blob: 07ea3b7b2351bdad6f8159a61433a8455874eb41 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation 5G Bulk PM Usecase functionality
Library RequestsLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
Library Collections
Library String
Library DateTime
Library SSHLibrary
Library JSONLibrary
Library Process
Library ONAPLibrary.JSON
Library ONAPLibrary.Utilities
Resource ../../resources/usecases/5gbulkpm_interface.robot
Resource ../../resources/mr_interface.robot
Resource ../../resources/dr_interface.robot
Suite Setup Send File Ready Event to VES Collector test
Suite Teardown Usecase Teardown
*** Variables ***
${INVENTORY_ENDPOINT} /dcae-service-types
${XNF_SFTP_BLUEPRINT_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/k8s-sftp.yaml
${BLUEPRINT_TEMPLATE_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/blueprintTemplate.json
${FTP_FILE_PATH} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/pmfiles/A20181002.0000-1000-0015-1000_5G.xml.gz
${DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT} dcae-deployments
${DR_SUB_CHECK_PATH} /internal/prov
${MR_TOPIC_URL_PATH} /events/
${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLIENT_PATH} /webapi/mr_clients
${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLUSTER_PATH} /webapi/mr_clusters
${JSON_DATA_FILE} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/Notification.json
${VES_LISTENER_PATH} /eventListener/v7
${PMMAPPER_SUB_ROLE_DATA} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/sub.json
${PMMAPPER_MR_CLUSTER_DATA} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/usecases/5gbulkpm/mr_clusters.json
${SET_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH} kubectl set env deployment/$(kubectl get deployment -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}') KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH=/home/datafile/.ssh/known_hosts -n onap
${CHECK_ENV_SET} kubectl set env pod/$(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}') --list -n onap
${GET_RSA_KEY} kubectl exec $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep sftpserver | awk '{print $1}') -n onap -- ssh-keyscan -t rsa sftpserver > /tmp/known_hosts
${COPY_RSA_KEY} kubectl cp /tmp/known_hosts $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}'):/home/datafile/.ssh/known_hosts -n onap
${CHECK_DFC_LOGS} kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod -n onap | grep datafile | awk '{print $1}') -n onap --tail=4
${EXPECTED_PRINT} StrictHostKeyChecking is enabled but environment variable KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH is not set or points to not existing file
*** Test Cases ***
Deploying Data File Collector
[Tags] 5gbulkpm 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
${headers}= Create Dictionary content-type=application/json
${session}= Create Session dfc ${INVENTORY_SERVER}
${resp}= Get Request dfc ${INVENTORY_ENDPOINT}?typeName=k8s-datafile headers=${headers}
${json}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
${serviceTypeId-Dfc} Set Variable ${json['items'][0]['typeId']}
${image} Get Regexp Matches ${json['items'][0]['blueprintTemplate']} nexus3(.)*?(?=\\")
${image} Replace String ${image}[0] ${NEXUS3}
Set Global Variable ${serviceTypeId-Dfc}
${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeId-Dfc}", "inputs": {"tag_version": "${image}"}}
${session}= Create Session deployment-dfc ${DEPLOYMENT_SERVER}
${resp}= Put Request deployment-dfc /${DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT}/datafile data=${deployment_data} headers=${headers}
${operationLink} Set Variable ${resp.json().get('links').get('status')}
${operationId} Fetch From Right ${operationLink} /
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 minute 20 sec Deployment Status ${DEPLOYMENT_SERVER} ${DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT} datafile ${operationId}
Deploying 3GPP PM Mapper
[Tags] 5gbulkpm 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
${clusterdata}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${PMMAPPER_MR_CLUSTER_DATA}
${headers}= Create Dictionary content-type=application/json
${session}= Create Session dmaapbc ${DMAAP_BC_SERVER}
${resp}= Post Request dmaapbc ${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLUSTER_PATH} data=${clusterdata} headers=${headers}
${session}= Create Session pmmapper ${INVENTORY_SERVER}
${resp}= Get Request pmmapper ${INVENTORY_ENDPOINT}?typeName=k8s-pm-mapper headers=${headers}
${json}= Set Variable ${resp.json()}
${serviceTypeId-Pmmapper} Set Variable ${json['items'][0]['typeId']}
${image} Get Regexp Matches ${json['items'][0]['blueprintTemplate']} nexus3(.)*?(?=\')
${image} Replace String ${image}[0] ${NEXUS3}
Set Global Variable ${serviceTypeId-Pmmapper}
${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"inputs":{"client_password": "${GLOBAL_DCAE_PASSWORD}", "tag_version": "${image}"},"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeId-Pmmapper}"}
${session}= Create Session deployment-pmmapper ${DEPLOYMENT_SERVER}
${resp}= Put Request deployment-pmmapper /${DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT}/pmmapper data=${deployment_data} headers=${headers}
${operationLink} Set Variable ${resp.json().get('links').get('status')}
${operationId} Fetch From Right ${operationLink} /
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6 minute 10 sec Deployment Status ${DEPLOYMENT_SERVER} ${DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT} pmmapper ${operationId}
Deploying SFTP Server As xNF
[Tags] 5gbulkpm 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
${blueprint}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${XNF_SFTP_BLUEPRINT_PATH}
${templatejson}= Load JSON From File ${BLUEPRINT_TEMPLATE_PATH}
${templatejson}= Update Value To Json ${templatejson} blueprintTemplate ${blueprint}
${templatejson}= Update Value To Json ${templatejson} typeName sftpserver
${json_data} Convert JSON To String ${templatejson}
${headers}= Create Dictionary content-type=application/json
${session}= Create Session sftp ${INVENTORY_SERVER}
${resp}= Post Request sftp ${INVENTORY_ENDPOINT} data=${json_data} headers=${headers}
${serviceTypeId-Sftp}= Set Variable ${resp.json().get('typeId')}
Set Global Variable ${serviceTypeId-Sftp}
${deployment_data}= Set Variable {"serviceTypeId": "${serviceTypeId-Sftp}" }
${session}= Create Session deployment-sftpserver ${DEPLOYMENT_SERVER}
${resp}= Put Request deployment-sftpserver /${DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT}/sftpserver data=${deployment_data} headers=${headers}
${operationLink}= Set Variable ${resp.json().get('links').get('status')}
${operationId} Fetch From Right ${operationLink} /
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 minute 5 sec Deployment Status ${DEPLOYMENT_SERVER} ${DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT} sftpserver ${operationId}
Checking PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS Topic In Message Router
[Tags] 5gbulkpm 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
${headers}= Create Dictionary content-type=application/json
${subdata}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${PMMAPPER_SUB_ROLE_DATA}
${session}= Create Session dmaapbc ${DMAAP_BC_SERVER}
${resp}= Post Request dmaapbc ${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLIENT_PATH} data=${subdata} headers=${headers}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 minute 5 sec Topic Validate success
${resp}= Run MR Get Request ${MR_TOPIC_CHECK_PATH}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
${topics}= Set Variable ${resp.json().get('topics')}
List Should Contain Value ${topics}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Upload PM Files to xNF SFTP Server After Services Deployed
[Tags] 5gbulkpm 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
Upload PM Files to xNF SFTP Server ${FTP_FILE_PATH}
Set Global Variable ${epoch}
DR Bulk PM Feed Check
[Tags] 5gbulkpm 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
${resp}= Run DR Get Request ${DR_SUB_CHECK_PATH}
Should Contain ${resp.text} bulk_pm_feed
DR PM Mapper Subscriber Check
[Tags] 5gbulkpm 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
${resp}= Run DR Get Request ${DR_SUB_CHECK_PATH}
Should Contain ${resp.text} https://dcae-pm-mapper:8443/delivery
Sending File Ready Event to VES Collector After Services Deployed
[Tags] 5gbulkpm 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
Send File Ready Event to VES Collector ${epoch}
Verifying 3GPP Perf VES Content On PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS Topic After Services Deployed
[Tags] 5gbulkpm 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 minute 5 sec xNF PM File Validate perf3gpp_RnNode-Ericsson_pmMeasResult
Setting Known_Hosts Environment Set
[Tags] 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
${rc}= Run and Return RC ${SET_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_PATH}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 min 10s Check Known Hosts In Env ${CHECK_ENV_SET}
${rc}= Run and Return RC ${GET_RSA_KEY}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
${rc}= Run and Return RC ${COPY_RSA_KEY}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Uploading PM Files to xNF SFTP Server After Known_Host Set
[Tags] 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
Upload PM Files to xNF SFTP Server ${FTP_FILE_PATH}
Set Global Variable ${epoch}
Sending File Ready Event to VES Collector After Known_Host Set
[Tags] 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
Send File Ready Event to VES Collector ${epoch}
Verifying 3GPP Perf VES Content On PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS Topic After Known_Host Set
[Tags] 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 minute 5 sec xNF PM File Validate perf3gpp_RnNode-Ericsson_pmMeasResult
Checking DFC Logs After Known_Hosts Set
[Tags] 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
${dfc_logs}= Run Given Command On DFC Container ${CHECK_DFC_LOGS}
Should Not Contain ${dfc_logs} ${EXPECTED_PRINT}
Changing RSA Key Known_Hosts
[Tags] 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
${get_known_hosts_file}= OperatingSystem.Get File /tmp/known_hosts
${change_rsa_key}= Replace String ${get_known_hosts_file} A a
Create File /tmp/known_hosts ${change_rsa_key}
${rc}= Run and Return RC ${COPY_RSA_KEY}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Uploading PM Files to xNF SFTP Server After RSA Key Change
[Tags] 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
Upload PM Files to xNF SFTP Server ${FTP_FILE_PATH}
Set Global Variable ${epoch}
Sending File Ready Event to VES Collector After RSA Key Change
[Tags] 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
Send File Ready Event to VES Collector ${epoch}
Checking DFC Logs After RSA Key Change
[Tags] 5gbulkpm_checking_sftp_rsa_key
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 sec 30 sec Check Given Print In DFC LOG ${CHECK_DFC_LOGS}