| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation The main interface for interacting with CDS. It handles low level stuff like managing the http request library and CDS required fields |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Resource global_properties.robot |
| Library SSHLibrary |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library String |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${registry_ovveride} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO} |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Add chart repository |
| [Documentation] Add chart repository to helm in robot/xtesting pod |
| [Arguments] ${chart_repo_name} ${chart_repo_fqdn} ${chart_repo_username} ${chart_repo_password} |
| ${helm_repo_add}= Set Variable helm repo add ${chart_repo_name} ${chart_repo_fqdn} --password ${chart_repo_password} --username ${chart_repo_username} |
| ${command_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${helm_repo_add} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${command_output[0]} 0 |
| ${command_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output helm repo update |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${command_output[0]} 0 |
| |
| Remove chart repository |
| [Documentation] Remove chart repository from helm in robot/xtesting pod |
| [Arguments] ${chart_repo_name} |
| ${helm_repo_remove}= Set Variable helm repo remove ${chart_repo_name} |
| ${command_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${helm_repo_remove} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${command_output[0]} 0 |
| |
| Package and add charts to repository |
| [Documentation] Package and add charts to k8s chart repository in robot/xtesting pod |
| [Arguments] ${chart_repo_name} ${chart_directory} ${destination_directory} ${chart_version} |
| ${helm_package}= Set Variable helm package --dependency-update --destination ${destination_directory} ${chart_directory} --version ${chart_version} |
| ${command_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${helm_package} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${command_output[0]} 0 |
| ${helm_chart_name}= Fetch From Right ${chart_directory} / |
| ${helm_push}= Set Variable helm push ${destination_directory}/${helm_chart_name}-${chart_version}.tgz ${chart_repo_name} |
| ${command_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${helm_push} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${command_output[0]} 0 |
| |
| |
| Install helm charts |
| [Documentation] Install DCAE Servcie using helm charts |
| [Arguments] ${chart_repo_name} ${dcae_servcie_helm_charts} ${dcae_service_helm_name} ${wait_time}=6m0s ${set_values_override}=${EMPTY} |
| ${helm_install}= Set Variable helm install ${dcae_service_helm_name} ${chart_repo_name}/${dcae_servcie_helm_charts} --set global.repository=${registry_ovveride} ${set_values_override} --wait --timeout ${wait_time} |
| ${helm_install_command_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${helm_install} |
| Log ${helm_install_command_output[1]} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${helm_install_command_output[0]} 0 |
| |
| Install helm charts from folder |
| [Documentation] Install DCAE Servcie using helm charts not in repo |
| [Arguments] ${chart_folder} ${dcae_service_helm_name} ${wait_time}=2m0s ${set_values_override}=${EMPTY} |
| ${helm_dependency_update}= Set Variable helm dependency update ${chart_folder} |
| ${helm_dependency_update_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${helm_dependency_update} |
| Log ${helm_dependency_update_output[1]} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${helm_dependency_update_output[0]} 0 |
| ${rest} ${dcae_servcie_helm_charts} = Split String From Right ${chart_folder} / 1 |
| ${helm_install}= Set Variable helm install ${dcae_service_helm_name} ${chart_folder} --set global.repository=${registry_ovveride} ${set_values_override} --wait --timeout ${wait_time} |
| ${helm_install_command_output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ${helm_install} |
| Log ${helm_install_command_output[1]} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${helm_install_command_output[0]} 0 |
| |
| Uninstall helm charts |
| [Documentation] Uninstall DCAE Servcie using helm charts |
| [Arguments] ${dcae_service_helm_name} |
| ${helm_uninstall}= Set Variable helm uninstall ${dcae_service_helm_name} |
| ${helm_uninstall_command_output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ${helm_uninstall} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${helm_uninstall_command_output[0]} 0 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
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