blob: 8cf9f2119132e094d8ba220e8c5846b59dafb648 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation The main interface for interacting with DCAE. It handles low level stuff like managing the http request library and DCAE required fields
Library RequestsLibrary
Library UUID
Library OperatingSystem
Library Collections
Resource global_properties.robot
*** Variables ***
${DCAE_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH} /healthcheck
*** Keywords ***
Run DCAE Health Check
[Documentation] Runs a DCAE health check
Log Creating session ${DCAE_ENDPOINT}
${session}= Create Session dcae ${DCAE_ENDPOINT} auth=${auth}
${uuid}= Generate UUID
${headers}= Create Dictionary X-ECOMP-Client-Version=ONAP-R2 action=getTable Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
${resp}= Get Request dcae ${DCAE_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH} headers=${headers}
Log Received response from dcae ${resp.json()}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Check DCAE Results ${resp.json()}
Check DCAE Results
[Documentation] Parse DCAE JSON response and make sure all rows have healthTestStatus=GREEN (except for the exceptions ;-)
[Arguments] ${json}
# ${service_names} to contain only the names of services that are passing
${service_names}= Evaluate map( lambda s: s['ServiceName'], filter(lambda s: s['Status'] == 'passing', ${json} ))
Should Contain Match ${service_names} cdap
Should Contain Match ${service_names} cdap_broker
Should Contain Match ${service_names} config_binding_service
Should Contain Match ${service_names} deployment_handler
Should Contain Match ${service_names} inventory
Should Contain Match ${service_names} service_change_handler
Should Contain Match ${service_names} policy_handler
Should Contain Match ${service_names} platform_dockerhost
Should Contain Match ${service_names} component_dockerhost
Should Contain Match ${service_names} cloudify_manager
Should Contain Match ${service_names} VES
Should Contain Match ${service_names} TCA
Should Contain Match ${service_names} regexp=.*holmes
[Return] ${service_names}