| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation The main interface for interacting with Openstack Keystone API. It handles low level stuff like managing the authtoken and Openstack required fields |
| Library OpenstackLibrary |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library HTTPUtils |
| Library UUID |
| Library Collections |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library String |
| Library HttpLibrary.HTTP |
| Resource ../global_properties.robot |
| Resource ../json_templater.robot |
| Resource openstack_common.robot |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_AUTH_v3_PATH} /auth/tokens |
| ${OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_AUTH_v2_BODY_FILE} robot/assets/templates/keystone_get_v2_auth.template |
| ${OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_AUTH_v3_BODY_FILE} robot/assets/templates/keystone_get_v3_auth.template |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Run Openstack Auth Request |
| [Documentation] Runs an Openstack Auth Request and returns the token and service catalog. you need to include the token in future request's x-auth-token headers. Service catalog describes what can be called |
| [Arguments] ${alias} ${username}= ${password}= |
| ${username} ${password}= Set Openstack Credentials ${username} ${password} |
| ${keystone_api_version}= Run Keyword If '${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_API_VERSION}'=='' Get KeystoneAPIVersion |
| ${url} ${path}= Get Keystone Url And Path ${keystone_api_version} |
| ${session}= Create Session keystone ${url} verify=True |
| ${uuid}= Generate UUID |
| ${data_path} ${data}= Run Keyword If '${keystone_api_version}'=='v2.0' Get KeyStoneAuthv2 Data ${username} ${password} ${path} |
| ... ELSE Get KeyStoneAuthv3 Data ${username} ${password} ${path} |
| ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID} |
| Log Sending authenticate post request ${data_path} with headers ${headers} and data ${data} |
| ${resp}= Post Request keystone ${data_path} data=${data} headers=${headers} |
| Should Be True 200 <= ${resp.status_code} < 300 |
| ${auth_token}= Evaluate '' |
| ${auth_token}= Run Keyword If '${keystone_api_version}'=='v3' Get From Dictionary ${resp.headers} X-Subject-Token |
| Log Keystone API Version is ${keystone_api_version} |
| Save Openstack Auth ${alias} ${resp.text} ${auth_token} ${keystone_api_version} |
| Log Received response from keystone ${resp.text} |
| |
| Get KeystoneAPIVersion |
| [Documentation] Get Keystone API version |
| ${pieces}= Url Parse ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_KEYSTONE} |
| ${url}= Catenate ${pieces.scheme}://${pieces.netloc} |
| Log Keystone URL is ${url} |
| ${session}= Create Session keystone ${url} verify=True |
| ${uuid}= Generate UUID |
| ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json |
| ${resp}= Get Request keystone / headers=${headers} |
| Log Received response from keystone ${resp.text} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 300 |
| ${json}= Parse Json ${resp.content} |
| ${versions}= Get From Dictionary ${json} versions |
| ${values}= Get From Dictionary ${versions} values |
| : FOR ${value} IN @{values} |
| \ ${status}= Get Variable Value ${value["status"]} |
| \ Run Keyword If '${status}'=='stable' Exit For Loop |
| ${href}= Set Variable ${value["links"][0]["href"]} |
| ${keystone}= Set Variable ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_KEYSTONE} |
| ${version}= Remove String ${href} ${keystone} / |
| Return From Keyword If '${version}'=='v2.0' or '${version}'=='v3' ${version} |
| Fail Keystone API version not found or not supported |
| |
| Get KeyStoneAuthv2 Data |
| [Documentation] Returns all the data for keystone auth v2 api |
| [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${path} |
| ${data_template}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_AUTH_v2_BODY_FILE} |
| ${arguments}= Create Dictionary username=${username} password=${password} tenantId=${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_TENANT_ID} |
| ${data}= Fill JSON Template ${data_template} ${arguments} |
| ${data_path}= Catenate ${path}${OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_AUTH_v2_PATH} |
| [Return] ${data_path} ${data} |
| |
| Get KeyStoneAuthv3 Data |
| [Documentation] Returns all the data for keystone auth v3 api |
| [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${path} |
| ${data_template}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_AUTH_v3_BODY_FILE} |
| ${arguments}= Create Dictionary username=${username} password=${password} domain_id=${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_DOMAIN_ID} project_name=${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_PROJECT_NAME} |
| ${data}= Fill JSON Template ${data_template} ${arguments} |
| ${data_path}= Catenate ${path}${OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_AUTH_v3_PATH} |
| [Return] ${data_path} ${data} |
| |
| Get Openstack Tenants |
| [Documentation] Returns all the openstack tenant info |
| [Arguments] ${alias} |
| ${resp}= Internal Get Openstack With Region ${alias} ${GLOBAL_OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_SERVICE_TYPE} region= url_ext=${OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_TENANT_PATH} data_path= |
| [Return] ${resp.json()} |
| |
| Get Openstack Tenant |
| [Documentation] Returns the openstack tenant info for the specified tenantid |
| [Arguments] ${alias} ${tenant_id} |
| ${resp}= Internal Get Openstack With Region ${alias} ${GLOBAL_OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_SERVICE_TYPE} region= url_ext=${OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_TENANT_PATH} data_path=/${tenant_id} |
| [Return] ${resp.json()} |
| |
| Set Openstack Credentials |
| [Arguments] ${username} ${password} |
| Return From Keyword If '${username}' != '' ${username} ${password} |
| ${user} ${pass}= Get Openstack Credentials |
| [Return] ${user} ${pass} |
| |
| Get Openstack Credentials |
| [Documentation] Returns the Decripted Password and openstack username using same api_key.txt as SO |
| ${DECRYPTED_OPENSTACK_PASSWORD}= Run echo -n ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_API_KEY} | xxd -r -p | openssl enc -aes-128-ecb -d -nosalt -K aa3871669d893c7fb8abbcda31b88b4f | tr -d '\x08' |
| |
| |
| Get Keystone Url And Path |
| [Arguments] ${keystone_api_version} |
| [Documentation] Handle arbitrary keystone identiit url. Add v2.0 if not present. |
| ${url} ${path}= Run Keyword If '${keystone_api_version}'=='v2.0' Set API Version ${OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_API_v2_VERSION} |
| Log Path is ${url} ${path} |
| [Return] ${url} ${path} |
| |
| Set API Version |
| [Documentation] Decides the API version to be used |
| [Arguments] ${openstack_version} |
| ${pieces}= Url Parse ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_KEYSTONE} |
| ${url}= Catenate ${pieces.scheme}://${pieces.netloc} |
| ${version}= Evaluate '' |
| ${version}= Set Variable If '${openstack_version}' not in '${pieces.path}' ${openstack_version} ${version} |
| ${path}= Catenate ${pieces.path}${version} |
| [Return] ${url} ${path} |