| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation The main interface for interacting with Mariadb Galera. It contains the keywords which will login to the Mariadb Galera pod and validates SO databases connectivity. |
| |
| Library Collections |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library String |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| &{MARIADB_GALERA_CREDENTIALS} user=root password=secretpassword |
| @{MARIADB_GALERA_SO_DATABASES} catalogdb requestdb camundabpmn |
| @{CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE} Can't connect No such file or directory command terminated |
| ${POD_LOGGED_IN_MESSAGE} logged into Mariadb Galera pod |
| ${MYSQL_STATUS_MESSAGE} Current database: |
| |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Fetch Namespace |
| [Documentation] This keyword is responsible for fetching and returning the value of namespace from the provided Global IP Address variable. |
| ${namespace}= Evaluate "${GLOBAL_INJECTED_SO_BPMN_IP_ADDR}".split(".")[-1] |
| [Return] ${namespace} |
| |
| Check for Mariadb Galera Pod Connection |
| [Documentation] This keyword is responsible for logging into the Mariadb Galera pod and check if we can login to the Mariadb Galera pod. To verify we print a string and match the output whether the same string was returned or not. |
| [Arguments] ${message}=${POD_LOGGED_IN_MESSAGE} |
| ${namespace}= Fetch Namespace ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_SO_BPMN_IP_ADDR} |
| # Extracting the mariadb galera pod and storing it into a variable |
| ${mariadb_pod}= Run kubectl -n ${namespace} get po -o name | grep -w 'mariadb-galera-[0-9]' |
| ${pod_connectivity_command}= Catenate kubectl -n ${namespace} exec ${mariadb_pod} -- sh -c "echo ${message}" |
| ${pod_connectivity_output}= Run ${pod_connectivity_command} |
| # The output should contain the exact same message which we are printing by logging into the Mariadb Galera pod |
| Should Contain ${pod_connectivity_output} ${message} ignore_case=True |
| |
| Check for SO Databases Connection |
| [Documentation] This keyword is responsible for logging into the Mariadb Galera pod and check if we can login to the SO MySQL Databases. |
| ${namespace}= Fetch Namespace ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_SO_BPMN_IP_ADDR} |
| # Extracting the mariadb galera pod and storing it into a variable |
| ${mariadb_pod}= Run kubectl -n ${namespace} get po -o name | grep -w 'mariadb-galera-[0-9]' |
| # Looping through all 3 mariadb galera databases (catalogdb, requestdb and camundabpmn) to validate SO connectivity |
| FOR ${index} IN RANGE 3 |
| ${mysql_connectivity_command}= Catenate kubectl -n ${namespace} exec ${mariadb_pod} -- sh |
| ... -e 'status'" |
| ${mysql_connectivity_output}= Run ${mysql_connectivity_command} |
| # The output should contain the message that is having SO databases name. |
| Should Contain ${mysql_connectivity_output} ${MYSQL_STATUS_MESSAGE} ${MARIADB_GALERA_SO_DATABASES}[${index}] ignore_case=True |
| Should Not Contain Any ${CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE} ${mysql_connectivity_output} ignore_case=True |
| END |