blob: f2bba38b21548f15c1da346949759d08512c5691 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This test template encapsulates the VNF Orchestration use case.
Resource test_templates/model_test_template.robot
Resource test_templates/model_test_template_vcperescust.robot
Resource test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot
Resource sdc_interface.robot
Resource vid/vid_interface.robot
Resource consul_interface.robot
Resource policy_interface.robot
Resource aai/create_availability_zone.robot
Resource so/direct_instantiate.robot
Library ONAPLibrary.Utilities
Library Collections
Library OperatingSystem
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ONAPLibrary.Templating WITH NAME Templating
*** Variables ***
${ADD_DEMO_CUSTOMER_BODY} aai/add_demo_customer.jinja
${AAI_INDEX_PATH} /aai/v8
${VF_MODULES_NAME} _Demo_VFModules.json
${FILE_CACHE} /share/
${VPKG_MODULE_LABEL} base_vpkg
*** Keywords ***
Load Customer And Models
[Documentation] Use ONAP to Orchestrate a service.
[Arguments] ${customer_name}
Load Customer ${customer_name}
Load Models ${customer_name}
Load Customer
[Documentation] Use ONAP to Orchestrate a service.
[Arguments] ${customer_name}
${tenant_id} ${tenant_name}= Setup Orchestrate VNF ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} SharedNode OwnerType v1 CloudZone
${region}= Get Openstack Region
Create Customer For VNF Demo ${customer_name} ${customer_name} INFRA ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} ${region} ${tenant_id}
Create Customer For VNF Demo ${customer_name} ${customer_name} INFRA ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} RegionTlab 50b190410b2a4c229d8a6044a80ab7c1
Create Availability Zone If Not Exists ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} ${region} ${GLOBAL_AAI_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_NAME}
Load Models
[Documentation] Load Basic Test VNF Models
[Arguments] ${customer_name}
Log ${\n}Distributing vFWCL
Distribute Model vFWCL ${DEMO_PREFIX}VFWCL
Log Distibuting vLB
Distribute Model vLB ${DEMO_PREFIX}VLB
Log Distibuting vLB_CDS
Distribute Model vLB_CDS ${DEMO_PREFIX}VLB_CDS True
Load vCPE Models
[Documentation] Load vCPE Models
[Arguments] ${customer_name}
Log Distibuting vCPEInfra
Distribute Model vCPEInfra ${DEMO_PREFIX}VCPEInfra
Log Distibuting vCPEvBNG
Log Distibuting vCPEvBRGEMU
Log Distibuting vCPEvGMUX
Log Distibuting vCPEvGW (this is not vCPEResCust service)
Distribute Model vCPEvGW ${DEMO_PREFIX}VCPEvGW
Distribute Model
[Arguments] ${service} ${modelName} ${cds}=False ${instantiationType}=A-la-carte ${resourceType}=VF
Model Distribution For Directory ${service} ${modelName} ${cds} ${instantiationType} ${resourceType}
Create Customer For VNF Demo
[Documentation] Create demo customer for the demo
[Arguments] ${customer_name} ${customer_id} ${customer_type} ${clouder_owner} ${cloud_region_id} ${tenant_id}
Create Service If Not Exists vFW
Create Service If Not Exists vFWCL
Create Service If Not Exists vLB
Create Service If Not Exists vCPE
Create Service If Not Exists vIMS
Create Service If Not Exists gNB
${arguments}= Create Dictionary subscriber_name=${customer_name} global_customer_id=${customer_id} subscriber_type=${customer_type} cloud_owner=${clouder_owner} cloud_region_id=${cloud_region_id} tenant_id=${tenant_id}
Set To Dictionary ${arguments} service1=vFWCL service2=vLB service3=vCPE service4=vIMS service5=gNB service6=vFW
Templating.Create Environment aai ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
${data}= Templating.Apply Template aai ${ADD_DEMO_CUSTOMER_BODY} ${arguments}
${put_resp}= AAI.Run Put Request ${AAI_FRONTEND_ENDPOINT} ${INDEX PATH}${ROOT_CUSTOMER_PATH}${customer_id} ${data} auth=${GLOBAL_AAI_AUTHENTICATION}
${status_string}= Convert To String ${put_resp.status_code}
Should Match Regexp ${status_string} ^(200|201|412)$
Preload User Model
[Documentation] Preload the demo data for the passed VNF with the passed module name
[Arguments] ${vnf_name} ${vf_module_name} ${service} ${service_instance_id} ${vnf}=${service}
# Go to A&AI and get information about the VNF we need to preload
${status} ${generic_vnf}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Get Service Instance ${vnf_name}
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' FAIL VNF Name: ${vnf_name} is not found.
${vnf_type}= Set Variable ${generic_vnf['vnf-type']}
${relationships}= Set Variable ${generic_vnf['relationship-list']['relationship']}
${relationship_data}= Get Relationship Data ${relationships}
${customer_id}= Catenate
:FOR ${r} IN @{relationship_data}
\ ${service}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == 'service-subscription.service-type' ${r['relationship-value']} ${service}
\ ${service_instance_id}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == 'service-instance.service-instance-id' ${r['relationship-value']} ${service_instance_id}
\ ${customer_id}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == '' ${r['relationship-value']} ${customer_id}
${invariantUUID}= Get Persona Model Id ${service_instance_id} ${service} ${customer_id}
# We still need the vf module names. We can get them from VID using the persona_model_id (invariantUUID) from A&AI
Setup Browser
Login To VID GUI
${vf_modules}= Get Module Names from VID ${invariantUUID}
Log ${generic_vnf}
Log ${service_instance_id},${vnf_name},${vnf_type},${vf_module_name},${vf_modules},${service}
Preload Vnf ${service_instance_id} ${vnf_name} ${vnf_type} ${vf_module_name} ${vf_modules} ${vnf} demo ${service}
[Teardown] Close All Browsers
Preload User Model GRA
[Documentation] Preload the demo data for the passed VNF with the passed module name via GRA
[Arguments] ${vnf_name} ${vf_module_name} ${service} ${service_instance_id} ${vnf}=${service}
# Go to A&AI and get information about the VNF we need to preload
${status} ${generic_vnf}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Get Service Instance ${vnf_name}
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' FAIL VNF Name: ${vnf_name} is not found.
${vnf_type}= Set Variable ${generic_vnf['vnf-type']}
${relationships}= Set Variable ${generic_vnf['relationship-list']['relationship']}
${relationship_data}= Get Relationship Data ${relationships}
${customer_id}= Catenate
:FOR ${r} IN @{relationship_data}
\ ${service}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == 'service-subscription.service-type' ${r['relationship-value']} ${service}
\ ${service_instance_id}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == 'service-instance.service-instance-id' ${r['relationship-value']} ${service_instance_id}
\ ${customer_id}= Set Variable If '${r['relationship-key']}' == '' ${r['relationship-value']} ${customer_id}
${invariantUUID}= Get Persona Model Id ${service_instance_id} ${service} ${customer_id}
# We still need the vf module names. We can get them from VID using the persona_model_id (invariantUUID) from A&AI
Setup Browser
Login To VID GUI
${vf_modules}= Get Module Names from VID ${invariantUUID}
Log ${generic_vnf}
Log ${service_instance_id},${vnf_name},${vnf_type},${vf_module_name},${vf_modules},${service}
Preload Gra ${service_instance_id} ${vnf_name} ${vnf_type} ${vf_module_name} ${vf_modules} ${vnf} demo ${service}
[Teardown] Close All Browsers
Get Relationship Data
[Arguments] ${relationships}
:FOR ${r} IN @{relationships}
\ ${status} ${relationship_data} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Set Variable ${r['relationship-data']}
\ Return From Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' ${relationship_data}
Get Generic VNF By ID
[Arguments] ${vnf_id}
${resp}= AAI.Run Get Request ${AAI_FRONTEND_ENDPOINT} ${AAI_INDEX PATH}/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf?vnf-id=${vnf_id} auth=${GLOBAL_AAI_AUTHENTICATION}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
[Return] ${resp.json()}
Get Service Instance
[Arguments] ${vnf_name}
${resp}= AAI.Run Get Request ${AAI_FRONTEND_ENDPOINT} ${AAI_INDEX PATH}/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf?vnf-name=${vnf_name} auth=${GLOBAL_AAI_AUTHENTICATION}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
[Return] ${resp.json()}
Get Persona Model Id
[Documentation] Query and Validates A&AI Service Instance
[Arguments] ${service_instance_id} ${service_type} ${customer_id}
${resp}= AAI.Run Get Request ${AAI_FRONTEND_ENDPOINT} ${INDEX PATH}${CUSTOMER SPEC PATH}${customer_id}${SERVICE SUBSCRIPTIONS}${service_type}${SERVICE INSTANCE}${service_instance_id} auth=${GLOBAL_AAI_AUTHENTICATION}
${persona_model_id}= Get From DIctionary ${resp.json()['service-instance'][0]} model-invariant-id
[Return] ${persona_model_id}
Instantiate VNF
[Arguments] ${service} ${vf_module_label}=NULL
${tenant_id} ${tenant_name}= Setup Orchestrate VNF ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} SharedNode OwnerType v1 CloudZone
${uuid}= Generate UUID4
${vf_module_name_list} ${generic_vnfs} ${server_id} ${service_instance_id} ${catalog_resource_ids} ${catalog_service_id} ${uris_to_delete}= Orchestrate VNF DemoCust_${uuid} ${service} ${service} ${tenant_id} ${tenant_name}
${stack_name} = Get From List ${vf_module_name_list} -1
Save For Delete ${tenant_id} ${tenant_name} ${server_id} DemoCust_${uuid} ${service_instance_id} ${stack_name} ${catalog_service_id} ${catalog_resource_ids}
:FOR ${vf_module_name} IN @{vf_module_name_list}
\ Log VNF Module Name=${vf_module_name}
# Don't get from SO for now due to SO-1186
# ${model_invariant_id}= Run SO Get ModelInvariantId ${suite_service_model_name} ${vf_module_label}
${model_invariant_id}= Set Variable ${EMPTY}
:FOR ${vf_module} IN @{generic_vnfs}
\ ${generic_vnf}= Get From Dictionary ${generic_vnfs} ${vf_module}
\ ${model_invariant_id}= Set Variable If '${vf_module_label}' in '${vf_module}' ${generic_vnf['model-invariant-id']} ${model_invariant_id}
Log Update old vFWCL Policy for ModelInvariantID=${model_invariant_id}
${status} ${value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Update vFWCL Operational and Monitoring Policies ${model_invariant_id}
Log Update Tca ControlLoopName
Update Tca ControlLoopName ${model_invariant_id}
Instantiate VNF CDS
[Arguments] ${service} ${vf_module_label}=NULL
${status} ${value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Distribute Model vLB_CDS demoVLB_CDS True
${resp}= Get Service Catalog demoVLB_CDS
${service-uuid}= Set Variable ${resp['uuid']}
${service-invariantUUID}= Set Variable ${resp['invariantUUID']}
${requestid}= CDS Service Instantiate demoVLB_CDS ${service-uuid} ${service-invariantUUID}
SO.Run Polling Get Request ${GLOBAL_SO_APIHAND_ENDPOINT} ${GLOBAL_SO_ORCHESTRATION_REQUESTS_PATH}/${requestid} tries=30 interval=60 auth=${auth}
Instantiate Demo VNF
[Arguments] ${service} ${vf_module_label}=NULL
${tenant_id} ${tenant_name}= Setup Orchestrate VNF ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} SharedNode OwnerType v1 CloudZone
${vf_module_name} ${service} ${generic_vnfs}= Orchestrate Demo VNF Demonstration ${service} ${service} ${tenant_id} ${tenant_name}
Log VNF Module Name=${vf_module_name}
# Don't get from SO for now due to SO-1186
# ${model_invariant_id}= Run SO Get ModelInvariantId ${suite_service_model_name} ${vf_module_label}
${model_invariant_id}= Set Variable ${EMPTY}
:FOR ${vf_module} IN @{generic_vnfs}
\ ${generic_vnf}= Get From Dictionary ${generic_vnfs} ${vf_module}
\ ${model_invariant_id}= Set Variable If '${vf_module_label}' in '${vf_module}' ${generic_vnf['model-invariant-id']} ${model_invariant_id}
Log ModelInvariantID=${model_invariant_id}
${status} ${value}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Update vFWCL Operational and Monitoring Policies ${model_invariant_id}
Save For Delete
[Documentation] Create a variable file to be loaded for save for delete
[Arguments] ${tenant_id} ${tenant_name} ${vvg_server_id} ${customer_name} ${service_instance_id} ${stack_name} ${catalog_service_id} ${catalog_resource_ids}
${dict}= Create Dictionary
Set To Dictionary ${dict} TENANT_NAME=${tenant_name}
Set To Dictionary ${dict} TENANT_ID=${tenant_id}
Set To Dictionary ${dict} CUSTOMER_NAME=${customer_name}
Set To Dictionary ${dict} STACK_NAME=${stack_name}
Set To Dictionary ${dict} VVG_SERVER_ID=${vvg_server_id}
Set To Dictionary ${dict} SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID=${service_instance_id}
Set To Dictionary ${dict} CATALOG_SERVICE_ID=${catalog_service_id}
${vars}= Catenate
${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${dict}
:FOR ${key} IN @{keys}
\ ${value}= Get From Dictionary ${dict} ${key}
\ ${vars}= Catenate ${vars}${key} = "${value}"\n
${comma}= Catenate
${vars}= Catenate ${vars}CATALOG_RESOURCE_IDS = [
:FOR ${id} IN @{catalog_resource_ids}
\ ${vars}= Catenate ${vars}${comma} "${id}"
\ ${comma}= Catenate ,
${vars}= Catenate ${vars}]\n
OperatingSystem.Create File ${FILE_CACHE}/${stack_name}.py ${vars}
OperatingSystem.Create File ${FILE_CACHE}/ ${vars}