| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Instantiate VNF |
| |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library Collections |
| Library String |
| Library DateTime |
| Library SoUtils |
| Library ONAPLibrary.PreloadData WITH NAME PreloadData |
| Library ONAPLibrary.Utilities |
| Library ONAPLibrary.JSON |
| Library ONAPLibrary.ServiceMapping WITH NAME ServiceMapping |
| Library ONAPLibrary.Templating WITH NAME Templating |
| Library ONAPLibrary.SO WITH NAME SO |
| Resource ../global_properties.robot |
| |
| |
| ***Variables *** |
| ${SO_CATALOGDB_PATH} /ecomp/mso/catalog/v2/serviceVnfs?serviceModelName |
| ${SO_APIHANDLER_PATH} /onap/so/infra/serviceInstantiation/v7/serviceInstances |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Instantiate Service Direct To SO |
| [Documentation] Creates an entire service from a CSAR |
| [Arguments] ${service} ${csar_file} ${vnf_template_file} |
| # Example: ${csar_file}= Set Variable /tmp/csar/service-Vfw20190413133734-csar.csar |
| # Example: ${vnf_template_file}= Set Variable /var/opt/ONAP/testsuite/vcpeutils/preload_templates/template.vfw_vfmodule.json |
| PreloadData.Set Directory preload ./demo/preload_data |
| ${preload_dict}= Get Default Preload Data preload |
| ${template}= Create Dictionary |
| @{keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${preload_dict} |
| ${parameters}= Get Globally Injected Parameters |
| :FOR ${key} IN @{keys} |
| \ ${value}= Get From Dictionary ${preload_dict} ${key} |
| \ ${tmp_value}= Set Variable If 'GLOBAL_' in $value ${value} |
| \ ${tmp_value}= Run Keyword If 'GLOBAL_' in $value Replace String ${tmp_value} \$ ${EMPTY} |
| \ ${tmp_value}= Run Keyword If 'GLOBAL_' in $value Replace String ${tmp_value} { ${EMPTY} |
| \ ${tmp_value}= Run Keyword If 'GLOBAL_' in $value Replace String ${tmp_value} } ${EMPTY} |
| \ ${value}= Set Variable If 'GLOBAL_' in $value ${parameters["${tmp_value}"]} ${value} |
| \ ${new_key}= Catenate \$ { ${key} } |
| \ ${new_key}= Evaluate '${new_key}'.replace(' ','') |
| \ Set To Dictionary ${template} ${new_key} ${value} |
| |
| ${tmp_key1}= Catenate \$ { ecompnet } |
| ${tmp_key1}= Evaluate '${tmp_key1}'.replace(' ','') |
| ${tmp_key2}= Catenate \$ { GLOBAL_INJECTED_UBUNTU_1404_IMAGE } |
| ${tmp_key2}= Evaluate '${tmp_key2}'.replace(' ','') |
| # ecompnet 13 , 14, 15 |
| # use same method as sdnc preload robot script |
| ${ecompnet}= Evaluate str((${GLOBAL_BUILD_NUMBER}%128)+128) |
| |
| Set To Dictionary ${template} ${tmp_key1} ${ecompnet} ${tmp_key2} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_UBUNTU_1404_IMAGE} |
| |
| Log ${preload_dict} |
| Log ${template} |
| ${service_instance_id}= Create Entire Service ${csar_file} ${vnf_template_file} ${template} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_REGION} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_TENANT_ID} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_PUBLIC_KEY} |
| Log ServiceInstanceId:${service_instance_id} |
| Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${service_instance_id} None |
| |
| |
| CDS Service Instantiate |
| [Arguments] ${cds_service_model} ${service_uuid} ${service_invariantUUID} |
| ${resp}= SO.Run Get Request ${GLOBAL_SO_CATDB_ENDPOINT} ${SO_CATALOGDB_PATH}=${cds_service_model} auth=${auth} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| ${time_now}= Get Time |
| @{date_time}= Split String ${time_now} |
| ${time_stamp}= Catenate SEPARATOR=_ @{date_time}[0] @{date_time}[1] |
| ${customized_time_stamp}= Remove String ${time_stamp} : |
| ${cds_instance_name}= Set Variable cds_vlb_svc_${customized_time_stamp} |
| ${global_parameters}= Get Globally Injected Parameters |
| ${dict}= Set To Dictionary ${global_parameters} service_instance_name=${cds_instance_name} owning_entity=OE-Demonstration homing_solution=none owning_entity_id=67f2e84c-734d-4e90-a1e4-d2ffa2e75849 subscriber_id=Demonstration cloud_owner=${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} subscription_service_type=vLB service_model_name=${cds_service_model} service_model_uuid=${service_uuid} service_model_invariantuuid=${service_invariantUUID} resp=${resp.json()} |
| Templating.Create Environment cds ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER} |
| ${data}= Templating.Apply Template cds ${SO_TEMPLATE_PATH}/cds_service_template.jinja ${dict} |
| Log ${data} |
| ${auth}= Create List ${GLOBAL_SO_USERNAME} ${GLOBAL_SO_PASSWORD} |
| ${resp}= SO.Run Post Request ${GLOBAL_SO_APIHAND_ENDPOINT} ${SO_APIHANDLER_PATH} ${data} auth=${auth} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 202 |
| [Return] ${resp.json()['requestReferences']['requestId']} |