| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Tests the health of the VVP containers... |
| Library Collections |
| Library String |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Resource global_properties.robot |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${VVP_PATH} / |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Run VVP ICE CI Container (Automat Testing) Health Check |
| [Documentation] Tests interface for container with purpose: end-to-end flow tests based on Seleniunm |
| ${resp}= Run ICE CI Container (Automat Testing) Get Request ${VVP_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Run ICE CI Container (Automat Testing) Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs request in container with purpose: end-to-end flow tests based on Seleniunm |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VVP_CI_UWSGI_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session ice-ci ${VVP_CI_UWSGI_ENDPOINT} |
| ${resp}= Get Request ice-ci ${data_path} |
| Log Received response from ice-ci ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| Run VVP CMS Health Check |
| [Documentation] Tests interface for container with purpose: backend uwsgi server which hosts django application |
| ${resp}= Run VVP CMS Get Request ${VVP_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Run VVP CMS Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs request in container with purpose: backend uwsgi server which hosts django application |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VVP_CMS_UWSGI_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session cms ${VVP_CMS_UWSGI_ENDPOINT} |
| ${resp}= Get Request cms ${data_path} |
| Log Received response from cms ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| Run VVP Engagement Manager Health Check |
| [Documentation] Tests interface for container with purpose: backend uwsgi server which hosts django application |
| ${resp}= Run VVP Engagement Manager Get Request ${VVP_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Run VVP Engagement Manager Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs request in container with purpose: backend uwsgi server which hosts django application |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VVP_EM_UWSGI_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session engagement-manager ${VVP_EM_UWSGI_ENDPOINT} |
| ${resp}= Get Request engagement-manager ${data_path} |
| Log Received response from engagement-manager ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| Run VVP Ext HA Proxy Health Check |
| [Documentation] Tests interface for container with purpose: load balancer for external transport |
| ${resp}= Run VVP Ext HA Proxy Get Request ${VVP_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Run VVP Ext HA Proxy Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs request in container with purpose: load balancer for external transport |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VVP_EXT_HAPROXY_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session ext-haproxy ${VVP_EXT_HAPROXY_ENDPOINT} |
| ${resp}= Get Request ext-haproxy ${data_path} |
| Log Received response from ext-haproxy ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| Run VVP Gitlab Health Check |
| [Documentation] Tests gitlab interface |
| ${resp}= Run VVP Gitlab Get Request ${VVP_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Run VVP Gitlab Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs an gitlab request |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VVP_GITLAB_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session gitlab ${VVP_GITLAB_ENDPOINT} |
| ${resp}= Get Request gitlab ${data_path} |
| Log Received response from gitlab ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| Run VVP Image Scanner Health Check |
| [Documentation] Tests interface for container with purpose: scan for validity and viruses on users files |
| ${resp}= Run VVP Image Scanner Get Request ${VVP_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Run VVP Image Scanner Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs request in container with purpose: scan for validity and viruses on users files |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VVP_IMAGESCANNER_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session image-scanner ${VVP_IMAGESCANNER_ENDPOINT} |
| ${resp}= Get Request image-scanner ${data_path} |
| Log Received response from image-scanner ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| Run VVP Int HA Proxy Health Check |
| [Documentation] Tests interface for container with purpose: load balancer for internal (container to container) transport |
| ${resp}= Run VVP Int HA Proxy Get Request ${VVP_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Run VVP Int HA Proxy Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs request in container with purpose: load balancer for internal (container to container) transport |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VVP_INT_HAPROXY_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session int-haproxy ${VVP_INT_HAPROXY_ENDPOINT} |
| ${resp}= Get Request int-haproxy ${data_path} |
| Log Received response from int-haproxy ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| Run VVP Jenkins Health Check |
| [Documentation] Tests jenkins interface |
| ${resp}= Run VVP Jenkins Get Request ${VVP_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Run VVP Jenkins Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs a jenkins request |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VVP_JENKINS_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session jenkins ${VVP_JENKINS_ENDPOINT} |
| ${resp}= Get Request jenkins ${data_path} |
| Log Received response from jenkins ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| Run VVP Postgresql Health Check |
| [Documentation] Tests postgresql interface |
| ${resp}= Run VVP Postgresql Get Request ${VVP_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Run VVP Postgresql Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs a postgresql request |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VVP_POSTGRES_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session postgresql ${VVP_POSTGRES_ENDPOINT} |
| ${resp}= Get Request postgresql ${data_path} |
| Log Received response from postgresql ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| Run VVP Redis Health Check |
| [Documentation] Tests redis interface |
| ${resp}= Run VVP Redis Get Request ${VVP_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| Run VVP Redis Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs a redis request |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VVP_REDIS_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session redis ${VVP_REDIS_ENDPOINT} |
| ${resp}= Get Request redis ${data_path} |
| Log Received response from redis ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |