| *** Settings *** |
| Library HeatBridge |
| Library Collections |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library ONAPLibrary.ServiceMapping WITH NAME ServiceMapping |
| Library ONAPLibrary.Templating WITH NAME Templating |
| Library ONAPLibrary.AAI WITH NAME AAI |
| |
| |
| Resource openstack/keystone_interface.robot |
| Resource openstack/heat_interface.robot |
| Resource openstack/nova_interface.robot |
| Resource openstack/neutron_interface.robot |
| Resource aai/aai_interface.robot |
| Resource aai/create_vnfc.robot |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${MULTIPART_PATH} /bulkadd |
| ${NAMED_QUERY_PATH} /aai/search/named-query |
| ${NAMED_QUERY_TEMPLATE} aai/named_query.jinja |
| |
| ${BASE_URI} /cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/\${cloud}/\${region} |
| ${IMAGE_URI} ${BASE_URI}/images/image/\${image_id} |
| ${FLAVOR_URI} ${BASE_URI}/flavors/flavor/\${flavor} |
| ${VSERVER_URI} ${BASE_URI}/tenants/tenant/\${tenant}/vservers/vserver/\${vserver_id} |
| ${L_INTERFACE_URI} ${VSERVER_URI}/l-interfaces/l-interface/\${linterface_id} |
| ${VSERVER_NAME} \${vserver_name} |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Execute Heatbridge |
| [Documentation] Run the Heatbridge against the stack to generate the bulkadd message |
| ... Execute the build add |
| ... Validate the add results by running the named query |
| [Arguments] ${stack_name} ${service} ${ipv4_oam_address} |
| Return From Keyword If '${service}' == 'vVG' |
| Run Openstack Auth Request auth |
| ${stack_info}= Wait for Stack to Be Deployed auth ${stack_name} |
| ${stack_id}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} id |
| ${tenant_id}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} OS::project_id |
| ${vnf_id}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} vnf_id |
| ${KeyIsPresent}= Run Keyword And Return Status Dictionary Should Contain Key ${stack_info} ${ipv4_oam_address} |
| ${ipv4_vnf_address}= Run Keyword If ${KeyIsPresent} Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} ${ipv4_oam_address} |
| Run Set VNF Params ${vnf_id} ${ipv4_vnf_address} ACTIVE Active |
| ### Create a vnfc for each vServer ### |
| ${stack_resources}= Get Stack Resources auth ${stack_name} ${stack_id} |
| ${resource_list}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_resources} resources |
| :FOR ${resource} IN @{resource_list} |
| \ Run Keyword If '${resource['resource_type']}' == 'OS::Nova::Server' Run Create VNFC auth ${resource['physical_resource_id']} ${service} |
| ${keystone_api_version}= Run Keyword If '${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_API_VERSION}'=='' Get KeystoneAPIVersion |
| ${url} ${path}= Get Keystone Url And Path ${keystone_api_version} |
| ${openstack_identity_url}= Catenate ${url}${path} |
| ${region}= Get Openstack Region |
| ${user} ${pass}= Get Openstack Credentials |
| Run Keyword If '${keystone_api_version}'=='v2.0' Init Bridge ${openstack_identity_url} ${user} ${pass} ${tenant_id} ${region} ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} |
| ... ELSE Init Bridge ${openstack_identity_url} ${user} ${pass} ${tenant_id} ${region} ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_DOMAIN_ID} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_PROJECT_NAME} |
| ${request}= Bridge Data ${stack_id} |
| Log ${request} |
| ${resp}= AAI.Run Put Request ${AAI_FRONTEND_ENDPOINT} ${VERSIONED_INDEX_PATH}${MULTIPART_PATH} ${request} auth=${auth} |
| ${status_string}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| Should Match Regexp ${status_string} ^(201|200)$ |
| ${reverse_heatbridge}= Generate Reverse Heatbridge From Stack Info ${stack_info} |
| Run Validation Query ${stack_info} ${service} ${vnf_id} |
| [Return] ${reverse_heatbridge} |
| |
| Run Create VNFC |
| [Documentation] Create a VNFC for a vServer |
| [Arguments] ${alias} ${vserver_id} ${service} |
| ${resp}= Get Openstack Server By Id ${alias} ${vserver_id} |
| Return From Keyword If '${resp.status_code}' != '200' |
| ${info}= Set Variable ${resp.json()} |
| ${keys}= Create Dictionary |
| ${vnfc_name}= Catenate \ ${info['server']['name']} |
| ${vnfc_nc}= Set Variable ${service} |
| ${vnfc_func}= Set Variable ${service} |
| Create VNFC If Not Exists ${vnfc_name} ${vnfc_nc} ${vnfc_func} |
| |
| Run Validation Query |
| [Documentation] Run A&AI query to validate the bulk add |
| [Arguments] ${stack_info} ${service} ${vnf_id} |
| Return from Keyword If '${service}' == '' |
| ServiceMapping.Set Directory default ./demo/service_mapping |
| ${payload}= Run Get Generic VNF by VnfId ${vnf_id} |
| ${vnf_type}= Catenate ${payload.json()[vnf-type]} |
| ${server_name_parameter}= ServiceMapping.Get Validate Name Mapping default ${service} ${vnf_type} |
| ${vserver_name}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} ${server_name_parameter} |
| Run Vserver Query ${vserver_name} |
| |
| Run Vserver Query |
| [Documentation] Run A&AI query to validate the bulk add |
| [Arguments] ${vserver_name} |
| ${dict}= Create Dictionary vserver_name=${vserver_name} |
| Templating.Create Environment aai ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER} |
| ${request}= Templating.Apply Template aai ${NAMED_QUERY_TEMPLATE} ${dict} |
| ${resp}= AAI.Run Post Request ${AAI_FRONTEND_ENDPOINT} ${NAMED_QUERY_PATH} ${request} auth=${auth} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| |
| Run Set VNF Params |
| [Documentation] Run A&A GET and PUT to set prov-status, orchestration status, and ipv4-oam-address |
| [Arguments] ${vnf_id} ${ipv4_vnf_address} ${prov_status}=ACTIVE ${orch_status}=Active |
| ${payload}= Run Get Generic VNF by VnfId ${vnf_id} |
| ${vnf_type}= Catenate ${payload.json()[vnf-type]} |
| #${payload_json}= evaluate json.loads('''${payload}''') json |
| set to dictionary ${payload} vnf-type ${prov_status} |
| set to dictionary ${payload} orchestration-status ${orch_status} |
| set to dictionary ${payload} ipv4-oam-address ${ipv4_vnf_address} |
| ${payload_string}= evaluate json.dumps(${payload}) json |
| ${put_resp}= AAI.Run Put Request ${AAI_FRONTEND_ENDPOINT} ${VERSIONED_INDEX_PATH}/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/${vnf_id} ${payload_string} auth=${auth} |
| ${status_string}= Convert To String ${put_resp.status_code} |
| Should Match Regexp ${status_string} ^(200|201)$ |
| Log Set VNF ProvStatus: ${vnf_id} to ${prov_status} |
| |
| Run Get Generic VNF By VnfId |
| [Documentation] Get VNF GET Payload with resource ID |
| [Arguments] ${vnf_id} |
| ${resp}= AAI.Run Get Request ${AAI_FRONTEND_ENDPOINT} ${VERSIONED_INDEX_PATH}/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf?vnf-id=${vnf_id} auth=${auth} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()} |
| |
| Execute Reverse Heatbridge |
| [Documentation] VID has already torn down the stack, reverse HB |
| [Arguments] ${uris_to_delete} |
| Return From Keyword If len(${uris_to_delete}) == 0 |
| :FOR ${uri} IN @{uris_to_delete} |
| \ Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete A&AI Entity ${uri} |
| |
| Generate Reverse Heatbridge From Stack Name |
| [Arguments] ${stack_name} |
| Run Openstack Auth Request auth |
| ${stack_info}= Wait for Stack to Be Deployed auth ${stack_name} timeout=10s |
| ${reverse_heatbridge}= Generate Reverse Heatbridge From Stack Info ${stack_info} |
| [Return] ${reverse_heatbridge} |
| |
| Generate Reverse Heatbridge From Stack Info |
| [Arguments] ${stack_info} |
| ${reverse_heatbridge}= Create List |
| ${stack_name}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} name |
| ${stack_id}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} id |
| ${tenant_id}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} OS::project_id |
| ${region}= Get Openstack Region |
| ${keys}= Create Dictionary region=${region} cloud=${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} tenant=${tenant_id} |
| ${stack_resources}= Get Stack Resources auth ${stack_name} ${stack_id} |
| ${resource_list}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_resources} resources |
| :FOR ${resource} IN @{resource_list} |
| \ Log ${resource} |
| \ Run Keyword If '${resource['resource_type']}' == 'OS::Neutron::Port' Generate Linterface Uri auth ${resource['physical_resource_id']} ${reverse_heatbridge} ${keys} |
| :FOR ${resource} IN @{resource_list} |
| \ Log ${resource} |
| \ Run Keyword If '${resource['resource_type']}' == 'OS::Nova::Server' Generate Vserver Uri auth ${resource['physical_resource_id']} ${reverse_heatbridge} ${keys} ${resource_list} |
| [Return] ${reverse_heatbridge} |
| |
| Generate Vserver Uri |
| [Documentation] Run teardown against the server to generate a message that removes it |
| [Arguments] ${alias} ${port_id} ${reverse_heatbridge} ${keys} ${resource_list} |
| ${resp}= Get Openstack Server By Id ${alias} ${port_id} |
| Return From Keyword If '${resp.status_code}' != '200' |
| ${info}= Set Variable ${resp.json()} |
| Set To Dictionary ${keys} vserver_id=${info['server']['id']} |
| Set To Dictionary ${keys} flavor=${info['server']['flavor']['id']} |
| Set To Dictionary ${keys} image_id=${info['server']['image']['id']} |
| ${uri}= Templating.Template String ${VSERVER_URI} ${keys} |
| Append To List ${reverse_heatbridge} ${uri} |
| ${uri}= Templating.Template String ${FLAVOR_URI} ${keys} |
| Append To List ${reverse_heatbridge} ${uri} |
| ${uri}= Templating.Template String ${IMAGE_URI} ${keys} |
| Append To List ${reverse_heatbridge} ${uri} |
| |
| Generate Linterface Uri |
| [Documentation] Run teardown against the server to generate a message that removes it |
| [Arguments] ${alias} ${server_id} ${reverse_heatbridge} ${keys} |
| ${resp}= Get Openstack Port By Id ${alias} ${server_id} |
| Return From Keyword If '${resp.status_code}' != '200' |
| ${info}= Set Variable ${resp.json()} |
| Set To Dictionary ${keys} vserver_id=${info['port']['device_id']} |
| Set To Dictionary ${keys} linterface_id=${info['port']['name']} |
| ${uri}= Templating.Template String ${L_INTERFACE_URI} ${keys} |
| Append To List ${reverse_heatbridge} ${uri} |
| |