate(function(){return this.getBuffer()},"_writableState.buffer is deprecated. 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| 24786 | |
| 24787 | }).call(this,require('_process')) |
| 24788 | |
| 24789 | },{"./_stream_duplex":77,"_process":71,"buffer":25,"core-util-is":28,"events":32,"inherits":35,"process-nextick-args":70,"stream":86,"util-deprecate":95}],82:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24790 | module.exports=require("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js"); |
| 24791 | |
| 24792 | },{"./lib/_stream_passthrough.js":78}],83:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24793 | var Stream=function(){try{return require("stream")}catch(r){}}();exports=module.exports=require("./lib/_stream_readable.js"),exports.Stream=Stream||exports,exports.Readable=exports,exports.Writable=require("./lib/_stream_writable.js"),exports.Duplex=require("./lib/_stream_duplex.js"),exports.Transform=require("./lib/_stream_transform.js"),exports.PassThrough=require("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js"); |
| 24794 | |
| 24795 | },{"./lib/_stream_duplex.js":77,"./lib/_stream_passthrough.js":78,"./lib/_stream_readable.js":79,"./lib/_stream_transform.js":80,"./lib/_stream_writable.js":81,"stream":86}],84:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24796 | module.exports=require("./lib/_stream_transform.js"); |
| 24797 | |
| 24798 | },{"./lib/_stream_transform.js":80}],85:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24799 | module.exports=require("./lib/_stream_writable.js"); |
| 24800 | |
| 24801 | },{"./lib/_stream_writable.js":81}],86:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24802 | function Stream(){}module.exports=Stream;var EE=require("events").EventEmitter,inherits=require("inherits");inherits(Stream,EE),Stream.Readable=require("readable-stream/readable.js"),Stream.Writable=require("readable-stream/writable.js"),Stream.Duplex=require("readable-stream/duplex.js"),Stream.Transform=require("readable-stream/transform.js"),Stream.PassThrough=require("readable-stream/passthrough.js"),Stream.Stream=Stream,Stream.prototype.pipe=function(e,r){function t(r){e.writable&&!1===e.write(r)&&m.pause&&m.pause()}function n(){m.readable&&m.resume&&m.resume()}function a(){u||(u=!0,e.end())}function o(){u||(u=!0,"function"==typeof e.destroy&&e.destroy())}function i(e){if(s(),0===EE.listenerCount(this,"error"))throw e}function s(){m.removeListener("data",t),e.removeListener("drain",n),m.removeListener("end",a),m.removeListener("close",o),m.removeListener("error",i),e.removeListener("error",i),m.removeListener("end",s),m.removeListener("close",s),e.removeListener("close",s)}var m=this;m.on("data",t),e.on("drain",n),e._isStdio||r&&r.end===!1||(m.on("end",a),m.on("close",o));var u=!1;return m.on("error",i),e.on("error",i),m.on("end",s),m.on("close",s),e.on("close",s),e.emit("pipe",m),e}; |
| 24803 | |
| 24804 | },{"events":32,"inherits":35,"readable-stream/duplex.js":76,"readable-stream/passthrough.js":82,"readable-stream/readable.js":83,"readable-stream/transform.js":84,"readable-stream/writable.js":85}],87:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24805 | (function (global){ |
| 24806 | var ClientRequest=require("./lib/request"),extend=require("xtend"),statusCodes=require("builtin-status-codes"),url=require("url"),http=exports;http.request=function(t,e){t="string"==typeof t?url.parse(t):extend(t);var^https?:$/)?"http:":"",s=t.protocol||r,o=t.hostname||,n=t.port,u=t.path||"/";o&&-1!==o.indexOf(":")&&(o="["+o+"]"),t.url=(o?s+"//"+o:"")+(n?":"+n:"")+u,t.method=(t.method||"GET").toUpperCase(),t.headers=t.headers||{};var C=new ClientRequest(t);return e&&C.on("response",e),C},http.get=function(t,e){var r=http.request(t,e);return r.end(),r},http.Agent=function(){},http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets=4,http.STATUS_CODES=statusCodes,http.METHODS=["CHECKOUT","CONNECT","COPY","DELETE","GET","HEAD","LOCK","M-SEARCH","MERGE","MKACTIVITY","MKCOL","MOVE","NOTIFY","OPTIONS","PATCH","POST","PROPFIND","PROPPATCH","PURGE","PUT","REPORT","SEARCH","SUBSCRIBE","TRACE","UNLOCK","UNSUBSCRIBE"]; |
| 24807 | |
| 24808 | }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 24809 | |
| 24810 | },{"./lib/request":89,"builtin-status-codes":26,"url":93,"xtend":98}],88:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24811 | (function (global){ |
| 24812 | function checkTypeSupport(e){try{return xhr.responseType=e,xhr.responseType===e}catch(r){}return!1}function isFunction(e){return"function"==typeof e}exports.fetch=isFunction(global.fetch)&&isFunction(global.ReadableByteStream),exports.blobConstructor=!1;try{new Blob([new ArrayBuffer(1)]),exports.blobConstructor=!0}catch(e){}var xhr=new global.XMLHttpRequest;"GET","/":"");var haveArrayBuffer="undefined"!=typeof global.ArrayBuffer,haveSlice=haveArrayBuffer&&isFunction(global.ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice);exports.arraybuffer=haveArrayBuffer&&checkTypeSupport("arraybuffer"),exports.msstream=!exports.fetch&&haveSlice&&checkTypeSupport("ms-stream"),exports.mozchunkedarraybuffer=!exports.fetch&&haveArrayBuffer&&checkTypeSupport("moz-chunked-arraybuffer"),exports.overrideMimeType=isFunction(xhr.overrideMimeType),exports.vbArray=isFunction(global.VBArray),xhr=null; |
| 24813 | |
| 24814 | }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 24815 | |
| 24816 | },{}],89:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24817 | (function (process,global,Buffer){ |
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| 24819 | |
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| 24821 | |
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| 24825 | |
| 24826 | }).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {},require("buffer").Buffer) |
| 24827 | |
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| 24830 | |
| 24831 | },{"buffer":25}],92:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 24832 | var Buffer=require("buffer").Buffer;module.exports=function(e){if(e instanceof Uint8Array){if(0===e.byteOffset&&e.byteLength===e.buffer.byteLength)return e.buffer;if("function"==typeof e.buffer.slice)return e.buffer.slice(e.byteOffset,e.byteOffset+e.byteLength)}if(Buffer.isBuffer(e)){for(var f=new Uint8Array(e.length),r=e.length,t=0;r>t;t++)f[t]=e[t];return f.buffer}throw new Error("Argument must be a Buffer")}; |
| 24833 | |
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| 24836 | |
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| 24839 | |
| 24840 | },{}],95:[function(require,module,exports){ |
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| 24843 | |
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| 24848 | |
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| 24852 | |
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| 24884 | |
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