| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation The main interface for interacting with VID. It handles low level stuff like managing the selenium request library and VID required steps |
| Library ExtendedSelenium2Library |
| Library Collections |
| Library String |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library UUID |
| Resource ../global_properties.robot |
| Resource ../browser_setup.robot |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${VID_ENV} /vid |
| ${VID_LOGIN_URL} ${VID_ENDPOINT}${VID_ENV}/login.htm |
| ${VID_HEALTHCHECK_PATH} ${VID_ENV}/api/v2/users |
| ${VID_HOME_URL} ${VID_ENDPOINT}${VID_ENV}/welcome.htm |
| ${VID_SERVICE_MODELS_URL} ${VID_ENDPOINT}${VID_ENV}/serviceModels.htm#/models/services |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Run VID Health Check |
| [Documentation] Logs in to VID GUI |
| ${resp}= Run VID Get Request ${VID_HEALTHCHECK_PATH} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| Should Be String ${resp.json()[0]['loginId']} |
| |
| Run VID Get Request |
| [Documentation] Runs an VID get request |
| [Arguments] ${data_path} |
| Log Creating session ${VID_ENDPOINT} |
| ${session}= Create Session vid ${VID_ENDPOINT} auth=${auth} |
| ${uuid}= Generate UUID |
| ${headers}= Create Dictionary username=${GLOBAL_VID_HEALTH_USERNAME} password=${GLOBAL_VID_HEALTH_PASSWORD} Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID} |
| ${resp}= Get Request vid ${data_path} headers=${headers} |
| Log Received response from vid ${resp.text} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| Login To VID GUI |
| [Documentation] Logs in to VID GUI |
| # Setup Browser Now being managed by test case |
| ##Setup Browser |
| Go To ${VID_LOGIN_URL} |
| #Maximize Browser Window |
| Set Selenium Speed ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_DELAY} |
| Log Logging in to ${VID_ENDPOINT}${VID_ENV} |
| Handle Proxy Warning |
| Title Should Be Login |
| Input Text xpath=//input[@id='loginId'] ${GLOBAL_VID_USERNAME} |
| Input Password xpath=//input[@id='password'] ${GLOBAL_VID_PASSWORD} |
| Click Button xpath=//input[@id='loginBtn'] |
| Wait Until Page Contains Welcome to VID ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT} |
| Log Logged in to ${VID_ENDPOINT}${VID_ENV} |
| |
| Go To VID HOME |
| [Documentation] Naviage to VID Home |
| Go To ${VID_HOME_URL} |
| Wait Until Page Contains Welcome to VID ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT} |
| |
| Go To VID Browse Service Models |
| [Documentation] Naviage to VID Browse Service Models |
| Wait Until Page Contains Browse SDC Service Models ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT} |
| |
| Click On Button When Enabled |
| [Arguments] ${xpath} ${timeout}=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM} |
| Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} |
| Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} |
| Click Button xpath=${xpath} |
| |
| Click On Element When Visible |
| [Arguments] ${xpath} ${timeout}=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM} |
| Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} |
| Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} |
| Click Element xpath=${xpath} |
| |
| Select From List When Enabled |
| [Arguments] ${xpath} ${value} ${timeout}=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM} |
| Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} |
| Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} |
| Select From List xpath=${xpath} ${value} |
| |
| Input Text When Enabled |
| [Arguments] ${xpath} ${value} ${timeout}=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM} |
| Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} |
| Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} |
| Input Text xpath=${xpath} ${value} |
| |
| Parse Request Id |
| [Arguments] ${mso_response_text} |
| ${request_list}= Split String ${mso_response_text} 202)\n 1 |
| ${clean_string}= Replace String ${request_list[1]} \n ${empty} |
| ${json}= To Json ${clean_string} |
| ${request_id}= Catenate ${json['requestReferences']['requestId']} |
| [Return] ${request_id} |
| |
| Parse Instance Id |
| [Arguments] ${mso_response_text} |
| ${request_list}= Split String ${mso_response_text} 202)\n 1 |
| ${json}= To Json ${request_list[1]} |
| ${request_id}= Catenate ${json['requestReferences']['instanceId']} |
| [Return] ${request_id} |
| |
| Get Model UUID from VID |
| [Documentation] Must use UI since rest call get redirect to portal and get DNS error |
| ... Search all services and match on the invariantUUID |
| [Arguments] ${invariantUUID} |
| Go To ${VID_ENDPOINT}${VID_ENV}/rest/models/services |
| ${resp}= Get Text xpath=//body/pre |
| ${json}= To Json ${resp} |
| :for ${dict} in @{json} |
| \ ${uuid}= Get From DIctionary ${dict} uuid |
| \ ${inv}= Get From DIctionary ${dict} invariantUUID |
| \ Return From Keyword If "${invariantUUID}" == "${inv}" ${uuid} |
| [Return] "" |
| |
| |
| Get Module Names from VID |
| [Documentation] Must use UI since rest call get redirect to portal and get DNS error |
| ... Given the invariantUUID of the model, mock up the vf_modules list passed to Preload VNF |
| [Arguments] ${invariantUUID} |
| ${id}= Get Model UUID from VID ${invariantUUID} |
| Go To ${VID_ENDPOINT}${VID_ENV}/rest/models/services/${id} |
| ${resp}= Get Text xpath=//body/pre |
| ${json}= To Json ${resp} |
| ${modules}= Create List |
| ${vnfs}= Get From Dictionary ${json} vnfs |
| ${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${vnfs} |
| :for ${key} in @{keys} |
| \ Add VFModule ${vnfs['${key}']} ${modules} |
| [Return] ${modules} |
| |
| Add VFModule |
| [Documentation] Dig the vf module names from the VID service model |
| [Arguments] ${vnf} ${modules} |
| ${vfModules}= Get From Dictionary ${vnf} vfModules |
| ${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${vfModules} |
| :for ${key} in @{keys} |
| \ ${module}= Get From Dictionary ${vfModules} ${key} |
| \ ${dict}= Create Dictionary name=${module['name']} |
| \ Append to List ${modules} ${dict} |