blob: 5548c937077f8627c646dd8939d635113e93ecb2 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Instantiate VNF
Library OperatingSystem
Library Collections
Library String
Library DateTime
Library SoUtils
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Instantiate Service Direct To SO
[Documentation] Creates an entire service from a CSAR
[Arguments] ${service} ${csar_file} ${vnf_template_file}
# Example: ${csar_file}= Set Variable /tmp/csar/service-Vfw20190413133734-csar.csar
# Example: ${vnf_template_file}= Set Variable /var/opt/ONAP/testsuite/eteutils/vcpeutils/preload_templates/template.vfw_vfmodule.json
${name_suffix}= Get Current Date exclude_millis=True
${name_suffix}= Evaluate '${name_suffix}'.replace(' ','')
${name_suffix}= Evaluate '${name_suffix}'.replace(':','')
${preload_dict}= Copy Dictionary ${GLOBAL_PRELOAD_PARAMETERS['defaults']}
${template}= Create Dictionary
@{keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${preload_dict}
:for ${key} in @{keys}
\ ${value}= Get From Dictionary ${preload_dict} ${key}
\ ${tmp_value}= Set Variable If 'GLOBAL_' in $value ${value}
\ ${tmp_value}= Run Keyword If 'GLOBAL_' in $value Replace String ${tmp_value} \$ ${EMPTY}
\ ${tmp_value}= Run Keyword If 'GLOBAL_' in $value Replace String ${tmp_value} { ${EMPTY}
\ ${tmp_value}= Run Keyword If 'GLOBAL_' in $value Replace String ${tmp_value} } ${EMPTY}
\ ${value}= Set Variable If 'GLOBAL_' in $value ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_PROPERTIES["${tmp_value}"]} ${value}
\ ${new_key}= Catenate \$ { ${key} }
\ ${new_key}= Evaluate '${new_key}'.replace(' ','')
\ Set To Dictionary ${template} ${new_key} ${value}
${tmp_key1}= Catenate \$ { ecompnet }
${tmp_key1}= Evaluate '${tmp_key1}'.replace(' ','')
${tmp_key2}= Catenate \$ { GLOBAL_INJECTED_UBUNTU_1404_IMAGE }
${tmp_key2}= Evaluate '${tmp_key2}'.replace(' ','')
# ecompnet 13 , 14, 15
# use same method as sdnc preload robot script
${ecompnet}= Evaluate str((${GLOBAL_BUILD_NUMBER}%128)+128)
Set To Dictionary ${template} ${tmp_key1} ${ecompnet} ${tmp_key2} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_UBUNTU_1404_IMAGE}
Log ${preload_dict}
Log ${template}
${service_instance_id}= Create Entire Service ${csar_file} ${vnf_template_file} ${template} ${name_suffix} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_REGION} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_TENANT_ID}
Log To Console ServiceInstanceId:${service_instance_id}
Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${service_instance_id} None