blob: a83bc4d399a7915be80086606997e8d9fe2c7040 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation The main interface for interacting with Microservice Bus.
Library RequestsLibrary
Library Collections
Library String
Library ONAPLibrary.JSON
Library ONAPLibrary.Templating
Resource global_properties.robot
*** Variables ***
${CLAMP_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH} /restservices/clds/v1/healthcheck
${CLAMP_BASE_PATH} /restservices/clds/v1
${CLAMP_CLIENT_KEY} robot/assets/keys/org.onap.clamp.key.clear.pem
${CLAMP_CLIENT_CERT} robot/assets/keys/org.onap.clamp.cert.pem
*** Keywords ***
Run CLAMP Create Model
[Documentation] Create a new CLAMP Model
[Arguments] ${model_name} ${template_name}
${dict}= Create Dictionary MODEL_NAME=${model_name} TEMPLATE_NAME=${template_name}
Create Environment clamp ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
${data}= Apply Template clamp ${CLAMP_TEMPLATE_PATH}/create_model.jinja ${dict}
${data_path}= Set Variable ${CLAMP_BASE_PATH}/clds/model/${model_name}
${resp}= Run CLAMP HTTPS Put Request ${data_path} ${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
${random}= Generate Random String 4 [LOWER][NUMBERS]
${policy_name}= Catenate PolicyTest ${random}
Run CLAMP Save vLB Model ${model_name} ${template_name} ${policy_name}
Run CLAMP Save vLB Model
[Documentation] Save CLAMP Model
[Arguments] ${model_name} ${template_name} ${policy_name}
${dict}= Create Dictionary MODEL_NAME=${model_name} TEMPLATE_NAME=${template_name} POLICY_NAME=${policy_name} DOLLAR_SIGN=$
Create Environment clamp ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
${data}= Apply Template clamp ${CLAMP_TEMPLATE_PATH}/save_model_vlb.jinja ${dict}
${data_path}= Set Variable ${CLAMP_BASE_PATH}/clds/model/${model_name}
${resp}= Run CLAMP HTTPS Put Request ${data_path} ${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Run CLAMP Validation Test ${model_name} ${data}
Run CLAMP Validation Test
[Documentation] Validate CLAMP Control Loop CLAMP Model
[Arguments] ${model_name} ${model_data}
${data_path}= Set Variable ${CLAMP_BASE_PATH}/clds/action/submit/${model_name}?test=true
${resp}= Run CLAMP HTTPS Put Request ${data_path} ${model_data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Run CLAMP Get Properties
[Documentation] get CLAMP Control Loop properties
[Arguments] ${property_id}
${data_path}= Set Variable ${CLAMP_BASE_PATH}/clds/properties/${property_id}
${resp}= Run Clamp HTTPS Get Request ${data_path}
Run CLAMP Get Control Loop
[Documentation] runs CLAMP Open Control Loop based on model name and returns control_loop_id
[Arguments] ${model_name}
${data_path}= Set Variable ${CLAMP_BASE_PATH}/clds/model/${model_name}
${resp}= Run Clamp HTTPS Get Request ${data_path}
# propText value is a string
# propText': u '{"global":[{"name":"service","value":["5fcdb3b7-5a5b-45da-83f6-14cce29181c8"]}
Log ${resp.json()['propText']}
${control_loop_id}= Get Regexp Matches ${resp.json()['propText']} \\"service\\",\\"value\\":\\[\\"([0-9a-f\-]{36})\\" 1
#Set Suite Variable ${CURRENT_CONTROL_LOOP_ID} ${control_loop_id[0]}
[Return] ${control_loop_id[0]}
Run CLAMP Get Model Names
[Documentation] runs CLAMP Get Model Names and returns the model_id
${data_path}= Set Variable ${CLAMP_BASE_PATH}/clds/model-names
${resp}= Run Clamp HTTPS Get Request ${data_path}
#Set Suite Variable ${CURRENT_MODEL_ID} ${resp.json()[0]['value']}
[Return] ${resp.json()[0]['value']}
Run CLAMP Health Check
[Documentation] Runs CLAMP Health check
${resp}= Run CLAMP Get Request ${CLAMP_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
Run CLAMP HTTPS Put Request
[Documentation] Runs CLAMP HTTPS Put request
[Arguments] ${data_path} ${data}
@{client_certs}= Create List ${CLAMP_CLIENT_CERT} ${CLAMP_CLIENT_KEY}
${session}= Create Client Cert Session session ${CLAMP_ENDPOINT} client_certs=@{client_certs}
${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
${resp}= Put Request session ${data_path} data=${data} headers=${headers}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
Log ${resp.json()}
[Return] ${resp}
Run CLAMP HTTPS Get Request
[Documentation] Runs CLAMP HTTPS Get request
[Arguments] ${data_path}
@{client_certs}= Create List ${CLAMP_CLIENT_CERT} ${CLAMP_CLIENT_KEY}
${session}= Create Client Cert Session session ${CLAMP_ENDPOINT} client_certs=@{client_certs}
${resp}= Get Request session ${data_path}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
Log ${resp.json()}
[Return] ${resp}
Run CLAMP Get Request
[Documentation] Runs CLAMP Get request
[Arguments] ${data_path}
${session}= Create Session session ${CLAMP_ENDPOINT}
${resp}= Get Request session ${data_path}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
Log Received response from CLAMP ${resp.text}
[Return] ${resp}