blob: 9dd6f4af2ae10fb765afd22eea3131e045a771fe [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation The main interface for interacting with Mariadb Galera. It contains the keywords which will login to the Mariadb Galera pod and validates SO databases connectivity.
Library Collections
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
*** Variables ***
&{MARIADB_GALERA_CREDENTIALS} user=root password=secretpassword
@{MARIADB_GALERA_SO_DATABASES} catalogdb requestdb camundabpmn
@{CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE} Can't connect No such file or directory command terminated
${POD_LOGGED_IN_MESSAGE} logged into Mariadb Galera pod
${MYSQL_STATUS_MESSAGE} Current database:
*** Keywords ***
Fetch Namespace
[Documentation] This keyword is responsible for fetching and returning the value of namespace from the provided Global IP Address variable.
${namespace}= Evaluate "${GLOBAL_INJECTED_SO_BPMN_IP_ADDR}".split(".")[-1]
[Return] ${namespace}
Check for Mariadb Galera Pod Connection
[Documentation] This keyword is responsible for logging into the Mariadb Galera pod and check if we can login to the Mariadb Galera pod. To verify we print a string and match the output whether the same string was returned or not.
[Arguments] ${message}=${POD_LOGGED_IN_MESSAGE}
${namespace}= Fetch Namespace ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_SO_BPMN_IP_ADDR}
# Extracting the mariadb galera pod and storing it into a variable
${mariadb_pod}= Run kubectl -n ${namespace} get po -o name | grep -w 'mariadb-galera-[0-9]'
${pod_connectivity_command}= Catenate kubectl -n ${namespace} exec ${mariadb_pod} -- sh -c "echo ${message}"
${pod_connectivity_output}= Run ${pod_connectivity_command}
# The output should contain the exact same message which we are printing by logging into the Mariadb Galera pod
Should Contain ${pod_connectivity_output} ${message} ignore_case=True
Check for SO Databases Connection
[Documentation] This keyword is responsible for logging into the Mariadb Galera pod and check if we can login to the SO MySQL Databases.
${namespace}= Fetch Namespace ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_SO_BPMN_IP_ADDR}
# Extracting the mariadb galera pod and storing it into a variable
${mariadb_pod}= Run kubectl -n ${namespace} get po -o name | grep -w 'mariadb-galera-[0-9]'
# Looping through all 3 mariadb galera databases (catalogdb, requestdb and camundabpmn) to validate SO connectivity
FOR ${index} IN RANGE 3
${mysql_connectivity_command}= Catenate kubectl -n ${namespace} exec ${mariadb_pod} -- sh
... -e 'status'"
${mysql_connectivity_output}= Run ${mysql_connectivity_command}
# The output should contain the message that is having SO databases name.
Should Contain ${mysql_connectivity_output} ${MYSQL_STATUS_MESSAGE} ${MARIADB_GALERA_SO_DATABASES}[${index}] ignore_case=True
Should Not Contain Any ${CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE} ${mysql_connectivity_output} ignore_case=True